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232 replies and 97 images omitted. Click here to view.
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shes okay
For you.
Futo's futa cock...... Always on my mind....
Stop posting before Byakuren finds out, Ichirin.
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This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid censorship by localizations is highly recommended.

>Where to read WNs:

>Light Novel databases:

>Where to buy:

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Anon, come on, give me the name
why did leouch start acting like cid and entered a gook academy to show off?
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Hello, does anyone have the EPUB of
>>47229860 does anyone have the EPUB of ゴエティア・ショック?

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tourists who want to talk about western whore streamers should go to the designed board for it
shut up retard
Who do you think?

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Previous thread: >>47189524

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
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this reminded me
german brothers, delight in the title of this vn
i wanna say ritterorden but i'm fairly sure i'm spelling it wrong
That's it, thank you
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They really nailed making this guy an absolute dick but in a cold, autistic way and not the usual pompous, arrogant way.
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Thinking of Saga Planets, how's Kisaragi Gold Star compared to Hatsuyuki Sakura?

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Thread to discuss utaites, vsingers, and their music. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them here.

Previous Thread: >>47065199

Upcoming Lives:
6/29: Re:AcT 2nd gen LIVE
7/20: Yukarium Acoustic Live "Sumni No Engei"
8/02: Himehina Live 2024 Day 1
8/03: Himehina Live 2024 Day 2
8/07: Isekaijoucho Anima 3 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10411
8/08: Kamitsubaki Fes 2024 https://twitter.com/kamitsubaki_jp/status/1789128674614350313
8/12: Such & Yuka Nagase 2 man live https://wallwall.zaiko.io/item/364971
9/14: Singularity Live Volume 3 (KAF, RIM)
9/15: RIM 3rd One Man Live Neuromance 3
9/19: Sana Natori 1st Live

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She is definitely one of the best, and such an easy recommendation. I feel like just posting the entire playlist.

was looking for Kasane Teto songs for the vocaloid thread and found these VocaDuo entries to have nice sounding utaite versions
Gup used the wrong hashtag...

Nice finds thank you
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who the fuck makes 14 minutes long teaser movies with negroes

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BanG Dream!

Revue Starlight

Dig Delight Direct Drive!

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jesus christ anon what the absolute fuck
get your fucking eyes checked
Why can't Bushiroad do what Sony and Aniplex do?
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small indie company
Look at her earlier works, now she's fucked but back then she's wasn't a perfect copy either but c'mon man, she was like like 40% a face lookalike of Aimi at least, maybe even 50%

It's what we have anyways, take it or leave it.

Cool 2hu art thread
idk what you'd call these but I think they are neat
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it is my opinion that kajatony is one of the greatest touhou artists of all time
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He's up there that's for sure
I also loved Lfacras works too Before he turned into a gachafag and deleted all his works
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you probably already have this but I'm reasonably sure I've got all of Hidaru (Lfacras) work up until he flipped the switch and became a gachafag who's never heard of 2hu in his life
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>you probably already have this
I don't so thank you very much
>until he flipped the switch and became a gachafag who's never heard of 2hu in his life
Why are they always like this?
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how does one get into touhou?
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I'm glad you posted this because I couldn't find mine.
Play the games.
It's either that or not playing the game at all.
play the games
then search for the ost or gameplays on youtube
then youtube will start to flood your recommended tab with touhou memes, animations, etc.
the rest is history

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Imagine the
Ponder the
Conceptualise the
This makes perfect sense, Renko would know all about how easy it is to break into someone's home so she would want to keep her's hidden.
Woah she's like me

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the first official touhou H-manga!
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Why is the scan lower quality than the previous ones?
>>47230410 >>47230429
I love you futo
Knowing your enemy is half the battle.
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Imagine her BMI

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The only good thing about Touhou 19
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All touhous is futa.
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playable ran
only ran could satisfy yuuma's insatiable appetite for semen
since she left yuuma's been unbearably pent up
What's having Chiya-chan as your older sister like?
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That Ran got any new content at all is a miracle, and officially playable to boot. Though despite Danmakufu's jank I prefer how she plays in Youkai Kori Kassen: shot type one is fun and plays like PCB Sakuya, and type two is basically just how she plays in UDoALG down to the identical focus gimmick but she has Ultimate Buddhist as a bomb. On the otherhand UDoALG has it handily beat on spritework and her danmaku being paper shikigami is fitting. Wish she still kept the spinning gimmick.

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hey /jp/...
fuck you!!
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What would it be like getting driven mad by Clownpie and Ryzen at the same time? Would it be funny or like some horrible sleep paralysis experience?
this guy studs
Clownpies birthday in two more days, there will be fireworks.
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can't wait for the HOLY posting

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Information for live shows and viewings:

SNS and concerts:

Previous: >>47200907
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More than 2 years going to the gym and she's still looking like shit
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Do you actually like any of these girls ESL-kun?
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Still no scans of Mayu's 2nd PB... I'm just going to bite the bullet and order it with my next bulk order I'm doing.

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Every Shousday!
what about her?
she big, she adorable
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How big exactly?
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"Gifted and Talented" edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html

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Are they discussing their hatred of minorities?
no they're going gyatt for gyatt
Can you explain what gyatt means to me - rn now on the skibidi yo?
no they are going for rizz for rizz

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