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What can we do to destroy the European Union?
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>Europe would descend
europe ain't a country you finmongoloid
also ideally a jew free EU which would inevitably also make it free from globohomo and immediately start a European Golden Age
Get the sons and daughters of the managerial class Breivik'd until this hyperstable system faces a total scarcity of competence and lags behind the replacement rate for the ruling class.

Pol Pot was right all along, if you want a true revolution you have to slaughter anyone that ever attended or is attending a university.
It’s a financial burden, nothing more. There are hundreds of millions of 100% pure whites here and always will be while tiny meme countries will cease to exist, and that’s a good thing
Wait and laugh.

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How are we going to deal with the messed up white birth rate?
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There's actually a huge problem at the moment since mutts need someone with an almost identical racial composition and none of them donate.
They are also more likely to have medical problems in the first place.
What people often fail to realize is that fertility isn't distributed equally among different subpopulations within a population. How this affects white populations on a spectrum of the most progressive and atheist to the most conservative and religious is that the fertility at the most extreme PA end is zero while at the most extreme CR end fertility is at 10+. This is a self correcting problem in the long term as the most unfit individuals within the population remove themselves from the gene pool.
Gonna report you to the kremlin
Prepare to get your ass obliterated,magomed
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I'm guessing, some populations will have greater deviations from chimp DNA than others?
I wonder if they're ever release the findings if/when they confirm this mystery Hominid?

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Being a faggot is terrible, but being a tranny is 10x worse. Faggots will get the bullet but trannies should be burned at the stake, when is this going to happen?
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as a regular bi/gay guy i agree, i am terrible, and trannies range in a spectrum from just terrible to 10x worse than terrible

not going to kys, and will continue to chase the cock, i will fuck a female if she asks me and is not too disgusting
What a den of snakes hahahah
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>Being a faggot is terrible
It depends on the faggot really. I've seen "normal" ones, as in: they act like everyone else, don't flaunt their faggotry and in fact hate the whole rainbow bullshit. And then there's of course the flaming degenerate turbofag who is not that far off from trannies really.
You know what I've noticed about all this? The former type of homosexual I've described often vote conservative and even blend in in such environments. And the latter type of faggots I've described are more often than not blatant leftists. Very much like picrel.
In conclusion: political affiliation seems to be instrumental in determining the type of faggot.
I guarantee you that the tranny in OP's pic has some of the most leftarded opinions you'll ever hear in your life.
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What about being a closeted faggot?

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I have been consumed by a hammerhead shark
How many pictures do you have?
Do you have a job?
Surfers are massive faggots

Good job shark fren
ass. now.
The coolest of the onions boys.

how will events unfold once disclosure happens? are there any books or movies that accurately depict how humanity and world governments would handle a "peaceful" alien arrival? are there declassified or leaked government documents about disclosure procedures?

This video was recorded on a $8,000 FLIR camera (Infiray HYH75W)
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>ayyy lmao grown from blue beans
With natural disbelief of course.
>once disclosure happens
what makes you think it will ever happen?
the UAP disclosure act was shot down twice now, first time they took its teeth out and second time they completely blocked it
>most of this board thinks the earth is flat and space isnt real.
Angels to some, demons to others. Christians call anything not described in desert manual as demonic. Religious people are retarded like that.
The truth is, all of the UAP/UFO's are quite literally from different dimensions and vibrational states. They aren't coming from anywhere, they are already here, they just can't be detected in infrared/uv-vis spectrum. Unless they want to reveal themselves, that is. And no one knows for sure what the fuck they are exactly. So portraying them as "Grey dudes from outer space" is a psyop to put a lable on them that won't freak out the average normie as much.

the nature of stake-raising between Russia and the US in the context of the Ukraine war and multipolarity-drive seems to indicate a movement towards "total confrontation" because both sides view the aftermath as of existential importance

what does this mean? It means that events that occurred in Crimea yesterday will repeat and will rise in quantity. The escalation ladder now ALLOWS terrorist acts against civilians with the use of highly-sophisticated 1st world technology.
As the US will continue leveraging Ukraine as its main heel to hold onto unipolarity, Ukraine will increasignly transform into a "permissable terrorist" state, whose goal will be to bleed Russian civilians as much as possible, even genocide will become an acceptable option in the coming years.
Russia WILL be forced to press the red button, because it will be the ONLY exit from the escalation ladder.
Those who still think about this conflict in the context of "economy" and "uppity" dynamics, don't understand at all the historical significance of today's events, at all.

Ukraine does not fully qualify for becoming a target of nukes yet. but the US will push it to a level at which getting nuked will be Ukraine's only saving grace, and this will occur within several years.
As for the Baltics... not many good trends are evolving as things stand now. We may also fall victim to the change of international orders. Will have to wait and see.

As for the donkey-democrat memeflag posting psyops shit on this board. It's about time you filter him.
>in the coming years
Your timeframe is a bit stretched. I'd say it's a matter of months until it comes to a head.
It is asymetric warfare, not sure if there is going to be a hot war in the next couple years
>USA sends its Sunni islamist puppets
>Russia/Iran/China fucks with global supply chains with their Houthi puppets
>USA/NATO fight a proxy war with Russia using Ukraine men
>Russia/China flood the borders with the scum of the earth of their enemies

The problem I see is that Russia/Iran/China do long-lasting damage. Millions of illegals already in USA, this shit is going to cause internal conflicts for decades to come. Their debt based financial system is also under attack, very slowly but surely the dollar is getting replaced with bilateral agreements. People talk about some BRICS currency to compete with the dollar, but this is not necessary. All you need is time and long-term agreements between countries. A slow shift to a mulitpolar world. And as soon as the lack of demand for the dollar hits a critical point I'm sure China and Russia are going to finish off USA. Good luck financing military bases all over the world while your petrodollar slowly loses market share.

Not sure who is going to win. It will take years, even decades to finally see who really is on the losing side. USA is at its peak right now, the question is if they can leverage their power to maintain their global empire or if the retards in the Pentagon and State Department collapse it like the tower of Babel.
>Russia/China flood the borders with the scum of the earth of their enemies

Yeah men, its the Russians and Chinks who are mass importing niggers and browns into your country and not your traitorous libtard leaders and the jews.
Both. Our politicians are cucks and allow it and Russia and China fly them accross the ocean. Look who is crossing the Mexiacan border, it's not only South Americans. How do Muslims end up at the Poland/Belarus border? Venezuela significantly lowered their crime rate, guess where all the criminals are? USA will become a powder keg and internal conflicts will occupy them, which means less bullshit they can do around the world. And if in maybe 10 years there is some kind of major internal conflict, for example red states secede from the USA, guess who is going to support those? Just like USA supported "moderate rebels".

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Why is adultery such an accepted thing now?
It seems rather odd how it wasnt even a gradual decline so much as a sudden, nah its cool now with trump
politicians before, evil, made to resign
now they just run about with it and people seek to defend it
hell you even get all the tv shows now where if you dont accept cheating youre the fault
Yet the comments there alone show the public doesnt particuarly care
is it because leaving a comment is a small subsection of population already interested in the subject versus the wider gestalt?
How are people able to be trusted when they demonstrate such a cavalier inability to be trusted with regards to their cheating?
My parents are Christcucks and my mom has definitely fucked around on my dad. I suspect he's watched her fuck other guys before. They are old school boomers so they only care about their pleasure and nothing else. I'm pretty sure she's fucked BBC niggers too

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People will always have some reason to fight, it is just sure as hell going to be a ton quieter with them gone.
there should be a law to prevent this, jews are suffering for doing the right thing
Indonesians, of course

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The filthy terrorist supporters attacked the sacred Jewish neighborhood of Pico-Robinson.

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>vote for this
>complain about getting it
Is the red head the jew? Cos he got kicked in the head, that's not cool. That's nigger behavour so which side was the nigger?. jr2sxh
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> Jews Beaten by based anti-kikes in Los Angeles
> The gigabased gigachad freedom fighter supporters attacked the Jewish ghetto of Pico-Robinson.

I fixed your editing and grammar issues. Now it's correct, and much better
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>pRedditor spacing kike shill
>If you are going to terrorize and intimidate psychopathic genocidal "people" for being kikes, you need to gather more supporters and make them # 110

I fixed your typos and grammar issues
> Picrel: Who must go??

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Why is modern Germany like this?
There is this focus to separate the nazi legacy from the government, such a grand focus on every level of life to prove you're not a nazi or a nationalist, meanwhile Mongolia has statues of genghis khan, they chant and praise that motherfucker like he invented bread, only westerners have to feel ashamed of their despots
Paris peacy treaty.

Show me one Western country that isn't like this

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They don't even want you in their pretend games. What is going on here? Before 2015 a company doing something like this would have been a death sentence in the business world.
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DnD girl is a female archetype for attention seeking and cosplaying aka dressing like a whore, and the hobby is growing. Wotc has been fucking up and it’d be nice if another company stepped up and cucked them because their products are actually shit.

Sucks the 2 right wing companies that tired something in recent memory were both severely autistic and retarded. One guy made “nergo” and “aryan” races and made niggers have negative stats and aryans OP (based but also retarded and never appeal to normies). He ruined the ownership of the TSR name or whatever compyright he managed to buy.

The other crew is the broSR and it’s a rabbit hole and probably some kind of cult, and is also retarded.
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>be me
>buy a bunch of vintage magic cards to add to commander decks
>stopped buying new magic a long time ago, but get some good deals on bundles with new cards
>cracks packs and start going through new cards
>all black women
>all the paladins are black women
>angels are black women
>Druids are black women
>rangers are black women
>elves are black women
>black women dr who cards
>black women lord of the rings cards
>black women with dreadlocks dual weilding swords
>foil black woman legendary creature

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>Before 2015 a company doing something like this would have been a death sentence
No it wouldn't. You didn't do shit back then, you couldn't, and you certainly can't now
good news everyone its moral to pirate all wizards of the coasts products

>Like many other baleen whales, female blue whales are generally larger than males

bros how do we cope?
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its sal :3
big pussy needs a big dick
The penis of a male blue whale can be up to 3 meters in lenght and he cums 1800 liters, you cant compete
Correction: he cums only 20 liters
The testicles are about 50kg each
I should call her

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fug dat
Religion is created by schizos on weed. Once you realise that you will be one of the big guys
>le big guys are the ones who ignore their own Creator
Yeah. No. Fuck of with your wrongdoing.
No they don't ignore their parents. Take your meds schizo.
pick one.

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I'm the number one Incel.
All Incels Go!

Down the /pol/ and round the 'farms.
All Incels Go!
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Made this.

I would be making actual memes but I never got a sketch pad ipad and image editor.

Do i did graffiti instead and bought bottles of vodka.
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Phone posting while hungover.

I apricate you hungover Irish anon
just like how they ridicule us for being nazis, we take pride in it and they lose, when they called us chuds, we incorporated it and they lost again. now they are getting to our sensitive strings calling us incels, incels we are!
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>I'm the number one Incel.

You dare to challenge me POTTER!

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OPERATION #hitlerwasright

Alright got some updates. But first for the newbies

What is #operationhitlerwasright? My plan to get zoomers and the radical left to talk about mein kampf. The plan is to use passages from mein kampf that talk about Jews and passages that talk about Palestine and spread them around TikTok. Videos will say “this book that came out in 1925 said this about Palestine”, etc.

If you want to make a video, I recommend just replacing “Jew” with “Zionist” wherever you see fit. Don’t reveal that’s its mein kampf yet.

I’ll update daily and make more videos daily.

Videos I made yesterday.

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Your link isn’t loading

But I’m hoping they get pretty far down the rabbit hole
based OP.

may you have great success in your endeavors fren

Just search "Multiculturalism will Fail" on Odysee, there are multiple uploads
I just tried to pick the 720p one
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learn hacking
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old book, still good info, use ghidra instead of ida.
>picoCTF, microcorruption, pwn.college
I agree but those are lesser known sites and really a different category, htb and thm are boot2root while shit like pico and ctftime is for jeopardy style competitions, you could also mention Attack/Defense training websites.
and if we were to do things correctly you shouldn't really touch this shit until you know how computers fucking compute i.e. at least fundamental cs knowledge
>pasting metasploit commands and ritual “reconnaissance” scripts from YouTube tutorial,
maybe on your average daily easy box you can have that, barely 1% of the user base of those sites can complete a hard/insane box without handholding, it requires actual thinking and much more than inserting few lines in a ready exploit you just took from exploitdb
you cannot 'learn' machine code because it is not really universal; It is "compiled" by the assembler because it's machine specific (more specific than the ISA for example)

If you want a decent book (assuming you know basic things like discrete mathematics, boolean algebra, etc.) [ although this has some recaps aswell] : Introduction to Computing Systems, 3rd Edition by Yale Patt (Author), Sanjay Patel (Author)

It basically provides the whole picture: from circuits to asm(and a little bit of C, i guess) After that, you can basically get the intel x86 SDM/AMD one and apply the knowledge.

le haxor/cybergays is a faggy industry; which exists mostly because people are retarded and don't understand computers. Also there's no such thing as a "bug", just discrepancies between expectations and programmed behavior (and unseen consequences)
I assume you mean assembly language, to reverse engineer software/maleware, or write firmware ?
they hated him for saying the truth

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I don't think I'm physically capable of being so hateful towards a race, religion, sexuality or anything else that I would go to a foreign nation, fight in a brutal war and risk getting my brains splattered FOR NO MONEY over it.
that's genuinely impressive, I know the meme with Muslims suicide bombing their enemies because of faith and all, but that's way less impressive. it's easy to throw your life away if you genuinely believe that heaven is waiting for you on the other side. but this, this is just pure spite in action.
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Israel is in the throws of cultural revolution, jeets are going to be at the core of it.
>I don't think I'm physically capable of being so hateful towards a race, religion, sexuality or anything else that I would go to a foreign nation, fight in a brutal war and risk getting my brains splattered FOR NO MONEY over it
If we went to war with India then I'd go for free
>saar why the indian hate we're good immigrants saar
>we work hard saar and we integrate well saar
If they believe this then they'll believe that the kikes won't fuck them over
>absolute worst races
Thats where you are wrong
We are ARYANS. The one and only
And Nature recognizes Indian superiority
this is the truth, it also applies to the adjacent jeet countries (pakistan, bangladesh, sri lanka)

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I have kids already what are almost adults. People can't afford kids. Biggest expense is housing both rents and loans. If Elon really wanted to solve birthing problem he would solve housing problem.
This is the guy who says your country is overpopulated but the cratering birth rates require him to import third worlders to make his shitty cars that break when it rains.
I'm not a billionaire and one of the most famous men in the world.
Are you just so pilled out the non stop screaming all night doesn't bother you? Are you able to sleep if I hold and air horn cupped to your ear? Get fucked faggot.
People have told me this before. I'm scared it isn't true and you are just rolling the dice that they don't come out like that. What if the kid comes out autistic then I'm really fucked because you won't know until you are attached to them.
I thought this too, but it's different when they're your own

In honor of niggers pol I ask you for your filthiest nigger pictures, I'm talking the lowest of the lowest black nigger monkeys, they can be alone or in groups but I'm converting them into shitty cartoons that look funny, here are a few examples
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Hideous she/herbrew
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A very sexy yenta
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Wypipo don seazon dey toes

every other race calls them out except the whites.
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Oh my GOD, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
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laughs in Indiachad. I run the anime scene in Toronto you racists

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