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Maybe there are still some LARPers in Europe, but 'antifa' in the US is totally dead. I'm literally in the Portland area, and they don't even hold rallies anymore. My understanding is that the Trump/Floyd 2020-era antifans were a combination of professional political activists, naive college-aged kids, and a bunch of hired bums and druggies.

Many of the 2020-era bums and druggies have overdosed and died by now (not a joke; they actually did; fentanyl has wrecked them), the college kids have moved on, and the professionals/'organizers' have had their funding cut. The 'movement' is gone.

More proof - Trump literally went to the SF Bay Area a couple weeks ago to meet with supporters/donors, and 'antifa' failed to shut him down. In 2015/2016, they had the Bay Area on lockdown, and could rally thousands to attack MAGAfags on short notice. Not anymore.

Trump also went into the Bronx, and 'antifa' failed to protest him or shut down his rally. They don't exist anymore in any real numbers. How did the antifa movement collapse so quickly, though? They had a lot of energy just a few years ago.
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This. I'm sure many of the antifa types were protesting israel. Only this isn't useful for the establishment government so they're actually being charged this time.
They served their purpose so Soros cut their funding
But they’ll be back, its an election year and still plenty of useful idiots are being groomed on plebbit
They will come back if trump wins
jews still go to college and want to destroy stuff, so no, antifa didn't die out, bro.
Because these so-called "professional organizers" are fucking FEDs.
There is nongreat mystery here.
Who else EXCEPT FEDs and their useful idiots and their pet niggers would be allowed ro do what was done in 2020???
What government would EVER allow that kind of "dissident movement" to run rampant in the Capitol of the nation, as well as most stayed capitals across the country???

If a REAL dissidenr movement existed at that scale, then the US would have already had a REAL REVOLUTION foir years ago.


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We might see astrology as slop for "spiritual" white women, but how we view it doesn't actually matter.

What matters is how the people ruling over us view it

this video is a pretty good example and it lines up well with the way current events are going

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This just in, astrologer says you're going to take a shit between the next 2-5 days. He also said you're a retarded mongoloid.
massive cope, look at how world conflicts are aligning
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to some degree, this is true
Crappy video, also got his prediction for March 2024 wrong. Saturn meaning contraction hardly means downfall. Contraction (Saturn) can be synonymous with increased focus or a consolidation of sorts. I personally think China would WIN. He didn't even bother showing America's transit at all.
Doesn't matter what they try and plan though, as it's God who ordains the events in the first place.

It's talmudic jews who try and subvert it but will fail.

Dr Heiser on the Bethlehem star

Would you become a traitor to the human race (everything that is meant by the word human) if given the opportunity?

1st) If yes, then why?
2nd) If not, then also why?
Separate bonus question from OP:
Would you consider yourself a traitor if you chose the 1st option or a patriot if you chose the 2nd?
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Do I get my own Cylon Basestar? Because those are pretty cool.
I'd betray the human race no questions asked as for why well outside of my family I couldn't care less about what happens to other people.
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>human race
This doesn't really exist.
Mankind is several different discrete groups that are all at odds with one another.
Basically everyone besides White people is looking out only for themselves and doesn't care in the slightest if what they are doing is going to destroy this planet and thus doom their progeny and everyone else, plus all of the other flora and fauna that inhabits Earth.

Globohomo world has done nothing besides cement chaos and avarice as the driving forces on a global scale rather than to bring about some sort of worldwide stability.
This is the cost of having psychopathic elites driven entirely by green and megalomania as the class at the helm of such global organizations.

In short, there is plenty of lip-service towards some sort of "global unity", or "common humanity", but these words are hollow since they function mainly as a slogan to hide behind rather than a genuine appeal to unity or unification.
Because the global environment has become so malicious and devoid of truth, such appeals only serve to root out any group or individual who has a genuine sense of human egalitarianism in order to destroy and exploit them under the cruel march of an uncaring global system that cares only about power at any cost.

Until a firm hand strikes down the aggressive stupidity of the 3rd world and the cartoonish cruelty of the global parasite elites; beware the cry for global unity, since the past several decades have shown in practice such overtures are simply a pied piper's song to lead any who follow towards disaster and ruin.

It is too late to salvage the trajectory of the current system, war is inevitable.

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I would strangle every single human one by one for even a chance at lyran pussy
Maybe. What’s the price? I wouldn’t betray my friends or family but the human race as a whole. Sure, 90% of it is brown anyway.

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It never crossed my mind to get a gun and shoot the school up when i was a student. Not even once. Were this kids fucked in the ass by a teacher?
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I had access to an m4 and a Beretta 9mm when I was a teen in 00s and played counterstrike/halo growing up. Never thought about shooting up the school or any of that. Closest is I'd day dream about saving my crush during a school shooting while playing counter strike. Not quite the same
I pretty much had the opposite fantasy. Hearing gun fire and thinking about the ways to stop some douche bag loser from getting a few kills before anheroing.
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Why shoot your bully at school?
Follow him to where he goes to smoke and do drugs and do it there. He wouldn't tell his parents where he went, so no one will know where to look.
Retarded ass niggers

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Why do black and brown people feel as if they have right of access to white people and white countries? White people don’t feel this way about them or their countries
>inb4 xyz happened 300 years ago so you deserve it whitey
It’s all so tiresome
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Dafuq are you talking about? My people have been here for 1300+ years, literally never moved. Retarded muttoid.
I honestly have no problem with brownoids desiring white women if they simply like white people, which is probably a large portion of the ones that do honestly. It's like how many white weebs want a japanese wife because they love Japanese people.

What is common, especially with mixed race people, is they have a chip on their shoulder and are in total denial about their sub-conscious belief in white supremacy. I get disgusted especially with the half castes in my personal life who I see cleaving hard to white people to an absurd degree but still lash out constantly at white racial consciousness.
Ain’t that the truth, I love seeing white people suffer and I’m going to love seeing conservatives whites and maybe some liberals come back in caskets for their Jewish masters.

Look at all the cumskins huffing and puffing after the first post, and no one can come up with a decent argument.
colonialism tho..... and i'm white

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Germany's reputation for efficiency has suffered over the past week. Visiting fans have been frequently disappointed, while foreign press outlets including the "New York Times" have drawn attention to shortcomings, disabusing their audiences of outdated stereotypes about the country. If it weren't for the riveting football and the explosive atmosphere that Euro 2024 has seen so far, transport failures and poor organization might have dogged the tournament's image more severely.

Gelsenkirchen, however, is yet to host a classic. Few scenes from England's labored victory over Serbia will feature prominently in the tournament's highlight reels, and Spain versus Italy failed to measure up to its billing. Portugal and Georgia have some heavy lifting to do if the Arena AufSchalke is to stage any standout moments before the group stage is complete. After that, only a single round-of-16 fixture remains. This may well be a relief for fans and organizers alike.

The football has failed to shine here in the heart of the Ruhr Valley, and so too has the organization. Problems have abounded in plenty of cities around the country, but nowhere has been the epicenter of more chaos than here. The myth of German efficiency is being buried, and Gelsenkirchen is the graveyard.

they're very efficient at saying things that are completely made up.
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There is a logical reason for this world to exist and you europoors spend it watching goy ball.
Truly pathetic little rats.
>jews make things inefficient
>omg it must be the Germans doing this

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Transgenderism is a Jewish plot to enslave humanity.
Humanity is already slaved, havent you talked to any wageSLAVE lately?
No one cares
It will only get worse!
I hate Jewish plots!
*to castrate whites

Count Binface edition
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It's ILLEGAL for you to post on any Public Forum, scumbag Goon.
Galloway will see to your prosecution.
I have some Nigerians living next to me and it's hell. I'd pay a lot more than that if they fucked off back. All I can smell all the time is foetid chicken. Just how the fuck can they make chicken smell so vile anyway? Their kid also never shuts up.

Oh, and the other ones besides me are Pakis. Stinky curries everyday. My house isn't even joined on to theirs...
I know one of them keeps putting their shit in my trash too. Fuckers
This is josh larping as a Russian larping as an American larping as British.
Reminder that non-natives shouldn't be allowed citizenship, the right to vote, and the right to remain once no longer working.

We need to copy the system they have in the UAE/Dubai.
Or, you know, Athens.

Name a movie that you think the world will resemble in the future.

My pick is Judge Dredd
You will own nothing and be happy
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It will never happen, The toilet paper industry is to powerful
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That intro, so solid. It's like James Cameron knew what is to come.
The irony is that none of the cyberpunk dystopias are anywhere near as horrific as the actual world being created.
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Söylent Green
>You will eat each other and be happy

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Since /pol/ likes to discuss about India so much, let's talk about its History: Initially, came the first wave of humans to the indian subcontinent, the now Aboriginals, who still remain in the form of Munda tribes in the eastern part of India and gave us the Bhimbetka cave paintings that is earlier than the one found in France; one of their branches went south to Sri Lanka to form the Veddoid. But, the majority of the branch went onwards as is the Aboriginal way. Next came the first settlers, now contentious amongst the Indic community is that these settlers were from the Northwest of the country and thus simply migrated inwards, whatever be the case, the rise of the Harappan civilisation occurred, which had roots in many places in western and eastern India, not merely in the nation of Pakistan.
During this time, the Indo-Aryans came in, important to note is that the original term Aryan referred to only 10 families, 9 priestly classes and 1 kingly class who were victorious in the Dasarajanaya Yuddha (the battle of ten kings) which is mentioned in the Rgveda. This kingly class was known as Bharata and the name of the king who was the victor was Saudas, and thus modern India is also referred to as Bharat. The losers of this battle were chiefly the Parsus, the predecessors to ancient Persians, who had to leave the land and migrate westwards, away from the protective sphere of the Himalayas, the Gathas(holy to ancient Persisns us written in Avestan, the sister language of Sanskrit) and considered to be the other half of the Samveda.
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Daily reminder that most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]

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On another day

>Krishna's villagers are planning a huge ritual and prayer offering to Indra (The King of Gods)
>The offering included huge loads of dairy including butter

Krishna is like wuuut, one of the Holy Trinity is living with you and you are putting such tremendous effort in pleasing Indra?

Krishna was in the mood of little trolling, he really didn't like them offering his butter to someone else

>Krishna persuades the villagers to stop the ritual and preparations.
>Villagers are like Indra is the God of Rain and Thunder, he would get amgry

Krishna is like, he shouldn't be a god if he gets angry on such little things. It's his duty to give ample rain whether you worship or not.

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Kamsa has lost all his asura underlings, but thanks to their deaths, he has triangulated Krishna's location.

Akroor, One of the Chiefs of Kamsa come to Vrindavana.

He briefs Nanda, Yashoda, Krishna, Balaram and the villagers about the whole story.

Yashoda is heartbroken, everybody is. As they raised Krishna as their own. everybody loved him. But the departing was necessary.

Side Note: Although Devki was his biological mother, the maternal love of Yashoda was so great that she is always mentioned as his true mother.

Kamsa has invited Nanda and Krishna to a wrestling festival and Dhanush Yagya (Ceremony of worshiping the Dhanush).

WWE Smackdown

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Krishna during the age of 10-28 years

It's time for Krishna and Balram's education.

>Both brothers enroll into the gurukul (school) of teacher Sandipani
>The wife of Sandipani treats both brothers like her own sons
>Krishna could see the sadness in the couple's eyes every time they gaze upon the sea

Flash forward

>Krishna and Balram's education is nearing its end.
>Krishna asks about the reason of his Guru's (teacher) sadness
>Sandipani had lost his son to the sea
>Krishna and Balram promise Sandipani that they will bring his son back as their Guru dakshina

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>King Brihadratha of Magadha had married twin daughters of the King of Kashi
>Brihadratha loved both of his wives equally
>But even after years of marriage they had no son
>One day, sage Chandakaushika visited King Brihadratha
>Pitying the King, sage gave a fruit to the King

If the King gives the fruit to his wife to eat, she would be able to conceive a son.

>But Brihadratha loved both of his wives equally
>To not devoid any of his wife motherhood, Brihadratha slices the fruit in two halves and gives each half to each queen.
>Both Queens become pregnant.
>Both Queens delivered half of a child's body

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What’s your opinion on weed?
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Blah, blah! Both pot and alcohol dull senses and help to reset the brain or they would not be used recreationally. If you have too many "abusers", you have a problem with your culture as much as you do with the abusers.

AA and social workers only exist to deliver the party message that they refuse to change for your benefit, but they do have a suicide bomber job for you if you think that will get you a virgin.
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>hippie speedball
Bong Hit and Shot of Espresso
I don't think I ever saw a dead head with that in front of them.
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>dull senses
looks like your senses are already dulled
I like to think that they're just selective.

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Nigger you clearly haven't interacted with the older generations.
it's sad - people become lonelier as they get older since generational warfare is memed so much, probably to separate old money from their children
My 73 year old mother thinks she's in a relationship with the actor Charlie Hunnam
She lost friends over this when they tell her she's getting scammed
I cannot fathom why she would fall for this aside from her being lonely
>it's sad - people become lonelier as they get older since generational warfare is memed so much, probably to separate old money from their children

You clearly haven't seen how toxic boomers and old fucks can be. They DRIVE their children away through their petty bullshit, narcissistic abuse, and mental torture.
Boomer got catfished by a street shitter in Mumbai

Most people where do not like modern western entertainment and resort to Japanese entertainment. But Japanese entertainment is filled with a bunch of really what you’d call degenerate stuff pretty often. It’s a shame western entertainment like youd see in the 90s and early 2000s basically doesn’t exist anymore. Video games like mass effect 1, halo 1, or kotor. Just nice adventures with interesting stories. Im just it sure if it would be good for people to grow up entertainment where every game is filled with anime looking girls.
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No, but Ryza did a collab with Azur Lane which is gacha. Ryza is a console game.
thanks for the info anon
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I Have no problem as far as Music, Macross, LOGH and "the Good" Gundam's (Don't ask TL;DR). It's why this site was started and Ancient Fags first came here.
Get you some Macross keno
Bonus tracks for those who doubt the levels of music tisum the Japanese can reach.
What's with mismatched shoes and single legging?
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Who's ready to die for Israel?
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>he fell for the meta psyop
Many such cases (of falling for it, not covid cases since Covid wasn’t real)
They need to wait until Trump gets back in there so they won't need to do a draft. That way all this silly fake tuff talk about draft dodging on here will magically become, "a lefty thing" in the blink of an eye just like everything else with you guys.
>how would you feel
I feel like this is the most appropriate occasion to inform you that I didn’t eat breakfast this morning,
> I will probably begin working out
>by probably the end of the month

Absolutely 115% NGMI
No it is not

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Why did they remove the number of posters on threads?
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Same reason google removed a way for you to know how many viewers are from which country.
They banned add ons. Now you have to determine who is a jew by what they post and how they write. It's not that difficult. They rarely use contractions and never make any definitive statements that aren't outright devisive. They also like to amplify racism, insults and they especially try to act like they fit in.
Is the word ''fag'' in your ID on purpose?
Idk. You're French, you tell me.
Wonder why they don't just shut this site down if they don't like what's being discussed on it so much.


How did he do, boys?
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It's like pushing a boulder up a mountain, isn't it?
damn this almost makes him seem like a real human bean
>hahaha those are some big words xDDDDD
I hate hatman
i agree with many of andrew's points but his behavior and demeanor is so unattractive its hard to side with him at all lol
He doesn't know when to shut up and listen. He comes across as rather arrogant

Hey /pol/, what's your fav RAC album?
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yeah not gonna lie i tried i really did but its all just shit

openly ideological music is always shit
The memeflag jew fears the RAC
Get this trash out of here...
Hey brother across the border!
Let's proclaim our new order!

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180 days into the stunning hostage rescue operation in Gaza! Prepared to go into the tunnels with nothing but a flashlight and a pistol, and if all else fails - a knife, poured from a crucible in one of TelAviv's legendary steel foundries, forged in the artisan's workshop under the blows of a jewish craftsman who has inherited his trade from his father, who learned it from his. Generations of jewish metalworking and sweat merge into a fine weapon with a blade so strong and an edge so sharp, that if only an elite IDF solder had the will to carry it into the tunnel where the Arabs are, only the enemy's thought of it it would effect a surrender in the fetal position.
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I dont care what science or a priest tells you I am the embodiment of a sexual lobster and I will breach your portcullis and fuck your dog
dick cheese
>sexual lobster
You're going to have to elaborate on that one..
Wouldn’t you like to know fedboi. Keep up those digits though and I will have to invite you to fuck dungeon for some cleansing
And by cleansing i mean an entire bath filled with no name brand tapioca with your cuddly ass inside. I appreciate you and desire your many folds

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Lol you won't do shit Timothy
That's an Irishman not a white person thoughever?
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That's why we need to BLEACHRA-
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>White people are fucking evil

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what is wrong with russians
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Free, fast and cheap healthcare.
Now why would someone rather get shot in the head than taken captive by the good guys?
Six millionth time this webm has been posted without commentary and hit bump limit today; jannies are fucking useless.
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Shouldn't you be traveling to your stupid black cube and dieing of heat stroke, Achmed?
If you don't like it you can just double their salary.

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