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Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, APEX HATE.

Previous thread: >>46438010
253 replies and 104 images omitted. Click here to view.
Nowa's zatsudan.
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Neru is playing a horror game.
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The Sex Fox!
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There is only two that could oppose the devilish cuteness of the fox.
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Poor Tsukasa
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Moments before Ran crushes Tsukasa's tube like EVA-01 crushed EVA-03's entry plug...
image the view from the inside if she used it to pleasure herself

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Would you play house with her?
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Hey, maybe she has an exotic taste. All these poisons must combine to form quite the experience. Surely she has some hallucinogenics that could make for a nice experiment. Alternatively, maybe her poison is affected by the power she consumes. If you feed your Medi only healthy things and keep her next to harmless plants, perhaps you could have a safer Medicine to keep around.
>If you feed your Medi only healthy things and keep her next to harmless plants, perhaps you could have a safer Medicine to keep around.
Would it really be Medicine if there wasn't the risk of her blowing a cloud of mysterious and possibly lethal gas into your face?

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July is Rumia‘s month. Rumia is very hungry and she needs a lot of love and food.
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Dark but roomy.
I wish spacejin drew rumia more
She's so cute when she's happy!
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What the quack am I looking at here

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Would you let this cute spirit possess your body?
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Hermit retreat in the mountains
Hermit sex with the crown prince
dunno. She was probably bored or something
>Hermit sex with the crown prince
*Hermit sex with faceless men while the crown prince watches from a corner
Dang, that's really perverted.
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does she know how erotic this is?
I hope there will be more fanart about her when she is still alive.

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>they don't even know sour drinks are in right now
I want female seiyuu to play a batsu game with me where if they lose I impregnate them and do things with their feet
Which one

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This cute spider will do anything for some food!
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Apologize! Apologize for tearing up her web! She worked hard on that, damn it!
Maybe put up a stake or something so she can build the web you lazy bastard!
Based spider inconveniencer.
It's not like spider-chan wants you to notice her and take her along with you to work, r-right...?
Hmmmmmmm, spider milk...

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What have you done lately, /jp/? Any goals you're currently working towards?
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Playing as Murasa in SFW is hard to learn, but I found out Okuu is completely trivialized.
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Don't forget about 'properly' clearing IN, too.
Oh yeah, 96 1CCs
Her thighs and legs are very good in that art, midriff too. Artist knew what he was doing. Canon Okuu proportions.
Why don't we do this for all the games? Like, if you clear it without pressing shift it's a whole another 1CC. Autists would love this.

I want to marry youkai.
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When will our worlds collide? I have no interest in human women and want to dedicate my life as a loyal and hard-working husband for a youkai.
how would you propose to your wifehu?
How so?
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There's a lot of ways this could go down depending on the 'hu, but maybe the most comedic would be Utsuho.
I know we have a few solid Okuu-enthusiasts on this board (respectfully looking at you >>47332089), so let me ask you all:
Anyone else more worried over her trying to straight-up eat the ring in the moment? Or drop it in the reactor or something? I'd make it a nice ruby or cinnabar stone maybe but you can never be too at-ease around the borb when she's unfocused.
Maybe she'd just get so excited that'd she'd start to give off excess amounts of heat & radiation, potentially highly damaging in the long-term. I know there's debate over whether or not she actually emits anything but

How loyal & hard-working exactly? What lengths would you go to?
Maybe you can start doing what you can to speed-up that collision somewhat...
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She's a birb, she would love any shiny object you give her, including the ring. You would of course train her to take off the ring before going into the reactor and to make sure it fits her finger so it would only come off if she put enough effort to take it off (they can be fitted to just be enough to not squeeze but enough to require twisting to get off)

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Thread to discuss utaites, vsingers, and their music. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them here.

Previous Thread: >>47254810

Upcoming Lives:
7/21: LiLYPSE&アイデス1st TWO-MAN LIVE「反神叛戯XENOGLOSSY」https://www.zan-live.com/ja/live/detail/10449
7/23: VESPERBELL 4th ANNIVERSARY LIVE「Noise in Silence」https://youtu.be/lpp5fiSyNJw
8/02: Himehina Live 2024 Day 1
8/03: Himehina Live 2024 Day 2
8/03: AZKi 1st Major Debut Live "Voice Entropy" https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/240803-kowairoentropy
8/07: Isekaijoucho Anima 3 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10411
8/08: Kamitsubaki Fes 2024 https://twitter.com/kamitsubaki_jp/status/1789128674614350313
8/11: One Piece Day 2024 Special Live Day 2 (Ado) https://intl.stagecrowd.live/s/scint/group/detail/i10146
8/12: Such & Yuka Nagase 2 man live https://wallwall.zaiko.io/item/364971
8/24: ASU Sunlight Live 3 https://youtu.be/PxVdsYY3QmU

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can youtube just dox suntory nomu already? her talent is wasted on dumbass guest games instead of her God given singing talents. theres no way she doesnt have an alt.
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I enjoyed it
you should check niconico leak
the only thing i found from the topic is that nico nico got hacked. any search on her 中の人 leads to a bunch of bullshit circling around nothing.
AZKi + Suisei

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I need touhou project characters with huge boobs
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c a n o n
head too small
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not if she's 7+ feet tall
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She will magically make a kigu bunny appear in her top hat.

Useful links:
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo
- https://kigguide.com/ (biased)
- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

Image Source: https://x.com/killuatsuna/status/1814857249350647967?s=61&t=aGB3NkpIm3YGeDtx9s_0Uw

Previous Thread: >>47311197
198 replies and 62 images omitted. Click here to view.
Is this you? Cute!
Not that kig, but it's definitely not the same kigu
I'm not selfposting but I definitely fall into the seductive smile I think?
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DESU, getting real close, face needs a bit of tweaking and it will be up there with the slightlly above-average work.
The point is... well done. But get it right, you are nearing right.

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So i can fuck her better/switch things up. Or if we mess around in the outside world. It'll be fun to disguise ourselves. You babies are acting like I want her to amputate them or something.
Please explain
Ran is commanding you to lick her soles
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You can just tie them together like people tie up a mare's tails to avoid a mess during birth
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It's just not the same. It's the symbol of her pride, to hide them would be like putting a paper bag over her head or walking out in the nude. Hide them if it's out of necessity where no other option permits them such as the Outside, even then there's places where she can pass as a very good cosplayer and keep them out. For sex I dunno deal with it lol, with some finagling you can make normal positions work, and with her tails you can have even more since they can support both of your weights; it's like a bed on demand. Not to mention they can be a privacy screen to fool around behind: slip in peeks of her body only you can see clearly, hands can be wherever they please, tease other hags with tasteful censorship of kisses and skinship, really you can do a lot more with them than without.
It'll be a good excuse to help her wash them. Post partum she'd be fairly weak (wet fur is h e a v y) and otherwise preoccupied with nurturing and cleaning the little ones. Then moving forward whenever the babies make a mess as they do, you can help clean them again. I'd feel very prideful with my handiwork and get to feel the experience of fresh clean and poofy tails more often.

A thread dedicated to mainstream idols, but local and amateur idols are welcome here too.

Previous >>47190413
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This strange lady wants you to see her beautiful flowers.
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Nobody came to Yuuka's party...
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what a fucking LOSER lmao yukari would never be caught like that
Kidnapping so many villagers that Reimu has to get involved is not better.
I'm playing Yuuka's game.

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