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Still the greatest action game of all time. No amount of seething will change this fact. You MUST post your Master Ninja clear in order to post in this thread. Or you will get laughed out the door.

New thread because the spammer ruined the old one.
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let me guess, ur also bi?
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good morning sars
based and kumarpilled
Favorite femboys?
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so we're sharing reddit links now?

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why didn't AC6 help mecha genre become more popular?
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>the entire purpose of the mecha genre is just to sell toys
>the Grandpa himself is literally just a toy, even painted like one (in what world would a military force paint their only advanced MS these garish ass colors?)
Mecha confirmed kiddie shit.
Turns out Fromtrannies only love Souls slop. They can't wait to pay full price for the 9th copy paste of Dark Souls with little to no improvements and ever increasingly shittier covenants.
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>Armored Core died with a game that inherited the worst elements of souls, and it didn't even appeal to them, rendering it a game that satisfies nobody
I personally just don't believe AC6 existed. It's been 11 years without a new AC game, and ACVD got in March.
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you're near the end anon.

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Dead Island 2 launches
>A pretty solid 6/10 ps3 era feeling vidya gaem
>You are a human whos body adapted to the zombie infection and it makes you immune to bites and grants you special abilities
>The game ends with everyone taking a chopper out of LA and you are left to find a one girl whos blood is the cure

Dead Island 2 dlc drops
>This is not a infection of a new microbial life form
>This is a malign alien entity like The Thing but capable of infecting via THOUGHT
>For over a thousand years has been using media like music to rearrange the human genome to activate autophage mutation
>Hybrids were meant to be hunters rounding people up to be turned into raw materials for the flesh soup living doorways to allow the entity to access and consume the world but the human spirit too stronk
>"It wasn't a countdown to extinction, it was a meter showing something is getting closer"
>Meanwhile an AI marketing algorithm made by a techbro gained sentience and has been archiving humans and uploading them into a VR ark while storing their genetic information for later cloning
>Has created an actual zombie virus using nanites that turns people into 'dead' puppeting their bodies with metallic cillia like a second nervous system but they can be cut apart and still function
>Infects the player with it and allows them to kill zombies and store their conciousnesses in their mind to put in the ark

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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DLC changed that too.
>Aliens find planets with life and give them data payload in DNA
>This proceeds in stages
>Stage 1 is develop the biology and psychology needed to develop language
>Stage 2 is Physical adaptation to survive
>Stage 3 was supposed to be transition to post species lifeform
>Something went wrong either due to a malicious 3rd party, humanities own pollution and ingestion of poisons and slow acting chemicals degrading the markers and the zombies are humanity fucking up its planned evolution to turn into a twisted, corrupted version as a evolutionary dead end

I liked that as well. It's messed up and shows there is a weird thing going on.
Sam B looks stoned as fuck without his sunglasses
So are Numen meant to be what the initial stage 3 was planned to be, or is it another misstep considering there is a point where the Slayer goes berserk and seems to fully embrace their zombie side before snapping out of it.

I believed he was stoned off his ass, possible worse than Blue Crab Boys.

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>Majora's Mask now has a native PC port
>We will soon have every single n64 game as a native Pc port

This is the coolest fucking thing in years.

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What does the Bible say about romhacks?
What would Jesus say of Kaze Emanuar?
>The first major game you can't play on a PC in years will be Metroid Prime 4.
I doubt this, there's a pretty good possibility that it'll be a cross-gen title like BOTW. Either way though, we're a year away from PC losing the ability to play Nintendo games.
Jesus pirated fish
Immoral? No.
I paid for the game, I own it, I should be allowed to do what I want with it.
Imagine if you weren't allowed to take the tires off your car and put them on another car, now that would be immoral.
This fag is probably one of the few ecelebs to not have sold out

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Will Carol have a switch port? no im not buying the steam deck
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The only switch that will happen is me switching C*rol for Meng.
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Why does the porn mod have so few scenes?
Ask yourself how many 3D platformers with full blown sex mods you've seen in your entire life and the answer shall be clear.

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Emulation bros... we won...
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You could have posted the fucking actual release of the project.

>tl;dr or I don't understand this
Nerrel say according to the author of this project "it's like wine/proton" in that it translates N64 specific code to Windows or Linux specific code.
Windows 7 can do Direct3D 12, right? I know it can't do DirectX 12.
TP is the worst piece of shit ever released under Zelda's name.

Those are all one and the same. And yes, Win7 can do DX12. WoW was patched to run twelve on W7 already a decade ago, which totally demolished Microcock's shill-campaign for Wee10.
But every dev worth their salt and not yet bought by MS knows that Vulkan is all around superior, and open platform to boot.
*Being straight > TP > TOTK > MM > SS > BOTW > OOT
I meant Baba Is You actually

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Cloak and Dagger leaked
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>most popular Marvel character introduced in the 2010s (other than Miles)
>Her game, TV show, and movie all flopped
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She was always supposed to be an X-Men but Marvel was salty about not owning the movie rights and were trying to replace the X-Men with Inhumans. So, they forced her to be an Inhuman instead. Now they have the rights back, so they made her into a mutant in the tv show, and MCU synergy mandated she be on in the comics too
Because the Inhumans push was a huge flop, so now they retconned her to having had an x-gene but it got supressed when she underwent teragenesis. She's now both mutant and inhuman.
The war on Fox is over, so no reason to prep up The Inhumans and have Kamala be part of their kind, so since treating the X-Men with all the focus is ok again at Marvel and they are desperate to make Kamala popular they made her a mutant in the MCU and in the comics she conveniently died and came back in the spam of months just so she could be resurrected as a mutant, so now Kamala is a mutant in all future media.
Live stream:

What did he stand to gain by giving up this information to his enemy?
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>no actual DB dlc
What a waste, a game like Kakarot would've been perfect to tell that story.
The game also skipped over Imperfect Cell absorbing Piccolo's arms and Piccolo having to buy time to regenerate it.

The euphoria of Cell's perceived victory and Piccolo's vocal submittance clouded Cell's judgement
>fiction isn't reality
No shit anon, faggots like to make themselves prettier than what they are actually are
>inb4. Excepts for europeans. They don't nuffin
Why haven't they made a game that covers the 10 main arcs?

>The Hunt for the Dragon Balls Arc
>The 21st Tenkaichi Budōkai Arc
>The Red Ribbon Army Arc
>The 22nd Tenkaichi Budōkai Arc
>The Piccolo Daimaō Arc
>The 23rd Tenkaichi Budōkai Arc
>The Saiyan Arc
>The Freeza Arc
>The Cell Arc
>The Majin Boo Arc
Buu arc by itself is a huge undertaking. Z has too much content to be able to combine it with DB in one game

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its fun
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>it even uses the final fantasy font
Is the game still fun if played solo? Just wondering how much the gameplay holds up since the challenge in these kinds of mechanics is often party dependent.
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>had no trouble with wolves yesterday
>update drops
>now dynamic mouse doesn't auto-reset after forced movement effects so my bunny turns into a spastic fuck in wolf fights
>I can accidentally fuck myself over with blade bunny's 3 because of this too
I can reset it manually with the mouse button but goddamn I keep forgetting to use it at the right time.
if you like bullethells yeah
Just cleared lunar solo.
Lunar is a shit difficulty you need to be a pattern autist like me to have fun. It's not meant to be fun you literally have to find the safespots for patterns.
Terrible mode, hard is the most fun to play with friends who are good, otherwise normal.

>emulation full screen on an iPad
Does android do this or am I selling this piece of shit for an android tablet soon.
>emulating on a tablet
gross, why would you want to do that to yourself?
Bigger screen than a phone?
>does android have emulation
where did we go wrong in education where instead of googling something they ask on social media?

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Anyone play this game? Its fucking awesome
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More like a scientifically engineered Carnage with a female voice.
how so?
good lookin out king.
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Based Guyverbro
Transforming into the suit will always be cooler than wearing the suit

Regill Derenge.
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I thought he was just a massive chad that fucks hundreds of women but then he started talking about having sex with oiled up mercenaries...
>attached to the worse dungeon in the game
>Anything happens
>perhaps the solution here is killing a bunch of our own dudes
>perhaps this wisdom will reveal itself if we kill a bunch of our own dudes
>you need to inspire your soldiers! let's try killing a bunch of our own dudes that'll do it
>whenever I feel lost or lonely you know what always cheers me up?
you can fuck all the women in the world, but if you dare make a pass on my straight white male you are reduced to subhuman
Imagine if Vhailor saw the criminal fests that are Pathfinder parties. Even the lawtards are walking injustice breakers, he would have an aneurysm

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>One copy of _____ please!
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Hades 2 please, xir
Beat me to it
lotsa hamburguers
>3 day vacation
He kinda bad thou

How do you respond without sounding mad?

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Absolutely, completely and utterly forgotten.
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One of them is locked behind a different campaign so it doesn't count as a main story boss.
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At least Mighty and Ray are stuck in a good game Mania and not a shitty game like Trip and Fang in Supermid.
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I dont like any of their proportions, eggman in that render was nightmare fuel. I feel like its one of those things that could been avoided if they tried harder.
I thought Origins did well, but if it did do poorly it would've been because it was a blatant, overpriced cash grab with a terrible policy. Sega are so retarded.
Sure. If you want to say that. But Fang got 3 boss fights in the game. Its not bad, if anything its rather good. I still would've preferred if he was a playable character, because that's more exciting than a Sonic boss fight lol.
Superstars was good, warts and all. Its biggest flaw was the bosses and bugs. Given Oshima worked on level design and physics, it's no surprise. If you're not a newfag to Sonic, you'd realize how significant this is, given the fact that he was the core developer of Sonic CD and Sonic 1. So unlike the interns who develop the usual modern Sonic slop, he has actual experience and knowledge of classic Sonic level design and physics.

If you actually git gud at it, you can see that it's a pretty solid classic entry. Mania was still better, but this is head a shoulders above Sonic 4, and what we should have received in that game.

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Bloons thread

New tower just dropped
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same holy shit
literally old reliable
does this artist do any porn
i need porn in this style
Never search for beast handler on rule 34 xxx and look at the third post, worst mistake of my life
I posted the thing on the left since 2019
Dude that artist is likely underage, think about what you are asking.

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What went wrong?
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>but my eceleb youtuber says so
It runs perfectly fine on my PC. Should I lie and say it doesn't to appease some retard on the internet?
Post your PC specs. HWiNFO or similar. I bet you're running old hardware.
>Better game has more players
Why are you shitting on a game because you have a low spec PC.
Here's your gamersnexus fps results.
Which part of his performance was bad?
Explain how not having a dodge roll improves the game.
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>acshually only my shill corporate bootlicker opinion matters
Still mindbroke from the objective teardown Gamersnexus did on this piece of shit train wreck huh?

whats the best open world game?
Frog on the log
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the starfields
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kingdom come deliverance

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How can I convert Steam wallet money into real money? Buying steam decks and selling them new unopened for a bit less than what Valve does?
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Is the doll supposed to be sentient? Is it enjoying the slushee or just looking cute next to it
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I saw a girl wearing really nice clothes and now I want to draw it. Is that weird?
Where's my Toyohime you little bitch
Yes it means you are turning into a Candice

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Post your vidya husband.
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No, people are just turned off by the fatfag funiggers that spam the threads
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I tried Ring Racers as soon as it came out and thought it wasn't that good. Maybe the update made it better, but it feels like it has way too much going on. The unlock system is also annoying.

Guess people got tired of getting wrongly banned.
Lurk more.

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