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Good day, /jp/. I plan to host Sven Co-op this Friday around 8PM EST. I will have the necessary downloads up, as well as installation instructions at a later point.
Hope to see you then.
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I got energy drinks and some whiskey. Probably should get snacks beforehand...
Bought some cream liqueur on impulse. Need to figure out what to nibble on as a side.
>cream liqueur
Nice. Which one did you get?
Disaronno Velvet. Always wanted to try it considering I adore the regular stuff, and it came with some neat little glasses to boot. Should be a nice occasion to try for the first time.
Good choice, Disaronno verlvet is great. I alao absolutely love normal Disaronno.

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Hanabie thread. Can we make this a general/regular thing?
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Yukina is sexy af
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I want to lick Hettsu's sweaty thighs
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Discussion of the online games found on DMM/Fanza and Nutaku.

Previous Thread: >>47040192

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM/Fanza (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)

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Oh, smol Almo and Mamadalena took over the X account again.
Boob size ranking:
1. Koumei
2. Magdalena
3. Gloria
>tomaru's rank steadily increasing each day
>18th Tomaru
>17th Helena
We can't let this fake beat our girl!
Aigis' insistence on redoing its UI in ways that just don't add any QoL or improve the menuing in any single way is really funny.
I found some old screenshots from back when I started while looking for something else recently.
Look, it's even one where I was getting fucked by time and Aigis herself. There are probably anons with even older screenshots since I believe the pity thing was relatively new when I started.

What are your thoughts and opinions on this Neetori?
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Your future wife is my current paizuri slave, dude.
Free her at once, you sick bastard!
Her boobs are NOT for slavery!
She is the lyricist.
I am the audience.
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Last >>47205702

Judgement and Responsibility Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links

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What's EraRL about?
It's a roguelike
You lost me
Good things come to those who wait. I pray that one dude didn't die.
Feels like a roguelike that kind of sucks. Training isn't super cool either

Beating the heat with Kanako
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Wished it was snowing here.
but it's summer
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Summer sucks. It's hot and humid.
yeah, i'm also an autumn person.

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The continuing story of an immortal, her magical car and the friends and enemies they make along the way. Now you too can experience the thrilling action of waiting in line to enter a club.
Pt.1 >>43875260
Pt.2 >>44325569
Pt.3 >>44916296
Pt.4 >>45844749
Pt.5 >>46787507

This is an ongoing communal story with a comedic tone. A poster advances the story by posting an image accompanied with a description or light narration. Then another poster advances the story from there and so on. Participation is open so feel free to jump in and contribute.
A few rules and guidelines:
* This is an image-driven story. Advancing the story needs a suitable image posted alongside.
* Suitable images are usually modifications of a previous image. Completely original images are fine as long as they fit the story.
* Drawings, doodles and/or shoops are fine. Your art only needs to be good enough that others can understand what is going on.
* If you are worried the story will evolve before you finish a contribution, feel free to request the thread to wait. Please finish within a few days of making your request.
* It's encouraged to keep images simple so others can easily modify them. White backgrounds are ideal.
* Advancements should feel like steps and not leaps. No sudden timeskips or abrupt scene shifts please!

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>implying they don't fwant to fight
I can see at least four, and hear three more
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the kong can sense something is wrong, and before some evil beings (called ANONS) can corrupt her gold heart she teleports away.
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see you next time, kong-sama.
what a cowa-
the kong is no brute, but an heroine of justice!

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It's that time of the month again /jp/!
Rember to say 'rabbit rabbit' as you wake up on the first day of a new month and you will be blessed with good luck!
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I failed.
Can I still get my free monthly paizuri?
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you'll have to get by with her ears
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This thread is for all current and former idols of Up-Front & Hello!Project


>Agency Links:
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Look at this slut, I love ir
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she's certainly on a role

File deleted.
A thread dedicated to mainstream idols, but local and amateur idols are welcome here too.

Previous thread: >>46997769
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She does have a really cute face.
can I call these idols the c word here or will the janny delete my post again
Not really leaving much to the imagination is she...
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yes, you can call them cute

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It's time
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Hiroshima need to increase the file size limit
It's already 4MB, what more do you need?
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You should pay for the ice cream. Your reward is getting to watch her eat it.

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Someone could contact them and tell them
I imagine the NND leaks being so big, someone will look through some names and be like "that name sounds familiar, didn't I know them from X". It's not so much them looking, but people talking, it reminds me of the Ashley Madison leaks where people were finding out their spouse was on the website from other people.

Hopefully people are just curious and stop looking further about whoever without actually interacting with them.
She has no family that doesn't already know.
Add Kson to that list, she wasn't part of the leaks yet but she is certain she will be in the near future given her prior work with Kadokawa. She is already considering the need to move despite the financial hit she will take from it.
Guessing chocó will as well

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Yuri is the purest form of love! Post yurihus, discuss yurihus.
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is Marisa x Mimi-chan a thing????
Amazing, thanks
Imagine the SEX
"Never mind, I don't think I want anything to do with this so-called chocolatey romance." She turns and heads toward the shrine's exit. Reimu and Sanae sigh in accidental unison. The red shrine maiden follows her friend out, while the green one prepares to tend to her slumbering frog goddess.
Outside the shrine, Reimu finds her friend waiting for her. She's holding something in front of her. As the snow crunches beneath Reimu's feet, Marisa swiftly turns around, shifting the object behind her back to hide it.
"Well Reimu, I hope you've figured out just how important this day is." She says, smiling slyly.
"But you just said you wanted no part of it," Reimu raises an eyebrow at her strange witch companion, already regretting left the relatively warm shrine to once again stick her nose into the chilling winter air.
"Chocolate is always important. That's why I got this for you." Marisa thrusts the object she had ahold of into the shrine maiden's arms. It's a small, wrapped package. Reimu turns it over in her hands, unable to read the letters.
"What is it?" She asked.
"It's chocolate. I swiped it from Alice's pantry. I think she said it was 'Van Houten' brand.'"
Reimu peeled open the wrapper, finding the stiff candy bar to be separated into several rectangular pieces. She handed a piece to her friend, and they took a bite together, in the snow.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Marisa."
this story wasn't written by me, an anonymous wrote it about 6 years ago

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Previous: >>47110958

Post Japanese gravure here (remember this is a SFW board)

A gravure idol (グラビアアイドル gurabia aidoru), often abbreviated to gradol (グラドル guradoru), is a Japanese female model who primarily models on magazines, especially men's magazines, photobooks or DVDs. Gravure idols appear in a wide range of photography styles and genres. Their photos are largely aimed at male audiences with poses or activities intended to be provocative or suggestive, generally accentuated by an air of playfulness and innocence rather than aggressive sexuality.

>Sales Rankings

>What's New

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And the cover of the newest Weekly Shounen Magazine
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No matter how baggy her clothes are she can't hide those knockers
I want to cum on Sarina's Fivehead.
Do the butt アナルセックス

Sore Throat Edition

Post your favorite Japanese announcers and alt girls (athletes, race queens, youtubers, etc.) who don't fit anywhere else.
Follow up to /ww/ - Weather Waifus

前スレ >>47150002

>5ch Announcer Forum
https://agree.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/img8/1695243512/ -- /faaag/ outpost on the English (ghost town) side of 5ch
https://github.com/JDimproved/JDim -- desktop client (Linux native, Windows under WSL)
>Recent announcer gravure

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ITT: underage b&s wanking to weatherwoman over twice their age
the ultimate coomer
to be honest i wanked to celebrity women around 30 (and even a stunning spanish teacher from a caribbean country i had in junior high and who was in her early 40s) when i was 13, nothing weird about it
I'm considering leaving the Mayu ship and simping another caster. I'm tired of waiting for her to show her legs or her cleavage. Other casters aren't so boring as for their wardrobe choices on or off air.

I think I'll go with Momopin or Yuiko; Mii-chan if she ever wears shorts again. Even Yukarin despite (or because of) being already a milf.
MILF gang has more active casters now:
Nana (not active)

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