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Is it true that we were extremely benevolent rulers and that all of our subjects still crave for Austrian rule long after the empire ceased to exist?
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The austrian ordnung is something we deeply miss
The willkommenskultur is something you can keep
The consensus is that Austrians were mostly chill, but Hungarians were trying very hard to assimilate ethnic minorities which made everyone hate them.
The major mistake of the Habsburgs was to make Hungarians equal to the Germans instead of giving some representation to every ethnic minority and keep Germans on top.
i yearn for the austrian empire
you guys were alright
fuck the hungarians tho

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They are suffering and you walk by? You know deep down that is wrong. Sparing some change when you can will make you a decent human being.
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The wrong one.
I saw a man on a street corner holding a sign. There was a small McDonalds bag at his feet. I told him that if he came with me Inwould share the chicken wings that I was about to cook.
Facing the offer of a warm meal he said “I’m good, I got McDonalds, but I am pretty pissed right now. Do you got any weeeed? I could really use some weeeed.”
I told him that beggars are not supposed to be choosers and that pissed him off.
Homeless are generally drug addicted degenerates who litter trash all over my town and vandalize local businesses.
I am not paying random panhandlers cash so they can buy drugs.
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How about companies hire homeless or poors instead of foreign niggers? Why is it on middle/lower class to give when all kikes do is take? Solve the issue by getting rid of the ones that cause these problems in the first place.
suffering is good for the soul
I pay taxes already
the homeless belong to the goverment not my problem

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Everyone is Indian now.
Greeks, Iranians, central asians, Chinese. Everyone is an honourary Indian.

See picrel.

You should sign up soon lest you miss out on the exclusive offer
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I understand the impulse for ShatroBodha. My anger dictates you should be killed for daring to enter my lands.

But my spiritual knowledge dictates to me a higher truth. We are all sparks of God's consciousness who have come to this world to learn and develop.

In that consciousness I am obliged to tolerate you until a peaceful solution, or the most peaceful solution, can be found. You must be evicted from Europe but it should be done in a way that is non-violent if possible.

Also I recognize the reason Europeans are in such a mess, and left vulnerable to their "shatrus" is because of our own spiritual weakness. We have embraced materialism and materialistic leaders. We need to improve ourselves and reject hedonism, then destroy our demonic (asuric) leadership class. They are the one's responsible for allowing you, our "enemies" to enter our lands.

But once we are free, every effort should be made to free ourselves from you in the most non-violent and pleasant way possible, respecting your sovereignty as souls.

This is what Gandhi did to the British right?

The British should do it to the Indians in England.
>Have you heard of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, and many other countries?
The first 2 are unsustainable, china can flip on them anytime
India is the buddhist/jaina home
>Enemy intelligence? This is an absurd modern creation to feed Indian Nationalist ahankara.
>Maharaja Yuddhisthira was famous as Ajata Shatru. Even though the Kauravas were trying to kill him, he never considered them his enemy

Tell me what was Krishna doing throughout the Mahabharata again? What was Shri Ram doing during the last years of his exile?
Tell me why did Krishna break so many rules of war again?
>Why are you, a Hindu, adhering to Buddhist doctrines of Shunyata, that have nothing to do with Hinduism, nor with the Vedas, and are Nastika?
>Even Advaita Vedanta acknowledges the world is real from our perspective.
I am referring to the buddhists who proposed the idea
Advaita summarised in one line is Brahma Satya Jagat Mithya, what you on about
>If anything they preserved the Gupta ideals into the modern world. In fact the Gupta dynasty is largely responsible for Vaishnavism.
Which Vaishnavism? The bhakti movement was anti hindu orthodoxy. Medieval hinduism is dead.
>Insulting people and name calling is Vedic or Dharmic?
It is both. The gods did it, the sages did it.

>The Puranas are not Vedic. They are Puranic. They may support or elucidate on Vedic ideas but they came much later
The Vedas mention Puranas as their logical extension

तमि॑तिहा॒सश्च॑ पुरा॒णं च॒ गाथा॑श्च नाराशं॒सीश्चा᳚नु॒व्य᳡चलन्॥११॥
इ॒ति॒हा॒सस्य॑ च॒ वै स पु॑रा॒णस्य॑ च॒ गाथा᳚नां च नाराशं॒सीना᳚ञ् च प्रि॒यं धाम॑ भवति॒ य ए॒वं वेद॑ ॥१२॥

He went away to the great region. Itihāsa and Purāṇas and Gāthās and Nārāśaṃsīs followed him. He who possesses this knowledge becomes the dear home of Earth and Agni and herbs and trees and shrubs and plants.

~ Atharva Vēda (Śaunaka Śākhā), Pañcādaśa Kāṇḍam, Ṣaṣṭhaḥ Sūktam
oh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
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>Tell me why did Krishna break so many rules of war again?

Okay, you need to speak to your guru about this one. Krishna's "adharmic" behavior is never meant to be exemplary. Ordering Arjuna to kill Karna for example.

You are greatly misled if you think this means it is dharmic to murder a Muslims family with a knife on the streets of Mumbai during a riot.

>Brahma Satya Jagat Mithya,

Okay, if you have no understanding of Pāramārthika amd Vyāvahārika you need to learn more about Advaita Vedanta.

>Which Vaishnavism?

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The greatest lie told in history is that Britons are genetically similar to Nords. Anglo-Saxon identity isn't real and it was a propaganda tool used by the Germans to take ownership over the British Empire's great achievements. Pic related is your average Native Briton.
Funny enough my dad actually looked very similar to this guy when he was younger but my mom is light so I still have fair skin and blue eyes
every single one of these faggot grifters is welcome to shut up the entire internet by posting their ancestry but they don't because they're all jews.
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What do you mean?

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How are they doing this?
middleman class hiding money there to avoid taxes
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Interesting how China is faring.

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>me bombing your civilians
>you bombing my civilians

There is a non-insignificant chance that zoomers will be drafted to fight communists in Vietnam as an extension of the war in Ukraine.

>inb4 source
This is not a joke. US may face a munitions shortage in this scenario.
kek everyone here knows Amerimutts got played by Vietnam and Vietnam sided economically,infrastructurally and politically with China long ago for the long game

Our resident glowniggers are just coping and in denial to safe face
>“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
>Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...
>The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
>If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
US diplomacy has been an absolute bloodbath for 3 years running.
why Vietnam?


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All kikes stink
>it had a burnt leather smell to it mixed with fish
why, he was an idiot
I have. It was amazing reading something from that time period where the author sounds like a retarded teenager trying to be edgy. I can see why people like you relate
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I did. He's retarded.

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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Take care brother

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>dead Russian cops
>burnt down Synagogue
>burnt down Orthodox Church
Everyone won today
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>See goyim. We are on your side..die of Israel now!
if ukraine was winning the spam would be unnecessary
Fucking idiot isis is a mossad cia operation
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Burn in hell

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Do you have bachelor taxes in your country?
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It will not work
Man those Uyghurs chicks are 10/10, I can't blame Chinky
Still cheaper than a wife
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as a neet i cant afford bachelor tax, sory
Sounds like the cost of being free from women. Still cheaper than divorce rape.

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I see only bullshit propaganda on both sides.
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>just take X's word for how many of Y they killed
Legit 80 IQ take.
It's around 3.4 million , look at ukraine population in 2020 , subtract the amount of people that "left", then take the percentage of males , then multiply by 0.9% draft rate and you get 3,400,000
I would take the population of civilian males from 27-60.
Subtract from
The population ineligible for service in that age bracket, assuming 30-35% to be generous.
Given that they must now draw people down to age 25 it means that that amount of people that are needed to make a formidable force, I would assume .5x10^6 for simplicity.
That should give you a good idea of the number of deaths from the current conflict. I would assume prewar population numbers in the country were around 7-10 million so the actual toll is probably at least triple what they are admitting to.
>just take X's word for how many of Y they killed
literally the opposite of what i posted

70 IQ take you subhuman gypsy trash
Your post seems to claim that the max estimate of dead should be accepted. If you meant the opposite, then it was very poorly worded.

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i paid 70 dollars to get this book so i can dump it here, be thankful you dumb faggots
save the graph so we can dump it on kikes who say "the racial difference in intelligence is just environment" bullshit
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Why would you even browse reddit and engage with those faggots?
> "Follow the science"
Okay. Well done.
Why they repeat the Eu vs Ape column with space that logically should be used for Eu vs Chink. Low IQ book.
It's fun to trigger them into banning you.

It's fun to rub their noses in their inability to defend anything they believe.

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Nothing ever happens
I don’t think this will be anything more than a border skirmish

Muslims refer to this as the house of allah. A fucking meteor that was used as a toilet. They get on all fours to tongue and kiss this rock. The absolute state of these retards lmao

Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night
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I’ve actually known this since I was in boyscouts like 25 years ago. There were even some studies done back then that showed it. I realized because my fellow blue eyed troop members and I were able to spot objects and know what color they were in the dark while my brown eyed troop members couldn’t even see the object in the dark. We all researched it after that and found studies confirming this. It’s also why blue eyed people get blinded by oncoming traffic worse than brown eyed, which was another study done.
Brown eyes have more melanin so they block more light input vs blue eyes having less allowing more light in. Brown eyes perform better in bright environments and blue in dark.
i usually hide things behind books
That curry nigger is gone months, and so is the scotch, update your shit Shlomo
Yes, shitskins are helpless at night. like chickens hunted by the fox

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Black woman wanted to play slave and master sex game; white beau refused


"The duo were “engaged in a verbal argument over refusal to role play.”

“Ashley stated she wanted to play slave and slaver because she is African American and he is Caucasian,” the Manatee County Sheriff’s office said in a report.

“Kenneth did not wish to partake and became verbally aggressive.”

And as the situation escalated with Kenneth refusing to play slave master, he allegedly “spat in Ashley’s face.”

While he denied getting physical with his playmate, Atkins was still busted for simple battery and taken to the Manatee County Central Jail.

Edwards wasn’t injured and asked cops not to book her beau"

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Those are some phat tits, i also want to own something like that.
"This is not the first run-in Atkins has had with police. He has a lengthy rap sheet including convictions for grand theft; burglary; battery; loitering; violating probation; and narcotics possession.

In May, he was arrested on a felony grand theft charge for allegedly stealing merchandise from Walmart.

He had been out on a $1,500 bond for that case – which is still pending – at the time of his arrest."

Black women loving criminal, nothing new.

They really do love neo nazi looking white guys and maga guys.

I mean he looks like someone would perfectly suit that role.
>Fat black ass and pussy begging for massa's cock
Turns it down.
This is another reason I want to go no contact with your fellow sandniggers, anything can be used to play the victim or provoke a situation where you can do it.

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You’d have to round up the homeless and essentially send them to sober camps. There’d also have to be military intervention in Mexico regarding the cartels, which would be a fucking nightmare.

If they were designated as a terrorist organization, they’d shoot at the top as most powerful. We’d have to kill top leadership and essentially pull an El Salvador and throw everybody expected to be associated with organized crime.
Lmao, be careful
He might end up making a 4 hour long video about you including a diss track
ban drugs
Kek no shit
I mean if you see the first to niggers you can see that one of them isnt retarded and the other one is just wrecked.

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He was saying:
“Brother Ivan i have terrible headache.
Please help me. I need medical assistance”
Why did Ivan kill him?
I dont know.
“We are victims” puccian cries trying to kill you.
What about 6 000 000?
As long as you pay taxes.
a good thing

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Why can't a nuclear aircraft carrier group beat a bunch of Yemeni goat herders?
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The voting public doesn't have the stomach for total war, which is what's required to beat people like that.
why results? How does it benefit you or me to get results in the conflicts there? How does it benefit our families? Our friends? The answer is, it doesn't. It only benefits a certain group of people.
they spread out and they bunny hop and strafe like pro gamers
do you know what they did in cambodia? still lost
Hmm, will the next American announcement concerning the Eisenhower be her decommissioning from service?
Strike three houthis.

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