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Akyuu thread
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Valentine's wife
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I don't remember making this post...
Oddly i don't remember making this post either
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Update on this

Post ZUN
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My granddad didn't had a single white hair until he was 70.
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apparently ZUN really liked a random gook drink so the gooks made a fan gookhu based on it
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the gookhu in question
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a second beerhu
Okina (beer forma)

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satorin my love!
today I love you so much
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How the tables turn! Now its your turn to get raped, Anon!
I don't think so.
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this is not a day for rape, it's a day for love!
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rape is pure love

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Visual Novel translation status

12RIVEN -the Ψcliminal of integral- - 60% translated
Aiyoku No Eustia - In progress 100% TL patch leaked, project to continue, 100% Translated/edited/TLC
Akatsuki no Goei ~Principal-tachi no Kyuujitsu~ - 100% translated/edited/QA
Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ - 100% translated and edited, 18,337 (30.16%) lines through QA
Axanael - "Overwhelming majority" of the text translated, including the main story, some side content remains, in need of editing
CHAOS;HEAD Love Chu Chu! - 100% translated, 25.19% edited
CHAOS;CHILD Love Chu Chu!! - 100% translated and edited
Chusingura 46+1 - 39617/82770 (47.86%) lines translated, Kuranosuke route partial patch released
Daiakuji - Ongoing project
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate - Being patched
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden - Being patched
Dragon Knight 4 - 62% translated, playtesting also ongoing
Go-toubun no Hanayome ~Kanojo to Kawasu Itsutsu no Yakusoku~ - 100% translated, 1 route 100% edited

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>Harukuru. - Spring has come true? - February 14th release for all ages version
Delayed. Sasuga.
...and some anons even started to breakdance from happiness for getting a mutilated port with a +18 patch held in the limbo of negotiations.
>harsh language and crude jokes
Are you fucking kidding me, Nintendo? Even the Wii U Treehouse shit had some edgy cursing (which wasn't in the original dialogue) here and there.
And still has some censorship. And let's not forget the Tokyo Mirage... The Nintendo shills will say no but very often their games end censored.
Fire Emblem and Ace Attorney are the most cursed series due to how poorly localized and censored the games are. But Nintendo is always horrible on 1st party games. Especially Xenoblade Chronicles 2 even though i like that game.

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her backstory is coming up next month. it's going to be kino
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If you mean the blonde girl living in the western style house in the middle of the forest, that's not Marisa. Some people say it's Alice. I say it's Flandre since it's a wink to "And then there were none" and Flandre is UN Owen
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>I've heard this exact same concept before
I might be having Cryptomnesia of a previous /jp/ post that might even have been made by me or another anon specifically on Reimu. Or maybe it's just my mind playing tricks.
>but I don't remember where I heard it fromwhere the monsters either created or empowered an already existing person into becoming the bane of their entire race
Sounds interesting, if you rember please share even if it's not /jp/ related.
I think half-monsters, corrupted into monsters in the hunt or hunters that don't mind becoming a monster as long as the deed gets done are more common tho.

> 7 dead and one turned into a youkai.
It just says 7 person taken away by youkai, the girl in the c63 version in the second song is also said to not look youkai nor human. Points a bit towards magicians who are physically pretty human-ish, which might not have visited Gensokyo up to that point but yeah.

>DiPP was just a shrine maiden might not have been Reimu
Going by my shizo rant, the shrine maiden is Reimu but might also not be Reimu considering possible memory loss every time she get's killed, or things like 60 year old memories banishing and so on.

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Considering the fact that the story was omitted from later releases of DiPP, it's kind of silly to factor it in as canon for Touhou.
>Sounds interesting, if you rember please share even if it's not /jp/ related.
I'll try but its a hard thing to google. I can at least say it wasn't from the jay or any of the chans... problem was it might have just been a popular theory for something else and not actually canon which would make finding it even harder

>I guess ZUN sees it a bit as if using Hell, Heaven, Makai, Wonderland, Dreamland and so on.
Not really related but there was another interview I remember where he said the reason he still refers to Touhou as being derivative work / fanwork (something he's said before) is because he didn't come up with the gods and mythology he draws from so its a derivative work of mythology. So maybe he doesn't actually see Gensokyo as synonymous with Touhou

>Just Meiji 17 being 1884, vague but could be a hint.
another Meiji 17 truther. I mean there was the semi-recent Lotus Eaters chapter where Marisa almost turned into a youkai by accident despite the youkai magician process being detailed out as very deliberate. Makes sense since Japanese myth has all sorts of stories of people turning into youkai as a result of doing this and that, and DiPP is literally an example of that
>>48913075 (samefag)
OH I'm a fucking retard it was Chainsaw Man how the fuck did I forget about Chainsaw Man

Choco for dinner, Choco for lunch
Choco for breakfast, Choco for brunch
Choco at every single meal!
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she actually produces chocolate milk
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need choccy milk

Warm Biki for a cold December.
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Will this thread last until Summer?
Spring maybe.

Look out, /jp/! Hisami is stalking you!
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Liking yuri is heterosexual! What sort of faggot doesn't think 1+1=2?
grape harvest
I had some grapes this week. It was good. Tasty. Green grapes.
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Grape-flavored chocolate!
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Receiving grape chocolate = eternal happiness
POVE: You're Zanmu

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could we get a thread of the 2hus enjoying some nice food? here's flan eating a hamburger to start
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*eating mu
now the right one
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come on people let's enjoy some more food!

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Drawings and music, let's keep it going anons.
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hello, I'm going to do another drawing stream, if you want to participate you can join here at 17:00 EST
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Recent drawings.
is Sanny flustered over Anakun or traumatized by the genocide
alright it's over, very fun
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I drew this very late (or early in the morning) cause I'd only made something quick on paper previously. Now I can sleep.

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This is Shimmy!
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It's fine, she called for help.
No, bully and abuse Shimmy.
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<Happy valentine's day!!!>
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Meaty Shimmy.

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Today a new official Touhou printwork written entirely by ZUN was listed in Kadokawa's website, to be released on the first of April (suspicious?)
東方幻存神籤 ~ Whispered Oracle of Hakueri Shrine.
It will consist of omikuji written by Reimu, and each one will be dedicated to a specific character. The descripition says that ALL characters from Touhou will be covered, so it's a great chance for chatacters that haven't appeared in forever to get new lore. With 160 pages, one omikuji per page, maybe even some PC98s could get in? Probably not.
Some people are worried this means ZUN is thinking of ending Touhou soon, but I don't think this is probable since he recently said he wants do Touhou until he dies.
The release date kind of worries me. But if it's true, I am looking forward to it.
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>lost word currently has mima, shinki, gengetsu, and mugetsu
I don't play lost word, but isn't it true that they don't talk to anybody else and also don't show up on the title screen like other characters do, or something like that?
Yumemi has a big role too
Could be like with Grimoire of Usami there's small manga segments in the book so about 25 pages if my numbers are correct
Karma is a bitch https://youtu.be/oALWRubuVWk?t=9
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>Fortune Teller reappears and Reimu must frantically tell fortunes to appease him.
>The release date kind of worries me.
THIS, ZUN is gonna troll us.
He'll release "all characters" in a funny way.
Get ready for him putting all pc98 characters and just making them fictional characters from the animal realms gameboy knockoff, tengu manga or some tanuki/kitsune impersonating them.

Tanuki Marisa entry, Kitsune Marisa entry, kuda-gitsune Marisa ,winged Marisa entry and redhead Marisa entry but no Mima. Yep, my bones are feeling it.

The description might just be marketing stuff and it might just be limited to people in Gensokyo.
Still getting new info on characters like Rumia and Yuuka after all this years might be nice.
Still fear whatever he could pull off for april fools

The cutest librarian girl is back!
What books have you been enjoying recently, /jp/? Let's all read with her!
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Gangsta rap? lolno. I think she'd like modern pop. Her refined taste in books probably wouldn't extend to music, and she IS a young girl, after all. Hell, I could see Suzu being a Swiftie! (Is Taylor Swift even popular in Japan?)
Comfy lunch.
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That's a fair assumption. I don't even think her taste for books is refined, it's more like she's interested in weird stuff that other people ignore like outside world books and youma books, so if that extended to her taste in music she'd probably like more obscure kinds of music as well. But of course she's a young girl and could easily be a swiftie...
History of secret societies. Masonry, rosicrucianism, hermeticism, all that stuff. Maybe even more mundane stuff of such type, like Christianity in Japan after it went underground.
Akyuu likes punk rock. I'm pretty sure her music tastes rubbed onto Suzu.
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Couldn't let the date pass without at least one Valentine post! Librarian chocolate!
I'd say that the fact that the 9n never mentioned the Suzu liking it as well (for example never inviting her to a concert) is good evidence that their taste is different. I think the Suzu would look for different stuff, and I don't know if punk rock fits her... But at the same time Punk Kosuzu would be quite a sight.

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I bet you get off on knocking the towers over you sick fuck
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I want to marry this beautiful jelly baby
skill issue
There are two types of people in the world. Those who stack and those who knock stacks down.
eika is not for waifu nor lewdness, but for protecting and defending

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Post em. 2hus doing stuff outside of Gensokyo also welcome.
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