Post pics of 2hus with big asses.
>>48911901Thank you, I wish I could use Meiling's butt as a pillow and sleep on it every day.
more clown butt
>>48911901They've also made my fav out of his works:
>>48867908question what song does hoodrat Reimu twerk to?
I wonder how many people perv on Reisen
Discuss Stardust idols. Other 正統派 idols are also permissible.Info, news, blog
>>48916496ganbatte aki-chan
kitte kudasai ^.^
No Reisen (and other rabbits) thread, so why not make one!
there are literally two Reisen threads on the catalogue right now
>>48917422sorry only saw the one for Rei'sen
Post ZUN
the gookhu in question
>>48912997a second beerhu
>>48913030Okina (beer forma)
>>48912995It was more because ZUN joked about the drink appearing in the next game because of how much he liked it (which people interpreted as a character rather than the actual drink itself)yknow I remember a gook fan walked up to ZUN and asked him to consider adding gookhus too (since he's put in chinkhus) to which he said he'll consider it from then on...this was back in 2009, the chinkhu in question was Meiling (although more chinkhus have shown up since like Seiga, Junko and Yuuma)I think it would be interesting to see ZUN attempt a gookhu even if its something in the same vein as MeilingGod Meiling is so fucking hot...
>>48913694ah thanks for the infoIn the meantime look at this rare test version of IaMP. Very cool right?not really related but I feel like ZUN has slowly been getting over his covid slump. The music CD was good, UDoALG was poorly executed but had some nice ideas, new music and design and the manga are getting better. This year he'll release both a game and an entirely new printwork, so it's a lot of things.
>>48900114skill issue
>>48900687There are two types of people in the world. Those who stack and those who knock stacks down.
>>48901910eika is not for waifu nor lewdness, but for protecting and defending
sweet baby stacking sweets
>>48913683loved her sweet hairstyle
I don't understand. It's Christmas time, and Shinra-Bansho released a new music video starring her. Yet there are no Doremy threads on /jp/. Why do you hate Doremy?
sleeping creature
reading-stories-to-the-shrine-maiden creature
pissed-off creature
>>48908087She saw you dreaming with other bakus.
Savouring creature
You guys got Yukari something for Valentine's Day, right?
>>48911845are you sure she really wanted that? a whhole cup???
>>48913735im sure she can appreciate the hard work i put into her gift
Do you think she would be partial to chocolates and flowers or would she be more pragmatic and rather have a nice expensive bottle of sake?
>>48917196Sake and an intimate, sensual foot massage
>>48917196I just realised that Yukari might be the only 2hu in Gensokyo that celebrates Valentines western style, expecting the man to give her presents.
Is she still an useless bunny?
Letting her relax among all the bullying
valentines for a bunny
>>48913569those kids at the human village are merciless with their taunts
Sakura Aoi, Fuuka Rin, Tsukiguma Nowa, and Yumeno Neru thread. AHOGE LOVE, VTUBERCULOSIS HATE, WHERE IS RINPrevious thread: >>48322183's zatsudan. is playing Valorant.
Now Neru is posting her hands too
There's a reason the hags go out of their way to avoid romance and sabotage the efforts of other hags. If one of them gets a boyfriend it starts a ticking timebomb as that silent pressure is foist upon the remaining single hags in degrees of desperation. Dragon God help her if one decides to violate the unspoken sanctity of Girl's Night by bringing a +1, many centuries of carefully bottled frustrations would explode that night.For the safety of Gensokyo, don't pursue any of Gensokyo's most ineligible bachelorettes.
>>48917190Me, shrank to a few inches tall stuffed in the middle of her cleavage
>>48917190>Dragon God help her if one decides to violate the unspoken sanctity of Girl's Night by bringing a +1I don't think any of the hags are foolish enough to break the sacred girls night rules even if they were in a relationship
>>48917190>centuries of carefully bottled frustrations would explode that night.I already intended to date hags, Anon. You didn't have to sell me on it.
>>48917347They're hags, anon.The only thing they're more obsessive about than finding a man is showing everyone else up, and none of them have ever considered consequences in anything they do for their entire lives.
Well now that MC ended I was able to watch the FC video.Best short by far
>>48916038I’m saving it for after the asmr
What’s she talking about? ASMR was kinda short
Being super busy and barely watching Noel sucks ass.
All right that was a good short. I’m still not sure if she’s actually inserting now.
All hail our princess
>>48913195imagine swimming with Waka and you casually flip her 180 degrees
>>48862636they get together just fine in AFiEU
>>48913200This is abuse!
>>48913200What a dumb fish.
/jp/, whats your opinion on Yume Nikki and its fangames?
>>48912692You're thinking about this in the wrong terms.It's not about the "cost" of the time it takes you to find an interaction or the "reward" of being allowed into a new area.It's about being part of a setting, a fixture in the world.Have you ever been in a play? It's a lot like that.It's not about the cost of the time it takes you to learn your lines or the reward of social status for your acting.It's the experience of being someone else in another place, and the journey that surrounds that.Now, I agree that you don't have to play Yume Nikki to have that kind of experience. With the right mindset, you can do that in any game. Yume Nikki's strengths are not unique to it.Rather, what makes Yume Nikki unique is the simplicity of its version of this experience. It gives you this journey without needing dialogue, without needing cutscenes or tutorials, without even having a story or a plot. It's a singularly minimalist adventure, which gives it a different texture from other games.And while I'm a good way towards writing a novel about it at this point, I don't think it's a perfect game or no better game like it exists.But if you can't get anything out of Yume Nikki at all, that speaks more about your mindset and the way you approach games than it does about the quality of Yume Nikki itself. You're failing to meet it on a level where you can enjoy it.And the reason is that it's such an open-ended experience. It's like saying that a deck of cards is lame and you can't have any fun with it. That's silly, I don't agree with it. You just aren't applying your imagination.
>>48912659I just take kikiyama words as true. I don't think he meant it as bait and switch with some cryptic meaning for people to discover under seemingly random worlds. I really think the game is primarily about wandering around in surreal dreams, with some repeating characters, themes and imagery scattered around to seed interpretations if you decide to make some, not to lead you towards some intended meaning.
>>48912788>It's about being part of a setting, a fixture in the world.The lack of meaningful interaction stakes that rather soundly. Madotsuki is the one item that simply does not fit, totally unlike every setting she's in. Even the effects you gather are (so far as I've found) not meaningful where you find them even though they would help the character fit the setting at least a little bit.>journeyHalf the dream zones are nigh dead-empty. The ones that aren't are mazes that stop offering you anything to do but bash your head against a maze for the sake of it. There's a serious disjoint between exploring a nonsensical world when you give me effects that I must make sense of to progress.Fundamentally I protest the idea this is a game, it's about as much of a game as 52-card pickup is to a deck of cards, even if I "imagine I'm treasure-hunting" as I pick up the cards I scattered.Closest aspect to a game is "don't get got by the characters that teleport you to a dead spot"A deck of cards has near unlimited gaming potential because it can have a variety of rules and structures applied to it to give it coherence and a purpose.
How and when did you guys discovered about Touhou?
funposting on the jay back in the good old days. but im still not sure about it.
Those TF2 crossover videos with the medic singing.
When Youmu saved me
>Sometime around 2011-12>Older F Cousin shows me a flipnote, it was of bad apple>Really like how the song sounds and thus I download the flipnote onto my own DSi>Skip to 2013>fan of the internet series "VGCats">Try to find more on youtube>discover waflas>"Huh, some of these characters look similar to that flipnote that my cousin showed me">watch some more waflas content, but never look up what touhou is because I am an 11 year old aspie>skip to late 2016>watch a video from a youtube channel I like call "This Exists", it was his touhou video>research about touhou whenever I find it on the web>skip to Oct 2017>Fuck it, I am downloading some of the games>Play 6, 7, 8, and 10 (badly)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
i had definitely heard of bad apple somewhere, maybe one of these videos no clue what it was from and wasn't a weeaboo back then, eventually over time i assimilated some basic stuff from other weeaboos and then i eventually started looking into things myself. i remember sitting in the forbidden empty third row of my high school programming class watching PC98 playthroughs on a shitty debian box i cobbled together with scraps. good memories.
If Lady Remilia can manipulate fate, then, why didn't she do it during EoSD incident ?
>>48698345She'd kick her door in and whack Remilia with the purification rod until she cried and never explain why she was doing it
>>48746139This is revisionism due to sour grapes, every loli vamp post EoSD biting the Sisters Scarlet, or both.
>>48774878Remi getting a sugar rush from a diabetic's blood!
>>48914231who comes first? Scarlet sisters or Evangeline A.K. McDowell?
>>48917200The series she's from started in 2003 and EoSD came out in 2002 so...also her design reminds me of another blonde loli vamp from some Isekai I remember looking into once who is supposedly based on Yukari Yakumo