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Nothing, death comes for us all
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjnHUlmFTK8 lumia

I want to become with the Chinese girl
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"Ow!", "Ah!" I heard two thumps and cries of pain and just like that, the torturous grips relented. My hands shot around my shoulders to hide my chest from the world, ashamed of what had happened, and I only opened my eyes a bit later to see the two vampires prostrating before me with Patchouli standing above them, tapping a heavy bible on his shoulder.
"We're sorry, we won't do it again!" The two vampires said in unison. "But it was brother's fault for staring at your chest before-" "It was Flandere's fault for groping you first-" they started in concert before Patchouli slammed his book into his hand, an open threat. At that, the two stopped and meekly made off, not wanting to get bludgeoned in the heads again.
Patchouli Sighed and extended a hand to me. "Can you stand?" He asked, and I made to, I really did, but like a new born fawn my legs wobbled and I fell again with a small cry. What was this? Was my body really this weak? Reluctantly, I reached out for his hand and let him, through some effort, pull me up and onto him. I had to lock my arms around him just to keep standing.
"Eh-hem." He coughed, looking away like I had something on my face. I looked down to see my chest, still propped up out of the robe, nipples visible through the fabric. I quickly pulled the robe over them and muttered an apology.
"It's not your fault, those two are just a handful. We'll hold off on more experiments today so you can rest, let me take you to your room." he said, grabbing my hand and guiding him along.
"Wait." I said, as a certain desire overcame me and I pressed myself against him "I don't want to be alone right now."

As we both sat together on the coach in the library and my head finally cleared, I wondered why the Hell I'd said that. As a man, the only time I ever felt that kind of impulsivity and lack of control was when I was royally pissed off, as a woman, it felt like every day my hormones where throwing me against this guy like the sea crashes against the shore! And even now, there was this stupid nagging thought.
"Master Patchouli do you hate me?" I asked.
He looked up at me from the small booklet he was reading. "Of course not, why would you think that?" he asked calmly.
My answer didn't even pass through conscious thought "Because you like Marisa and I'm not like her at all. She's not some boring assistant or some large-chested damsel who'd let herself get assaulted by two vampire children, crumbling like a leaf..." I said, feeling myself on the verge of tears.
He sighed, shutting his booklet and setting it on the table. "I never expected you to be exactly Marisa, so some deviation is fine. And you know well enough from experience that those two can be a supernatural hand full so I'm just happy your okay. As for your servitude..." He explained before putting his arm around me and pulling me close "...having a helpful assistant for once, I don't hate it."
His words, his assurances, made my femininity scream and shout from the high heavens. I summoned every objection I can: 'He's an unreliable, lazy oaf', 'He's a man', 'It's Marisa he loves not you', 'He did this to you', 'It's just the hormones', it's all useless, because another stupid, all-powerful voice deep within the well of my stomach tells me 'You love him.'

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I'd let (want) a Ran kigu stuff me in a Chen kigu and make me do various menial chores and such because that's what shikigami do, or something.
You're going above and beyond with this, this has been a fun slowburn story so far! I'm excited to see how it ends up!

Also congrats to Remi for touching boobs for the first time! Maybe Patchy will make him a girlfriend/titcow sometime!
Nice to see so many writers in this thread
Ironically the fetish thread is better than out shitter counterpart.

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Nue-chan is giving you signals...
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Enjoy the unknown, anon.
Why you coomertard tourist scum posting broken anatomy crapola again
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Stop (and stare at her butts) because she needed to turn (and flash you her boobs)?
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You're so funny.

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>Wrong. A cat has no sense of human morality
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Why? she knows she's hot and has a lot of body confidence
I want to cum on that forehead
What is holding that dress together?

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I love Yuuka Kazami the Flower Master of the Four Seasons
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But anon I see you in the picture with the rest of them

See: >>46734026
I thought waifus were a meme until a saw Yuuka, that was 15 years ago
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Ferb, I know what I wanna do today!

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>”Humans are so rude to my youkai, their hearts have hardened and they won’t give them a chance for peace and coexistence boo hoo”
>”BTW if any human approaches my temple they will be attacked on sight and if you dare piss my off I’ll send assassins to kill and devour your entire bloodline”
What was this bitches problem?
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that's a /vhu/ classic actually
.just in CDS
anon...that chapter is four years old
Figure this is the best place to ask.
What do youkai mean when they say they're trying to "control the human village"?
We see a lot of way they try to get control, but what exactly is the goal here? Just have them believe in them harder? Would that actually achieve anything? I don't think power is tied to fear for youkai, it just helps their continued existence right?
Mamizou marking houses for food could point to another potential goal, food, but since when do youkai need food? Mamizou's tanukis sure, they're straight up animals in the first place, but most of the youkai we see wouldn't have access to human food and yet they seem to subsist just fine without them. (Think someone like idk Mike or others. Kappas/tengus could have their own food source but they're also part of the whole want to control the village race)
So is it just a power flex? Like "I control the village now!" but it wouldn't actually do anything and the humans would barely be aware of it.
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Sweet god its been that long.
Its kind of vague, but yeah its just a sort of "he who controls the spice, controls the universe" kind of deal. You control the food supply and get them to align with you like how Aya tries to control the flow of information through her newspaper. Youkai's fucking hate each other on a basic level and want total dominance for their people and ideas.

Also Mamizou has a scenario with her dream self where its revealed her final goal is to totally take over all of Japan, so having control over Gensokyo and its faith would definitely assist her in that goal.

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I admit, out of all the SDM members, I want to fuck Sakuya the most.
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I've only asked that question once though

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Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, APEX HATE.

Previous thread: >>45835593
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Neru is playing Tears of the Kingdom.
sexy neru
bunnygirl neru
The one posted last week? I find all those sexy Neru pictures creepy... I don't know if it's the art style of that guy or just Neru can't pull off sexy.

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Some Anon in another thread said she's forgotten. You wouldn't forget a cute monkey like her, would you?
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"don't worry, first just let me call the police about this guy who has a bullet lodged in his arm..."
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why is this monkey so pretty
She takes after her mum. At least, that's what she says when Nemuno is around.
joe biden
don't care, still voting for yuuma next poll

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Thread for this very cute witch
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Village mobs are so cute.
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>Anon doesn't have a girlfriend and it does hurt; tears are the bullets, they curve.
it's fucking canon now
Sloppy kisses with Marisa
I want to marry Kirisame Marisa from the Touhou Project. Ever since I was a young boy I've been interested in blondes, but I've mostly been repelled because they are stupid white women who do not know how to think. One day, while I was playing touhou, I saw an image of a peculiar blonde with a witch attire. I immediately fell in love. The long, luscious hair, the dominating yet cute attire, the smug, tsundere, yet cute personality all formed into one perfect being by the name of Marisa Kirisame. And so I began my search for Marisa, I played all the touhou games with all the spell cards just so I could the most out of her majesty. I searched all of Danbooru for images of her, just so I could get to see her beautiful tomboyish body. You see, Cirno is not the tomboyish girl in love. Marisa is. She is in love with me. Yet the reality barrier separates us like Romeo and Juliette. It is the cruel fate that is reality that separates such star-crossed lovers from each other. Only something so powerful as the reality barrier can separate me from my dear Marisa. For it is my true fate to be married to my lover. On dark days where there is no sun, I shall caress Marisa and tell her everything is alright. On bright days, where there is nought but bliss, I will stay by her side, to share the bliss infinitefold, like two mirrors in proximity. On the adventurous days, we will steal what we wish. Some days, we will steal diamonds. Some days, we will steal virginities. And always, we will steal our hearts. Each other's hearts. For it is the true love that does not brag, it only contains itself infinitely. Such is the love of me and Marisa Kirisame

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No, but you would.
delete this immediately
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Just a meme I made
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Toastan on an ebin thread
Tell Reisen to go to the village and buy you some new clothes.
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I like it
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i've seen more ebin, but just in case it gets better let me post in it.

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Thread's very late, sorry. How did you anons like eden*? I haven't finished it yet, but I like what I've read so far. The artstyle and the moving sprites are great and the VN's atmosphere is pretty unique.
Who was your favorite girl?

-VNDB: https://vndb.org/v1286
-Torrent: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2483417
-New to the thread? Read this FAQ: https://pastebin.com/B2iDTXiu
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I liked it
This is legit the only VN I bought after pirating and finishing, I even overlooked the parting ending I hate so much because the package as a whole was great. OST is super good, it is really unusual for a non-chuunige to have so many good tracks.

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How did you know my name is Youki?
look behind you
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Which way are you going?
get out of here toohoo

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Subterranean Animism was released on the 16t of August, 2008.

Aya's article "Large Number of Straw Effigies Found in Forest Behind Shrine" was realest in 2004 somewhere between the 17th July to the 16th August.

Alice has been doing this shit for like 4 years straight!!!
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Are you at Alice yet?
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Not yet, but I'm getting there
>She's also such a big liar that Eiki herself had to lecture her on it

Marisa hasn't told a lie since the day she was born!
This is probably the last one.

By string and nail your gift perform
With skillful hand sowing each day
And playing with the human form
In your small house, hidden away

With joy you jump in all your fights
Eager to parade you skill
To every moment that excites
Your wish to win by dolls and will

Each morning I try you forget
But every night, my heart recalls
The beauty that your being bears

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