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just 2hu playing
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Thanks anon. We have been getting closer and closer each time, Im sure it is a matter of time for /jp/'s victory
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I've tried to find it recently on warosu, but any phrase that comes to my mind brings unrelated posts. Anyone has a link saved? Or at least remembers what I'm talking about? I haven't hallucinated it, have I?
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when suika do it nobody complain
The yamabiko creature really is friendly, you just have to act civilized towards it!
What is the preferred method of greeting yamabiko? Handshake? Hand-wave? Headpats? Loud and clear "Good morning!"?

Post your 2hu valentine
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rape is pure love
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I love Satorin so much. But she's not my absolute favorite anymore. Even still, she holds a pretty high spot in my ranking.
This shit is pretty funny. You're missing out in case you can't read moonrunes
translate it weeb!
>Anon's mind: Satori-sama is so cute.... I'm thinking of confessing to her today!

Anon: What's the matter, Satori-sama?
Satorin: Ah... could you help with today's work... Recently my pets have been shedding their fur in my room...

>Anon's mind: I've actually helped you before....

>Anon's mind: I love Satori-sama's cute appearance and gestures!

Anons: Well... let's clean your room!

>Anon's mind: Wanna come see cute animals with me afterwards?

Satorin: Eh?... Y-yes... i-it's okay.... Let's go see them together...

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Shou Thread
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Byakuren should give 'em back
Maybe after Nyakuren has had her fill of fun with them.
say "gaaao"~
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Shou-san is so cool!
She was one of the first characters that caught my eye specifically because she DOES stand out. The spear, the tiger pattern, short hair, besides Kogasa, Byakuren and Nue, her design is one of the most memorable.
Come to think of it, not very many characters from UFO were popular to begin with...

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Previous thread: >>48373872

- What is this?
This is a collaborative /jp/-centric project which began its planning in November of last year by an anon who will simply be referred to in this thread as OP, the current working title of which is known as "Touhou: Japonaiserie Patchwork". Our goal is to create a NVL-style visual novel involving various Touhou girls and our Villager MC's personal quest to explore Gensokyo and eventually court one lucky 'hu in time for a Hakurei Shrine Flower Viewing, lest he wind up alone or inexorably corrupted depending on the decisions made...
This is a non-profit we are individually undertaking between our own current IRL obligations on top of everything so development may be slow at times. Please exercise some patience with us if you can as progress continues for the foreseeable future. It would be much appreciated!

- What's been done so far?
We have begun writing out the first few scenes & scenarios, the fruits of which can be viewed and commented on here:
- Day 0 Intro/Day 1 Opening (revised once so far): https://pastebin.com/sYYrs01Q
- Marisa Day 1 Scenario/Day 1 Closing/Day 2 Opening: https://files.catbox.moe/ez9hio.txt (no revisions so far, original pastebin was removed by staff for some reason. minor textual errors after posting to catbox with commas and ellipses, likely due to the original text being typed out via mobile device. can be fixed after first revision, please advise)
- Chimata Day 1 Scenario: https://files.catbox.moe/jn1ivv.txt (pending a first revision)
These can all be considered rough drafts and are freely open to criticism or further suggestions, so don’t be afraid to share your thoughts if you have the time & interest to and the appropriate adjustments can perhaps be made. We also have some basic outlines for both Marisa (plus the overall story) & Chimata which can be viewed here if anybody didn’t take a look at them last thread:
(subject to mild alterations during implementation per given suggestions so far)

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You misspelled Mima
No one is going to take the route of a has-been old ghost with a fat butt
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Rika is here to wish the best of luck to her Touhou namesake!
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Thank you kindly. I can't imagine things will continue to be as labored from here on, given irl business aside, so my hope for this thread is to have a lot more content to show by the end of it. At least on my side anyways, OP is also currently stuck in the thick of things but that shouldn't last forever.
It would be really nice to reach that point, especially when dialogue implementation within the engine itself proves to be simple enough. It'd just be a matter of how dedicated future anons would prove themselves to be once we've reached past the point of the demo. Doubly so when it comes to potential artists as well but that's a bridge we won't have to cross for a while longer.
I don't know, you'd be surprised...

Also, forgot to mention this in the starting posts but we're aiming for the length of each character-specific section (with the choices & such) to be around 3k to 5k words on average. Not too sure how that'd compare to other VN's, maybe on the shorter side, but it's been fairly reasonable to maintain that much so far. After work today I'm hoping to correct whatever went wrong with the Day 1 catbox and then just do some more writing.
>After work today I'm hoping to correct whatever went wrong with the Day 1 catbox
Very sleepy night tonight but I'm keeping at it as best I can, fixing that dialogue is a little annoying but straight forward enough to still get done sometime fairly soon

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Don't pretend you don't know, MKL.
I genuinely can't remember. The only bad I know she was in was Fuuka.
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Saito knows.
I wish she was my Mommy

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Visual Novel translation status

12RIVEN -the Ψcliminal of integral- - 60% translated
Aiyoku No Eustia - In progress 100% TL patch leaked, project to continue, 100% Translated/edited/TLC
Akatsuki no Goei ~Principal-tachi no Kyuujitsu~ - 100% translated/edited/QA
Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ - 100% translated and edited, 18,337 (30.16%) lines through QA
Axanael - "Overwhelming majority" of the text translated, including the main story, some side content remains, in need of editing
CHAOS;HEAD Love Chu Chu! - 100% translated, 25.19% edited
CHAOS;CHILD Love Chu Chu!! - 100% translated and edited
Chusingura 46+1 - 39617/82770 (47.86%) lines translated, Kuranosuke route partial patch released
Daiakuji - Ongoing project
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate - Being patched
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden - Being patched
Dragon Knight 4 - 62% translated, playtesting also ongoing
Go-toubun no Hanayome ~Kanojo to Kawasu Itsutsu no Yakusoku~ - 100% translated, 1 route 100% edited

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Air release on Steam 5th March
dont bump the old thread

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Last thread already hit the bump limit, but let's not discourage us from talking about regular Japanese music.

Let's start of by discussing this regular Japanese song and its singer. Do you like the singer's music?
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>uploaded 17 years ago

Post ZUN
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apparently ZUN really liked a random gook drink so the gooks made a fan gookhu based on it
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the gookhu in question
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a second beerhu
Okina (beer forma)
It was more because ZUN joked about the drink appearing in the next game because of how much he liked it (which people interpreted as a character rather than the actual drink itself)

yknow I remember a gook fan walked up to ZUN and asked him to consider adding gookhus too (since he's put in chinkhus) to which he said he'll consider it from then on
...this was back in 2009, the chinkhu in question was Meiling (although more chinkhus have shown up since like Seiga, Junko and Yuuma)
I think it would be interesting to see ZUN attempt a gookhu even if its something in the same vein as Meiling

God Meiling is so fucking hot...

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I want to marry this beautiful jelly baby
skill issue
There are two types of people in the world. Those who stack and those who knock stacks down.
eika is not for waifu nor lewdness, but for protecting and defending
sweet baby stacking sweets

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Is she still an useless bunny?
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Letting her relax among all the bullying
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valentines for a bunny
those kids at the human village are merciless with their taunts

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Haruka is spooky in certain way tbf
let me eat the harurun

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Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw
Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk
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Pussying out to an irrelevant minority is the epitome of retardation.
The sun has fallen.
Billions must Utau.
Miku and KAFU
>>Could Easily made past 100m views
>>Could Easily made past 100m views
Not a chance lmao.
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Yeah, no. 30M at best, probably more like 12M.

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I don't understand. It's Christmas time, and Shinra-Bansho released a new music video starring her. Yet there are no Doremy threads on /jp/. Why do you hate Doremy?
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visiting-a-certain-someone's-dream creature
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sleeping creature
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reading-stories-to-the-shrine-maiden creature
pissed-off creature
She saw you dreaming with other bakus.

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