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Why do zoomers love Palestine so much? I live in a rural, overwhelmingly republican country in Tennessee, and I often stalk the social media profiles of local teenagers so I can jerk off to the girls, and one thing I noticed is even in a place like this, most of the zoomers hate Israel and post pro-Gaza propaganda. It seems like Palestine is for zoomers what gay marriage was for millennials. Why are they so obsessed with it?
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>Why do zoomers love Palestine so much?

They don't, they just hate jews. Saying they hope the palis win is equal to saying they hope the jews die. They can't be straightforward in this day and age, so they pilpul better than any jew.
Most arabs live in Michigan, not rural Tennessee. Kikes are still mad that arabs dirty did not rape their rotten whores and are mad arabs get plenty of attention more than spics and niggers.

The jealousy must be exhausting
White and Latinx women literally thirst over Arab men on tik tok and kikes are losing it. Niggers and spics are inferior jealous monkeys and hate Arab men for this reason
Cry harder kike, and then kill yourself

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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Your mom's pussy?
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Invade Mexico, destroy the cartels while we're at it, then install a friendlier regime. What could possibly go wrong?
Pre-christcuck Virtue, you stupid faget
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I swear to god a court ruled this shit months ago.

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Any questions?
Ah, that's why the Dems won the rich correct?
why are you gay op?
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AIDS Clapton is still shill-tweeting for DNC shekels? I didn't see much from him before the election.

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Should Western Europeans be banned from cooking?
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Spaniard cooking is actually fucking good
It's the sugar too.
They put pounds of sugsr into their spaghetti sauce, they marinade pork chops in dr. Pepper, they always eat cheap cuts of pork soaked in sugar some way, pork ribs dripping with sugary bbq sauce, guzzling sugar drinks like Hawaiian punch, tampico juice, koolaid, always something.
They need chicken to be battered and deep fried, and they dump sugar into the flour and batter.
It's a combination of incorporating sugar into sustenance every possible way imaginable, over salting foods, deep-frying all their chicken, eating cheap pork and drinking nothing but sugar drinks or alcohol.
Never forget, retard niggers eat cornstarch too
>dat fine prime dining experience…
I don't think he was disputing that, probably trying to point out they are similar in flavor quality.
German food?
Aha... Never saw such... "food". Looks like the UK food on ck. It's not German. Nice try.

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World War III in 2 weeks?
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Nah we’ll just laugh at you nafoid trannies another 4 years. Simple as
oh no that sounds terrible
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You won't do shit mutt
And in the case you do I will be enjoying the fireworks from my safe spot, I can't wait for your nigger mutt shit tranny empire to go extinct
Man Hernandez here needs to learn about this event called the Cuban missile crisis, you know what type of plutonium ordinance can be carried on long range ballistics right? shouldn't have to spell that one out senor
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why aren’t white people reproducing? and you all wonder why you’re getting replaced…
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Came here to post this
>so weak he doesnt even have confidence in raising his kids correctly
You can’t raise your kids to not be murdered by an invader you retard. Unless you just want to shelter them their entire lives? Yeah, that’ll work out great. You also can’t protect them from digital currency, either. That’s the way it’s clearly going and all governments are frothing at the mouth to complete and implement it because that means they can keep people as slaves indefinitely and tax people’s accounts directly for any reason they fucking want
"a part of their culture"
they are so gynocentric they have been tracing their bloodlines maternally FOREVER

they are a matriachral cancer.
their birthrates are stable cuz their bitches run the fucking show; educated women only work when they outperform males; the balance between the sexes is dominance, not fencesitting.
Simps getting what they fucking deserve, per ush
>either of those people
jesus christ just look at the nose on that dude and that skull pattern

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All the women I have talked to are not interested in reproducing. School, propaganda, literature, and older female role models desperate for validity in their own decisions discourage it. Many of the females have surrogates like pets filling the role of children. Some of them say they only reproduced because their husband insisted on it, or because they had an adverse reaction to birth control. And they screech about pedophilia when you talk about being attracted to virginity or purity.
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Cartoons =/= real children. Get a new script. All this argument has ever been for is to provide a wedge to censor artwork that isn't corporate calarts garbage. That's all the "think of the children" has ever been. You niggers hate anime, so you use this same line.
Guess I'm a homopedo zoophile
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Cartoons are not people, kike. Get a new script.
Masturbating to bestiality cartoons doesn't make you a zoophile, in fact, I'd even go as far as to say that masturbating to real zoo porn doesn't make a zoophile too. You're only a zoophile if you're getting aroused by animals and want to fuck one.

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Trumps tariffs will turn canada into cuba
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They're open lucrative new trade routes with India.
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Canada is huge and there are only a few people living there. There are no minerals or natural resources in all that land where no one lives?
Canada took in too many migrants over the years and they are jumping the northern border since there are no jobs available to them due to oversaturation. This is to force Canada to get their shit together.
I understand that but what I was trying to understand is how we can work something out with Canada so they don't turn into Chinas bitch
Don't give him so much clout. The last time he was pres he put tariffs on Canada and then immediately exempted them all so you didn't end up with anything. He is just using this as a threat to negotiate. But notice Doug Ford talking about removing Mexico from NATO? They can't do so without Canada approving of their removal, so this could be a major negotiating point. We won't remove Mexico unless if you exempt us from tariffs

>Did they actually want White genocide?
>Or for Whites to kill everyone else?

You have to admit it's suspicious how the same entities who made the west multiracial are now allowing amd controlling the awakening process. They also control all media and statistics, so they could make us think things are way worse than they are.
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Some are real,

The way you know is the anons who openly siegepost are feds, the ones that chuckle and smile are frens.
Also spotting feds is easy, they stick out like sore thumbs.

It's important that we point the finger at the boomer now, so when they demand we fight wars for their red Dawn power tripping fantasy, the youth refuse with irons in hand.
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God's timing. God's plan. Let His Will be done.
>You have to admit it's suspicious how the same entities who made the west multiracial are now allowing amd controlling the awakening process.
Yes Jews are insane schizo freaks and want to be God.
>Is it possible the plan was to get Whites to kill everyone else?
Yes. It has always been the only possible outcome.
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they did everything imaginable to keep europeans at the top of the food chain and they still didn't want to have sex with each other. Britain is the only team that made a contigency plan and has actiated it while the rest of the world hopes some random africans will want to play along with muh one nation and shieeeet

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>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Syrian telegram channels

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kill some russdogs
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Terrorism in Europe again?
why would they be bombing the cities when there's an ongoing, developing surprise offensive? anyway liveua shows many russian strikes
Absolutely, we kicked the hornets nest on this one. Expect refugees too.
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Rebs killed 2 spertnaz ziggers today

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>attempts to destroy america for the jews rights to own slaves
>dooms america to enslavement to central banking powers after being shown mercy by northern superiors
>is considered the most American part of America today
I want mutts to explain 2 things to me.
1. Why didn't you kill these faggots when you had the chance to?
2. Why are they considered the most American Americans?
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Fuck off.
Why not just answer question, mutt?
Also, this is my first time posting a thread in a week now. Must be a common question.
Slavery was the second worst thing to happen to your country after the central banks, muttshart.
Lincoln initially wanted to send all the niggers back to Africa, but no, the southerners just had to keep them around.

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Do you think America will ever have an Asian President?
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Indonesia is in Asia.
>Kamala had 67 million votes
Once you remove fraud/ballot printing votes it's probably only around 40 million.
no, they tend to go for crime but they become successful criminals.

The minority becomes a good person for modern day standards.
? experiences like that usually leave kids for worse. he's a rare exception that grew from it.

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>Ministry of truth says you're all liars

>Thorpe says we should bring back the White Australia Policy

>Most racist man in australia says he'll solve racism by being racist against white people

>With its social media ban, parliament delivers a performance piece of legislative enshittification that rises to the cultural moment

>Coalition support wavers over social media ban for children under 16 as public only given 24 hours to make submissions

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You're doing a fine job of proving that archive cunts are more interested in pushing archives than discussing shit, so uh, good job I guess?

Rural ethnostate, serious political play.
What a fucking numpty
Several hundred acres on proper land with a solid water source, then fence it all off and build a small town. Whites only.
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>I've experienced racism all my life
Stopped watching right there.
>Several hundred acres on proper land with a solid water source, then fence it all off and build a small town. Whites only.
So we're all moving to Tassie then?

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Previous >>489744264
Day: 418

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>US President Joe Biden says the ceasefire will begin at 4 AM., No word from Hezbollah yet.
>US CENTCOM says they targeted resistance facilities in Syria following the attacks on their bases yesterday.
>Their base also got attacked today
>Israel approves a ceasefire with Hezbollah.
>Power outage in Nahariya due to rocket attacks

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>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
> Both Android & iOS have browsers which support extensions

>REMINDER: NATO, America, and Ukraine pledged their support to Israel within 12 hours of the war
>REMINDER: Russia, China, Afghanistan, Serbia, Iran and Syria all hate Israel
>REMINDER: Israel stole the Golan Heights from Assad
>REMINDER: Zelenskyy likened Ukraine to a "Greater Israel"

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So erm...considering the people in gaza were saying Hezbollah shouldnt keep fighting if it means Beirut turns to Gaza why are sunnis not from gaza (whos nations did nothing at all) complaining?
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Damn the kikes are losing it today

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This is 50x the IDF casualties
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Care to elaborate? I don't see it.
>Hezbullah has not been pushed beyond the river either
That's the main ceasefire stipulation. If they're interested in preserving the ceasefire, they'll retreat on their own.
Looks to me like the jews are the ones retreating. A 2km invasion after 2 months is pathetic, especially considering all the support you have.
Literally new management.

Which I guess is a good strategy going forward for Israel every time something isn't going your way, just bomb it and hope for the best right? No way this could make Hezbollah more determined than ever to get revenge, play the long game and get revenge in a couple of years.... just like Hamas.... NAHHHH
of course you don't most people who think like you do are too self cnetered and think they re the main character of the movie

Nobody seems to care we're one slip from total nuclear death,
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Nukes r fake or
you would've been long dead. Grow up pussy.
>It was total alien invasion
Aliens are going to save us to see what we become, they will use their unfathomable technology to deactivate any nuclear bombs. Do zookeepers let their monkeys kill each other?
Furthermore, space is teeming with radiation, thus the aliens would rather preserve the rare pockets like earth, rather than letting us contaminate for countless generations.
Have faith in aliens.
Nothing happens in latin america with nuclear war, bean soup. I am more worried about our government making us in a giant Venezuela in less than 2 years.
>war against him
he crossed an internationally recognized border, not us
>all fuckton on money
(I imagine "of money")
peanuts, and much of it in mothballed or obsolete military equipment, to be replaced with new production by investing in Europe's industry

You chose to associate with him and Xi, now reap the just rewards when your gas is cut and your nuclear power plant remains without fuel. You could've gone for a Western reactor design but they weren't willing to fill Orbán's friends' pockets in the same way. Don't blame others for your bad choices, magyar tzigany.
The whole world is full of boomers and idiots. Only a very small few know the score, and only a few, of the small few, won't immediately blame whatever boogie man the jew media points their finger at as the bad guy. Even though he's smart enough to know better. The kikesters aren't that scared.

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Have you ever met or encountered certain people who hate themselves and are so self loathing that they are obstinate and never listen to anyone's advice and openly refuses to help themselves, as a highly sapient autistic man I say that these people are toxic to normal functioning society and aren't worthy of life because they bring others down with their toxic externalized depression and weak mindedness. People like this make me absolutely sick to my stomach and I want to see them get told to kill themselves and see if they actually do it.
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These are people that walk around the planet externalizing their weak minded personalities and mental illnesses on other people to be as depressed as they are, they are waste of space and a waste of life for having such an ugly view of themselves and refuse to get help which is easy and treatable. They are literally on the same category as non sapient human beings such as niggers, Muslims, and women to an extent.
Yeah on non-whites that's fine. White people are precious though. You savages can all rape each other with sticks and stones if you'd like though! Have at it!
What's the difference between a white man who's weak minded and you're typical non sapient human niggers in America?
Disagree. Smart people profit off stupid people. We thusly need stupid people. Also we need useful idiots for „things“.
White people are precious. There aren't like a trillion spare ones laying around in a 3rd world. Leave native Americans alone too i guess then.

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4.6 millions views
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So uh... why is that?
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>The problem is Belgium anon that we have to invest our sheckles somewhere!
hard assets and your own company.
>i assume it's actual yids most of the time
wouldn't surprise me if it came from the private intelligence network. Accusing people of being jewish has become so boring and uninspiring.
>So uh... why is that?
care to elaborate?
she barely scratched the surface and avoided any mention of the ties between Blackrock, FTX/Oracle/CIA , Ukraine/Zelinsky, and the Democratic party.

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when white people die in droves how do you replace them ?

It’s not the vax. I’ve had 6 by the way

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Cut the bullcrap. Instead of buying shit you don’t need, invest. Cancel your Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, subscriptions. Stop ordering Uber Eats and DoorDash. If zoomers used that money wisely then they wouldn’t be complaining about housing and not being able to support a family. Get a fucking grip.
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I buy whatever the fuck I want and I also invest wisely.
What are you, poor?
What if I've become comfortable being poor? I know it means dieing alone but I really don't feel like killing myself for another few k that the government will just tax the shit out of anyway.
Imagine investing into starbucks. Never drank their slop, never buying their slop stock
I never had a Netflix, Hulu or Apple TV subscription, I don't even own a TV. I never ordered Uber eats and DoorDash. I have no idea what you're talking about...
Starbucks was $1/drink 20 years ago. This meme starts from a faulty premise

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