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Why do humans find it easier to get along with dwarves than elves?
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Dwarves would probably drink brandy over wine since it's the same stuff but with a higher alcohol content.
Because in folklore humans ran into and dealt with dwarves much more often. They could bargain with them, get them to make cool magic shit sometimes, even learn how to smith from them or be taught where ore veins are in mountains.

Elfs on the other hand usually cursed people, killed them, and any human would much muuuuch rather avoid them at all costs.
I think you'd get more effective diggers if you just gave them barrels of booze and told them to dig for it.
t. Reddit
>the elfs femininity
Did you seriously get filtered by the industry like Reddit?
Elf and dwarf were synonymous.
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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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>handicapped people
okay fair concession.

>Relative difference between God and mortal stats
Diplomancy mind control isn't really supported in the fiction, it's just a bizarre quirk of badly written 3e skill mechanics. in-fiction, if you aren't using actual compulsion magic you can't just make people think what you want. Do I think the Elminster Mystra relationship is healthy? No. But do I think it was mind control/brainwashing, let alone of a 'handicapped' person? Also No.
>Diplomancy mind control isn't really supported in the fiction
This is the one case where this makes sense though. A od being so good at a mundane skill that it becomes equal to magic is absolutely believable.
>Beholder Mage Athasian Dragon
Athas must die so that the multiverse may live.
Sure. But when she tried to pick up Manshoon, he laughed at her and told her to fuck herself. So, she definitely doesn't have mind-controlling-levels of cosmically good charm skills. to my knowledge there's no hint that Mystra fucks Khelben either, despite him being her chosen as well.

I think the more likely explanation is that Elminster is just a masochistic simp for his booty calling flakey swinger dommy mommy.
>mystra does not have diplomacy as a class skill.
She really is autistic.

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Was it kino?
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Looks better than anything you could do and better than anything gaygag's faggot ass had in his shitty books.
It's that "vague anime-adjacent" look that Avatar popularized.
It is a DND show with Melenial Humor. It's 24 episodes, go knock it out instead of playing hearts of iron.
Seethe critard, critical roll is garbage. Go roll a nat 1 yourself.
I accept your concession, nogames.

Votann got two teams before World Eaters got one Edition

>Previous Thread

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams


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I meant power level, not depth.
Anyways, as far as compendium goes, they are the strongest, and they've taken 2 tournaments this season.
That makes sense, but it's really boring
I know someone's mentioned xeno mercs/minor xenos kill teams but what if they were pitted against imperially sanctioned xenos? Would be a good look at the smaller scale conflicts of the smaller scale aliens
I could be into a ratling team. It'd be slow as fuck and totally a ranged team but be able to shoot obscured operatives, indirect rule for targeting concealed in cover, etc. Maybe even a mechanic like the guard action for the gallowdark.
You want to play terminators, go play 40k. Kill Team is the small specialised game.

Darktide is amazing without a single marine visible. Space hulk was wank and had nothing but terminators.

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Previous thread: >>93226880

Wargames go in their general: >>>/tg/bwg/

Thread question: what's the best eurogame you've played recently? What makes it so good?
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Yes I can it's
There are many I haven't played but
1. Carcassonne
2. Dominion
3. Ticket to Ride
4. El Grande
5. Scotland Yard
6. Torres
Pretty much, sometimes there are deals on local facebook marketplaces but most of my purchases are on Kleinanzeigen
None of them is my favorite board game but of the lot, I like Thurn and Taxis the most. It used to be El Grande but Chaos in the Old World just completely replaced it for me.
Hello BGG, I need some help. I am looking for a Tableau style gaming that can be 1-4 players. My Daughter and Nephews LVOE playing Imperial Settlers Empires of the North and enjoy Everdell and I want to add another game to that group of games. Do you have any suggestions? Cutesy art style is not needed as it will make the game different from the other two game we play. Wingspan does not interest us, so that is out of the question. Thank you.

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>I've lost my phylactery
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It does, older editions either had liches unable to level and requiring blood for a spell to refresh their phylactery to requiring sacrificing a heart from a living creature in an elaborate ritual that took hours and left them vulnerable. 3e is the edition that largely took out these older weaknesses, with 5e exchanging life (blood and the heart of living beings) force for a requirement of sustaining themselves on souls.
>with 5e exchanging life (blood and the heart of living beings) force for a requirement of sustaining themselves on souls
Is there anything 5e didn't ruin?
Wouldn't that destroy it?
>just not a retardedly self-defeating one
You know, literally everyone on the planet has something they keep near to them and will die if they get stabbed in it. Several somethings, in fact. Stuff like heart or brain or arteries. And that shot is *near*, as in, inside them. Hell you don’t even have to stab them, just bludgeon them hard enough and they can rupture and kill the person who owns them. And sometimes you don’t even need to do a thing, they’ll just fail on their own.

Liches in this paradigm would be trading all those away in exchange for just *one* thing that kills them if broken, and it never fails on its own.

I think you’re the retarded one for not realizing that this is still a straight upgrade in durability and lifespan.

Sounds like it’s just a reversion to form to me.
Being depressed is largely this experience without the immortality, so lichdom is still a straight upgrade.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93234216
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Mixed up Evoco, but they can just fuse themselves with monsters and/or have a summon running defense 24/7.
Curse of immortality.

Constant vibration spell surrounding yourself? Kinda cope, but it should work.

Summon things that can transform your body and buff you.

Since they're adept at soul destruction and restoration, it's not a stretch to say that they can do soul protection.

Place conditional seals on your body that auto activates against attacks.

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>unless they're very advanced

All this stuff is very fucking advancedю
>Curse themselves to never die
Pretty sure they can't to date. The strongest OG witches discarded their humanity just not to age and the one that kept her humanity lost her womb and is now wheelchair bound.

Damn cripple empty womb hag needs correction )(.
unga bubga strong
unga bunga smart
unga bunga live FOREVER

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For a month, a coven of high-tier hags had their way with a small town at the edge of wilderness (about 3000 inhabitants). No power in the town could see through their disguise or oppose them effectively. At the end of the month, town is emotionally and physically massacred and there is nothing left there for the hags to drain.

What would this town be like after that? All townsfolk dead as they tried to swarm in the sewers? A local church, with dead childten stacked 10ft high? A single man left "surviving" only on peoples' ears?

What is to be found in a town, thoroughly hollowed out by such a coven?
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Oy v-...
If you want them to get close and personal, the hags can target a section of the city (probably the ruling class), let them be free from disease or poison, but psychologically torture them in the way you described.
This way, you have most of the city just plain dead, and the closer your players get to the city center the more insane people seem to have gotten before their grim demise. Otherwise, I would say three weeks is too short a time to subvert the whole city, and limiting yourself to a 300 inhabitants section for the more graphic stuff will probably be way easier.
Another option would be that most people fled when the disasters started striking, but the hags manipulated a select few into staying only to drive them mad until they killed their families. If you're attached to the idea of the whole town being dead with no survivors, I would suggest using other covens of much lower ranking hags who work in the service of the main three.
One game I played in had a trio of hags take over a town each.
The first had flooded her town with polluted water (she could breathe underwater) and offered the survivors hardtack food for alchemical reagents.
The second had flooded the countryside with giant bugs that ate most of the wildlife and stored food, but were somewhat edible. She'd also covered her town in briars and was slowly converting the populace into mindless spriggons that served her will
The third just slaughtered everyone in her town.

I figure if you use multiple towns each affected by different hags, you can get more mileage out of their different effects on townships.
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Hags/witches often get crow/raven motifs, but I like to push it a bit further back and hit them with dinosaur theming.
Subtle magic and bargains are fine and all, but when it's time for the final confrontation, there's very few bits of magic better than turning into a dinosaur. Really scratches that monkey part of the brain.
wouldn't it scratch the reptile part?

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el duende Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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I was reading a lot about lucifuge how they're badass hellspawns that are confused as magic users by other hunters and they are especially good at fighting mages but after reading endowments (2e) I fail to see how would lucifuge outwizard a mage worth his salt
A mage, despite his potential, is still generally a squishy human. He can easily be killed with even minor supernatural powers if he doesn't expect it.
Yeah, I think this angle would work. I always imagined that conspiracies would hit hard and unexpected, akin to modern swat raid, so I'd imagine I'd would be few lucifuges using hells anti magic on mage while other delivers killing blow or smt (not 1 on 1)
Isn't one of Apocalypse's books all about traveling there?
there are like 3 wta umbra books even

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I have extended the title and I think it's good and we should use this longer title going forward Edition

>Previous Thread

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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You sprayed it red and spilled leadbelcher all over it?
More or less. Prime red, slap some metallics around with a brush, do a wash, go back in and clean up the red. Not perfect but that's the way I've done it for 10 years
Suzerain/Praetorian/Assault Squad/Despoiler Logos Lectora

save the Retribution Strike for the turn when most of them Charge, then switch to Hold Fast/Regroup next turn depending on how that goes, alternate with Retribution Strike

your Elites will be hitting at WS6 with at-Initiative AP2 and 4++ saves (for Suzerains)

it's not super low count because you're forced to take additional Troops, but for an Allied Detachment that could be a LR squadron in Heavy Support for the Despoilers, a Storm Eagle in Fast Attack (in normal Reserves) for the Assault Squad and a couple of Suzerain squads in Land Raiders with a Praetor or Delegatus + Command in another

Praetor hitting at WS7 and Command Squad at WS6 every other turn makes a mockery of a lot of other Legion melee units, and it's fluffy because you're using the Rite ;^)

also you have like five land raiders just in your Allied Detachment all using Strength of Wisdom to improve their shooting, so it's fluffy because who else but a cunt would do that
>Struggling with hazard stripes
>Try tape
>Too stupid to realize I need tape meant to curve on surfaces like pauldrons, ended up with straight tape
>Dad happens to be arrive early for a cookout I'm hosting
>"boy just outline with a pencil, why bother with this japanese bullshit"
>Grab a pencil from the shed
>Perfect lines
Thanks dad.
When I looked at that thumb nail I thought he had penises for arms and I came to realize how rotted out my brain has become. I'm going to take a little break from mongolian basket weaving forums for a little while.
That is all.

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2025 edition


▶Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house



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It's more that I'm dreading how rushed the final chapter will be, why the fuck is this only 5 stories.
Post art that makes you want to say the K word
Well now I'm positively quelled
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Darth Tenebrous Scientific Mastermind Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>93210720

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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I still don't get how badly they screwed up the casting. Like, they did it perfectly with Bo Katan, just fucking do that every time.
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Rosario Dawson was, in theory, perfect casting for Ahsoka. She's roughly the right age, she's got that ambiguously brown thing going and she's got the lips. Which makes her performance all the more disappointing.
But I'd blame terrible scriptwriting and even worse directing just as much or more than I'd blame her for that.
>But I'd blame terrible scriptwriting and even worse directing just as much or more than I'd blame her for that.

And it's hardly the first time that's happened to an actor in a Star Wars film.
Oh yeah, we don't need to go over (again!) how awful the Prequels were despite many a great actor in them.

Gods and Religions Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>93183334

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread questions:
>What are the major faiths in your setting? And what are the gods of said faiths?

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Not really a thing given how huge the pacific plate is, and the way the plates drift around it. Pretty much all the pacific islands are the result of volcanic activity or are like exposed coral reefs. Not to say you can't have mountains, just that the geography is a bit more simplistic.
Why do threads autosage after 7 days now? Why isn't the bumplimit capped at 500? Way to kill off creativity.
I think there was a trouble causing user on the board that went around fucking with the bumping somehow. I just recently came back to /tg/ and it was like this.
one simple way is for there to be communities of men that the Amazons breed with, and they give the male infants to them.

>swampy wetland that clears out into the ocean up north. Is there a way I can implement that in a way that makes sense?

Make a large area near the coast 'swamp colored' and have your river make big lazy loops back and forth as it heads to the sea.
>Make a large area near the coast 'swamp colored' and have your river make big lazy loops back and forth as it heads to the sea.
Good idea. Thanks.

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Welcome to the ALL AMERICAN JULY Thread of Homebrew discussion on /tg/. This is part of my effort to get people discussing classic homebrew and assist the board in general when it comes to their game design endeavors.

>Who is this namefaggot?
I'm just a dude who helps facilitate discussion, but usually I pop in once in a blue moon to wax about my own projects.

>Why should I homebrew?
/tg/ products are fairly unique in that it's actually pretty simple to make them these days, with a plethora of products to assist in making and playtesting your game. Making your own games helps understand why games are made the way they are, as well as being fun to do.

>What you should post
Ideas for games, games you're currently making, updates to your own games in broad strokes, and any homebrewing for existing products that don't get much attention. Discussion about the above is welcome. Post good, be good, and look over others products, they care if someone looks more than anything.

>Oh No! The Thread is Over!
Have no fear, the thread will resume at the first of every month. If you want to make another during the month, go for it. I can't, and won't, stop you. If you want to make a thread on your own game, go for it!
One suggestion: Don't add General to the name.

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Same anon still working on the wealth system. I've simplified it a bit by dropping significance. Currently it's
>Wealth level represented by die
>Everything has a die cost
>Your wealth >= cost you can afford it (maybe with a roll)
>Your wealth < cost, you can't afford it
Making money is similar with
>Your wealth <= treasure value, then it increases (maybe with a roll)
>Your wealth > treasure, the treasure is too small to change your finances
What's bothering me is someone who's broke with a d4 Wealth level and someone who's very well off with a d10 wealth level, increase by the same level if they find d12 worth of treasure. Something that turns a comfortable person rich also turns a broke person to just alright, which is really messing with my head.
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>giving the foreign variant it's own small addendum.
I think putting all the variants in their own shared addendum is the answer. Thanks, anon. Continuing the theme of being overly verbose, does anyone have suggestions for how I can word this more succinctly? The idea is you can use the ability to say
>hmm, I need a rope now but don't have one in my inventory. I'll spend this resource point to declare I actually bought one on the way here/there's one on the table right now/the guard I beat up had one/whatever
The wording gets weird towards the end because I want people to declare they bought/found a sword, for example, but not that they totally prepared for this werewolf by commissioning a silvered sword 2 weeks ago
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Started fiddling with a little tableau builder thingy called Planet Cauldron, about witches travelling the cosmos to create more and more potent brews to fill a cauldron the size of a planet and awaken the thing inside it. Nothing too innovative about it, and nothing to go off in terms of mechanics yet since it'd all be in cards that I haven't made yet, but you can probably imagine the typical fare. Mostly just getting a second opinion on the theme of it before I bother going further, whether it feels too forced, too unfocused, etc. But otherwise, I'll happily take any other input if you can see something awful from the brief outline.
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>First pitch they kind of hated it and were expecting a completely different type of different game, but gave decent feedback
>Different company pitch, they liked it but expressed it wouldn't be until 2029 with their schedule
C'est la something
Agreed to >>93246388
You have a theme underpinning your design so now your goal is to find what mechanics can tap it.
If it's grotesque then sacrificing, melding abilities, even the much maligned Lifedecking is appropriate.
If it's terror then uncertainty and tension of what your opponent can do is key.
For a dueling game, I always like to think about the immediacy of a the turn with the mana system and then the ultimate end condition they're working towards (wincons). Those two alone drastically affect the feel and tempo and separates MtG clones from others, even if it all comes back to "my card destroys yours". (Something like Keyforge has more shared DNA than other "Not Magic" games and yet feels totally different because of its tempo and wincons)

I've been wanting to run a sci-fi space opera campaign for a while now, and the opportunity to do so is coming near enough for me to actually start planning it. I've got the outline of the premise and a lot of ideas for encounters and misadventures the players can come upon during their travels, but something I'm beginning to question is exactly how to lay it all out. Originally I planned to draft up a hex map to represent the "star sector" the game would take place in in order to make travel distances easy to calculate and the information fairly readable, but I'm beginning to wonder if that's actually the best way to go about it. Aside from travel time (which isn't instant, though it is much faster than light) I don't have a reason in mind why I'd NEED to emphasize distance, and while the hex map is good for marking the location of stars in a sector, it doesn't seem great for noting the details and important locations at a smaller scale. Anyone have any ideas for how I might want to go about it, or ever done a game like this before?

Also general space adventure thread, I guess.
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Wojcik's. It's a Polish surname. It's one of the ones that only exists as a name to fill the map, but given that I named it in reference to Jonathan Wojcik of Bogleech.com I figure it should be a planet full of horrible space-bugs.
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Has anyone ever used something like this as a drop table?
You mean randomised inspiration source? That's pretty much what Stars Without Number IS.
Do you guys have a pdf link I could take a look at? I'm not OP, but you've got my interest.
>You mean randomised inspiration source?
Yep, I know you can get lots of wild quirks using normal tables, but thought this would be a fun way to build the setting while doing a sandbox style exploration campaign.

I wondered what would've happened if Kirk's Enterprise had exited a wormhole into Kirby Space—all those random Kirby dots bubbling into subspace and having to deal with a Galactus class entity...

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