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Sneako claims they are trying to groom kids on mass. He does not have a source or any evidence.
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Is Sneako some kind of mixed negroid white? The right in America seems to be mostly annoying mullatos with strong views
No one expected a cuck to score high?
>letting sodom and gomorrah into your assembly
its like the Lord doesnt agree with this.
Jesus fuck, you really think looking at a toddler makes some a pedo?
I got molested by a bunch of girls 5 years older than me when I was 11
I'm into femdom now

Did Nigel fuck up with the ukraine stuff? I agree with him but a lot of right wing normies still believe in rUkraine and still think its the cold war
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Yeah right.
how much tax did you pay today?
(((who))) did it benefit?
fuck this "nation" and fuck you
Doesn't matter he's right. He's torpedoed his voterbase. He just shouldn't have said it
>how much tax did you pay today?
none, sunday is the lords day

You absolute CUNT

What do you call your vassal states?

Disingenuous, dissimulating CUNT

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>lawyers say never talk to the police, talk to a lawyer instead
>who gets paid when you talk to a lawyer?
>the lawyer
If you are innocent it is always best to talk to the police. Everything is still clear in your head and you want to get that on the record as soon as possible. If you are guilty it is still good to talk the police so you can begin to guide the investigation away from you. Lawyers are basically just legalese translators, doctors of words at best, lawyers are not magic. Of course neither police or lawyer are your friend and you should avoid both.
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I talked to the police and apparently everything became even worse but some people got buck broken in the process, so I guess it wasn't so bad.

Still I don't think you should talk to them even if you are innocent if there is too much opportunity to extort, frame, ... you because there are many masonic subhumans there.
By talking to the police I mean posted here and someone read it.
I never talked to any of them directly (but i was/am remotely tortured for information all the time by those homosexuals) and at most I posted some vague complains about gangstalking to a dozen institutions years ago and nobody gave a fuck.

Most people incriminate themselves when answering the police's accusations.

As an example...

Police: 'You were doing 22 miles an hour in a 20-mile an hour zone.'
You: 'Was I?'
Police: 'You're nicked me 'ol China.'

Cope reply.

If you follow the law and are a virtuous person, you can do anything you want.

If you're criminal scum, you better watch your mouth.

Most of this "YOU SHOULD DO THIS AND SAY THIS AND FOLLOW THIS PROTOCOL EXACTLY" ""advice"" is fucking useless to the vast majority of people who will never get in trouble with the police.

i spend more time in the office because it has air conditioning and i turn it to the max, the company is not even mad because it has solar panels

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Why do jewish IDF women look like fat gypsy lesbians ?
Let's talk about Romanian women, OP.
Because jews are a mongral subhuman race they've been mixed with almost every group
assuming that turns op on

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My 3rd death threat from Trump supporters over my 2 Joe Biden signs in my front yard.
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heres your bump jew
That means they are afraid. You trolled them into pure madness. If they’re acting like schizos, from a piece of cardboard, you’ve already won. That was the whole point of the sign.
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Context since OP is a faggot.

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Share your experience here. What is the final solution to this problem?
Are you targeted for your political views or for something else?
Why are they so scared of certain individuals that they devote this much time, money, energy, glowniggers to this project? Discuss.
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I am not a glownigger, I genuinely wanted to help you to understand the situation and to raise awareness about targetting. There will be an inner realisation in you later, than you will understand.

They don't follow someone who does not pose a threat to their oppressive evil system. It is what is inside of you, that is what they are scared of. You have something they will never have.
The orbs are UFO’s charging up, larping as an orb temporarily. Nice rendering.
Are you journo nigger ? Trying to gather information about the gangstalking hell ?
>you have something they will never have
They usually target Souled beings, so we have a soul, something they dont have or lost it.
The main goal of their tactics is to prevent us souled beings from ever connecting.
>Can't just crib motherfuckers?
i had to call the ebonics hotline and submit a query, but it turns out you mean
>Can't they just kill them?

and you're exactly right, which is why 99% of them are a LARP. if you were any sort of threat to them, they'd either outright kill you, or you'd suddenly have kiddie porn on your computer.
the reason they do it is simply to drive certain people crazy in the hopes that they do a terrorism, among other things.

when selecting individuals, they don't choose them based on high intelligence or some "threat level: demon" bullshit. they choose based upon how easily their ego can be stroked. it's easy to identify.

so when these people with enormous egos begin to get poked and prodded, they begin to lash out at the nearest person, and give them a good news story to work with. this is why you only see White people being "targeted". they want you to do a terrorism.
it's much like when you see in the classroom where an especially gifted troll is able to bait someone into anger against the wrong person by using something as simple as spitballs.

so anyone making reasonable claims about being harassed has outed the fact that the FBI has identified them as an egomaniac who is also stupid enough to do a terrorism for their agenda.
>They don't follow someone who does not pose a threat to their oppressive evil system. It is what is inside of you, that is what they are scared of. You have something they will never have.
here's a perfect example of stroking a retard's ego. thanks for demonstrating, glownigger.

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How much land do you own? Do you grow? You know only people who own land should be able to vote, right?
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property taxes are ridiculously low in Poland
it's a leftover of communism, believe it or not
I pay the equivalent of around $150 per year in property taxes for a 10 000 square feet plot with my house on it
Nobody cares what a fat, disgusting and cowardly man thinks "should" happen. I know from experience
Any growing you are doing (including growing that gut and ass all day eating...) is coping for the reasons I mentioned or some others very similar
I really wish it was another way but I'm afraid it is not
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You don't need to scrub young potatoes. Just move them around in water.
Industrial warfare requires too many people, if you only allow land owning people to vote. How are you going to convince the rest of your population to fight in a war?
Military service should be the requirement to get the right to vote.
>Its one of the only things protecting you from rich people buying up all the land and leaving none for anyone else

Not really you get kicked off your land and black-rock or someone affiliated buys it with unlimited printed funds.
They do it to keep housing scarce and thus more valuable. If you wanted to make it deterrent for rich people you should not allow corporations to buy (since they will use taxes to cancel gains) also small amount of land should be untaxed up untill a point. So old man with a garden doesnt get kicked out because some jew built a mall and land value rose.

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A new dawn falls upon us, Anons.
From this strange, yet appealing, site many
things were born, lies, hatred and jokes,
however, many truths were shared, many
times have we seen the dark side of humanity
through international sharing of ideas,
videos and news.

A new time is upon us, soon many of
you will be drafted to a war, a war that is
not against any country, no, countries no
longer exist. This war is against you, Anon.

The governments of the world are changing,
Laws will change, you'll die, and that's the

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Not now, at least not until the coming of the New
Messiah awaited by many religions worldwide.
Mars suffered from it own hubris.
The civilizations there were destroyed by their
own capacity of understanding the power
of certain weapons. War raged on Mars like
we humans have ever seen on Earth.
However, we must have known about the war
there, after all, most religions and traditions
associate Mars with War and the Gods of War.
Soon Earth will disappear, not now, but soon.
Most religions see a new earth for humans,
for those who couldn't escape this Samsara.
Unlike other races in the universe mankind

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They aren't gods and they don't have our best interest in mind. They have been telling channelers and mediums about the "turning of the Age" or the "New Aeon" for over a hundred years now. It is always the same. A great filter and most decent people won't make it. You have to adapt to the "new way" that is just following your lizard brain and pretending it is enlightenment while you destroy yourselves. What is waiting on the other side of the veil isn't what you think it is. There is no golden age coming.
>was not capable of understanding the concept
of the One

Humanity of homo sapiens kind is still children. In the area of 3 to 5 years in human terms.
And this applies to everything that is human.

Plus the influence of nasty "older brothers and sisters" who did not share a beautiful chair and a beautiful stick and beautiful clothes.

Eh, the kiddies will turn out quite alright with a bit of motivation ... ;)

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I dont see the path to owning nothing and being happy, it sounds like bullshit desu.
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First, they import millions of poor people into your
country. Then they say you are responsible for
them being poor.

Then they take money from you to give to them.

Then they tell them someone else is poorer and
more deserving than they are.

Etc... etc... etc...
It is the final boom and bust cycle to collect the remaining wealth of the earth. They have used these created cycles to enrich themselves for hundreds of years and many thinkers have warned about speculators or banking and interest.
What they don't realize is that the non jewish ones will be betrayed. The jews must own all property of the earth so the messiah will come. The Jewish calendar is almost over and their goal is within their grasp.
That’s because 4chan was the main group that exposed their agenda.
I’m not even shitting you. Before 2015, everything was going according to their plans.
4chan was the main exporter of their schemes to the normies through memetic systems. This place basically helped humanity realize that the people at the top are evil fucks.
Every single counter culture figure that exists in current times is just parroting a censored 4chan viewpoint. Every single anti-NWO account just steals their content from here. Every single meme that talks about the struggles of the Western man and how he has the weight of everyone else on his shoulders comes from here.
The globohomo simply doesn’t know what to do with this place. But weaponized autism is simply too strong.
I’m proud of you fucks.
Europeans will be happy just to be alive after Russia and china nukes the entire eurotrash continent into cinders.
How will they take your house if you own it outright?
Also, who's going to enforce this taking? The cop and the judge who just had all their shit taken?
This doesn't really add up as presented.

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The final redpill is that the Jews are right.
The real final redpill (and jews are subhuman psychopaths and sociopaths originally from Africa).


Regarding blocks to awareness, I need to state for the record that I have spent 30 years studying psychology, history, culture, religion, myth and the so-called paranormal. I also have worked for many years with hypnotherapy - which gave me a very good mechanical knowledge of how the mind/brain of the human being operates at very deep levels. But even so, I was still operating with certain beliefs firmly in place that were shattered by my research into psychopathy. I realized that there was a certain set of ideas that I held about human beings that were sacrosanct. I even wrote about this once in the following way:
"My work has shown me that the vast majority of people want to do good, to experience good things, think good thoughts, and make decisions with good results. And they try with all their might to do so! With the majority of people having this internal desire, why the Hell isn't it happening?"
I was naive, I admit. There were many things I did not know that I have learned since I penned those words. But even at that time I was aware of how our own minds can be used to deceive us.

Now, what beliefs did I hold that made me a victim of a psychopath? The first and most obvious one is that I truly believed that deep inside, all people are basically 'good' and that they 'want to do good, to experience good things, think good thoughts, and make decisions with good results. And they try with all their might to do so!'

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The "Hawk Tuah" roastie interview smells fishy. Just a gut feeling. I believe this is the an experiment in completely AI-rendered content and mass manipulation. If true, it represents a milestone in digital media, where synthetic AI can manipulate crowd psychology and push any agenda seamlessly. She has no social media presence. There is nothing of her up until this interview. Something is off
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OP is a faggot.
Have you noticed on tv recently there are a lot of commercials about "feminine odor" featuring obese PoC? These ads air during Jeopardy hours and have this borderline crass "humor."

This seems to be their next play, normalizing toilet humor for hygiene products, which associates women with being unwashed slobs.
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Just had to watch a couple of videos to know how the thing operates...
cant see shit
looks like a dirty sanchez
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I've noticed that women in these types of interviews either become crass or humiliate their partner with disrespect when asked sexual questions. I haven't seen those interviews here but I'm thinking it should be about the same.
>normalizing toilet humor for hygiene products,
I haven't, but I'll look it up. Modern women seem to enjoy "normalizing" poor habits so I guess the hygiene product-companies are taking a hit because of it.

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>Terrorist rampage rocks Dagestan (Russia): Multiple attacks leave dozens injured and dead

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I hate cats, I hate these disgusting evil creatures, and I hate modern society even more for loving these beasts. The only animals that deserve human empathy are dogs and even they don't deserve that much empathy because they have dog breeds like niggerbulls, this modern society's adoration of animals is sick ,an abomination,I'm a bit misanthropic and I'm not a huge fan of people either, but this worship of nature and animals in modernity is really disgusting .
i accidentally sharted and now i'm too scared to move so the rest doesn't come out of my asshole
shut up and eat your tapeworm eggs.
literally and unironically kill yourself, soulless nigger

Dilate fag, you are weak and disgusting

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So you need to earn at least $40,769.23 weekly, before a woman is ready to become a mother of your children? Americans, I think it's time to explain yourselves
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Must be nice to be black with US passport.
That's not me Lmao
before 25
im at half a million at 27ish and thats hardly even in liquid assets - ill never fucking make it
still beats being a faggot in a dress any day besides I have my 3 kids to keep me company whereas all you have are your herpes sores and assworms from last nights matza

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Alberta should become an independent nation. Change my mind.

>Dude, a landlocked nation would never work!
Switzerland is a failed nation? Having sea access in your country has nothing to do with economic prosperity. That is dependent on how well your country is managed. There is only one train route from Vancouver to the east. With billions on the line, Canada would be forced to negotiate trade deals with us in good faith.

>It's treason against confederation!
After the narrow defeat of the 1995 Quebec referendum, subsequent Supreme Court of Canada rulings affirmed that not only is provincial secession fully legal, but that any province that legally does so must be negotiated with by Canada in good faith.

Unrestrained by tyrannical control by Ottawa, an Albertan Republic could become an economic superpower in its own right, and we could enjoy a degree of freedom enjoyed only by Americans. Public education and the failure that it is could be destroyed, giving rise to private schools that produce excellent, critically-thinking citizens free from LGBT woke garbage and social engineering.

---- Essential Reading ---

>No Other Option: Self-Determination for Alberta

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>TLDR bullshit

It won't happen
obsessed jewish shitskin above me
Not ever happening lol
People said the same thing in 1776

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>inb4 source
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Don't think people care about what the govt says or does anymore.
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all Hamas missiles have always been duds.
Prove the iron dome exists. Prove that a missile can intercept another missile. No technology like so exists. Hence the Iron Dome does not exist.

Israel uses the ''Fireworks'' show from the Iron Dome to give motive to attack Palestinians. Hamas is an Israeli creation, same for ISIS.

How does Hamas have all the same outfits, all the same guns, all the same boots? Palestinians are suppose to be prisoners and have nothing, yet Hamas has full body kits.

Also why do top HAMAS and ISIS leaders always go to Israeli hospitals to get treatment when they need some? How does this make any sense?


Catbox Links
Part 1:

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Fucking globearthers are fucking always shitting up these talking points and it pisses me off. I'm part of a huge flat earth group on facebook and I'm going to share these videos there
Todd Howard will show up at my house tonight and purchase Fallout 76 and rape my family

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What are the chances of a new hot war opening up between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebannon?
If not high, why do you think the constant menace of war is being spread all over the media constantly?
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Not high enough
War is being normalized because they've been engineering this for years they want young men culled and a "great reset" but you tards keep sleepwalking right into it
From what I remember a deadline was given to Lebanon to move their troops off of their border or Israel will invade. That deadline is Tuesday (I think).
Chances are very high 90%+.

Unfortunately Biden and Netanyahu are reportedly no longer in conversation over Gaza ceasefire. Just like Yemen has involved itself in the Israel/Palestine war by interdicting Israeli merchant shipping, Hezbollah is very likely to get involved in the Israel/Palestine war in some way. Meanwhile, on the domestic front in Israel, it is widely reported that Netanyahu's Likud party is 20 seats short of being able to form a government after the next Israeli election--this means Netanyahu is a lameduck leader who has elected to start a war for posterity and legacy sake. He is essentially termed out of government, and likely to face a lifetime of prosecutions, after dismantling the integrity of the Israel's Judiciary via political force against the will of the people.

All that has to happen is a) Biden is reelected, b) Republicans retain control of the US House AND Republicans ignore the Israel/Palestine war as a political issue, c) Democrats win control of the House and retain the Senate OR Democrats do not gain control of the House and lose control of the Senate. In these three scenarios, Netanyahu has no reason to stop his war against Palestine, and indeed, has many reasons to expand this war aggressively and irreversibly, since handing off these crises to a soon successor from a different Party will be seen as a complete and total failure of the entire Likud movement.
Bitcoin is falling slow but holding well. It doesnt look like anything too serious is coming.

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Hundreds of people were wounded and a few people (including kids) died in Sevastopol after an ATACMS missile's cluster warhead spread the exploding elements on a beach.
How can anyone go to a beach that is so close to the enemy's cruise missiles is a mystery. Did this attack take place because Putin went to Asia to buy some weapons?
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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Oh no
So it seems.
Russia has long used Sevastopol as a military staging ground.
It's absurd.
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>Another day, another escalation
- Glowie regime Schoof is ready for (world) war
- PVV Klever: ‘Replacement theory is the factual representation of demographic development’
- The Netherlands - France today: 0 - 0 because of ‘offside’
- Rutte new NATO chief, Hungary cucked and Romania too
- Media seething because Fleur Agema made the 'OK' gesture
- UvA Science Park cleared by the riot police
- Pro-Palestine protestors had occupied and barricaded UvA Science park and did shield training, but have left after threats of the riot police. Cameras also sabotage d (based)
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists'
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’ and funny

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>Zij alle andere chans dood?
Leegloop want de keizer heeft geen kleding. Volloop tijdens verkiezingen en dergelijke.
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Macabee denkt nu aan hoe accuraat de Woensel meme is
Her probleem met BOAS is dat, how, HOE, hoe , je het HOE JE HET OOK BEKIJKT,; je twee mongooltje de capacibaliteit geeft om dus willekeurig at will, random, gewoon . Om dat het kan, nu anno 2024 de optie geven on dus jou 250eu + te moeten laten betalen om letterlijk niks. Dus bijv : 2025, Anno 20:20 dag etc doet er niet toe: je moert betalen. Je diet het niet. Eundstreep, je bent ALLED, letterlijk ALLEA keijr, tenzij je betaald.

Kan iemand mij hier op reageren, toelichting grven. Het hoe wat en waarom. Een korte sommering msken van wat voor JOU uiterst bekangerijk is om nog wel even tievte voegen, vrafen, noritities, alles, desnoods steekwoorden.

Dan gasn we gewoon nu even een bornsle nornale conversatie hebben zoals dat een gesprek dat goed gaat hooet te zijn met de hedendaagse ome willen powpbeoodjes

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