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Primaris Brazen Drakes Did Nothing Wrong Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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Shut up, lorelet.
Tyranids came out looking good in their Crusade book.
Necrons fumbled a winning war.
It's not about fanboying. It's about facts.
The problem is most of the necrons are asleep and need to be awakened.
>Nids forces are still coming in
>Eldar are STILL replenishing from the fall.
>Tau are babies
>Votann are space potatoes

Your best chance at total 40k victory is.... well...it was never in doubt...
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the problem is that 40k doesn't run on realism

necrons are a poetically doomed race, either to infighting or to something that's not soulless, best thing that can happen to them is a bittersweet redemption
eldar WANT to perform their swan song, so they're also doomed to die completely achieving whatever last act
tyranids have a hollywood sized target stamped on their face from the get go
orks have unfortunately never been taken seriously as a whole and never will be, in a sense, that's a mercy to their characterisation, so chances are they simply keep on doing what they are doing forever regardless of what happens
we're left with humans and chaos, humans are not allowed to win because a good ending is not expected nor fitting, chaos only wins if the setting needs to be violently scrapped like fantasy, so I say chaos and mankind bring down each other

which means the tau win because they're the last ones standing and the ones written as the next step in the cycle of galactic civilizations
You might want to open the 9th ED Necron codex. It says that the Necrons chances of victory are zero without the Pariah Nexus.
The Pariah Nexus plan just got endangered seriously by the Silent King's defeat and Vashtorr's arrival
leman russ probably had the highest emotional intelligence besides Sangreneas and Vulcan?


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Tard Wrangle Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

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I have, but banging succussy is not the same as a romance option
if thats true why does wyll seethe when I do? granted my dwarf barbarian was literally half his height but like seriously
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You know what you want and you have the force of will to get it but you get distracted easy, can't read people for shit and you seriously need a handler because you can get derailed off your train track for the worst very very easy.

Think being a genius who'd be able to conduct a strategic siege, who'd be able to command a strategic siege even but then the barbarian says "LETS JUST SMASH THE FRONT DOOR MOTHERFUCKERS" and you get swayed so fucking easy it'd take an actual wisdom check for you to realize its a really just awful idea. You don't see much of a wrong thing about learning from devils and demons because hey, whats the worst that can happen and surely they're not all evil as fuck bastards right? You can't say no to selling bombs and artifacts to folks for a markup while they're willing to pay, and you just don't pay attention, after all, you got cash to spend and bitches to bounce on and booze to drink and beds to break.

Basically low impulse control low introspection high functioning sociopath. You're so smart you turned your brain off and so charismatic you think you can't be swayed. You are absolutely the easiest person to swindle in the room. You will commit mistakes. You will enjoy it thoroughly and regret it deeply until you get distracted again.
Henry Wu and John Hammond from the Jurrasic Park book. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.
>bro just choose whatever damage type you want lmao
What is even the point of damage types at this point if you aren't even going to lock in any option and ever have to deal with the downsides of your decision? Oh wait this is D&D Next v2 i.e. OneD&D and any kind of downside or consequence to your actions would be badwrongfun and oppressing le heckin PoC and committing a bi-erasure. Or whatever these woke fucks think. No, it's fucking stupid game design. It's pointless to have a spell that is every damage type as a fucking CANTRIP. Oh but we can't ever have sorcerers and wizards get fucked out of dealing damage, on top of doing everything else they do. I mean, it's not like fighters get absolutely fucked out of dealing damage if they don't have a magic weapon. Oh wait what's that? They do? Well shit I guess the game is like biased against warrior characters or something. That's fine because there's only like one class that doesn't cast any spells at this point. And poor poor sorcerers only get HALF as many cheat codes as the wizard class, so they are clearly oppressed and need reparations in the form of a CANTRIP that can deal ANY DAMAGE TYPE AT WILL. That's awesome dude, just fucking invalidate mechanics, like you invalidated the 3-18 stat range by removing rolling for stats and making all the ability score increases +2s so there's no point to even including the raw score. Imbeciles. God, I wish I could get paid $150,000 a year to make dogshit game design decisions and jerk off in InDesign all day. Oh wait, I have a conscience.

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Previous thread: >>93226880

Wargames go in their general: >>>/tg/bwg/

Thread question: what's the best eurogame you've played recently? What makes it so good?
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Pretty much, sometimes there are deals on local facebook marketplaces but most of my purchases are on Kleinanzeigen
None of them is my favorite board game but of the lot, I like Thurn and Taxis the most. It used to be El Grande but Chaos in the Old World just completely replaced it for me.
Hello BGG, I need some help. I am looking for a Tableau style gaming that can be 1-4 players. My Daughter and Nephews LVOE playing Imperial Settlers Empires of the North and enjoy Everdell and I want to add another game to that group of games. Do you have any suggestions? Cutesy art style is not needed as it will make the game different from the other two game we play. Wingspan does not interest us, so that is out of the question. Thank you.
18xXia: Legends of a Drift System
Thanks man, can't wait to get them to the table.

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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And? You can like old thing, or you can like new thing. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the pathological *need* to cry about every single new thing and put every old thing up on a pedestal, while simultaneously weaving those preferences into a narrative about how CB is dying and we should hate them and why it's broadly the fault of the poster's political opponents, who we should also hate.

It's just something I've seen happen time and time again and it's just... so exhausting.
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I quickly went through the humansphere wiki and cropped all the currentish TAGs as well as the ones posted here nu-tik pic is so huge its the only one I had to resize it

I know the old Liz was a midget and could be confused for a modern S5 HI but it's always been S7.
You might be onto something with the silhouette, which is stupid since model size doesn't have to correspond to Size. Just look at the damn umbra samaritan.
than the actual Oyoroi? Yes. Better than the Mechathing? Nope
old one was better (And metal)
>Just look at the damn umbra samaritan.
that is the number one culprit for making models closer to their silhouette. I fucking hate that model.

Return of the proper formatting.

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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there's no acpas in his pdf
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Don't forget the classic Angel Cop.
there's a reason you don't want your GM to put you in Chicago in Shadowrun
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I played Dragonfall and Hong Kong, is that in Returns?aaggny
Modern rage for the machine punk faggotry aside, it's a fucking d20 system, which mixes with cyberpunk like oil and water.

Also I'm mad at myself for forgetting to run a shitpost game where you play cops.

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I've been thinking, why would anyone join Khorne in warhammer? Feels like he's the most worthless chaos god.
Even if you are warrior and want to get better than anyone else at killing, slaanesh is way better bet.
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People don't "join" Khorne like it's a fucking local church or something. Chaos is a moral threat you fall to because you're screwed up and shortsighted in some way.

People who fall into Khorne worship are ultimately violent nihilistic people who just hate everything for whatever reason including themselves, see Angron. These people aren't thinking clearly and just want to vent their destructive rage on others. They're also obviously suicidal but have resolved to take as many with them as possible. A real world equivalent might a school shooter who just snaps one day, the type of soldier who decides to commit something like My Lai, the sort of dipshit who blows away his family and then himself...

>slaanesh is way better bet.
This is not really true. You're not here to enjoy yourself in some pedestrian "hookers and cocaine" kind of way. You're here to "enjoy" yourself in the Hellraiser kind of way. You are a burnt out junkie for whom regular pleasures have gotten boring long ago. Now you seek demented, depraved ways to make yourself feel anything.
Slaanesh for pleasures only is very simpleton way of thinking, anon.
If you want to master something so much, that you are ready to discard everything else(and that means everything), Slaanesh will always welcome you.
>why would people get corrupted and fall to chaos and give in to self destructive hatred?
>I would just say no
This is media illiterate posting, and not in that cum-sucking retarded leftist sense, but like an actual example.
>Slaanesh for pleasures only is very simpleton way of thinking, anon.
Experiences, anon. Those who stop at pleasure are failures to their cults.
Most people in 40k are unaware of the chaos gods or daemons in general. The emperor pushed atheism because he knew acknowledging the chaos gods gave them power, and the imperium still hides the exiatence of the chaos gods for similar reasons.

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Back from the dead edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...

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not a good example because Alexander was infamous for breaking through enemy infantry to get through to the rear of the elite infantry in a different section of the line with his cavalry. He was always outnumbered for the most part so he could never actually outflank. This tactic is what made Alexander who he was never Hammer and Anvil.

Chaeronea, Gaugamela, etc.
>not a good example
Yes that's why it's a joke.
Out activating your opponent is a game strategy that relies on manipulating the game system not something that happen in historical warfare.
Meng models are gr8
>ordered from Spellcrow over two weeks ago
>still haven’t gotten my order
>contact them to get tracking info
>tracking number they give me says it’s not an active tracking number
>tried to contact them again to clarify but they’re already closed for the weekend
My concern has deepened. Granted it’s coming from Poland but I’ve had orders from the UK show up within a week.

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What are some mounts from your setting rarely seen in conventional fantasy media?
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Fuck off mate.
Can we, for once, talk about cool mount ideas or something without everyone advertising their yUr SeTtInG?
Take it easy “mate”
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They just gave them to someone else
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Unsounded does this.

You're welcome.
Even more reason to not have them.
fuck off foot fag and my setting dosent have em
Your setting doesn't have feet?
Did you know Harry Potter's goblins were based on insular Celtic dwarves?
FPBP, my setting doesn't have dwarves because they're overdone and boring as shit.

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Insaneway Edition

Previous Thread: >>92971465 (Dead)
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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The borg instantaneously adapting has never been a thing. They take several shots to adapt to phasers, would probably adapt to physical projectiles (in fact the holographic bullets scene is an extremely improbable rule-of-cool moment rather than anything which would rationally work against an energy shield designed to stop particle beam weapons) and have been shown to take extended periods to adapt to or understand certain concepts - omega particles, unimatrix zero, and so on. This is in line with the original Starfleet understanding of the Borg gleaned from unprecedented access to their networks via Locutus, Data and the Enterprise-D computers, which was that it would be possible with the right kind of network access to introduce a destructive algorithm into the collective. That's in line both with Admiral Janeway's assimilation in Endgame (the neurolytic pathogen affects a key system to disrupt command and control of high-level functions), the original destruction of local wifi hotspots in Best of Both Worlds etc

The torpedo scene in Dark Frontier is very much a normal rate of adaptation: the borg of this vessel note the type of explosive and attempt to deactivate it rather than contain it (for all the power of the borg it's unlikely they can create a shield internal to the ship capable of containing a photon torpedo explosion in any case). But defusing a weapon takes time as, unlike simply assimilating a starship's controls (as we've seen on multiple occasions, with the assimilation rapidly spreading to apparently predetermined limits), interrupting an active antimatter weapon's operations may cause it to detonate prematurely. It's not merely a question of which wire to cut, and familiarity with the design only speeds the process but does not make the danger trivial - the anti-tamper failsafes in such a torpedo must be overcome correctly without even a microsecond of lag or it will detonate.
As far as I can recall the only drones the Borg Collective deliberately disconnected was by disconnecting them from their constituent atoms via self-destruct.

I'm surprised Hugh's individuality spread to the rest of his cube. This probably wouldn't have happened in Voyager, as that anon above says, but I'm not sure it's really an improvement. Voyager gave us the vinculum, which is a component of a cube that suppresses individual thoughts. I'd think it would make more sense to have the suppression done by the implants within each drone's skull, making it harder to fight against and drones rarely succeed in becoming a person again, but now it's external so any Borg outside the range of a vinculum just become people again. It's basically inevitable.

I preferred it when we could assume Picard was an easier (relatively) rescue because he was special and Locutus was meant to retain a degree of individuality. Even Hugh had to slowly be weaned onto the idea, and surprised Picard when he said "I" instead of "we". He never remembered who he used to be. Maybe like Seven he was too young when he was assimilated. Adults at least seem to recover better. I still hate it.
Agreed. Though I always had a soft spot for that Shattered Universe game.
Shattered Universe felt like it was a followup to the TOS DC series, which was pretty alright on its own.
It's not a matter of instantaneous adaptation. Where did you get that idea? The problem is Borg ships are armored as fuck so those few shots or torpedo salvos aren't going to do much damage before they adapt. Adaptation is can also be broader than just being exposed to a particular phaser frequency. You can come up with a dozen new frequencies but still only get in 1-2 shots, as Worf would point out, before they figure out how you've modified your phasers and adapt to all the new frequencies. Even the Defiant, designed to combat the Borg, was only pecking away at the surface.

With Dark Frontier the problem is that the Borg ship has almost certainly transmitted it's final moments so next time it's tried the Borg will be ready. ECM to slow the detonator, erecting their powerful forcefields around the torpedo to contain the explosion, just beaming it back onto your ship, to name a few possibilities. For instance when Voyager rescued Icheb from his awful parent's gambit their weapons were useless and didn't even scratch the Borg tractor beam emitter. They also couldn't beam a torpedo directly onto the cube, however they did get the bright idea to beam it onto the ship Icheb was on which was pulled into the Cube first allowing them to detonate it inside. This managed to stun the Cube enough for Voyager to escape.

Then again the problem with Dark Frontier is ultimately that the Queen was watching and playing Voyager all along, apparently, so not sure we can trust any of what we saw.

Work in Progress, "Crisp!" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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Sure, I took a picture of everything I’ve gotten finished fairly recently to mark the progress I’ve made. I’m honestly pretty happy with them all.
Latest thing I did was base the Tyrant Guards and paint my Lictor, who turned out quite nicely.
I noticed a spot on his carapace directly after I took this though and went to go fix it, which now that I think about it might be part of why I forgot to share this here.
Appreciate you sharing. They look sick.
I'm sure the Carnifex will fit in just fine.
Bear in mind that these are lacquer paints. Let your acrylics sit overnight and give it a couple very light coats before doing a wet coat so the lacquer doesn't eat the acrylic paint.
Thanks! I’m looking forward to painting those Carnifexes. Gotta finish the rest of the preparation first though
Always prime first, so the paint has a good surface to adhere to. As for thinning, I've heard it best described as a "milk-like" consistency, so shoot for something like that. It should flow well, without leaving brush marks.
It's a good start, but there's definitely room for improvement. And remember, if you don't like your work, you can always strip the model and restart, nothing to worry about.

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Why do humans find it easier to get along with dwarves than elves?
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Dwarves would probably drink brandy over wine since it's the same stuff but with a higher alcohol content.
Because in folklore humans ran into and dealt with dwarves much more often. They could bargain with them, get them to make cool magic shit sometimes, even learn how to smith from them or be taught where ore veins are in mountains.

Elfs on the other hand usually cursed people, killed them, and any human would much muuuuch rather avoid them at all costs.
I think you'd get more effective diggers if you just gave them barrels of booze and told them to dig for it.
t. Reddit
>the elfs femininity
Did you seriously get filtered by the industry like Reddit?
Elf and dwarf were synonymous.
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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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>handicapped people
okay fair concession.

>Relative difference between God and mortal stats
Diplomancy mind control isn't really supported in the fiction, it's just a bizarre quirk of badly written 3e skill mechanics. in-fiction, if you aren't using actual compulsion magic you can't just make people think what you want. Do I think the Elminster Mystra relationship is healthy? No. But do I think it was mind control/brainwashing, let alone of a 'handicapped' person? Also No.
>Diplomancy mind control isn't really supported in the fiction
This is the one case where this makes sense though. A od being so good at a mundane skill that it becomes equal to magic is absolutely believable.
>Beholder Mage Athasian Dragon
Athas must die so that the multiverse may live.
Sure. But when she tried to pick up Manshoon, he laughed at her and told her to fuck herself. So, she definitely doesn't have mind-controlling-levels of cosmically good charm skills. to my knowledge there's no hint that Mystra fucks Khelben either, despite him being her chosen as well.

I think the more likely explanation is that Elminster is just a masochistic simp for his booty calling flakey swinger dommy mommy.
>mystra does not have diplomacy as a class skill.
She really is autistic.

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Was it kino?
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Looks better than anything you could do and better than anything gaygag's faggot ass had in his shitty books.
It's that "vague anime-adjacent" look that Avatar popularized.
It is a DND show with Melenial Humor. It's 24 episodes, go knock it out instead of playing hearts of iron.
Seethe critard, critical roll is garbage. Go roll a nat 1 yourself.
I accept your concession, nogames.

Votann got two teams before World Eaters got one Edition

>Previous Thread

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams


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I meant power level, not depth.
Anyways, as far as compendium goes, they are the strongest, and they've taken 2 tournaments this season.
That makes sense, but it's really boring
I know someone's mentioned xeno mercs/minor xenos kill teams but what if they were pitted against imperially sanctioned xenos? Would be a good look at the smaller scale conflicts of the smaller scale aliens
I could be into a ratling team. It'd be slow as fuck and totally a ranged team but be able to shoot obscured operatives, indirect rule for targeting concealed in cover, etc. Maybe even a mechanic like the guard action for the gallowdark.
You want to play terminators, go play 40k. Kill Team is the small specialised game.

Darktide is amazing without a single marine visible. Space hulk was wank and had nothing but terminators.

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