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>White people are being destroyed
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Semites on all sides are garbage
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i dont
And they're not doing shit but take it because they're the biggest fucking cowards to ever live.
violence is coded deep within our dna, but that isn’t something I would expect a shitskin to understand. you can barely wrap your “mind” around past and future tense.

If we kill all the traitors we won't have enough Whites to repel the orc invasions from the 3rd world. These are the facts.

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I have no idea but I'm sure where it leads, if we trace the problem back enough
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>boomer flight will safe us
anon, im not trying to be rude but i dont think that is sufficient to counter sovereign wealth fund lobbyist groups who will buy local politicians and protect foreign governments ability to completely deplete local aquifers to maintain their own populations food security.

your state is fucked.
america is going to be balkanized based off water and arable land in the next 10-20 years as global population rises

food isnt just becoming more expensive because of inflation
Fuck ohio
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I don’t think the FDIC will insure your account in the case of the inevitable bank collapse and bail out.
As many of you know the fractional reserve requirement was reduced to 0% during covid:
Which means they have no money on hand.
The FDIC has been telling some banks their plans for bankruptcy aren’t sufficient:
There has also been unexplained closures and wiping of bank accounts:
Due to “abuses”.
And guess what? FDIC doesn’t cover losses from cyber crime:
And you know what one of the “biggest threat” to our banking system apparently is? Cyber crime from foreign actors:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thanks, man.
Any tips on not getting scammed or just general advice?
do research on the place before doing business with them, check for reviews and such

pay in person pay in cash
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Coin shops are generally reliable as their reputation is at stake. Wouldn't hurt to acquire a scale and some dial calipers either to self verify either.
china shill

thousands died in china flooding last week

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Let's have a wagie thread.
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Typical pr*testant Germancuck; a willing and happy wageslave.
Catholics were only allowed to labor half the year due to holidays and Sundays. After the harvest there were months of not working.
Outside of planting and harvesting, farming is not much work (especially then when you didn't have to irrigate or spray fertilizers and pesticides while the crop was crowing).
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Based. Sounds fun.
Kek, wagie seething is so obvious.
mad men is the most Jew stroking show in history. no wonder it got such critical acclaim. watch how the script makes the white character into the bully every single time a Jewish character is involved in a sub plot. especially if the white character is explicitly Christian of some kind. to be fair it is worth watching. but the Jew shit got on my nerves
wageslaves are subhumans
how do wagies cope on sunday? for me its a bottle of bottom shelf liquor

Was Michael Jackson a pedophile? My gut says yes but I have never really looked into it. Did Mj actually have a book with naked boy photos ( supposedly ‘’’’’’art’’’’’’ ) in it, that he showed one of the children?? Was the recent documentary accurate? MJ was a massive phenomenon, and knowing whether or not he was a pedo is one of the puzzle pieces to the greater questions so in a way, it is political, especially with the recent news about Diddy, Drake, Lil Wayne and birdman etc.. Knowing the truth will also have a slight affect on the black psyche as a collective and on the psyche anyone entering into the music industry. I think many of the “conspiracies” we discuss here are tied heavily into the corruption of that industry.

If Mj was a pedo, was it because his abusive upbringing? Whatever the reason was no excuse, but what was the cause of it? I think he would have come out as trans if he was alive today.

Any pedo deserves much worse than death. If that’s all you want to contribute is a murmur of agreement to this, I think those children will appreciate it.
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when I was a kid, sometimes when there was no heat we all slept in the same bed to keep each other warm. nothing sexual about it, faggot. back in the day, that was common, before electricity became a big deal.

yeah MJ could afford heat, but the point remains.
Oh no, I have to say it again.
Absolutely NOTHING wrong in having consensual sex with willing 12/13 years old gay or bi curious boy.
He was castrated by his abusive father in order to keep hitting the high notes. There’s a recording somewhere of the last castratto singer and it sounds unique the way Michael Jackson did. He seemed to have been mentally arrested at a young age due to trauma, and it’s possible he did inappropriate things with the kids but I doubt he was a full blown pedo. His death was faked and he later gave a bizarre interview on Larry king as “Dave Dave”, where he explains a bit of his fathers abuse. A sad and strange character.
>Was Michael Jackson a pedophile?
Likely. Normal adults don’t act the way he did around children. He was also an early adopter of multiculturalism and globalist ideologies that was a common display in his productions.
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I’ll preface this first with an admission. I’m not a huge MJ fan. I like some of his songs but I’ve never been super impressed by the musicianship BUT he is an apex entertainer and much better than anything that’s come out aince his death. The songs were catchy and he could put on a show for sure but as a musician I tend to enjoy instrumentals and technicality more than the entertainment factor.

That being said I see two distinct possiblities.

1. It was a smear campaign for his comments about jews in the entertainment industry.

2. He was set-up/blackmailed and was technically a non-repeat offender. I would point to a acts like KISS or Van Halen or alot of those 80’s bands were notorious for hooking up with jail bait because of easy access to young peoe at shows. It’s likely that MJ was set up by the kikes and he took the bait. Keep in mind here too that the charges were related to homosexual pedohilia. They were not like the afformentioned acts who were examples of heterosexual pedophilia. Homosexual pedophila, especially in the late 80’s and early 90’s, was a double whammy of illegality and tabloid visability. It guarenteed the case would stay in the headlines for years which it has. If my thekry is correct and he was tricked into it that means that it was 1. Done for maximum media impact so as to make an example and 2. MJ was at least, latently, homosexual and there for an easy target.

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Governments are going to start forcing NEETs into 6 day work weeks. (And working 2 hours for free a week)
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or commit murder and get free housing, food and healthcare. hmmm
n.p., i really butchered my first post desu
Business owners don't think that way, clearly.
They want all of the business and simultaneously to have zero labor costs. In the mind of a business owner, they are owed free labor. They will sell their own mother to get it.
i used to work 70 hour weeks at a steel yard but i also made 38 bucks an hour with double overtime
isnt greece mostly tourism centered? imagine being forced to work 60 hours a s a conceirge and your pay is like 3EU an hour lmao
do they want even lower birthrates?

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How come women born in the 80'-early 90's still wanted a boyfriend / husband, kids, a nice house, a decent career with a good salary but women born after 95 seems to want a hot guy but with no real end in mind, openly say they want no kids, non stop traveling, don't even make much more than minimum wage
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women who don't want kids are probably not good mothers anyway.

That's a jewess and so are you

No of course, that's why I support abortion
Imagine being the son of a wine mom who hates men, that's a path to become a tranny
An old talking point but that I found to be mostly accurate is single motherhood.
Most girls that were raised by their social media addicted 47 year old single mom are unstable as fuck
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That's incredibly crass. How scummy to behave that way in public.

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>all fascist
You have no idea how badly I wish that were true
Some of these faggots that were involved are still around. They should give them the same treatment they give 95 year old Germans that were drafted in WW2. Fucking traitors.
Americans are especially sensitive to visual reminders of events where things did not go their way.
(((They))) killed the president on live TV in front of everyone and got away with it
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I just want to live somewhere beautiful and White. Is that too much to ask?
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>no hay oxxos, bodega aurrera , tianguis o niñas de secundaria en uniforme como putitas
hard pass, enjoy your solitude and depressed way of living
Come to northern Wyoming.
Anything east of Gillette.
There are jobs, great healthcare, you can mention the JQ in bars without being kicked out.
The Boomers are dying and their replacements are pissed off Millennials irritated about the state of the currency since '08.
The jews are leaving in droves claiming we're antisemitic.
There is a meth and alcohol problem with the degenerates but they largely keep to themselves.
We're 95% white, mostly Italian, German, and Russian decent.
The "Natives" stay in their reservations and know better than to come to town and start shit. They'll be buried in "their" land without a headstone if they act like niggers.
Come home, white man.
You had it in America and Europe and you total fucking cowards let it all get taken from you. Fight for what's yours or shut the fuck up.
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lol. lmao
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Now they claim they "Stand for Peace" while Ukrainians are being forcefully drafted.
Of course comments are turned off, just like democratic elections to change Jewlensky.

When people will stand up to their lies and cynicism ?
Why when Jewlensky speaks he is trying to look so tough ?
He dodged draft 3 times, he even made jokes about this in his comedy and now
he is pretending to be some sort of soldier who will never give up while in reality
he never was in the army and he is kidnapping people from the streets.


thread theme:
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Nafo troons are globalist cucks. Hows enlistment going?
On the bright side of things, when full war breaks out all the NATO trannies that are shitting on our threads will go to war and die a horrible death, and then conversations will be more pleasant on /pol/.
Remember all the vaxxies that were telling us how we will 'obey the vax mandates and have no choice'. Notice how they haven't been around anymore. It's because they're all dead from the vaxx.
This reminds me, I'm pretty sure vaxxing is mandatory in the military so if russian shells don't kill NATO cucks, turbo cancers will!
it was 3000 according to the UN, lying faggot
Fuck russia kill them all

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Boomers are so lucky man
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shit it's a fucking badge of honor to be called white today. imagine being proud of being a nigger

yeah no, call me an uncle tom whitey all fucking day if it means I'm not a god damned cursed nigger.
Nigga doesn't know what a refi is
>Should I have him pay..
>Should I continue to let him...

Not healthy speech. This kid is an absolute cunt counting his parent's belongings as his own and willing to put more financial strain on them for his benefit.

Absolutely fucking horrifying.
Only $110 a month payment. No shit it’s going to take so long.
You're welcome.

Why can't supervillians ever be like good looking chads instead of dweebs like this?
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To keep normies having hope that they're better than these people by making them act and carry themselves as "nerds". Imagine if Bill Gates looked like Brad Pitt normies would commit suicide in droves.
Bill gates is a literal kike with a underground bunker
And windows likes using you more and more with each update.
>t. gayer than cum on a moustache
Does porn addiction really cause prostate cancer?

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Dad of Autistic son mocks him, while he's sitting there. Is this what more dads should do?


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If BRICS wants to deal a crippling blow, they should retaliate by sanctioning Israel. I imagine a huge portion of the Israeli economy is with BRICS. The reaction by the world order would be cataclysmic. The Jews scream bloody murder from students chanting BDS, imagine the largest world economy (China) refusing to business with Israel. Just think of the possibilities, and it could possibly lead to the falling of the western world order.
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to the oven with u
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India is going to be a problem.
Believe it or not, but Israel isn't a significantly large enough economy in the world to have much of an effect on world trade. There's cities in China that have a larger population than Israel, just one city. I'm not sure how you think any other economy than Israel's would be destroyed.
Jews don’t care if Israel goes down. They control America and the West with international finance, and that’s what matters
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Israel is the nuts of the world order, and the most weak point. I'm saying deliver a blow straight to their nuts.

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Just 68 days untill /pol/ meets up in San Francisco.

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I agree....if a white dude converts to islam and still hates niggers and kikes I will respect his faith.

Putin also reminds me of mr. lahey from sunnyvale.

Also all fields for this pointless slide thread
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>implying muslims are the source of your problems
Mykola, Cucknada is a great example of what globohomo means, you should have realised that by now.
Islam is the most holy religion on Earth. It's sacred and the Quran (the holiest book of all) should be sacred for all.

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Humiliation ritual.
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even if he uses muh nukes he will alwats be the special military operation cuck
This old cuckold has properties all over Europe so he hopes him not retaliating tit for tat means EU will let him keep his illegal properties.

Russia will lose this war and collapse until somone breaks this cuckold's head into two and nukes Ukraine as warning to not fuck around.
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The clock is ticking.
A nuke would turn even his last trade partners against him, besides maybe NK and Iran which are irrelevant
If Ukrainians wanted their own comeback they’d get it from your moms chin

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Self Sufficiency and Prepping General. Ask questions, show off your pres, and discuss the general state of the shit show everywhere you go.

>gardening and animal husbandry as always
>diy skills and crafts like soap making, rain barrels, general questions about how to do something
>weapons and firearms for hunting and defensive purposes
>other general outdoorsmanship

Last thread >>471784839

Recent topics of discussion:
>Idaho Department of Water Resources cutting off water to farmers, no drought to report of, and news the East Palestine explosion poisoned 16 states
>Russian subs off East Coast
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you can can it, its super easy
>Don’t get too stuck on permaculture. Do what works instead. Earn money. Be humble. You can do it.
wow i like you. gardening is a poor mans hobby, you would be amazed what you can grow without spending thousands of dollars. every year /pol/ tells me how bad my soil sucks and how i need to buy a few truck loads of compost. today at about 7' my tomato plants bent the whole tomato cage over again.
Important thread. God helps those who help themselves.
>future of low effort lifestyles.
>low effort
kek, you sound like my neighbor, his stupid food forest doesn't produce shit. he thinks he needs more wood chips like back to eden.
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made a gallon of blackberry wine yesterday.

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I'm at the point where I don't even care if society is racist towards Black people or not because they honestly deserve it. They're only 12% of the population yet they've terrorized the entire nation. Entire cities have become uninhabitable because they're so violent you can't live around them. Honestly though, the crime and violence is only half the reason they deserve to receive racist sentiment. The other big reason is that I just cannot fucking stand all their whining anymore. Whining about being arrested more often even though they deserve it because they commit so much crime, whining about how people don't like them when the reason people don't like them is because they are violent, vulgar, degenerate, and refuse to take responsibility for the way their community behaves.

Nearly all of them have racial grievances against White people for things that happened a whole fucking lifetime ago at this point. You can't live in neighborhoods where there are too many of them because it inevitably turns into a shithole. And there is literally nowhere on Earth that this isn't the case. I can't think of one single majority Black place in the world that is desirable to live in... Not one!

Niggers and White people should not have to live around one another. We are not compatible with each other and forcing Blacks and Whites to live together (unless the Black people are in very small numbers like 5% or less) is a recipe for disaster.

The left keeps whining about racism racism racism! And then the right says "we're not racist!" But nobody seems to ask the question... Do Blacks simply deserve to receive racist sentiment? I am starting to feel like they do. Until they stop whining about racism and take accountability for the fact that their community's behavior is why people don't like them and that they need to fix their community's behavior... I think they deserve the racism their community creates towards them.
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If we could just openly talk about inherent differences between racial groups, then I would have pity for them. In this backwards world of total forced equality, then there is little choice but to despise them
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>They're only 12% of the population
My ancestors bought Sub-Saharan African slaves because that is what they had to sell. Chattel slavery has been endemic to that part of the world for millenia. Colonialism was about trade. We traded what they were selling. Blaming the West for slavery is ridiculous. Northern Africans became so obsessed with slavery that they kept raiding Europe for slaves. Multiple wars were fought to end the practice. That continent is the one that is obsessed with slavery.
I'm not talking about the world you dumbass.
I would have pity for them if there was no affirmative action and we were allowed to live in separate areas instead of being forced to mix together.

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