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previous >>48545395
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The agency that grew because of their interactions with streamers is doing an event with streamers. How scandalous!
You could have a point if it was another shitty custom and not Vspo first big stage event

our little human eater youkai deserves a thread
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That's what Roomba does while no one watches
Is she the cutest non-literal retard in fiction?

I think so.
What if she's just pretending to be retarded?

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could we get a thread of the 2hus enjoying some nice food? here's flan eating a hamburger to start
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*eating mu
now the right one
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come on people let's enjoy some more food!
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How and when did you guys discovered about Touhou?
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Bad Apple and Tear Rain's OSU! map
Back in my first year of highschool I slammed my head against HRtP until I beat it (no 1cc) and I've been a casual fan ever since
funposting on the jay back in the good old days. but im still not sure about it.
Those TF2 crossover videos with the medic singing.
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When Youmu saved me
>Sometime around 2011-12
>Older F Cousin shows me a flipnote, it was of bad apple
>Really like how the song sounds and thus I download the flipnote onto my own DSi
>Skip to 2013
>fan of the internet series "VGCats"
>Try to find more on youtube
>discover waflas
>"Huh, some of these characters look similar to that flipnote that my cousin showed me"
>watch some more waflas content, but never look up what touhou is because I am an 11 year old aspie
>skip to late 2016
>watch a video from a youtube channel I like call "This Exists", it was his touhou video
>research about touhou whenever I find it on the web
>skip to Oct 2017
>Fuck it, I am downloading some of the games
>Play 6, 7, 8, and 10 (badly)

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Thread to discuss utaites, vsingers, and their music. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them here.

Previous Thread: >>48592734

Upcoming Lives:

2/1: Hoshimachi Suisei Nippon Budokan Live “SuperNova” https://supernova.hololivepro.com/
2/15: HIMEHINA LIVE 2024『涙の薫りがする』@Nagoya Diamond Hall
2/22: HACHI Birthday Live
3/1-2: HIMEHINA 7th Anniversary Live https://himehina.jp/pages/special?t=live2025_7th_anniversary_live
3/7: hololive 6th fes. Color Rise Harmony https://spwn.jp/events/evt_25030802-enghololive6thfes
3/8: Nornis Orchestra Live「Concerto di luce」 https://x.com/_Nornis/status/1839988864267759835
3/22: Otogibanashi ver1.35_Alternative Feat. KAMITSUBAKI PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10530
3/27: SINKA LIVE SERIES EP.Ⅵ V.W.P 3rd ONE-MAN LIVE "Phenomenon Ⅲ -Exploring KAMITSUBAKI CITY-" https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10538
4/18: Tsukino Mito 2nd Solo Concert "Paper Rabbit" https://www.nijisanji.jp/events/tsukino_paperrabbit
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Finished my second listen of the live. Chronicle A hits the hardest for me too. I also liked Terminal, Gorgeous Lady, and Planet.
i feel like all the other choices were very mid and had very little impact on me compared to her usual covers. granted she had mixing etc etc on video covers but the cover live fell abit short for me. iirc empty old city has their songs in instrumentals only. ill prolly layer that abover her cover and see how it feels.
>>48916492 (me)
i guess the more i think about it, the more i expected her to cover muque on the stream and i guess i was disappointed that she never did.
>ill prolly layer that abover her cover and see how it feels.
tried removing the backing audio with AI to just take the vocals but it sounded abit weird so i made 2 versions. the one with backing is also weird because the drums feels like they're clashing.

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The continuing story of an immortal, her magical car and the friends and enemies they make along the way. The gang has stowed away on a Lunarian vessel and are moments from touching the lunar surface with the moonies none the wiser. Will they be able to take over the orbital slingshot and launch Mokou at Kaguya?
Beginning: >>43875260
Previous: >>48314004

This is an ongoing communal story with a comedic tone. A poster advances the story by posting an image accompanied with a description or light narration. Then another poster advances the story from there and so on. Participation is open so feel free to jump in and contribute.
A few rules and guidelines:
* This is an image-driven story. Posts advancing the story need a suitable image posted alongside.
* Suitable images are often modifications of a previous image. Original images are fine as long as they fit the story.
* Drawings, doodles and/or shoops are fine. Your art only needs to be clear enough for others to understand what is happening.
* Feel free to request the thread to wait if you're worried someone else will advance the story before you finish your own piece. Please finish within a few days of making your request.
* It's encouraged to keep images simple so others may easily modify them. White backgrounds are ideal for their simplicity but not required.
* Advancements should feel like steps and not leaps. No sudden timeskips or abrupt scene shifts please!
* Please avoid gore and excess blood.
* Reading the previous threads is strongly encouraged.
306 replies and 107 images omitted. Click here to view.
Shut up because Moks booba is good
Just go for it my guy.
you baka, now we reached the bump limit. the fate of the gang is on borrowed time.
Actual horror kek.

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previous: >>48874870
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WeatherMap won

Shill your favorite Japanese announcers and alt girls (athletes, race queens, youtubers, etc.) who don't fit anywhere else. Follow up to /ww/ - Weather Waifus. 警告! Casters aren't really idols. Your favorite will announce marriage and you will want to kill yourself.

前スレ >>48840924

>5ch Announcer Forum
https://agree.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/img8/1695243512/ -- /faaag/ outpost on the English (ghost town) side of 5ch
https://github.com/JDimproved/JDim -- desktop client (Linux native, Windows under WSL)
>Recent announcer gravure

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She reminds me of the Yoko Ono parody character from the Beatles episode of the Powerpuff Girls.
are you ok? seems you need to go to a hospital right now, ask to be directly sent to a neurologist asap

Do you think it would be possible for a newfag to get into Touhou with just the printworks? No games, no soundtrack, no fandom creations. Just the official mangas and doujins. I was thinking about what Touhou would have been like if it was just a manga franchise.

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This is Shimmy!
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No, bully and abuse Shimmy.
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<Happy valentine's day!!!>
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Meaty Shimmy.
will she be my valentine?

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This Lunarian is visiting your country and needs your help learning its' language.

She can't talk, so please be nice to her and write something on her sign that she can use to communicate with people from your country!
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Better give it a tug, probably just a loose thread from her skirt or something.
There is nothing to be suspicious of. Please resume your mochi pounding duties.
>There is nothing to be suspicious of.
Why did you say it? Now all will notice that there is something suspicious!
Sagume was forced to bend over for a thorough examination by the entire mochi pounding workforce!
Lingerie ads around the Lunar Capital with Sagume as the model in the pictures!

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Pop-Up Edition
BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Live Gallery: bjd.arcesia.net/
Telegram: t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1okG9fyy7mciwiZUEsQYGNKQNnz1rv59J
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Valentine's Day
Previous Photo Challenge: Staying Warm (or) Sparkles

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Dolls would never miss an opportunity for an indirect kiss...

This is very cute. I was scared to bring the chocolate close to mine.

Did Akira remove some pieces of her outfit because it was too troublesome? Those 10+ parts sets can be annoying when your doll moves around a lot. Lily kept everything though.

I think the editing looks good except for the space between their heads in this one.
I hope you managed to get some sleep despite your dolls making out in the other room.
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which doll is this? is from the previous thread, I just made a meme about it.
TinyFox’s Cherrie?

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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

► 07th Expansion links: https://rentry.co/07th-exp

Previous thread: >>48824173
191 replies and 93 images omitted. Click here to view.
Hello Umicord
I wasn't really thinking of Ange as a whole, just her at the end of 3 there as she crashes the illusion.
Poor Ange really peaked during her intro.
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Death, for the lack of a better word, is good!
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Tranny trash

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ASMR today. Good thing I decided to check before going to sleep
Well now that MC ended I was able to watch the FC video.
Best short by far
I’m saving it for after the asmr
What’s she talking about? ASMR was kinda short
Being super busy and barely watching Noel sucks ass.

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Beginner guide, FAQ and links: https://rentry.org/8vkaw
New child mechanics guide for Elona+: https://pastebin.com/7is8p4NF
Elona+ Custom-GX continued branch: https://github.com/JianmengYu/ElonaPlusCustom-GX
Extra sprites/PCCs: https://elonaup.x0.com/sozai/index.htm
Elin EA (use a Steam Emulator like Goldberg): https://gofile.io/d/JiSjhh
Elin Wiki: https://ylvapedia.wiki
Elin Player Guide-Compilation: https://ylvapedia.wiki/wiki/Elin:Player_Guides
Elin Modding resources/code: https://github.com/Elin-Modding-Resources/Elin.Docs

Previous floor: >>48855664
267 replies and 54 images omitted. Click here to view.
No, he did deliver an update that had a bunch of bonuses for melee that people thought was the melee update though.
If I wanted to use these in-game, what folder would I put them into?
In game Press Esc, Tool, Texture Viewer, Click any sprite, Create Replacement.

Then you can either name the sprite the same objC_# and drag it into the game window, or you can click the highlighted sprite in the texture viewer and select "Open" to open the file on your PC and replace them in the folder itself.
Oh, cool. I tried just dropping the ones from the first zip into the "texture replace" folder and some of them came out mega-distorted.

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