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A thread dedicated to mainstream idols, but local and amateur idols are welcome here too.

Previous >>47610281
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Found it
Speaking of her, I recently watched The Crow and the evil sister/girlfriend reminded of Rei.
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Uhm, Kanaria thread, I guess!? All dolls welcome too, I guess!
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>leave her incomplete to make a stupid fiddler
Suigintou would never say something like that about Kanaria out of nowhere, and hearing it from a human would probably make her very angry.
Why is Souseiseki the cutest in girly attire?
I was only pretending to be Suigintou desu
The manga does things the anime wouldn't be courageous enough to even attempt

It's scary how Peach-Pit hinted at what they're gonna do to the dolls in the anime
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Souseiseki is always the cutest.
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what if kirakishou stole body of her fake counterpart

would she finally have a body or it just would anihilate?

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I hope you'll like my blood donation today

Please be gentle

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Sleeping with flan-chan must be nice
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menace to gensokyo
I volunteer my nose to go between her udders
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flan's fluffy hair!

Time for another Marisa thread to steal your heart, だで~
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She doesn't like bread so she probably wouldn't like spaghetti.
The trick to it is to tie her up before she can use it.
She does and so do I, she's perfect.
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its always like this with any Japanese media unfortunately, you just gotta look past it
make sure you put some mushrooms in it

A thread dedicated to the best oni Yuugi Hoshiguma

Share your love for Yuugi
Post Yuugi
Discuss ideas about Yuugi
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She'e get fired for doing too good of a job.
>Remi depressed and lonely that nobody is just popping in
>Patchy depressed and lonely without her best frenemy
>Sakuya depressed and bored since there's no antics to clean up after repairing the Marisa sized hole on the exterior wall
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Pure Yuugi is the cutest Yuugi
More, more!
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ZUNart Yuugi is cute!

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Satoribros, is this true? Is it really over?
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kon kon kon
Yep, she hates boys and surrounds herself with pretty ladies. Honestly surprised it took you this long to realize.
she's mad because she read your mind and you commented on how everything, including her, stinks to high heaven

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Impossible. You just have to get her more food. It goes to her tits, anyway.
Maybe just give her the same thing to eat over and over untill shes bored with eating it
Thread too heavy to be bumped
bait her and put next to flan in her basement
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cute kohosei
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good looking group

Thoughts on everything becoming Vtuber jp?
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I think it’s a good thing since even in western countries, idols are becoming more prevalent. Hopefully, we can produce an idol worthy as their Japanese counterpart
return to your general
least obvious slide thread ive ever seen
the first thread of aikatsu in /jp/ in ages just to be t*bershit. sad!
aikatsu did not deserve this.

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Why is the yandere archetype popular in Japanese literature? What reason, historical or fictional, for the archetype to even exist?
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>Can Manipulate Insanity
>Rabbit motif so she will gaslight into being with her due to "Rabbits die if alone" and demands for sex Constantly.
>Will get upset if approached by the others in Eientei
>Will demand I do not leave
>Constantly mindbreaking through sex.
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She will also gaslight you
reverse image searching has failed me anon
could you provide sauce for the image
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What's the point of these when everyone just cheats and rerolls until they get who they want
Bro, just go to nhentai type reisen English and Touhou

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What do you imagine your favourite touhou would sound like?
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my headcanon for the Yakumo's voices are a bit of this https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19061547
this face hides much pain
You're just a contrarian, they sound nearly the same. I think a couple of them even have the same voice actress.
It's called hibernation! She does it at home!
I tried watching a few of those and only one made me laugh.
Ha! I forgot about Riry shooting the bullet.

Is she a dragon or a turtle?
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Yachie sounds like sneeze w
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What is it about Taters that makes her the best Tengu?
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Nah it just the /u/ falseflagger. Same typing profile. Same low quality bait in every post they make.
Say wha
She's "introverted" (largely indoors) but not gloomy
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she isn't a fan of lies
If she says they're homemade, they're homemade.
very true!
"false"flagger? I think he's genuinely a gigantic faggot just like most(not all) other yurifags and that's just his true self.

Nazrin loves you
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Nazrin leading morning aerobics!
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Cute Naz!
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/jp/ stands for Jigsaw Puzzle!

Anything goes as long as it's /jp/ related. Make sure to mark any super lewd puzzles as NSFW. Jump into jigs and start sawing or make your own on:


Miku Miku Miku Miku
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European Mommy
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Strike Me Down My Queen https://jiggie.fun/ge8OLN
This is too much lmfao.
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"Jealousy, turning saints into the sea!" https://jiggie.fun/1wOvoD

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