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Hatate's beauty stands unmatched among all youkai!
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Not aerodynamic enough.
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What a cute reporter!
I'm sure she always gets many gifts of appreciation from the readers of her newspaper.
I like this artist's Hatate. My only critique is that the irises don't contrast that much with the pupils but that's a small detail.
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Cute picture
Cute reporter

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Boobhus. Breasthus.
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you'd think a great tengu would be more subtle
this is why hatate is the best
I forgot this blue Aya recolor existed.
>even her dolls have big boobs
oh no, multiple of my many many weaknesses

Toyosatomimi no Miko
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Ah no wonder, Miko was not in the cover. Hahahaha, thank you!
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looks like you'll need to start drawing then anon
Why draw when you can

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Thoughts on An Cafe? Specially Bou, the blonde/white hair (it's a man.)
Yeah I think they're gay like you.
Let this be a reminder of how fucking gay you are OP.

Horror Night edition

Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw
Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk

Previous Thread: >>47123754
46 replies and 17 images omitted. Click here to view.
youtube compression ruins everything. It's why I only download stuff from the site to preserve it and not for quality.
worth mentioning that you can at least get around youtube volume normalization if you change the youtube link to a youtube music link.

Basically, use
Instead of
two new sasanomaly
It's not about quality. I just want the videos to be in consistent encoding. Having different codec trigger my OCD.

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Rumia-chan's forbidden skirt predation technique
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But why deprive a simple creature like Rumia of one of the few luxuries she has in her life?
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I will provide her with the finest gourmand food as a replacement.
Can't you just make all those fancy dishes but using human meat instead?
Reimu would cut me in half if I did that.
Just cut her in half first and use her flesh to cook Rumia a delicious dinner.

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I love Yuugi, she is equal parts cute and sexy and a very memorable character in SA.
We need to have a thread where we discuss both her cuteness and sexiness
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BDSM Yuugi as the M (or really just the M in general) is something I love more than anything when it comes to Yuugi smut but unfortunately artists don't seem to share my enthusiasm for it because what I have seen of such things are few and not the best of quality. Beggars can't be choosers so I save it regardless but I really wish there was more of it and in higher quality. Hell, I'd even settle for AI slop of it if it's done passably well.
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I NEED oni!
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This is my Yuugi.
There are many like it, and most of them don't look like anything close to her.
But this one is mine.
Yuugi feels like she has a lot more variations in her depictions and how people generally them compared to many other characters.
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I love Sanae-san!
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Sanae is Trunks’s girlfriend.
we all do.
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She isn't best girl though
You should marry Trunks yourself.

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Did KKHTA kickstart the whole "Grimsokyo" trend?
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Less retarded than grimfags.
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These were my extended thoughts.
To give a positive answer now: while there were always traces about this or that character in the games (say, Yukari's abductions in PCB, which however had the Prologue that, alongside man-eating youkai, still showed that humans could defend themselves), I feel the germs of a systematic view of Gensokyo as an oppressive place for some fans ultimately bloomed with FS (and to a lesser extent WaHH: Yukari's spies and her "food" from the Outside World), with its heavy focus on the real nature of human-youkai relationships in Gensokyo and the infamous Fortune Teller chapter.
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KKHTA is a kino and nectar masterpiece and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
Fitting that story centered around Koishi made a group of retard tertiaries even more insufferable

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Touching Satorin...
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Stop posting sloppa
nta, but good catch; i only found out through googling the image leading me to an ai thread
Touching Satorin... appropriately!
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AIGod,.. I kneel

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smart easy
yuikkuri shiteitte ne
It's already too late for that anon

Friendly reminder that the "tengu are kidnappers and rapists" rumour is misinformation created by human femcels to stop human men from getting a tengu gf/wife so you'd better start meeting those cute tengu girls, dating them and marrying them, Anon
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>Maybe even nibble her ear on a wednesday.
I want to literally eat tengu ears.
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We will finally be free of these pests. God bless, humanity shall prevail.
I need this Miji in my life

Patchouli booba
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I wish I could cuddle koa
She doesn’t get deserved respect from fatchy
Patcho's bra
Imagine working for the SDM and having the job of pressure washing out all the gaps between her fat folds.
if you aren't careful she'll probably die from all the pressure you put on her

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They are the best fairies in the whole franchise.
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Everyone knows, that data is irrelevant. He is the best fairy artist.
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>non hirakasa fairy manga
How about a non fairy hirasaka manga?

luna's chestnut mouth gives me life
Luna cute!

Nazrin loves you
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I do!
I love you, anon!
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Today is Naz day!
And apparently the 20th of this month will also be Nazrin day...
I love Nazrin too!

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