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Previous: >>471959730

▶Day: 0

>Pro-Iran militias in Iraq prepare to mobilize thousands of fighters to south Lebanon if war erupts
>Israeli Defense Minister heads to US to discuss potential war vs Hezbollah
>DoD has shared an intelligent assessment with the Biden administration that has Israel launching a ground operation in Southern Lebanon the middle of next month
>Israel has massed a large quantity of men and equipment at border with Lebanon
>US pledges military support to Israel in case of large war with Hezbollah,
>Iran and Taliban discuss joint action against Israel if it invades Lebanon
>Canadian military is drawing up plans to evacuate 45,000 people from Lebanon should a full-scale war break out between Israel and Hezbollah
>Two US carriers are en route to eastern Mediterranean
>Israeli officials believe Hezbollah may launch major attack on Israel to preempt large IDF assault
>Israeli Foreign Minister says "Israel cannot allow the Hezbollah to continue attacking its territory and citizens, and soon will make the necessary decisions"

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>Who invade Germany AND Russia? :-/

I meant if the Jewish settlers invading Palestine was wrong, then the Jewish invading Germany, Russia, Poland, etc. was also wrong. So when activists say "go back to Poland" all it does is make them seem whiney and bitter. Because then they are contradicting themself and saying "invasion isn't inherently immoral, I just don't like it when it's done to the poor brown people."

We need to switch to an attitude of strength and nationalism not grievance and resentment. The Syrian Social Nationalist Party was a great example. The minds of the West have been cucked and the minds of the East have been niggered. Get them to see themselves as the White Majority and the Israeli Jews are the invasive minority that doesn't belong. They try to frame it as Jews being the White and the Palestinians being the oppressed minority. It backfires and the Js know it.
>bulldozer pushing around corpses in a death camp.jpg
Nah, let's go for something more...current. Tick-tock...

>the Jewish invading Germany, Russia, Poland, etc. was also wrong
They DID? :::---///

>We need to switch to an attitude of strength and nationalism not grievance and resentment. The Syrian Social Nationalist Party was a great example. The minds of the West have been cucked and the minds of the East have been niggered. Get them to see themselves as the White Majority and the Israeli Jews are the invasive minority that doesn't belong. They try to frame it as Jews being the White and the Palestinians being the oppressed minority. It backfires and the Js know it.
those are worthless muzzies
you are helping the lebanese by killing those "people"
Macedonia calls on its citizens to leave Lebanon


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It's probably some fake shit a tranny came up with. If Trump wins he'll just suck jew cock while niggers burn down the entire country again for 4 years.
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Of course it is. Faggot wants more immigrants and more support for Israel.

They'll probably install him just so they can hopefully rally support from White americans to fight their stupid kike wars resulting in more dead whites.

Trump is a shabbos goy. A tool of the jew. Nothing more and nothing less.
>we want to destroy the tax collection agencies
>we also want to use the federal police funded by taxes to enforce social policies
what did they mean by this?
You see trannies complaining and immediately assume it’s a lefty conspiracy.
It’s literally a step-by-step playbook on how to extinguish the deep state.
You've made several threads about it today, you must be terrified OP.

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who is behind the rise of antisemitism /pol/?
hard mode: don't blame the jews
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It's the shadow people

S tier bait
>indigenous right issue
Based, they support sending back all the niggers and sandniggers back to their shithole then.
There behavior has obviously got much worse. Jews went from pushing homosexuality to pushing homosexuality and transsexuality. They’ve turned the dial up to 11 on every single one of their demonic subversive behaviors.

Pic related, can someone redpill me on these religions? When is this mental illness going to lose popularity in a fashion that allows progress to happen? This old stuff is a ton of dead weight hindering people all over the world.
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Hear hear.
this cope is unreal
torah myth is false, you are an imbecile
As the anon who mentioned samaritans in this thread, the jews are next to dwindle out. May not be in our lifetimes but its going to happen, its all just evolutionary cycles. Their numbers are decreasing like Christians, but they have the smallest total population of the three. Its why they are so desperate about Israel as they know they will not exist in another 1000 years. Christians will fade the same way after jews are gone. Islam on the other hand is the fastest growing religion and is atleast 600years younger, so if you were to assume all parts equal then they should out live christianity by the same time. Either way they are entering a islamic golden era, like that jews and christians have experienced in the past. Theyll most likely be the dominate religion in a 100-200years in the world.
Abrhaam: Animal sacrifice, cowardice, human sacrifice, fanaticism, genital mutilation, infant genital mutilation
Therefore, having laws that let them in, are akin to inviting cannibals to a barbeque.
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what happened to that technology?

*saves Ukraine*
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The Misanthropic Division is better in terms of policy. Though, the Azov brigade are filled with many based people as well. And they are effective.
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yeah they make great moves its just like marvel
i just wonder where international legion dissapeared, how come noone signs up anymore for nafolegionbadassnazidivisioncorpsTM huh
whoops, here
>And, hungary and serbia can easily be taken off the list if they repent and start being allies
I meant to say slovakia, not serbia. You are already practically off the list. And now you can get new, fresh ammo to replenish your stores.
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They put in work
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so it seems, so it seems

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if he picks anyone besides Tulsi I'm staying home on November 5th.
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Again, do I need to point out the obvious here?
>No liberal
I am not a liberal. You are a guy who asked for a source about something said, was given it, didn't even read it and did the old liberal source whine even though the article sourced where the info came from which wasn't Joy Reid and now are saying it doesn't matter because it's 6 years old. You went from simply asking for a source you probably thought wasn't real to doing typical liberal tricks to act like it's not real.

So yes, please change parties or whatever and join the zombie close minded liberals since you talk and act just like them retard. Sorry your guy is yet another financial opportunist snake like Tulsi, like Ben Shapiro and like many others who shit on Trump and changed sides when it was financially convenient you dumb low IQ fuck liberal.
She's a hindu, and Islandnigger, and a grifter.
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damn. I didn't know that.
>Islandnigger, and a grifter
I remember when the fires happened that the Hawaiians got all "death to mainlanders" who didn't cancel their vacation.
Her campaign website from 2020 doesn't exist but she essentially believed in everything Democrats believe in. She was anti gun to the point where the NRA gave her a F- rating but since she jumped teams for money now she is pro gun. Called Trump and Trump supporters racist during the last election.

She is a career politcian who can't make money on the left since it's so bloated with corruption that she jumped to the right now to try her luck.

Islamists are killing orcs in Dagestan. Fucking based.

I want to see Monke blame Ukraine for this one.

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>white man shoots up white people
What causes this?
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The only people allowed to promote violence are feds and they aren't going to promote righteous violence against the perpetrators destroying this country.
Violence is almost always inside one's race, except dealing with the North American Pavement Ape that violates everything and everyone with impunity.
Niggers murder more white people than white people ever could. https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2024/06/06/three-year-old-stabbed-death-ohio-grocery-store-parking-lot/
whoops there was too many nigger shootings so (((they))) had to toss in a white one
White fragility, but mostly, mental illness. Hopeless men are a product of stagnant capitalism.

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Why do jewish IDF women look like fat gypsy lesbians ?
Let's talk about Romanian women, OP.

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>DALLAS (AP) — American Airlines put an unspecified number of employees on leave for their involvement in an incident in which several Black passengers were removed from a flight in Phoenix, allegedly over a complaint about body odor.

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> subway esk
Black people smell, everyone knows it. That's the story.
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It will probably be revealed one of them brandished a knife or threatened to rape a child, and then this story will be memory holed. And you will be seen as crazy if you attempt to ask about it ever again.

Tale as old as time.
I worked for Piedmont (a subsidiary of American Airlines) for years. There have been policy on the books for decades about minimum hygiene required to fly, and we were always told we need to be sensitive to passengers about the matter but to remember that passengers who don't meet hygiene requirements are making everybody else uncomfortable. I remember there was one time we had a homeless guy flying and several people complained, so we had to pull him off. He actually took it pretty well, so we rebooked him for another flight and gave him one of our RON kits and a shaving kit so he could clean himself up before his next flight. The difference is that I bet all these niggers came in reeking of weed and BO and when the FA told the gate agent to remove them, they instantly sprang into chimping out.

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AMERICANS!!! This is daddy white panther!!!

So this is how it begins... the end of the world...

I tried to warn you anons.


Get into a mental hospital now if you want to avoid the draft.

If you don't want to die for wall street, get to a mental hospital to avoid military service.

Russian bros. I am deeply wounded and I am with you.

But I swore to you. You will not die here. And I promise, immortality awaits all of the righteous.

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Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother,
and my sisters, and my brothers.
Lo, there do I see the line of my people,
Back to the beginning!

Lo, they do call to me.
They bid me take my place among them,
In the halls of Valhalla!
Where the brave may live forever!

Shallah elwa elel elahki elohi eluha
Aisha kha elo sa abbath e kai e ki elu he.

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>pic related
What do you see?...
A knight...

Russia is the Knight.

Ukraine started the war.
Gold and Silver of blood of muscle and armour.


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cucked countries thread
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japs can't hold liquor nor handle spice. They are the little kids of Asia.
Russia still sucks up to islam afger being buttraped twice by it recently.
Drinking canned beer is about as low as you can go in life.
Are you 15 or something?
It's not fake beer, it's malt liquor made from rice instead of wheat.

>Russians on a beach get blown up by Ukrainian ATACMS
>ISIS-K terror attack kills Russian cops, a priest and burns down a church and jew temple.
>on the same day at the same time
>This will surely bring about Ukrainian victory
more slide thread /k/opium
supporting terrorists makes us the good guys btw
Seems like someone is hellbent on starting WWIII between the US and Russia. The US benefited greatly from being one of the only countries not ravaged from WWII. It wouldn't surprise me if China or Israel instigated a war between the US and Russia for their benefit.

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Press F
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>foreign governments buying up millions of acres and pumping billions of gallons to farm for their own countries
>local farmers bankrupt and wells dry
>border crisis
>election fraud
>cartels own the cities
are you kidding?
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>Cartels own the cities

Tons of conservatives from Florida, Texas, and Utah have been moving into the Phoenix suburbs and making AZ more conservative and thus more based.

The GOP will have full control of Arizona in a few years at the maximum.
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I have no idea but I'm sure where it leads, if we trace the problem back enough
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>boomer flight will safe us
anon, im not trying to be rude but i dont think that is sufficient to counter sovereign wealth fund lobbyist groups who will buy local politicians and protect foreign governments ability to completely deplete local aquifers to maintain their own populations food security.

your state is fucked.
america is going to be balkanized based off water and arable land in the next 10-20 years as global population rises

food isnt just becoming more expensive because of inflation

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They are NOT jews, and jews wanted to exterminate them just like all other Canaanite neighbours. Look what countries are now Phoenicia/Amurru and Philistines. The history just keep repeating itself.
Я тaк paд, чтo пoкинyл этy дepьмoвyю дыpy, кoтopoй являeтcя Poccия.

For its new report, the Claims Conference said it defined Holocaust survivors “based on agreements with the German government in assessing eligibility for compensation programs.”

For Germany, that definition includes all Jews who lived in the country from Jan. 30, 1933, when Hitler came to power, to May 1945, when Germany surrendered unconditionally in World War II.

The group handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis and negotiates compensation with Germany’s finance ministry every year. In June, the Claims Conference said that Germany has agreed to extend another $1.4 billion, (1.29 billion euros), overall for Holocaust survivors around the globe for 2024.

Since 1952, the German taxpayer has paid more than $900 billion to individuals for suffering and losses resulting from persecution by the Nazis.
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not even that many people died in the actual "holocaust"
Whole lotta survivors for a genocide, am I missing something here?
Lesson: Do not lose two world wars in a row.
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Israel and the jewish people are actually allies of the west, even though the west committed countless atrocities. We should be thankful and humbled by jewish morale.
250k people still haven't paid taxes...

tell those assholes to pay their fucking taxes

Beach in Oslo
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Where are all the niggers
I'll check my 90% white town and see if I can find one
based roll
>Why are only men hitting on me?
Stop spamming this bullshit, faggot. Reported for spam. Sage.

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How come women born in the 80'-early 90's still wanted a boyfriend / husband, kids, a nice house, a decent career with a good salary but women born after 95 seems to want a hot guy but with no real end in mind, openly say they want no kids, non stop traveling, don't even make much more than minimum wage
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Blue Collar men get btfo in the "new system" even if they make more money than the shitty local lawyer the status of "manual jobs" is not high for women
These guys also tend to be more "manly" which and use social media less or have a lesser need to show off, which is unironically a bad thing in the social media age
>and dosnt know how to fuck
That's american level of cuckery ...
What would he respond if you told him "Mind if I teach her new tricks for you, bro?"
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fpbp this hawk tuah girl hard made me redouble my efforts get the fuck out
I ain't shaming a gal for knowing how to please her man
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What people don't get is that having children is nice but ALSO having children is complete fucking aids. If you think about the concept of raising kids logically, its a fully retarded concept / idea. You have to take care of what is effectively a crippled and helpless human that is going to non-stop shit itself until a certain age. Then its going to non-stop scream until a certain age. Having kids isn't bad but having kids is for sure a retarded idea but a necessary one. Its complete aids but its one of those things like "Yeah its bad but we have to do it." which sucks. I hate kids but nonetheless, I think I'd want to have one someday and I am a guy.

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im in chronic pain yet forced to work this is hell maybe one day ill be disabled enough to be free from work atleast
fuck this shit world
I got used to it thanks to dissociation, but I got mobbed all the time by big nosed apes every time I tried to work.

I'm fucked now (thanks to all the jewish voodoo andI doubt those subhumans well ever really de-escalate the gangstalking) but that's my problem and asking for any help (such as what to do or how to avoid becoming homeless in the future) never worked well.

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