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Reimu on a cock edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html

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I always knew there were more to those Moriya Shrine conspiracies
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Post more international Fumos.
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The new idol pretty cure girl, Mayumi!
Cure Haniwa will battle the evil Animal Spiritsgu and bring happiness and smiles to the whole world!
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I don't know if ZUN has commented more on the workings of the Animal Realm in the later print works, but since the exact workings aren't explained in Wily Beast it's probably more or less like the Buddhist animal realm. Since a lot of the Japanese would have at least passing understanding of what it's like, it's like a Western gamedev using "hell" as a setting without too much explanation. Anyway, the basic idea is that it's a realm where everything operates on basic instincts and fear. Maybe less about straight up might makes right, but that can be part of it. As for chances of getting out of there, in Touhou lore, it is up to ZUN who probably has a very depressing take on the matter. IRL Mahayana Buddhism believes that even the most wretched, demonic entities can eventually with time and growth get out of the hellish realms.

I do like the background lore of Touhou 17 a lot. The character of Keiki plays with the lore of Haniyasu. Haniyasu was one of the kami born from Izanami's corpse after she dies while giving birth to the fire of kami. The other kami born from that are the kami of water, reeds and gourds. Water, reeds, gourds and clay were traditional firefighting tools in Japan. The fiery swirl that surrounds Keiki is probably a reference to this, and I suppose "being prayed into existence to save people" is a way to re-interpret the idea that birth of fire leads to creation of tools to control it.
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Keiki ought to explain the tactical advantage that is giving Mayumi tree trunks for thighs
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Lower body strength is kind of a big deal in martial arts.
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Mythological inspirations are neat but I think that reading Keiki as an allegory of artificial intelligence (It’s alluded multiple times in the game and ZUN states is explicitly in the interview) results in more interesting interpretation of WBaWC. It all boils down to choice between corporate animal cage and paternalistic, authoritarian ai. It's basically cyberpunk.

This is Hina, /jp/.
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What are her kinks?
That a lot of smell lines...
imagine hugging Hina and she picks you up and spins you around while giggling
Kageharu is so great at drawing Hina. I wish she drew more.
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Very cute Hinas indeed
We'll probably get a Christmas Hina from her soon at least
I wish someone scanned her books.

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This thread is for the discussion of anison (anime song), the genre of music made specifically for anime. Whether it be dedicated anime singers, voice actors, idols, as long as the song was made for an anime, it belongs here. Discuss your favorite anison artists and anime songs, and share your events and experiences!

Discussion of doujin music, anikura, idols, seiyuu (outside of their music careers), and mainstream Japanese artists go in their respective threads.

Previous thread: >>47890169
Anyone else who likes this song?
>How do we save LiSA's career?
She doesn't need saving.
Her career isn't doing as well as it was during Gurenge
And that's a good thing

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Visual Novel translation status

12RIVEN -the Ψcliminal of integral- - 50% translated
Aiyoku No Eustia - In progress 100% TL patch leaked, project to continue, 100% Translated/edited/TLC
Akatsuki no Goei ~Principal-tachi no Kyuujitsu~ - 100% translated/edited/QA
Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ - 100% translated and edited, 16,080 (26.45%) lines through QA
Axanael - "Overwhelming majority" of the text translated, including the main story, some side content remains, in need of editing
CHAOS;HEAD Love Chu Chu! - 100% translated, 25.19% edited
CHAOS;CHILD Love Chu Chu!! - 100% translated and edited
Chusingura 46+1 - 39617/82770 (47.86%) lines translated, Kuranosuke route partial patch released
Daiakuji - Ongoing project
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate - Being patched
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden - Being patched
Dragon Knight 4 - 60% translated, playtesting also ongoing
Fate/Stay Night - Partial patch released with a new translation for Fate/UBW/9 days of HF

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>stale and awkward
Why? Not enough quips? No characters rewritten to be unnecessarily snarky and aggressive? No paragraphs replaced with ellipses?
all non english speakers, other than the japanese, must be killed.
south africans, rejoice
Christmas miracle perhaps?

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Which touhou is the most?
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my wife
Aya quickly flew over Road of Reconsideration to a place, where she had hidden her Human Village outfit earlier. She took off her skirt and geta, put on practical yet elegant, brown shorts, then shoes, jacket and finished changing her attire with putting on khaki cap. Now able to enter the Human Village with no problem, Tengu went in that direction as fast as she could. This haste was on one hand a result of reporter's suspicion, that soon Ministry of Right and Wrong will send someone after her, on the other hand it was caused by fear, that the whole situation could turn into incident at any moment, with Reimu entering the scene. The former needed to happen at right circumstances, all according to a plan. For the latter, Aya hoped it wouldn't happen, especially with her meeting Crimson Slasher on duty personally.
Once she was closed to Human Village, Tengu landed on ground and ran to its gates. Inside, she went through different streets, stopping at Hieda Manor. She approached the door and started knocking in a way Akyuu told her to. One knock, longer pause, another knock and another pause, third hit, fourth quickly after, finally, after another stretched pause the last knock. The reporter had no idea why the chronicler was so insistent on this particular method.
With signaling Akyuu done, Aya went to Geidontei. The bar was full of men at this hour, most of them still eating dinner, but few of them moved to strictly drinking the alcohol already. Tengu ordered a bottle of sake and sat near entrance, to check from time to time what was happening outside. While waiting and drinking, she rehearsed in mind the answers she was supposed to give once questioned.
Later Aya heard, that leaving at the time she did was a good decision. Ministry, unable to find any trace of Akyuu passing into afterlife, ordered Komachi to go and interrogate Bunbunmaru's author about the article. Gensokyo's shinigami went through Road of Liminality and Road of Reconsideration just a few minutes after Aya had. If Tengu had dawdled around Sanzu little longer, Komachi would have caught her too early. But with feathered reporter nowhere around, shinigami went to Youkai Mountain first. There was a quite a commotion between her and mountain's residents including even some spellcard duels. But in the end, the lazy reaper prevailed, only to found out that Aya wasn't in her home.
With no further leads, Komachi decided to go to Human Village. Shinigami, with a big scythe over her shoulder, furious over the additional work she was given, entered the settlement and immediately caused many cries of horror. Tengu could easily heard them, despite being inside bar. Other patrons realised that something was happening outside as well. Soon, there were people running down the street near Geidontei, pale from from fear. Few of the more courageous ones bursted into the bar and explained what they saw, gasping for breath from fright and exhaustion. Aya tried to look as terrified as other, but it wasn't easy, despite the fact that she was quite concerned. Soon the whole undertaking would end, either successfully, or with some terrible failure right at the finish.
Finally, Komachi entered Geidontei and looked at Aya with a stern gaze, as if trying to imitate Shiki Eiki. But a keen observer could spot some shade of relief, that must had washed shinigami's face a bit earlier. Tengu stood up, knowing that Human Village wasn't suitable for danmaku. Grabbing the half-empty sake bottle, both non-humans left the bar without a word and went to Ministry of Right and Wrong for a questioning.

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This thread is for all current and former idols of Up-Front & Hello!Project


>Agency Links:
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>Airi and Miyabi sing Honto no Jibun
>they kept Momoko's recorded lines
>they both raise their pinky when she's singing
>Miyabi's voice cracks
I never asked for these feels
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By the way, Reisen is totally an earth bunny, that's why she doesn't wear her moon uniform anymore, if you think otherwise then YOU ARE A FOOL
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Rude! Seiran is the sweetest bunbun alive! She just needs a boyfriend (you!)
She'll cook for you!
She'll give you plenty of cuddles!
When she wants a hug you're not allowed to say no!
You're not allowed to go to Ringo's shop for food!
In fact you should stop talking to Ringo altogether!
Or any other girls for that matter!
You should only be looking at Seiran!
Seiran will wear that outfit you really like!
She's all you'll ever need and she can do it just as well as anyone!
What do you mean "I want my freedom back."?
A scared unfaithful husband makes Seiran a sad bunny...
You need mallet correction. It's all your fault...
You look prettier when you're crying

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>Implying I'm not doing pic related
Reisen holds herself pretty well, she's just one bad day from replicating Falling Down on all of Gensokyo like her dream self in AoCF.
It hurts me that I can't hug and kiss this crazy sweet girl
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Mizuchi wants you to notice her.
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Don't give ZUN the idea.
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can she get pregnant?
You never know until you try it for yourself.

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Previous thread: >>48356661

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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Some of the stuff I've seen mentioned in these threads are the Demonbane and Muramasa novels by Haganeya, Sakurai's what a beautiful series side stories, Carnival's novel, Fate Zero, Fate Stranger Fake, Lord El Melloi's Case Files, Nasu's novels like DDD, Tsuki no Sango and Notes.
果てしなく青い、この空の下で… has a great continuation in a form of light novel, good luck finding it for good price though
Thanks for the recs anons, definitely checking out the Demonbane novels once I get around to it, I love what I've read from Hideyuki Furuhashi already.
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Just to be clear, these are a continuation? It's a bit confusing cause they have the same title.
Trader also has some (both Akihabara locations across the street from each other)

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/jp/ stands for Jigsaw Puzzle!

Anything goes as long as it's /jp/ related. Make sure to mark any super lewd puzzles as NSFW. Jump into jigs and start sawing or make your own on:


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I Will Larva You For An Eternity
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Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
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>/jp/ stands for Jigsaw Puzzle!
Fuck that, /jp/ puzzles have always been 2hu puzzles, not vtubing crap. Even a few months ago you wouldn't see this faggotry. Grim shit.

Also 700 piece puzzles suck ass

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Post Japanese gravure here (remember this is a SFW board)

A gravure idol (グラビアアイドル gurabia aidoru), often abbreviated to gradol (グラドル guradoru), is a Japanese female model who primarily models on magazines, especially men's magazines, photobooks or DVDs. Gravure idols appear in a wide range of photography styles and genres. Their photos are largely aimed at male audiences with poses or activities intended to be provocative or suggestive, generally accentuated by an air of playfulness and innocence rather than aggressive sexuality.

>Sales Rankings

>What's New

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Forever the queen.
slap her then run and hide and watch her reaction
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>small boobs
>fat ass
She literally perfect
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"A person, a person, a person!
Kidnap some humaaans"
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more bird
Is it okay to fuck little birds?
Because she cooks food
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Would you take the birb as your happily wedded wife? Or would you "pump and dump" her?
Why not both? she will forget sooner or later anyway.

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Some time since the last thread like this. Post any 2hu gif, webm or mp4s since these are now allowed.
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Somebody get her a hot meal now!
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Aya blew up my wife
My wife blew up China.
Also, orientalzenzai is amazing.

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Does anyone have the translated version of this Yukkuris game?
how's the game called?

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