A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF Previous Thread: >>48754093
>>48913748It's just leftoid propaganda. Nothing deep.
>>48913728That's how I felt watching this old Hiroshi Abe moviehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImDD-QSct50
>>48913379>replaced with another showGrim. They made history two months ago, way to fuck it all up.>>48913552Were they close to working with some particular celeb(s)? The Matsumoto Curse might be making rounds right about now.
>>48913768History of what, that was lame as fuck M-1, probably worse than 2015 one. No Kyojin, No Shinsuke, No Matsumoto, No Kaminuma as judges. Tetsuo? Yamauchi? Are they fucking kidding me?
Discussion of the online games found on DMM/Fanza and Nutaku.Previous Thread: >>48559793Nutaku (R-18)http://www.nutaku.net/gamesNutaku (All-ages)http://www.nutaku.com/gamesDMM/Fanza (R-18)http://www.dmm.co.jp/DMM (All-ages)http://www.dmm.com/Forumshttp://harem-battle.club/http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>48913107Fuck she's so sexy. I wish she went to GirCre.
>>48913663>JewPri doing a collab with Tokyo NecrowatActually I think Tokyo Necro having a login collab with original JewPri is what got me to start JewPri. I'm half certain the scenes for Saya(?) are recycled.
>>48913663Reincarnation ruined Jewel pri for me, now it's just jewpri.
>>489141924th code? Where's the other ones?
It's time we had a cute thread for Orin, instead of just repeating the same lame jokes.
Two threads.
Four ears.
Six teats.
Yuri cat.
Satori cat
I love big soft angels
>>48905118Hey, man. It’s chill. Rest up and get back to it at your own pace. You can’t die and go to Makai yet anyway.
>>48904248I'd say about "Mai without her meds" level.
>>48905118Take your time, anon. We aren't going anywhere.
>>48861990I'm so lucky
>>48914676Wow, you must be like 7' tall to have your head reach as high as her breasts.
Post boobhus
>>48912292i can't think of a good genre where the player would benefit from hyper breast expansion or even just hyper sized tits in general
>>48912292Racing game where 2hus slide on their tits down a track. You can give yourself a boost by lactating
>>48912521It was great Super Mario RPG ripoff
I want to feed this gote
>>48902715Let's take the gote on an adventure to HawaiiI bet she'd love surfing real wavesAnd she'd be in America and so have all the oil she wants to
Yuuma beam!
What are the gote's kisses like?
>>48908841a little bit frightening due to her sharp teeth
>>48908841Definitely unsafe
Yachie playing with otter spirits.
Time for your routine checkup, anon.
How is she supposed to put on or take off clothes with the big shell on her back?
>>48905704Her shell can be detached for convenience.
>>48907194Tattoos on Yachie are so fucking cool and I love anyone who draws her with them
>>48907337It just fit really well with her personality. Every other gang leader should have it as well.
Let's try again and keep this magnificent and brilliant camo wearing youkai's thread going!
If the yamawaro live a communal lifestyle how do things exactly work? things must be pretty great for them since it's said that yamawaro work great together which is the total opposite of the kappa
>>48905731Supposed to be GS, instead of US, but whatever
What if
>>48912805Two monkeys in one
What does she smell like?
You're bothering the dullahan!
Banki has a surprise for (You).
This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.>Where to read WNs:https://syosetu.com/https://kakuyomu.jp/https://noc.syosetu.com/https://mnlt.syosetu.com/https://mid.syosetu.com/>Light Novel databases:https://kimirano.jphttps://bookmeter.com>Where to buy:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Favorite LN illustrators?
What were the first ever Light Novels? I'd like to start with the classics.
>>48914923https://ranobe-mori.net/db/Looks like cute girls weren't invented until the 90s. Boomers had it rough with waifus like this
>>48914923If you wanna start with the grandpappy stuff then maybe Guin Saga or Lodoss War? Personally I think LNs don't really get that LN identity until the 90s though, so maybe Slayers then.
>>48918683There is no reason for her tits to be that high
Why are niji hobos here nowGo back to your cardboard box
Longing for a fox thread!
>>48911891this is why fox needs to make more fox.
>>48912016WET FOX
>>48912089the heavy cloth falling on her curves, the complexion of her skin visible through it, the smug grin that exposing her feigned ignorance of how erotic a display she is putting on.wet fox is... dangerous.
>>48912016>>48912110What causes artists to draw her wet so often?
>>48916131>What causes artists to draw her wet so often?i wouldnt say thats the case. since those are the only 2 pictures i had on hand.
>>48911962That would be cheating though
>>48913566I just want to groom her long hair. Is this some kind of inner primate feeling?
>>48913690the hime-sama is just a great daughter-wife
>>48877301Going to throw this into the "Kaguya cares or cares not for the couple that raised her" argumentSource: ZUN music notes for Flight of the Bamboo Cutter in BAiJR"While I am someone who has yet to actually see Kaguya-hime, this song was not meant to represent The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, but rather my personal interpretation of what happens after the story ends.""There are two sides, the Lunar Emissaries who reveal themselves only on nights of the full moon, and their opponents, the humans on Earth. But the humans can't even scratch the Emissaries. Just when they've lost all will to fight, that's when the bamboo on Earth begins to glow... and the moon princess appears, that is, Kaguya-hime. Kaguya, pained by the calamity she brought upon the humans, fights on alone for their sake."
>>48906496Cute yuri (on the right)
>>48906496New UNDEAD CORPORATION never ever.
Yukkuris are so cute when flap their braids and wiggle their butts when you squeeze them.
>>48910549Now that I think about it, Yukkuri would probably look pretty uncanny valley in real life.