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>When the German Reich received England’s declaration of war on 3 September 1939, the British attempted once again to frustrate any attempt to begin a consolidation, and thus a strengthening, of Europe by fighting the then strongest power on the Continent.

>England formerly destroyed Spain through many wars.

>For the same reason it waged its wars against Holland.

>With the help of all of Europe, it later fought France.

The jews and Anglos both hate the white race, it's fraternity
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>t. untermensch
Have you not been paying attention to Irish lefties?
When is continental europe gonna ally to fuck up the eternal anglojew?
It's becoming pretty ridiculous
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Nothing personal kid

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>Almost £1.5 million in taxpayer funding has been awarded to a research project that aims to “decolonise” folk singing.
>They then hope to “increase accessibility to the folk club scene and take the first step in a process of decolonisation within the folk music canon”.


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>Wypepol ant got noz culcha!
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I hate this gay world. The fact that I even know browns exist means my parents failed.
>Removing whites from white culture in white countries using white taxpayer money is somehow "decolonizing"?
Nah they are just stealing money. Pure and simple.
I would consider removing London and the Vatican agents. Before country is completely destroyed.
Do you have non paywall?

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>Q was a bust.
wouldnt say it was a bust. tons of faggots fell for that operation trust shit. the world hasnt seen true leaders since Gadaffi and Hitler.
How about tomorrow, Monday, 6/24, at 2pm central time.
Don't know the time in HI.
love me some jingo. shame it will never work here after the one during ww2, the pms tried too hard for support with their anti brit shit
Two cunts in a clown car.
That's all it takes to derail your elitist schemes.

I thought white people were good at chess?
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>they are white when I want them to be
The only true non whites are pajeets.
All pajeets are coached by russian coaches.
Abasov - russian last name, whathisflag? Azerbaijan? Soviet / russian chess school..

Caruana is white euro jew, he's ashkenazi.

Firuja is iranian, that lived and played all his life in Russia, I think in St.Petersburg.

The jews on chess.com banned Russia , so people go under different flags and countries.
Dialogue like these makes me have the concept of white. Armenian is literally caucasoid, over 1 billion people in this world are caucasoid. If Iranians aren't white I don't care about this term anymore.
Is Caruana Jewish for sure? I want to know. I know Nepomniatchi is

Gu means poop in my language

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The Bombay High Court has sought a response from Serum Institute of India, Microsoft founder Bill gates, the Government of India, and others on a petition filed by a father who blamed the side effects Covid-19 vaccine -Covishield killing his daughter. The man has demanded compensation of ₹1,000 crore from the vaccine manufacturer.

Dilip Lunawat, the petitioner, claimed that his daughter Snehal Lunawat was compelled to take Covid -19 vaccine at her college in Nashik on January 28 as she came under the ‘healthcare worker’ category.

Snehal was a doctor and a senior lecturer at SMBT dental college and hospital at Dhamangaon in Maharashtra.

The father said, his daughter was administered with Covishield vaccine, which is developed by the Serum Institute of India. Dilip Lunawat said his daughter took the first dose on January 28, 2021.

Days later, she suffered severe headaches and vomiting. She was taken to the hospital and doctors founder bleeding in her brain, the father said in the court's petition.

And on March 1, Snehal passed away. The petitioner claimed that Covishield's side effects led to his daughter's death.

"Dr Snehal Lunawat administered her first dose of vaccine on January 28, 2021, after getting convinced by the alleged false narrative. Later on March 1, 2021, Sneha lost the battle of life due to the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine as claimed by father Dilip Lunawat," the petition mentioned.


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wanna laugh a bit?
oh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
oh GOD, we indian men are GAY!!!!

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Do you have bachelor taxes in your country?
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Man those Uyghurs chicks are 10/10, I can't blame Chinky
Still cheaper than a wife
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as a neet i cant afford bachelor tax, sory
Sounds like the cost of being free from women. Still cheaper than divorce rape.
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I swear to God I'd kill a lot of people

if hes a devout christian then why doesnt he have a wife and kids? hes 25.

is it because hes unable to rizz up a girl? if thats the case then it takes away a lot of the power behind his words
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You wouldn't make it anyways
Typing all that gay shit is why you're still a virgin btw
Projection 101. You will never be a man, anon. You will forever be a childless male
Uh huh, yeah. I remember my first time on /pol/ mania. Grass is waiting dude being a text freak ain't helping you.
Enjoy working while she's fucking the mailman.

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will mali empire rise again?

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'member few years back when a /pol/ack rejected women on Tinder telling them he is not into transgender women and see them melting in chat? Good times

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Why do Latinas show a lot of emotion through their facial expression?
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She speaks it is this video. But I only ever saw this one video by her.
I blame Pixar films
That's not a mexican.
That a scot-irish Appalachian mcnigger cosplaying a a mexican.
I find satisfaction in the fact that these cunts become completely addicted to attention and complements, and then become utterly neurotic messes once it all starts to dry up in their 30s.
Jim Carrey was doing it first.

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The "Hawk Tuah" roastie interview smells fishy. Just a gut feeling. I believe this is the an experiment in completely AI-rendered content and mass manipulation. If true, it represents a milestone in digital media, where synthetic AI can manipulate crowd psychology and push any agenda seamlessly. She has no social media presence. There is nothing of her up until this interview. Something is off
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anything that gets signal-boosted by jewish internet algorithms is a psyop you newfag
The girl has been seen outside of the video. She was selling Hawk Tuah shirts and hats.
Imagine spending your fucking time on this you fucking simpleton lol
How long till she mills herself or is on drugs, I’m thinking 5 years

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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I adore Aryan art, and I see it as beautiful. It, like the aryan beliefs and spiritual ideas of old are HEAVILY suppressed by ZOG. I just hope I don't see any garbage Christian art, or the usual feds showing up to talk about anything christian.

You can't be pro-aryan and christian. Your religion was invented by people that hate whites and I figured I'd say this before the JIDF come in here to talk about christcucketry.

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Who will Trump select as VP?
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That would be bs if they weren't allowed to run together

I don't care who he picks because at the end of the day
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I know who.
It's gonna be someone /pol/ hates.

Not saying I agree with it, nor am I saying that it would be enforced. I'm in FL and like Desantis. Thought his campaign was pretty based, like he had some autists on his campaign team.

Devils advocate here, what if that's because he doesn't want to debate against a potential VP pick? I don't think that's the case, but interesting theory.

Oh yeah?

I certainly hope you went to church today

You woke up uncomfortably early

To put on uncomfortable clothes

To drive an uncomfortable distance

To go sit on an uncomfortable wooden bench

To croak out uncomfortable songs and spoken verses

To be around uncomfortable people

To worship an uncomfortable God

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Im not sorry your dad hates you.
There are no gods. It's literally humans putting a sock puppet on their hands and speaking while moving the sock puppet's "mouth".
God never said you have to go to church once a week or you go to hell
Being uncomfortable is good for growth provided you have the right attitude. Comfort is experienced in a static state - it requires a set of circumstances that are stable, predictable, and easy. Within this state, a person can grow at a steady rate if they're motivated. However, comfort necessarily limits personal growth as the way to grow is to adapt to changes. If there's too much change, the stasis of comfort is disrupted. Therefore, those who are comfortable and wish to remain so must avoid change that is too severe or too rapid. This puts a cap on the rate of personal growth.

Being uncomfortable, however, creates a psychological and/or physiological tension that the organism naturally seeks to resolve. The attempt to resolve said tension is adaptation. Adaptation is a process by which an organism incorporates new patterns of thought and behavior into their psyche, literally growing their mind through addition of factors. The more severe the discomfort, the more growth is required to overcome it. However, when people suffer without knowing how to adapt, they can be broken by the experience. This is why it's essential to possess an attitude towards suffering that promotes growth through adaptation and integration of new ways of thinking. The greatest people in history all had that in common: a positive outlook towards suffering and discomfort. This requires having goals which contextualize one's discomfort as a growth opportunity rather than meaningless suffering.

thanks this helped me

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why are actual commies socially right-wing? Also I heard Stalin banned lgbt etc, which is strange for leftist politicians
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Large families make strong nations. All the flowery lies in the world don't add up to reproduction. You have to actually build a family for that to happen. Guess what the Hedonists and Queers rarely or never do. Build families. All successful societies have strong prohibitions on homosexual behavior.
ordo liberialism
Stalin was only le dictator fully in control after the purges just before 1939.
Before that Bolshevik kikes could kill goyim without asking anyone for permission.
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during the lead up to Adolf Hitler gaining power over germany. there were competing communist groups trying to take power. They were bloody street enemies.
once Hitler started fixing germany. many communists willingly changed sides.
they found that Hitler gave them everything they wanted. for example, they fought for workers rights. with Hitler they suddenly found themselves in a country which absolutely protected workers. they no longer had anything to fight for so they happily became national socialists
my deluded naive communist brother, I extend my hand to you. national socialism gives you everything you want and more. you foolishly believe in the jewish capitalist grift that is communism. fascism is the true party of the common man
Previous iterations discarded for more efficient social engineering and recruitment tactics, as in: Bioleninism and the weaponization of dysfunctional viscid manipulators.

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Holy shit, how did they put that shit together in such an offensive manner?
>1 pickle
>2 pickle
>2 pickle vertical
>mustard smeared across all 4 ins tead of in a line along bun
>random agglomerations of sauerkraut
Why not cut the brathering in half and place it side by side in the roll?
Can a kraut translate?
Pfeffermakrele for me
For me, it's the Bismarck. The best Fischbrötchen.

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Hundreds of people were wounded and a few people (including kids) died in Sevastopol after an ATACMS missile's cluster warhead spread the exploding elements on a beach.
How can anyone go to a beach that is so close to the enemy's cruise missiles is a mystery. Did this attack take place because Putin went to Asia to buy some weapons?
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>Civilian infrastructure is a viable target in a total war scenario (which this 'special operation' has degraded into)
Russia says its OK when they target civilians and civilian infrastructure, like theaters, hospitals, apartment buildings, train stations, schools, playgrounds, restaurants, hotels, etc. but call it war crimes when Ukraine drones an oil refinery that produces diesel for the Putin's Total War.
same as every other empire Billy? the other side is not exactly lacking in hypocrisy
If Ukrainians are bombing civilians in Crimea on purpose, that is essentially an admission that Crimea is Russian and not Ukrainian.
just like russian bombing of civilians at the start of the war is admission that kiev, crimea, other theaters of war are ukrainian, right?
>inb4 what dead civs
lol, lmao at dead faggot russians

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My nigga foolio is dead, man. I cant believe this shit. Opps got his.
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Imagine the dandruff.
Hahahaha what the fuck even is that thing lmao it looks stupid as fuck hahahah do niggers really
He shouldn't have said the N-word.
Floridaman + negress = foolio
If THAT creature being a role model for you then you’re fucked and should kys.

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MEGA HAPPENING! The Russian terrorist animals and war criminals bombed more Ukrainian children in Kharkiv, northeast Ukraine!
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Cunt woman enjoying the escalation of war, hope the bitch gets drafted.
It was a Scythian and Sarmatian settlement in the 2nd century BC. Just because Russians built a fort their doesn't mean it ever belonged to Russia.
>average american intelligence on public display again
2+2=5. See? I can do it too :)
they use inertial guidance bro, I'm sorry to upset you but it is so

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The owner of a house for rent in Solin Croatia: the British guests were naked, smearing themselves with blood and kissing. I was throwing up

"This morning at around 7:30 a.m. in Držićeva Street in Solin, a report was received that there were several foreign nationals in front of a house for rent, one of whom had a head injury. Upon going to the scene, it was determined that the person (a citizen of Great Britain) had fallen. hit his head, and given that he already had a wound on his head, it bled again. The injured man was transported to the Split hospital for medical treatment," the police revealed.

However, now the owner of the villa, Ivan Japirko, in which the mentioned photo was taken, contacted us and told us what actually happened.

"Seven Britons, my guests who arrived at the villa yesterday, went out to Split last night, one came back with a broken head around 4 o'clock. They continued to make noise and make a mess around the pool. Later, everything escalated," begins the owner of the villa, and then he describes the situation that made him sick.

"When I came, the house was demolished, full of blood, one guy was completely naked, the other in his underpants, they were smearing themselves with blood and kissing. I got sick, I started vomiting white foam from the shock. Terrible scenes, disaster." he tells us.
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Sounds Jewish
Croats should've publicly beaten them.
You have to go to another thread about shitskins achmed. This is about real brits.
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It should be legal to shoot English tourists on sight
So it was a Split head?

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