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xi-on edition

Doujin circles, Touhou Lossless Music Collection, Spotify, Gensokyo Radio and other links:


Previous thread: >>46471369
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMyWBYbhJFU lumia
she says she's thinking about opening a fantia
Never thought I'd see someone getting mad about this place of all places getting bumped. We're still a general, not a normal thread. Even if we're as slow as them any form of discussion is valid, unless you want to scare off even the last of the dredges left here like you and I.
I'm not mad. It's just the question was absolutely stupid.

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2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
I recognise that shitty hoodie
where's his stupid sunglasses?
I know it's not mine but I'm gonna be a good cuck and raise your kid anyway.
Have fun with him while I take care of "our" kid.
Forbidden spellcard, Abortion punch!
I think you've got the wrong anon...

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A thread for the discussion and sharing of regular Japanese music.
Derivative doujin music, Vocaloid, VSingers, Sakura Gakuin, AniKura, idol songs, etc. go in their respective threads
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Today's selection of music for this useless shitty thread:
I think everyone here knows this is a shit thread, so let's not bother other threads with Mariko.

I really liked the third one
>let's not bother other threads
I don't know why that one anon posted the video and the really bad picture there, i just joined in on the fun when anofag started talking shit again.
Some dude mentioned ano in the last Mariko stream and for a second she sounded like she wants to slit his throat.
>I really liked the third one
I got it from "new music mix" on Apple music.

Today 299792458 sounded like the best album ever made.
Going to a very low attendance show is kinda scary as a filthy gaijin. I mean 30-50 people in the audience.

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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

Old archive backup at:

07th Links:
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>47360596
324 replies and 140 images omitted. Click here to view.
Someone set up up the bomb
kill yourself mindboggling nigger
it's rika joke you fat rikahater

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This thread is for all current and former idols of Up-Front & Hello!Project


>Agency Links:
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/jp/ and /tg/ meet once again.
She's more aerodynamic that way.
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I like all the little details you have but shouldn't she just be a Spellcaster instead of a Spellcaster/Effect? She doesn't have an orange background or effect description.
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Good catch. I forgot to change that after deciding to make her a DM clone.

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How has Chiyari Tenkajin affected your sense of beauty?
What was your initial reaction to her, and how do you feel about her now?
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Agreed, no flat, please.
Yes, this magnificent creature is most certainty perflat.
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Very cute! But that's a scary tail...
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Big Marisa
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Ew, go find an asshu thread.
don't let that faggot discourage you, keep posting Marisas with big butts, please.
It's sad that this guy stopped drawing like this and started drawing hyper shit outta nowhere.
I blame the suspiciously wealthy retard

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post best neko
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my mom has 3 cats (had 4, but one got cancer recently and had to be put down)
Poor satori, so small in height and arms lenght too
Saving rin-rin thread!
we need more bodies

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Genderbent hus
Non-genderbent male hus (Rinnosuke, Unzan, etc) are welcome as well
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I want them to take turns sucking my dick
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that's irresponsible anon!
what are you gonna do if he gets pregnant?
>it's okay to accept that you like that too, it doesn't have to mean anything you don't want it too
Is this really true? I can want to cuddle and hug a malehu and it's not gay?
>what are you gonna do if he gets pregnant?
Do it again and again until he gives a dozen children.

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Previous thread: >>47328131

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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You save her before she actually has sex
What VN is this? I'm too lazy to type the character name into vndb
Wasn't that in Natsuzora Kanata..?
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Yome Juu. From the trap route obviously.
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If the supernatural blood powers were real, was the mom's plan to bring back Hasaki and the dad actually completely correct and possible? If Tomosane didn't fuck it up would his mom have brought his dad and sister back as ghosts like Yuki in that one end? He could have had a forever loli sister and he ruined it.

austere edition.
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98 replies and 56 images omitted. Click here to view.
my cat hates me
Nothing to *blep* about.
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why do cats do this?
Too dumb.
Because YOU forgot to fill her waterbowl AGAIN!

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Post your /jp/ related original content, including art, music, videos, and game development
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I kind of get what shape the back there has, but I tried to get how the logo will lay there in my head (big mistake), so the trick with drawing it on paper is very useful, thank you
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I was watching /jp/s 4cc team and saw migu
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This one is kind of a mess but I like how it turned out, mostly.

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