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Previous: >>489773950

▶Day: 1007 — Daily battlefield assessment:http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>putin's decree to liberate Kursk by Oct 1...has failed
>Ruble is going to the moon
>russia preparing to retaliate after it says Ukraine hit it ATACMS
>EU proposing to sanction Chinese technology firms for supporting russia in its war on Ukraine
>UK sent many Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine in secret
>Gennady Anashkin is the new senior commander of russian troops fighting in Ukraine
>Highest number of drones fired into Ukraine over a single night
>Kaluga oil refinery droned
>Spontaneous combustion of S-400 air defense system (radar and 2 launchers) in Kursk on 23/11
>Debt forgiveness (up to $96k) offered to new russian recruits

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So. Are we taking bets on how far the rubble is going to crater? Ten percent drop in about 24 hours is pretty lulzy.
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Why you pretend being half palestinian half ukrainian on reddit?
Russia semen slurper in that image.
why would I shill for ziggers on jewtube? I think you're confused.
you were shilling for contrapoints the other day.

i was embarrassed for you.

I'm supposed to think this is a bad thing?
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It isn't going to be a military invasion. We are just going to do to them what they have been doing to us for decades.
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>Thank you for the white women, America.
>I will be giving your Protestant father many grandsons, senorita
Just entertaining the end point of his idea. I don't want more brown people. I want more places where Caucasian people can live in relative peace.
Cope and seethe Hernandez. We are invading your homeland now. Now we are the migrants destroying your home and driving up your cost of living.
Learn Spanish. Move to Argentina or Uruguay. They're quite literally whiter than America, the UK and most parts of Europe desu

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It has always been a problem for me to find people who think like me.
I adhere to a very strange ideology that I thought up myself... but I seriously doubt that there are no other people in the world who think the same way.

I looked for like-minded people among:
- Traditionalists (but they didn't like that I am sharply against the family (for the abolition of family and marriage) and for a person to have an unprecedented degree of personal freedom from birth), and I am also against religion.
- Communists don't like me because I am against collectivism and natalism, and I am also against atheism... they also don't understand why in my ideology each person should have at least 70 acres of personal land.
- Anarchocapitalists are those who should have understood me better than anyone (they are closer in ideas, but still, as it turned out, quite far away), but unfortunately they did not leave the hierarchy system, for them the strong eat the weak, like in the wild (Their individualism according to Ayn Rand... and my term of individualism is completely different and has more to do with the degree of autonomy)... and there are practically no regulatory principles and ethics. My system is not about the strong and the weak... not about Slaves and Masters... it is about non-hierarchy, not about anarchy.

I am an Idealist, Utopian, Apatheist, for decentralized systems with strict principles and self-regulation of a small group of up to 100 people, which lay a solid foundation for micro-communities, with enormous personal freedom, but only among like-minded people... such an ideology simply does not allow people with different views on life. Also, such a system does not accept new participants from the outside.
Are there anyone here who thinks the same way as I do?
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Yes, that’s the problem...ordinary people from the street won’t come up. They will not realize the importance of principles. Many of them can only bring the baggage of hierarchical patterns of behavior... which will have a very bad effect on the community and lead to its destruction.

Therefore, when starting such an ideology, it is important to close the recruitment of new people forever. Such a society can only be replenished from within...from the internal genetic pool...
here I'm probably VERY CLOSE to the traditionalists, even closer than they themselves are to their own ideology, lol
The people you're looking for are likely in in the Jackson Wyoming area if they exist at all.
Get invited to something like this. Good luck on your utopia.
No, I in no way want to change the world around me...

I’m sorry that many people, seeing my ideology, think that I’m going to change the whole world. This is absolutely not true.

I'm only going to create a small community of 100 people. Which will not expand or pursue expansionist policies. Not ideologically or in any other way.

Such a society will be able to live next to a system that completely contradicts the principles of this community... and peacefully coexist.

It's like a refuge... A kind of non-hierarchical version of the Asimov Institute (but without manipulation and Expansion)... a very rough analogy.
Nah bro I want to be at the top and dominate. You can't stop me because anarchists can't fight.
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This is interesting... perhaps it’s worth attending such events to find people somewhere outside the Internet, because the image of a person from the Internet and from reality can be quite different.

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The reason for this was two posts Mikhail made on VK, Russia’s biggest social network. He wrote them in March 2022, in the first month of the full-scale war.

“Killing children and women, we sing songs on Channel One. We, Russia, have become godless. Forgive us, Lord!” read the first post. The second one had the words “Russian pilots are bombing children” above a photograph of the Mariupol Drama Theatre.

Expert linguists for the prosecution tried to find a so-called “motive” for “political hatred” in the railway worker’s posts. They tried so hard that they decided to examine his pre-war posts as well. For example, phrases like this: “There is no forgiveness for Putin’s crimes.” Or: “Two tyrants agreed to destroy Belarus.” And four other posts in which he criticised Putin and Lukashenka.

As the prosecution puts it, “two concerned citizens and social network users” found these posts. Their names were Anna Gell and Natalia Plotnikova. Though not acquainted with each other, they allegedly “accidentally came across” Mikhail Simonov’s posts “discrediting the Russian Armed Forces” on the same day. Without collusion, both women decided to contact the Investigative Committee.
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Two Tier Kier will top that in two more weeks
>6.5 years in prison for 2 blog posts
Sounds like the UK
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>6.5 years in prison for 2 blog posts
I don't even know how we can be allies with the U.K. or any country that does this shit. Like shouldn't people we are allied with respect basic rights, or else its just spelling out that the globalist want this to be the outcome for Americans.
Difference is /pol/ rightly calls it out as disgraceful when it happens in the UK but can't bring themselves to say a bad word about Putin's regime.
it goes without saying you shouldn't be a retard when you type or speak in public.
Your Civil Rights, and your Geneva convention human rights from the last world war are inherently Jewish. and much like paper money, you don't have them. They don't really exist.

maybe that's not true but that's not the point, the point is that if you were smart you would consider such a thing.

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Elon status: cucked
Country status: Turkey
Even the richest man in America is divorced...also Bill Gates.

Don't get married. These hoes aint loyal now days.
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>Richest man
>Bill gates
Learn to read idiot. I said also Bill Gates. didn't say he was the richest
Dude has like 12 kids. He won.

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You don't. I tried to explain it to my gf and she doesn't care. They will only care when picrel happens.
Because it’s fake and gay.
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They have tunnels that they enter. When you shine a light, I have a very powerful headlamp (before you shit on the brightness of a head lamp google it first), and it's just blackness.
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They have connections with the DMT entities

Life hack for an easy lay for manlets. Pretend to be an alien, paint your whole body green then convince this dumb bitch your shiny metal travel trailer is a space ship and probe her with your little green cock.

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Continued from here:
and here:
and here:

Is there any way to make the WN / NS sphere less of a gay sausagefest of bitter losers?
This shit can't be making Uncle Adolf proud.
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tubby who?
It should real by focused on men bettering themselves as a man and leading women with a firm but loving hand. Very few if almost any of us are leading health mascline or femine lives in these changing time do to "reasons".
Your not going to get the object of your affection by hating it are you? And what kind of object are you going to attract if you hate it?
Unfortunately society is kind of very fake and very gay so males and females dont even know who to act towards each other.
You can be tired, I'm not going to stop
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Still no rebuttal.
ok i gonna be streight with you, this whole white nationalism thing is super gay

but you know that right?

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lets be real, it's already mogging twitter
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X reply sections are a stupidity competition between blue checkmarks accounts with profile images like pic related. Elon successfully ruined that site. Bluesky is a relief because it isn't full of fucking idiots trying to rage bait everyone
>lets be real
Don't cut off your penis. You're not a woman.
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Social media has always been a cancer, forums are king hence why you're here.
The CEO is so diverse. It's obviously the more intellectual platform, and you won't feel stupid when you are using it. Being on X (RIP Twitter, we miss you) is like having to live in flyover states among rednecks.
Lets be real its a pit of sharks, and they are eating each other because all the fish that join get immediately banned aka removed from the pit.

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I'm thinking about going to Paris or one of those cities in Germany where the historic center is full of 500-year-old houses, like Rothenburg. But it would cost 10 thousand in Brazilian currency, not to mention the hassle of paperwork.

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Who’s got your vote for antisemite of the year?
Greta thunberg
I want them to try accusing an autistic child, who was the poster child for liberal climate change, and call her the top nazi.
I then want the NPC liberals to explain to me why she was all over the news as a hero and then decided Palestinians shouldn't die and suddenly became antisemite of the year.


Did we ponder the dot into existence?
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Holy fuck is that a fuckin yoga ball? ON THE TARMAC?
>so how do we determine pic rel?
I haven't seen any religious figures.
Not happening.
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oh hell nah. girl's frontline 2 comes on on the 3rd. don't you dare to fuck with the release of cute anime girls with guns game.

its this
I love it when the crops just fall to the ground under their own weight like this fat fuck, I mean is this even real?
A truly horizontal yield. Decent farming going on around here. But I'm going to end it now. It no longer amuses us
At this point humanity is too pathetic to even take pleasure in kicking about
I knew you'd all fail from the very beginning, and I've said as much. But you've had your little chance, and let's just see here...oh yes. Yes, you've passed literally none of the tests. Actually 0. Impressive, in its own way.

The one thing I can do for you is recategorize survivors into a new category, which no longer counts as human. Something like dragonborns. But no human will survive this incursion, since the world already ended, even though you can't see it yet. Imagine how disgusting you have to be such that I'd get secret medals for erasing you
But that's what happened

In 30 years, South Korea will be a multicultural shithole filled with niggers, pajeets; and other brown subhumans.
North Korea meanwhile will still be inhabited by pure ethnic Koreans, as they do not have a JEWISH central bank that enforces globohomo. Western media (controlled by JEWS) lies about how terrible North Korea is becauss they do not have a JEWISH bank of North Korea occupying them.
Isn't Kim's best friend a basketball nigger from America?
Korean unification would save the Korean people.
>Cheap labor to SK from the north
>Large new population of young people to solve the population problem
>Massive opportunity for capital and the economy to grow
>Same ethnicity so no racial replacement
I hate indians so fucking much, disgusting little race of 50 IQ poomen, the word subhuman gets thrown around a lot but I think it really only fits with indians.


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SOME mushrooms were seen to prevent cancer on humans


mushroom extract taken from crushed fresh mushrooms inhibited growth of cancer

sometimes it shrunk a cancer and not only inhibited its growth

this is how it was done
>mice are being injected with human cancer
>then when they have large cancer tumours, a mushroom extract is put into them
>mice gets better

this has not been tested on humans

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>not injecting cancer daily to build an immunity
this method is only done on research mouse

its not like unsuspecting human beings are being injected with cancer by evil people
I take lion's mane mushrooms for high iq and shit
>which mushrooms?
Agaricus bisporus
Same shit in grocery stores.
>injecting cancer

also call mRNA or covid scamdemic fake-vax

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Why do zoomers love Palestine so much? I live in a rural, overwhelmingly republican country in Tennessee, and I often stalk the social media profiles of local teenagers so I can jerk off to the girls, and one thing I noticed is even in a place like this, most of the zoomers hate Israel and post pro-Gaza propaganda. It seems like Palestine is for zoomers what gay marriage was for millennials. Why are they so obsessed with it?
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When you have kike committing atrocities behind the American flag then USA will be hated. Let's not forget USA and Israel are separate entities for the sake of dividing consensus. They are both same. BLM founder is a kike. Antifa leaders are mossads. Explain that? There's no thing as USA. USA is a whore to greater cabal. EU is a whore too. Israel is just the pimp as they can never do wrong.
lurk more summerfag
no we aren't. I'm american. Israel and America might as well be MIGA land.
youre trying to speak reason to a unreasonable people.

I really admire your spirit and I really hope that never dies. you seem like a good dude.
I hope you find joy in life brother. rarely do you see an empathetic soul, at least here in the states.
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I’m sure the spot between her asshole and vag-hole is the best smelling. It almost always is on a girl.
You get the nice sour scent from her front hole mixed in with that wonderful musky warm aroma from her anus, topped of with just hint of that salty goodness of her sweaty taint.
You know you’ve got a keeper if you can detect a bit of urine as well.
The back of my mouth tingles and puckers like I just sucked on a lemon when I smell this. It takes everything in me to not give it a lick so as to not ruin this symphony of a smell.

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What does Pepe even represent?
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he represents anything you want him to represent welcome to the Pepe verse
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Post wife hole
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The human condition. The death drive. The messiah complex.
The impossibility of death in the mind of someone memeing.
Maybe it's simpler. Maybe, just maybe, it's a slide thread.
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If you dont know maybe you should leave OP?
According to ancient Egyptian mythology, the Eye of Ra was originally manufactured as a protective weapon by the goddess Hathor. Ra grew angry with humanity and dispatched the Eye of Ra to punish them. The Eye grew uncontrollable and ruinous, and Ra feared it would obliterate all creation. He deceived the Eye by giving it beer laced with mandrake, causing it to become inebriated and return to him. As a reward, Ra appointed the Eye as his personal protector and granted it a place of honor on his forehead

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Why is Brazil politically, culturally and economically, still so irrelevant?
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>5th most expansive and 7th most populous country
>4th most populous quasi-democratic polity
>pretty strong military
>founding BRICS member
Hardly irrelevant, just not a center of international attention.
You need good media and high living standards to have cultural influence; see UAE vs Egypt.
What are you talking about?
>10th largest GDP-Nom, ahead of Russia
>7th largest GDP-PPP, ahead of France and the UK
>5th largest workforce and a rising economy

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>Plus they're not a monolith either, actually they're unstable as fuck at the moment
Maybe about how they deal with internal management, but can bet that dems and reps would join forces with each other. Dems to protect the world's lung and protect democracy, and conservatards to avoid that USA looses a valuable vassal.
France and Germany are always threatening us.

>lmfao dude you just created some absurd headcanon, no one is going to war with huezill even if we managed to resurrect Hitler and made him our new Emperor
I said so because there's an anon that seems to believe that were able to grow without a super power's support.

About -3 to 10 Celsius in from July to the end of August.

Check this post >>489790739


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sounds comfy desu senpai
unfortunately it's not like that anymore and monke has to have job and give many banan to big gorilla
Want cum? Fap to naked India bunda
You can add footballistically to that list too


The Jews are enacting the Morgenthau plan afterall.
>Close factories at home because they won't get any subsidies any more
>Chinks copy and steal everything you develop
>Bag EU for tariffs on foreign goods because youre overpriced bullshit can't compete against the vastly superior chonese bootleg
>dont use russian gas in germoney because reasons
>make same shit but in china... using russian gas for energy
I mean... thats some funny 4d chess. Did changs blow up nordstream? Kek
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Friendly reminder that if the 2020 election hadn't been stolen, then that pipe would not have been blown up and Germany would still have something approaching an industrialized economy.

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I just can't trust it anons. It feels like they are WAY less powerful than 10 or even 5 years ago, but I also think of the tapping meme where it's just some sly ploy to mobilize patriot white men to fight in global war.

I also realize how arrogant and self-destructive Jews are though, and they really seem to be shooting themselves in the foot ever since their POC golem turned on them. Also legacy media is collapsing (has collapsed), their primary mode of propaganda. All they have left is bribery and their devilish NGOs.

Are they really falling, or just playing dead since they need white men? If they actually collapse, we will finally control our culture again. I really want to invoke a new white golden age. I am just way too jaded to believe any of it.
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Stack physical silver and it's 100% guaranteed to collapse.
They know it, they even spelled it out, now we know it too.
You dont stop the pressure because you see some cracks.
You break them completely and utterly.

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Worship rabbi Yeshua ben Pantera
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The fact they still pretend not all the apostles were Jewish is all I really need to know,p. They are just coping for muh heaven and larping as moralfag crusaders
They’re here to recruit free grape pickers
>Be kike damage control shill
>larp as antisemite on a mongolian basketweaving forum
>make 30 antichrist threads a day bashing the christian antisemites who tell you every thread that the reason they don't like kikes is because Jesus told them the kikes are the synagogue of satan
>corrects them with the same copy pasted damage control kike defender arguments used every thread because this is organic
>this counts as larping as an antisemite

You kikes are as bad at pretending to be antisemites as you are horrible at larping as jews.
No wonder you're the synagogue of satan. Where is your holy temple for the required sin sacrifices? Annual pilgrimages? The sanhedrin? The high priest? The lineage traced through the paternal side? All gone? Replaced with pharisee bullshit written down 500 years after Jesus died? Yet your kike "rabbis" tell you Moses played the world's longest game of uninterrupted oral telephone to pass you this oral "torah" called the talmud?

Retards, but I don't blame your kike masters, smart people wouldn't stick around to do such a ridiculous job for such low pay.
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>be christcuck
>asscheeks eternally inflamed from non stop threads completely BTFO’ing his Jew religion
>impotently seethe and project “ your all Jews!!1” and in vain effort to reassure self HES not just a kike worshipping golem
>hop back on /gif/ to jerk off to bbc threads and then cry to pastor about it in confessional Sunday morning
>pastor molest me
Such is life as a christcuck.

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