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Post your /jp/ related original content, including art, music, videos, and game development
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I kind of get what shape the back there has, but I tried to get how the logo will lay there in my head (big mistake), so the trick with drawing it on paper is very useful, thank you
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I was watching /jp/s 4cc team and saw migu
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This one is kind of a mess but I like how it turned out, mostly.

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The sheep has entered real world.
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No worries, it's a chewing gum pipe.
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We need the cute filename anon back.

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This is about anikura (アニクラ) which is a portmanteau of the loan words anison (アニソン) and club (クラブ). Interesting enough, anison itself is a portmanteau of anime (アニメ) and song (ソング) which refers to musical tracks used in various anime series and often gets misspelled by adding a "g" at the end since bawka gaijins can't into nippongo properly. Anyways, anikura refers to the use of "anison" related music in a "club setting" hence how the genre gets its name. Honestly, if you still need to hand to be held on what makes something "anison" or what is a "club," then you need to GTFO and lurk moar.

One of the more notable anikura is Akihabara MOGRA (MOGRA for short) which has been associated with this imageboard for well over a decade. However, just limiting yourself to one venue would do yourself a disservice since there are other livehouses and even devoted anison groups who help contribute to anikura all over Japan! However, for those who wish to explore the anikura scene in Japan, otaku-bar.com would be a great place to start your journey.

Although the primary source of anikura comes from venues in Japan, there are also held online. As previous mentioned: MOGRA is the most well known anikura which also streams a lot of their events online via Twitch. However, there are individuals associated with MOGRA which also streams online and one of them is the President of MOGRA: D-YAMA who goes by the channel name of choroyama via Twitch. As previously stated, MOGRA can be used as the base on discovering other venues and even DJs who also stream online.

Since online streaming is the play, there are international anikura which primarily stream online and also hold physical events when available. One of the anikura group that can trace their origin to this very imageboard would be Anison Hijack which has been streaming consistently every two weeks on the Twitch platform. Obviously, there are many international anikura online and hopefully you can check them out!

The following is a sample list of various anikura that stream online via Twitch.

JP clubs:

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I'll be there for most days unless I don't sabaiba, and yes bouncer-kun is genki.
oh shit he's still sabaibing
Imma probably be there on the second weekend
first saturday is probably gonna kick my ass with jetlag
although I woulda liked to see some aiobahn or HK works
Look for the least approachable loser in the building, I'll buy you a jager.
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that's gonna be me anon
>3 minute ad out of nowhere despite having ttv pro lol on
then twitch and friends wonder why some of us us adblockers.

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Why is there no thread for the strongest?
Is /jp/ afraid of her power?
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The secret is that Chiruno can actually withstand summer.
We've already saw her during summer in many of the manga. While she is a bit affected, she still survives it; I think that it has to do with the fact that her power *might* function with her absorbing the hot air around and thus making it colder. Summer makes it so she has to absorb more hot air to generate a similar amount of cold, so she might suffer a bit more, but she's not going to melt.
She's clearly thought of everything...
What a menace.
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It's only natural, as she's the strongest.
Summer never had a chance!
I want to drink Chirumiru in real life

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New York Peach Edition


Delisted thread:
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i wish studios put out photobooks of their movies
the cover art usually looks great but then they cover it with text and labels
the screenshots are usually good too but if they just touched them up and put them in higher resolution they'd be great
>still no news about Ami Tokita
So I'm indecisive, should I go for nylon, hemp or polyester?
Moka aka ERIKA
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*knock knock*
Nah sorry I can only watch tpin015

It's Hina, /jp/!
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Hinata's Marketplace of Misfortune, also known as /biz/
Thread gives of a feeling of... misfortune.
Hi Hina
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lovely hina

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Did KKHTA kickstart the whole "Grimsokyo" trend?
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>So I'd say that youkai can die and be judged if they aren't obliterated
How would that even work? Aren't youkai already spiritual beings to begin with? If you kill a spirit, they simply die and poof out of existence, Akyuu mention that ghosts can only come from humans, how would the afterlife even work for youkai? Is their heaven basically a paradise where they get fed human meat forever? Is their hell basically a place where they starve forever?
>said to Aya that with her sins she'd most likely fall to hell
which is funny when you remember where tengu come from (especially the humans-turned-tengu)
I don’t even get how a youkai would even go to Hell. I mean Eiki outright encourages Youkai to terrorize and hurt people, being an immoral asshole is seen as a good thing, and Human turned Oni literally go to hell for work and even run the place with no remorse. What exactly do you gotta do to be considered “bad” by youkai standards.
Probably go against "the natural order of things", so I guess anything that blurs the line between human and youkai (kinda like Miyoi is doing? though she is a zashiki-warashi)
Yeah, I don't think it applies to youkai like zashiki-warashi. It's not part of their nature to attack humans so they're not judged for that, makes sense.
I wonder how half youkai are judged then.

Toyosatomimi no Miko
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I like Marinne's art.
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Post cookies, discuss cookies.
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who has the cutest eye
I like Suzu's chinky eyes.
SZ, cute, simple, lewd.
Why are there two DIYUSIs?
Copy and pasting.

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Hatate's beauty stands unmatched among all youkai!
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Now listen here, you lover of lies. You consumer of falsehoods. Your words are worthless. Infiltrating the village to get petty drama of the humans! What is this, a tabloid? You're gonna write news on the rice harvest? Worthless stuff. Worthless! It's through Hatate's amazing ability of Thoughtography, that the truly important Facts are separated from the chaff.
And here it is! The situationalist! I bet you're in the daitengu payroll, if not one of them. The inequalities, the injustice, all of this is fine? I'm supposed to accept it? Where is this beauty, where the lower class can't even leave their posts to witness that beauty you speak of? Hatate is a princess, but she will put her status on the line in order to speak truth to power. And besides, you can experience all of these outside wonders from the comfort of your house. With her phone and her computer, Hatate can see all over the mountain without as much as leaving her room. From the security of her home, she won't have to deal with these members of society, that either enjoy their status or wish they could oppress others. Society is a scam, and I'm not going to participate in it!
>You're gonna write news on the rice harvest? Worthless stuff.
Uh huh, yeah, well I'll have you know that without a good rice harvest, many humans are gonna die, and if humans die, that means there's less youkai flying around you know? So a lack of rice ain't so nice and think twice and put your petty tabloid drama everyone can clearly see on ice and celebrate the harvest nice.
But seriously, You gonna tell me that you ain't even going to go around interviewing people? Getting their perspective? Aren't you being a little self-centered? Trying to seduce others by waxing poetically when you can't even stand to talk to people? The nerve!
>Infiltrating the village to get petty drama of the humans! What is this, a tabloid? You're gonna write news on the rice harvest? Worthless stuff. Worthless!
How can you claim wanting to stand for the lessers if you consider their daily struggles and victories as 'worthless'? Are they perhaps simply a mean to an end for you, whatever that end could be?
>The inequalities, the injustice, all of this is fine? I'm supposed to accept it?
By no means. It is good that you seek change to things that are wrong. But you need to go out and experience the world before you can change it for the better. Otherwise you are a blind that tries to improve the painting, a deaf that shouts during the song.
Aya paid you to say this didn't she
Hatate did interview someone once...

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Anon's Doll Edition XIII

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://mega.nz/folder/iFd3wapa#B70grHUe4xsTkLU_s8Ag_Q
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing | This is currently empty, help to replace/rebuild this archive is deeply appreciated!

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Sunbathing
Previous Photo Challenge: Catching Bugs

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I love traditional outfits, especially taisho roman ones
Who knew dressing up my dolls would be so much fun. I can’t help but want to spoil them with more clothes in the future.
Afraid I don't know, it came out my image collection.
Say goodbye to your money
Volks sapphire

I love Sanae-san!
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She doesnt even need to see it.
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grope the 'nae
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Wolf Tengu~
oh no, not reverse rape by a lolibaba!

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Good night, sweet prince
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It’s been 3 or 4 months already

Not last month
We're so back.
Based retard.
The world is healing!

What does that even mean?

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The summer market is here!
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Because she deserves to be smug!
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Attention: recently false rumors have been spread about the value of Chimacoins.
We want to reassure all shoppers in the market that Chimacoin remains the most stable and reliable currency in Gensokyo. The rumors about devaluation are unfounded and dangerous, spread by petty enemies that want to destabilise the market in order to weaken us.
We reassure all shoppers that all of your Chimacoin is backed by an equivalent number of Chiyapanties. In any case of speculation we remain confident that the Central Tengu Bank will defend the value of Chimacoin with tengupanties.
I don't want chimapanties, and if I wanted tengupanties, I would rather invest in 10gu coins
There is also Sato coin with fixed exchange rate 1 coin = 1 tamed vengeful spirit. This currency is very common in old hell and the value guaranteed by Yama.
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But you see, 10gu coin is not accepted outside of the mountain! The only coin accepted across Gensokyo is Chimacoin! It's also the official donation coin for the Hakurei Shrine, after the signing of a sponsorship deal! Donate all you want to show your thanks with Chimacoin!

where is it?
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Where did Remilia's hat go?
Marisa took it, and Sakuya is aiming at her right now.
wouldn't the explosion coming out of the barrel incinerate her face off?
shell be fine
Just a prank, bro

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