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ULTRA HAPPENING! The Russian war criminals put up an air defence system in a civilian beach in Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Crimea!
Russia uses holiday beachgoers as meat shields in occupied Crimea.
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so was the beach bombing :)
Watching nafo trannys trying to justify this is hilarious. Have fun in your war bitches
no one is denying it on the hohol side you retard
I just did :)
you do realize that all of you are on various employment lists and will be subject to consequences later? i'm sure your team leader didn't mention that.

>world is full of elegant stone architecture and infrastructure
>most of it is abandoned and in various states of destruction and decay
>hideous monsters and demons patrol and defend the ruins of a past civilization
>entire world is aggressively hostile and full of traps and pitfalls
Were the Dark Souls games (FromSoftware) soft disclosure?
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>they're just as forumlaic
Nigger, they just made a new, more complex fight formula compared to their older souls games. One that demands instinct, speed, and muscle-memory more than pattern memorization and timing.
The weapons are more complex, which means the combos you can do are more complex. If you don't like that, it's fine, but it's not bad by any means
>japs are fundamentally incapable of creating a good game
EDF and Fight Crab are S tier games silly nigger
There are games that work in the department of tons of NPC and narrative, that's why we play From Software games, they are not like the rest.
Having a world filled with unblinking nigger-cattle NPCs with Berkley college dialogue somehow feels more empty and soul-crushing than shambling the ruins of civilization in fromsoft games
plus everyone in that game looks like a tranny faggot

happens when you involve japo-chinks in development
>One that demands instinct, speed, and muscle-memory more than pattern memorization and timing.
oh wow, nobody has thought of that before in the history of gaming!
cause twitch based combat is what's truly interesting for us humans and it's what makes us superior to other animals and thus turning your game into a chimpified skinner box is #lebased #zoomer #mentalhealthawareness #cope #peeepeepoopoo
>meanwhile a flies are literally 12x faster than us
/v/irgins are so fucking retarded

Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night
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I’ve actually known this since I was in boyscouts like 25 years ago. There were even some studies done back then that showed it. I realized because my fellow blue eyed troop members and I were able to spot objects and know what color they were in the dark while my brown eyed troop members couldn’t even see the object in the dark. We all researched it after that and found studies confirming this. It’s also why blue eyed people get blinded by oncoming traffic worse than brown eyed, which was another study done.
Brown eyes have more melanin so they block more light input vs blue eyes having less allowing more light in. Brown eyes perform better in bright environments and blue in dark.
i usually hide things behind books
That curry nigger is gone months, and so is the scotch, update your shit Shlomo
Yes, shitskins are helpless at night. like chickens hunted by the fox

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Black woman wanted to play slave and master sex game; white beau refused


"The duo were “engaged in a verbal argument over refusal to role play.”

“Ashley stated she wanted to play slave and slaver because she is African American and he is Caucasian,” the Manatee County Sheriff’s office said in a report.

“Kenneth did not wish to partake and became verbally aggressive.”

And as the situation escalated with Kenneth refusing to play slave master, he allegedly “spat in Ashley’s face.”

While he denied getting physical with his playmate, Atkins was still busted for simple battery and taken to the Manatee County Central Jail.

Edwards wasn’t injured and asked cops not to book her beau"

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Those are some phat tits, i also want to own something like that.
"This is not the first run-in Atkins has had with police. He has a lengthy rap sheet including convictions for grand theft; burglary; battery; loitering; violating probation; and narcotics possession.

In May, he was arrested on a felony grand theft charge for allegedly stealing merchandise from Walmart.

He had been out on a $1,500 bond for that case – which is still pending – at the time of his arrest."

Black women loving criminal, nothing new.

They really do love neo nazi looking white guys and maga guys.

I mean he looks like someone would perfectly suit that role.
>Fat black ass and pussy begging for massa's cock
Turns it down.
This is another reason I want to go no contact with your fellow sandniggers, anything can be used to play the victim or provoke a situation where you can do it.

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You’d have to round up the homeless and essentially send them to sober camps. There’d also have to be military intervention in Mexico regarding the cartels, which would be a fucking nightmare.

If they were designated as a terrorist organization, they’d shoot at the top as most powerful. We’d have to kill top leadership and essentially pull an El Salvador and throw everybody expected to be associated with organized crime.
Lmao, be careful
He might end up making a 4 hour long video about you including a diss track
ban drugs
Kek no shit
I mean if you see the first to niggers you can see that one of them isnt retarded and the other one is just wrecked.

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He was saying:
“Brother Ivan i have terrible headache.
Please help me. I need medical assistance”
Why did Ivan kill him?
I dont know.
“We are victims” puccian cries trying to kill you.
What about 6 000 000?
As long as you pay taxes.
a good thing

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That guy literally behave like a nigger, knoking up some hoes and leaving

if you don't raise your kids you're a subhuman i don't care how rich you are
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Yeah, but you're poor so no one cares what you think
In nationality alone
going full ghengis is not nigger
They only fucked him because he's rich.
He's look like a small face Lenarod DeCapio
He's probably a scottis-irish mcnigger,
which is why Appalachian bros would die for him

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Was this guy always retarded?
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The lobster speech didn't convince you?
There has to be some truly terrible karma coming down the line for Peterstein; when his wife was dying of cancer & he was hooked on benzos & suffering debilitating withdrawals, i feel like god or the universe or whatever gave him a second chance in order to renounce his zionist faggotry & speak the truth, & over the last three years he has instead squandered the opportunity of redemption offered to him by fate & doubled down on his schizo kike worship. god or karma or the universe or whatever will not be as forgiving with him again
Um yeah? He’s mentally ill and takes benzos by the boat load. Also believes Jesus actually existed. He’s low IQ and subhuman
Lol does he really talk like that? It was absolutely the most random thing for those 3 to hook up for dinner. It was most likely on Kanye behalf and trump was giving the nigger the benefit of the doubt (plus the black vote)
Yes, he’s the shabbosest of shabbos goyim

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Why can't a nuclear aircraft carrier group beat a bunch of Yemeni goat herders?
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The voting public doesn't have the stomach for total war, which is what's required to beat people like that.
why results? How does it benefit you or me to get results in the conflicts there? How does it benefit our families? Our friends? The answer is, it doesn't. It only benefits a certain group of people.
they spread out and they bunny hop and strafe like pro gamers
do you know what they did in cambodia? still lost
Hmm, will the next American announcement concerning the Eisenhower be her decommissioning from service?
Strike three houthis.

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I am a psychic who happened to be harassed and emotionally abused by terminally online smartass firstoids.

I cried so much and I my third eye was like a fireball pulsating in my forehead and then I was kidnapped by an ambulance for crying to much and staying silent and they filled me with injections and medication (35 pills a day for 21 days and more at home) and I felt my third eye going weaker when I was 10 days in the psychiatric hospital.

Months later I had a special dream with Freyja and several others.

Pic related means what it means. I picked up from the floor after I woke up but I don't remember what the dream was I think it was the same night I leaned about the Brazilian Portuguese word "brizomancia" which means divination through dreams.

Months ago when the first UK ship was in trouble, the one name rubymar I had a super natural dream under paranormal circumstances.

It was about a cargo ship being attacked and sinking and something about World War Three. I couldn't make sense of it and I was actually away from /pol/ and the news cycle.

What do you guys make of it?
Is there a real possibility of world war three starting because of the cargo ships?
Like I said I don't remember the details and it was a very silly dream with silly dream artefacts but nonethess it was paranormal because I didn't know the happenings with the ships and moreover I actually was sleeping well for several weeks and I went to bed at 8pm and napped for 30 minutes and the dream happened in that 30 minutes and it was very emotionally charged and vivid.

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What in the autism is this? Please go away
I want those who were involved to fix what they broke.

It is what it is written.

Users are hacked on this website and harassed.

Shualby killed himself
Branton Tarrant and others did mass shootings with the aid of infiltrators that hacked their computers and communicated with them covertly between threads.

Red deer almost got it!
Zoomers will be drafted to fight in Vietnam and Korea


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I ain’t going (home)
What are the political implications of a once white company being replaced by niggers, pajeets, and other diversity hires?
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One of the reasons why they are fixing Trump to win, by the way.
The real question is how they get that boat anchor unberthed and safely outside the ISS collision zone.
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They can’t even undock it safely.
really? They can't deliver two 747s on time for $4B dollars? and even at that they are losing big money on the deal?

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How do you cope with chronic loneliness?
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I wish I wasn't born human so I wouldn't have to eat, have to sleep, have the mental capacity to experience loneliness, boredom, and sadness. This is a horrible place to grow life
bullshit. if you want to be a serf for others then only for ppl who you respect and get at least payed for it.
fake drug friends that will talk to you and are humble as long as drugs are involved
>How do you cope with chronic loneliness?
Watercolor, its inexpensive and a good way to pass time. I paint 18th century women, how I wish I was born then.

So, how powerful are Jews in America?
How powerful is Reddit bait on /pol/?

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it’s her world, full domination.
you’re just lucky to live in it.
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>randomly channels Cortez the Killer one time
>never does anything rock ever again
what did she mean by this
I want to rape taylor swift's mouth its not fair :(
I can fix her

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>Western conservatives told me that Slavic women are all tradcath waifus...

Was I lied to bros?
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that whore needs a gangrape lesson
Is anyone surprised? Slav women are vacuous whores so best avoided
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great to see this son of Easu gave up his legs for the Jew
>Cherry picked
Is it really so hard to believe we Russians don't live in the dirt like the anglo swines?
in almost all western countries gay marriage was pushed through with some form of jurisprudence rather than a democratic vote, and when liberal hellhole of California put it up to vote they lost even there. You're being fed a fake consensus

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I think I figured out the agenda for the next years.
Putin will strike targets of civilian interest (as retaliation for what our weapons are doing in Russia) in Europe and the US (from the subs). Our rulers will use the panic generated from this to convince normies only a draft of the young will save them. Before drafting starts they will shutoff the internet and blame it on a 'solar flare', so images of the brutal drafting don't create a resistance.
If normies don't get feared into a draft then they'll let their puppet Putin keep bombing until normies are bankrupt and stop consuming, which is the real reason this war was created.
They'll have to draft ages 30-40ish if they want guys worth half a shit. Good luck with that. Better idea would be to let people volunteer for the selective service and draft people from that small pool of volunteers. Signing up should come with a benefit like a tax credit or some shit like that.
They can and will bring social media to heel if they think it's important enough. If they believe it's do or die, they'll go as far as shutting down social media.
If you don't think they will, you seriously don't understand the psychology of people with power. Whether they can is more dubious, but ultimately, I think they can do enough.
They have enough groundwork set up over misinformation and monitoring terrorists that I think military secrets via cell phones is something they'll be watching out for.
Insulation is rated for voltage by thickness. You are fucking stupid for handwaving this shit.
>Our politicians on the other hand have the authority
lol, no. the social contract has been breached

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Why can't Russia control their muzzies?
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Based Dagis
But Putin literally said that diversity is their strength. How could this happen?
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more footage
Is it worse than Chechnya?

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Cozy Aboriginal thread: Discuss Aboriginals
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t. petrol enthusiast
It's the same in America. I've met many fags claiming to be from the woombacoomba tribe or some shit and they look pure European
He made most of it up lol
Actually the woombacoomba were a European tribe who were here before the Asians
He didn't. Even the leftist AAA concluded the charges against him were bogus. Only ten years later, when the institution had been totally taken over by extremists, did they rescind the decision.

Rip currents can be defeated by relaxing, letting it sweep you out then paddle paralell to the shoreline. You will eventually feel yourself exit the rip current and will be able to swim safely to shore like normal.

Dont fight the rip!

>please dont be racist
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Who learns to swim in a pool?
>niggers can't swim
News at 10
>please dont be racist
Anon, do you know where you are? The facts of the story, the names of the individuals involved, and the circumstances will draw the conclusion you are precisely angling for.
that's me I swim like a stone

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