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>Another day, another escalation
- Glowie regime Schoof is ready for (world) war
- PVV Klever: ‘Replacement theory is the factual representation of demographic development’
- The Netherlands - France today: 0 - 0 because of ‘offside’
- Rutte new NATO chief, Hungary cucked and Romania too
- Media seething because Fleur Agema made the 'OK' gesture
- UvA Science Park cleared by the riot police
- Pro-Palestine protestors had occupied and barricaded UvA Science park and did shield training, but have left after threats of the riot police. Cameras also sabotage d (based)
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists'
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’ and funny

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waar de kanker heeft adriaan het vandaag nou weer over zeg

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Governments are going to start forcing NEETs into 6 day work weeks. (And working 2 hours for free a week)
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There are not enough families to adopt all the greeks
Greeks don't work anyway they just get remittances from their relatives in Canada and US
so there are now six days per week when Greeks pretend to work?
German has a 6 day workweek

I don’t think the FDIC will insure your account in the case of the inevitable bank collapse and bail out.
As many of you know the fractional reserve requirement was reduced to 0% during covid:
Which means they have no money on hand.
The FDIC has been telling some banks their plans for bankruptcy aren’t sufficient:
There has also been unexplained closures and wiping of bank accounts:
Due to “abuses”.
And guess what? FDIC doesn’t cover losses from cyber crime:
And you know what one of the “biggest threat” to our banking system apparently is? Cyber crime from foreign actors:

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Ya no shit

that's you become your own bank
The cyprus haircut: instead of giving back the deposits, banks gave out stonks shares that were worthless
fucking uneducated zoomer swine
>The use of bail-ins was evident in Cyprus, a country saddled with high debt and the potential for bank failures. The country's banking industry grew after Cyprus joined the European Union (EU) and the Eurozone. This growth, coupled with risky investments in the Greek market and risky loans from two large domestic lenders, led to government intervention in 2013. A bailout wasn't possible, as the federal government didn't have access to global financial markets or loans. Instead, it instituted the bail-in policy, forcing depositors with more than 100,000 euros to write off a portion of their holdings, a levy of 47.5%.
lol fuck off no one has touched my fucking money yet, and they never will. crypto is solid and it has been under constant attack by the entire western banking system and medias and governments and it still stands. loud n proud. if crypto wasn't legit, it would have been destroyed ages ago.
Funny ive been seeing the exact opposite. Banks and jews have been trying to encourage people to go into crypto.. larry fink and the whole etf debacle are proof in the pudding. What ive observed is that jews do not want people holding precious metals.
>stands loud and proud
A cold wallet does not mean the wealth is yours, it belongs to the ledger administrator. Seed phrases can be blacklisted from the blockchains. It is even worse than a bank.

For its new report, the Claims Conference said it defined Holocaust survivors “based on agreements with the German government in assessing eligibility for compensation programs.”

For Germany, that definition includes all Jews who lived in the country from Jan. 30, 1933, when Hitler came to power, to May 1945, when Germany surrendered unconditionally in World War II.

The group handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis and negotiates compensation with Germany’s finance ministry every year. In June, the Claims Conference said that Germany has agreed to extend another $1.4 billion, (1.29 billion euros), overall for Holocaust survivors around the globe for 2024.

Since 1952, the German taxpayer has paid more than $900 billion to individuals for suffering and losses resulting from persecution by the Nazis.
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He is literally me!
This shit is a million times worse than the treaty of Versailles….
Because jews are responsible for like 900% of the world's problems.
>$900 billion
That's $150,000 per "victim."

Sign me up for the next holocaust i want to be oppressed.
the jewrmans enforced it, along with taking in every sandnigger.

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Mummy jk rowling has endorsed the Stalinist "Communist Party of Britain" for the 2024 british general election after they made a statement on biological sex being real. She previously two days ago wrote an opinion piece stating she would "struggle" to vote for the Labour party due to Keir Starmer being "offensive".
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>sex-based rights
You retards know this is going to be used to exclusively discriminate against men, don't you?

- better restrooms for women
- better locker rooms in school for women/girls
- female-only spaces
- male-only laws and punishments
- male-only taxes

It's like the last 200 years didn't even happen for some of you
Tell us comrade, why do you need to own "rights" to your books? You do not need this now, we will take good care of you in gulag.
You will have the lot. You do not need billions of dollars. The Party™ needs this to prevent the evil bourgeoisie from corrupting our plans.
You will be henceforth known as useful idiot # 1,000,013. Oh too bad comrade, the number 13 :(
I have a fat dick

U.K. is unusual in that, unlike in the USA, most of the anti-trans stuff comes from part of the feminist left. (Terfs). British terfs are a big thing and it has made American woke trannies hate Brits on Twitter.

From what I understand, the British communist party got sick of woke shit creating purity spiralling and they sussed out that it was distracting from economic issues. So they went full terf.

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>Jacksonville, FL rapper Foolio reportedly shot and killed while celebrating his 26th birthday last night

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>some soundcloud rapper died
Oh no!
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These random killings of gangster rappers are so strange. Makes zero sense that gloating criminals would end up dead in the head.
It's a pity. We never linked up.
my nigger sneed
>one more dead nigger, at least one white man, woman, and/or child that will live because of it


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>> Drawn By: Dwight D. York[2][3][4] (born June 26, 1945),[1][5][6] also known as Malachi Z. York,[2][3] Issa al-Haadi al-Mahdi,[3] et alii,[2][3][1] is an American criminal, black supremacist, pedophile, and convicted child molester, best known as the founding leader of several black Muslim groups in New York, most

He's a pretty good Artist isn't he?
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Is there very little genetic diversity in that country? Would explain the low IQ and how they literally all look the same.

Even Africans in Europe pretend to be American blacks and try to follow their accent, manner, and fashion though.
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If anyone pushes to bring these people into your country, (((they))) don't have your best interests in mind and they just want to harm you and your society.
light bulb heads

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>dead Russian cops
>burnt down Synagogue
>burnt down Orthodox Church
Everyone won today
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if ukraine was winning the spam would be unnecessary
Fucking idiot isis is a mossad cia operation
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Burn in hell
Russians/pro-russian supporters killed on the beach i hope and day is 11/10.

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In spirit of Democracy and free debate we should compromise and adopt the reasonable centrist position of Partial Nigger Death. It’s also the cheapest option; all you need to do is stop sending them humanitarian aid and they’ll die naturally of starvation and STDs. A true rational Democratic classical liberal centrist patriotic statesman such as myself supports PND.

Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night
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i usually hide things behind books
That curry nigger is gone months, and so is the scotch, update your shit Shlomo
Yes, shitskins are helpless at night. like chickens hunted by the fox
Look at the glowopper trying to create fights between whites, Indians and East Asians. The Jews and good goys up top must be very afraid of commoners joining forces. The Elite fell for their own propaganda of race being just skin deep. They thought if they imported any other kind of person, it would be the exact as importing black Africans. Turns out everyone is more disciplined than black Africans and a few groups even have strong cultural similarities with whites. Notably the Indians and East Asians. Now the Elite is in a real pickle. Their banking control scam is being exposed across all racial lines and some of the different races are showing a willingness to work together. That wasn't supposed to happen. It was supposed to be an endless game of divide and rule while the Elite gloated their way to Heaven. Thus, you see them trying to stir trouble where before they wouldn't dare. Surely you've noticed the totally spontaneous and pushed everywhere all at once attacks on Indians, right? People began to figure out that was Elitists doing all that. Now they are going back to the blue eyes vs the world lie to try to get some Nazi scares going. All to keep commoner fighting commoner and take more rights away from Plebians.
Blue eyed whites are discriminated against by law since the "civil rights," era. Only your jealousy of such beauty keeps you thinking they have any privileges. So what if a lot of people lust madly over the color pattern? They get pushed to the back of the line in hiring and everywhere else. They can't have their own communities and are the butt of every joke. When they say mean words to your fragile ego, you can charge them with hate crimes. That sure is some privilege they've got.

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>the only one who has straight sex in the entire show
>a woman on a rooftop tells him she's jewish and his response is "I guess you won't be going to heaven then" and throws her off the building to her death
>keeps a small picture of a swastika on his nightstand in season 4
>tells non-Aryan to get in the oven
yea im thinking he's /ourguy/
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Have you met his father?
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This. Should have just let Hitler finish his job. Jews will be in Madagascar and commies will be in mass graves
He’s by far the least degenerate man in the show. His one kink is breast milk, which is frankly tame in real life and incredibly normal when compared to most of the other characters.
He was never a nazi. He’s got boomer level racism (hates goat fuckers and looks down on various other browns but doesn’t care much so long as they have superpowers). He is, however, a magneto level mutant supremacist, and even more so a narcissist. He doesn’t believe in a superior race so much as he believes himself to be superior to everyone.

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>Horrors beyond comprehension
"Sign my 100 bill, trump!"
lets goo
>Fuck Timmy's Gon do?!
Post Krispy Kreme for a real nigga coffee and donut store
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YouTube doesnt have an on going 24x7 professional psyops program aimed at it, yet.
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cursed digits
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>We will rise again!

Even the psyops here have crumbled into ashes, to be dispersed by the wind.
The hottest flames produce the finest steel.

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>Almost £1.5 million in taxpayer funding has been awarded to a research project that aims to “decolonise” folk singing.
>They then hope to “increase accessibility to the folk club scene and take the first step in a process of decolonisation within the folk music canon”.


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>Wypepol ant got noz culcha!
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I hate this gay world. The fact that I even know browns exist means my parents failed.
>Removing whites from white culture in white countries using white taxpayer money is somehow "decolonizing"?
Nah they are just stealing money. Pure and simple.
I would consider removing London and the Vatican agents. Before country is completely destroyed.
Do you have non paywall?

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How about tomorrow, Monday, 6/24, at 2pm central time.
Don't know the time in HI.
love me some jingo. shame it will never work here after the one during ww2, the pms tried too hard for support with their anti brit shit
Two cunts in a clown car.
That's all it takes to derail your elitist schemes.
Israeli Forces in Rafah have just received orders to mop up and mob North.

I thought white people were good at chess?
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>they are white when I want them to be
The only true non whites are pajeets.
All pajeets are coached by russian coaches.
Abasov - russian last name, whathisflag? Azerbaijan? Soviet / russian chess school..

Caruana is white euro jew, he's ashkenazi.

Firuja is iranian, that lived and played all his life in Russia, I think in St.Petersburg.

The jews on chess.com banned Russia , so people go under different flags and countries.
Dialogue like these makes me have the concept of white. Armenian is literally caucasoid, over 1 billion people in this world are caucasoid. If Iranians aren't white I don't care about this term anymore.
Is Caruana Jewish for sure? I want to know. I know Nepomniatchi is

Gu means poop in my language

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The Bombay High Court has sought a response from Serum Institute of India, Microsoft founder Bill gates, the Government of India, and others on a petition filed by a father who blamed the side effects Covid-19 vaccine -Covishield killing his daughter. The man has demanded compensation of ₹1,000 crore from the vaccine manufacturer.

Dilip Lunawat, the petitioner, claimed that his daughter Snehal Lunawat was compelled to take Covid -19 vaccine at her college in Nashik on January 28 as she came under the ‘healthcare worker’ category.

Snehal was a doctor and a senior lecturer at SMBT dental college and hospital at Dhamangaon in Maharashtra.

The father said, his daughter was administered with Covishield vaccine, which is developed by the Serum Institute of India. Dilip Lunawat said his daughter took the first dose on January 28, 2021.

Days later, she suffered severe headaches and vomiting. She was taken to the hospital and doctors founder bleeding in her brain, the father said in the court's petition.

And on March 1, Snehal passed away. The petitioner claimed that Covishield's side effects led to his daughter's death.

"Dr Snehal Lunawat administered her first dose of vaccine on January 28, 2021, after getting convinced by the alleged false narrative. Later on March 1, 2021, Sneha lost the battle of life due to the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine as claimed by father Dilip Lunawat," the petition mentioned.


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wanna laugh a bit?
oh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
oh GOD, we indian men are GAY!!!!

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Do you have bachelor taxes in your country?
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Man those Uyghurs chicks are 10/10, I can't blame Chinky
Still cheaper than a wife
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as a neet i cant afford bachelor tax, sory
Sounds like the cost of being free from women. Still cheaper than divorce rape.
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I swear to God I'd kill a lot of people

if hes a devout christian then why doesnt he have a wife and kids? hes 25.

is it because hes unable to rizz up a girl? if thats the case then it takes away a lot of the power behind his words
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You wouldn't make it anyways
Typing all that gay shit is why you're still a virgin btw
Projection 101. You will never be a man, anon. You will forever be a childless male
Uh huh, yeah. I remember my first time on /pol/ mania. Grass is waiting dude being a text freak ain't helping you.
Enjoy working while she's fucking the mailman.

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'member few years back when a /pol/ack rejected women on Tinder telling them he is not into transgender women and see them melting in chat? Good times

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