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Previous Thread: >>48244265


If you can't use an official store, use qoo-app.

Lost Word Twitter:

JP Wiki:

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Not sure if I can make it much higher in the rankings. I don't have every character.
Having some chance at the character is better than having zero chance.
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So how's the new Mokou? Is she really that great?

I'd also like to add, that, regardless of their gameplay, releasing such cool designs as Cirno, Mokou and Letty right before the new year should be a crime.
Interesting. What for? Debuffing Yin?
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I did swap people around for more damage in general but Alice is there to help beat the first wave and then debuff the 2nd wave before swapping out for White Koishi. There are only 2 waves in that round and the first one is solo Sakuya who is just there to try to waste your spells. 2nd wave has no shields so having some extra debuffs is nice.

Caw closer, come closer, my anonymous friends!
Let us flock together despite time and weather,
Let us type with talons, drinking sake gallons,
Let us fly, pictures snap, trick others and kidnap!

But don't you worry, human friends,
Since everyone here just pretends.
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Like heaven
Uoghhhh seggs
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You got this Aya-san!
Aya can be a humble reporter in disguise, a trendy Tengu, and a lordly youkai, so many sides to one bird! I love crows!
>a lordly youkai
I want more of Aya showing how strong she is.

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Post Japanese gravure here (remember this is a SFW board)

A gravure idol (グラビアアイドル gurabia aidoru), often abbreviated to gradol (グラドル guradoru), is a Japanese female model who primarily models on magazines, especially men's magazines, photobooks or DVDs. Gravure idols appear in a wide range of photography styles and genres. Their photos are largely aimed at male audiences with poses or activities intended to be provocative or suggestive, generally accentuated by an air of playfulness and innocence rather than aggressive sexuality.

>Sales Rankings

>What's New

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>We will see if we can get a model that looks like Aika
God, I hope you guys do.
how undignified... this isn't how you're going to get a rich pilot boyfriend young lady...
yeah it's okay
No, Marina or Umi are so much better
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>ywn work on a shoot with Io

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The Bridge Princess has been wondering why she can’t seem to get a half-decent thread going as of late…?!
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Parpar a cute
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I love fanarts depicting Parsee in original hashihime get up.
I want to rape yandere Par

Previous: >>48070185
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Are they successful or nah?
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The catbox link didn't work


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Hecatia? More like Hecuteia
Hecuteia? More like Hesluteia
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More like Hecoolia!
Because she's cool and stylish!
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This is what happens when you call Hecatia's fashion sense lame

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The cutest stone stacker

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Post your /jp/ related OC here. All skill levels are welcome. Feel free to post any art, music, writing, or game-related OC that you have made.
Previous thread: >>47751193
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(vn instead of 2hu, gomen)
No wonder I can feel the pain in Reimu's expression.
ctrl+A and ctrl+C are pretty helpful to keep your post in your clipboard when it's getting looong.
Alternatively you can just copy and paste it in a text file or similar.
I do like this painting, it's smug aura mocks me, good luck catching up to the daily Rans.
Another absurdly smug fox. I have to say I didn't like how you drew faces at first but they look pretty cute now.
Rude but cute.
Not a fan of noses not even being at the very least a dot tho.
A bit odd the contrast between the faces and the arms feeling longer than legs(although proportions of people irl vary a decent chunk tbf) but not bad.
>official crossover stuff in the arcades
Not a crossover I expected honestly

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Wriggle cup
Don't worry, Kosuzu is drunk, so it makes sense
Holy fuuuuck that's a good Seiga, thank you

I never expected to see your art here, got whiplash finding you here
Poor Yuuka

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wants to hug you! Once you feel her embrace you'll never want to leave it!
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I want to drink Hisami's grape juice
Hisamin's grapes must be so sweet
Heavens in hell
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Are you seriously going to let her thread get dragged off the board?
Why not? it happens all the time, unless you have at least two autist in different time zones.
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Hisamin can be a helpful girl too!

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Yuuka approves!

Useful links:
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo
- https://kigguide.com/ (biased)
- https://kigudb.info/ (under construction)
- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ
- K.I.G: https://discord.gg/kigurumi
- BasedKig: https://discord.com/invite/gRksYAxCnf

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Anzu breeding
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greetings /kcs/. Long story short: /jp/ has a football team for funsies and you guys were asked for a player to represent kigus of which this massive Yukari was chosen. Now that we are going to update the roster soon, we wanted to ask if you wanted keep the giant Yukari kig as /kcs/'s choice or change it for something else to embody the spirit of these threads
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The colossus really should remain, anything else would just be anons arguing about which specific kigu should be the team mascot
Thanks for the feedback, anon. You make a good point there. With this Yukari shall remain on the team but I'll keep an eye if more anons want to have a say or manage to reach a consensus regarding what could represent /kcs/
Giant Yukari should remain. If we change it then it will become a popularity contest and anons will be fighting over it. There are a few contenders for a replacement if giant Yukari were to ever been replaced but that isn't right now.

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Discussion of the online games found on DMM/Fanza and Nutaku.

Previous Thread: >>48078179

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM/Fanza (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)

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I mean what about this >>48331863
Blessed Helena making these outfits
I never noticed her underwear doesn't cover her ass at all
>master's personal maid, feniel
even the line when you put her in a team is naughty
I've fapped to worse things
>1st place
Funi's cute and funny

You love Cirno, right?
You couldn't possibly dislike this amazingly cute ice fairy!
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Cirno only sweats if she's on the verge of heat stroke. Her first layer of cooling is the frozen condensation on her skin, which melts off in hot temperatures.
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Cirno-chan loves her onii-chan! (me)
That can't be right, Im her Onii-chan.
Actually Cirno-chan loves Dai-chan instead!

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i like touhous
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I like milk!
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Post Tenkos
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That they love each other and that you look retarded.
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That's true, but they shouldn't say it.
Delicious sweet peach
I may be retarded but at least I'm not poor and homeless like these two
if they love each other why did they break up before 17.5 so Shion could go and do oil scams with John?

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everyone forgot about her
this umbrella is sad and lonely
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They're the absolute same, but does your arm like the same things as your hair? A hot drink might feel good in your throat, but not as much in your penis, right? Kogasa is the same.
Both bodies are the same being, but due to their constitution some stimuli might be felt different. Although I think that Kogasa is a simple girl.
But you shouldn't refer to her bodies as different people. There's no Kogasa-U and Kogasa-CS, there's Kogasa's umbrella body and Kogasa's humanoid body.
>(like Medicine)
Do elaborate.
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The umbrella smile
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I like this artist
They're dating, how cute!

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