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Give me your most unpopular opinion, /pol/
Unpopular by /pol/ standards, that is, not unpopular to normies.
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>57% English
>26% Germanic
>17% Scandinavian

>100% Turkish

ottomoniggers will never be white. cope.
Roughly 1/5 of Americans have toxoplasmosis – the brain parasite. This is confirmed to be true.
Jews are right about the goyim. What I mean is that most goyim are really so stupid that the jews can manipulate them into anything. And even if you show then the truth they will just not believe it because it is against their conditioning.
I came to the conclusion that I can't blame the jews for doing this because it is so obvious that the goyim have to be herded.
Yes, the faggot problem solves itself in 1 generation or 2. It has a good eugenic effect to weed out the ones who don't really want to put up with a woman.
qrd on satanism or a link to the kind you find cool?
I think christianity is a jewish cult and it only serves their benefit. They are the bad guys so it is obvious that something that they attack most may have values for us.
Lorgar was right and space wolves are gay and retarded

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> I ain't readin' all of that shit

Your loss.
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This, unironically.
>jewish caricature of a european nationalist looks exactly like david ben gurion

how odd
It is Dr Mabuse.
But is critique is spot on, mostly last panel.

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>nothing happens
Do you guys feel embarrassed?
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You probably took saline water. Those who the actual clotshot are suffering from myocarditis, thrombosis, turbo-cancer, VAIDS and other issues and they're getting injured and dying like flies.
I'm pretty sure they'd die WITHOUT all those viruses and bacteria in their system at this point
>Sudden death not immediate death
Yeah. Also if you only received the primary series your chances are better than those that had the boosters.
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Empty barrels make the most noise..

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Kamala sisters its over. CNN intereviews kids Kumala is labeled a LIAR its over

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It typically crystallizes in your teenage years, then goes down over time, but only slightly.
5th grade tests aren't very reliable
Its gonna be awesome when girlfriends start coming after you for unrealized alimony.
>fuck this gay world
Lol I bet that kid was admonished by the interviewer immediately. I'd like to see the rest of it.
True. I wonder how this kid got the opinion of a politician at all, though? Also, yeah, his intuition is correct, and I'm thinking of CNN here when I wonder who the fuck cares what children think of stuff like this?
What made CNN think that asking children what they think of political matters, was a valid idea?
Seems stupid at best, and an attempt at subversiveness at worst, on CNN's part.
jokes on them. Im homeless and using free mcdonalds wifi on a stolen phone,
Now show how much trump lied during the debate. Oh wait, you orange dick riders accept anything trump says as fact and anything that contradicts it as fake news. So kys.

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Helene is going to fuck like 8 different states. It’s even going to loop around Kentucky and swing back into Atlantic.
>climate denialists can't refute this!

umm im in longboat key and still have power...all weather sites say we have 50+knot winds when it hasn't even gotten over 35knots, 32 being highest windspeed recorded thusly...somethings up
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I live a little north west of Nashville.
What can I expect from this?
The lines on that map makes it look like it's coming to really fuck up kentucky in particular.

>attack a country that had non-functioning army and navy with overwhelming 5x numerical advantage
>barely advance 20 kilometers inside Georgia during 2 weeks, then... just withdraw to the previous positions
>still end up with more deaths than the defender

how is this considered a MASSIVE success of the Russian Army?
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bump 2
>withdraw to previous positions
You are aware this is the norm when the enemy surrenders right? A peace treaty gets hashed out and you return to the previous border positions.

>more deaths than defender
They didn’t. Russia lost 65 people. Georgia lost 169. Last I checked math wise 65<169. Did common core change that too???

They had the ultimate position:
>enemy has to come through a single tunnel
And STILL Georgia was unable to win the fight. Embarrassing given they could shell the tunnel from day ONE
>They didn’t. Russia lost 65 people. Georgia lost 169
>Russia lost 65 people
>source: Russia
real number is 10-100x that amount, Ivan
>You are aware this is the norm when the enemy surrenders right?
"the norm" is taking the rest of the country and installing a puppet government when the enemy surrenders. they weren't able to do any of that
bump 3
Lmao, you’re delusional. Made up numbers larger than claimed by either side. And if the Russian had that many KIA, they’d have been 100% combat ineffective and Georgia would have NOT surrendered.

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Just a reminder, Russia is winning as we speak
threadly reminder that all gore posters are glow niggers
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How did barbarians manage to overthrow and conquer the greatest empire and civilization that ever was? Seems kind of sad. The legion was considered legendary in military might..
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The Romans grew decadent and rested on their laurels. They were no match for the hardy and warlike Germanic barbarians who conquered the Roman Empire.
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>be roman
>go out and conquer/manage territory with the phalanx boys
>say goodbye to your wife and your family members who are managing your farm
>your definitely neighbour Joolius Noseymu also runs a farm, but on slaves.
>he imports tons of them to do his work
>his farm earns a shitload and while you're away, your family's business can't compete.
>he offers to buy rights to the farm, he earns, your family earns, but with some rules
>rule number 1, import a shitload of slaves
>years pass and you come back to your family
>find out your business has been outsourced to Joolius Noseymu and your estate is filled to the brim with foreign slaves
>slaves now outnumber native romans 10:1
>Joolius Noseymu starts preaching about poor slaves, and this jewish guy called jesus christ and how sad it is how slaves are treated
>some faggot-ass slave morality religion starts popping up everywhere where there are slaves, women love it since it's far more gentle than Mars and the general masculine roman pantheon.
>soon the slaves, who outnumber you 10:1 start rising up

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Very interesting.
X/X would read again.
>Within just three campaign seasons (20 months), Rome had lost one-fifth (150,000) of the entire population of male citizens over 17 years of age. The morale effect of this victory was such that most of southern Italy joined Hannibal's cause.

>20 officers of consular and praetorian rank, 30 senators, and 300 others of noble descent, were taken or slain,

>Livy illustrates the state of Roman morale with two vivid anecdotes. The first concerns Hannibal's brother Mago, who had returned to Carthage with news of the victory. He reported to their senate that in several engagements with the Romans Hannibal had killed over 200,000 soldiers and taken 50,000 prisoner; of six commanders, two consuls and a Master of horse had been slain. Then Mago concluded his report by having a collection of golden rings poured upon the council floor in front of the assembled senators. He explained that each ring belonged to one eques who had been slain in battle and had earned the ring through exceptional bravery.

>The second concerns Lucius Caecilius Metellus and three other military tribunes, who had taken refuge at Canusium with other Roman refugees. Demoralized at the defeat, they discussed the possibility of setting sail overseas and finding employment as mercenaries for some foreign prince. Word of this meeting reached the young Publius Cornelius Scipio who, with only a few followers, burst into the room where the discussion was underway.

Holding his naked sword over the heads of the wavering men, Scipio is reported to have cried:

I swear with all the passion in my heart that I will never desert our homeland, or permit any other citizen of Rome to leave her in the lurch. If I willfully break my oath may Jupiter, Greatest and Best, bring me to a shameful death, with my house, my family, and all I possess! Swear the same oath, Caecilius! And the rest of you, swear it too. If anyone refuses, against him this sword is drawn

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Nice "free speech" platform you have Elon, apparently if someone says Nazis were good then that's "violent speech".
Fuck this kosher WN garbage Thiel and Elon are cooking up, I hope Trump gets BTFO in the election and Twitter crashes and burns. If you think Trump will do ANYTHING for White people, instead of just being an attack dog for Zionists, then you're completely delusional.
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It seems like Twitter has been banning more people in the past couple weeks. It's probably related to the election. Ultimately, if the US government tells Twitter to do something, Twitter will do it.
Wtf based Kamala, she's destroying Israel and flooding dumb zio boomer towns with Haitians??? I'm going to legit vote for her.
Maybe push the fucking appeal button, saved me a hundred times.
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You have a tiny jewish penis
I got banned for being pro-Nazi on Elon's supposedly free-speech platform you retard, but keep thinking kosher faggots like Trump or Elon will save you as they flood jewmerica with infinity shitskins (but legally!).

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You'll get called "antisemitic" if you oppose this.
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>I don't recall any mentioning of vaginas.
don't fret I will be taking care of this PERSONALLY...
You mean like the hostages that got offended they weren't sexually assaulted?
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There is a problem with that because all the women I would rape are in the IDF
Do I still have a green light or not ?
>Do I still have a green light or not ?
you get sloppy seconds
I'M going in deep brohs...
wow if anything goes wrong he could be hanged as a war criminal. international law don't give a shit if he's a rabbi.

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How old were you when you realized this country is responsible for everything bad in the world?
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Like 17, maybe 18
About 3 years old. 9/11 solidified it later.
But no I'd never give my actual age on this data collection and trap hentai chatbot forum.
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>the biggest and most humiliating lost to date.

The Biggest so far...

My hunch is Kosovo 2.0. Where Several European States start mass-killing Wogs, and the USA - on edge of a civil war - refuses to intervene. (As the Soviets refused to intervene in East Germany 1989)
I was brainwashed by the jew into thinking this was the case during high school. Now I know it was not America, but the jew.
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28 year old Turkish teacher is sentenced to 14 years and 7 months for having sex with her 14 year old student
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ok, and?
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Good ! trad Varangians will inherit Constantinople
When I was ten years old my female teacher stood there and watched me change after swimming. She ordered me to drop my towel. I was very nervous and didn't know how to respond, so I did so.

It's very hard to make sense of what it was all about.
Thinking about when my first grade teacher was speaking to me and I was blatantly staring at her exposed cleavage because I loved tits and she kept showing me more and more.

because WHORES

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Fuck Serbia lol
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Random Serbian protest
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illirien kangz got internet access mid 2010s and have been seething online ever since
our existence seems to drive them, croats, and muslims absolutely mental kek
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Random Albanian protest in Tirana. Clearly Serbs are more European looking, while Albanians are more mediterranean.
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>/pol wants to kill mudslimes
>but don't support white serbs doing this

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>The star will gorge itself on clay
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It’s only gay if the balls touch
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My fellow huwhite kike goys, how many shit skin children have you ended today?
op will gorge himself on cocks

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...by classifying it as child porn.
Stop downloading porn anon.its a trap. One loli drawing in your meme folder is all it takes to criminalize your freedom of speech, and they're already writing laws to do it.
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Idk man, sounds like you need to rethink your life, porn being that important to you doesn't sound very healthy.
You supported such laws.

Everytime such kind of Law were Passed you were warned. The Alt-Right braought their own doom.

Oh, and you are also responsible for the 2013 Röhm-Putsch in the German Green Party, replacing toleratable Anarchists like Tritin with Young Global Leaders like Ricarda Lang.

Tipp: The real awnser is DDOSing Justice with mass-commiting crimes. Justice burns resources.
They can't arrest you all.
>Life's work
Michelangelo was an artist, painting the sistine chapel was lifes work. Belle delphine is not an artist. Belle delphine farting in a jar and you buying the jar to sniff her fart for $99.95 is not lifes work.
too be fair, this could be a coincidence, and the CP was found when the FBI was going through all the family computers to look for evidence of a conspiracy XD
would be ironic.
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whats in youth1 anon..

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It will contain Diddy buttfucking Obama. Screenshot this post.
obama has a big ass head, i never realized this

So the males are "professional sex workers" and the females are sex trafficking victims ? This whole thing has set up written all over it.
wow I hate niggers so much
What did Hugh Hefner do?

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Eventually most will grow out of being NEETs either willfully or by necessity. You can still have a good life by being a DINK or dual income no kids. If your partner works too you can buy a bigger house, take nicer vacations. Plus you can sleep in every weekend!

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It has finally caught up to me. I got my second dose over a year ago now and I thought I was safe, until a few days ago when I became very ill.

I won't get into the detail but my condition is rapidly deteriorating, this is me trying to breathe: https://vocaroo.com/186g13mN1WJi
It's very painful as you can hear and I am not getting enough oxygen in.

Don't think that this won't happen to you. All the vaxxed will die off sooner or later. It's time for me to leave for a better place.
Ain't clicking that virus nigga
>woman moaning loudly audio

I'm not sure what I was expecting.

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why do the democrats want to bring about communism
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Im a turbo NEET

No - Youre a communist LMAO. Our nations went into 100s of millions of currency in debt just while you were copy-pasting that post LOL
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Both towers are abominations.
2$ not 20$, 20$ for insuline would be a scandal on communist regions.
Not bait and switch spoon feeding you mutts because you fail to see how much the kikes have enslaved you to talmudic laws. Present american form of capitalism is 1000% at the service of the enrichment of jews and 1000% at the impoverishment of the goyim. Happy inflation, while Chinese devalues their currency to keep stuff cheap for their 1.45 billions people.
Dude your democrats have taken all the negative aspect of communism while completely omitting the good part of communism which is the best part.
That being said, your dems are inspired by the Talmud to enslave you to jews, so wherever a good evil idea that helps their jewish masters and enslave you goyim that comes into their mind they apply it in a hurry.
And it’s not the commies that DEW’s California it’s your OWN politicians, which are not communists they are predatory capiltalists which are WORST than commies.
right needs more fake material and to be leaning more to be china

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He's shitting himself right now isn't he?
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I would love to see the MAGA seethe if the media ever confirmed that Trump is bi. It's an open secret in Hollywood/Washington, but would be devastating to his Evangelical base of pearl clutchers (where ironically rape and paying off porn stars isn't)
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You should be raped by him.
You're thinking of poopy pants Biden.
You'd probably like that, wouldn't you? Big ol' fruitcake that you are.
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I would actually.

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