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>China presented an animated video on the destruction of an aircraft carrier strike group (AUG) of the US Navy

>The footage shows half a squadron of Hong-6J bombers of the PLA Navy launching Yingzi-12 anti-ship missiles at an American AUG.

>The missiles, having overcome the enemy's air defense system, turn the American aircraft carrier into a sinking Titanic.

Do you think Americans ever expected this when they were funding China and the USSR during WW2?
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They also assume none of the ships are firing back or launching interceptors.
>here is a magical scenario of a carrier with no fighters
comon people
Chink fantasy. I like how the bombers are completely unopposed and not intercepted by American fighters. I also liked the part where every single anti-missle misses. And then the Chink planes freely strafe the carrier with guns while the entire fleet just sits back and watches.
aww look we have a true believer. thank you for your cervix
Houths sank a US carrier last week, the US is having a bad week

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Say something nice about her.
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Manlier than 99.99% of /pol/.
strigoi ghoul queen
holy shit. that is an insane transformation.
wouldn't even need steroids. i'm guessing she uses the gym and getting stronger as her primary cope for the other shit wrong with her looks.
Did your mom teach you to shave?

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i am in the process of creating a /pol/ mixtape to disseminate irl, i want to include a companion booklet packed with as many redpills as i can contain within it. could you wonderful lads lend me a hand?
link to drive repo
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>Come out ye Black and Tans
>not My Little Armalite
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thank you.
i felt the four i picked suited the tracklist better. might still be good to work it into disk 2 however. i feel the tracklist could use some reworking.
>Come out Ye Black 'n' Tans
get raped fucking accidental commie nigger
what beliefs the members of the provos held matter not to me. they fought for their independence from the british. i hold them in high regard for that. they were insurgents of the highest degree.

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George strait concert in college station Texas
Only blacks I've seen are working the venue. Life's good in Texas boys.
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My sister is there, she’s the blonde one.
Nah that's a sniper. He's a cool sniper though. Just keeping an eye on things.
>George strait
More like George gay
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This fucking sun can set anytime now
I'm not moving to fucking Mars, asshole.

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goy fodders (((soldiers))) dont deserve respect, nothing you say will change my mind
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>”No u!”
keep crying hooknosed vermin
>I don't want to have Alzheimers at 40! Besides, most flu vaccines don't even work!
No, they won’t. Fuck globohomo jews
send me a big tiddy jew gf
Yeah they are retards. I like the name soldier for them, because they are sold-diers. Hahaha, get it. Sold-die-ers. They agree to die for a stupid reason. They are sent halfway across the world to go fight innocent Arabs in their own Arab countries and then have the gall to claim to be the good guy in the situation.

Dude, nah. If you're a soldier sent across the world to go fight people in their own country then clearly you are the bad guy.

The only reason they need to be treated with such reverence is because its the only reason they can get people to join with
> shit money
> unrighteous wars
> high chance of injury or death
> insufficient care post service

The “respect the troops” meme keeps suckers coming in. If military were treated with the respect of a postman, teacher, baker etc. they would actually have to pay them better, use them more sparingly, support them post service etc.

In australia our servicemen are treated with basic respect but not worshipper like gods, but their outcomes are better than US soldiers by every measure, because troop worship is a meme for

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I'm angry a lot. Things in this world don't make sense, especially the 5 million "genders" idiots are always talking about. I think it might be time to find a healthy outlet for my energy, with like minded individuals who need a good job with good pay, benefits and social standing. It's time I joined the Forces.
>The leaf on the rank
The Canadian airborne regiment did nothing wrong anons.

It's time we brought it back.
>CADPAT is only good for Ontario and Quebec and parts of BC.
>Fucking useless in AB/SK.
kys faggot
The suicide rates remind of trannies though.

>this was considered comically, ridiculously fat in the '80s
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The parent are both jews
In a previous thread i posted a Chris Farley clip and said it was John Candy. Sorry for being a drunk retard. I mixed up my hollywood fat guys. RIP to a Kang.

Don't listen to that other guy, this is ichiban.

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places in Europe are fatter than the US. Same with Mexico. The same toxins in US food made it's way around the world. Boom. insulin resistance, herx effects, and weird fat gain. It's oligarchs from ME and Europe that are responsible. And they are Esau Jews.

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Anglos are the cream of the crop of humanity, they must be preserved
It's a little late. Great Britain has been in decline for a century.
Too late. Colonialism made them a financial power, financialism made them a pawn of the kikes. Britain's greatness ended when they were led into genociding germans on behalf of the kikes. The decline is just happening faster now.
It was over in WWI when they sent their best to the meat grinder. All that’s left of them now are the dalit britons.

>extort several millions from you to make your game less appealing

so how are these """consulting""" firms even a thing? they provide nothing of value but eat heavily into the budget
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>thread about a video game company that works on extremely popular, successful games
TAKE IT TO >>>/v/
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>This thread was moved to >>471259823
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>SBIniggers are also shartyfags
wow who could have guessed the site full of autistic 12 year olds are also obsessed with some FOTM outrage bait
>tons of companies go belly-up pushing woke bullshit
Sure they do, anon.

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If Q is boiled down to “people wont believe how bad things were about to get just by being told, they have to be shown” what is happening these last few years seems like a fairly perfect example of what you would expect to happen.

> a big scary virus that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary draft that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary war that doesnt actually kill you
> big scary price hikes that dont actually kill you
> big scary trannies that dont actually kill you
> big scary nukes that dont actually kill you

Its like a haunted house ride at this point. But if this is whats happening, is actually going to work when the whole thing seems so fake and gay? Do people crying about a draft really think that theyre about to be drafted? Maybe you feel some sense of fear around these concepts but are you experiencing true fear of any of it?

Are you confident enough youll be drafted for example that you would pledge to donate $1000 to charity if it doesnt come to pass? If not, how seriously do you really believe it?


If youre genuinely afraid of being drafted, tell me a date itll happen by, and the amount youre willing to donate to charity if it doesnt come to pass.
Q is rebooting. Should be up and running in 2 weeks.

Do you really believe youre about to be drafted? Make a friendly bet with me

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How do you plan to deal with the "National Coordinator to Counter Antisemitism" when they come knocking, /pol/?

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They won't do shit.

They haven't done shit up til now, why would they do shit then?
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Probably the same thing they did when the statues were torn down.

This is the biggest sign so far that the Jews know how fucked they are.
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1st amendment, gas all kikes.

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Based, someone get this man a boob
Its spring fever and sun dresses are fucking torture
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No, you WANT a boob in your mouth. What are you waiting for, Anon. Go get some tid

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What's the benefit of "no hymen, no diamond"? First, it makes you lonely, a permavirgin, and likely to die alone. Most importantly, it leads to low birth rates, which is essentially self-genocide. If you're bitching about low birth rates, you must marry a "used-up" woman.
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This is the most important aspect to the discussion.
Women absorb genetic material through sex and pregnancy.
A woman's genetic make up is altered and this cannot be undone.
I have had a few " almost asked her to marry me " relationships and they all were very weak disloyal women with very low partners.
I was very fortunate to marry a virgin trad Cath girl quite a bit younger then me and she is savagely loyal. Violently loyal even.
Happily married 21 years this August.
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Based anon
If I decide to get married, it's a virgin or nothing
Okay and men don't marry women now. Simple as.
Best success in my opinion is to be about 29-30 and have your shit together and then find a 23 yr old with no debt. Settle on looks a few points for character points.
A solid 7 in looks with 10+ character.
Best case scenario and match looks to age.
If you are a 7 at 29 you get a young 7.
Always keep the fear balanced in your favor.
You don't want to be a 7 and bag a solid 10 and always be in fear of her finding another 7 with a beach house.
Sounds kind of cold but once you break the 7 years of marriage none of this bullshit will matter and you can get to the good stuff like violin lessons and baseball practice with your kids.
Where did you meet your wife? Church?

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Almost 6 feet tall and named Taylor? Yup
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It's a simulated human.
Has no reproductive organs.
no anon, that's called a "demon"
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>Big Blue Cock

Don't mind if i do.

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Which ethnicity has the most beautiful women?
If we disregard obesity, so maybe the question should be which ethnicity has the potential for the most beautiful women?
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>castiza masterrace
Now you're talking
I really hate teenagers
Thanks bro bro
why even bother getting a woman if you're going to get one that is missing all the fun features that make them pleasurable to be with?
Literally a goddess. Queen of Judah.

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Then you

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Big Blaqdickd?
Now wait just a minute. How do we know Big Bastard is the culprit? Maybe another bear did it?
t. defense attorney for bears
OMT: and why didn't this old bag have a firearm if she was allegedly stalked by a bear?
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The bear did long term premeditated murder?

Me and the missus after eating poutine

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saw this movie in the cinemas. it was funny as fuck when i was 12.
its ax

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You play as Pixler, an ambitious German pastry chef. Your objective is to scale the logistics of your baking empire in order to bake 6 million Babkas to feed all of Germany. Along the way, you will manage workers, morale, finances, deliveries, and production in order to achieve your goal before time runs out and rival bakers seize your operations.

What are some other game mechanics I could include? What's a good title?
just make sure the orders come in faster than his oven works. make sure at the end of the day stat screen, multiply the actual orders by at least 10.
Correction: Austrian pastry chef.

If you play as Pixler, the title may aswell be Pixler.

Will you actually be able to walk around as Pixler doing sieg heil salutes and all?
You think you're funny and clever, but you really aren't.
Include in game emotes.

Include some of his best friends as NPCs

Needs some classic 8bit tunes like:


Our Bites Make You Free™

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fucking kill yourself
what does this have to do with soitopia
Lethal Cumpony.

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spaniards seething at anglos will never not be funny
>nooo the anglo is the enemy they are pirates
kys we are not in the 1600

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