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Remi is here!
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I can help with that.
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shhh! vampires sleep during the day
Uh, Remi is hit by direct sunlight...
it was actually indirect sunlight
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Oh, she is having a nice dream

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Kind of?
Letty's daughter?
Yes, and mine.
So who's the father?

Is she a dragon or a turtle?
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No :D
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Do you love Yachie and her family
Seeing that art, I think Yachie would be the type who likes to appear at ease, in control, but that's only when things goes as she suspects, like In her first appearence.
But when it doesn't, like we see later, she goes into an angry rage more befitting a brutal mob boss.
Kind of want to write a story about getting hired by Yachie as a manager, since the otters have been shown to be fickle and Biten isn't a deep thinker, having to smooth over details of the bosses master plan as well as placate her mood when things don't according to spec.
If you do, how would you handle her power?
Would she forget to use her power when angered so suddently her obedient followers find themselves asking akward questions which just worsens the situation.
Or would she normally not use it much but when things go wrong she cranks it up so none of her followers can tell her that rushing into a wolf territory head first might be a bad idea.
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Wake up /jp/
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>account is full of gachashit
Finally... I get to sleep....

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You would get no visible reaction just a blank stare from her face
Kokoro's bra...
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This board clearly has an audience for it, what are some self-insert romance content you have of Touhous? Can be long stories, short stories, or whatever.

Personally, I've been thinking it would be nice to date an autistic introverted girl (Alice) because she's really interesting and would probably be fun to talk to and learn what makes her tick. Any stories with Alice would be nice
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Alice, stop abusing this board
>what are some self-insert romance content you have of Touhous?
Mein Kampf
>Can be long stories
Mein Kampf
>short stories
Mein Kampf abridged
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>not making it up all in your head
Ive considered writing about some pc98hus
writefag bait thread

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Previous Thread: >>47190016


If you can't use an official store, use qoo-app.

Lost Word Twitter:

JP Wiki:

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probably some agremeent with ZUN does not allows them to appear on home screen
It's a weird case overall, especially when they've been using the EoSD universe to make "technically PC98" counterparts for Alice and Yuuka no problem.
Oh so a real character is breaking the rules, but ZUN's perfectly fine with alt characters from the tropical paradise dimension or whatever other AUs?
I just wish people respected PC-98 more, it's so unfairly neglected
>kisume event
I physically could not be less interested
Suika still has not received a single buff. Can not even gain any P with her skills. Has had her rebirth since forever in jap at this point.

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"I'm back."

Previous: >>47309942
Post Japanese gravure here (remember this is a SFW board)

A gravure idol (グラビアアイドル gurabia aidoru), often abbreviated to gradol (グラドル guradoru), is a Japanese female model who primarily models on magazines, especially men's magazines, photobooks or DVDs. Gravure idols appear in a wide range of photography styles and genres. Their photos are largely aimed at male audiences with poses or activities intended to be provocative or suggestive, generally accentuated by an air of playfulness and innocence rather than aggressive sexuality.

>Sales Rankings

>What's New

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her menhera(?) ish look sucks
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My goddess and the best to ever do it
Imagine your chin chin between those soles then her manko

Nazrin loves you
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More like

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Would you play with her?
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I want to sleep with flan-chan!
The lewdest girl
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She'd kill me, so yes.

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Zundamon is here!
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Why is Reimu dressed up as Sakuya?
is she gonna eat it?
No, she is a vegan.

Youmu thread
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Because it's contradicted by the rest of canon. Youmu supposedly gets "no free time" but is seen all the time wandering around, training her sword skills and even going at parties with Yuyuko sometimes. She has apparently such little free time that she leisurely reads a book at some point!

Combine that with the fact it's an article from Aya, who is described as exaggerating some of her articles to gather more interest
Youmu had a sheltered life until PCB and she'd just begun frequenting Gensokyo when the interview happened. By the time she bought a book in CiLR, she had already resolved a few incidents. She clearly got some free time and an allowance by then.
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Meido dork.

Let's all celebrate Jo'on day together.
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Silicone tits are pretty great.
The firmness of silicone tits actually makes them superior for paizuri compared to natural ones on the softer side. Pressure is one of the big components for a good titfuck and firm material exerts higher pressure. Therefore, Jo'on can justify her massive fake tits as a business expense as it helps her not only secure more customers, but retain them through excellent service quality!
>Jo'on can justify her massive fake tits as a business expense
So all of this for petty tax evasion?
Have you forgot who we're talking about? If it makes her more money and gets her out of paying taxes, of course she'd go for it. The fact that she enjoys having giant tits to put on display and can experience hands-free orgasms just by milking cocks between them is only a bonus.

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>47107770
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Based T7S
Maybe it's because SIF2 had Superstar as well?
Maybe Nijifags and Superstarfags have beef with each other or something and Superstarfags would rather distance themselves from the SIFAS protag by making her a whole separate character
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Good riddance, fuck this censored pos
Why would anyone release a PS2 game in 2024?

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Look at that waist, it's impossible to have those thighs like that irl and be skinny but she's not fat in this picture.
Anything that isn't prepubescent is "fat" to you freaks.
This is the greatest handgun ever made, the Colt Single Action Army. Six shots, more than enough to kill anything that moves.
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That horse can throw a kick!
One of ZUN's worst character designs to date

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