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If you're a white man, you should be siding with Nintendo.
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because I don't like a precedent where nintendo can patent troll video games out of existence because "hey they used a wall jump, that's like mario!"
You can create it, you might even get it, but you'l be laughed out of court if you try to enforce it. Nintendo has a lot of dumb patents like that, but they'll never actually use them. Either they'll get a settlement out of pocketpair, withdraw the case when they won't settle, or if they do go forward with an actual case they'll whip out an ultra specific mecanic from legends arceus that actually is very similar to palworld in great detail.
If nintendo wins, the entire mascot industry of Japan is fucked
because it sets a precedent for future game design
Corpos do nothing but drain the industry of talent that could be making better stuff. Anything made by a corpo would be even better if not tied down by them and their shareholders.

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Like it or not, she made Yakuza relevant again.
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That third world education isn't doing you any favors, homeslice.
Jesus, is she really 35? She needs to drop nudes NOW or soon they're not going to be worth anything.
Nigga you think I wouldn't be showing my dick off to any girl that paid money for it?
>fantasizes about winning arguments he lost just like he fantasizes about an e-girl being his gf
I hope she never drops nudes.
You don't deserve to see her fully naked body.
Gayest post. Her body is the best part.

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Digimon digital monsters
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Guess I have more art of her evolutions than Palmon herself.
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tri is great
I enjoyed Ghost Game
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>Verification not required.

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>This game is so good, it's... it's KINO (film)!
Newfags say the absolute dumbest shit. I couldn't imagine insulting a game I adore and love (or even a book, for that matter) by comparing it to and calling it a fucking movie.
ludokino post
Kino means cinema you retard
Bot post.
this post is so kino lol

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There was almost a Sonic SATAM game where Sonic and Sally would have been playable. It would incorporate plots from the shows, diverse gameplay like stealth, speed scenes, and fighting The only issue is that sega of japan sabotaged it because they hated Sally despite Sally being one of the most popular Sonic characters of all time. We have missed so much on adapting the show even into a spinoff game, or it's own seperate movie. So why hasn't Sega brought back Sally? She had the characterization and brought out Sonic in ways that appealed the fandom to around the world.
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What does that make you, that you already know him so long?
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Lol, who fucking cares about the 'official Japanese canon'?
Just look at Frontiers. The entire game is one ten year old Unreal Engine map of bad design with random crap floating round without rhyme or reason. Previous games at least tried to make these elements seem integrated in the world.
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>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfujuAK9FXA [Embed]
> Anonymous 09/18/24(Wed)08:04:46 No.689209694▶>>689209965
>>>689209510 (OP)
>you escaped containment

Most of the background tiles look like they were reused in Comix Zone...
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>Without SatAM Sonic would have not been as popular
So what was up with the rings in SatAM? I don't remember much of it, but I do remember that he only ever seemed to kick ass whenever he was empowered by them. Why didn't anyone else use them?

It was similar in Sonic X as well. Whenever Sonic used a ring he became invincible.

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Pitch me Splatoon 4
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As long as I get to slaughter them indiscriminately and the game makes no allusions to any inert humanity within them, I'm fine.
This is a really nice shirt. I wonder if there is a good third party site for me to buy a copy from?
its time, 203 egg round incoming
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3 cars guarding those 2 stingers
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Believing the Splatana Stamper was intended a chainsaw with filed teeth until I saw this rubber stamp design. I'm an idiot.

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lethal company
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this shit is impressive. are we nearing the death of culture?
Nailed it

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They are trying to drain us before the 2nd anni
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I don't play Nikke but this right here, unironically, is the sexiest design posted in this thread
Post more of her plz
God, I love not-phantom-thief expies. Everyone loves the persona 5 asthetic but actually collabing with that game means imminent EoS. It's fucking cursed for some reason.
Dragalia lost? I didn't play that game but my condolences bro
The only Nintendo gacha I played and still playing is FEH
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I love this idiot so much
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She is not a loli

What are your thoughts on yuri in games?
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Yuritards can't handle the truth.
Seems kinda gay idk. Maybe if they were futa it be straight.
>So if you pick a male MC you get hetero relationships with selfcest included
Why does shin post at 3 am

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New game from the creator of Spelunky.

What's the hardest minigame?
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Divers has its hooks in me. I'm a simple man and I love to see numbers go up.
>noooo you cna't just talk about a game
>it's not shills guys!
Is Avianos a clone of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and similar? Never tried any of the NES strategy games

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They’re the only two 3D Sonic games which received massive, almost universal critical acclaim. Everyone looks back on the characters and gameplay from that time with fondness. Why did they just stick to it and keep that characterization of Sonic, Amy, Tails, Knuckles, etc? It’s such a no brainer.
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>SA1 and 2 Suck
Tendie revisionism
Sonic Adventure 1 is great. I played through it recently for the first time and it's spectacular. Genuinely reignited my love of platformers and made me sad we don't get more momentum based platformers.
the last game with the "adventure formula" was the game that caused sega to overcorrect into making baby games with 0 skill
Bro, Mario Sunshine being horrible is EXACTLY what gave Sonic Adventure 1&2 an audience. You have no idea how much of a bag fumble Sunshine was after the excellence of 64.
That might be your opinion, but it’s undeniable that SA1 & 2 were pretty much the height of the franchise after Sonic’s initial 91-93 hype. Why abandon what works?
That art looks fucking horrible

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>reload on missed shots
>reload on rocket scatter
>reload on pod activation
>reload on pod activation with free shot
>reload on flamethrower not setting enemies on fire
>reload on hack failures
>reload on chosen retaliations so i can set my havens to hidden
the random number generator FEARS the f5 key
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taking any new action before attempting the previous action generates a new seed

x soldier shoots = seed 1
y soldier moves and then x soldier shoots = seed 2
>reload on pod activation with free shot
this is probably my only gripe with the game. otherwise it's quite fair with its challenges
Nu-xcom literally puts too much emphasis on finishing missions successfully with no casualties. The original xcom had no such flaw.
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For all its other flaws I liked the way Phoenix Point handled the rng.
It has an option to choose one or the other.
You can also manipulate it a bit even with the pre-seeded option. If you see that you get a bad roll you can reload and waste the bad roll on another less important shot, then get a good roll on the important shot.

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the old world gen and graphics WERE better
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it definitely set the game on a bad path which it is still on today in many ways
but after the nether update the game has grown into itself and is still an enjoyable experience just in a completely different way to anything pre adventure
you can always install minetest right now, it has even less features than minecraft beta 1.8 that means it's objectively better
It's true. The game has really bad progression and really needs like a focused story mode full of goals or something.
I frankly don't get what the hell Notch was thinking with 1.0. People hate on the MS era development for good reason, but they did add good things to the game despite everything.
It's not the amount of features, it's the direction the game took.
minetest has no direction therefore it's objectively better

5ch and other Japanese communities are going crazy right now over a major potential leak from a higher up at Square Enix.
>Dude to the financial loss on Final Fantasy XVI and the incredibly loud discord following the release of Final Fantasy XIV's new Dawntrial Expansion pack
>Reports claim that XIV had half the amount of subs it did at peak Endwalker upon the release and subsequent early access of Dawntrial.
>Reports of writer/leads having conflicts over portions of the games development, both with FF16 and FF14
Is it over?
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morons pay for it.
There is no combat content that I can do as casual and 7.1 will not do anything about it. XIV is in a terrible state and Yoshida's solution of "Just add more savage content" is the opposite of what I would want.
>Endwalker ending
>Even fucking Urianger, who is the most underutilized Scion in the entire game, gets a moment to shine
>Y'shtola says like three sentences that mean nothing and then is shoved into a corner with him, never to do anything ever again

The only Y'shtola moments I even remember are her in the mining outfit in ARR, her talking to Motoya at some point in HW, Little Sun, and 6.1 when she acted like a magical girl. Only one of those is story relevant.
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Superior specimen does exist and she's tight.
Wuk Lamat is worse than Lyse. Lyse at least got better. The dumbass cat just endlessly yaps, makes ARR Alphinaud look like a considerate friend, and actively shits on characters you actually like. Krile gets to do something meaningful and emotional for the first time, ever, and Wuk Lamat just says "this is boring when will it be over".

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What’s with the yellow paint phenomenon of modern gaming?
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Schizo post
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>Schizo post
All gloryholes are men so with that what you will
It's personal experience post, lel. I was the only kid in my class that could read unassisted at that age.
>not morbidly obese
>not ugly
>not old
>not a tranny
>has a style to her
this looks like ok design to me

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why didn't they just make the portal its own console instead of making it a retarded PS5 accessory?

why would you spend so much money on a dog shit accessory when you can use your phone for remote play anyway?
It’s a dumb test for their upcoming handheld that’s going to share its ecosystem with the ps6 (if there will be one)
Why would they require that it connect over the internet instead of connecting directly to the console?

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>that IP you love thats finally coming to an end

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I pulled up some porn and self inserted like I was actually fucking the girl and I came in under ten seconds
I'm never going to lose my virginity
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>lost virginity when i was 17
>above average sized penis
>never have to worry about any of this shit ever
feels fucking good man, also video games
It's fine. You'll last longer rhe more you do it
Also, when you get a gf that really likes you, she won't care and will want to do it all the time. And you always last waay longer after subsequent sessions during the same day
any video games where you fuck women?
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I don't want to fuck a woman for retarded social normalfag reasons
I want to fuck a woman because she loves me and wants me to do things like that to her and I can feel what being loved unconditionally or without any ulterior motive feels like and I can heal my utterly broken soul
>inb4 hurr women r bad
I cannot grow as a person when I'm not even able to experience critical human emotional developments and learn from them, good or bad
also, quite frankly, I cannot go on living without ever being loved or accepted just how I am instead of being beaten to try to be forced to be something other people want me to be, while providing no reason for me to do so except avoiding more pain
I want someone to hug me, and for me to hug them back, and really, truly mean it, for the first time in my entire life
I cannot continue to live this miserable and alone

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I just want a multiplayer game where I can mess around in and relax when I come home from work. Do any of those types of games exist anymore?

You know that feeling, back in circa mid 2000’s, where you could just boot up games like modern warfare, cs source or tf2, join any server and just relax and have fun without thinking about anything? Best part is that everyone was equally bad at the game back then.
no, the golden age of online is gone and all that exist now are money pits and pseudo-esports
I will say right now, Deadlock is really fun but it’s an ASSFAGGOTS so esportification is inevitable
just find a fun single player game to play anon
People paying games are too good now. I will just play Genshin Impact. There are no other games that let me explore.
im sure Deadlock will get a casual mode when it comes out in 3 years
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I know what you mean. Refinement culture has ruined that though.
honestly the last shooter I played that fit that bill was Battlefield 2042. I could just drink beer and rip the bong and have fun because no one was taking the game too seriously.
It's not a bad game anymore. If you can grab it on sale for 5-10 bucks, I think it's fits the bill.

would like to hear any other suggestions because I miss casual FPS games

>It's been 5 days man my dick is blue stop edging us and just post the rom already
I am crying and shitting myself please
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Why don't you just go refresh an actual piracy website every minute instead of here
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>game's not out until Sept 27th
>/v/ keeps making fucking begging threads when they know Switch games only leak within the week of release
There's no reason to think it'll leak here first either. 4chan hasn't been the first at anything in ages and regurgitates content from Reddit, Twitter and YouTube. It'll get dropped in some tranny discord.
ToTK leaked crazy early, but since then I've
noticed games only seem to get leaked close to their actual release date.

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