>27+ years>her design still hasn't been toppedexplain
>>48908837Ellen-chan trying to seduce someone again!Naughty naughty witch!
Ellen can't even remember her own bust size.
>>48911794The only thing this girl remembers is her thousand years of virginityHonestly people mock the hags but Ellen has been throwing herself at men for the last millenia and still has been unable to score once. That's gotta be the worst record, not really by time but by effort
Such a beautiful girl... cannot be forgotten!She might forget but I'll never forget her!
Medicine is staring you from the void.
>>48898537I just realized it now but this picture is an reference to Dolls in Pseudo Paradise.Particularly the story written in Engimatic Doll from the Comiket 63 release."Oh, and I wanted to get rid of this doll as soon as possible, too.But, those blue eyes. Sometimes a black crow carries them away and eats them. Those are real eyes.Because I always put in new eyes"
ZUN has just announced a new printwork where all the characters are going to be covered, which practically guarantees something new to the best doll.What will ZUN reveal for Medicine?
>>48906643Nice catch! I hadn't notice it at all.Given how anon enlightened me earlier about the connection between Medi and Agatha Christie, it's not impossible that ZUN could have been thinking of this when he designed Medi...>>48911921Given that it's Reimu writing about Gensokyo's denizens, I won't get my hopes up. I don't think she knows or cares a lot about Medi. Regardless getting anything for her now will be a blessing so I'm just waiting warmly.
taken from /i/. it's a nice little quiet board just like Medicine.>>>/i/804286
Guru Meditation
>>48906587When she's willing to allow her followers to cause serious trouble if it means not rocking the boat and potentially alienating them, it is a bad thing. Overall she's probably one of the better people out of the cast. Nobody was saying she was bad as a whole, so please quit your shitfit before you embarrass yourself further.
>>48882915Is it even possible to practice chastity in her presence?
She can’t even eat meat or drink, what’s the appeal?
>>48912919Do you even need to ask?
Thread #34.5 of the HSE—This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoff of a fan work.>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”—Useful links:OG work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363Hana's story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52050766/chapters/1316347811st chapter of the HSE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51816529HSE collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/The_Hakurei_Shrine_Experience—'please don't try to bump with mobile data' edition—previous thread: >>48111658
>>48916663She is not for that
>>48916663Imagine the non euclidean sex. She can jerk you off with naruto hand signs.
>>48916887>vtumor reaction image slop
>>48916740The Hana is for protecting and caring, Yukari is for unhappy sex!
With her around everyone gets cooler and nicer. That's because she's the best, the strongest and the cutest.So let's have a thread for Chiruno!
>>48914480stronger than crabby
As expected, everyone knows Cirno is the strongest.
>>48916586Such a fact is self-evident.Meet her once and you'll immediately see her incomparable strength!
Post and discuss boyhus.
>>48897460If Yachie isn't able to dom me I'll be very disappointed
>>48897460This. Contrary to popular belief, youkai horns exist for the sole purpose of being used as handles while you rail them. These don't actually exist for the sake of combat/protection.
>>48910568You aren't brave enough to grab his horns and take him for a ride.
>>48911978Nice try Yuuka
which one needs correction more?
everyone forgot about herthis umbrella is sad and lonely
>>48903580I wish there were 2hu in the outside world storiesI've seen a grand total of two thus farCrossovers that just staple a 2hu's face to an OC don't count
>>48893501You can't stop me
Join Sister Brella in prayer, will you?
>>48905845I really liked that Kogastory I mentioned so I completely agree with youBut honestly I've tried to imagine it once and I couldn't come up with much interesting. I get a feeling that most 2hus would just find the outside world unremarkable. Kogasa for sure could be scared of the constant lights and noises and movement but I don't think there's much for her to do over here honestly.
>>48912955>I don't think there's much for her to do over here honestlyKogasa meets someone in emotional slump. She then decides to motivate that person to carry on with life despite hardships. As the Umbrella herself struggles to adapt to the modern Outside World>scared of the constant lights and noises and movementand still attempt to scare that unmotivated person from time to time, hijinks ensue.Cliche? Sure, but also heart-warming.
Warm Biki for a cold December.
Will this thread last until Summer?
>>48911235Spring maybe.
Hibiki makes me feel warm in a certain part of my body.
A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF Previous Thread: >>48754093
>>48913748It's just leftoid propaganda. Nothing deep.
>>48913728That's how I felt watching this old Hiroshi Abe moviehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImDD-QSct50
>>48913379>replaced with another showGrim. They made history two months ago, way to fuck it all up.>>48913552Were they close to working with some particular celeb(s)? The Matsumoto Curse might be making rounds right about now.
>>48913768History of what, that was lame as fuck M-1, probably worse than 2015 one. No Kyojin, No Shinsuke, No Matsumoto, No Kaminuma as judges. Tetsuo? Yamauchi? Are they fucking kidding me?
Discussion of the online games found on DMM/Fanza and Nutaku.Previous Thread: >>48559793Nutaku (R-18)http://www.nutaku.net/gamesNutaku (All-ages)http://www.nutaku.com/gamesDMM/Fanza (R-18)http://www.dmm.co.jp/DMM (All-ages)http://www.dmm.com/Forumshttp://harem-battle.club/http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>48913107Fuck she's so sexy. I wish she went to GirCre.
>>48913663>JewPri doing a collab with Tokyo NecrowatActually I think Tokyo Necro having a login collab with original JewPri is what got me to start JewPri. I'm half certain the scenes for Saya(?) are recycled.
>>48913663Reincarnation ruined Jewel pri for me, now it's just jewpri.
>>489141924th code? Where's the other ones?
It's time we had a cute thread for Orin, instead of just repeating the same lame jokes.
Two threads.
Four ears.
Six teats.
Yuri cat.
Satori cat
I love big soft angels
>>48905118Hey, man. It’s chill. Rest up and get back to it at your own pace. You can’t die and go to Makai yet anyway.
>>48904248I'd say about "Mai without her meds" level.
>>48905118Take your time, anon. We aren't going anywhere.
>>48861990I'm so lucky
>>48914676Wow, you must be like 7' tall to have your head reach as high as her breasts.
Post boobhus
>>48912292i can't think of a good genre where the player would benefit from hyper breast expansion or even just hyper sized tits in general
>>48912292Racing game where 2hus slide on their tits down a track. You can give yourself a boost by lactating
>>48912521It was great Super Mario RPG ripoff
I want to feed this gote
>>48902715Let's take the gote on an adventure to HawaiiI bet she'd love surfing real wavesAnd she'd be in America and so have all the oil she wants to
Yuuma beam!
What are the gote's kisses like?
>>48908841a little bit frightening due to her sharp teeth
>>48908841Definitely unsafe
Yachie playing with otter spirits.
Time for your routine checkup, anon.
How is she supposed to put on or take off clothes with the big shell on her back?
>>48905704Her shell can be detached for convenience.
>>48907194Tattoos on Yachie are so fucking cool and I love anyone who draws her with them
>>48907337It just fit really well with her personality. Every other gang leader should have it as well.