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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo (Nogizaka46's official rivals) and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(06/28)) Nogizaka46 LIVE IN HONG KONG 2024 Hong Kong (Nogizaka46)
(07/01) CDTV LIVE! LIVE! (Sakurazaka46)
(07/03.04) Hiragana Hinatazaka46 live at Pacifico Yokohama
(07/04) Takamoto Ayaka's graduation ceremony
(07/11) BokuAo's first stage play "Summer Haze"
(07/20) Osaka Gigantic Music Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(07/20-21) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour Kyocera Dome Osaka (Nogizaka46)
(07/23) Yumiki Nao 1st Photobook
(08/02-04) Tokyo Idol Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(08/07) BokuAo 3rd single スペアのない恋 Yagi Toa center)
(08/24-24) Nogizaka46 Summer Tour Vantelin Dome Nagoya (Nogizaka46)

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Focus on idols
Teresa monkey kek

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The cutest, prettiest, adorablest, sweetest, cutest, and most Alicest!
It's Alice!
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Can we have an honest to god discussion about Koishifags and their inability to reconcile that Koishi is a true sociopath that can’t form any sort of relationships whatsoever? She can’t sympathize nor empathize with anyone, and she can’t even deal with normal emotions properly due to her not being able to feel them like other people can. Why do Koishifags always deny this part of her characteristics? It’s plain to see she’s not “normal”.
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post it
I am sorry, I stopped, due to external reasons. I don't have right now the energy to continue it.
Is Freud right? Is Koishi's ego too fragile?
I wish Koishi was my invisible friend

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Why do otakus always portray westerners as evil and dismissive of Japanese or Asian culture
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It got your attention, so thats that
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Cultural asspain.
Love this manga honestly
What's the name?
Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan: Noukou Giga

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She bangs the drums
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I want to smell her bra after a big solo.
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I want to bury my face in her hair and huff it until I pass out
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Raiko and her delicious Taikos
This, but with other hair.

Let's all celebrate Jo'on day together.
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Not mad, bothered since using an ' just signals "I can't understand Japanese at an extremely basic level".
she looks stinky
Some alternate translations are: Jane, Jan, June, Jen, John, July and Ju-on the Grudge.
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john is my favourite
Rei'sen only ever existed to differentiate between Suppository Rabbit and Reisen2.0

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It's yours
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Some eggs are fertilized after they are laid but not bird eggs
Don't worry, the coating is only for photo's composition. Most of the stuff went in before during honest, marital work.
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Imagine her reaction when you kick her in the belly. The aborted fetus comes out like melted jelly.
Seiga please.

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Seven-Colored Paizurist
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it took me a while to realize what I was looking at, you're fucked if you see that
paizuri is the only correct answer
Shanghai onahole (vaginal)
>but I have the courage to fight and fuck my fears
This is so inspirational.
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hatless marisa
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her ufo outfit will always look infinitely better than any other look she has ever
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and it's instantly ruined by this coming to mind every time I see it
Why did you do this to me?
dial M for Marisa Kirisame
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hatful marisa

I want to the Goat woman
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Does anyone have a link to that thread? I want to link back to it for consistencies sake.
Whatever, bro. I go where my heart leads me.
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>Already 1300+ views
The art of transformation is in demand!
Holy shit how is it so popular

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First time posting here, I'd like to share some orchestrations I've done for pieces from various anime.

>Attack on Titan

>Akatsuki no Requiem (Orchestra)
>Akatsuki no Requiem (String Quartet)
>My War
>Guren no Yumiya

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You're not the first to give that feedback. I really need to go back and revise that one.
Do Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon next.
You got some good stuff here.
It's possible that it's due to the volume mixing that someone else brought up or midi soundfont but you need more brass, especially in the climax of Guren no Yumiya. I picked up on the horn runs leading up to it, and I think that's them on the main melody after (hard to tell with the soundfont) but I don't hear much trombones who could be supporting as well.
tl;dr needs more ZUNpets.

It's fish time!
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>bat and scythe
so is she planning on marrying him or beating him into marrying her?
smells fishy in here.
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Decided to start this discussion based on something I read in a thread once.

Which 2hu has the worst fandom? Not only on /jp/ but on the entire united state of the interwebs.
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Meiling is cool.
Whichever 2hu has the fags that needlessly bump finished threads. Like this guy >>47221994
What is it with Orinfags and tiddies?
I'm not complaining but Orin never came across as a "boobhu" to me personally
Orin is the paizurihu who has giant fat titties and uses them to paizuri men to death. Source: am ZUN.

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Forgotten by many, let's give some love to the lunarian girl !!
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What sort of reception do you think they gave her, after the incident was over?
They start with a lot of headpats. Then they start touching each other, followed by immoral and degenerate activities.
Nothing, no one in the moon likes Sagume
Well WHY NOT anon?
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I prefer nothing underneath

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