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The Opera Lady Sings!

Monster Girl Wiki: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Encyclopedia
Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/writerlist.html
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.neocities.org/fanartgalleries.html
Nextcloud Archive: https://st44244.ispot.cc/nextcloud/index.php/s/HYyFwJMp588a4tE
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Call me boring or whatever but i love women with black hair and average brown eyes more than blondes any day
>Call me boring or whatever but i love women
same, same
>Teleported in MGC
>Get arrested on dubious claims
>Have no documentation regarding your identity
>Trails is a farce
>Sentenced to prison for 10 years
>Inform the guard that this a prison for women and that you're a man
>She points to the paper
>"It says right here that you're a female."
>Offer to show her proof
>She whips out her nightstick and threatens to whack you with it
>Quickly taken to your new cell
>Small cell with a bunk, sink/toilet, and a desk
>Cellmate is troll who was imprisoned for growing illegal substances
>She's in for a similar amount of time
>She's not allowed to grow stuff on her

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Why do hags downplay their sexy curves so hard
Pic related

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Visual Novel translation status

12RIVEN -the Ψcliminal of integral- - 50% translated
Aiyoku No Eustia - In progress 100% TL patch leaked, project to continue, 100% Translated/edited/TLC
Akatsuki no Goei ~Principal-tachi no Kyuujitsu~ - 100% translated/edited/QA
Akatsuki no Goei ~Tsumibukaki Shuumatsuron~ - 100% translated and edited, 12,862 (21.16%) through QA
Axanael - "Overwhelming majority" of the text translated, including the main story, some side content remains, in need of editing
CHAOS;HEAD Love Chu Chu! - 70.54% translated, 22.70% edited
CHAOS;CHILD Love Chu Chu!! - 100% translated, 55.30% edited
Chusingura 46+1 - 39617/82770 (47.86%) lines translated, Kuranosuke route partial patch released
Daiakuji - Ongoing project
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate - Being patched
Diabolik Lovers Lost Eden - Being patched
Dragon Knight 4 - 60% translated, playtesting also ongoing
Fate/Stay Night - Partial patch released with a new translation for Fate/UBW/9 days of HF

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Guessing this would be more along the lines of Madosoft dropping Sekai Project but still wanting English translations.
Nah. That's a minded of a lessor. "I'm getting a worse product but either way I'll pay for it. / I don't care, a modder will fix it" The right mindset would be; "Let them die, they're bringing me crap so I'll got to support another company who treat me better."
If the guy who said he was going to do a saint sheol patch is here, I'm curious if it's been abandoned or progress is still being made.
grammar needs work and there seems to be a lack of honorifics, but reads alright
Interesting. It reads well despite some small grammatical issues.

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Is she into impregnation because she has a softer side, or because the thought of getting child support makes her wet?
Joon secretly wants to be a mom and housewife
I will help her
She can be both.

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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, Sakurazaka3ki, BokuAo and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(10/14-15) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Nagoya
(10/16) Trick or Treat! Sakura Meets Cultural Festival Live Event (Sakurazaka46)
(10/21) CDTV LIVE! LIVE! (Sakurazaka46)
(10/21-22) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Osaka Bayside
(10/22) Tamura Hono 2nd Photobook
(10/25) Hinatazaka 4ki star in the film "Zenbu of Tokyo"
(10/28-29) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Sapporo
(10/29) TRIANGLE Magazine 03 release (Endo Sakura, Yoda Yuki, Ogawa Aya)
(11/02-11/03) Chou Nogizaka Star Tanjou! LIVE at Yokohama Arena
(11/08-11/29) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(11/08) Kumogumi Live #10 KeyStudio Shinjuku (BokuAo)

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Based i love hirate too but that's aruno blindkun
Pressing Sakutits against the glass for the whole city to see as you plap your way through her feeble resistance...

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Post Japanese gravure here (remember this is a SFW board)

A gravure idol (グラビアアイドル gurabia aidoru), often abbreviated to gradol (グラドル guradoru), is a Japanese female model who primarily models on magazines, especially men's magazines, photobooks or DVDs. Gravure idols appear in a wide range of photography styles and genres. Their photos are largely aimed at male audiences with poses or activities intended to be provocative or suggestive, generally accentuated by an air of playfulness and innocence rather than aggressive sexuality.

>Sales Rankings

>What's New

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Sachiko looks like Saki drawn from memory
holy shit, she does. Code?
Butt cream-jyu
Need to give her my cream NOW
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They still look good even though she's a skelly

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Previous: >>48011419

MystiAI Edition.

• A space for sharing and discussing Touhou-related AI content, namely RP chatbots, lorebooks and images.

• Chatbot Resources:
Frontends for chatbots:
>https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides
Koboldcpp (UI for local chatbots):
Example website with several touhou chatbots. Also allows you to create your own:

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Well keine is supposed to be a bull soo...
Is this supposed to be an inpainting?
no, that's a plain txt2img gen
I want Koakuma to sit on my face
Thank you! I would sell my organs for this from Joon.

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Thread to discuss utaites, vsingers, and their music. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them here.

Previous Thread: >>47879473

Upcoming Lives:

10/16: Cloud Nine 5th Anniversary Special Program "Amane" https://cloud9pro.co.jp/news/p/8521/
11/02: V.W.P 2nd ONE-MAN LIVE「現象II(再)」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10444
11/03: KAF 4th ONE-MAN LIVE「怪歌(再)」 https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10445
12/28: ASU First One Man Live "Ray" https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10467
12/31: Suzuna Nagihara Birthday Live 2024 『飛雪千里』 https://riotmusic-live.zaiko.io/item/366595
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my ffmpeg was 1 version behind and the output didn't get merged, im so pissed.

thx anon.
I checked a few places but I don't think anyone posted Yuka's concert yet. A bit surprised, but maybe they were relying on me. Ill be home with less than one day to spare on the archive time, so in the worst case I should be able to share it when I get home.

Thank you.
Yukimi (naishonopiasu)
new asu cover with another bomb ass cover art
been thinking about this and i guess you're right. it probably has something to do with her being more of a singer-songwriter who never does live performances. if aru's activities were mostly focused on covers and originals she probably could stay longer but that'd never happen since kamitsubaki has so many live performances.

This is about anikura (アニクラ) which is a portmanteau of the loan words anison (アニソン) and club (クラブ). Interesting enough, anison itself is a portmanteau of anime (アニメ) and song (ソング) which refers to musical tracks used in various anime series and often gets misspelled by adding a "g" at the end since bawka gaijins can't into nippongo properly. Anyways, anikura refers to the use of "anison" related music in a "club setting" hence how the genre gets its name. Honestly, if you still need to hand to be held on what makes something "anison" or what is a "club," then you need to GTFO and lurk moar.

One of the more notable anikura is Akihabara MOGRA (MOGRA for short) which has been associated with this imageboard for well over a decade. However, just limiting yourself to one venue would do yourself a disservice since there are other livehouses and even devoted anison groups who help contribute to anikura all over Japan! However, for those who wish to explore the anikura scene in Japan, otaku-bar.com would be a great place to start your journey.

Although the primary source of anikura comes from venues in Japan, there are also held online. As previous mentioned: MOGRA is the most well known anikura which also streams a lot of their events online via Twitch. However, there are individuals associated with MOGRA which also streams online and one of them is the President of MOGRA: D-YAMA who goes by the channel name of choroyama via Twitch. As previously stated, MOGRA can be used as the base on discovering other venues and even DJs who also stream online.

Since online streaming is the play, there are international anikura which primarily stream online and also hold physical events when available. One of the anikura group that can trace their origin to this very imageboard would be Anison Hijack which has been streaming consistently every two weeks on the Twitch platform. Obviously, there are many international anikura online and hopefully you can check them out!

The following is a sample list of various anikura that stream online via Twitch.

JP clubs:

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I saw a streamfag seemingly trying to use AI to scale up and maybe hide artifacts, was interesting I guess. It looked shit if you need that info.
That's a good way to get trolls to shit up threads even more.
You're okay, thanks.
there is no defense for the shit, don't kid yourself
there's even a decent decade of deleted posts and you seem to want to whine against that
hopefully not for "activity" in this thread
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akibaraizeen : 5年アニクラ Vol-24
selectalive : あにちゅー!
mogra : A-POP BAR

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Information for live shows and viewings:

SNS and concerts:

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This and the Halloween set look super cute and sexy. Hope YJ gives us another 4K Making video this time around.
karencita swinging the other way when

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It's Metal Momoko.
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....... we like just did this last week, or something. right?
its already been another year?
holy shit Metal Momoko
Is it safe to have sex with Metal Momoko?

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A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>47680552
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Netflix when?
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>Saito: I was set up
Probably when the airing ends
Any series like Tantei Monogatari (1973)?
I could only find the first 3 eps subbed but I really liked the show and want more.

Thread #33 of the HSE

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoffs of a fan work.
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

Useful links:
OG work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Hana's story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52050766/chapters/131634781
1st chapter of the HSE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51816529
HSE collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/The_Hakurei_Shrine_Experience

previous thread:>>47515133
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You can do this Kosuzu. She deserves to know, they all do. Things have progressed so far from when the entire revolutionary movement could have easily fit in her old home and this is the knowledge they’ll need. Then there was the discussion we had over Akyuu’s grave, of her fears of returning to a empty home, her children torn away from her. That fear of knowing your family could have been destroyed at any moment must have been a terrible burden to carry. I knew how terrifying it was, to suddenly have a monster go after your family and have no idea why, just holding the fear that at any moment you could be torn apart. She was also my friend. I couldn’t keep it a secret from her.

I look around again, seeing if I missed any interlopers. Keine was alone in the hallway, a rare sight with both her family and with all the work she had to do with legitimatizing the new government. Here’s my chance.

“Keine. We need to talk. It’s about the all the children of the next generation” I say as I approach her. Might as well be direct and get it over with.

“You know too?” she turns, a hint of surprise on her face.

Huh? That wasn’t the response I was expecting. “What?” is all I can stammer out.

“My powers, remember? When I was rewriting the fates of all those people, I found out so much. All those children the woman carry have the same touch of divine protection that Aki and Mochi have. Seeing as we know who their father is, the connection wasn’t too hard to make”

I huff under my breath. Her powers, of course. She had told me about how her new powers had had worked, but frankly I didn’t understand it all that well. Why did everyone have to have such convoluted powers?

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“It’s about the children, this generation that was conceived this year” I start off, knowing there’s no going back from this. “We know who the father is”

Miko shifts a bit in her seat, leaning forward towards me, seeming almost interested. “Father? As in singular?”

“Y-Yes. Based on what I know, when the pregnancies started and other things, I think the father of most of them is Anon Hakurei” I pause, awaiting whatever backlash comes my way.

Miko’s attention flickers towards Keine. “Can this be confirmed?” She asks, a hint of interest creeping into her voice.

“When I was repairing the broken bodies and minds of all who attended the festival, those children the women were carrying had a hint of a divine blessing, the same I recognized in my own children. Then some of them thought about the father of their children as they waited for death. They all thought of the same face.” Keine responds.

Miko remains silent for a few seconds as she digests everything. “So he’s the father to possibly hundreds of children. That’s a feat worthy of a conqueror- or a god. Maybe we’ll see a new god of fertility come into being soon?” I scoff loudly at this, and she looks a bit apologetic.

“Right, this could turn into a mess if left unchecked, but if we were to use this, it could be of benefit us” Miko continues. “The Hakurei linage is passed down maternally to the oldest daughter. There’s already an heir, so the chances of a succession crisis are minimal. But there’s always a chance of the bastards trying to throw their influence around years down the line. Ah, this is just like the courts”

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“What did you say?” I place my hands on the table and lean forward as far as I could go, as if covering that little bit of space between us would somehow correct my hearing.

But there’s no answer from her as I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and look at Keine. “Kosuzu. During that discussion we had with Yukari, other then threatening my family and trying to goad us into servitude, the topic of her pregnancy came up. She has a child inside of her.” Nothing more needed to be said.

I take my hands off the table and find a chair to slump down into, steadying my breathing, the sudden bombshell feeling like a punch to the stomach. I knew what went on in that place, how Anon suffered each day. But the news of this made it nauseatingly real. A pregnancy should be a happy thing, It should be two people deciding to tie their lives together by the creation of a new one. It should be nervous excitement for the future, of shouldering the toll the child growing inside of you takes on your body in order to bring a new life into this world.

There was no doubt that there was no true love behind this child. A child shouldn’t inherit the sins of their parents, but this was the result of a vile woman’s exploitation of a man who had been through too much. It’s sickening

But I can’t get it out of my mind. Something about this all clicks together. Yukari abducting Anon and entrapping him. The amount of effort that she put into the HSE to the point of making multiple allies just to defend her. Her disgusting behavior towards Hana. Her willingness to kill anyone that tried to stop her. It wasn’t an attempt to control the Hakurei family. No, it was because-

“She’s obsessed with him” I mutter out. It all sinks in. That’s the reason for all of this, why a family had to be torn apart and suffer, why the village had to go through so much death and turmoil. Why everyone touched by that place seemed to fall into a downward spiral. Everything that happened over the last six months was all because she had some sick obsession with him. “That bitch”

I run a hand through my hair, snorting with laughter when my bells jingle. “So that’s it? Everything was all because she wanted him like that? That’s the reason we all had to suffer?” I look up at Keine pleadingly, hoping for some sort of other explanation.

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“First, I want to thank you for all the work you’ve done for us. If it weren't for you risking your life to protect all those festival goers, then many more would have died. Your assistance in slaying Hieda was invaluable. You’re helping make sure the transfer of governance goes smoothly. For this, you’ll always have my appreciation” Keine says, letting the lull in her words build the tension. “Seiga Kaku has joined Yukari’s forces” Miko’s eyes widen upon hearing that name, her attention snapping towards Keine. “She threatened our children. She wanted to kill them and-” Keine can’t force the word out of her mouth. “When Yukari’s forces come out to kill those who oppose them there will be no guarantee of anyone’s safety. I know her sins are not your own, and this may sound accusatory., but if the battle ends and she lays dead, what will you do?”

Miko just stares at Keine, looking almost-hurt? That glimpse of vulnerability tasted for a few moments before she spoke up. “I- used to admire her you know. Many years ago, back when I was an ordinary mortal human, I thought I was on top of the world, that I knew everything. Then she appears and shows me a world even higher, one that shone even more brightly. It captivated me and for a while I was content to follow along with her. But the longer I continued my journey, the more I noticed her faults. While the path of the hermit is one that transcends human limitations, watching her I learned there are some parts of humanity that one shouldn’t abandon”

She takes one last gulp of her milkshake and sets it aside. “Even when I tried to cut ties with her, I still saw my teacher in her. I was too forgiving of her transgressions, able to wave them off as petty crimes. But not now. She’s regressed, Her behavior now is nothing short of disgusting and can no longer be ignored. Devouring babies, rape and exploitation, assisting a madwoman. I can only apologize for her actions” Miko pushes up from her seat and bows in the direction of Keine. “Whatever happens to her during the Solstice, we can simply call karma. I promise you there will be no action to save or avenge her”

“Thank you” Keine sighs out, her shoulders relaxing as if an actual physical weight has been lifted off of her.

I feel some relief too, even through I was lucky enough to have avoided the wicked hermit’s attention. Come the solstice, Kaku’s back would be against the wall. “So that source you mentioned…”

“Right, ever since she joined forces with Yukari she’d visit me occasionally. Mostly to talk about her activities in that place in far too much detail and try to get me to join in” Miko responds, unable to hide the embarrassment on her face as she can’t quite meet my eyes. “Of course, I always refused, but it can be difficult to shut her out- she’s persistent and knows how to show up when you don’t expect it. Unfortunately not much of what she told me is of any use, she still knows how to keep secrets. At best I could gleam a few pieces of information from her gossip when she wasn’t talking about- well you know.” Miko’s eyes flicker away again shyly.

“So” She straightens herself up, shyness all but forgotten. “From what I could gather from her idle gossip, Yukari’s forces are strong, but too varied for her own good. They have nothing in common and I doubt they share the same goals. Commonality and a reason to fight are as important to an army as training or armaments. Even if it’s something as simple as the desire to plunder or just to survive another day, a group of people with a common motivation can do great things in the most hellish of situations, as you should know” She gives me a curt nod. “But if they were to be divided, then they would just fall apart when they were needed. When the battle arrives on her doorstep- no perhaps even before then- Yukari will learn this lesson harshly”

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That's the confession about the new generation done. If I got any details about Keine's powers or plot details wrong, I'll just retcon them. I might have stepped a bit out of line here with Miko saying she'll accept Seiga's death but that was a dangling question for a while and I wanted to get it out of the way.

I would have liked to get this out a few days earlier, but social obligations ate up my weekend.

Despite not being a huge manga reader, I do miss Kasen a whole lot, I get why she won't ever come back, but still, she was a very cool character in my opinion
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leta just agree to disagree, and post more of this cute lady
>weird, as its the same as the christian one
Jewish heaven has seven heavens. In the
1st millennium AD, Jewish scholars from the Talmud developed an elaborate system of seven heavens. Which is interesting as this version was written after the Bible. Talmudic traditions emerged within a literary period that can be traced back the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD. The Mishneh Torah was compiled between 1170 and 1180 by Maimonides. Before that there was only one Heaven Shamayim a dwelling place for God and other heavenly beings. Only the most worthy of humans were allowed there and only after being transfigured into an heavenly being while all other humans that were righteous but not worthy were sent to Olam Ha-Ba.

Vilon (וילון), see (Isa 40:22)
Raki'a (רקיע), see (Gen 1:17)
Shehaqim (שחקים), see (Ps 78:23, Midr. Teh. to Ps. xix. 7)
Zebul (זבול), see (Isa 63:15, 1 Kings 8:13)
Ma'on (מעון), see (Deut 26:15, Ps 42:9)
Machon (מכון), see (1 Kings 8:39, Deut 28:12)
Araboth (ערבות), The seventh Heaven where ophanim, the seraphim, and the hayyoth and the Throne of God are located.

Oddly enough the first heaven is similar to the Islamic one.

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Since Kasen's arm form wears thights, what does regular Kasen wear? The sprite artist for ULiL seems to draw her with some form of panties at least
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Discussion of the online games found on DMM/Fanza and Nutaku.

Previous Thread: >>47820345

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM/Fanza (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)

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Making fun of the next event's name. (サ終) 覚悟完了 (Ending service) Readiness complete.
they are a bottleneck for you? i have literally thousands of them and i level skills to 7 for most of my characters
Yes, I've counted and I need like 5000 Es and 2000 Ds
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just 2 more sashas, one preferably with ct reduction.
No point in celebrating the anniversary when they're about to announce the EoS soon

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"Player Two" edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html

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Give your reimu fumo some money too, asshole.
I know it is blasphemy, but I like the bootleg more.
She has her strengths. The gradient on her dress is really well done, and her front ponytail is actually made of her hair wrapping to her front, unlike the official that almost has it as a faux tie. And her boot laces are nice and thick.
But she has a few issues too. Her head is noticeably smaller than a normal Fumos and she seems a bit smaller overall, her bow is just a big annoying mess, and the swirl kanji symbol on her dress could stand to be bigger.
But at the end of the day, she's still Hina. I kinda feel bad to think about throwing her away or dismantling her for custom fodder whenever my official Hina's come in. I guess they could coexist...?
It sounds like an easy way to deal with her small head/size is to give her a hat.
What a fucking bakker!

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