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Seven-Colored Paizurist
278 replies and 152 images omitted. Click here to view.
me next
swift death to AIlice
may you slop in hell
end of rine

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"A booster seat? Hot dog."
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"We shall never deny a guest even the most ridiculous request."
This is Jellyfish Fields, where wild jellyfish roam just waiting to be captured.
Why yes I'm very special
we know
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And for the ladies…

Why the old moe art style feels so comforting?
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Soul and you could easily see the efforts of an aspiring artists because there was less software involved in drawing.
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Nostalgia and a less sharp eye, I guess. Newer aesthetics tend to have sharper eye
A lot of older digital paintings had backgrounds and often other stuff going on. Full scenes serm rarer these days.
Also nostalgia.
They look like they have the downs.
Honestly, I don't see it...
I'm assuming because their eyes are too far apart? This seems to be a common complaint about the 2000s anime artstyle.

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Yeah, that manga is the origin of a lot of cute Kyouko memes. The biggest is the "Not cute!" shouting face, of course.
But she is cute. Adorable noise dog.
Yeah she is!
dog status?
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Working hard like a good girl.

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Good enough I'll take it
>its gonna be even worse once they fall in love
How are they going to deal with the fact that the whole mansion has run out train on (You)?
>How are they going to deal with the fact that the whole mansion has run out train on (You)?
they genuinely believe that your heart is pure and for them only
It doesn't really count as sluttery if it's your boss or much stronger coworkers forcing you to perform sexual favours...

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Do any of you know who this is? I downloaded this live performance off of youtube years ago under the name "Mari Hamada" but listening to it now it doesn't really sound like her and I couldn't find this song in her catalogue from the 80's or early 90's. I go back and forth on if it even looks like her. I can't tell if the video compression is just messing with my eyes or what.
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Truly you are the shining prince of the emperors court.
For future reference if you suspect something like テーマ曲 means theme song you can type "theme song" into jisho.org, all I did was copy it like "テーマ曲 body to body" into youtube and instantly got sauce.
This artist is epic btw so thanks
Music really peaked in the mid 1980s.
This is a banger. Thanks for sharing OP and for the anon who found the two songs. Personally prefer the original.

It's sad to me that Japanese has tons of great old hits, but all Westerners know is "Plastic Love" or "Mayonaka no Door". Though does make feel special that I listen to enka, which is virtually unknown in the West
This is so good

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The GASOposting Edition


Delisted thread:
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This, every now and then you need to do some shaving which allows new trees to grown stronger
Did she actually cook?
>thanks for the takeout passed off as your own cooking
>one bowl is literally just salad
>acting like she just made beef Wellington for Gordon Ramsay
Yeah, she said in her interviews with her agency that she loves touching hot things with her hands like she did as a cook.
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>My body is a temple
>I garrote myself
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>>47833735 #
>My body is a temple
>I garrote myself

2 more weeks
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creative paizuri
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Create and you shall receive.
procreate, as they say.
Paizuri is not procreative. Although, considering how she was born, who knows.

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A thread for the discussion and sharing of regular Japanese music.
Derivative doujin music, Vocaloid, VSingers, Sakura Gakuin, AniKura, idol songs, etc. go in their respective threads
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Asmi just released a new awesome song. OwO

song is trash.


Don't be so mean! It's asmi we're talking about!
Probably my favourite from Etsu:
It's fine. Lighten up.
It this the famed regular japanese music?

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The sheep has entered real world.
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Woolysame Marisheepu.
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powerful. and stylish.
Why is 'tene always present?
fairies got nothing to do but playing around all day.

I slept with an umbrella next to me under my blanket and felt refreshed the next day

Is this the real Kogasa experience?
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people dont know any other tsukumogami beside kogasa (benben, raiko etc.) so let it just be kogasa day
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You take that back! Raiko is amazing.
me on the left (the soft-serve, specifically) pls..
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kogasa has a job!
Kogasa is a lesbian sex slave!

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xi-on edition

Doujin circles, Touhou Lossless Music Collection, Spotify, Gensokyo Radio and other links:


Previous thread: >>46471369
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I find I often prefer older Akatsuki Records songs over the newer ones, where Stack is primarily focused on singing rather than also playing a character. I get that's the appeal since it highlights her wide vocal range, but I find the down-to-earth approach to be more conventionally appealing while still showcasing her unique voice.

Today is my birthday, /jp/. Can we please have an Okuu thread with no lewds?
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Okuu meido~
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Are you gonna keep clicking somewhere else without posting something on OKUU-day?
Okuu loves Orin!

Miko wants to know your ten desires.
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Micock in my mouth.
two lies, one sentence.
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