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Oh come on, you're still upset about last night? If you wanted to keep your virginity so bad you shouldn't have been such a tease. Now listen to this short diatribe about the intersection between quantum physics and number theory (4 hours).
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Gangstalking practitioner
I will not elaborate (she'll find me)
Renko has the most powerful ability of all 2hus.
She is kind of like Maxwell's demon. By looking at the night sky, she can extract information without needing to process it, therefore reducing her informational entropy by less than she increases her physical entropy. She can create a perpetual motion machine by looking at the sky.
>reducing her informational entropy by less than she increases her physical entropy
by more* not by less
>4. Tax Evasion is punishable by Federal Law
only if you get caught
Same for kicking Jizos

2 more weeks
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What do you think of Ayuu x Kosuzu?
More of an Akyuu x Kosuzu's grandpa x Kosuzu fan.
Not much substance behind it, most of the shipping is from headcanons that people make as even in fanon there isn't much to go with from the two

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Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, APEX HATE.

Previous thread: >>46891253
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Nowa's zatsudan.
That was quick
I'm sorry I called you a zoomer raised by tiktok.

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Visual Novel translation status

12RIVEN -the Ψcliminal of integral- - 50% translated
Aiyoku No Eustia - In progress 100% TL patch leaked, project to continue, 100% Translated/edited/TLC
Akatsuki no Goei ~Principal-tachi no Kyuujitsu~ - 100% translated/edited/QA
Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ - 100% translated and edited, 11,262 (18.53%) through QA
Axanael - "Overwhelming majority" of the text translated, including the main story, some side content remains, in need of editing
CHAOS;HEAD Love Chu Chu! - 70.54% translated, 22.70% edited
CHAOS;CHILD Love Chu Chu!! - 100% translated, 55.30% edited
Chusingura 46+1 - 39617/82770 (47.86%) lines translated, Kuranosuke route partial patch released
Daiakuji - Ongoing project
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate - Being patched
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden - Being patched
Dragon Knight 4 - 60% translated, playtesting also ongoing
Fate/Stay Night - Partial patch released with a new translation for Fate/UBW/9 days of HF

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Higurashie wasn't that cringe as most of the events were delusions... with some yandere characters. A pretty solid VN for his time. Uminegro yes, it was a cringe mystery VN where every puzzle and events were solved with magic. A poor pis spiritual sequel.
Tokyo Clanpool
Not a VN and +1week old new.
It is more of a VN than the rpg maker sloppa that get posted here frequently and still are no VNs
No, fuck off. It's another dungeon crawler with some dialogues like Mery Skelter.

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/jp/ reaction images
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owari da.
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thanks for responding, /jp/
Wouldn't that go against the idea of being unidentifiable?
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Whoever laughs doesn't go to heaven
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the bunny is funny

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The sheep has entered real world.
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We truly entered frown town.
smile town is no more.
Me too.
That's the Niga-sheep
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Woolysame Marisheepu.

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I love Doremy so much
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Where is everyone...
Still asleep (lucky bastards...)
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sweet dreams doremy!

Time for another Marisa thread to steal your heart, だで~
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its always like this with any Japanese media unfortunately, you just gotta look past it
make sure you put some mushrooms in it
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Ripping Marisa's skirt off the one time she didn't wear bloomers
she's used to it, that's why she goes for bloomers
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Round enough for me!

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nooo her perky butt will be no more!
nanoka can i have a bite
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Clean your daughterpets, dudes

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Thread to discuss utaites, vsingers, and their music. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them here.

Previous Thread: >>47486420

Upcoming Lives:
9/07: épeler 1st one-man live「飛躍」https://epeler.zaiko.io/item/365718
9/14: Singularity Live Volume 3 (KAF, RIM)
9/14: XR Live "Rhapsody Nocturne" (Kano, Kagura Nana, MKLNtic, Nanahira) https://spwn.jp/events/evt_240914-rhapsodynocturne
9/14: Shishigami Leona 5th Oneman Live「This is Me!」 https://react-event.zaiko.io/item/365447
9/15: RIM 3rd ONE-MAN LIVE「NEUROMANCE Ⅲ」https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10439
9/19: Sana Natori 1st Live
9/22: Yuka Nagase Live Tour 2024 "Eureka"
10/12: Yuka Nagase Live Tour 2024 "effect"
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Nice to see you stopping by and glad you've been doing well offline as well. You probably do know that girl by the way, it's formerly Liz from KMNZ.
The best KMNZ in history
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so Ado really is the face of today's Japan huh
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Myaku Myaku love!
It's from 2020 but I just finished listening to this album and really enjoyed it.


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A thread for the discussion and sharing of regular Japanese music.
Derivative doujin music, Vocaloid, VSingers, Sakura Gakuin, AniKura, idol songs, etc. go in their respective threads
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New SPOOL, same as the old one:
Look up archives. Last year someone posted a bunch of enka recommendations
ICDD wrote a new song
New MoritaSaki in the pool album is pretty decent
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And this is AOTY so far
Lurk more.

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Maybe my question seems too common but I base it on several observations that I have made
Over time, otaku culture has greatly gained by popularizing anime and manga in particular, even if I observe in many other areas that communities are growing over time. I see a lot of young people who are interested in vocaloids, visual novels, cosplay etc via Titkok
However, I find that the community aspect has been largely neglected. I'm not necessarily talking about having people to talk to but rather about creating original content around otaku culture.
I have the impression that today it's the same content produced over and over again on the internet because of the evolution of algorithms

Have I just become too old and therefore can't see the positive in what's new? After all we are all a bit old here, there must be few people under 25

However, I notice a change and I wonder how today a young person aged between 15 and 22 can access culture in a passionate way rather than seeing the elements as entertainment separated from all History, all genres and all the elements that constitute this culture.
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Beyond trying to claim that otaku by definition do not contribute to the society, you are basically saying that otaku are outcasts. Yes, they are. That's not what people disagree with you about.
You can't read. I recommend taking a course in critical thinking in English.
Get well soon.
I didn't expect the thread to get this much discussion.
Sorry i probably shouldn't have said "leeches" i didn't meant to insult just made an observation.
Also thanks >>47806177 anon, you explained it better than i could.
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I honestly thought the thread would've fallen off by now too, but you're welcome I suppose. Other posts have decent points I didn't cover as well but I'm glad my small essay was of some minor worth after all.
I really don't think I'm all that knowledgeable with some of this stuff but I also have a bad habit of constantly underestimating myself so (shrug).

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just tell the mansion losers that you like lovey dovey vainilla sex (and depraved orgies) and they can go fuck themselves. if you get kill so be it, the road to holy Martyrdom
all this because they don't know how to interact with a man and think this is what he (you) wants
its gonna be even worse once they fall in love
That sounds great.
This animation made me more uncomfortable than GLS as a whole.
Good enough I'll take it

The doot, the pingle-pingle and the sadviolin.mp3.
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In PCB? IIRC it's always based on which of them did you damage the most in the last phase.
Hear that?
That's the sound of Lyrica rising to best sister right there.

I jam with this.
That's a really fun riff to play
I love stuff with uncommon time signatures

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A seamstress like Alice? A wealthy, elegant and refined lady like Yukari, Yuyuko or Remilia? An edgy and fashionable 2hu like Hecatia or Jo'on? Or a complete dark horse no-one would suspect?

What would they wear? Surely not everyone in Gensokyo is as bland as Reimu and Marisa wearing only bloomers?
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Black tends to go well with most hus, and is just a great color in general for lingerie, but I personally prefer red or purple sets.
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I see why she's a perfect, elegant maid now once you lose the clothes
Is that lingerie painted on?

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