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It is already Cirno Day in Kiribati and a few other parts of the world. It'll be Cirno Day in Japan in a few hours, then the rest of the world.

How do you plan on spending the day? Did you make any Cirno-related content? Or will you just check out the latest Cirno pics and vids that come out?
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Page 9 the strongest
me on the right molesting chiruno
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I'm scared stiff!
they're going to catch a cold
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What's your favorite 2hu family?
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it's cute and fun and wtf.
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Seems like these 3 are pretty busy year-round
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The Scarlet Devil Mansion.
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"A person, a person, a person!
Kidnap some humaaans"
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Give me a number 9, little bird.
Here's your order!
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Mysty dabbles in cannibalism...
Actually, cannibalism only occurs between the same species.

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Fox? What fox? I don't see any foxes here. Just an empty bed and a wet pillow.
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Sop II junya...
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Does anyone have the English version of this 2ch ascii art? I can't find it. Not asking for a translation.
bump just in case. ill find it OP
it's over...
better chance of finding this with the good lads at 4-ch I'd imagine

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Canonically the best smelling 2hu. ZUN agreed, don't bother him.
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At least a few.
Wow there are A LOT of Yuukas running around out there.
Who's pollinating Yuuka?
Wriggle, they're yuri babies.
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Flustered Yuuka is cute

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was Yasu more a positive or a negative influence on Maria?
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Don't. Considering the size of the average rodent, that could potentially kill her.
Would you pull her ears, though?
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strokers have an entrance and an exit, no?
and yes, of course

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PekoFlare >>>>> MikWhore and Suiskank
Cool, go watch it instead of complaining about other streams then
comets are rocks after all
Flips together strong

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Last thread: >>47624003
webm is by >>47708619

The Touhou98 Experience v2.00: https://nyaa.si/view/1743332
Touhou Project All-In-One Pack: https://nyaa.si/view/1743411
Thprac: https://github.com/touhouworldcup/thprac
Touhou 1cc Tracker: https://doopu.github.io/1ccTracker/
Maribel Hearn's hub for Touhou tools and information: https://maribelhearn.com/
Lunarcast replay archive: http://replay.lunarcast.net/
Silent Selene replay archive: https://www.silentselene.net/
Pndsng leaderboard: https://thscore.pndsng.com/index.php
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What a shit shot type. Took me over a year to 1cc DDC with SakuB but I'm proud of this achievement.
It's the worst Extra spellcard for me too. Just bomb it.
I 1cc'd the Extra with Reimu, so while the bomb's spirits are still rotating around me I go towards the side where they're currently spawning to clear them out.
I wish the bullet hitbox charts had Mamizou's bullets included because their shapes are really annoying, especially the green dog ones.
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Where is this from?
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Why are they so fucking mad at me?
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Would you let a drunk Genge piss on you? Be honest.

... On a second thought, it might be more apt to ask: would you even attempt to punish, nay, to as much as tell Genge after she's pissed on you while drunk?
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Of course not,otherwise she might not do it again
>Would you let a drunk Genge piss on you? Be honest.
Do you even need to ask?

>would you even attempt to punish, nay, to as much as tell Genge after she's pissed on you while drunk?
Acting like nothing happened while she expects me to be pissed (heh) could be funny, just to see her confused reaction.
You're a man, and they hate men.
Genge seems like the kind of girl who'd get mad about it the next day and blame you for letting something like that happen.

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Post little bunny princess. Her windows cousin Kaguya is also welcome.

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Built for ___.
I need to know the artist and where I can find more, stat. It looks like the artist with the user 'ANGEE' on pixiv, and they're my favorite Koto artist
Kotohime and Meira seem to be connected somehow.
They're lovers
They are platonic friends

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You're gay if you wouldn't do r63 Rinno
Literally Zun.
Looks like a hag to me.
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>Oi teme, the girls told me you haven't read CoLA yet, why's that?!
The moment he gets up, I give him a light tap on the shoulders. He immediately falls over his chair, breaking it and taking with it over twenty of his precious pieces of garbage. The wood splinters all invade his body at the same time, causing immense amounts of pain. It's my win.

Then Marisa mastersparks me to hell.

Unlucky Morpheus edition

Doujin circles, Touhou Lossless Music Collection, Spotify, Gensokyo Radio and other links:


Previous thread: >>47223961
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This bitch stole all my money, I will never forgive her.
I would give all my money to her without hésitation

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When the Japanese looked upon this hideous bird monster, why did they call it a "heavenly dog"?
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For the crown tengu? Maybe a manji.
The Ainu never mixed that much with the other japanese people. Even in Hokkaido there is rare found people with aiunu genes outside of their traditional villages.
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Aya finally gets a rest from overwork? She should take a nice long bath and enjoy her first break in a while.
I forgot to mention: Momiji did promise that she will make things better.

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