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There is no denying it that this is the winning shot right her
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i will resist temptation and get the ps6 with ps1 colors
DUDE ITS THAT THING I REMEMBER LIKING!!! Holy shit, <insert company here> take my money!!!
I would want this but the anniversary models are too hard to get a hold off. I have the 20th anniversary PS4 one and it's one of the prettiest systems ever made.
The consoles looks kind of neat but they didn't go all in on the controllers. If they were good I would have gotten one for my ps1 but nah
Bought a used PS5 a few days ago (my last one was PS3). ITs so comfy, I feel at home again. Upgraded from series S. Feels good. Will last me till PS6.

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Videogame characters don't move like this anymore.
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What gacha even looks like this
My wife Korsica
its too much
but, better than too little
Evil Genuis had animations in this direction
Zenless Zone Zero
Bro from what it sounds like, they were always going to be picked and thrown into the slaughterhouse

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The last real final fantasy game
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I actually saw it more as a modern fantasy adventure.
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>It's a western RPG. It just doesn't even remotely feel like an FF game in any way.
>final song is about using the powers of your friends to fight god and singing how you will beat the final boss with their help
Also they call out to you when you’re fighting the boss the whole time. You clearly have no fucking idea what you’re talking about when you see a super anime game and call it western
It was a risky move, but it did manage to not be a loss for Square. The dumbest part was making an online game to be a part of the core series, nevertheless doing it twice.
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>FF7: 1997
>FF8: 1999
>FF9: 2000
>FF10: 2001
now it takes them twice that length to shit out a single game that's worse than all of those.

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so I guess Dragon Ball characters will have to be DLC. Crazy that popular characters like King Piccolo and Mercenary Tao got snubbed by literal who shit like Ribrianne and a Frieza henchman.
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heres the thing about DLC; they want it to sell, and not just to a handful of autistics and pbese beaners. So any literal fucking Who who never raised a fist or had more then two lines of dialogue will probably only be included with a much more notable characters.
Repressed rage.
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I can't wait for Daima to fully delete GT from existence even though Super already does that
Yes it's already been established he designed 21, this does not vindicate the OC squad anon posted.
You cannot convince me Pan's "boyfriend" was 10 like her and same applies to the guys flirting with Bra

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So how is Kinich in overworld/abyss/IT? Test trials are unreliable.
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holy shit that sandwich was shit
I ain't asking my uncle to go buy a crispy and an apple pie for gayshin
His trial sucks, he actually feels great. Zipline on demand is super useful. Overworld combat can be wonky in closed spaces and uneven terrain, but damage is still solid, and will get better if Mavuika's skill is energy-less pyro application. Also strong in Abyss/IT, but they're tuned for him to show off anyway.
If you have an uncle in America, order it for him on the App and have him pick it up. No need to tell him any details beyond that. You'll get the email (if you're lucky the bot didn't fuck up reading the receipt on your app).
Is this a trick to stop being f2p?

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What is the use case of a handheld gaming device these days?
With the DS and PSP you could pocket them and play a dedicated library meant for a low power device, but now they share libraries with desktops and consoles so they HAVE to be big bulky bricks in order to run shit at below acceptable framerates
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this one literally looks like a baby
Good. Hopefully she has a tight hairless baby pussy as well.
why did the switch become a loli/shota thing?
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>What is the use case of a handheld gaming device these days?
>With the DS and PSP you could pocket them and play a dedicated library meant for a low power device, but now they share libraries with desktops and consoles so they HAVE to be big bulky bricks in order to run shit at below acceptable framerates

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Have you already ordered you PS5pro per Rebirth?
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i am a a bot
why does every female in FF7 remakes look like they have brain damage
I'm not getting rebirthed, when I die that's the end
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heres your character creator bro
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>double chin slider
>melanin slider
>surgery scars toggle

Jesus fucking Christ.
You can’t play evil
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He's in.
no body type only man and women with pronouns uhh vbros did we get btfod this is less woke than bg3
There's no way they're letting us help Solas bring down the Veil is there

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Play Blue Archive!
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No, but I do have my UE40 stoat ready
where's the source?
What's wrong with the people in this thread?
I hang a hammer on the handle above my driver side window to claw one of you worms in the forehead if you dare approach.
>a-are those...... c-cute (sexy) anime girls???????????????????? AIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME JANNYMAN I'M GOING INSAAAAAAANE

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>People are supporting Pocketpair under the English tweet

>People are supporting Nintendo under the Japanese tweet

>pic unrelated
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Is this loss?
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They are snorting ALL of the cocaine.
It's what they are claiming.
Would seem like a pointless lie long term.
This joke would work if Palworld was identical to Pokemon, but with guns. Thing is - it bares no resemblance to Pokemon beyond the creature design and throwable balls. It's just Valheim lol
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What's the first game that comes to mind?
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You are not smart. You belive game ratings and perfection are objective to the point of bringing up God when talking about it. You don't even have mental capacity to understand that something one person calls a flaw might be a positive quality for others.
Chrono Trigger
Alpha Centauri
half-life 2. i just don't have anything negative to say about that game. simple as.
Ocarina of Time and Resident Evil 4

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What is a DEI chin?
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Twitter is the biggest forum on the internet, and all it took was for active censorship to stop, lmao.
>fridge body
YOUR culture war shit that YOU brought everywhere. Saying "no, fuck you" is not culture war. Stop being woke and you won't hear any culture war, invader
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>Its the reason why some anons mockingly refer to this place as /vpol/
No one does that

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>Super Mario 64 2
Yap, they will have no choice but to make only new games.
I agree. October is the one. Spanish insiders have been hearing about a public presentation and big marketing blowout around that time (late September to early October but leaning towards October). I understand why people obsessed over September given Nintendo's weird moves but they could've just moved things up in preparation for the announcement, and not for the announcement itself.
I have a third party dock which solves this problem. Glad to see it'll be fixed OOTB for Switch 2 though.
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Seeing a port on the top vindicates me for a really petty reason. In 2017 I was on the Switch subreddit (mainly to keep an eye on when Pro Controllers would come back into readily available stock since they were fucking nonexistent at MSRP for months after launch), but whenever I brought up that having the charging port on the bottom was an issue for tabletop mode, I was always met with an absurd degree of indignity and confusion. Some even tried to tell me that it would have been "impossible" for Nintendo to have put a USB port at the top.
Fake news. He was a femboy.

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Itt: Wholesome moments in gaming.

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what vidya are my fellow NEETs playing today?
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What kind of scam?
The only one I know is Germany, and you'd be living like a bum on the amount of welfare you get there.
Companies are providing services and value to the consumers (to improve their lives) and workplaces to people like you (so that you can live a life) and yet somehow you manage to twist it all like it's akshully some devilish scheme to make you suffer. If you envy company owners so much then why not to start your own?
Don't you understand that if you're freeloading, I have to pay for it with my work and taxes? You're just taking it from me
I got laid off from my job 1 month ago and I'm already feeling like shit about being an unproductive waste of space. The prospect of being a NEET for even a whole year is terrifying to me. How do long-term NEETs do it?

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Did anyone buy the Genshin Impact meal?
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It's better for McDonalds to have their customers have a digital tantrum than for real people come instore and steal Noelle stand outs.
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Considering grubbing on some Macca's (USA) today, should I get the Genshin Impacted Colon meal fellow Macca's gamers?
macdonad... codes... doko?
one sandwich and fries and they call that a meal? oh yeah and the tiny little apple pie which is gone in 2 bites, still nowhere near enough.

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He never said that.
He really did tho
'em on the log

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H-game you are looking forward to?
Picrelated for me
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Guys like Mamimi are the walking manifestation of
>no strings of red hair
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Any H games for this feel?
>You play as the bull and NTR hordes of girls away from the hero protag (your best friend), since they're all gold digging whores who want a piece of fame/want to tie the hero down
>the bull is actually a good guy and is doing it for his friend's sake (until his friend finds out and goes nuclear)
I remember seeing someone post an NTR game once where the guy sleeps with the main characters wife but you can choose to have him confront the dude and he apologizes and tries to make it up to him.
I thought the idea was funny.
>>You play as the bull
but how can cucks self insert then? does it at least have gay shit like hero party must fall?

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Software Sales (physical only)

01./00. [NSW] The Hokkaido Serial Murder Case: The Okhotsk Disappearance - Memories in Ice, Tearful Figurine <ADV> (G-Mode) {2024.09.12} (¥8.000) - 20.919 / NEW
02./02. [PS5] Astro Bot <ACT> (Sony Interactive Entertainment) {2024.09.06} (¥7.255) - 8.882 / 21.554 (-30%)
03./04. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe <RCE> (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980) - 7.840 / 5.997.783 (-12%)
04./05. [NSW] Nintendo Switch Sports # <SPT> (Nintendo) {2022.04.29} (¥4.980) - 7.069 / 1.422.221 (-13%)
05./07. [NSW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons # <ETC> (Nintendo) {2020.03.20} (¥5.980) - 6.967 / 7.908.719 (-11%)
06./11. [NSW] Minecraft # <ADV> (Microsoft Game Studios) {2018.06.21} (¥3.600) - 5.713 / 3.631.184 (-3%)
07./09. [NSW] Power Pros 2024-2025 <SPT> (Konami) {2024.07.18} (¥7.700) - 4.750 / 287.959 (-35%)
08./14. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Violet # <RPG> (Pokemon Co.) {2022.11.18} (¥5.980) - 4.215 / 5.411.506 (-2%)
09./15. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate # <FTG> (Nintendo) {2018.12.07} (¥7.200) - 3.943 / 5.583.573 (-4%)
10./10. [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure # <HOB> (Nintendo) {2019.10.18} (¥7.980) - 3.538 / 3.627.657 (-50%)

Hardware Sales

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he does both and probably has multiple phones
Most third worlders so not have a PC
Faggots are hoarding the xci within their discord groups.
Buying multiple burner phones to shitpost /v/ sounds about right
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I want to play WoW again but I've been conscripted and thus I'd only be able to play 1-4 times a month. A sub wouldn't quite be worth it, and by the time I get out of here, the expansion is already halfway over.
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conscripted for one year? all the nations i can think of that do conscription are 2-3 year terms. where you from
Sex with Vulperan women
>but I've been conscripted
Story time?
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Came here to post this. Warmane Onyxia's TBC phase will drop in a month or so. Get in.

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