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Shinmy has to deal with the heat.
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shimmy is a tangerine girl
Squeeze some fruit juice into her eyes!

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Tenshi eating a corn dog
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Is this Tenshi thread?
I want to fuck Tenshi in the butt
I like this picture of Tenshi
50-160 million People

Cool 2hu art thread
idk what you'd call these but I think they are neat
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That image is my platonic ideal of FOE
Also the 3DCG in 2006 has a certain charm to it, can't really put a word on it.
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It was a different time
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Beating the heat with Kanako
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buffalo chicken wings
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Touhou books
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Here's one. Bear with me, I'm touching up the others to make them presentable-- mostly rough concepts.
They were the nazis.
Oh, I like it, I like it.
Scarlet Devil Mansion was located in Argentina for a couple of decades before relocating to Japan.
Would actually be really funny if they weren't even nazis, just some South American larpers

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Meiling say:
Staying up late is not allowed, okay?
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Hey anon, i couldn't help but notice that no one gave you anything for Valentines, but don't worry, i made this one for you! I'm sure that you will enjoy it.
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Meiling is an Ascendant Master of Tai Kwon Leap.
Mĕilíng-sama is so cool!
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Eat it

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I finally found THE ONE, my wife!! Urumi's a literal FUCKING COW! She's a cutie and MILK for days out of those FUCKING GLORIOUS LARGE TITS providing a source of nourishment FOR LIFE!

Right after meal time by drinking directly from the source we can engage in copious amounts of sex which can end in more breast suckling.
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>This scares the average /jp/ user
>evil milk
Does drinking "evil milk" harm me? This seems like propaganda to discredit Urumi.
It will give you full time diarrhea and slowly infect your stomach.
dumb titty cow
I don't believe you show me proofs!

Teto is a star

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the infamous left foot defense
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Koishi-chan loves snow!
autist feets
All of them my wives

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Thread #31 of the HSE

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoffs of a fan work.
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

Useful links:
OG work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Hana's story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52050766/chapters/131634781
1st chapter of the HSE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51816529
HSE collection: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3858382

previous thread:>>47210933
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Drifting further down the halls, I got a fine taste of Konngara's and Kasen's energies and spat. Guess good news comes after bad, I wanted to meet one but not the other and now I'd be meeting none. Nothing to be done about it! May as well drop in on Yukari's office and see what's she's planning...
"Here and here." A horned blonde woman holding a red wine glass said as she pointed to map. "that's where Yuuma's forces will strike."
"You're rather confident in that Yachie... Isn't the Taotie the bold sort? Why would she split her forces?" Yukari asked.
"Then you've bought her ruse, Yuuma seems like the brute force type, but she's more of a 'collector'. Collecting friends, trinkets, allegiances, power, many things that make it appear as though she favors the direct approach, when, in actuality, she keeps some cunning company and lets them act as they please." Yachie explained.
"Quite so, quite so, and what do you know about her relationship with the Backdoor Realm?" Yukari asked.
I listened for a little longer, watching Yukari converse with the mob bosses, teasing little bits of information out of her with those questions. Anyone who knew the Yakumo well enough could tell she was one of those people who really wanted to teach, yet is far too concerned to with that cloak and dagger intrigue she wants to foster. Like, here she is, pretending to listen to Yachie's input, when the reality is the only reason she brought her on was fodder and yet, she's coaxing information out of her, prodding the mob boss in the correct direction all the same! If she was the least bit honest about that part of herself... well, maybe she wouldn't be Yukari, but we also wouldn't be in this mess! Again, I felt ill at ease and drifted to the reception area materializing in front of the door to the fake shrine as the readiness chime rang through the halls.
"Ah Suika, right on time." Ran said, punching a ticket. "Please, enjoy your stay."
"Welcome Suika." Anon said with a smile as I approached the Shrine.
I frowned. "What, no 'darling' talk anymore?"
He snorted and smiled a bit wider. "I've been given some leniency when it comes to preferred customers."
Ah yeah, that's the reason I was able to nab an appointment last minute, the queuing system. At the start, the HSE was just a first-come, first-serve kind of attraction, but as it developed into more of an institution things changed. Now they sold appointments, but if you had a no-show someone waiting in line could grab the slot, but they also had a sort of 'loyalty system' and a nest of exceptions and regulations like 'a missing group slot has to be filled by a group of such average loyalty value or the slot will be left vacant'. What gave you loyalty value? Hell if I know, I just know that apparently I'd become 'preferred' somehow.
"Ah, it's good to be a valued customer, whatever that means." I waved as I took a seat.
Anon looked both ways before setting down a sake plate and whispering in my ear "Something the Yamawaro and Tengu thought up, it's nonsense really, but it's official looking nonsense and it helps out a little bit."

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I blinked a few times and grinned. "Yeah, you know Seig- I mean, Seija right? Well, she's stomping around this place, maybe you've seen her? Not recently? Yeah, figures since she got herself a man it seems."
"Seija did? Really?" He asked, surprised. "I'm, happy for her? Is the man safe though? Or sane?"
"Oh yeah, safe and swaddled in her arms last I checked. Kind of reminded me of something actually."
"Yeah, my first real lay. Want to hear about it?" I ask, learning my horn into his side.
"Oh sure I-what?!" He said, surprised.
"Ha! Don't fret, just making sure I'm not getting the canned responses of a courtesan looking to please. But, well, if you'd like to hear it..." I trailed off.
"I suppose it couldn't hurt." He said.
"Good." I nodded. "But be forewarned, this is about the old days. Not the peaceful times of Gensokyo all right?" I took a deep breath and then began.
Back when wars filled the land and Man fought Man, Youkai, and Youkai fought Man as well as Youkai it seemed like there were battles everywhere you looked. Everyone was fighting for land, wealth, honor, faith, survival, and fun. Yes, fun, and a lot of it too and in all forms, on the battlefields, in the markets, duels in the courtrooms, in the rivers, lakes, skies, and oceans, ah I remember the time I stowed away on a ship that an Umi decided to assail, but that's a tale for another time, the point is people were loving it.
Don't look at me like that! Sure, there was violence, but back then that was the role people played and not just Youkai either oh no, why moments after a fight would break out you'd see the terror on the men's faces as fear took them, but then, oh, there was such joy in their eyes. Have you ever seen a scent hound when it first catches a wiff of prey and bolts after it? 'This is it, this is what I was born for' that was the look I saw in those men's faces and they fought like Oni nearly every time. Worse then Oni maybe, and you know, even after that, when Youkai hunting become an occult art and not something armies and respectable court aides took part in, those hunters still had the same look about them, as if their deaths weren't of any concern and their whole life had lead up to that moment, which in a way I guess it did.
But I ramble about better times or I suppose better in a sense. See, in those days life was short, yet for those who seized it there was meaning and purpose. If a group of Youkai took a mountain they also had to hold their keep with all strength. After all, a human legend seemed to be born every day back then, all they had to do was pick up a sword and survive a journey and there were so many journies to be had...
Anyway, at the end of that age, I had grown weary at it all, call it a generational hangover because I just had finished the mother of all battles were there wasn't a single other Youkai or Human left alive and I felt nothing. All the slaughter and thrashing about, it had all grown a little tasteless, and everyone just seemed like they were rushing to their deaths, one last round before the party ended I think or maybe they knew it was all coming to an end and wanted to fertilize the ground for the next generation? I don't know, all I can say is that I haven't seen any of the Youkai I fought with or Ghosts of the Humans who died so make of that what you will.
Yeah, at the end I just stared at the field of corpses, the rising sun, and I couldn't feel a thing, until I spotted some miserable looking soldier. He was caked in mud and blood, weary, yet I could tell he saw me at the same time and we both knew the fight wouldn't end until one of us no longer drew breath. So, that tired soldier pulled out his sword and can you guess what it was?

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Yet the sod took one look at me, the rising sun, the battlefield around us, and you know what he did? He tossed the sword aside, took out a gourd, had a swig of it, and offered it to me.
I, being ready to fight in a last glorious moment, had never been so embrassed then or since. Yet, I took that gourd, finished it off, and dragged the man off the field, past the bodies, and once we were finally clear of the miasma I tore off our clothes and made love. Yeah, love. We weren't whispering sweet nothings to each other, in fact I don't think we said a word at all, but there was a longing between us and he did much of the work. Gods, sorry, I know you might not want to hear this, but what that man did to me, it changed me you know? I would guess he's the reason people say I'm not a proper Oni, I think I'm still pretty Oni-like though don't you think?
We parted ways after that, never heard of him since. I hope he claimed the title of Oni Slayer, I would've given him a horn to use as proof if he had asked you know! Beyond that, you can probably guess how things went, the world changed, Youkai started fading away, Gensokyo is founded, so on and so on...
"That's a very nice story Suika." Anon said with a smile.
"Really?" I asked, looking up at him. "The blood, guts, and sex didn't ruin it for you?"
"No." He said, shaking his head. "It wouldn't be proper for an Oni to lie would it? If you had, I might've not understood."
"Hhhhmmm" I said, leaning my head into his chest. "As long as it was entertaining, I guess I'm happy."

Now one more Jaku-duo chapter, then post civil war chapters, and all will be well, all will be well....
>a plan by the manager I couldn't care less…
I will make good use of this, thanks.
fun chapters! Wasn't expecting Suika to come along and tell us about her first sexual experience, but that's the kind of stuff you tell a man traumatized by sex to lift his spirits~
>2nd spoiler
Oh cool~
>oni barges in
>tells you about her first sexual experience
>next thing you know, an oni commited genocide
this chain of events is rather funny to me

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Arisu hugging preteen Arisu
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this! it doesn't matter if the other couples stare at you or the children and faeries laugh at you when out in the park! just hug the lifesize alice doll! please just do it, I am so lonely!
They truly were the Team Shanghai Alice
Imagine being made fun of as the boy who plays with a doll...
Inappropriately touching the doll while telling Lolice that I'm going to her house to do the exact same thing to her!
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gonna take it ez
small kitty or big yukkuri?

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if they win this, i hope kuzuha buys ichigo a better mic.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3JUCwnhPjs mito
what the fuck is this ugly hair, i don't remember this.
I'm beginning to think the only reason why Gil-sama sticks around is because of his cafe wife.
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The continuing story of an immortal, her magical car and the friends and enemies they make along the way. Now you too can experience the thrilling action of waiting in line to enter a club.
Pt.1 >>43875260
Pt.2 >>44325569
Pt.3 >>44916296
Pt.4 >>45844749
Pt.5 >>46787507

This is an ongoing communal story with a comedic tone. A poster advances the story by posting an image accompanied with a description or light narration. Then another poster advances the story from there and so on. Participation is open so feel free to jump in and contribute.
A few rules and guidelines:
* This is an image-driven story. Advancing the story needs a suitable image posted alongside.
* Suitable images are usually modifications of a previous image. Completely original images are fine as long as they fit the story.
* Drawings, doodles and/or shoops are fine. Your art only needs to be good enough that others can understand what is going on.
* If you are worried the story will evolve before you finish a contribution, feel free to request the thread to wait. Please finish within a few days of making your request.
* It's encouraged to keep images simple so others can easily modify them. White backgrounds are ideal.
* Advancements should feel like steps and not leaps. No sudden timeskips or abrupt scene shifts please!

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weird, when the gang picked up this... thing? was it among the trash in the alley?
oh no...
In the worst case scenario (no one draws one), your semi-reliable OP can draw a canvas of the throne/prison room for the next thread. I don't have any real inspiration on what to put in there so I'm open to suggestions.
I guess we're going to have to go see Hina to lift the curse. Or would that be more of a Reimu thing? Or maybe it's a minor curse like you stub your toe once every 30 years.
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arigatou, semi-reliable OP

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fuck yukari
the very reason yuyuko is considered to be a baddie
No, that comes from Youmu's special one dish bowl that Yuyuko wrote rave reviews about
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Smol Yuyu
those youkai on the moon didn't deserve their death

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