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Woah! Ibaraki-sama is looking a lot cuter today all of a suddenly! What gives?
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The cutest flower!
She's ... Too young now ... God damn it

Thread #26

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoffs of a fan work, read below to catch up.
OG work here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Read Hana's story here:
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

previous thread: >>46654102
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I opened the door to the roof of the HSE and was greeted with a cold breeze and overcast sky. Navigating through the crates and tarps laid by the Yamawaro workers, I found myself at the roofs edge, staring over the crowd. The Workers were putting the final touches on the thick blanket replacement for tired door frame and any evidence of the Kappa's trickery had long since been picked clean and forgotten, lost in the waves of commerce and onlookers who had deals to broker, sights to see, or more mischief to make. I sighed, leaning over the ledge, "So lively for such gloomy weather." I mused to nobody in particular.

I already knew by the time I had made it to the roof that Kasen would be long-gone, but I came anyway for the same reason she had probably been here: solitude. So much had happened in the last few days and so much more was to come that I scarcely had a moment to digest all, much less think about what to say to the crestfallen hermit.

I'd heard what happened through my contacts. Yukari, in order to further her control over Kasen, had chained her Dragon Companion, freshly returned from his journey, to act as a guard for that accursed sword they created. It was an evil, unnecessary thing to do and one I felt a little culpable in, since that thing had a smidgen of the aura that surrounded my bracelet, the Root. So, feeling guilty, and as the only Human in Yukari's employ, I thought I should say something to her or at least give her someone she can vent at, but I suppose she still wanted to be alone for a bit, which was fair. I only wish she'd-

Something changed. I metallic taste suddenly made it's way into my mouth and a Borderer who lives past his first year well knows that means trouble. I make way for the roof exit, but one foot doesn't extend in front of the other and my body falls to the cold, wet floor. The pain from the impact is quickly forgotten as my head feels as though it's lifted up, fell a great distance, and then throbs with incredible pain.

Clutching my head I try to scream, but as if the wind has been knocked out of me I can't even manage a word and all the while a rising buzzing, like the chorus of locus, fills my ears and my vision begins to redden.

My instinct kick in and I bite hard on one of the tarps besides me, forcing myself to focus on something other then the head pain I was experiencing. Was I being attacked? No, I would've sensed it this close to the HSE, in fact, that same sensitivity was making me all the more aware that the agony was now migrating through my veins to my extremities. Maybe I could get help another way? Reaching into my cloak, I pull a piece of paper and tear the thing to throw out, thinking about how Seija put my left shoe to the right and right show to the left. The crude cursed familiar comes to life, walks a few steps, and collapses, not enough focus to even to make a cruddy messenger! I was on my own. Then it was back to why: my sensitivity was making it worse, a metallic taste most likely meant magic(the possibility of chemical warfare aside), and I wasn't being attacked, maybe something in the HSE's nature had changed?

If I could hone in on it maybe there was a way to stop myself from collapsing, since if I did, I felt like I wouldn't be waking back up, but ARGH this noise and overwhelming sensations broke my focus and caused my body to involuntarily jerk and spasm, slamming my limbs into the crates and exacerbating the pain. It was worse then being beaten half to death, more heart throbbing then proper Demon Slaying Sake, and even more relentless then one of Hijiri's Sutra sessions.

Sutras... well, if I might die, may as well be at peace. 'Thus have I heard. At one time...'
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"They gladly practiced respectfully.' I internally recited.

Slowly, I regained my focus. I had re-read lines, spun inaccuracies, and it felt like hours since I last moved, but I finally had the slightest bit of mental agency.

I focused on the noise first and threw principles against it, labeling some sounds cicadas and others grasshoppers, categorizing, splitting, recombining, until the model made more sense. It was like walking up a dune, where you feel like every step is losing more ground as the sand moves beneath you and many times I lost progress, but I never relented and never held to strongly onto any one idea as I climbed and climbed and slowly my vision began to clear and the I heard each part of noise as separate sounds.

A hole was put in the HSE, cut clean and elegant, to eject two parts from it's hold. This gap had caused an instaneous flash of the aura contained within the place to echo around it, and like how a camera flash captures light within film I had been exposed to all of it, harmless for others as they wouldn't retain any of the strange information, but for me that had spent days opening my sense to this place, it was almost lethal. Somehow, with The Root, I had re-organized the channels throughout my body to handle the flood of captured information and I could see so much of what had occurred.

A wayward god, name forgotten, in a strange vessel had returned. A mother had pilfered secrets she couldn't understand. Captured ghosts, fermented and solidified, had clashed and been freed, sent back to themselves. And then the agony of one man, over and over and over...

I shut out the thought, it wasn't hard as the signal, the experience, was the same day after day.

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nice to see Goro finally starting his Benadryl journey, very cool. At least he's not dead, unlike what'd have happened if he tried to have Kasen vent to him after having a Douji relapse
Also, you kinda messed a little the timeline.
>Yukari locks Koutei -> immdiately goes to Anon and the Sekai plot climaxes -> sometime later, Ran shows Seija and Goro their room
it's minor, so doesn't matter much, but it's funny to think the man took 2 full days to feel the knock back of Sekai becoming alive. Headcannon is that Sekai held the whiplash back to not kill her retarded father so her sisters could still be born safely.
Sekai is such a naughty child teasing her mother like that but at least she still has faith she can get it done.
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>she still has faith she can get it done.
I wouldn't call it faith when Sekai can see/manip the future up until her death, but she's sure having fun before that happens

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Previous: >>46591575

A place for discussion of the works of Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru - Witch on the Holy Night
Mahoutsukai no Yoru:
An Adventure of First Love (Mahoutsukai no Yoru Short Story):
Witch on the Holy Night Material
Mahoutsukai no Yoru OST Music Collection [FLAC]

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i wanna get drugged and raped by kohaku
Who cares. She's never gonna have her story and character resolved meaningfully anyway
>Why don't we have more Shiki and Roa being all sexy tsun over each other??
Because they are 100% straight?
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>koyama will not give her a slutty outfit in fgo...

Post your /jp/ related artwork, music, and other media here!
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Monster girls count too? Or should I post this dullahan in that thread? Its not seki bani unfortunately
You can post it wherever you want, just link it in the other thread too.
Sounds good >>46673163
Post cirno boobs.
i dont know nothing about poems but arent they supposed to rhyme

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Post sleeping touhous
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I played doukyuusei and some of the writing is pretty good but I swear more than half the paths end up being "I liked you from the start" which kinda defeats the point of the game and the sex comes out of fucking nowhere. Like am I really supposed to believe that Natsuko goes from being only interested to in a friend date because you helped her to having a mommy fetish and getting violently fucked over the span of a single day? It's alright but it's no masterpiece, and if I had to play it the old way I probably would have given up after a few days.
i want to play with the old graphics

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I want to cook delicious meals for the Hong!
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>I got one more move
>*kisses her*
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yandere Meiling is best Meiling
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She's very kissable, that I know
Although being crushed half to death every night sounds like a mixed blessing.
She's just being assertive
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I love assertive girls!
kissing her is worth it

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Th-They're not that small! THEY'RE NOT THAT SMALL!!!
I can't believe auntie elly shaves
She does now that Nephew-kun's a man
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previous threads:
>>46662073 #3846
>>46654730 #3845
>>46648108 #3844

guide: 頑張え\(^ω^)
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i have ownership of a lot more *tugs your leash*
what's your discord let's continue this elsewhere *winks*
djt's being extra cringe today
what about the discriminator

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Remember to take it easy.

Previous: >>46491394
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Depends. Is anon black?
I don't actually believe I'm better than everyone, it's just a joke that helps me live in peace and i hope one day it will turn into a real delusion. You should try it too. I think that irrational feelings like self-doubt and self-hatred can only be dealt with through other irrational thoughts
because u guys r the best with money unironically. so im tryna figure out what bar to set and what bare minimum looks like
Is there anyone else here who is afraid of exposing themselves too much to the sun and turning black?

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Thread for this very cute witch
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Finally Unicorn NT-D mode doesn't look like trash
Fun fact: stalin died from rrat poison
I guess it depends of how into Danmaku they are. Marisa is a huge nerd about it so she'd probably begin talking your ear off about the pretty lights at the mere mention you kinda like them too, while others may look at you as if you were to tell a lady from the outside you're really into barbies.
I knew I recognized this anime witch from somewhere ^^
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I wanna watch these two anons give each other a lil' chu~ on the lips.

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Let's have a thread for the best moon rabbit
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Incredibly cute, as always.
Wasn't that whole "war" the Lunarian just overreacting and losing their shit with NASA not even knowingthat they existed?
pretty much, I think it was only considered a war in IN and that was only because ZUN wasn't going to explore it any further. Reisen's line there with the future context can be taken as her making shit up to sound scary, and eiki's line about her abandoning her comrades to die can be taken as intent rather than a statement on what actually happened
SSiB and beyond all make it sound like the lunarians completely panicked, flipped their shit, but didn't actually accomplish anything
It would be fine if it were just games, then you could say that it's all banter and move on.
Unfortunately, ZUN just had to keep writing...
Nah bro. First chance she got, she began mistreating prisoners like the good ol' days.

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Previous >>46607585
Post Japanese gravure here (remember this is a SFW board)

A gravure idol (グラビアアイドル gurabia aidoru), often abbreviated to gradol (グラドル guradoru), is a Japanese female model who primarily models on magazines, especially men's magazines, photobooks or DVDs. Gravure idols appear in a wide range of photography styles and genres. Their photos are largely aimed at male audiences with poses or activities intended to be provocative or suggestive, generally accentuated by an air of playfulness and innocence rather than aggressive sexuality.

>Sales Rankings

>What's New

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I misspelled it.
what do you think about the idol > gravure >jav pipeline?
>idol > gravure
I'm on board.

>gravure > jav
You've lost me.
I don't even touch idols who did AV with an infinite foot pole.
From what I could gather she's fully Japanese. She's just blessed by Inari Okami just like Fiona
Too bad she retired from gravure. I would love to see her ass in a IV

It's fish time!
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some people would find it to be very arousing
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So, why does a fish need breasts that big again?
Despite previous posts about eggs, Waggy is, in fact, a mammal. Which means she gives live birth and produces milk.
Mooooooooooods anon's posting dolphin porn.

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2hus don't poop.
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basically if you truly believe you can impregnate your youkai wife, you can
Yes, my dear. Quite pungent indeed.
explain this turd on my chest
i thought bantards were banned from posting here. Sage goes in all fields
I'm curious now. Which 2hu does it belong to?

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