/jp/, whats your opinion on Yume Nikki and its fangames?
>>48912560>exploring a strange dreamlike world.A world that's nigh totally uninteractable.I'm fine with floaty, no-specific-purpose-to-the-game ideas but it's literally just walking around. If I wanted to look at weird scenery and backgrounds I can do that with simple images that don't require me pointlessly piloting a character. It's not fun to get an effect and then meander through 12 worlds to find the one spot it might actually be useful only to be rewarded with more pointless wandering
>>48912659I think there's a pretty well-defined distinction between an artist making something with the hope that it will be meaningful to someone, and making something with a specific meaning in mind such that anyone who doesn't discover that one intended meaning has "missed the point".Yume Nikki is the former, and that's a big part about what's so great about it. Some people (not necessarily anyone in this thread, mind you) treat it like it's the latter. And if that's how they choose to enjoy the game, that's fine for them, but it isn't a truer way to experience the game just because they're taking it more seriously.At the same time, I think that people who choose to play a modded version of the game that wildly changes the experience by adding multiplayer ARE having a less "true" experience. Rather than approaching the game at face value, they're modifying it to be closer to what THEY think the game should be. Perhaps this is more fun for them, but it's fundamentally different from a person who takes the game as it is presented and develops a relationship with it.And I don't have anything against expanding on someone else's creation after you fall in love with it. But your expansion is inequivalent to the original work and isn't going to be a replacement for it.So my opinion is that I would strongly discourage someone from playing a multiplayer mod for Yume Nikki unless they were already well familiar with the original version.Even if there is no one right way to enjoy a game, there may be, and in this care I think there are, wrong ways to enjoy it. (At least for a first playthrough.)
>>48912692You're thinking about this in the wrong terms.It's not about the "cost" of the time it takes you to find an interaction or the "reward" of being allowed into a new area.It's about being part of a setting, a fixture in the world.Have you ever been in a play? It's a lot like that.It's not about the cost of the time it takes you to learn your lines or the reward of social status for your acting.It's the experience of being someone else in another place, and the journey that surrounds that.Now, I agree that you don't have to play Yume Nikki to have that kind of experience. With the right mindset, you can do that in any game. Yume Nikki's strengths are not unique to it.Rather, what makes Yume Nikki unique is the simplicity of its version of this experience. It gives you this journey without needing dialogue, without needing cutscenes or tutorials, without even having a story or a plot. It's a singularly minimalist adventure, which gives it a different texture from other games.And while I'm a good way towards writing a novel about it at this point, I don't think it's a perfect game or no better game like it exists.But if you can't get anything out of Yume Nikki at all, that speaks more about your mindset and the way you approach games than it does about the quality of Yume Nikki itself. You're failing to meet it on a level where you can enjoy it.And the reason is that it's such an open-ended experience. It's like saying that a deck of cards is lame and you can't have any fun with it. That's silly, I don't agree with it. You just aren't applying your imagination.
>>48912659I just take kikiyama words as true. I don't think he meant it as bait and switch with some cryptic meaning for people to discover under seemingly random worlds. I really think the game is primarily about wandering around in surreal dreams, with some repeating characters, themes and imagery scattered around to seed interpretations if you decide to make some, not to lead you towards some intended meaning.
>>48912788>It's about being part of a setting, a fixture in the world.The lack of meaningful interaction stakes that rather soundly. Madotsuki is the one item that simply does not fit, totally unlike every setting she's in. Even the effects you gather are (so far as I've found) not meaningful where you find them even though they would help the character fit the setting at least a little bit.>journeyHalf the dream zones are nigh dead-empty. The ones that aren't are mazes that stop offering you anything to do but bash your head against a maze for the sake of it. There's a serious disjoint between exploring a nonsensical world when you give me effects that I must make sense of to progress.Fundamentally I protest the idea this is a game, it's about as much of a game as 52-card pickup is to a deck of cards, even if I "imagine I'm treasure-hunting" as I pick up the cards I scattered.Closest aspect to a game is "don't get got by the characters that teleport you to a dead spot"A deck of cards has near unlimited gaming potential because it can have a variety of rules and structures applied to it to give it coherence and a purpose.
Realistically speaking how hard would it be to befriend flan-chan?
Flan offers you chocolate
>>48911982Actually she offers Remilia chocolate
>>48912232Remilia doesn't make the chocolate you silly dollyYou don't have to call it Remilia chocolate just because it comes with her face on it. Maybe koumakan chocolate
Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, VTUBERCULOSIS HATE, WHERE IS RINPrevious thread: >>48322183
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2F94nK9BQMAorin's new cover.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuwvlI6oUIwNeru's zatsudan.
Post the 1 million dollar fangame idea that you have in mind. Mine is Touhou Ace Combat.
>>48906457>>48906480>>48906507Very cute and lovely art anon! The game looks very nice as well. I wish you great success, and please keep us updated!
>>48906907Today I've been experimenting with lasers and rewriting the bullets modifier system so I can make more complex patterns that change after a few seconds>Very cute and lovely artart is crap and it shows with anything more complex than a wall but I'll keep going like this for now because I'm aiming for features rather than looks
Yorigami Jo'on character action game. The idea originally sprung up when I thought about her doing a move that's basically two Izuna Drops in a row and calling it "Twin Drills".
>>48909815very nice anonyour art has its charm, don't worry. I truly meant what I said.
Year of the Snake is gonna be so good for us Sanae lovers.
>>48911261Ganbatte, Little Sanae!
>>48907494But not like... for real, or anything! It's- It's just a tradition to give your friends chocolates to people on Valentine's. Don't get it twisted!
>>48911653Unfortunately, we're all genre savvy enough to see right through this kind of behavior. It would be polite to humor her, but funnier to cut right through it. What to do?
>>48911688Fluster twice, cut once.
>>48911688I don’t think I could stop myself from kissing the shit out of her.
it seems interesting but there are so much things
what the fuck, man
>>48911068this is jaypee distilled
If you feel overwhelmed just pick something that looks cool to you and stick with it.
>>48904865>you shouldn't believe everything there.Not OP but can you elaborate on this? Why?
>>48912655the wiki is a fine resource, probably among the best wikis for any game on the internet, but there's a classic image here on /jp/ that explains what I'm going to say next. I can't find it, butThe text in most wiki articles is not actual Touhou lore. It's an interpretation of it, but it is not completely accurate. Character pages are probably where most mistakes happen; saying it bluntly, any unsourced claim is not to be believed, and any claim with a source ought to be checked twice to see if the source supports what's written there. Description of locations and concepts also frequently suffer from inaccuracies.for other stuff like game info, translation of snippets, printwork info, it's generally a very good resource, but by no means perfect. the "fandom" pages are also useful reading, because even if not 100% accurate, topical or updated they provide good background on some older fandom stuff that might be hard to understand. just don't forget that actual fandom interpretation nowadays can diverge quite significantly from what's written there.
Information for live shows and viewings:https://lovelive-anime.jphttps://twitter.com/LoveLive_staffSNS and concerts:https://rentry.org/llst-2022-newPB collection:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1g0Na7rRRUzpQ4p70rx75AFon8dkIShV-Previous:>>48882596
>>48913417Got away with everything.
>>48913444>can't sell out her live eventlol
>>48913417She's hiding alcohol in the stuffed animal, isn't she?
>>48913506>stuffed animal,Shirokuma in a costume?
I realized we really haven’t ever seen Peiko’s butt have we
Let's try again and keep this magnificent and brilliant camo wearing youkai's thread going!
Stealth Yamawaro thread
>>48902566>g5Cool bomber girl
If the yamawaro live a communal lifestyle how do things exactly work? things must be pretty great for them since it's said that yamawaro work great together which is the total opposite of the kappa
>>48905731Supposed to be GS, instead of US, but whatever
What if
Revelation 12:A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”[a] And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.Have you accepted Alice into your heart yet?
Blessed be the one who resists temptation, to remain loyal towards Alice
How should i Cope this valentines?
>>48903534>>48907027Valentine with Alice-chan!
>>48903534How fitting that Valentine's day is a Christian holiday!
>>48912661Arisu love...
Can we have a Paruparu thread to kick off the new year?
>>48905088>the one on the rightAnon...
>>48906368What?>Tongue-Cut Sparrow "Large Box and Small Box" A clone technique that makes a fake Parsee appear. Even fairies know that the big one is the wrong one. But, y'know, I'd like to choose the big one on purpose. ....OH FUCK IT'S COOKIE ISN'T IT
>>48910206That middle parted hairstyle on the one on the right is one of (the only?) defining feature of the cookie based on Parsee
>>48910206I NOTICED THE PARTED BANGS NOW FUUUCKParsee my beloved forgive me, I thought you were testing my love over my lust using your spellcard... but in the end... I got joker'd https://youtu.be/-sogmas7sbk
Previous Thread: >>48754827https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.goodsmile.touhoulostword_androidhttps://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id1497130374https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/8458If you can't use an official store, use qoo-app.Lost Word Twitter:https://twitter.com/Touhou_LWhttps://twitter.com/touhoulw_globalJP Wiki:https://altema.jp/lostword/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Oddly in character for her, my wife, Joon (Forma summer) took away more than half my cube stock before coming home, leaving me halfway through pity...At least I can get a full Story card and another half done
>>48911759I'd believe it. Koishi and Flandre usually have close proximity to each other when it comes to broader alts, and it seems like a no-brainer to give her an EX if Flandre gets to have one.
>>48911759>another sanae and koishiFucking stop
Flan only
>>48906871>>48909584>sfesthank god I don't need 1750 or 2000 cubes for her
just 2hu playing
>>48871215I want to rape Murasa after she has played basketball just so she is sweaty and smelly.
>>48889502Thanks anon. We have been getting closer and closer each time, Im sure it is a matter of time for /jp/'s victory
Marisa snow editionPlease read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guideFumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/Places to buy fumos and other plushes:For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharingPicture guide for acquiring fumos-https://i.imgur.com/TOPXQKw.pngGift-Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.htmlComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
without him you would be nothing
>>48912436need migu fumofumo
Discuss Stardust idols. Other 正統派 idols are also permissible.Info, news, bloghttp://www.stardustplanet.jp/https://www.stacommu.jp/homehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrf4dSKOxfwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YO36nKGDNUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioEKV3HpuUshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4KjiTGBggwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AMKWiA7KOk
especially kenkyusei
alsofunny she drew aya booba (that's exactly how i guessed it was her)
A Vocaloid thread for those who don't give a fuck about the drama.
Never enough CinaMigu
2 songs with the new Kiyoteru SV bankhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cra1HsZofEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5ZuXADFeBQ
Happy Valentine's Day, anons.
Cool loser Tetohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3owBc_MqRo
>>48911514I kneel. The cake looks amazing, nice job anonhttps://youtu.be/S-m2zTgX9Oc?si=e-Drj-2cpeLh6Z7zhttps://youtu.be/4u4hG8hyUb0?si=C0hWBJMcNZpnjBre