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Information for live shows and viewings:

SNS and concerts:

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Chubrun did JAV?
Rkk feet
Ainya feet
minmin will be FORCED to come out during the next live.
As a lesbian?
Homin will perform at the next live despite the embarrassing video getting discovered meanwhile i am not counting out kinchan magically vanishing during the final aqours live

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Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>47380911
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>small town american church :|
>small town american church, "Japan" :o
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where were you when djt was kill
I love when Christianity and Japan mix. It’s like a match made in heaven, no pun intended.

Meeting WNL Fans in 2024

Post your favorite Japanese announcers and alt girls (athletes, race queens, youtubers, etc.) who don't fit anywhere else. Follow up to /ww/ - Weather Waifus. *WARNING* Casters aren't really idols. Your favorite(s) WILL announce marriage and you WILL want to kill yourself.

前スレ >>47354693

>5ch Announcer Forum
https://agree.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/img8/1695243512/ -- /faaag/ outpost on the English (ghost town) side of 5ch
https://github.com/JDimproved/JDim -- desktop client (Linux native, Windows under WSL)
>Recent announcer gravure

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i can't stop wishing i could smell and keep for myself mayu's wet white panties
stunning yuki, lucky sophia university president

This strange lady wants you to see her beautiful flowers.
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Kidnapping so many villagers that Reimu has to get involved is not better.
I'm playing Yuuka's game.
There are 3 that come in my mind
tell Elly I said hi
Everyone was too scared of her

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gonna take it ez
small kitty or big yukkuri?

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What is moe? Is it an element of desirability? I feel like I recognize moe when I see it. But what makes something moe, what are the qualities that define moe?
Is moe anything that causes affection due to wholesomeness? When old ladies call someone "cute" for helping them, is that analogous to moe? I feel like moe is somehow different than cuteness but somehow similar.
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Is abe a girl or just a wannabe tranny? Kinda hypocritical to rag on moe while drawing yourself as a loli.
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Akagi is moe
should have died against washizu
deservedly died as a retard lmao
potatoes are kawaii

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>47107770
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Good riddance, fuck this censored pos
Why would anyone release a PS2 game in 2024?
Aster is the highest profile game to go bye-bye lately.
It's funny how things work. People keep complaining about self-inserts all the time, yet Yuu got a pass. It's like the issue was never self-inserts in general, it was MALE self-inserts. For these people, male self-inserts are always bad and female self-inserts are always good, rather whether a self-insert or good or not depending on their execution and not just their sex.

Happy Alice Day.
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damn, thinking of how jealous alice is from narumi with marisa, one would think she would be the first to commit jizo genocide

but she isn't the unhinged kind of autists
Considering how popular Renko has become, maybe Alice needs to tap into that prime autismal energy if she ever wants to get a boyfriend.
All of them are going to find someone has been wishing them to die for the next few years
alice would crumble in public if she ever walked into a bar, let alone dare to think about offering a drink to a boy

I want to marry youkai.
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Spur of the moment, unplanned, and haphazard. Reason being is that if I try to plan things out chances are it wont ever be in ideal conditions. Murphy says something is always going to throw a wrench in and since it's a proposal I'd want it to be perfect, which just isn't going to happen. So when the opportunity does present itself I have to take it whether I'm ready or not.
We can formalize it later.
I wonder if rings are really the best way to go about it. Rings are more of a western thing, not to say they cant be used, but we have more options since it's not a required thing to represent marriage. With how Gensokyo is and the likelihood of your 2wife getting into and losing a Spell Card duel you'd want it to be very tough and form fitting so it's not lost when clothing starts getting tattered, or easily replaceable so if it is lost or destroyed it's not going to devastate her. I think ritual and meaning placed on the item is more important than the item itself. Maybe it's reserved as a more formal accessory, so it can be a little more delicate if the use case is festivals and parties.
With magic there's more options too and if the effort is put in maybe it can be something that enhances her and by some strange twist of fate it always finds its way back to her if lost. Going by Feng Shui logic if her element is Metal then something symbolizing the element of Earth would fit her. Just have that shit made of Izanagi objects and it'll probably last longer than either of you will: divine level artifacts. Like a ring of Hihi'irokane set with a Dragon Gem or a Magatama carved from a Celestial Keystone consecrated with the blood of a native god.
I’m really not that bright and tend to overthink so planning it out would be a tall feat so i guess maybe one day when she’s preferably outside youkai mountain and done with her work for the day decides to go home I’d pull her over (not literally pull her mind you) and pop the question with as much confidence as I can muster. Oh how I’d love to see her reaction
Would she even be able to grasp what the ring actually means
Youkai would propose to you, not the other way around silly. And their proposals would be accompanied with thinly veiled threats, or the implication that "no" isn't an option. Youkai are monsters, at the end of the day. If they want something, especially from a weak human, they'll take it.
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It'll be hard, but she'd have an instinctual understanding of what a mate is and since crows mate for life it's equivalent to marriage. She'd understand that the ring is important, maybe connect the dots if she thinks real hard. Long term jewelry probably isn't the best bet for Okuu because of how birdbrained she is. I think the better route would be to give her nice shiny baubles every so often like crows do, and she'd keep them in a collection tucked in her/your room/nest.
The bigger hurdle would be getting Okuu to understand the concept of marriage as we do, and see you as a mate and not just super duper good friend. Repetition until she remembers is a good way to go.

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Seven-Colored Paizurist
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Honestly this is just more funny then sexy
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How does a girl like Alice get such big breasts? She doesn't even do anything!
This is the life...
superior makai genes
sadly that isn't true for their internal organs, like the brain for example...

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This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid censorship by localizations is highly recommended.

>Where to read WNs:

>Light Novel databases:

>Where to buy:

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Anyone know where I can find (fun) beginner/intermediate level L/WNs?
not even memeing, just read the official synopsis of whatever interests you
if you have to pull up a dictionary more than 10 times (names don't count towards this) while reading the synopsis, you aren't ready to read it yet, either anki grind more or start with simple manga
syosetsu has a few
I started with https://ncode.syosetu.com/n5240bc/ few years back, most of it is easy lingo influenced by DQ3
Second worst DQ.
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>tfw something is so good you HAVE to share it with the autistic fags at /ln/

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Previous floor:

Beginner guide, FAQ and links: https://rentry.org/8vkaw
New child mechanics guide for plus: https://pastebin.com/7is8p4NF
Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX/releases/
Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
Elin Demo 9.10: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BXxcK0t1zkJFn-5mVaX93OabUFJKrVnO/view?
Elin kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/noacat/elin/description
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there has to be more ways to have variety on repeatable quests other than fetch and escort quests right?
Quest where you have to break into an npc's house, rape them, and then escape before the guards catch you.hgds
All the features from every modded version of Elona+ just serve to make the game easier, or sometimes even censor it.
That's nice, dear.
>Mad Island mod

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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

Old archive backup at:

07th Links:
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>47378832
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Probably the clearest example is how many readers call the prologue to Episode 2 "filler" and skip through most of it or start rolling their eyes. They may not like it since it's not epic mansion murder mysteries, they're little romance short story tangents, but it's not "filler" in terms of what the story is actually trying to express.
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>Paris Olympics
Comrade Mario was right.
Nice dick, (K)anon
I hope jeshkanon is appreciating his new figure!

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I'm gonna take my fumo Kogasa on so many adventures, holy shit
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Be sure to share the photos, when you come back
Absolutely, once she arrives it's game on
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Nice, enjoy that fumo and lots of fun adventures
I don't see Kogasa in this picture where did she go? What did you do to her????

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>Music Channels

Sakura Gakuin: (dead)



Latest @onefive live


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damn there's like 0 choreography
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Yeah, they just have fun with the crowd during Sawage, like the water guns at the last festival
oh ok I get it now
I wonder what are the girls doing right now
probably having sex with their respective boyfriends
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Found Soyo's youngest fan

Amen, the cutest in Babymetal

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