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Nue-chan is giving you signals...
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Those were some great thighs
>She even has a whole game dedicated to her.
Which one?
>Nue gets her own certified FUMO
And I'm gonna buy one and *POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF!*
(can't)GET PREGNANT (can't)GET PREGNANT (can't)GET PREGNANT (can't)GET PREGNANT!!!!!! it
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UFO was dedicated to the return of Byakuren and setting the stage for religious wars in Gensokyo. Nue is just a weakass extra boss. Barely an afterthought.

/jp/ needs an eirin thread.
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>Ah yes, CDS... Hate that piece of garbage...
she became a deserter in PoFV, literally her second appearance, and the lunar war being a nothingburger was established pretty soon after that
all CDS did was say that she enjoyed getting to lord it over rabbits in the punishment room on the moon, which is completely consistent with her whining about the earth rabbits listening to tewi over her in CiLR
Reisen is a remarkably consistent character, all things considered
Since IN(Kaguya's profile) we got her running away before facing any human despite her saying that she fought some in the moon.
If Reisen has any beattle experience it would be from either some conflict they didn't tell us or Yukari's moon invasion, the former unlikely and the later... would make her +1000 years old. But I think we have 0 clues about the age of any moonbun.

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I like the Dragon girl
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*nom* *munch* *munch* *munch*
*munch* *munch* *munch*
*munch* *munch* *munch*
*nom* *munch* *munch* *munch*
......*nom* *munch* *munch*
........*munch* *munch* *munch*
You want some?
Is she really a youkai or what? She's more normal than most of the humans
My personal interpretation of her is that she is a youkai in the same way that a magician was, only instead of ascending through knowledge of the occult, she did it through dedication to martial arts and cultivation.
Meiling-sama is so fucking cool, I bet she has a secret fanclub in the village.
junior has eyes but cannot see mt. tai...

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Three bodies... three vagánias
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in touhou the gods created the universe, many of them predate humanity
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sounds like a raw deal
I wouldn’t mind a raw deal with hecatia, if you know what I mean
amirite, bros?

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This is about anikura (アニクラ) which is a portmanteau of the loan words anison (アニソン) and club (クラブ). Interesting enough, anison itself is a portmanteau of anime (アニメ) and song (ソング) which refers to musical tracks used in various anime series and often gets misspelled by adding a "g" at the end since bawka gaijins can't into nippongo properly. Anyways, anikura refers to the use of "anison" related music in a "club setting" hence how the genre gets its name. Honestly, if you still need to hand to be held on what makes something "anison" or what is a "club," then you need to GTFO and lurk moar.

One of the more notable anikura is Akihabara MOGRA (MOGRA for short) which has been associated with this imageboard for well over a decade. However, just limiting yourself to one venue would do yourself a disservice since there are other livehouses and even devoted anison groups who help contribute to anikura all over Japan! However, for those who wish to explore the anikura scene in Japan, otaku-bar.com would be a great place to start your journey.

Although the primary source of anikura comes from venues in Japan, there are also held online. As previous mentioned: MOGRA is the most well known anikura which also streams a lot of their events online via Twitch. However, there are individuals associated with MOGRA which also streams online and one of them is the President of MOGRA: D-YAMA who goes by the channel name of choroyama via Twitch. As previously stated, MOGRA can be used as the base on discovering other venues and even DJs who also stream online.

Since online streaming is the play, there are international anikura which primarily stream online and also hold physical events when available. One of the anikura group that can trace their origin to this very imageboard would be Anison Hijack which has been streaming consistently every two weeks on the Twitch platform. Obviously, there are many international anikura online and hopefully you can check them out!

The following is a sample list of various anikura that stream online via Twitch.

JP clubs:

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@ mogra
I should have gone years ago.
>do they also prep with the DJs beforehand?
Most likely, but I can't confirm for every VJ out there.
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Are the lines at anni as bad as the ones at NYE?
Depends how early you show up

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I uhhh.. I'm hearing voices.. in my skull. I came here for a check-up?
At least you'll have someone to talk to while you wait.
Kanako must be restless if she can't sit normally.
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It will probably be better to wait in a different section.
...Or maybe the youkai section wouldn't be so bad after all.
Maybe her butt hurts??

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Genderbent hus
Non-genderbent male hus (Rinnosuke, Unzan, etc) are welcome as well
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mpreg and/or adoption
Mpreg is the ultimate display of dominance. Imagine fucking a bottom-bitch so hard, he actually gets pregnant.
mpreg is absolutely disgusting kindly kill yourselves
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Kogasa-kun surprising me with the sight of his fat cock!

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>We apologize for the long wait for further information.
>Niconico is currently under a large-scale cyber attack, and it is unlikely that the service will be restored at least by the end of this weekend.

>We sincerely apologize to everyone who was looking forward to the video posts and live broadcasts scheduled for this weekend. Please wait until Monday for an update on future plans.

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>TEXT data
There's a lot of random junk in there. I found a Splatoon trailer.
The nakamura guy was found watching gay porn and torrenting an eroge when the hacking started
Are you talking about watching gay porn or watching "gay porn"? Because with how god awful the translations are in this thread I'm expecting you to not fully understand one of the two things he could've been watching, though not that it truly matters.
he's probably talking about inmu
I know. That's why I felt the need to clarify because if someone in this thread doesn't know what Inmu is, he shouldn't be posting in it.

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>banging anything
Lol, lmao even
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Say, "Ahh"
The problem with monsters and undead is that they need to feed on people to live, but I wouldn't want them eating another man. The only flesh I'd want them consuming is my own, which is a huge conundrum as even Sakuya will run through two liters of my blood quickly if she eats three times a day plus sweets

Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, APEX HATE.

Previous thread: >>46438010
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Even Rin is helping out
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What kind of game even is this
Just the typical pay-to-win mobile "strategy" game where you're mostly waiting on timers to upgrade your base and unlock stronger army units.
Aoi would easily win this if even a fraction of the people that watch her joined, but there's only 11 of us right now.

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on-the-go gaming edition
Previous: >>46775358
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Recommend me a good monitor to play rhythm games, I've been using a 60hz one for years but I guess it's not the ideal
Unaware of those, was actually referring to a washed up e-girl, iykyk
Play O2Jam

Indeed I do friend. He is muy loco ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Chen has chosen a side.
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Wrong side of history Chairman Meow or something, now leave the Philippines or else you'll feel the wraith of the U S A.
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Don't get mad, but Chen is too good! You'll never be able to beat her!
I am mad
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That's because you're a loser!
Head full, many thoughts.

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A thread for the discussion and sharing of regular Japanese music.
Derivative doujin music, Vocaloid, VSingers, Sakura Gakuin, AniKura, idol songs, etc. go in their respective threads
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We love SKM here
The first 3 album is mandatory /jp/ core listening
Don't care, still awful

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I don't get why Kaneko Ayano is popular.
Also Togawa is writing books now https://natalie.mu/music/news/580410

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What does /jp/ think of this vulnerable, supple, pale, smooth chick?
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imagine rubbing your hands down that smooth back. its really flawless
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How could you...
a firm smack and grab on her ass and hearing CLUCK would be enough

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to eat youmo pie
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