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if they manage to fulfill the long awaited prophecy of TKD?
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no functional difference, need to be eradicated.
arab DNA is fucked from thousands of years of inbreeding.
>what will you give the Muslims
foreskins? that's it? in that case TKD over. everyone go home.
And a bottle of camel piss
I don't think they will ngl

Post it all over Twitter

It happened in Ocean Beach, San Francisco

Black people in poor neighborhoods when there is an unarmed white person to murder
I wonder if in her last moments she began to hate

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>Horrors beyond comprehension
"Sign my 100 bill, trump!"
lets goo
>Fuck Timmy's Gon do?!
Post Krispy Kreme for a real nigga coffee and donut store

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Reportedly one cop shot dead, plus there's some reports that islamists beheaded a priest in a local church.
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I have a question for you. If isis is american creation then why was america the only country who tool out isis? :D why would they create it and destroy it lol

Maybe MAYBE the fact that russia bombed syria (including isis) might be the reason why isis is retaliating.
This is low effort hrvoje
Cheap attempt at deflection
Pusi kurac pedercina
BWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAAHH Alex Jones, you're too fat and a loser to have any power over me.
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seethe more u filthy rat
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Putin made burning the Koran illegal. If you don't want kebab niggers killing everyone in your country you can't give them an inch

I just want to live somewhere beautiful and White. Is that too much to ask?
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why do you know so much about muttland?
Access to white people isn't a right
Looks like heaven
I hate to imagine what's become of that place now.
Yes, if you haven't been paying attention there is no country for white men.
Work under the table or don't work at all.
Let it all rot.
>there's really nothing special about whites or chinks
nobody wants to fuck black women, not even black boys

Sneako claims they are trying to groom kids on mass. He does not have a source or any evidence.
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It's important to understand how these cultural marxists operate. Take any agenda, abstract it to the point it's like the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, when you abstract this far it encompasses anything, then make a pseudo-science out of it. Flood media and education with shills who promote and believe this new state sponsored religion, turn people into a mob and cancel anyone who opposes this new religion. That's just the psychological war, there is a financial war taking place and long story short, all of this is either directly or indirectly financed through tax payers through the use of fiat money.
Sneako is a nigger queer himself and he was never molested.
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mudslimes are kikes
The entire AFPAC saga was slid off of this board lol. Instead we get threads like this.
You left out the part where the Marxists auto-radicalize.
The only thing they value is the approval of their fellow AIDS commie fuckstick marxists
Which means if one does a thing that gets approval, then the next guy has to do something worse to get approval
Doing the same thing will not get him approval - it's been done
And so, over time, they scoot further and further left - until they are doing completely retarded shit like "Rioting for Peace" and even turn on their own leaders because they are not leftist AIDS commie *enough*

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Previous: >>471966553
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition and acknowledge sheboon posting/nigger worship as jewish

>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK

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he looks like nicholas the II.
Yes, once the war is done, he will fade back into insignificance and wait for another assignment.
t. faceblind autist
Fuck off Magyar shitblood.
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I see hohols are again back to their ways attacking civilians on holidays.
No, he doesn’t. His face is too round.

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>Almost £1.5 million in taxpayer funding has been awarded to a research project that aims to “decolonise” folk singing.
>They then hope to “increase accessibility to the folk club scene and take the first step in a process of decolonisation within the folk music canon”.


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I think Islam is too Muslim-centric.
>Wypepol ant got noz culcha!
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I hate this gay world. The fact that I even know browns exist means my parents failed.
>Removing whites from white culture in white countries using white taxpayer money is somehow "decolonizing"?
Nah they are just stealing money. Pure and simple.
I would consider removing London and the Vatican agents. Before country is completely destroyed.

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Remember, it's okay to commit any sins you want, you can just blame it on a chicken later.

God said it's disrespectful to show him the top of your head? Just wear the smallest possible hat.

God said you can't work outdoors on some days? Just hang some fishing line around the area, now it's all indoors. (eruv)

God said you can't work indoors some days, so just have machines that do the work and get the blame, you're clear.

God said that most people are cattle, destined to serve you, so it's okay to treat them like that.

(weird hat image because AI is not allowed to make small hats) also this post is being blocked by the autofilters, excuse anything weird while I try to figure out what it's blocking
The 3 year old girl part is the one that gets the job done for me. Anybody caught with their books or any derivatives of their books should be marked for immediate execution.
it's absolutely nuts that their religious leaders are so much different than everyone else. Instead of being a religious scholar, like a priest or an imam, their function is more like a religious lawyer. Their job is to search for loopholes in the word of their god, and find ways to trick him.

Do they actually think it works like that?

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YouTube doesnt have an on going 24x7 professional psyops program aimed at it, yet.
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cursed digits

Imagine a racist french woman just wrapping those boots around your fucking back as you build to coom inside her needy twitching fertile womb
>"Dis-moi à quel point tu détestes les nègres!"
she screams her blodne hair falling over her thirsty open mouth panting like an animal as you pound into her the bed board loudly banging off the wall with each thrust
you yell as she claws her blood red 3 inch long red finger nails into your back each dutifully painted with an individual black swastika.
You let lose your flood into her begging valley and bend your face into her warm well fed milky white tits as the over powering aroma of cheese and begets fills your nose.
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>she screams her blodne hair falling over her thirsty open mouth panting like an animal as you pound into her the bed board loudly banging off the wall with each thrust
Would this really do anything for any of you? Women are much more attractive to me just mirroring my general opinions and sentiments, and being a good opinion receptacle to dump onto and hear a very tempered input back. I don't really want them to hold deep opinions or convictions and prefer them to just be cutesy, feminine, and good with the kids. My wife is basically that, and I'd hate if she spent most of her day thinking about the political stuff that I do, or made her foremost thoughts.
I knew mutts need to think and talk about niggers all the time, but I never thought they need to think about niggers to stay hard and cum. Absolutely buck broken nation.
They didn't. ''Right'' here means koshervatives.
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Sorry Pierre, if you know you know
>first they vote to let all niggers and shitskin in
>now they want white men to save them
kek, not happening, die with your wannabe high melanin boyfriends whores

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They are suffering and you walk by? You know deep down that is wrong. Sparing some change when you can will make you a decent human being.
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The wrong one.
I saw a man on a street corner holding a sign. There was a small McDonalds bag at his feet. I told him that if he came with me Inwould share the chicken wings that I was about to cook.
Facing the offer of a warm meal he said “I’m good, I got McDonalds, but I am pretty pissed right now. Do you got any weeeed? I could really use some weeeed.”
I told him that beggars are not supposed to be choosers and that pissed him off.
Homeless are generally drug addicted degenerates who litter trash all over my town and vandalize local businesses.
I am not paying random panhandlers cash so they can buy drugs.
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How about companies hire homeless or poors instead of foreign niggers? Why is it on middle/lower class to give when all kikes do is take? Solve the issue by getting rid of the ones that cause these problems in the first place.
suffering is good for the soul
I pay taxes already
the homeless belong to the goverment not my problem

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Everyone is Indian now.
Greeks, Iranians, central asians, Chinese. Everyone is an honourary Indian.

See picrel.

You should sign up soon lest you miss out on the exclusive offer
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I understand the impulse for ShatroBodha. My anger dictates you should be killed for daring to enter my lands.

But my spiritual knowledge dictates to me a higher truth. We are all sparks of God's consciousness who have come to this world to learn and develop.

In that consciousness I am obliged to tolerate you until a peaceful solution, or the most peaceful solution, can be found. You must be evicted from Europe but it should be done in a way that is non-violent if possible.

Also I recognize the reason Europeans are in such a mess, and left vulnerable to their "shatrus" is because of our own spiritual weakness. We have embraced materialism and materialistic leaders. We need to improve ourselves and reject hedonism, then destroy our demonic (asuric) leadership class. They are the one's responsible for allowing you, our "enemies" to enter our lands.

But once we are free, every effort should be made to free ourselves from you in the most non-violent and pleasant way possible, respecting your sovereignty as souls.

This is what Gandhi did to the British right?

The British should do it to the Indians in England.
>Have you heard of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, and many other countries?
The first 2 are unsustainable, china can flip on them anytime
India is the buddhist/jaina home
>Enemy intelligence? This is an absurd modern creation to feed Indian Nationalist ahankara.
>Maharaja Yuddhisthira was famous as Ajata Shatru. Even though the Kauravas were trying to kill him, he never considered them his enemy

Tell me what was Krishna doing throughout the Mahabharata again? What was Shri Ram doing during the last years of his exile?
Tell me why did Krishna break so many rules of war again?
>Why are you, a Hindu, adhering to Buddhist doctrines of Shunyata, that have nothing to do with Hinduism, nor with the Vedas, and are Nastika?
>Even Advaita Vedanta acknowledges the world is real from our perspective.
I am referring to the buddhists who proposed the idea
Advaita summarised in one line is Brahma Satya Jagat Mithya, what you on about
>If anything they preserved the Gupta ideals into the modern world. In fact the Gupta dynasty is largely responsible for Vaishnavism.
Which Vaishnavism? The bhakti movement was anti hindu orthodoxy. Medieval hinduism is dead.
>Insulting people and name calling is Vedic or Dharmic?
It is both. The gods did it, the sages did it.

>The Puranas are not Vedic. They are Puranic. They may support or elucidate on Vedic ideas but they came much later
The Vedas mention Puranas as their logical extension

तमि॑तिहा॒सश्च॑ पुरा॒णं च॒ गाथा॑श्च नाराशं॒सीश्चा᳚नु॒व्य᳡चलन्॥११॥
इ॒ति॒हा॒सस्य॑ च॒ वै स पु॑रा॒णस्य॑ च॒ गाथा᳚नां च नाराशं॒सीना᳚ञ् च प्रि॒यं धाम॑ भवति॒ य ए॒वं वेद॑ ॥१२॥

He went away to the great region. Itihāsa and Purāṇas and Gāthās and Nārāśaṃsīs followed him. He who possesses this knowledge becomes the dear home of Earth and Agni and herbs and trees and shrubs and plants.

~ Atharva Vēda (Śaunaka Śākhā), Pañcādaśa Kāṇḍam, Ṣaṣṭhaḥ Sūktam
oh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
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>Tell me why did Krishna break so many rules of war again?

Okay, you need to speak to your guru about this one. Krishna's "adharmic" behavior is never meant to be exemplary. Ordering Arjuna to kill Karna for example.

You are greatly misled if you think this means it is dharmic to murder a Muslims family with a knife on the streets of Mumbai during a riot.

>Brahma Satya Jagat Mithya,

Okay, if you have no understanding of Pāramārthika amd Vyāvahārika you need to learn more about Advaita Vedanta.

>Which Vaishnavism?

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The greatest lie told in history is that Britons are genetically similar to Nords. Anglo-Saxon identity isn't real and it was a propaganda tool used by the Germans to take ownership over the British Empire's great achievements. Pic related is your average Native Briton.
Funny enough my dad actually looked very similar to this guy when he was younger but my mom is light so I still have fair skin and blue eyes
every single one of these faggot grifters is welcome to shut up the entire internet by posting their ancestry but they don't because they're all jews.
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What do you mean?
Thank you for posting @Hitersgreatestgroyper. I'm sure you know all about the major racial traits and categories of the British Isles.

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How are they doing this?
middleman class hiding money there to avoid taxes
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Interesting how China is faring.

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>me bombing your civilians
>you bombing my civilians

There is a non-insignificant chance that zoomers will be drafted to fight communists in Vietnam as an extension of the war in Ukraine.

>inb4 source
This is not a joke. US may face a munitions shortage in this scenario.
kek everyone here knows Amerimutts got played by Vietnam and Vietnam sided economically,infrastructurally and politically with China long ago for the long game

Our resident glowniggers are just coping and in denial to safe face
>“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
>Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...
>The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
>If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
US diplomacy has been an absolute bloodbath for 3 years running.
why Vietnam?


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All kikes stink
>it had a burnt leather smell to it mixed with fish
why, he was an idiot
I have. It was amazing reading something from that time period where the author sounds like a retarded teenager trying to be edgy. I can see why people like you relate
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I did. He's retarded.

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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>dead Russian cops
>burnt down Synagogue
>burnt down Orthodox Church
Everyone won today
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>See goyim. We are on your side..die of Israel now!
if ukraine was winning the spam would be unnecessary
Fucking idiot isis is a mossad cia operation
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Burn in hell

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