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A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF (embed)

Previous Thread:>>47441837
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You don't need subs, believe you in yourself.
Queen of Villains is out
Netouyo going from hating Shogun for being a white-made show that puts white people on a pedestal to loving the show because it won some Emmys has been pretty funny to see desu
I didn’t know they hated it
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There were two types: ones that hated it because they hate whitey and Disney (designated woke company), and ones that supported it as a counter reaction to western lefties complaining about the lack of blacks and gays

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A thread for the discussion and sharing of regular Japanese music.
Derivative doujin music, Vocaloid, VSingers, Sakura Gakuin, AniKura, idol songs, etc. go in their respective threads
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Lurk more.
Boring even by Japanese shoegaze standards.
Asmi just released a new awesome song. OwO

song is trash.


Don't be so mean! It's asmi we're talking about!

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Hear me out...
Time travel but with kigs!

Useful links:
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo
- https://kigguide.com/ (biased)
- https://kigudb.info/ (under construction)
- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

Image Source: https://x.com/ox3870/status/1835503874326905191

Previous Thread: >>47722664
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There was an eng sub version but I can't find it anymore.
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The channel that posted it seems to have been taken down since I can't find any of the other videos they posted either
what >>47830941 said. there has been a yt channel that had similar videos. i think it was from the owner of the kig guidebook. but i cant find it anymore.
different anon but i want to resurface this post for more visibility

>Are there kigs that do actual kigu porn anymore, besides mikuscratch?

so far the only answer are this post
>Yuukari_KIGER and my beloved 0pIxcUnOFzNSyyy

hoping for more answer, even though i doubt it
HollyWeksler has some at times. its been slow lately tho

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The dreaded paizuri kot that paizuris you to death and throws you onto the cart.
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get your dick out
Do you have like a photo or something?
I've had my dick out for hours and nothing's happened.
You gotta be outside the human village.
oh, something happened, alright. not only your phalus will be in the first page of several newspapers, also in the porn stash of several youkai.

Today is my birthday, /jp/. Can we please have an Okuu thread with no lewds?
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Happy birthday!
Okuuuu! (I just wanted to say it)
Some more oku
Thank you okuu friend!!!
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Previous thread: >>47722302

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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well i can agree with you here that naoya's actions were logical considering the circumstances, the main issue i have here is scaji forcing these circumstances up in the first place
isn't everything that happens in a fabricated story "forced" in some way?
there are a lot of techniques writers can use to make their stories feel more coherent and connected instead of forced which is what separates bad writing from good
In the very end of chapter V in toki, before Naoya gave the final touch to his painting, he wondered how things would be different if he and Kei knew about Rin's talent, how things would be different. Or if Kei were still alive. But shit happens. Rin lost her mother and her talent, Kei died etc. Nothing goes their way.
What matters is how the characters deal with that, and that's what I like the most in the sakurano series.
that's amazing.
makes me want to self-improve

Thread #33 of the HSE

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoffs of a fan work.
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

Useful links:
OG work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Hana's story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52050766/chapters/131634781
1st chapter of the HSE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51816529
HSE collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/The_Hakurei_Shrine_Experience

previous thread:>>47515133
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I'm entrusting you with all of Kazakhstan hopes, Ayaanon! Don't let us down! But damn, that seems like one stressing plate you've got yourself, maybe rest a bit from Aya's story and focus on the silly stuff before getting back on board? I know if I focused on Keine's 2nd book script; Okina chapters; Marisa chapters; the anniversary special and the extra surprise I have for it I'd go insane...
>I'm probably just going to do something silly.
I enjoy when you take it easy and write some silly stuff. The Valentine's special, 4th of July and thanksgiving all come to mind, mainly the last one as it also happened during our Obi wan episode
good memories~
I'd like me some silliness to offset the post-Kiene drought
Writeanons are busy enough as if, how about we give them a break instead of demanding things from them.

>no hana pin
>no green ascot
Not hana.
>no pin
check the zipper
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thanks for the support~
finding the Hana can be challenging sometimes.

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It would be cool if this thread could make it through the winter.
>It would be cool
It made it through the winter in the southern hemisphere, so it technically counts.
Jesus that belly
Doesn't Letty have shame?
It'd be a shame to cover up.

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And i would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddl-
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Sad that no other anons like poor Mamizou
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Listen, Mamizou seems great and all but maybe I just wanna take things slow with her y'know?
I like her, I just don't like futa.
It's not that, I just don't wanna repeat myself.
Beautiful pic

This is about anikura (アニクラ) which is a portmanteau of the loan words anison (アニソン) and club (クラブ). Interesting enough, anison itself is a portmanteau of anime (アニメ) and song (ソング) which refers to musical tracks used in various anime series and often gets misspelled by adding a "g" at the end since bawka gaijins can't into nippongo properly. Anyways, anikura refers to the use of "anison" related music in a "club setting" hence how the genre gets its name. Honestly, if you still need to hand to be held on what makes something "anison" or what is a "club," then you need to GTFO and lurk moar.

One of the more notable anikura is Akihabara MOGRA (MOGRA for short) which has been associated with this imageboard for well over a decade. However, just limiting yourself to one venue would do yourself a disservice since there are other livehouses and even devoted anison groups who help contribute to anikura all over Japan! However, for those who wish to explore the anikura scene in Japan, otaku-bar.com would be a great place to start your journey.

Although the primary source of anikura comes from venues in Japan, there are also held online. As previous mentioned: MOGRA is the most well known anikura which also streams a lot of their events online via Twitch. However, there are individuals associated with MOGRA which also streams online and one of them is the President of MOGRA: D-YAMA who goes by the channel name of choroyama via Twitch. As previously stated, MOGRA can be used as the base on discovering other venues and even DJs who also stream online.

Since online streaming is the play, there are international anikura which primarily stream online and also hold physical events when available. One of the anikura group that can trace their origin to this very imageboard would be Anison Hijack which has been streaming consistently every two weeks on the Twitch platform. Obviously, there are many international anikura online and hopefully you can check them out!

The following is a sample list of various anikura that stream online via Twitch.

JP clubs:

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>anniversary happens
>too many anons die in the process and now the thread with it
/akg/ is slow, very slow. It needs a friendly bump every once in a while. The thread mainly lives when events happen after all
> Anison Original Song Stream vol.162
@ shan_shizu
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akibaraizeen is live
>catch some of it
Okay nice.

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Why is the yandere archetype popular in Japanese literature? What reason, historical or fictional, for the archetype to even exist?
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Fuck off newfag
He's trying his best, dipshit.
Reisen with big titties just looks wrong.
>Mai (hsifs)
am I in danger?

No thread for the gorgeous daitengu?
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It's not rape if it's yuri
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Nonsense. Tengu are all notorious lolicons and Chimata is way out of Megumu's strike range.
Before you date a tengu (any tengu) be sure to ask:
WHY are men not allowed to own property on the mountain
WHERE do young boys go when they vanish out of the village on a gust of wind
WHAT goes on in the secret nighttime clubs on the mountain that men are invited to visit but never return from
WHAT is a "total control" relationships and WHY do tengu females push them
Is this supposed to make me NOT want to seek out a tengu wife?
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You reckon all those ancient fish she eats goes straight to her... y'know...
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You'd better, since chairs and floorboards certainly can't handle all that weight
there's a line where it stops being bbw and it becomes buw
Big urumi woman?

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I want to plap plap plap get pregnant the tanook and nueners.
Happened to me back in grade school. She was ugly and so am I but I was too dumb to do anything.
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I thank whoever is this one guy that keeps commissioning pretty much very huge tit artist to draw these oneshota boobhu harem pics. It is wonderful.
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The other tengu have threads
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Miji' getting up early for her patrol duties
It is lovely how Momi is always drawn with big Mijis
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Ohayogozaimasu Awoo.

Big Awoos!
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I prefer my mijis with small awoos
I like the size in that pic and >>47823679

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