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Insaneway Edition

Previous Thread: >>92971465 (Dead)
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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>does STP even count

Yes, those Borg are firstly from a different universe operating as far as anybody knows on Q rules rather than a directly branched "real" timeline - like the anti-time future of All Good Things nothing about it is necessarily any more real than the Robin Hood world or the Trial room or the white space in "Tapestry".

Secondly those Borg represent a branch of the Borg, like Hugh (species I think still unknown, though he seemed largely human) and Lore's faction, like the Cooperative, like General Korok, like Seven's micro-collective, like the Borg Children's Collective and ultimately within PIC itself like Seven's Cube which are operational Borg, but not under the control of the Queen or particularly under the control of the Collective, or even under the control of their own micro-collectives. Hugh and Lore (and Data, briefly joined to the Collective), Seven, Korok (I refuse to believe Korok's Sphere was being operated entirely in normal starship fashion and everyone aboard was behaving in a non-Borg way to do so), the Borg Children and so on were not (as far as we know) Species 125. Agnes is therefore far from the first non-125 Queen even if the first Queen arose after assimilation of Species 125.

What's interesting is that likely by random writer's chance, Ferengi, Talaxians and Arturis' species are all early assimilations, and all have interesting brains/bodies. Talaxians make excellent workers because they're physically robust; Ferengi have four-lobed brains with apparently acute peripheral nerves and very good calculation skills. Arturis' species are only 9 species before 125. All three are spread across the galaxy, though for Talaxians we might assume they were out in deep space, as that seems to be something they were always comfortable doing (or perhaps they got sucked into Vaudwaar underspace). All were first assimilated/encountered prior to the late 2100s, when 262/263 were assimilated for omega knowledge.
>especially when a small exploration vessel with limited resources and no backup, it
Oh look it is the "le Voyager is a small and running out of resources small exploration vessel" argument.

The show never was like this all I see is people crying that it should be this and blaming the show for not being it.

I do not have a problem with this since replicators exist and it be logical they can replicate all for their parts. I know Star Trek is self contradictory on this subject like on all other subjects.

HOWEVER this argument is not about the logistics of a federation ship it is about the borg.

>unless you think VOY has "improved" the Borg
IT has IMPROVED the borg because on TNG you can literally end the entire collective by talking to one drone about individualism.

IT has IMPROVED the borg because on TNG you can literally teleport inside a cube no problem and start grabbing drones. This makes teleportation a torpedo a brilliant move.

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BZZzzz TNG crap that was inherited and no one retconed this crap. The idea of creating a special drone to exists to communicate and has a special name like locutus and not 8 of 12 is TNG borg stupidity.

>Humanity is pretty much her big obsession
Invalid by reality and implications in VOY (see VOY improved the borg).

From a realistic respective you can literally not draw conclusions from
>Oh my god 1 borg cube! They are obsessed with us!

Since you have no idea what all the ongoing projects of the borg are.
And VOY implied that the borg are far more interested in conquering fuidic space then the federation. You can even say that the borg only throw 1 cube once in a blue moon to try to assimilate this insignificant federation and do not give a shit after that if the cube almost succeeded. They are going to use their resources elsewhere like their mega projects and conquering fluidic space or wars with other big civilizations.

This is how VOY improved the borg.
What is the explanation for the borg only sending 1 cube and not more or 2 in TNG? Literally nothing

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OK we will now play a interesting game.
The game is named:
>(YOU) will defend TNG borg as better then VOY borg
If you evade this like you did in this entire debate you automatically lose.

Because you literally never defended the retardation that is TNG borg. Yes VOY Borg are not perfect and have their problems.

However VOY improved the borg from the shit show that was TNG writing.

You will defend TNG saying that the collective was 100% destroyed by some federation guys talking to one drone about friendship and this spreading like a virus to all borg cubes and ending the collective.

You will defend a borg cube getting hacked to death because every drone has admin privileges on TNG.

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>I don't think we'll ever get an answer to why, but for what it's worth the Queen is special. I mean her species. It's not Species 1. She's not even in the first hundred species. She's Species 125.
This is very interesting however I always disliked how the borg assimilate species. And the writing often self contradicts itself in later episodes.

> It's not Species 1. She's not even in the first hundred species. She's Species 125.
If I was you I would not take this seriously since star trek can simply self contradicts itself later.

Personally if I was a writer on Star Trek I make the borg not have a Queen only a hive mind.
If a queen was needed I literally make her a manifestation of the collective.

Basically every cube can generate (read replicate from nothing) a new queen who is the face of the cube. Killing the body means nothing since her brain is split across the cube in multiple RAID 6 arrays (this goes back to my idea of making something like a 40K nid nobility on a cube). Yes if you hit special spots and this is 30% of the cube you destroy her brain however this a extreme scenario. If the body is destroyed the mind of the cube will generate a new body from a replicator.

Also the rest of the borg are not assimilated they are replicated on the go. This lets the collective manufacture shit loads of cubes complete with crew in no time.

If assimilation is to be used I say that it be like 40K nid assimilation where they sample the DNA and the mind of the individual in these ways:

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>I've lost my phylactery
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>he fell for Hollywood's lies
>Sounds like it’s just a reversion to form to me.
How do you figure? Liches aren't vampires.
That's nonsensical.
Third edition had Unearthed Arcana extra options for specialists such as necromancers getting an undead minion instead of a familiar, but D&D has always been rough on wizards if the DM bothered to track components, enforce spellbook limits, and so on (compare the newer concentration bullshit in 5e to how it used to work). Pathfinder 1e was better about prohibited schools by simply applying penalties to the school spells.
Sounds like a lot of effort and expended memorized spells when a Transmuter can bang a chick without casting any spells at all.

“Yeah but the lich can spend three or four spells to do something he used to just be able to do” is not the hard counter you think it is.

Because as was just described the original lich requires blood and guts and stuff for its spells. 3e did away with that; 5e brought back the intent of the idea (lichdom is not just wizard+, there are notable downsides) but kept it distinct from vampires by tying its existence into consumed souls instead of blood.

So, sounds like a return to form to me.

No, wizards having unlimited access to spells with no downsides is what’s nonsensical. Power should have a price, and blocking access to some spell schools is a good price. After all, there are only so many waking hours in the day. For the same reason why you probably can’t simultaneously pursue a Ph. D in medicine, astronomy, and architecture, at least not without taking a very long time to do so, you shouldn’t be able to simultaneously become skilled in necromancy, divination, and transmutation.

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el duende Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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DAV20 game just ended, was fun, Rate our coterie's final plans.

>Setite Fat Priest - Using setite sorcery and trickery, fucked his Toreador rival to death in a secret setist cult shrine through a bisexual threesome trap. Turns him into the temple's onahole.
>Tzimisce French Inventor - Creates pig/bear/man abominations named John Pork and Jim Swine, with mittens, one of which might be a female. Planning to stock up an army to wage war on the Nosferatu warrens to kill a Nosferatu idiot that failed his trap design contest.
>Toreador Vengeful Painter - Painted his sire by the seaside while his hired men robbed her mansion, he killed and diablerized her after her protection was in ruins, kills the bandits to prevent the diablerie secret from being out.
Ventrue Ambitious Nobleman - Tracked down his traitor sire to London, his sire tried to get a mutual blood bond going as insurance but our Ventrue got him with a surprise staking, and convinced the sire's gangrel bodyguard to stand down and call an elder of the cult of Mithras. The elder let him take the sire's place, joins the Cult of Mithras, and act as a double agent against the chronicle's prince of Canterbury. Was given the right to decapitate his sire and eventually claim Canterbury as his domain once Mithras returns.
What's your favorite Hermetic House?
is it cheating if i say Ex Miscellanea? because i like the idea of having a smaller house for myself and the other players to form and play around with

if so theyn i'll go with Verditius because i enjoy playing a crafting person in ttrpgs and the first mage i played in ars magica was a member of the house
House Shaea. I love being outnumbered by fine bitches.

Previous Thread: >>93162477
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>Don't sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93170128
3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

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>i've been trying to use a lot of rules light stuff
To me rules-lite means you will always end up having nothing concrete and scrambling to find something good because the whole point of being rules lite is that it doesn't offers you much
>reading a lot of stuff like note quest, mork borg and ker nethalis
And did they gave you any idea? because if not maybe that's the problem
Not that anon, but is Ker Nethalas any good? I tried that publisher's Under Ashen Skies and hated how much of the mechanics were just survival with very limited story elements or oracles. Felt more like a gamebook than a tool for solo games.
> is Ker Nethalas any good?
i think it's twice as many pages as it needs to be and it's a bit too random like needing to roll for hit location which give a bunch of results but only one really matters and it's the head for like 90% of the body types. It's a game that has a great atmosphere, but the rolling doesn't really feel like a good game.

>And did they gave you any idea?
yeah, but they don't really give ideas while i'm playing, more just the atmosphere or potential stories seem good which is why i'm looking for a system i can be comfy in.
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I'm writing a one-page rules document on how I run lewd encounters in Scarlet Heroes. Anyone have any recommendations or requests on content they'd like to see in it?
How you handle reaction rolls to account for horniness on either side.

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Ok so now that everyone agrees picrel is shit, what are the best ttrpgs out there?
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>Any system dealing with the modern world would have a minimum of 2 pages for vehicles (including all kinds of things about them and examples).
Retarded take.
>his fav game which isnt generic
Generic systems are all pure shit though? They do nothing well.
I /broadly/ agree. What's wrong with Ars Magica and Unisystem? Where would you put Rolemaster 4e and oWoD Dark Ages?
GURPS does most things better than every non-generic system, except for having pre-canned settings specific content ready to go, running a kingdom, and making magic items.

Basic Skill & Task Resolution? Inventing Mechanics? Research? Training and Studying? Knowledge Recall? Running a Business or a Faction? Custom Superpowers? Designing vehicles / Mecha / Spaceships? 9 times out of 10 GURPS does it better than whatever "specific" system you're looking at.
>GURPS does most things better than every non-generic system
GURPS is not a TTRPG. GURPS is a toolkit to piece together your own TTRPG, except only if you're somehow lazy and dedicated at the same time. If you were dedicated, truly so, you'd make a system from scratch with good mechanics that suit the system rather than using pre-packaged shit.
>Apocalypse World in God tier
>Shadow of the Demon Lord only in Shit tier once instead of in Shit tier equal to the number of shitcantation rules
>Lancer only in Cancer tier because it rhymes instead of being in regular Shit tier
>Dungeon World not in a tier of it's own, AIDs tier
>Cypher system, a stripped down Numenever, not cuddling down in Cancer tier together
>Fucking d20 modern in the right place somehow
>Besm made the list at all
>It's an otherwise perfectly reasonable list
You're a funny fellow.

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The best avian races are those that are inspired by the Skeksis and other dark, evil birdmen. Dark, brooding, scheming creatures. This is just a fundamental fact of worldbuilding. You can argue with me if you want, but deep down you know that evil, shadowy birds have the best aesthetics, best personalities, and have the potential for great lore.
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He means that the sample size for intelligent talking human-shaped life forms is just 1 species (with our cousin-species coming close in almost every way). He's still full of crap, I'm not saying that all intelligent life has to be human-shaped, I'm saying the opposite. Nature as we know it doesn't produce anthropomorphic animals. If nature produced another intelligent animal (in its own time and in its own way) then it would probably look nothing like a human. We don't tell stories about anthropomorphic animals because they're plausible, we tell stories about anthropomorphic animals because they're cool, and in most cases the explanation is some magical or metaphysical humanoid-element which was used to create multiple species in the game world (and not just natural selection or convergent evolution). What I'm saying is that bird-people with boobs make at least as much sense as bird-people without boobs.
Yea, and Happy Time Murders was surprisingly good, but still in generally they haven't been doing so good.
Which, again, seems stupid from the point of view of all the people (me included) who wish we could throw more money at Dark Crystal. That show was beautiful.
But, eh, if I'm being honest it really wasn't a good kid's show, I've tried showing it to kids and they just seem disturbed by it, it was made for people like me who want to see hardcore good-vs-evil couched in the terms of our youth.
Oh well.
<ask a question, admit ignorance
>you're retarded for not memorizing children's books from the 80s!!1!
touch grass
Well, you're a little retarded for that, considering they're one of the most iconic parts of the whole thing. But mostly you're a retard because of all the other dumb shit you said.
the Arakkoa and their lore legit feel like they were the beloved pet of someone of the team, it's surprisingly deep for how relatively little we see of them in-game. they also look pretty cool as well.

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the twist is players can only play evil characters
the bbeg fills the niche of the obligatory good king
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I don't think that the Dark Lord would be a 'good king.' He's like Sauron: you fear him but that fear pushes you to serve him as he can kill you in an instance. Plus Orcs hate everything good and beautiful because they themselves are hideous and ugly.

The Aztecs were bad, had every single mesoamerican state uniting against them and I would not have sex with them.


Most slaves would be stuffed into the massive factories. Constantly producing weapons of war while the armies of darkness march, taking more slaves. Capital punishments are harsh and over the top, ranging from impalement to getting outright castrated in front of the other slaves. And just to double down on the 'corrupting' nature of Notdor, the slavers obliterate the original identity of the slaves, harshly punishing those that speak their native tongues in front of their masters, forcing them to use the degenerated tongue of the orcs.

The Dark Lord knows that language can give concepts meaning so he goes out of his way to linguistically obliterate languages not unlike Oceania. But unlike Oceania with the state promoting sexual puritanism, the Dark Lord uses sex as a weapon. He lets the Orcs run wild in occupied territory, with slaves regularly brutalized by their Orc masters. Why? It breaks the slave's spirit, especially when half-orcs are born as half-orcs live lives as a perpetual underclass in Notdor society thus making another miserable proportion of society the Dark Lord can use.

Yeah. Being an Orc wench or a buck sucks ass... WEEEALLLLLL Unless you get that kine o' peculiar buck.

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I think what he was trying to say is that the evil overlord of this setting fills the niche of the lawful good human king cliché from an ordinary fantasy setting. Obviously he'd still be evil.
The Orcs have several preferred slaving targets:
>Academies: both magic and mundy institutes of learning have high-born students. A literate slave is needed for logistics and book keeping after all.
>Castles: highborn slaves are always highly valued. Mostly as trophies, or for the princess to warm their beds.
>Idyllic villages: peasants from idealistic lives are among the funnest to break. Plus you can get a lot of work out of them before they die.
>Cities: wide arrange of slaves with variable skill levels. You might get a guild carpenter or a ratcatcher or a good tavern wench. Plus a lot of loot.
>Monasteries: those robe-wearing rats have gold, manuscripts, and all kinds of good stuff hidden away. Otherwise, they're a pain in the ass to deal with usually.
>Convents: 50/50 chance it'll be good. You might get a young blonde initiate OR you'll have to cut your way through masses of screaming women who mutilated their faces so they wouldn't get raped.

'Meh' targets:
>Serf villages: the Easterling 'serfs' are already miserable with broken spirits. In fact, Orcs buy these wretches from boyars all the time. But they work, and keep their head down as a good slave should.
>Multigenerational slaves: slaves are slaves.

They also avoid enslaving:
>Intelligentsia: teachers, physicians, and other 'high' burghers are too well-educated to be trusted so they're killed en masse. While they'll gladly enslave the royal family, the burgher who lectured at Master John's University of Goldshire will get killed instantly which hasn't gone unnoticed.
>Gnostics, dervishes, sword saints, and other 'religious weirdos': they're just trouble. Especially hashashin.

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I'm not upset when series die any more. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.
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After watching Punch Punch Forever I got the idea of a lighthearted JRPG setting not unlike Pokemon where a Demon Lord had successfully conquered the land and then setup a strong central government with a dense yet efficient bureaucracy centered around combat to settle disagreements and determine leadership within a given hierarchy. Human towns exist between stretches of wilderness, and demon police maintain the civil rights humans were granted by the Demon Lord. The wilderness is a wild and lawless place where most demons feel at home, leading tribes of monsters to war against others just because there's no more great armies to fight. Technology has advanced to a vague solar punk level where most people travel on foot, ride bikes, or take ferries and trains to get places. Knowing how to fight and defend yourself against monsters and anyone who challenges your position within the hierarchy is an essential skill taught to all children. The degree of corruption in a given settlement is largely dependent on the moral compasses of its strongest warriors. Any young adventurer can walk in and challenge the local magistrate, but doing so means he's obligated to assume that magistrate's job, or to nominate a better candidate. Most leaders aren't actually competent at their given job, and require a lieutenant to advice them on the nitty gritty of their profession, but there are exceptions. Every now and then you do run into an exceptionally intimidating accountant or a judge who can best every lawyer in town in single combat.

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>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip

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been working on my Chinese inspired fanfic faction for Warhammer

do you think the shoulder collar pieces here fit fine into Warhammer? Men would wear ones like the top, women the ones on the bottom.

They are also shirtless for the most part, with women only wearing a cloth bikini over their breasts. So it'd mostly be the shoulder mantle piece as their primary upper body wear.
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Good idea.

Where the fuck are the tomb scorpions and tomb swarms?

I won a (small, 8 player) tournament with my Nurgle demons last week, they've got game. Army-wide unbreakable is pretty huge. There are certain matchups I don't think I can beat but I'm having fun with it.

Tournament List 6/29 [1991 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Daemons of Chaos

++ Characters [995 pts] ++

Great Unclean One [445 pts]
- Hand weapon
- Plagueflail
- Level 4 Wizard

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Fluff is supposed to equal crunch, you ninny.

Priestley is not that amazing, he's not as bad as Jervis Johnson, but there were a lot of bonehead decisions coming out of the studio even back then.

Arbaal is pretty badass here's hoping he makes a return.

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Previous thread: >>93226880

Wargames go in their general: >>>/tg/bwg/

Thread question: what's the best eurogame you've played recently? What makes it so good?
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Fair. I just don’t want people to think otherwise or that /bwg/ was made by the troll.
Supposedly tank duel can be sold as tank team battles to normies.
It does seat a high player count and it has battles without hexes and unit chits, just a player tank/crew placard and some cards.
Wish I could find a copy myself, it's in p500 hell...
I should hope not.
For years one anon has gone after wargame posters, calling people "gmtrannies" and arguing for them to get a containment thread. Only makes sense he'd jump on your success as a way to cram his obnoxious views down our throats.
At the end of the day people are free to discuss anything they want wherever they want. It’s just up to anons to determine what discussions get traction.
FWIW I'm looking into a couple of 80's fantasy hex and chit games because of the threads.

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>the adventuring party has to get dressed up to go to a fancy ball
why is this such a common cliche in campaigns and has it ever actually been fun?
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It's a trope, not a cliché, and yes it is usually fun.

Unbirth yourself, newfag.
lmao that pic
why do you assume hapless nobles would provide any XP
>more than anything else, the ball is a way to push combat off the table.
It can also set up a kick ass fight scene when and if assassins show up and try to merc people. You can take it a lot of ways.
>Bumpfag has ascended to such a level that he is bumping threads before they even exist

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Glow Wyrm Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc

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>Similarly I feel like Lemurians shouldn't have religions or gods per say, or at least not the usual attitude one would have toward religions or gods. A god is just a monster you haven't yet killed and stolen the power from, after all...
I feel like they would take a very buddhist approach to gods. Some gods exist, certainly, but they don't matter all that much if they aren't also pursuing their Fate. Philosophy supplants the role that religion has elsewhere, and they probably don't even necessarily deny the existence of other gods. They hear that Jesus revived himself after three days and assume he was a really powerful cultivation master or something.
It's not really about faith so much as it is about having a way for those who would be normally weaklings to show to themselves that at least they're strong enough to willingly get carted.
Like if you can't cultivate strength or mental stuff at least you can cultivate courage.
It's not leaping madly in front of the cart in a fervor, it's walking out slowly and staring it down.

Would you have a suggestion for a way to rework it or should we just keep colonial crushing and workout and call it a day?
>Would you have a suggestion for a way to rework it or should we just keep colonial crushing and workout and call it a day?
It could crush Degens into Fleshy Outgrowth (not sure if there's a call for it as a mechanic right now however), and simply have a "Grinding Fate" counter for non-degen models it crushed, both enemy and friendly. Not sure what the Counter could give.
I also realize that if we bake LoS into most Prophecies than having the Car simply grant Vantage Point or some improved version of it might be very useful on its own.
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This Juggernaut fellow looks straight out of a Nickelodeon show.
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Rapier: [Reach] [ / ] / [ X ] (5 Silver)
*Lunge; When a model Attacks with this weapon, it may spend 1 additional AP to move 1 directly toward the target and do an additional degree of Severity.

as it's own thing. will post a fixed Eloi tonight. i am thinking of a daredevil + picnicker unit, thoughts?
agree about Words That Kill.
could work as an amplifier of some sort, or a relay.

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I have extended the title and I think it's good and we should use this longer title going forward Edition

>Previous Thread

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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>gay retard legion

don't have to center a blast template over a model, it just has to have its central hole fully over one enemy model when you place it prior to scatter

you don't even have to place it against the front model in the unit, you can literally drop it down anywhere within range and los (assuming you don't have barrage) before scatter

even if you for some reason centered it over a 40mm base, the diameter of a 5" blast would still catch all but the most autistically precise 2" coherency models as in practice nobody really goes over 2" and most models are going to be between 1" and 2" apart, if that

no, a 3" blast centered precisely wouldn't catch another model more than 1/2" away, but the only requirement for placement is that you put that 10mm hole fully over the base which will still usually let you hit something else because you've got 1 1/4" to play with

I think at some point it was worded that you had to center the template over the target model, but not since like the 90s or something

anyway given that 2/3 blast templates scatter it's best to place it in the middle of the target unit's visible models and scatter from there, especially since for most units it only matters that models are hit and their controlling player then allocates those hits, not you; since your average scatter after BS4 is only 3", you're likely to concentrate all those hits onto the unit by random occurrence better than you could by directly placing templates, other than if the rule was "must only be touching a model", in which case you'd be facing players who were going for millimetre-accurate placement to try and game the system

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It was only half an edition of HH though.

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Dat Gap Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits

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In the main deck:
Fucking hate them. Literally worst idea ever. I can't think of a single idea to integrate into core game design that would make me lose interest without even looking at execution.

Not in main deck(e.g. in an extra deck or as a card that starts in play):
I like it.
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It's fine for stuff that uses the double-sided card for something amounting to a token or game piece but one of the worst idea ever for cards in a deck intended on being sleeved /shuffled.

I really like the idea of double-sided full art tokens, in general.
Just now leaving the card show. Man, what a fun time! I bought waaaaay too much stuff (as one does in this situation), and I can't wait to get home and go through it all and remember what all I even purchased.
Also, holy shit there were so many adorable shotas and lolis running around the entire time. It was nice.
basically what this anon said >>93255700
not if it's meant to be shuffled in, unless the card being marked is somehow the point.

but for other cards there's a lot of good reasons you might do that. the flippable avatar cards you see in some games where your character switches between modes are a great example, like the hero/alter-ego in marvel champs, or the car/robot cards in transformers.

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Was it kino?
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>a thread about a show about a show about a scripted fake TRPG
Do you even play games?
The modern achorisms were annoying.
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Honestly, whenever Scanlan does some stupid Bard bullshit it tends to be a highlight. His fucking around in Whitestone I still rewatch on occasion.

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What is the most disgusting character you ever played?

Mine was a creature called a Splut. It was a homebrew race made by my DM. They were based on Smurfs, but absolutely wicked and perverse like Gremlins. Mine died 10 minutes into the game. He literally got dicksploded by an ogre that raped him. Apparently the ogre forgot to wrap him in duct tape.
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He didn't get enough content for his ai voice youtube channel/tik tok so he has to spam the topic. This is a content farming thread, dont give this leech anything.
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Dicks&Dikes shit detected.

Either way tell us more OP.
>Smurfs, but absolutely wicked and perverse like Gremlins.
What where the kinks of your Splut?
> Mine died 10 minutes into the game
This tells us nothing why your character was disgusting.

>What is the most disgusting character you ever played?
Ever played world of shattered darkness?

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Also you can end up as the 1% bottom corrupted freak when you real epic levels of corruption. Where you decide that you want to be tortured and have your soul devoured by some mage.

Because SPOILER warning eating corrupted souls corrupts the one eating them MORE. So simple plan.
>Find yourself any mage who is willing or wants to devour your soul.
>Get him to devour it
>If it takes years since he is so corrupted that he wants to torture you for a long time before killing you... that simply sexy sexy foreplay.
>He devours your soul
>He gets unbelievably corrupted
>His new goal in life it to build rape torture factories who exist to harm infants to be tortured and grinded into dog food.
>3.5ish game.
>Homebrew Character class based off of Tahm Kench.
>Sleezy Fence/"Salesman" character.
>Human w/ Grippli (frog person) ancestry somehow.
>Class included elongating tongue as a means of grappling stuff.
>Grippli racial feature to elongate tongue further for practical, non-combat purposes.
>Generally covered in a gili-suit looking bunch of natural garbage. Halfway to Groucho of Sesame Street.

>Party got into a fight with a troll.
>No fire damage to put its regeneration.
>But we'd hit a natural water spring recently.
>In keeping with the Kench inspiration, have internalized Bag of Holding that scales up with level.
>We beat the troll down to 0hp, "Helpless" but will be back up on its turn.
>Rush up, force its mouth open, vomit 200 cubic feet of fresh water into its mouth.

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The most disgusting character he ever played was himself.

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