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Now they claim they "Stand for Peace" while Ukrainians are being forcefully drafted.
Of course comments are turned off, just like democratic elections to change Jewlensky.

When people will stand up to their lies and cynicism ?
Why when Jewlensky speaks he is trying to look so tough ?
He dodged draft 3 times, he even made jokes about this in his comedy and now
he is pretending to be some sort of soldier who will never give up while in reality
he never was in the army and he is kidnapping people from the streets.


thread theme:
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Nafo troons are globalist cucks. Hows enlistment going?
On the bright side of things, when full war breaks out all the NATO trannies that are shitting on our threads will go to war and die a horrible death, and then conversations will be more pleasant on /pol/.
Remember all the vaxxies that were telling us how we will 'obey the vax mandates and have no choice'. Notice how they haven't been around anymore. It's because they're all dead from the vaxx.
This reminds me, I'm pretty sure vaxxing is mandatory in the military so if russian shells don't kill NATO cucks, turbo cancers will!
it was 3000 according to the UN, lying faggot
Fuck russia kill them all

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Boomers are so lucky man
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shit it's a fucking badge of honor to be called white today. imagine being proud of being a nigger

yeah no, call me an uncle tom whitey all fucking day if it means I'm not a god damned cursed nigger.
Nigga doesn't know what a refi is
>Should I have him pay..
>Should I continue to let him...

Not healthy speech. This kid is an absolute cunt counting his parent's belongings as his own and willing to put more financial strain on them for his benefit.

Absolutely fucking horrifying.
Only $110 a month payment. No shit it’s going to take so long.
You're welcome.

Why can't supervillians ever be like good looking chads instead of dweebs like this?
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To keep normies having hope that they're better than these people by making them act and carry themselves as "nerds". Imagine if Bill Gates looked like Brad Pitt normies would commit suicide in droves.
Bill gates is a literal kike with a underground bunker
And windows likes using you more and more with each update.
>t. gayer than cum on a moustache
Does porn addiction really cause prostate cancer?

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Dad of Autistic son mocks him, while he's sitting there. Is this what more dads should do?


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If BRICS wants to deal a crippling blow, they should retaliate by sanctioning Israel. I imagine a huge portion of the Israeli economy is with BRICS. The reaction by the world order would be cataclysmic. The Jews scream bloody murder from students chanting BDS, imagine the largest world economy (China) refusing to business with Israel. Just think of the possibilities, and it could possibly lead to the falling of the western world order.
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>tank your own significantly smaller and less resilient economy to own the jews
not gonna work mutt. but go ahead and try, make me laugh
to the oven with u
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India is going to be a problem.
Believe it or not, but Israel isn't a significantly large enough economy in the world to have much of an effect on world trade. There's cities in China that have a larger population than Israel, just one city. I'm not sure how you think any other economy than Israel's would be destroyed.
Jews don’t care if Israel goes down. They control America and the West with international finance, and that’s what matters

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Just 68 days untill /pol/ meets up in San Francisco.

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I agree....if a white dude converts to islam and still hates niggers and kikes I will respect his faith.

Putin also reminds me of mr. lahey from sunnyvale.

Also all fields for this pointless slide thread
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>implying muslims are the source of your problems
Mykola, Cucknada is a great example of what globohomo means, you should have realised that by now.
Islam is the most holy religion on Earth. It's sacred and the Quran (the holiest book of all) should be sacred for all.

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Humiliation ritual.
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even if he uses muh nukes he will alwats be the special military operation cuck
This old cuckold has properties all over Europe so he hopes him not retaliating tit for tat means EU will let him keep his illegal properties.

Russia will lose this war and collapse until somone breaks this cuckold's head into two and nukes Ukraine as warning to not fuck around.
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The clock is ticking.
A nuke would turn even his last trade partners against him, besides maybe NK and Iran which are irrelevant
If Ukrainians wanted their own comeback they’d get it from your moms chin

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Self Sufficiency and Prepping General. Ask questions, show off your pres, and discuss the general state of the shit show everywhere you go.

>gardening and animal husbandry as always
>diy skills and crafts like soap making, rain barrels, general questions about how to do something
>weapons and firearms for hunting and defensive purposes
>other general outdoorsmanship

Last thread >>471784839

Recent topics of discussion:
>Idaho Department of Water Resources cutting off water to farmers, no drought to report of, and news the East Palestine explosion poisoned 16 states
>Russian subs off East Coast
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you can can it, its super easy
>Don’t get too stuck on permaculture. Do what works instead. Earn money. Be humble. You can do it.
wow i like you. gardening is a poor mans hobby, you would be amazed what you can grow without spending thousands of dollars. every year /pol/ tells me how bad my soil sucks and how i need to buy a few truck loads of compost. today at about 7' my tomato plants bent the whole tomato cage over again.
Important thread. God helps those who help themselves.
>future of low effort lifestyles.
>low effort
kek, you sound like my neighbor, his stupid food forest doesn't produce shit. he thinks he needs more wood chips like back to eden.
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made a gallon of blackberry wine yesterday.

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I'm at the point where I don't even care if society is racist towards Black people or not because they honestly deserve it. They're only 12% of the population yet they've terrorized the entire nation. Entire cities have become uninhabitable because they're so violent you can't live around them. Honestly though, the crime and violence is only half the reason they deserve to receive racist sentiment. The other big reason is that I just cannot fucking stand all their whining anymore. Whining about being arrested more often even though they deserve it because they commit so much crime, whining about how people don't like them when the reason people don't like them is because they are violent, vulgar, degenerate, and refuse to take responsibility for the way their community behaves.

Nearly all of them have racial grievances against White people for things that happened a whole fucking lifetime ago at this point. You can't live in neighborhoods where there are too many of them because it inevitably turns into a shithole. And there is literally nowhere on Earth that this isn't the case. I can't think of one single majority Black place in the world that is desirable to live in... Not one!

Niggers and White people should not have to live around one another. We are not compatible with each other and forcing Blacks and Whites to live together (unless the Black people are in very small numbers like 5% or less) is a recipe for disaster.

The left keeps whining about racism racism racism! And then the right says "we're not racist!" But nobody seems to ask the question... Do Blacks simply deserve to receive racist sentiment? I am starting to feel like they do. Until they stop whining about racism and take accountability for the fact that their community's behavior is why people don't like them and that they need to fix their community's behavior... I think they deserve the racism their community creates towards them.
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If we could just openly talk about inherent differences between racial groups, then I would have pity for them. In this backwards world of total forced equality, then there is little choice but to despise them
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>They're only 12% of the population
My ancestors bought Sub-Saharan African slaves because that is what they had to sell. Chattel slavery has been endemic to that part of the world for millenia. Colonialism was about trade. We traded what they were selling. Blaming the West for slavery is ridiculous. Northern Africans became so obsessed with slavery that they kept raiding Europe for slaves. Multiple wars were fought to end the practice. That continent is the one that is obsessed with slavery.
I'm not talking about the world you dumbass.
I would have pity for them if there was no affirmative action and we were allowed to live in separate areas instead of being forced to mix together.

Sneako claims they are trying to groom kids on mass. He does not have a source or any evidence.
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Is Sneako some kind of mixed negroid white? The right in America seems to be mostly annoying mullatos with strong views
No one expected a cuck to score high?
>letting sodom and gomorrah into your assembly
its like the Lord doesnt agree with this.
Jesus fuck, you really think looking at a toddler makes some a pedo?
I got molested by a bunch of girls 5 years older than me when I was 11
I'm into femdom now

Did Nigel fuck up with the ukraine stuff? I agree with him but a lot of right wing normies still believe in rUkraine and still think its the cold war
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how much tax did you pay today?
(((who))) did it benefit?
fuck this "nation" and fuck you
Doesn't matter he's right. He's torpedoed his voterbase. He just shouldn't have said it
>how much tax did you pay today?
none, sunday is the lords day

You absolute CUNT

What do you call your vassal states?

Disingenuous, dissimulating CUNT

People across the World still look up to and adore you France.

Remember who you are.

Remind us who you are.

I'll never stop wanting to be French.

i spend more time in the office because it has air conditioning and i turn it to the max, the company is not even mad because it has solar panels

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Why do jewish IDF women look like fat gypsy lesbians ?
Let's talk about Romanian women, OP.
Because jews are a mongral subhuman race they've been mixed with almost every group
assuming that turns op on

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My 3rd death threat from Trump supporters over my 2 Joe Biden signs in my front yard.
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heres your bump jew
That means they are afraid. You trolled them into pure madness. If they’re acting like schizos, from a piece of cardboard, you’ve already won. That was the whole point of the sign.
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Context since OP is a faggot.

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Share your experience here. What is the final solution to this problem?
Are you targeted for your political views or for something else?
Why are they so scared of certain individuals that they devote this much time, money, energy, glowniggers to this project? Discuss.
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I am not a glownigger, I genuinely wanted to help you to understand the situation and to raise awareness about targetting. There will be an inner realisation in you later, than you will understand.

They don't follow someone who does not pose a threat to their oppressive evil system. It is what is inside of you, that is what they are scared of. You have something they will never have.
The orbs are UFO’s charging up, larping as an orb temporarily. Nice rendering.
Are you journo nigger ? Trying to gather information about the gangstalking hell ?
>you have something they will never have
They usually target Souled beings, so we have a soul, something they dont have or lost it.
The main goal of their tactics is to prevent us souled beings from ever connecting.
>Can't just crib motherfuckers?
i had to call the ebonics hotline and submit a query, but it turns out you mean
>Can't they just kill them?

and you're exactly right, which is why 99% of them are a LARP. if you were any sort of threat to them, they'd either outright kill you, or you'd suddenly have kiddie porn on your computer.
the reason they do it is simply to drive certain people crazy in the hopes that they do a terrorism, among other things.

when selecting individuals, they don't choose them based on high intelligence or some "threat level: demon" bullshit. they choose based upon how easily their ego can be stroked. it's easy to identify.

so when these people with enormous egos begin to get poked and prodded, they begin to lash out at the nearest person, and give them a good news story to work with. this is why you only see White people being "targeted". they want you to do a terrorism.
it's much like when you see in the classroom where an especially gifted troll is able to bait someone into anger against the wrong person by using something as simple as spitballs.

so anyone making reasonable claims about being harassed has outed the fact that the FBI has identified them as an egomaniac who is also stupid enough to do a terrorism for their agenda.
>They don't follow someone who does not pose a threat to their oppressive evil system. It is what is inside of you, that is what they are scared of. You have something they will never have.
here's a perfect example of stroking a retard's ego. thanks for demonstrating, glownigger.

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How much land do you own? Do you grow? You know only people who own land should be able to vote, right?
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property taxes are ridiculously low in Poland
it's a leftover of communism, believe it or not
I pay the equivalent of around $150 per year in property taxes for a 10 000 square feet plot with my house on it
Nobody cares what a fat, disgusting and cowardly man thinks "should" happen. I know from experience
Any growing you are doing (including growing that gut and ass all day eating...) is coping for the reasons I mentioned or some others very similar
I really wish it was another way but I'm afraid it is not
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You don't need to scrub young potatoes. Just move them around in water.
Industrial warfare requires too many people, if you only allow land owning people to vote. How are you going to convince the rest of your population to fight in a war?
Military service should be the requirement to get the right to vote.
>Its one of the only things protecting you from rich people buying up all the land and leaving none for anyone else

Not really you get kicked off your land and black-rock or someone affiliated buys it with unlimited printed funds.
They do it to keep housing scarce and thus more valuable. If you wanted to make it deterrent for rich people you should not allow corporations to buy (since they will use taxes to cancel gains) also small amount of land should be untaxed up untill a point. So old man with a garden doesnt get kicked out because some jew built a mall and land value rose.

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A new dawn falls upon us, Anons.
From this strange, yet appealing, site many
things were born, lies, hatred and jokes,
however, many truths were shared, many
times have we seen the dark side of humanity
through international sharing of ideas,
videos and news.

A new time is upon us, soon many of
you will be drafted to a war, a war that is
not against any country, no, countries no
longer exist. This war is against you, Anon.

The governments of the world are changing,
Laws will change, you'll die, and that's the

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Not now, at least not until the coming of the New
Messiah awaited by many religions worldwide.
Mars suffered from it own hubris.
The civilizations there were destroyed by their
own capacity of understanding the power
of certain weapons. War raged on Mars like
we humans have ever seen on Earth.
However, we must have known about the war
there, after all, most religions and traditions
associate Mars with War and the Gods of War.
Soon Earth will disappear, not now, but soon.
Most religions see a new earth for humans,
for those who couldn't escape this Samsara.
Unlike other races in the universe mankind

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They aren't gods and they don't have our best interest in mind. They have been telling channelers and mediums about the "turning of the Age" or the "New Aeon" for over a hundred years now. It is always the same. A great filter and most decent people won't make it. You have to adapt to the "new way" that is just following your lizard brain and pretending it is enlightenment while you destroy yourselves. What is waiting on the other side of the veil isn't what you think it is. There is no golden age coming.
>was not capable of understanding the concept
of the One

Humanity of homo sapiens kind is still children. In the area of 3 to 5 years in human terms.
And this applies to everything that is human.

Plus the influence of nasty "older brothers and sisters" who did not share a beautiful chair and a beautiful stick and beautiful clothes.

Eh, the kiddies will turn out quite alright with a bit of motivation ... ;)

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I dont see the path to owning nothing and being happy, it sounds like bullshit desu.
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First, they import millions of poor people into your
country. Then they say you are responsible for
them being poor.

Then they take money from you to give to them.

Then they tell them someone else is poorer and
more deserving than they are.

Etc... etc... etc...
It is the final boom and bust cycle to collect the remaining wealth of the earth. They have used these created cycles to enrich themselves for hundreds of years and many thinkers have warned about speculators or banking and interest.
What they don't realize is that the non jewish ones will be betrayed. The jews must own all property of the earth so the messiah will come. The Jewish calendar is almost over and their goal is within their grasp.
That’s because 4chan was the main group that exposed their agenda.
I’m not even shitting you. Before 2015, everything was going according to their plans.
4chan was the main exporter of their schemes to the normies through memetic systems. This place basically helped humanity realize that the people at the top are evil fucks.
Every single counter culture figure that exists in current times is just parroting a censored 4chan viewpoint. Every single anti-NWO account just steals their content from here. Every single meme that talks about the struggles of the Western man and how he has the weight of everyone else on his shoulders comes from here.
The globohomo simply doesn’t know what to do with this place. But weaponized autism is simply too strong.
I’m proud of you fucks.
Europeans will be happy just to be alive after Russia and china nukes the entire eurotrash continent into cinders.
How will they take your house if you own it outright?
Also, who's going to enforce this taking? The cop and the judge who just had all their shit taken?
This doesn't really add up as presented.

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The final redpill is that the Jews are right.
The real final redpill (and jews are subhuman psychopaths and sociopaths originally from Africa).


Regarding blocks to awareness, I need to state for the record that I have spent 30 years studying psychology, history, culture, religion, myth and the so-called paranormal. I also have worked for many years with hypnotherapy - which gave me a very good mechanical knowledge of how the mind/brain of the human being operates at very deep levels. But even so, I was still operating with certain beliefs firmly in place that were shattered by my research into psychopathy. I realized that there was a certain set of ideas that I held about human beings that were sacrosanct. I even wrote about this once in the following way:
"My work has shown me that the vast majority of people want to do good, to experience good things, think good thoughts, and make decisions with good results. And they try with all their might to do so! With the majority of people having this internal desire, why the Hell isn't it happening?"
I was naive, I admit. There were many things I did not know that I have learned since I penned those words. But even at that time I was aware of how our own minds can be used to deceive us.

Now, what beliefs did I hold that made me a victim of a psychopath? The first and most obvious one is that I truly believed that deep inside, all people are basically 'good' and that they 'want to do good, to experience good things, think good thoughts, and make decisions with good results. And they try with all their might to do so!'

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