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Closeted lesbian incel women are copying closeted gay incel men and are rating women out of 10 whist getting into little gay fights over their ratings. It reminds me of when closeted gay men rate men out of 10 and get into fights here lol
bug behavior

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Was was the point where Jews completely took over the world? Was it the Rothchilds? When Napoleon lost? When Hitler lost? Or was it when they made the Federal Reserve and consequently central banks?

I also hear some people on her espousing that it was thousands of years earlier, going so far as to blame them for burning down the Library of Alexandria. Or that Jews are butthurt slopehead neanderthalls. Just when did they start working against caucasoids? When did they become greedy and why are they the way they are? To me it is too much to wrap my head around.
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^ This is Pol's foundation myth. The Reddit foundation myth is similar, except colonial white supremacists are the oppressor class/great Satan.
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Have you been shagging trannies, Anon?
Jews being the root of worldly evil is literally in the Bible, nigger. Who are you trying to kid? Satan is their father, and they are his synagogue. They rejected Christ.
Basically, yeah.
Christianity as a whole has been circumvented by Paul, a jew and Roman. The true teachings of Christ is to revolt against Judaism whereas Paul taught turning the other cheek and being a faggot. Western civilization has been infiltrated by Judaism since the council of Nicea and ever since Judaism corrupted the Roman empire and Christianity as a whole. There is no definitive answer to cure the curse and no one solution to get rid of the Jewish stain on our culture aside from severe reversion. I honestly think that Rome was the answer until it was destroyed by the cuckold version of Christianity, Catholicism. Basically we're fucked unless we all band together to get rid of central banking, Catholicism, protestantism, and all forms of usury.

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ITT: post video games that are redpilled on the Jews
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I've always wondered this myself
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Memeflag spam thread
post your faggoty video game shit in the video game forum you faggots

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Bro i cross my legs all the time and fuck women in my sleep wtf is this
Computer, tell me when the "German" revolution occurred.



>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

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Jake Shields is known to be THE most hung guy in hollywood, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed Nick Fuentes' boypussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting himself lubricated enough just so he could take it. i can just imagine him begging for it, with Jake barely able to force it past the knob, and Fuentes moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. He would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to his prostate.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with his anal muscles clamping down on Jake's throbbing monstrosity, his whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet he still masturbates to the memory of it
name more than five persons in this picture

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If fate exists then free will does not.
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What if i fuck up and the path i desire is now no longer reachable aka i was tired of the cultural sensitivity anti white classrs so i sperged out and they kicked me out, should i just rope
>Is fat as a hippo
Niggers have always been worthless stupid gibsmesat coon retards
Fuck you kikes I hate you nigger loving faggots so much
I used to imagine that optimum life must be a blend of a perfect environment for your gene set.
But then the perfect environment I envisioned was one free from pressure or strain (thinking stress inflammation) and you'd want ideally maximum inspiration and energy.
So I set up a NEET lifestyle, but then found myself being bored, low energy and rather uninspired.
Would I discounted was the need for unscripted adversity, to aid in revealing a character that may lay dormant.
So eating some shit, hanging around passive aggressive idiots, doing things I didn't find comfy are a pressure I'm embracing, to a point, because I don't want to simply burn myself out being a cog in someone else's machine.
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They are a biological weapon, that we've been burdened with to tax our energy.
We are finite and so our output energy is finite too(1st law of Thermo).
So between all men are created equally, and the Christian moral supremacy we've been hacked to the point if big Jew MSM sticks a camera in your face and asks "are you equal to a nigger" you have to answer "yes" least lose your job, house, wife, kids, career.
Racism is reality and it is thought freedom.
No globalhomo in it? I haven't watched a movie in years, be nice to watch a good one

Previous >>471221790

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent: Armed clashes break out between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the town of Kafardan, west of #Jenin.
>AP: he US Navy is locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.
>DFLP: This afternoon, our fighters successfully detonated an IED on a military bulldozer (D9) south of the Bank of Palestine in Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, achieving a direct hit.
>Urgent: A joint statement by several countries, including the United States: We condemn in the strongest terms the Houthis' arrest of UN employees and diplomats


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(((They))) don't want anyone to stop the anti-kike content, since then they won't have anything to claim victimhood about. Forcing them to go back to doing it themselves
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based rot in hell zogbots
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Ironically most Palestinians who did fight still fought for the Turks but

In its early years, Al-Fatat emerged as a platform for Arab intellectuals and activists within the Ottoman Empire who sought reforms rather than complete independence. The organization promoted the idea of equal representation for Arabs within the Ottoman political structure, advocating for constitutionalism and the protection of cultural and regional autonomy. Members of Al-Fatat believed that a reformed Ottoman Empire could accommodate the diversity of its populations while fostering a sense of unity.

However, the organization's aspirations faced a turning point with the rise of Djemal Pasha to power. Djemal Pasha's policies, marked by centralization and a heavy-handed approach in the Levant, triggered a shift in Al-Fatat's stance. The crackdowns on dissent, restrictions on regional autonomy, and perceived injustices fueled discontent among Al-Fatat members.

In response to Djemal Pasha's policies, Al-Fatat underwent a transformation from advocating for reforms within the Ottoman framework to adopting a more revolutionary stance. The organization began to call for the complete independence of Arab territories from Ottoman rule. The oppressive measures implemented by Djemal Pasha served as a catalyst for a more radical vision, with Al-Fatat leaders increasingly seeing the establishment of independent Arab states as the only viable solution to safeguard the rights and aspirations of the Arab population.

This shift in Al-Fatat's stance reflects the complex dynamics of the time, where initial calls for reform within the Ottoman framework could evolve into more radical demands in response to repressive policies and crackdowns in the region.
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If Q is boiled down to “people wont believe how bad things were about to get just by being told, they have to be shown” what is happening these last few years seems like a fairly perfect example of what you would expect to happen.

> a big scary virus that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary draft that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary war that doesnt actually kill you
> big scary price hikes that dont actually kill you
> big scary trannies that dont actually kill you
> big scary nukes that dont actually kill you

Its like a haunted house ride at this point. But if this is whats happening, is actually going to work when the whole thing seems so fake and gay? Do people crying about a draft really think that theyre about to be drafted? Maybe you feel some sense of fear around these concepts but are you experiencing true fear of any of it?

Are you confident enough youll be drafted for example that you would pledge to donate $1000 to charity if it doesnt come to pass? If not, how seriously do you really believe it?
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Hey, hey, hey! Good catch
Basically everybody is a coward, they hide their face, hide their name, talk cryptically, etc. That is how you know they are not The One, Hitler 2.0, the person who will rise against the kike, name them, and inevitably ban them. Nobody has what it talks to walk this path. And we'll win.
has what it takes*
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>Drain muh Swamp
>refuses to release the scheduled JFK total declassification, delaying it-- this is in the first months of his presidency

Qoomers fell for strategic deception that worked so well against The Whites, then Lenin's 'New Economic Policy' of 'state capitalism', then Agent Kissinger's build of of Red China - as if there was any substantive daylight between Moscow and Beijing.

'They' aren't globalists or *just* The Jews-- it's fucking communists and the same old active measures-- one doesn't build up the infrastructure and networks over a century and just lay down your tools after the poorly stage managed invasion of West Germany by the DDR.
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>Its like a haunted house ride at this point.
Good simile.
Haunted house rides, roller coasters, and other "amusement park" experiences were the basis of, and were based on, tons of research on the psychology and physiology of excitement and fear reactions.
Same with casinos.
Same with boot camp.
Same with the Ed Biz (which is where the "MKULTRA" type research originated).
Same with media.

These are realms where you have been studied, engineered, poked, prodded, and squeezed through the various Fun Factory extruders of those who want you to be in a shape/configuration more to their liking/benefit.
To some degree, all culture/social interaction does this. But the automation of the "human" "sciences" (I include drugging people in that) amped and ramped up the processes...and opened new fronts of war.

For there is a war on.
The prize is your mind, body, and soul.
It's not just about shekels. Currency can be fiat. It can be made of anything--knotted strings or notched sticks.

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He flushed pajeets out of uganda. We need another guy like him to kick indians out of the west
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He knew da wae
>He flushed pajeets out of uganda.
And what else?
Thats enough to make him based
they redpilled on shit nibblers too lol
He was my favourite Scottish King and Conqueror of the British Empire.

What are yall doing?
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Drinking, laughing (good threads tonight) probably more than I have in a long time. Pic is gonna make me smoke a bowl though

binged watched all my normal horror-channels on YT but yeah
that sucks, what did she do?
weed isn't alcohol
Is not an alcohol repelent either
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just vaping a bit of master kush

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It's over for Drumpf
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My little anon cannot possibly be this new!
You can't possibly be this retarded, but here you are.
Take the small L, don't turn it into a big L.
Get fucked, shitlib.
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>So, you think you've lurked long enough

the guy who is ahead in the polls in Iran's upcoming snap elections. Ahmedinejad praises the USA and President Trump and says that the division between West and East is an illusion, because China and the US have awesome trade relationships.
Well this clinches it, I'm voting for Trump.

Okay, so we now all know that the capo di capo illuminati banking cartel satanic cabal has a large presence and may even be headquartered in Switzerland. Who are they and what happens here?
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The internet
Every time I see a medkit, I want chocolate.

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kekekekekek, what are the political implications of aryans dominating mlecchas in their own battlefield?
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Who knew the great filter was pajeets? I blame the brits for not suppressing them better.
jeets simping for rich fags like that nigger and his whore wife (who probably has several thousand miles of white dick ran through her cunt ) - is like white people simping for bill gates

not surprising coming from a jeet, really. no flag can hide your subhuman ways
Lmao the pseudo machismo all wealthy shitskins get is a scripted effect. Change my mind
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>Indians will literally fuck lizards-
BASED. Indian chads will successfully free us from the shackles of our reptilian overlords
>miss me yet?

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Currently in standoff with cops
10+ injured so far
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This looks like the kind of area that would be full of trannies.
I have yet to shoot anyone with my rifle. come and try to take it. my previous statement will cease being true. I have 77 grains just for you.
Let's hope there were minorities in my waterpark.
Mass shootings are caused by progressive subversion.

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Goblins are attacking!
I don’t even want to post a Goblin Slayer meme, it's just retarded niggers being retarded.
Gonna need the pidgin English version of this article. Thanks. Wey dey.
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Do you watch modern television?
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it is a race war against jewish banking cartel.
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That's the heimlick manouvre, glad you didn't die from globalhomo tv, bro.
Game of thrones was adapted by a couple Jews and George martin is a quarter jewish. Your j dar is fucked and you are a good goyim
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This nigga watchin dongs!

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Yes we do faggot.

>Why Benjamin Netanyahu Loves the European Far-Right
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like it or not Nickina is the leaderess of the Free World
the fuck is this, live action the croods?
EuLarper the last faggot

***My entire existence is centered around porn my entire life, from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep!***
>Real Life Pics and Videos
>Hentai Pics and Videos
>Cartoon pics and videos

This is political becasue pornography is one of the weapons that was mass deployed against the general population after the systemic destruction of the family unit, the emasculation of men, rendering men economically unattractive, while injecting all the ingredients of rampant hook-up culture and hypergamy harems for Chad and MR. NIGGER.

Pornography serves as one of the main drive components destroying me, but I cannot stop!

Help Me Pol how TF do I quit?!
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Same. I want to delete all of it but I have so much amazing original content and rare (now nuked because of the PH rules change) videos that I can't bring myself to do it. I have 2 USBs, a second laptop where most of my porn is and I uploaded everything to mega just in case. I'm pathetic. I really should kill myself.
>hoarding that much porn is mental illness
Lmao not really. The problem is that stuff doesn't stay online forever, and if you have shitty net, it's always nice being able to instantly watch something without waiting for it to buffer. So it's more convenient to archive everything you like or would want to.
>The problem is that stuff doesn't stay online forever, and if you have shitty net, it's always nice being able to instantly watch something without waiting for it to buffer. So it's more convenient to archive everything you like or would want to.

Pretty much, also porn sites are annoying to watch anything on them. 5 second adds and stuff. And if OP thinks he has downloaded too much porn....

Jbod, 4x 20TB HDs inside, all porn. Same setup as backup.
Media monkey and Plex to stream from.

Of course, my prefered porn now is 4K remasters of old porn shot on 35mm film aka. movies from the time when porn was glorious. And that eats GBs like popcorn.

Saving stuff since porn was 250xsomething 10second clips back in the early 90is...

But I am a data hoarder anyway, even more since the Internet started to become kinda fleeting, "what is on the internet stays on the internet forever" not really true anymore.

Ugly old fucker, what else should I do in those long, boring evenings anyway?

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i dunno man, my porn folder is 369 megabytes. i don't know how you jack off to weird shit like hentai/AI. you must be so young where a gust of wind would give you an erection.
My plan if I ever get a gf is to either keep the drives offsite at a storage facility until the most likely inevitable breakup, or just encrypt everything and throw them into a closet. If she asks I'll just say they're work files or some shit, there's a nda attached to them.

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Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday pledged America's full support in backing Ukraine and global efforts to achieve “a just and lasting peace” in the face of Russia's invasion, representing the United States at an international gathering on the war and meeting with Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy to discuss his country’s vision for ending it.

As she arrived at the meeting venue overlooking Lake Lucerne, Harris announced $1.5 billion in U.S. assistance through the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development. That includes money for energy assistance, repairing damaged energy infrastructure, helping refugees and strengthening civilian security in the wake of the aggression by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russia’s aggression is more than just an attack “on the lives and the freedom of the people of Ukraine,” Harris told leaders from 100 nations and global organizations participating in the summit. “It is not only an attack on global food security and energy supplies. Russia’s aggression is also an attack on international rules and norms and the principles embodied in the U.N. Charter,” Harris said. She said the U.S. was committed to continuing “to impose costs on Russia and we will continue to work toward a just and lasting peace,” reaffirming words she used at the start of her private meeting with Zelenskyy.

For Zelenskyy, the gathering was a beginning toward finding a “real peace.”

“The world majority definitely wants to live without bloody crises, deportations, and ecocides,” Zelenskyy said. “And so every nation that is not represented now and that shares the same values of the U.N. Charter in deed and word, will be able to join our work at the next stages.”

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shalom ausjeet, sniff any good stinkies down there?
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it has an extra blue color in it, its ok
7 colors good, normal rainbow
6 colors bad, gay flag
Now we know why they punish it so hard, it's the same thing as being antisemitic to them
So when do you think he’s going to conveniently kick the bucket? Fall or if they manage to secure a second term?

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vaxxies will end the human race

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>... and as we're finding out John, red blood cell count correlates highly with a better immunity for these types of-

>is it
>is it
>is it
>is it
>is it true Angus
>am I correct in my understanding
>err, Angus
>that red blood cells come from inside the bones?
>and they're sort of like manufactured in the marrow?

>...yes John that's entirely correct

>I thought so
Bro they will be dying before infertility becomes a noticeable issue.
Men can't get pregnant faggot
It explains why they didn't push it on foreigners and Africa-South America
good go extinct

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