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This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid censorship by localizations is highly recommended.

>Where to read WNs:

>Light Novel databases:

>Where to buy:

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>dropping a LN if the first 20 or so chapters
WN? Anyway, I continue reading until I get to a point of conclusion, like the end of an arc.
i have seemingly gotten the supernatural ability to accurately judge a book by it's cover (first 20 WN chapters/first 2 LN chapters)
it's fully based on how ironic it's being, the instant i see "it's just like my heckin' winnies/linnies" i drop unless the author proved himself to not be a bandwagon faggot and has a decently interesting opener
>I like, I read.
>I no longer like, I no longer read.
How is this so complicated?
Paradoxically there's so much good stuff that there's zero harm in skipping anything that is not enticing to read from the start, yet so little that once you exhausted all the masterpieces you go back to the 9/10s and below eventually after reading enough.
Anyone know where I can find (fun) beginner/intermediate level L/WNs?
not even memeing, just read the official synopsis of whatever interests you
if you have to pull up a dictionary more than 10 times (names don't count towards this) while reading the synopsis, you aren't ready to read it yet, either anki grind more or start with simple manga

Mugetsu :D
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AHHHHHHH she's holding both Genge's AND Muge's hands? It's unfair! It should have been me!
you think you want that, but you don't
Why would holding Genge's hand be a bad idea? What's tge worst that could happen?
>The Mai thread died

How the hell do I look up Byakuren on Kemono?
聖 is treated as a single symbol and their search engine requires two symbols
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Don't; you'll get punched again.
that's the neat thing, you don't!
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Uhm, why is mom looking at me like that?
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She wants to bond with you at the beach!

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I love Kaguya
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>Five Impossible Requests
We already know those
Fat princess booty
That booty is exclusively for me to enjoy, find your own
Soft, pudgy and regal ass
Soft pudgy regal pale doughy ass

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What is moe? Is it an element of desirability? I feel like I recognize moe when I see it. But what makes something moe, what are the qualities that define moe?
Is moe anything that causes affection due to wholesomeness? When old ladies call someone "cute" for helping them, is that analogous to moe? I feel like moe is somehow different than cuteness but somehow similar.
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its a feeling that makes you go moeru
More is a state of mind.
Is abe a girl or just a wannabe tranny? Kinda hypocritical to rag on moe while drawing yourself as a loli.
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Akagi is moe

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Schedule: https://774-schedule.ai/

Official website: https://www.774.ai/

Previous thread: >>47094518

Link to download the old Minecraft Server: https://www.774.ai/special-micra-2020-2022


【Inaba Haneru / 因幡はねる】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Owc36U9lOyi9Gx9Ic-4qg
【Hinokuma Ran / 日ノ隈らん】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRvpMpzAXBRKJQuk-8-Sdvg
【Kazami Kuku / 風見くく】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXp7sNC0F_qkjickvlYkg-Q
【Yunohara Izumi / 柚原いづみ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW8WKciBixmaqaGqrlTITRQ
【Seshima Rui / 瀬島るい】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_WOBIopwUih0rytRnr_1Ag

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Baby's Birthday stream https://www.youtube.com/live/JKTcIi1GPbM
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>oo yee arrr oh
is patora going to cover the OST to this game
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My money is on Tier or Sharu with Mashu as the underdog
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do we call her "June" now?
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cute butt

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You didn't forget, did you /jp/?
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DO NOT lewd the mado
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Have you played it yet?
Why would the year mean you shouldn't?
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Happy birthday Yume Nikki

Parsee is super adorable. Parsee is one of the few things that gives me joy in life. I understand her struggle. God I fucking hate other people.
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who gave parsee the ethernet cable back, this is like the third time this week
Magician youkai probably can't even be cursed. There's no shame in trying the impossible and failing.
Maybe try to take revenge on her in a different way.
She started using a VPN so Satori doesn't get those weird adds anymore, so now she has no reason to take it away again.
Is Alice really more lucky than Parsee?
In a certain way, maybe? 'Bad luck is still luck' or something like that.

Tengu equals pure sex, no bullshit.
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matara-sama! please enact tengu odoshi! free us from the tengu menace!
I think he means that it's rumored Tengu would teach black arts to Monks in order to get them to stray from the path Hijiri, looking at you...
But really, I think the fate of those abducted by Tengu now is to be forced to do office clerical work!
Having to be some Crow Tengu's secretary, woe...
Kaguya, you should become a comedian.
Speaking of tomboys...

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"Posponed" edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html

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no way
oh man I guess I should get one
Huh, I wasn't expecting them to start re-releasing mannakas so soon
It was my first time taking one of my fumos out on a night drive actually. I drove a bit more cautiously with her in the car. Typically I drive around my town and on new roads and routes too
Guys is amazon.jp still a good place to buy fumos?

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Thread for Japanese metal band Hanabie!
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Matsuri's speaking voice is a lot deeper than I expected it to be.
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Rolling Stone magazine
Never herd them. Best song?
have a bump faggot

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She bangs the drums
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Need some 2000s tropical optimism cool tunes Raiko
Steel drum Raiko?
I'm completely ignorant about drums! I'm sorry Raiko, I've no idea what kind of drum that is. But I'm sure you can read the music in my heart
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrPr12F5rPI she bangs the drums

Uhm, Kanaria thread, I guess!? All dolls welcome too, I guess!
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Kashira, kashira.
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i like the hinakana combo

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/jp/ - Okuu culture
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God I love Okuu with absurdly huge udders
God I love Okuu
God Okuu
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