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Arabs are not Israelite at all but are a mixture of Ishmaelites and niggers. Islam and the Quran are an attempt to steal the place of the peoples whom GOD said were HIS children. The Quran appears to pay honour to our LORD JESUS Christ but a closer look shows that in reality the Quran calls our LORD a prophet and prohibits the foundations of faith that lead to contact with GOD, the two foundations being the divinity of our LORD JESUS and the passion of our LORD on the cross as a sacrifice of GOD to absolve all sin. So basically the Quran steals the place of the Holy Bible and then proceeds to abolish faith in JESUS as to secure the usurpation of their clergy of the position of GOD in the eyes of their believers by making sure their believers cannot receive the Holy Ghost seeing that the Quran decrees death to all who believe in the divinity of our LORD JESUS and the passion of our LORD on the cross. And then you have Jews who have a share in Israel but follow the Talmud and ignore the Holy Bible, unless they can twist its verses and commandments to murder Christians and white people who are the tribes of Israel, their brothers, and seeing that Jews pretty much cooked up the Quran since the Quran is Talmudic through and through and is used primarily to persecute Christians, whom Jews hate, it gets kind of obvious to me that most of our modern conflicts are indeed a strife and a struggle and a hatred between Judah and Israel who have both become a multitude of nations and peoples.

It puts Jews in distress
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Words just don’t matter anymore. Thanks jews
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Thank you!
Read the first sentence "hasbaranic," I am a veteran of the 9/11 coup of America. You say unemployed, we say "never playing this game again." What of the fallen anons since 2015 who will never "work?" Nobody cares about them except us. There was a story this week that public schools are using VR HMDs to have alpha communicate with The Most Important Dead. That's what many of us do here for our dead everyday, we keep their spirits alive until all the lights go out and even then one of us will find a way to post anew. That's why they hate this place. We lived in an oven, many of us are born in it, baking.
Ty anon
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jewish supremacists think they are the master race of all humanity and are trying to establish chinese style authoritarianism in western countries in order to take away our human rights. i do not appreciate.
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oh I will, and I know

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Why are Liberals, Nazis and Jihadis so obsessed with attacking Russia? Could it be because it's God's Kingdom?
that's a big part of it. the even brigger part is their ego. as long as Russia exists they can never convinces themselves fully that they are the best and greatest and specialist people on earth.
>Why are Liberals, Nazis and Jihadis so obsessed with attacking Russia?
you can add neo-cons to the list
it's because they're doing the bidding of their jew masters

why does the jew hate Russia?
short answer is they have an ancestral hatred towards Russia
still miffed over that whole Pale of Settlement deal
Maybe it’s because Russia attacked them?

Pic related, can someone redpill me on these religions? When is this mental illness going to lose popularity in a fashion that allows progress to happen? This old stuff is a ton of dead weight hindering people all over the world.
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Early church of Yahweh made that a package deal. Yahweh is not God. Not from where I'm standing at least.
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>strychnine drinking
you can do that you know? so long as you believe in jesus, you can drink bleach, strychnine and arsenic smoothies for breakfast, atleast according to the jews who wrote the bible. or more specifically, the jews who edited the bible and added that part in later on since its not even found in the original manuscripts but all of christendom still rolls with it anyway because it sounds cool
>you can drink bleach,

Hallelujah Praise Jesus!!!!! All thing are possible in his name AMEN!!!!!!
When they lose power.

>world is full of elegant stone architecture and infrastructure
>most of it is abandoned and in various states of destruction and decay
>hideous monsters and demons patrol and defend the ruins of a past civilization
>entire world is aggressively hostile and full of traps and pitfalls
Were the Dark Souls games (FromSoftware) soft disclosure?
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>even /pol/ is seething about the DLC
What the fuck, how is it filtering so many many
>dodge forward
>dodge forward
>interrupt attack with gun
>light attack
>light attack
>charged heavy into weapon fusion
>dodge back
>use length of 2nd form weapon to avoid frenzy attack while getting hits in
>take damage
>attack back, gaining health back
My only issue with bloodborne is that I wish they had more than 1 visceral animation
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Here's the next souls killer.

>more persecutory delusions
How cute. Who's a cute little inferior nigger subhuman? You are!
I wasn't even talking to you.
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you need a high iq to press a button at the right time t b h
Thrilling souls-like gemralds can be found here

Slow-burn, cerebral, human, divine, not complex (complexity is for midwits), and deeply atmospheric 2-button gems are all over the web :^)

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When did you realize that “trad wife” was bullshit?
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It is very common to hear modern feminists talk about how "marriage just benefits men." However, the moment when one of their boyfriends says that he doesn't want to get married...
>No! We NEED to get married so I can have muh traditional wedding and access to your money!!
If she's not lying like a Jezebel, the husband was wrong to make her find a job
>retarded is / or argument

Presumably even former tradwives eat
The husband was a greedy stupid cunt for demanding his wife get a job.
Women are dumb cunts but so are lots of men.
>muh gold, woman...
>Get out of da kitchen, fucking woman, there's no gold in it.
>get a job, bitch, we need more gold for the stinking kids...
>Take care of muh kids? I hate kids!, muh career is better(proceeds to suck jew cock in front of his broken family to alleviate the stress of being a family man he never wished to be)...
She literally fell in love with a gay HomoMason.
No normal man would tell his wife to get out of the kitchen to get a job.
At the "good side" of things... now he can suck dick and take it right up the ass in the lodge with no worries, he can finally spiritually "transcend" to moloch's realm where he can suck all the jew cocks he wants, like the little shabbos goylem "girl" with a feminine penis like he always wished to be.
While the woman now became a fucking feminist real-estate agent that most likely either neglects or sells her children out so she can suck nigger cocks.
I fucking hate FreeMason trannies and all secret societies with a deep passion in my soul.

Does anyone have a valid reason for people to not support him besides him being gay or Mexican? Let's be real, no one cares about either of those in 2024
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>Ally with BASED Arabs and Turks, goyim!
He was so lazy he flunked out of college while on a diversity scholarship. That’s there source of his rage: He hates everyone who had the discipline to finish their degree. He is jealous of the con inc apparatus grifters because he wanted to be one
do you have the "heh you're using an anonymous account?" one? thank you
He surrounds himself with degenerates and low iq losers. Show me your friends, I’ll show you your future. His movement is irrelevant because nobody with a bachelor’s degree and real career would ever associate with him and his pathetic loser orbit. He’s nearly 30 and still “trolling” events to get kicked out. Stale af
he is a tard wrangler he just wrangles a bunch of right wing tards and contains them

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im starting to think this board is 95% chatbots, ai and glowies.
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I see nothing but totally organic, non-bot posting on /pol/, no idea why you would think otherwise.
You sound a little paranoid, honestly.
Be better.
Shit like this isn't even funny.
Makes sense
Does that include a 5% error margin?
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we should show the ziggers who's the boss in the area
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how ? becoming irradiated glassed sand ?

way too close for nuke radius fml
did they just made sure every part of Europe gets nuked lol

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They are out there living the life, making memories, taking pictures, looking awesome and having a good time. Meanwhile most ugly and average people have retreated inside their digital matrix to cope with their fucked up reality and their inability to enjoy life and be social as an ugly or average person.
incel diary trash
lol, more like good looking people are all attention hoarding on tiktok, demoralization kike
Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]

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>demoralization thread #6,000,000+x
Here you go
I'm good looking and autistic. Socializing drains me and being alone energizes me. I imagine someone who is normal being forced to live the way I do must be hell.
they are good looking because they have the resources and not the other way around.

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>White people are being destroyed
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israel will perish long before we do, you sniveling rat.
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and jews are being poo'd by themself
Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]

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And just for the fear of being called racist
Fucking retards, haha
They are in league with the jews and are just wiping out their competition, which are other whites. You will outlive your usefulness too, and you won't be laughing then.
>We will not forget.
I see. Two more weeks I suppose?

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That kind of life makes anyone a little loopy.
>Mutt pretending to have insight
EVERYONE knows kikes molest their own children, watch rabbis take turns on their children and goyim children.
>coming out as a queer woman

My, how totally unexpected and edgy.

Rip currents can be defeated by relaxing, letting it sweep you out then paddle paralell to the shoreline. You will eventually feel yourself exit the rip current and will be able to swim safely to shore like normal.

Dont fight the rip!

>please dont be racist
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niggers can't swim
that's why all these people down here all have shit that says "roll tide"?
Case in point, Ryan Mallet (former NFL QB) died from one last year. 35 yo.
names sound kinda african..


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Black woman wanted to play slave and master sex game; white beau refused


"The duo were “engaged in a verbal argument over refusal to role play.”

“Ashley stated she wanted to play slave and slaver because she is African American and he is Caucasian,” the Manatee County Sheriff’s office said in a report.

“Kenneth did not wish to partake and became verbally aggressive.”

And as the situation escalated with Kenneth refusing to play slave master, he allegedly “spat in Ashley’s face.”

While he denied getting physical with his playmate, Atkins was still busted for simple battery and taken to the Manatee County Central Jail.

Edwards wasn’t injured and asked cops not to book her beau"

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>Fat black ass and pussy begging for massa's cock
Turns it down.
This is another reason I want to go no contact with your fellow sandniggers, anything can be used to play the victim or provoke a situation where you can do it.
My mentor, a cop of 20 years and an honorable man, got a 32 year sentence for whooping his son with a belt.
A mexican I worked with cane into this country as a drug mule, got 3 years for murder, was granted citizenship, and has 6 spic kids in a big ranch house.
This country has no justice and judgements are draconian against Whites.
Thanks, jews.
Dude should have just reenacted that scene from Roots and be done with it.
You fucking kikes and your trash. You filthy subhuman fucks. I hope whenever you kike rats kick off WW3 full swing instead of white men being drafted to fight your kike wars they slaughter every last one of you wherever you reside indsicriminately and become 10x what you claimed Hitler to be.

Filth. Absolute fucking filth.

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Hunter Biden here. As you may know my coke dealer in the Ukraine was hit by a Russian drone and I am in desperate need of some coke. I need 4 suitcases of coke and will pay 45000 dollars. Please come by the Oval Office and Pops will cut you a check from this ten percent fund. Also has anyone seen Zelensky he gave me monkey pox and I passed it on to dad in a wild sex romp in the caves beneath the White House. Pops is in a bad way and is on so, so many drugs. H.
Can I suck your cock?
how's Ashlie doing
got any pics?
you're a crackhead and TRUMP will win the 2024 election

also all the U.S politicians do cocaine and don't need a fucking dealer.
thats nowhere near enough

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president getting killed live on tv, read the room kiddo
It wasn't live on TV
coup d'etat of '63
the ultimate humiliation ritual
I dunno, is it the car?
Looks kinda cool.

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lets goo
>Fuck Timmy's Gon do?!
Post Krispy Kreme for a real nigga coffee and donut store
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>dead Russian cops
>burnt down Synagogue
>burnt down Orthodox Church
Everyone won today
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Fucking idiot isis is a mossad cia operation
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Burn in hell
Russians/pro-russian supporters killed on the beach i hope and day is 11/10.
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Can you Kyyyiiiiiev tho ?
2 more years!

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ITT: post computer games that are redpilled on the Jews
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World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
WoW is turbo goyslop
Mods, ban this spambot's IP
Suck my dick asshole.

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How are they doing this?
middleman class hiding money there to avoid taxes
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Interesting how China is faring.
website ?
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Chinks really are geniuses.

look at their flag

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