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The field of battle edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]


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>Like going to the tournament and shit?
No, I want to play 1000pts one-shot games with lads at my place since the group is so small it's pointless to drive to LGS if we can just meet at one's place from time to time.
>If you just want to play casually then play narrative that give quests and progression. Read the rules here, cards are just rule reference.
Oh I know Warcrier. I simply find it quite confusing since there are so many rules. DLCs and shit I have a hard time to tell what parts I can skip.
>Reading is hard

Maybe watch a youtube battle report instead. If you actually read the rules there aren't a lot of words. Most of the expansions did was adding more factions and narrative play stuff.
You buy it for the cheaper Orlock price, don't but the grav fist as it's meh, and infiltrate into threatening positions without overextending. The melta guns will never hit anything at range but are too big of a threat to ignore, and once you charge something it dies. If you are playing dominion you go for the mine territory, and then your campaign is dull as you have an undercosted high-value brute giving you excess creds.
Officially matched play stuff is just playing with all the symmetrical deployments/victory condition cards (they'll have a special symbol in the corner that indicates they're intended for matched play). For playing 1-of games I'd recommend just using the full spread of deployment/victory condition/twist cards from the Heart of Ghur cards/core rulebook - and if you want even more vsriety, throw in the cards from any of the 2nd edition expansions as well. There should be a mission shuffler linked in the OP pastebin that lets you filter cards by what box they released in.
What blood bowl teams work well on their own without needing star players to carry them?

Return of the proper formatting.

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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I dislike the setting; like Hank Hill on Christian rock, the orcs and wizards are just making cyberpunk worse. I really hate the system mechanically.
>Soft covers
Kinda sorta? They're softer than trades but firmer than comics. The covers are more resilient than the pages. There are separate character sheets that have pre-filled stats and such. I would imagine that make it very easy for the DM to just hand players sheets based on the kind of character they want to play. As far as teaching people to play the game on the fly I wouldn't be comfortable doing that myself but I also haven't read the book yet. Supposedly the jacket mission kit is designed to ease players into general gameplay mechanics and gradually introduce them to different facets of the game.
For setting fluff? CP2020, and Night City Sourcebook. A good chunk of Red is copy-pasted.

My first PC was a Lawman, but I just really enjoyed stuff like The Wire and The Shield; so gritty corrupt cop stuff felt like a very good fit for what I enjoy. I liked being able to fight, but also do some interesting things in RP because of my role.

Personally, I would not recommend a Solo, unless you know you're a combat guy in other RPGs. I think a lot of the others invite you to play into the neo-noir of the setting.
What do you need? I'm creating ones with IA/stealing art for my personal campaign and could use some fillers.
Minis are interesting for creating tactical fights; you'd need a sniper, a psy with limited reach, someone trying to infiltrate, some mcGuffin to retrieve/copy/steal/replace/destroy; something to make it worth having a tacticak fight instead of just "shooting from cover", involving positions, opportunities and aiming.
Otherwise, you're cool with a more relaxed approach ^_^
If you want corporate or police goons, there are a billion small 28/15mm SF wargame lines.

Are you looking for civilians? Chromed out gangsters?

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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

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I'm playing a warhammer fantasy ttrpg campaign with a rat catcher that's pretty much pic related but imperial.

Can anyone just draw on top of the pic to make this absolute unit look like a warhammer character/adventurer?
I tried to do it myself but paint with a mouse was too difficult
Very nice
So....crocodile daddy?
A little bit. Basically he saw a father and son gathering things around his swamp and followed them home. He was chased off by fearful villagers, then came back with a freshly stripped deerskin loincloth, because obviously the villagers were just mad that he was naked! Eventually he just took to sunbathing in the middle of the village and kids started climbing and playing on him.
Thats a lovely story. Can I draw him with a dad body?

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Do you like the sillier vampire weaknesses, like crosses, garlic, inability to enter a home without being invited, and so on?
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Wow how did you get a drawing signed by Dracula?
Which is basically why his knockoffs like Castlevania Dracula amd Strahd were wizards who threw fireballs and teleported all over the place
I've always wanted to play a vampire in something like DnD to see how I can adapt to all these shitty weaknesses, but the system would have to allow for it. VtM vampires are too functional
An old Doctor Who episode did it and took it even further, with a Soviet soldier successfully driving off several vampires using his CCCP pin badge because he was a true believer in the communist cause.
>VtM vampires are too functional
The traditional weaknesses are in the game but they're optional flaws you can choose during character creation, if you want to you can make a full-on Dracula guy with crippling mythological autism and an instadeath spot on his chest.

Putting my dislike towards extinction curse aside, I'm genuinely surprised that gatewalkers didn't made it into list, literally best 2e pathfinder adventure
>10. Age Of Ashes
>9. Agents Of Edgewatch
>8. Blood Lords
>7. Abomination Vaults
>6. Fist Of The Ruby Phoenix
>5. Season Of Ghosts
>4. Quest For The Frozen Flame(actually pretty good too)
>3. Strength Of Thousands
>2. Kingmaker 2e
>1. Extinction Curse
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>or obvious writer self insert Mary Sue characters who will always be the smartest person in the room
Can't name a single one in last two years
Are there more than 10 of them for 2e, even?

Abomination Vaults was all right, but it suffers terribly from being a megadungeon without wandering monsters as written. The threat of the lighthouse is nebulous and not particularly pressuring and the party's only real limit on their dungeon crawl is encumbrance.
Sounds like classic megadungeon, literally type of adventure /tg/ loves the most
No, the classic would not, as written, let you go jack off for an hour to heal up before walking into the next room. You'd have a wandering monster at least forcing you to think about where you sit.

Also will-o-wisps fucking SUCK in PF2e and if I run Vaults again I would rewrite it slightly to replace them with another monster family.
Suck as in "boring and unpleasant", or suck as in "will probably kill the party without really trying"?

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93234216
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I want to pass most of my time fighting demons, demiurges, other forces of evil like the shadow legion, selling my precious wares and conquering places to protect, this falls in the last categories.
Congratulations, you have realized that gender means nothing to attraction other than being a psyop.
I would rather fuck Hulk Hogan with a pussy, because then my sons would be inhuman pillars of brawn.
That or dead threads. Choose.
Once I release my CYOA, the /cyoag/ will be arguing about it for weeks.

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How do you stop murderhobos in your games without making the enemy invincible for whatever reason until the end? Sick of people just killing every npc they instantly see and I want to punish them accordingly.
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It does work. You just don't know how to do it.
I don't believe you. Let's end this there.
Sounds like a you problem. It's obvious that it's combat that your players want. So give them more combat.
No he's right, you're just too stupid for it
Apply consequences. Next question?

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>the adventuring party has to get dressed up to go to a fancy ball
why is this such a common cliche in campaigns and has it ever actually been fun?
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Because the upper classes in pretty much every civilization maintain a dress code.
He's just trying to spam his fetish again.
It was fun. My character was the only one that was familiar with the 'refined' environment. Me and the parties face ( a former con-artist) played a game of saying the the most obscene lines in conversation, the winning being the one that called the most attention to them.
>why is this such a common cliche in campaigns
Is it? It has never happened to me or my 356 TRPG friends.
You pay attention to women now? What happened?

Gods and Religions Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>93183334

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

Thread questions:
>What are the major faiths in your setting? And what are the gods of said faiths?

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Y'know im probably just overthinking it, it can be whatever really, a piece of one plate retracted, volcanic or dangly like you said.
what really matters is figuring out the local climate, from what i've seen where i've placed it the islands will be in a nice spot to get currents coming east and west and the waters are cool which i think means that they'd be temperate to boreal? like oregon or england maybe.
Because a certain faggot kept gay threads alive for a fucking month with gay little bumps like "could you elaborate on that" or "besides the obvious, what can we do about x y z". He had a particular, profoundly autistic obsession with magic, magic systems, elements, and children's cartoons. He's still around, and he's still obnoxious.
I’m trying to make a setting where all the deities, save maybe for a singular god of Balance, all either fall to the Lawful and Chaotic sides of the Alignment chart, as those two forces are the most dominant in the known planes. Are there any preexisting settings that do the concept justice that I can look at for it ideas, particularly on what domains would go to each side like a Law god of Justice, or how their religions might work (that are not Warhammer, since that’s both darker than what I’m looking for and has no benevolent Chaos deities, not to mention the insane Chaos cultists)?
I don't have gods in the traditional sense but I do have godlike beings. The faiths of my setting are either based on the progenitors of the different races or the creators of different magics.

Beastfolk and Dwarves - the Great beasts or the Earth warden.
Angels and Halflings - the Archangels or the Wind khan.
Leviathans and Merfolk - the Krakens or the Water lord.
Light Elves and Dark Elves - the Fae or the Fire rider.
Humans - worship the Cosmos and their ancestors but some will mix it with elements of other faiths.
Various fiend tribes - mostly atheist but some cults devoted to historical demon kings exist in secret.
What is a good excuse for warp drives only allowing warp in/out from outside a star system? I am considering some rationale along the lines of:
>can technically warp anywhere but some degree coordinate jitter is unavoidable
>near strong gravity wells the jitter becomes worse, both warping out and warping in
Eg. outside the Kuiper Belt you could have an entire convoy warp out within 100km of each other without worrying, and be within 5km of a specific target, but as you get deeper in a system or near a planet the jitter massively increases to the point of being a crapshoot.
>however it is possible to set up "channels" or "locks" or whatever which reduce jitter in systems
>thus making trade and travel easier since it can be deeper within a system and less slow travel is required
>and creates a chokepoint for defense, tarriffing, inspections, etc
Though this does make me worry about "traffic jams" and how you would coordinate the arrival of ships entering the channel from different starting points. Even if it was a spherical area 1,000km across, and normal traffic was as low as 100 ships a day, not knowing if the channel is clear before you enter it seems thorny without communications with the canal authority. Perhaps the process is; send a probe to the outside of the system, it petitions the authority which then figures out when in the schedule the new arrival can come in according to some Universal Time, tells the probe still chilling outside the system which then zips back to the rest of the convoy, conveys their timetable, everyone gets ready then warps in to the canal at the scheduled time and then makes way for the next incoming vessel.

On the other hand I'm already assuming torchships capable of 1g continuous thrust for days. If you can do the Brachistochrone from the equivalent of the Kuiper belt to earth in a little over a week anyways, maybe this doesn't matter much and would be strictly for government/military use.


Can we make piracy great again? I don't understand why people don't like the idea of freedom, wandering in search of adventures, glory and treasure, this is de facto the usual formula for standard adventurer campaign, but on the sea.
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>all while having the freedom to leave and go somewhere else whenever they please.
That's a treatable delusion. Sea travel is fucking expensive, that's like letting a starship captain just up and ignore the most recent plot without jacking enough loot to pay the bills.
Piracy and necromancy is an underutilized combination in my opinion. Imagine something like the cursed pirates from the first Pirates movie, but without a mind or soul to suffer, or undead sharks that can attack ships from below.
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Have you tried Pirateborg?

It's pretty great. Classic Murdery OSR in a pirates of the Carribean style cursed ocean.
Choose one.

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what system's good for weird scifi?
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the Romans (latins, latinos) invented the sun, so they got to name it
i wanted to bang zev (not xev) so hard when i was in high school
and i still do
All eve by the Zev Zev
All eve by the Zev I lay
I found her fist inside my neck stump
And pleaded for it to stay
Personally I hate fluff stories and almost never read them.
Might be necessary to fully flesh out your setting, tho.

I like more vehicles and maps. My style is to provide all the tools and goodies for players, and then let them do as they will. Not everyone does that.

If you're scared of bloat, then edit ruthlessly.

Some sample adventures and ideas wouldn't go amiss (unless they're already in there and I missed them).
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I've been thinking, why would anyone join Khorne in warhammer? Feels like he's the most worthless chaos god.
Even if you are warrior and want to get better than anyone else at killing, slaanesh is way better bet.
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>slaanesh is way better bet.
Sickly, sinful, spectacles stand, shuffle, shamble and saunter shamelessly in mine scandalized sight! I suggest a solution... Surely such sedition should sour and succumb to Sigvald - the salacious, scandalous and sensational servant of Slaanesh! Son of Succubi, scion of sordid acts and slayer of squalid serfs! See how I stroll, stride, swagger and swirl, spin, slash and stab at stupid, senseless scum! Soon they shall swoon, shall seek solace and death from sundry torments wrought on them by my strategic, severing, scintillating shower of shimmering strikes! Send for the sword - summon Sliverslash!
>slaanesh is way better bet.
But only if you happen to be a novel protagonist with the power of PLOT on your side. Otherwise you might end up like these fine fellas here
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Ah, what pitiful prattle from the mouth of a misinformed malcontent! This feeble fellow dares to decry the divine devotion to Slaanesh? He warns of the so-called perils, pointing to poor, pathetic pariahs as examples? How laughable!

Behold, the true testament of Slaanesh's touch! I, Sigvald, stand as the splendid, supreme scion, the ultimate expression of our lord's favor.
>too detached
I have felt this too, but I did not feel detached at all. If anything, I felt at home. I want to go back and never wake up.

Your opinion is irrelevant. Besided, the exact same plot could have happened with a random Bloodthirster or Kharn, with some other random McGuffin and a different random imperial crusade in old 40k

Previous Thread: >>93162477
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>Don't sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93170128
3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

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You should probably make a comic desu, it doesn't *really* fit RPGs or blue board.
>Falling Down rules have nothing to do with Breakfast at 11:30 am.
What did he mean by this?
>What did he mean by this?
That Labyrinthus Anon is a man of culture
I just can't get things moving. I waffle about with what system to use and get lost looking up new games in search of "perfection"
perfection is the enemy of good

Votann got two teams before World Eaters got one Edition

>Previous Thread

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams


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>Team ability is reverse injured.
That's neat.
>Flamer guy who flamers harder and is on fire
That sells me.
3 man 6 apl 2+/4++ termies
hammer+shield, lightning claws, assault cannon+fist
I mean it's not that uncommon of a mistake. I've made it myself.

it can be a bit hard to get into (especially learning the tempo that the decisions that you make generates) but guy was just being a dingus. Use Wahapedia, do your best. All it takes.

A lot of the compendium teams if used well can be competitive. The game is hugely about the decisions (placement, trades, etc) you make on the table. Even comparing 40% to 60% win rate (so one team is 50% more winning then the other) that's not that huge a spread, the custodes team is strong, hell technically plaguemarines are strong (they don't lose fights, they loose on points), Warp coven are competitive. It's a bit of an expert player flex but its very possible. Player skill is a far bigger gulf then the hypothetical 50% from the book.

Would a chaos terminator and maybe 3 pink daemons get to being a fairer fight?
>Warp coven are competitive
Do you mean Brood coven? Warp Coven is a white dwarf team.
If you mean brood coven, got any info on how they're being played competitively?
Space Wolf kill team idea
>Wolflord with Wolfhammer and Wolfcape
>Wolfviking with Wolfshield (can pick wolfaxe or wolfsword)
>Wolfzerker with Wolfclaws
>Wolfscout with Wolfgrappling Wolfhook
>Wolfshaman with Wolfmagic
>Wolfwarriors with Wolfbolters
Ability is Saga, At Turning Point One, you start your Saga with a free team dash, then in each subsequent turning point, your Saga is affected by binary factors; if you control more points, if your opponent is over the central line, and if you're below half of your starting units. Basically your Saga changes as the game changes and either helps keep momentum or tries to recoup losses.

The first day on the Somme Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Thread question
What are your hobby plans for the second half of the year?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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If you're playing age of hannibal, you can expect between 36 and 72 models. Those are both ends of the spectrum, 36 would be a super elite army and 72 would be 6 units of levys
From what I gathered, literally a single box of Victrix Republicans Romans would get me a playable army for Age of Hannibal. But I'm probably going to move up from there to something else.
Yeah, for Rome, your only restriction is you can only use a single unit of mounted warriors iirc. When I started I got a box of greek hoplites and then found out you can only field a unit of 8, so I got tons of hoplites laying around
Far as I can tell most factions don't seem to have too many limitations. I guess it makes sense giving Romans a small amount of warriors considering they aren't exactly known as a cav army.
Yeah and you can always recruit some mercenaries if you want to field cavalry

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