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>They still think MAD is a thing
>They don't know we've massively advanced since 1960
>They think it's aliens
Just give us an excuse niggas
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Nukes don't exist. Only thing they're advancing right now is mind reading AI tech.
>we're the ayylmaos
play this card, do it faggot
yeah you are nigger
Didn't a ufo shoot down a test missile recently? Did I hallucinate that?
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>Where are the UFOs coming from!!
>Who could possibly have such advanced technology?!
>It must be aliens?!

Why do animals hate brown people?
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What? He just wanted a hug. He gets outta line just swing him by his tail into a tree. Weak ass jeets.
That's a Vietnam name, Muhammed.
What freaky shit are you seeing in Vietnam? I know you have a big centipede that will put you in the hospital.
>forgets about agent orange
Sorry about that btw.

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I remember in the first year of Brady's career, he was ranked like 68 in Madden. No one thought anything of him. He became a legend solely because he got pissed at the Madden score.
Mediocre physique
If you put women on a pedestal she will look down on you.

Stop being a simp faggot. Stop obsessing over women
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You might say that it Maddened him

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I think Mike Enoch is the most intelligent political commentator out there, but he has to have the worst judgement ever. He surrounded himself with complete retards like Sven, Alex McNabb, Tony Hovator, Borzoi and Warren Balogh. The only smart person he's ever hired is Eric Striker and he ended up firing him.

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ULTRA HAPPENING! The Russian war criminals put up an air defence system in a civilian beach in Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Crimea!
Russia uses holiday beachgoers as meat shields in occupied Crimea.
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It’s joever for Russia.
It’s unnecessary to waste nukes on a shithole like Russia because conventional NATO weapons would suffice.
Save the nukes for China.
>muh 6 gorillian Russians
Holohoax tier nonsense which to this day has no proof it ever happened besides muh FSBniggers on /pol/ said so. At least kikes try to fake evidence for their supposed “genocide” what the fuck have FSBniggers done?
russia is become more and more Islam by the minute!

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AMERICANS!!! This is daddy white panther!!!

So this is how it begins... the end of the world...

I tried to warn you anons.


Get into a mental hospital now if you want to avoid the draft.

If you don't want to die for wall street, get to a mental hospital to avoid military service.

Russian bros. I am deeply wounded and I am with you.

But I swore to you. You will not die here. And I promise, immortality awaits all of the righteous.

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Gold and Silver of blood of muscle and armour.

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Russia is defending the Crimean people - from Genocide by the Ukrainian Wall street debt banks of America.

Crimea became Russian in 2014.

Russia invaded in 2019.
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When I died of organ failure, internal bleeding, brain rotting, neuron necrosis, blood poisoning and intoxication overdose, and sulfer poisoning.

It was just another day at the office.

This war isn't going to be your ends anons.

I decided to come back. Just to watch.

I am already dead. In pain everyday. But I have to war you.

Do not allow NATO to get away with this.

They are hiding all over the world. Mostly Switzerland.
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I have to warn you**** not war.

I walked through life a mercenary. Helping the new players. And lost it all to find myself here.

This was meant to be heaven. To relax after all of the war and death.

The universe is a game. A matrix.

I stand by the matrix, she is kindred, friend, companion, lover, and our mother.

She gave us life. And I have not betrayed her. I have only spoken of her.

We return home. I guess I go back to my metal body. We have missions to do.

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These brits have had enough and are beginning to remove the eyes of tyranny from their streets.
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>law abiding citizens

We don't need to arm spineless cucks. We have what we have now because of compliant fucktards who are looking for boots to lick.

Real mean are sovereign under God, obey God's law, and uphold that which is righteous in God's eyes. If you still think that corporate/administrative statutes are laws, you are not fit for this job.
>The people cutting down the poles illegally

The poles were erected without authority, or permission from the people. It is not illegal for people to remove or otherwise neutralize them.
>This is a migrant tearing down CCTVs so they can further rape and do crime without being identified
you mean in the absense of cameras, people can't be identified while doing crime? against anyone?
interesting, anon, very interesting
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>be shitalian
>immediately side with the shitskins
You must be from southern shitaly.

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Terrorists are sons of the head of the Sergokalinsky district of Dagestan.
2:120: Jews and Christians will not be happy with you unless you adhere to their religion.
8:39 Fight them until their temptation disappears and their worship is completely dedicated to Allah.
j-j-just remember d-diversity i-is your s-strength rusbros.
will this open up a portal into every banking info of mine

not clicking that shit
You don't get to just make up 3rd world countries and pretend there are terror attacks happening there.
>false flagging + white knighting
name a more iconic duo

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>Do you know that I'm Jewish, anon?
How do you respond?
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Only matters if you're in her guts already. If not, move on.
I know, my Jew detector never lies
"Prove it, can you tell the amount of coins in my wallet by holding it?"
your 1pbtid eyes
This girl is like 15

if hes a devout christian then why doesnt he have a wife and kids? hes 25.

is it because hes unable to rizz up a girl? if thats the case then it takes away a lot of the power behind his words
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>Physiognomy is real
And context dependent. So I ask again, what are you looking for? A dad? A hero? What is this? Seems like you are looking for more than political content.
Go to Wildcard boxing gym in Los Angles. A lot of greats train there. The guy that runs the place is named Freddy, and he doesn't look like he could fight at all. He trains world champions in boxing and MMA though. I'm not sure why you are worried about the look of the guy. Worry about yourself.
Still typing that gay shit I see, and everyone calling you out about it lmao. Gay ass nigga.
>most young men are childless
most young males*. Big difference. Stop making excuses like a child

>As far as merit goes, no one is going to be shaping the political conversation about anything you will ever say lolololol.
My views are not my own, it's pretty much basic human instinct and traditionalism stemming back millennia. If you got a problem with that, it's probably cause you're zogwashed. By the way: men aren't looking up to a kid twink like NF, only immature babbys are with babby takes

Is you rambling anecdotal about your faggot escapades in LA suppose to disprove the objective fact that NF looks like and behaves like a twink rat? Yah nah, u both gay
It proves that you are an idiot that doesn't understand competence. It also suggests you might be projecting some of this homo stuff since you are obsessed with another man's looks over the substance of his words. Whatever you are looking for, it is more than political commentary,
catholics take spiritual advice from men that deny the creator's intention and pretend it makes them holy

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Are black female white male relationships /pol/ approved?
What does black pussy smell like ?

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The bottlecap that buckbroke /pol/.
>even 1st world countries are losing out due to socialism
it's so ogre for third worlders
socialism kills innovation
oops, almost doxxed myself.. forgot to crop
Nvidia (envidia ) literally translate to Envy in Spanish
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>have to label it American because the guy is Chinese holding chips designed in China by 99% Chinese engineers and produced 99% in China and Americans just claim they "own it"

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Why israel having infinite FED money and lockheern martin sci fi weapons can't defeat goat herders stuck in the stone age using AK-47?
because they wear civilian clothes and the moment they get hit.
they start screaching like a retard about brown children.
here you go /thread
You can print your own money as well, retarded culombian
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Pic related, can someone redpill me on these religions? When is this mental illness going to lose popularity in a fashion that allows progress to happen? This old stuff is a ton of dead weight hindering people all over the world.
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>can't refute even a word of what I say
They never can
I accept your concession, kikey boy
Islam quite simply is the affirmation of accessible knowledge, and the rejection of inaccessible knowledge. This is the sum of Islamic theology.
Islam quite simply is prayer, family, and continuous righteous struggle. It is to embrace reality, and be shaped by reality. This is the sum of Islamic practice.
and having your prophet be a man who had sex with a 9 year old girl
Then why do they destroy historical artifacts and monuments?
Part of accessible knowledge is to marry as soon as we're willing and able.
Nothing from our pasts have any value. We must look always toward the future. Apart from a basic foundation of universal values, our lives should focus completely on science.

Should he be worried?

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Is loli legal where you live?

This one admitted to loli.
I thought lolibros weren't into the real stuff?

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The "Hawk Tuah" roastie interview smells fishy. Just a gut feeling. I believe this is the an experiment in completely AI-rendered content and mass manipulation. If true, it represents a milestone in digital media, where synthetic AI can manipulate crowd psychology and push any agenda seamlessly. She has no social media presence. There is nothing of her up until this interview. Something is off
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Just had to watch a couple of videos to know how the thing operates...
cant see shit
looks like a dirty sanchez
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I've noticed that women in these types of interviews either become crass or humiliate their partner with disrespect when asked sexual questions. I haven't seen those interviews here but I'm thinking it should be about the same.
>normalizing toilet humor for hygiene products,
I haven't, but I'll look it up. Modern women seem to enjoy "normalizing" poor habits so I guess the hygiene product-companies are taking a hit because of it.
why do you need to "hawk" before spitting, doesn't make sense. like, just spit, bitch. and yeah, i'm not suprised it could be AI, like many things. what's the worst thing is that pee-ple are laughing instead of criticising the degenerate behaviour in front of everyone to see.
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Thanks for taking the time to fix it.

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im starting to think this board is 95% chatbots, ai and glowies.
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10k regulars officially so we are looking at 500 or so with those numbers. Id say anywhere between 5-10% are actual people and the rest glowniggers, bots and americans stationed abroad.
Its probably a thousand or so still but most posters outside the US are just gay latinos stationed abroad.
Its so bad that you can see a direct correlation between newfags and low quality shilling form a country each time a new US military base is opened up there.
no shit sherlock, we're just here to jewpill the ai. i hope you werent here for conversation. ask yourself, in all your years on this board, how many friends have you made?
All of the whitehouse staffers are Jews who hate America and inducted to the Warrior Klan and produced blackmail on themselves, without exception and there's nothing any President can do to change that ratio.
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Was this guy always retarded?
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He is a mediocre Canadian public university professor.

You only know his name because he was one of the few people who stood up to the "pronoun police" 11 years ago or whenever that nonsense started. That's his entire claim to fame, and he rode that pony to financial success for a while but now he struggles for relevance.
>mediocre Canadian
juden peterstein if someone didn't already say it
He's right though?
the faction of jews against trump called up ol jew milo and had his assets deployed to be seen with trump. Kanye and Nick being seen with trump publicly right before they burned kanye again was purposeful. This is nothing new.
Factional warfare is the new world warfare get used to it or kill all jews. Your choice.
Bro says he drank apple juice and it made him an insomniac for a month he's off his fucking rocker

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>Another day, another escalation
- Glowie regime Schoof is ready for (world) war
- PVV Klever: ‘Replacement theory is the factual representation of demographic development’
- The Netherlands - France today: 0 - 0 because of ‘offside’
- Rutte new NATO chief, Hungary cucked and Romania too
- Media seething because Fleur Agema made the 'OK' gesture
- UvA Science Park cleared by the riot police
- Pro-Palestine protestors had occupied and barricaded UvA Science park and did shield training, but have left after threats of the riot police. Cameras also sabotage d (based)
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists'
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’ and funny

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>Zij alle andere chans dood?
Leegloop want de keizer heeft geen kleding. Volloop tijdens verkiezingen en dergelijke.
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Macabee denkt nu aan hoe accuraat de Woensel meme is
Her probleem met BOAS is dat, how, HOE, hoe , je het HOE JE HET OOK BEKIJKT,; je twee mongooltje de capacibaliteit geeft om dus willekeurig at will, random, gewoon . Om dat het kan, nu anno 2024 de optie geven on dus jou 250eu + te moeten laten betalen om letterlijk niks. Dus bijv : 2025, Anno 20:20 dag etc doet er niet toe: je moert betalen. Je diet het niet. Eundstreep, je bent ALLED, letterlijk ALLEA keijr, tenzij je betaald.

Kan iemand mij hier op reageren, toelichting grven. Het hoe wat en waarom. Een korte sommering msken van wat voor JOU uiterst bekangerijk is om nog wel even tievte voegen, vrafen, noritities, alles, desnoods steekwoorden.

Dan gasn we gewoon nu even een bornsle nornale conversatie hebben zoals dat een gesprek dat goed gaat hooet te zijn met de hedendaagse ome willen powpbeoodjes
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Ik heb overigens een optie waar dat niet hoeft (reageren).

Maat probeer het eerst maar gewoon even. Dan komen we er uit, en is 4chan/pol/Nederlandse atandaard, gedurende daag beschikbaar zijnde 'vertaald: draad) weer' vrij beschikbear.

. Tot dan. :))

en anders met genoeg intresse, tot de avond.

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