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if he picks anyone besides Tulsi I'm staying home on November 5th.
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When you lead with a known propagandist it's gonna raise questions. Are you seriously bringing up some 6+ year old story with a Democrat source? Hatred taints everything the left does. That kinda disrupts their credibility, imo.
Trump has a talent for changing peoples' minds.
Anon, that wasn't an editorial. Joy Reid was commenting on something that happened. The article even sources where the info cam from. You showed that you are no better than a liberal who when challenged just whines "source" and other nonsense even though the actual source is linked there.

>Are you seriously bringing up some 6+ year old story with a Democrat source?
It's not a "democrat source" it's the guy he was talking to showing it and he didn't even deny it.

Why ask for a source if when given it you start doing these liberal tricks to deny it? I get it, you can't change your opinion and world views why not change to team Democrat with the rest of the zombie retards who think like that.
I called this months ago. It will 100% be Tim Scott
He'll pick a uniparty cuck who's there to keep an eye on him. Somebody like Tim Scott sounds right.
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True, only spiritual Jews are allowed in the office.

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>Innova 3630 Remote Starter Switch
having one of these is like a key to every vehicle. i bet a bulldozer could rip out a section of train tracks or fuck up highways very quickly.
you think a bunch of obese porn addict diabetic vaxxed & boosted retard burgermutts are going to fight a civil war lmao?
A civil war can be something as simple as violent packs of citizens assaulting anything they perceive threating, it doesn't have to be skilled armed combat. It's a matter of scale more than skill.
nobody wants to join that shitfest anymore. I can't blame the oligarchs because they really didn't have a choice.

the military used to rely heavily on white recruitment. what changed isn't anything to do with diversity, it was because the military was a breeding ground for white nationalism. our oligarchs are rightfully fearful of a military overthrow but those same oligarchs need to maintain and expand their interests abroad and soft power doesn't always work.

so without white recruitment they looked to non whites
however there is a big problem there. the military has a 83IQ minimum. that right there eliminates close to half of non whites (minus East Asians of course).
also if you're non white the gibs are just too good to even think about it.
why on earth would a non white want to join the military? gibs are good at home and a lifetime of playing the victim is better than actually having to do something.
any non white with an IQ above 83 can earn more than the military or gibs have to offer just by simply being themselves and not violent.

of course there are women but they're excluded from combat positions, support is an absolute must but at the end of the day somebody has to be the one doing the war fighting.
the military will work with fat asses, nut jobs, and crooks, so don't let anybody tell you that bars someone from service. however the IQ thing is real and they won't bend on that, no retards.

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Do you allow AI cameras to process you?
Where link?
>Where link?
I'm OPs ass next to the spam

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oh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
Hey, cool it with the anti-hinduism pal
but we indian men are GAY!!!!!!
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What a prank

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I feel that God seeded this in humanity as he wanted us to rule.
+5 charisma stat
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Foxes will only become adorable when they finally stop being screeching retards.
i want one so bad it's fucking unreal
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Similar shit genetically. Here is english example.
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A recurring topic in the transvestigation fb groups.
That guy's very gay looking but the son is proof that he's not.
My GF doesn't like it when we talk on cam at night and my irises look dark, Whites have a natural aversion to swarthoids.

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Because their "religion" is simply a cover for the Jews' inherent vileness.
He is Guile from Street Fighter! I am not joking! Guile means deceit and treachery! Guile combs his hair after every match! I am not joking! Revelation 15:8
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Is it hateful simply to notice?
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Wikipedia says 1.1 million.

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Suggested Reading:https://www.biblegateway.com/
Suggested Listening:https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kn9watKIJRM

Isaiah 40:31 - but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

>Manchester Airport boss sorry for 'difficult day' after power-cut chaos and cancellations
>Bulgarian gang member behind UK's biggest benefit fraud that scammed £50million brags British prison was like a 'holiday' where she could get haircuts and manicures
>I’m challenging Angela Rayner for Reform UK – this is why young people like Nigel Farage
>Gambling watchdog widens election betting inquiry
>Labour to add dozens of peers to back its policies and improve gender balance

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hope scroteland get battered again
Lads why is Scotland in the footie being shilled so hard?
Haven't seen the BBC spunk themselves this hard since they decided to make Doctor Who a bame
I have no idea. Too busy reducing a bluecheese sauce desu
Well, that's this thread wasted.
Done it loads

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Humiliation ritual.
Day 913 since 2-day "we'll push Russia back" operation
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The sad part is he has no one to blame but himself.
even if he uses muh nukes he will alwats be the special military operation cuck
This old cuckold has properties all over Europe so he hopes him not retaliating tit for tat means EU will let him keep his illegal properties.

Russia will lose this war and collapse until somone breaks this cuckold's head into two and nukes Ukraine as warning to not fuck around.

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Indian students bagged all the jobs at Tim Horton Job Fair:

hee hee
Goras will be forced to have food made with Indian hands
Improved Immunity for leafs soon
Time to boycott Tim Hortons theyre abusing the pajeet slaves
Don't get the ice coffee, Indians don't know how to make anything other than the regular coffee and even that is mostly bad. Tim Hortons needs to go out of business
The nearest Tim's to me actually closed down it got so bad, never saw a Tim's go out of business before kek. Cucked by Robin's Donuts
oh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!

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It doesn't... its more of a way to keep society from turning to shit and dragging youth into adulthood way too fast.

Young people should be mixing and mingling and fucking and fucking up with people their age. Not having to worry about Jason the 37yo fat IT loser trying to convince a 15yo girl to go out to dinner and be his sex pet instead of hanging out with her friends her age.
>and fucking and fucking
no, they should be waiting until married.
Normal men are attracted to women that can produce healthy babies. Anything else is abnormal.
I know. Kikes are vile.
nah, you'd have to be over 21 and "exploit the victim’s lack of capacity for sexual self-determination", which is pretty much only possible if she's autistic and home-schooled or something like that

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>Trump pardoned a bunch of Jews on his final day in office found guilty for ruining people's lives through scams, and child sexual assault. (And he pardoned a bunch of rappers with crime sheets)
>Pardoned convicted Israeli spy Aveim Sella
>Pardoned Sholom Rubaskin, convicted of employing hundreds of illegal immigrants in a small town in Iowa
> After claiming he'll drain the swamp he added more lobbyist to his cabinet in 4 years than Obama, Bush, and Biden put together.
> Let in more legal and illegal immigrants than Barack Obama while deporting fewer
> banned bump stocks which was a bigger infringement than anything Obama even attempted
>Trump OFFICIALLY supports red flag gun laws, that will take guns from veterans
> Trump is promising to do more for Israel than any president ever
> Trump is pushing anti Jewish hate speech laws in the US
> Trump is saying Israel should be immune from international criminal court
> Melania is Now actively fundraising for LGBTQ now
>Trump said that if Israel and Iran get into a war, the U.S. should get involved. "If they attack Israel, yes, we would be there."
> Trump continues to brag about pushing through the vaccines at record speed for the Jewish pharma companies (while bragging that Biden wouldn't have allowed the vax to be pushed through for years)
> Trump demanded the Republicans not sign the deal to close the border.
> Blackstone chief Steve ((swarzman)) is officially funding trump

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i'm voting trump now
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Post flag
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Trannies hate thread
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good luck
>cream the rabbit
don't mind if i do
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So you need to earn at least $40,769.23 weekly, before a woman is ready to become a mother of your children? Americans, I think it's time to explain yourselves
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Deus ex Machina
Checked and good use of a digit anon <3
According to recent graph 40k is how much average American makes in a year
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yes for the sake of humanity but there are no regulations

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Is being a passport bro worth the hype?
i don't need a passport nigger
i do whatever i want
i go wherever i want
fuck your passports nigger
I gotta say. This is pretty terrific.
if you have alot of free time and money i guess?
most shit is pretty much the same all over the place but in different languages.

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Nah, they're terrorists.
Idk why a Jew would wanna live in Churkastan anyways
>Nah, they're terrorists.
who told you that? the US Department of State?
kek, filthy kike
fiery but mostly peaceful

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Governments are going to start forcing NEETs into 6 day work weeks. (And working 2 hours for free a week)
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A... Are they gonna do that here to?
This is common in Asia.
Greece already had the longest working hours per week in Europe.
Greece is also the poorest cunt in Europe/EU.

They will get poorer. Hep can there be an economy when every cunt is too tired to do anything outside their main job?... Oh right.
>demand for products and services exceeds supply due to labor cost
>raise prices
>demand falls incrementally
>labor supply rises incrementally
>higher prices provide incentive for others to get in the same line of business
new equilibrium reached in accordance with market realities

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How can you be so calm when the person in front of you is killed in a drone attack?

If I were in that situation, I would have run for my life. I don't understand why you walk so slowly.
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jewish nazis are the worst aren't they?
my freedom includes drawing the prophet mohammed :)
>Causes of civilian casualties will usually mirror battlefield losses as the weapons used are the same.
It’s literally referenced in that post, that other anon sourced 80% of war deaths are artillery and my sources show that majority of civilian deaths are artillery. There is your source you illiterate retard.
Ok kike supporter
>Causes of civilian casualties will usually mirror battlefield losses as the weapons used are the same.
Source for this, you 80iq inbred retard.
Historically that’s true faggot

Imagine a racist french woman just wrapping those boots around your fucking back as you build to coom inside her needy twitching fertile womb
>"Dis-moi à quel point tu détestes les nègres!"
she screams her blodne hair falling over her thirsty open mouth panting like an animal as you pound into her the bed board loudly banging off the wall with each thrust
you yell as she claws her blood red 3 inch long red finger nails into your back each dutifully painted with an individual black swastika.
You let lose your flood into her begging valley and bend your face into her warm well fed milky white tits as the over powering aroma of cheese and begets fills your nose.
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No, that’s barely a third of french women
>knew mutts need to think and talk about niggers all the time, but I never thought they need to think about niggers to stay hard and cum. Absolutely buck broken nation
My "mutt" post right above yours
And to be fair, you euro fags haven't had to live within the vicinity of niggers your whole lives. Theyre truly awful, and destroy any possibility of a cohesive nation or culture. I'm sure you all are starting to understand that more year over year though. Well deserved for the majority of Euros who called Americans racists for the last 30 years.
>they’re all secrelty based!
Alright so then why did 67 percent of french women NOT vote for the right?
Thats a man
France has been getting migrants for a long time and they've always been from the same places

But whatever weird cope you have to use to justify your weird fetish

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Do you have bachelor taxes in your country?
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I swear to God I'd kill a lot of people
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"If your government forcefully takes some part of your paycheck, but if you are married it takes less, that's a bachelor tax retart
Why not tax single women instead?
>in this village
so it is just a local innovation? 800 rmb in some shitty rural village is a large amount of money. there is unlikely to be enough single women in that village or nearby to solve it.
i would guess that the local village Party member in charge has a few ugly daughters he wants to marry off
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We're going to need a wall to keep the single Chinese men from flooding in from Canada.

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Arabs are not Israelite at all but are a mixture of Ishmaelites and niggers. Islam and the Quran are an attempt to steal the place of the peoples whom GOD said were HIS children. The Quran appears to pay honour to our LORD JESUS Christ but a closer look shows that in reality the Quran calls our LORD a prophet and prohibits the foundations of faith that lead to contact with GOD, the two foundations being the divinity of our LORD JESUS and the passion of our LORD on the cross as a sacrifice of GOD to absolve all sin. So basically the Quran steals the place of the Holy Bible and then proceeds to abolish faith in JESUS as to secure the usurpation of their clergy of the position of GOD in the eyes of their believers by making sure their believers cannot receive the Holy Ghost seeing that the Quran decrees death to all who believe in the divinity of our LORD JESUS and the passion of our LORD on the cross. And then you have Jews who have a share in Israel but follow the Talmud and ignore the Holy Bible, unless they can twist its verses and commandments to murder Christians and white people who are the tribes of Israel, their brothers, and seeing that Jews pretty much cooked up the Quran since the Quran is Talmudic through and through and is used primarily to persecute Christians, whom Jews hate, it gets kind of obvious to me that most of our modern conflicts are indeed a strife and a struggle and a hatred between Judah and Israel who have both become a multitude of nations and peoples.
based and mudslime pilled
islam, rabbinical judaism and templar christianity are the sworded religions of EDOM
Thanks man. Edom is small chow though. Try researching Nebuchadnezzar and the union between the elite of Judah and that of Babylon. Jews first appear in the Holy Bible in the book of Esther because they pretty much came into being as a nation in Babylon.

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