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Please be considerate and don't call him a christgolem. His preferred pronouns are shabbos and goy.
>can't refute even a word of what I say
They never can
I accept your concession
>i view you as beneath me or my slave that's why i will put time and effort in trying to offend you
your claims contradict your actions.
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death to the serpent of abraham
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>Except for Rabbi Christ, the
Jesus was not a rabbi you lying rat kike

Post all your kike memes you made about me you buck broken slave. To me or anywhere in this thread
I order you
Your Christian master orders you to post memes about me and you must follow the orders of Christians

Jesus was not a rabbi
Post all your kike memes you made about me you buck broken slave.
I order you
Your Christian master orders you and you must follow the orders of Christians because you are a buck broken kike slave
Jesus was not a "rabbi".
"Rabbi" meant "my master/teacher" in Jesus' day
It was not a title or occupation or profession until around 70 AD,

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i LOVE global warming

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What are the chances of a new hot war opening up between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebannon?
If not high, why do you think the constant menace of war is being spread all over the media constantly?
>see flag
>it's a shitalian talking about sandnigger wars
like pottery
We just fight over pineapple pizza and broken spaghetti my friend.
Not talking but really asking for some opinions.
Soon you will have more niggers in Canada than fucking Uganda.
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Not high enough
War is being normalized because they've been engineering this for years they want young men culled and a "great reset" but you tards keep sleepwalking right into it

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Timisoara, Romania - Same place in 1982 and 2024
Communism vs Capitalism
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>capitalism is giving gibs to browns

Welp I see no lie desu
Government projects are not capitalism. The only capitalist part is the government overpaying by 10x and the difference going to the crooks that have friends in the government.
Not everything is progress.
why do we need super advanced tech? i would be happy if the tech just stayed thr same as 1994 forever
Timeless sovl vs Modern shit

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Ukraine targets innocent Russian civilians, with American missiles, why ?
Is it some sort of last resort ? Are they trying to escalate the war ?

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And they don't know how to make a good Wiener schnitzel.
Directed by Forte skynegro.

I hate that fucker so much, Cucktin needs to order it shot down.
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even russians support killing russians
how is it edgy?
Civilians are bombarded since day one of the conflict starting in 2014
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>*russian military was bombarded in 2014
it's only when the USA got into the fray that russian civilians were killed, as russians are cucks and the USA is based

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Is there a more compact and potent redpill than Steve Jackson's 1995 NWO trading card game? I hate debating with NPC, its much better to just destroy their world view deep down, if they are stubborn. They're not worth the key strokes or breathe. Is there any real valid arguments here?! What would a fact checker say?
>No, the NWO trading card game did not predict the future!
This is the only way msm will address disturbing predictive programming.
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Weird to think that card existed way before the Flat Earth movement became famous...it's as if
someone has been laughing at us because we see the script of life and think it's all coincidences and random events.
>It's as if someone has been laughing at us because we see the script of life and think it's all coincidences and random events.
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I hate cats, I hate these disgusting evil creatures, and I hate modern society even more for loving these beasts. The only animals that deserve human empathy are dogs and even they don't deserve that much empathy because they have dog breeds like niggerbulls, this modern society's adoration of animals is sick ,an abomination,I'm a bit misanthropic and I'm not a huge fan of people either, but this worship of nature and animals in modernity is really disgusting .
i accidentally sharted and now i'm too scared to move so the rest doesn't come out of my asshole

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>Plz nerf iron chariots, they're too OP
- Sincerely, God
Just because God is "with you" it doesn't mean he is directly aiding you in your battle.
You are genuinely retarded if you really think that verse is trying to say God can't defeat Iron chariots.

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A civil war can be something as simple as violent packs of citizens assaulting anything they perceive threating, it doesn't have to be skilled armed combat. It's a matter of scale more than skill.
nobody wants to join that shitfest anymore. I can't blame the oligarchs because they really didn't have a choice.

the military used to rely heavily on white recruitment. what changed isn't anything to do with diversity, it was because the military was a breeding ground for white nationalism. our oligarchs are rightfully fearful of a military overthrow but those same oligarchs need to maintain and expand their interests abroad and soft power doesn't always work.

so without white recruitment they looked to non whites
however there is a big problem there. the military has a 83IQ minimum. that right there eliminates close to half of non whites (minus East Asians of course).
also if you're non white the gibs are just too good to even think about it.
why on earth would a non white want to join the military? gibs are good at home and a lifetime of playing the victim is better than actually having to do something.
any non white with an IQ above 83 can earn more than the military or gibs have to offer just by simply being themselves and not violent.

of course there are women but they're excluded from combat positions, support is an absolute must but at the end of the day somebody has to be the one doing the war fighting.
the military will work with fat asses, nut jobs, and crooks, so don't let anybody tell you that bars someone from service. however the IQ thing is real and they won't bend on that, no retards.

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The bongs are already starting with the ultro low emission cameras
I think the true civil war concerns will pass completely in a decade.
the "War on Terror" produced around 2-3 million combat vets. an 18 y/o around 9/11 would be in his 40s now. most of them are in their 30s/40/s now and in 10 years the bulk of them will be in their 50s if they haven't offed themselves or die in Ukraine.

so they won't be a threat by 2035.
When ppl talk about civil war they usually mean in the next 3 years, not 10.

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These brits have had enough and are beginning to remove the eyes of tyranny from their streets.
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those cameras are only used to persecute the natives.
>won’t hunt down paki pedos

The shills always trying to make it seem like someone among the people is the enemy, because the shills and whoever they represent is the true enemy.

Pay your surveillance rental fees or get evicted, bitch.
Uh. I'm more clueless than the police think the criminals are, I guess. What does this warning even mean?
Most of the pedos are british, and involved in government or running corporations whose policies are adverse to the people.

Does anyone believe this crap anymore? They want you focused on fighting amongst each other rather than exterminating them.
Oh wait. The people cutting down the poles illegally must have posted those. They meant "keep putting cameras up and we'll cut the poles down." I get it now.

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Let's have a wagie thread.
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Nah you'll go to church and find a girl, you will quit bad habits and simply VERY SIMPLY GET OUT MORE

when you are busy you'll never get a partner

Trick is you have to be there
Can't believe it took this long
Living off the charity of family, friends, or church; inheritance, or NEETbux.
I work two months and then i have 7 free (unpayed) days
OP is a faggot.

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If you were to pick a place where you would live for the rest of your life after reaching the age of 50, which one would you choose?
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Don't tell me you can collect neetbux while outside of the US?
If so I will kill myself.
to be fair i think your food might be shittier than them
Thai Food is amazing. Dont get me wrong I love my German/English slop. but Thai is near the top of my favorite food. And your women are incredible pretty.
Croatia any day.
OP is a faggot.

Does anyone have a valid reason for people to not support him besides him being gay or Mexican? Let's be real, no one cares about either of those in 2024
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He isn't allying with them. After he talks with them about the jews he goes back on his show and says niggers smell like shit. Retard.
Because he's a gay Mexican women hating theocrat fed.
Hitler wasn't a Christian.
Fuentes has niggers in his "movement" you dumb spic. Fuentes isn't pro-White, only anti-Jew. He's a fraudulent spic.
The only doubt I have about him is that glowies never charged him like they did everyone else.

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im starting to think this board is 95% chatbots, ai and glowies.
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left all day
That's probably because it is.
10k regulars officially so we are looking at 500 or so with those numbers. Id say anywhere between 5-10% are actual people and the rest glowniggers, bots and americans stationed abroad.
Its probably a thousand or so still but most posters outside the US are just gay latinos stationed abroad.
Its so bad that you can see a direct correlation between newfags and low quality shilling form a country each time a new US military base is opened up there.
no shit sherlock, we're just here to jewpill the ai. i hope you werent here for conversation. ask yourself, in all your years on this board, how many friends have you made?

BREAKING: Heavy gunfire reported at 2 locations in Russia's Dagestan region. Synagogue on fire
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>stash weapons in the synagogue
>Terrorist get them and burn them to destroy evidence
>Burn church and kill civilians
Nice glowOP
Another Muslim roach
Yeah everything is a glow OP. All Muslims are peace loving people that would never hurt others.
jews attacking themselves for insurance money

if hes a devout christian then why doesnt he have a wife and kids? hes 25.

is it because hes unable to rizz up a girl? if thats the case then it takes away a lot of the power behind his words
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>T Jethrow with 6 keeds at 35
Nigga you are retarded, most young men are childless. As far as merit goes, no one is going to be shaping the political conversation about anything you will ever say lolololol. Absurd critique.
>Physiognomy is real
And context dependent. So I ask again, what are you looking for? A dad? A hero? What is this? Seems like you are looking for more than political content.
Go to Wildcard boxing gym in Los Angles. A lot of greats train there. The guy that runs the place is named Freddy, and he doesn't look like he could fight at all. He trains world champions in boxing and MMA though. I'm not sure why you are worried about the look of the guy. Worry about yourself.
Still typing that gay shit I see, and everyone calling you out about it lmao. Gay ass nigga.
>most young men are childless
most young males*. Big difference. Stop making excuses like a child

>As far as merit goes, no one is going to be shaping the political conversation about anything you will ever say lolololol.
My views are not my own, it's pretty much basic human instinct and traditionalism stemming back millennia. If you got a problem with that, it's probably cause you're zogwashed. By the way: men aren't looking up to a kid twink like NF, only immature babbys are with babby takes

Is you rambling anecdotal about your faggot escapades in LA suppose to disprove the objective fact that NF looks like and behaves like a twink rat? Yah nah, u both gay
It proves that you are an idiot that doesn't understand competence. It also suggests you might be projecting some of this homo stuff since you are obsessed with another man's looks over the substance of his words. Whatever you are looking for, it is more than political commentary,

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>Do you know that I'm Jewish, anon?
How do you respond?
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>>Do you know that I'm Jewish, anon?
>How do you respond?
I offer to show her what a foreskin looks like.
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Give her the ol plap plap in the brap brap if you know what I mean
This bait stinks.
I'm jewish too, wanna fug?
Only matters if you're in her guts already. If not, move on.

I just want to live somewhere beautiful and White. Is that too much to ask?
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while you're living in poverty, non-whites are in the cities getting rich and will eventually come to gentrify your white areas. It's over
Make your dreams reality cracker.
Yes. When I went to my high school there were about 80 in my graduating class. There were maybe four black kids. The graduating class this year had over 200 kids and only around 30% of them were white. You can do the math on that one and see that most of that enrollment swell was Section 8 hood trash overcrowding that rural school. They’re now clamoring to raise county taxes to build bigger schools. They should NEVER have built this “affordable housing” here. It’s flipped the city blue, soon to flip the neighboring rural county (my old high school location), increased crime, and hurt all of the local schools, one school in the city being now 80% black and the absolute worst. You see a school bus drive by now and it’s mostly black kids and an increasing swell of Hispanics. This was deliberately done to us. I wish there were some kind of zoning laws or ordinances banning Section 8 apartment jungle blocks from being erected in rural areas. It changes fucking everything.
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>no hay oxxos, bodega aurrera , tianguis o niñas de secundaria en uniforme como putitas
hard pass, enjoy your solitude and depressed way of living
Come to northern Wyoming.
Anything east of Gillette.
There are jobs, great healthcare, you can mention the JQ in bars without being kicked out.
The Boomers are dying and their replacements are pissed off Millennials irritated about the state of the currency since '08.
The jews are leaving in droves claiming we're antisemitic.
There is a meth and alcohol problem with the degenerates but they largely keep to themselves.
We're 95% white, mostly Italian, German, and Russian decent.
The "Natives" stay in their reservations and know better than to come to town and start shit. They'll be buried in "their" land without a headstone if they act like niggers.
Come home, white man.

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A new dawn falls upon us, Anons.
From this strange, yet appealing, site many
things were born, lies, hatred and jokes,
however, many truths were shared, many
times have we seen the dark side of humanity
through international sharing of ideas,
videos and news.

A new time is upon us, soon many of
you will be drafted to a war, a war that is
not against any country, no, countries no
longer exist. This war is against you, Anon.

The governments of the world are changing,
Laws will change, you'll die, and that's the

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They are mere puppets of something bigger,
many "gods" watch us and control the ropes from
the background. The incompetents (I agree with you) are but pieces of chess, like all of us.
I am sorry if I sounded rude or arrogant, that was not what I wanted. I understand your view and I respect it.
Do not fear the monkey, fear the one who plays the accordion.
Not now, at least not until the coming of the New
Messiah awaited by many religions worldwide.
Mars suffered from it own hubris.
The civilizations there were destroyed by their
own capacity of understanding the power
of certain weapons. War raged on Mars like
we humans have ever seen on Earth.
However, we must have known about the war
there, after all, most religions and traditions
associate Mars with War and the Gods of War.
Soon Earth will disappear, not now, but soon.
Most religions see a new earth for humans,
for those who couldn't escape this Samsara.
Unlike other races in the universe mankind

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They aren't gods and they don't have our best interest in mind. They have been telling channelers and mediums about the "turning of the Age" or the "New Aeon" for over a hundred years now. It is always the same. A great filter and most decent people won't make it. You have to adapt to the "new way" that is just following your lizard brain and pretending it is enlightenment while you destroy yourselves. What is waiting on the other side of the veil isn't what you think it is. There is no golden age coming.
>was not capable of understanding the concept
of the One

Humanity of homo sapiens kind is still children. In the area of 3 to 5 years in human terms.
And this applies to everything that is human.

Plus the influence of nasty "older brothers and sisters" who did not share a beautiful chair and a beautiful stick and beautiful clothes.

Eh, the kiddies will turn out quite alright with a bit of motivation ... ;)

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And all I want is for my frens to know.
Very sorry to hear you're not my fren.
I'll be yours anyway.
they keep gambling it seems.
>they keep gambling
So much gambling is done. Infathomably much.

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