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A new dawn falls upon us, Anons.
From this strange, yet appealing, site many
things were born, lies, hatred and jokes,
however, many truths were shared, many
times have we seen the dark side of humanity
through international sharing of ideas,
videos and news.

A new time is upon us, soon many of
you will be drafted to a war, a war that is
not against any country, no, countries no
longer exist. This war is against you, Anon.

The governments of the world are changing,
Laws will change, you'll die, and that's the

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Im as prepared as my conscious permits to innawoods.
Scriptures, maths, astronomy, warnings of usury to be laser etched and baked into clay, scattered unto orion, pleidaes and draco.

Yet i wonder another path of late
Of ancient navigational methods.
To seek by the transits of the heavenily bodies, and insense sticks, by the vibration of a sistrum.

What wise words do ye hear of the seaman philosopher?
Thanks for the post.
Whatever it is.

A decent birthday present.

But there is a question.
Earth. This little gem is in the middle of a big showdown.
Will it suffer the fate of Mars or what the asteroid belt once was?
They are mere puppets of something bigger,
many "gods" watch us and control the ropes from
the background. The incompetents (I agree with you) are but pieces of chess, like all of us.
I am sorry if I sounded rude or arrogant, that was not what I wanted. I understand your view and I respect it.
Do not fear the monkey, fear the one who plays the accordion.
Not now, at least not until the coming of the New
Messiah awaited by many religions worldwide.
Mars suffered from it own hubris.
The civilizations there were destroyed by their
own capacity of understanding the power
of certain weapons. War raged on Mars like
we humans have ever seen on Earth.
However, we must have known about the war
there, after all, most religions and traditions
associate Mars with War and the Gods of War.
Soon Earth will disappear, not now, but soon.
Most religions see a new earth for humans,
for those who couldn't escape this Samsara.
Unlike other races in the universe mankind

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They aren't gods and they don't have our best interest in mind. They have been telling channelers and mediums about the "turning of the Age" or the "New Aeon" for over a hundred years now. It is always the same. A great filter and most decent people won't make it. You have to adapt to the "new way" that is just following your lizard brain and pretending it is enlightenment while you destroy yourselves. What is waiting on the other side of the veil isn't what you think it is. There is no golden age coming.

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>the only one who has straight sex in the entire show
>a woman on a rooftop tells him she's jewish and his response is "I guess you won't be going to heaven then" and throws her off the building to her death
>keeps a small picture of a swastika on his nightstand in season 4
>tells non-Aryan to get in the oven
yea im thinking he's /ourguy/
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He’s by far the least degenerate man in the show. His one kink is breast milk, which is frankly tame in real life and incredibly normal when compared to most of the other characters.
He was never a nazi. He’s got boomer level racism (hates goat fuckers and looks down on various other browns but doesn’t care much so long as they have superpowers). He is, however, a magneto level mutant supremacist, and even more so a narcissist. He doesn’t believe in a superior race so much as he believes himself to be superior to everyone.
No deep had sex with a woman and got a blowjob from starlight in season 1. Also he just banged black girl in newest season.
>Fucks male doppleganger
>Has doppleganger transform into himself to suck him off
>worships women and breasts
>getting revenge on supposed people putting him in an oven
>least degenerate
Kikes make show about degenerate man with nazi obsession, end up creating a literal blonde jew.
he fucks soldier boy every year in the comics

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the ultimate humiliation ritual
I dunno, is it the car?
Looks kinda cool.
Have you studied his term of office? CIA wanted to assassinated Castro and provoke a hot war with the the soviets. Kennedy warned them it was being planned and the op was canceled. He also negotiated a deescalation by having the soviets remove missile batteries from Cuba while the US removed missile batteries from Europe. He openly criticized the intel agencies and started maneuvering the legislature to reign them in, while threatening to remove their departments altogether. And let’s remember how he privately wrote about how he knew that the Jews were lying about Hitler, and that an honest accounting of WW2 would see that the furher is vindicated. The corruptocrat uniparty was pissed that their foreverwar machine was going to be pulled apart by somebody that didn’t serve them and pushed some loser commie be their patsy to assassinate him. Nixon — the most popular president in history — was also critical of the intel agencies so they smeared his VP and forced him to resign, then they pushed Ford to be the new VP, then smeared Nixon and forced him to resign as well so that Ford became the only president in history to never have anybody vote for him. The problem started with WW1, but the series of events that unfolded over the last century are the reason why we are in such deep shit right now
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Oswald got killed live on TV. The press was covering JFK's visit to Dallas, but they didn't have cameras on him at that time.

Preach it brother

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I ain’t going (home)
What are the political implications of a once white company being replaced by niggers, pajeets, and other diversity hires?
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They can’t even undock it safely.
really? They can't deliver two 747s on time for $4B dollars? and even at that they are losing big money on the deal?
Seriously, how does a company fuck up this badly so consistently?
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Threadly reminder: planes are not real. They literally can not stay in the air
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I'll bite.
Everyone who paid attention in school should know why planes fly:
Air above the wing have to go longer way, so there is less pressure above, and high pressure air want to equalize by going towards lower pressure, creating upwards acting force that is lift. The same is why sailing boats can go upwind, they are dragged by difference of pressure between two sides of the sail (and water resistance forcing it to go forwards instead of doing full drift to the side). Effect is known since at minimum past 500 years.
The fact that we don't know why it works that way does not mean we don't know why planes fly or boats sail. We have this shit covered and if we take any piece of things happening we can always try to dig deeper by asking "and why is that?" till we reach esoteric quantum shit nobody knows why it happens, leading to oversimplifications "nobody can explain why water boils!"

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The amount of fraud and abusing via makeup products by women is staggering. A prescription thus must be obtained from a medical practitioner for any woman who wish to apply makeup on her face. It should be available only to women at least 25 years old.
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Wifeable for me sir, don't rapeable my wifeable it's not politically relevant
makeup should at the very least be shamed and discouraged at every possible opportunity.

"makeupslop" should be 99% of the replies in any comment section whenever a woman tries using it. This practice then would propagate to IRL.
Teenage girls should be given out like subscription medicine.
Typo, but I guess that's fine too.
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>It should be available only to women at least 25 years old.
Unless her husband gives her permission.

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So, as communism coming closer, are you ready? When they come and take everything from you (in the name of "the people"), will you own nothing and be happy?

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why was this encouraged?
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mongolian who has been castrating pigs since he was 8 caught a ukranian and did the same thing he does to his pigs back east, I think the ukranians doxxed him(because he smiles to the camera in the full video) and who knows where he is now or if hes alive
>men don't care about other men, that's the key factor
indeed, they do not. no one has ever given a fuck about me, i was just told to toughen up, or else. no one's ever helped me at work, either. i have always been on my own and i either made it or i was fired. this is just how men think, simply put. nothing can fix this, no ideology, no nationalism, nothing.
Watch wars suddenly became all bad when women are required to draft
>while make a cool frowning facial expression and speaking with a guttural voice
*said in dark gravely voice* i'm batman
Correct take.

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Hungary has become the poorest country in the EU.
30 years ago we were ahead of Poland and Chechia.
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because you are further away from germany than they are
>No way. It's a nepotist, corrupt shithole, but there is no way it is poorer than Bulgaria. No way.
it's a recent eurostat publication of individual consumption per capita (ppp, so who knows). but as your baseline is much lower it will take some time, don't worry, you are still the poorest! xD
It's because you stopped making lightbulbs
Tell your fat fuck orban to import more chinks

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In spirit of Democracy and free debate we should compromise and adopt the reasonable centrist position of Partial Nigger Death. It’s also the cheapest option; all you need to do is stop sending them humanitarian aid and they’ll die naturally of starvation and STDs. A true rational Democratic classical liberal centrist patriotic statesman such as myself supports PND.
this isnt true. niggers don't care about other niggers living
Sounds reasonable.

Negro says sending his kids to white schools does them more harm.
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>it’s worse for whites
Actually I noticed blacks bully Asians and Hispanics more. But I went to school in the south so that might not be true up north outside of the working class tougher white eastern euros, Irish and Italians who aren’t afraid of fighting
Just send niggers to schools that specialize in basketball and rapping leave the hard stuff to us niggroid
Yes. Blacks were actually improving as much as they can reasonably improve as a whole before civil rights. In a myriad of metrics. The fact that they had an educated and middle to up class big enough to lead the civil rights movement is testament to this. They had their own parallel society that, while not to par with whites, still sustained their community and regulated it to a degree.

Civil rights though was more the educated and wealthier blacks wanting to escape this because they envied white people of similar classes, wanted to live among them, and importantly, send their kids to Yale and Harvard instead of Tuskegee or Fisk.

Desegregation allowed the blacks keeping the black community afloat to fuck off and abandon their coracialists to the wolves. While allowing their kids to be nothing more than seething affirmative action hires in a high society they can never feel comfortable in. Traded being kangs among kin to middling diversity hires in neighborhoods where their status and self-perceived victim hood increasingly matter only to the declining amount of whites liberals that gave a shit in the first place.
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This, it happened to my older brother when they started bussing white kids to the black neighborhoods in the late 70's. He was the only white kid in his entire 3rd grade, and they tortured him every day. They'd just throw him around and beat him up every day at recess. One day the niglets just decided to strip him naked and chase him around the playground, none of the teachers intervened, they chased him up a tree, and told him no to come down, and the teachers left him up there and went back to class. After two hours the principal came running out there with some sweatpants and a t-shirt for him, and called our parents to come get him. After that my parents just moved to another city that wasn't doing bussing, and only had white schools, but that shit permanently traumatized him, and made us all extremely racist.
>nigger goes to white school and witnesses things that will make them seethe internally for the rest of their lives
>nigger goes to nigger school and receives no education, internalizes gang culture, gets a dumb whore pregnant at 16, and spends his entire life addicted to drugs and alcohol
Tough choice for a room temp iq nigger. Ignorance is bliss, as they say

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So I’m pretty sure that even if Poilievre wins the next election here the economy is basically fucked beyond repair.

So I ask the burgers here, is it all it’s cracked up to be? I have a CS degree and 1 year experience and let’s just say the Canadian pesos you make here are pretty sad. Im also not remotely interested in living in COMMiefornia and any other nugget ridden shitholes so it’s either this, Florida or Tenesse
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>As of June 2023, the non-Hispanic white population of Texas is 39.8%, while the Hispanic population is 40.2%. This is a demographic milestone that likely occurred around 2022, when Hispanics became the state's largest population group.

Why would you move to a 100 degree desert shithole, overpopulated, covered in urban sprawl, full of nonwhites, doesn’t snow, and is basically summer the entire year?

Why the fuck wouldn’t you just move somewhere in the northwest like Idaho or Montana where whites are still a majority, the population density is low, has mountains, and there are actual seasons?
You’ll pay taxes in Texas and there is so much shit to do up North, just go outside and touch mountains.
I like Mexicans way more than niggers.
> mostly religious
> hard working
> great food
> thick fat asses latinas
> also mostly don’t like niggers
All weebs aside the best place on planet earth to live right now for a white man with a CS degree is Japan working for American company in USD. 5 bedroom houses in central Tokyo can be bought for $60,000-$70,000. If you are paid in USD you could buy 2 houses a year in cash build an empire.
>and 1 year experience
its over. Boomers want 5 years experience for anything so they can hire pajeets instead.

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I see only bullshit propaganda on both sides.
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100k dead piggers, 150k dead ziggers
can't wait till the niggers exterminate all the westoids, your kind is legitimately disgusting, thank god for somalis
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Why are both of them using the same exact soviet military tactics? Why don't they try something new?
I just believe the Ukranian numbers for Russian and Ukraine. And multiple them by three.
Never mind found it: ualosses.org
I'm not even sure if the website is updated anymore.

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>Another day, another escalation
- Glowie regime Schoof is ready for (world) war
- PVV Klever: ‘Replacement theory is the factual representation of demographic development’
- The Netherlands - France today: 0 - 0 because of ‘offside’
- Rutte new NATO chief, Hungary cucked and Romania too
- Media seething because Fleur Agema made the 'OK' gesture
- UvA Science Park cleared by the riot police
- Pro-Palestine protestors had occupied and barricaded UvA Science park and did shield training, but have left after threats of the riot police. Cameras also sabotage d (based)
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists'
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’ and funny

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Misschien is mijn Zoomer brein verrot. Maar de grap was de “oude lunch lady die je schatje noemt” gecombineerd met de twee palen die zeiden “sterf Adriaan”
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Deze wil ik ook wel weten. Stiekem verdenk ik CERN ervan met parallelle universa te klooien. Ben er namelijk godverdomme zeker van dat Fruit of the Loom een cornucopia had, en Dolly uit Moonraker beugels droeg.
Dit is mijn schizo kant.
Oh, en we leven in een simulatie, waarschijnlijk.
Één grote joodse kanker mik mak
Wat was er mis met de jaren 80

Hele land is naar de klote
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en iedereen leuk weekend gehad? mijne was wel goed heb me vermaakt.
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Niet veel gedaan, beetje lopen kijken hoe het midden oosten vergaat en me voorbereiden op stage. Nieuwe studie boeken bestelt
Ik KAN er diep in door gaan, maar ik denk dat ik beter die docu kan vinden. Tis echt jaren geleden dat ik die zag. Maar het is kanker interessant. Ik denk dat de reden waarom CERN zo gevoelig is voor schizo conspiraties is dat het zo ingewikkeld en vaag klinkt voor de gewone doorsnee persoon dat het “concept” van wat het is nooit goed gevormd kan worden.. Net zoals onze telefoons bijvoorbeeld. Ze worden zo complex en zo klein, dat het gemakkelijker is om aan te nemen dat er iets lugubers achter zit dan dat de technology zo ver is ontwikkeld dat de doorsnee laser of techneut er niet een in elkaar kan zetten van losse materialen (zoals ijzer en koper en goud)


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>inb4 source
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Red skull has never been right
Please seek a more fulfilling life than waiting for something to happen
Fake and gay gaslightlight thread.
Not the real Redskull.
There is a real Redskull thread already up;


= 6 6 6

Tonight is a Big Jew Night. Get to bed early /pol/.
Gonna be some busy posting tomorrow.
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I would argue soc media increases demand via simp arms race negative feedback loop and dating apps decrease supply by creating alpha widows.
No way to combat hoeflation. That's why half of all young women will be single and childless in another few years. I'm doing pretty well in life, in good shape, make a decent living given my demography and frankly. I cannot be fucked to put up with any of these over valued self entitled cunts. At the very least, I'd be content breeding a tall bitch with a 100 IQ score. At least my offspring will be OK.
Yeah tiktok really seems to be ruled by douchebag bros who speak hollywood ebonics.
This video is probably staged too. What a horrible time to be a teenager.
not a bad take for just a few words
>with a 100 IQ score
top 16% in your country lmao

Explain me the reason to spend millions of dollars on covering every F-22 with a “stealth coating” when in its nose there is a RADIO TRANSPARENT FAIRING, behind which there is a radar, which, with its materials and shape, reflects any wave and makes all these stealth features useless? Moreover, when it turns on his radar, it turns into a SOURCE of radio waves, which could be located by any, even the oldest radio stations. Do you really believe that on radar it looks like a golf ball?
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You understand conventional aircraft moved past radar 30 years ago right.....
I can eat 50 eggs.
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>I can eat 50 eggs.
nearly 3 kilo of eggs
Check out this meteorite in Russia.
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Well, you know what they say … “buy the ticket, take the ride.”

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Massive kike
Based. Boomers deserve to be drained of every last penny and then tortured to death.

I kneel to this devilish kike.
I dont even know what pickle ball is.
Boomer tricks rich boomers lol GOOD

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The Bombay High Court has sought a response from Serum Institute of India, Microsoft founder Bill gates, the Government of India, and others on a petition filed by a father who blamed the side effects Covid-19 vaccine -Covishield killing his daughter. The man has demanded compensation of ₹1,000 crore from the vaccine manufacturer.

Dilip Lunawat, the petitioner, claimed that his daughter Snehal Lunawat was compelled to take Covid -19 vaccine at her college in Nashik on January 28 as she came under the ‘healthcare worker’ category.

Snehal was a doctor and a senior lecturer at SMBT dental college and hospital at Dhamangaon in Maharashtra.

The father said, his daughter was administered with Covishield vaccine, which is developed by the Serum Institute of India. Dilip Lunawat said his daughter took the first dose on January 28, 2021.

Days later, she suffered severe headaches and vomiting. She was taken to the hospital and doctors founder bleeding in her brain, the father said in the court's petition.

And on March 1, Snehal passed away. The petitioner claimed that Covishield's side effects led to his daughter's death.

"Dr Snehal Lunawat administered her first dose of vaccine on January 28, 2021, after getting convinced by the alleged false narrative. Later on March 1, 2021, Sneha lost the battle of life due to the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine as claimed by father Dilip Lunawat," the petition mentioned.


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wanna laugh a bit?
oh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
oh GOD, we indian men are GAY!!!!
I dont understand. This article does not explain what Bill Gates have to do with any of this
and COCK CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Not one of them smart enough to swim to shore, and yet all of them still worth more than 10 jewish lives apiece.
some nigger-tier white trash kept them starving to hunt and then decided to kill them off

there's nothing wrong with doing the same to them, if caught
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arkansas bros are legit
Killed a sentiment...

Relax those are forever
t. types in reddit

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