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Can we give my favorite girl her own thread? She's so underrated, I wish more people could appreciate her more!
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I love Chen...
And I love Orange!
I think her hair is supposed to be orange but color limitation messed it up: her hair is mostly light red instead of dark red like Kotohime's and Yumemi's.
Or it could be because idk, red+yellow, still surprising that a first boss in a pc98 game gets a different pose but that modern games don't.

>Who's Who of Humans and Youkai ZUN's full comment
The comment is familiar but I've never read Who's Who aside from a few bits.
Turns out it's in the music comments of the arragements:
I think the Orange and Blueberry theory could make sense since Marisa and Reimu go out at different times.
Still no clue what happened to ZUN to make so many songs and not use them in LLS, they're also pretty good.

>I'd say the Stage 6 background for UFO looked more reminiscent of PC-98
Yeah, I think the main difference is the birds and plants making it look more like windows era. Instead of having simple shapes like 5 pointed stars and such.

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the ZUN comments on "Who's Who" are the only really interesting bits since he gives a bit of insight on the process behind including a character
I love the one for Alice because it pretty much reveals she only made it into windows to troll people
>The demo went up to stage 3, so I didn't want to give anything away about the later stages or final boss in those stages. So I intentionally brought back a character from the past just to make player think it might have something to do with that (lol).

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I love this borb
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I want to tell her she's pretty just to see her cute reaction.
Well maybe the mammaries wood serve some function if the father is a mammal...
I generally don't care much for transgenders, but i can make an exception for FtM
I'm not transgender I'm just a manlet lmao
Okuungles :3
I want to dance with her

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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo, Sakurazaka3ki, Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

01/10) "Nogizaka, Touhikou. SEASON2"
(01/21) Ioki Mao 1st Photobook "Mirai no Tsukurikata"
(01/25) Higashimura Mei Graduation Ceremony Makuhari Event Hall
(01/28-30) Nogizaka46 37th Single Under Live
(01/29) Hinatazaka46 13th Single (Sotsugyoshashin Dake ga Shitteru) Release
(02/11) All Night Nippon X SP Live (Hinatazaka46)
(02/12) Nogizaka46 "12th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE" Blu-ray release
(02/12) Yoda Yuki 3rd Photobook "Yoda"
(02/19) Sakurazaka46 11th single "UDAGAWA GENERATION"
(02/22-23) Hinatazaka Music Parade LIVE -2025-
(02/22-23) Yoda Yuki Graduation Concert

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583 replies and 300 images omitted. Click here to view.
Kek so delusional
Thanks for proving our point
Hinatazaka won
Zero appearances at Kouhaku

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everyone forgot about her
this umbrella is sad and lonely
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She can repair it easily. She sometimes alters her appearance a little bit to seem more scary.
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Thanks Doc. What does Eirin think about big pharma?
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>Eirin thread
Did you forget what this entire thread is
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The dose…

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Megumu-sama... Please don't hurt yourself.

You don't need to prove you're as flexible as any younger tengu or human. N-Not that we're saying you're old or anything!
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Even in Megumu's thread, F.O.X.!
NTR fox is everywhere
Even in my soup?
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she was evicted
ugh, soggy fox

the official channel released a retrain of one of their first videos which introduces the 10 prisoners, except shidou, mahiru and haruka are edited outs including their singing parts. RIP didn't think they'd have the guts to kill off any characters before the third trial
They're dead, Jim.

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previous >>48668062
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make new
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>anon wake up
>it was all just a bad dream
>there was no ship

For your crimes against the underground, Satori has tasked you to community service. You have to help Kisume out of her shell and raise her into a proper adult!
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Now can you fix Kisume's rope on her bucket & get her a new one?
what a baka. but it would be unpolite to refuse.
If I take her out the bucket will she die?
just keep her warm and it's fine.

I miss japanese p2p like you wouldn't believe.
People gave them a lot of shit for being obsucre and hard to use but once you got the hang of it, it was a goldmine of content. Every comiket, you knew every major release was going to be there on the first day.
Japan is a domestic antipiracy phenomenon, they have managed to completely eradicate that kind of software and all the people that used to upload rips/scans/etc are gone with nobody to replace them, it's like the concept of buying and sharing something on the internet no longer exists there. So many old rare files lost forever too. People who used to pirate are either scared and try to act like saints.
Now it's all other asians and us all the work.
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About a decade ago I used to utilize PD/Winny/Shre to get all sorts of obscure manga. It was great. How is the security on them these days? Does your ISP know everything you download?
ISPs outside Japan don't even know what that is nor they have resources to monitor traffic on these networks. Even Japanese ones don't see shit because traffic is encrypted.
Share was superior.
naw dawg
Share doesn't have the kind of file retention PD has, tons of files stuck forever

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Kokoro gives a kyunkyun heart to /jp/!
Support this cute idol Precure!
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It's only getting necrobumped because the thread won't have any other activity or usage beyond using up a board slot for the tumors infesting this board. Precure is only barely /jp/, and I would say your thread isn't shit and deserves a pass. Really, I would.
The problem is you posted >>48635369 and immediately revealed yourself as someone shitposting in nothing but bad faith. Not only to /jp/, but also to your own supposed obsession by comparing it to the absolute lowest of the low of otaku culture that is idolfaggotry. You should apologize to your waifu far more than you should apologize to /jp/. I hope once you've done so you come back in some weeks and make a better thread with a better mindset, rather than opening your thread by saying "I think my waifu is trash but you guys should post in my thread anyways" like you did. Of course, I don't believe you hold a shred of love for her in your heart by insulting her so deeply, but I understand that autism is prevelant on this board and there is at least a 0.001% chance that you didn't know that 3D idolshit is universally reviled by almost all aspects of otaku outside of the handful that actively engage with idolfaggotry.
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I understand your worries, but she's quite literally an idol. Not shitposting or anything like that, Precure's next season is called You and Idol Precure. I was quite a bit shocked when it was revealed too, didn't expect they to use this as a theme!
Just see this! Kokoro is the idol that's going to bring smiles to all!
but seriously she's super cute
can't wait for her, hope this thread will still be alive then
does anyone even know what's the need to necrobump all threads?
Anyway, have another cute Kokoro-chan.
so precious...
really looking forward to seeing more of her

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how your children looked like?
What the fuck is this gif lol. I’m with you on wanting teh Nueners feet.
This is how you swallow her cock
Imagine the Nue force-feeding you her shoes like that, it would be really painful haha
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Her shoes? But that'd be like swallowing a whole walnut, or eating an egg with the shell on. The delicious fruit is on the inside, anon.

This is a depiction of me receiving the nueet straight down my throat. Why fist when you can feet?

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前: >>48675425

Djt is a thread for the discussion of and questions about the japanese language

Guide: Google
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the fuck is たのよう


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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo, Sakurazaka3ki, Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(01/21) Ioki Mao 1st Photobook "Mirai no Tsukurikata"
(01/25) Higashimura Mei Graduation Ceremony Makuhari Event Hall
(01/28-30) Nogizaka46 37th Single Under Live
(01/29) Hinatazaka46 13th Single (Sotsugyoshashin Dake ga Shitteru) Release
(02/11) All Night Nippon X SP Live (Hinatazaka46)
(02/12) Nogizaka46 "12th YEAR BIRTHDAY LIVE" Blu-ray release
(02/12) Yoda Yuki 3rd Photobook "Yoda"
(02/19) Sakurazaka46 11th single "UDAGAWA GENERATION"
(02/22-23) Hinatazaka Music Parade LIVE -2025-
(02/22-23) Yoda Yuki Graduation Concert
(03/19) MTV VMAJ (Nogizaka46, Sakurazaka46, Hinatazaka46)

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600 replies and 300 images omitted. Click here to view.
...nothing last year or this year
Hina is not for Masumoto
Thank you Matsuda Konoka
Hina is for Masumoto

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BanG Dream!

Revue Starlight

Dig Delight Direct Drive!

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No wonder she was so good in MahoAko
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Oyu is so comfy
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