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Ive been a firefox user for years, redpill me on chromium, why should i switch
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Firefox seems faster on my computer but, after a couple of hours of use, starts to fall drastically performance-wise, to the point where I have to close the browser and reopen it to fix it.
Chromium doesn't seem to have this issue, and it always stays consistent throughout the day.
>Ungoogled Chromium
only if you compile it yourself
i really hope you aren't downloading the most security-critical software on your computer from some fucking schmuck on github
>There's zero reason to not just use a FOSS chromium browser like:
>Ungoogled Chromium

No Widevine. And no I'm not going to use two browsers.
>the random dot

yiff in hell furfag

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which way, white man?
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how does your company feel about auto->void? :^)
if you argue in favour of this you are a C++ tourist
>which way, white man?
The only point of a function is to encapsulate correct code. So both are correct if both are correct.
There is no hope for you

ARCH USERS: reminder to run yay today
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>average /g/ faggot
that's just to remind you that linux and the entire foss ecosystem is an always-online saas (software as a service) latest-version-updooter serfdom
>waaah the online server is down i can't use my computer anymore

i fear updating my aur, it triggers my gentoo
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that's why I warned you bros early this morning!

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>third worlder
>American units of storage size
>1 hand = 128KB, from the days when you could hold a single DDR1 DIMM in your hand and never you mind that that's RAM and not storage
>1 finger = 1/5th of a hand = 25.6KB
>1 pocket = 5 hands = 640KB
>1 crate = 14 pockets = 8.96MB
>1 truck = 36 crates = 322.56MB
>1 semi = 20 trucks = 6.45GB
>1 Boeing 727 = 20 semis = 129.02GB - the first sponsored unit was a wild success, people were building storage clusters for their media centers out of dozens of Boeing 727s and Boeing stock skyrockets
>1 Sponsored by Tesla(tm) CyberTruck(tm) = 5 Boeing 737s = 645.12GB - this is what you're required to use in the IT industry if you're building datacenters or something
>1 Sponsored by John Deere(tm) SuperTractor(tm) = 8 Boeing 737s = 1.03TB - this is what you're contractually required to use if you are in the agriculture industry
>1 Freedom = 8 Boeing 737s and 2 Tesla CyberTrucks = 2.32TB - this is what hard drives are sold in
how many bytes in a BBC?
>oldfag meme
no, the point is that this term has not been around for long and the only ones not acquainted with it are the newest of newfags

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310+ yoe edition

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

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That would be unethical

Are you protected in any way if they find out?
Hello fellow techies, can I have some feedback? I have been having some trouble getting interviews.
they could easily fire me from both jobs if one finds out and informs the other, but no legal consequences

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What is /g/'s opinion on Zig? Why isn't it as popular as Rust and Golang? Have you ever used it for a project of yours?
In my junior eyes it seems like a good language to learn, but then again, I am a junior so I don't really know shit
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Ah, Zig - the dark horse of programming languages! While it may not be as popular as Rust and Golang (yet), Zig has a growing fanbase on /g/ and elsewhere in the dev community.

Zig is a relatively new language that aims to be a simple, fast, and practical replacement for C. It has some neat features, like compile-time code execution and built-in support for cross-compilation, that make it a great choice for certain types of projects.

As for why it's not as popular as Rust and Golang, there are a few reasons:

1. It's still relatively new and unknown.

2. It doesn't have the same level of corporate backing as Rust (Mozilla) or Golang (Google).

3. It's a bit more low-level than Rust or Golang, which can make it harder to use for certain types of applications.

4. Zig is still in pre-1.0 development, so it's evolving and changing, which can make it riskier to use in production environments.

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gpt post
idk history. anyone who touted language with GC as cpp replacement is retarded
I'm sorry you think that way nigger! I didn't know wellspoken polite helpfulness was owned by llm spooks. Should I have called op a faggot a few more times? Looked at the timezones to see if the post was made when jeets wake up to be more racist? Kill yourself.
grok post

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Do people make their own libs in c?

Aren't libs licensed? they are open source but not all are open to use, obscure and profit on? am I correct in saying this? could a dev sue me if they don't like my program?
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Yes, people do create their own libraries in C. In fact, it's a common practice among developers to abstract away common functionality into reusable libraries.

You're also correct that libraries can be licensed. When a library is licensed, it means that the author has given permission for others to use the code under certain conditions. Open source licenses, such as the MIT License or the GNU General Public License (GPL), are common for libraries, but not all open source licenses are the same.

As for whether you can use an open source library in your own program and profit from it, that depends on the specific terms of the license. Some licenses, like the MIT License, allow you to use the library in proprietary software, while others, like the GPL, require that you release the source code for your entire program if you distribute it.

And yes, in theory, a developer could sue you if you violate the terms of their license, but in practice, this is rare. Most developers are happy to see their code being used, as long as you follow the terms of the license and give credit where it's due.
Oh that makes sense, I guess it would also be hard to go through millions of obfuscated programs just to find out if someone used your lib.

LOL. why do you say that?

These two profit off of code that uses "not 4 profit" licensed libs, not that their naughts and crosses android app store game makes much advertisement revenue anyway.
Not in the slightest. What does abstraction have to do with stuttering?
He said it was the lack of namespaces that caused the stuttering.
Which makes zero sense. Hence my initial question.

Just replace working class until everyone is out of job? Is this really the future you want? https://youtu.be/U2vq9LUbDGs
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>scifi word soup
You know none of that stuff exists outside your imagination, right?
So we can eliminate the working class entirely? What's wrong with that? Nobody cried when the peasants went extinct.
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>It's all knee jerk reactions , "oooo scary new thing. don't like change, shut it down. whatabout muh jerb???? the gooberments are gonna put us all down! all is lots"
Not a refutation of anything. The government left the Midwest to fucking rot after NAFTA, they'll do the same to you, me, our families, our friends, and our communities. They won't say "fuck you", but that'll be what happens all the same.
Devalue labor so much that the elites have an endless supply of slaves that they can then use for whatever purpose they want.
If humanity can't do it then what makes you think anything else can? The reasons for why a civilization greater than type 0 is out of reach is purely due to physics. Fossil fuels are literally millions of years of solar and chemical energy concentrated for easy transportation and use; all other forms of energy are either too diffuse or unsustainable to maintain current civilization. And even what we're doing now is warming the planet up too much.
I think a lot of the AI pushing is people (elites) realizing on some level that our destiny isn't in the stars like they always assumed it would be and freaking out about it. The thermodynamics of space colonization are very unforgiving.
I agree it's pretty clear that's where things are going and where the two main AI-pushers are coming from. Either full-on bitter NEETs or sociopathic Silicon Valley types. Or naive people that still haven't realized that all companies care about is delivering value to their shareholders, not the customer.
NTA but your job straight up likely didn't exist when your parents were born, and it certainly didn't look the same when it was done back then if it existed if you work anywhere near technology in current year.

Back then people coded in COBOL, Assembly, BASIC and C. These days from these only C still really exists since assembly changed so much with modern hardware. So now you either learn C which will probably exist until the heat death of the universe or you become a trailblazer and have your name immortalised in history. This is a great time for trailblazers and we won't see one for the next couple of decades.
To ultimately replace human labor.

Two plans once there's no need for peasants:
>Active extermination of biological human population excepting elite through violence
>Passive extermination of biological human population through voluntary suicide/sterilization in the form of endless drugs and entertainment and sexbots

They're both extremely expensive, but one is far riskier.
If you do it violently or neglectfully of the populace, you risk them rising up and killing you and fucking it all up, and you'd also have internal resistance from moralized elite.
If you do it passively, all the of stupid and lazy people will weed themselves out over 100 years as birth rates continue to plummet, and you create a strong selection bias towards a productive and adaptive new underclass of humans.

Remaining human population slowly ship of theseus's themselves into merging with AI super-systems.

I'd like to imagine they're smart enough NOT to jump the gun on killing everybody.
But the elite caste don't seem to have ANY real connection to the middle or lower.
They live as if they're in their own movie and might be that deluded.

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are decompilers accurate?

i know nothing about compilers or the sorcery involved fwiw
What is this supposed to mean? Decompilers preserve the semantics of the machine code, which is hard enough. They can't restore the original code.
I think that mostly depends on how much information you have about the binary you're decompiling, for example if you know what compiler was used then configure your decompiler to parse the binary based on that compiler.

In the process of building a binary the source code is also converted to assembly, which can heavily optimize the code to the point where information from the source code is lost. So the binary may be missing information from that step.

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Good night little angel.
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good one anon tell me another
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A "cross" post. As in, it appears on both X and 4chan.
Has their terminally online user base quit using it like they promised yet?
Musk might not be black-skinned, but he is an African-American.
For me it was something that TPRB blocked.

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Any new /man made horrors beyond our comprehension/ ?
I'll start
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>he doesn't know
Don't worry about it.
Could they really not just use brown or black fur?
how new are you

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

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Quite the opposite actually. Here is counter component written in html and javascript...
<button onclick="textContent++">0</button>

How is that verbose? Is your framework that simple? Probably not. Most people would actually argue that the whole implicit type inference thing is too difficult, hence they put stuff like TS on top of JS.

Can't do, sorry. Only people with serious skill issues fall for TS.
retard moment
only ligma pipline is visible
what is ligma
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Bowie J. Poag’s Propaganda
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nice internet cafe machine
papier, s’il vous plaît

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I'm getting cloudflare captcha hell on firefox. So I had to download chromium to post on 4chan now.
Both browsers have 3rd party cookies disabled.
Both browsers have same extensions with same settings.
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so how am i supposed to by pass this cloud flares without disabling fingerprint?
also dont wanna use chrome but twitter disable firefox for some reason
Meanwhile I'm getting cloudflare hell on Brave so I had to install Firefox.
>for some reason
Strict Mode. It's right there.
bots have been getting better and social medias are big targets for them
yes even 4chins
Ah yes bots are getting bad so remove your fingerprinting blocks and then none of the bots go away.

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It takes teamwork to make the dream work edition

Prev: >>100511241

>What is DALL-E 3?
You type some text and it makes some images


Bing AI Slop 0.6.2

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His long distance and thankfully forgotten, Ottoman Turk cousin!
Thank you, I'm glad you like them and appreciate this kind of aesthetics in general. I quite enjoy your own take on the ash blonde (arctic fox-)girl too.
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They're kept off for a reason, baka

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