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Get fucked Hexproof

Duskmourn actually looking good
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AI art has just started.
I like how even some of the AI art has "real names" of artists to justify it.
Yep, all shit AI art.
It's all the same dull look to it too.
Sure it might have realistic looking human features, but most has that weird color pallette and same AI lighting.
They've definitely created a language model on the art style they want to stick to.
Spitiful little loser.
Imagine hating someone for being human enough to care.
I guess caring about stuff, even the state of a silly card game is too much for someone who lost all sense of humanity, who can't think and only consume this bitter mess we live in.
Ironically this was part of one of the earliest combo decks, and caused a functional errata on Basalt Monolith so it couldn't untap itself.

It's a combo deck that continues to cheese wins in EDH and 93/94 to this day.

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Back from the dead edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...

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You constantly shit up the thread and call people puritans if they reject sexual things at the gaming table. You're a blight on this website and you stand out like a sore thumb. You need to touch grass and stop derailing threads constantly.

Spent the night converting Havic brother mutants for OPR. I have a 3rd edition chaos army and 2nd Ed loyalist army from when I was a kid. Instead I'd having boxes full of model bits I've been getting them on bases and ready to play. a bunch of demon arms and shoulder pads to cover the joins for me a new unit. Love some old fashioned super glue and getting stuck in. When I'm done I'll have probably 5k of havoc bros. can do destroyer heavy or normal brothers. It's nice to have options and I'm enjoying gluing things together like I did as a kid. less worries about mold lines and more about having playable models even if they will be an eternal grey/primed navy forever.

Once I've got these guys done it's going to be wood elves. Then figuring out how to properly organise the magnetic army boxes so the stuff I play the most is easy to get to. I didn't expect to be spending so much on magnets but when you're turning decades of backlog into minis they're all needing ama way to stick to the storage boxes. I like round bases and fdm printing them with small holes for magnets makes it so easy.
>Ree you shit up threads
>Wall of text
In your imagination maybe. I don't see the need for sexualised tabletop games, maybe people agree.
Most of what he posted was about the hobby. You haven't even posted a mech in bisexual pride colours
I can't stand 40k and most of the fanbase but a curosry view on the Quar game is that despite being Very Odd people seem to like it because it's, well, cute and well put together.

Return of the proper formatting.

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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Player choice is the most important thing. The character could always panic, run away, and become a nomad. That'd also be kind of a cool story. Camping out in the desert and occasionally running illicit goods from into Night City trying to steer clear of the deranged tsundere cyborg who wants to flatline you.
> Point out why I made assumptions,
Are you the same anon? If so, tell me what your character says to de-escalate the situation.
>tell me what your character says to de-escalate the situation.
"You seemed so comfortable in the body you use at work, I just assumed that was the body you always use, so I tried to prepare. I apologize for my mistake, would you still like to go on our date?"

Was right
You lost me
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>Your timely deployment of a calm and structured argument manages to disarm her anger and catches her flat-footed. While you sidestep her accusation it's clear she feels self-conscious from your caution about her other body that influenced you to chip the Mr. Studd. Wanting to escape the inner turmoil she leans harder into the fantasy she enjoys to escape her own indiscretion.
>She turns away from you, pouting "B-baka! It's not like I like you like that anyway!"
>In a fit of rage she kicks the bench, her finely tuned gemini body causing the park decoration to shatter into a mess of faux wood. Had you been sitting on it, you would have gotten riddled with a spray of bench-based shrapnel.
>After the violent display, she runs away with tears rolling down her cheeks clearly upset that you thought she was "that kind of girl". Despite the manic episode, this is totally like something out of one of her favorite animes so the delusion actually helps her humanity rather than hurts it. At one point she looks back at you to see if you're still watching her before parkouring out of the park.
You're alive... for now. to be continued?

Ironjawz da best! Edition

▶Previously in the Mortal Realms:

▶Latest news:

▶Official AoS website, Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs::

warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/ [Rest in Peace soon]

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Yes and No. I was finished painting my army by the end of second edition, afett third I had to start over. Now I've only got the right arms on my corsairs(swords instead of crossbows), my cannon, and new fleetmaster.
roools fo de stinke, just for dos of ye who dinde see it.
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Got into AoS in February, so I wasn't around for the dawn of 3rd, but I've gotten (currently) about 1500 points of CoS painted and working my way though the HoS Spearhead in preparation to buy Masque and probably Shalaxi depending on the final reveal. Not trying to meta chase, but I'm not gonna drop $60-$130 USD on a model that's borderline deadweight.

>pic partially related: Shardbringer I need to highlight/shade up a bit. Was properly based after this photo.

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>ITT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

>V20 is the generally accepted continuity
>Each thread represents ~1 week of nights
>There is no author; we are acéphale
>Nictuku will be diablerized on sight

question: what does a kindred do if they find an ancient vampire with a stake in there heart while they were exploring ruins?
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First for Possums

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>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip

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Just buy some anal beads or raisins and put em on a base for the swarms.

They were released, they just immediately sold out. I also been waiting like 6 months for some bb resin, they should get on that.
Do they send out the restocking emails? I dont think that shit works.

If you are in the US, it was in stock for around 2 hours a month ago.
nta but why do ppl call you naggaroth anon?
are there no books for ogres?

Thread 423: Event Exclusive Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

Bushiroad Spring Fest 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/

Release Schedule (Vanguard):
- Festival Booster 2024: 7/12

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So does Akina know?
>Blangdmire is mini Dust
>Levidras is mini Zoa
it's gonna happen
About Liael and Rezael? Probably not.
Future Hikari makes a split second cameo in the op, so both her and Amorta might come back
I hate how they only turn the top card instead of the soul as well. That's not how I do it!!!!!
A super genius and the very person who introduced supernatural cards on a global scale are on the same team? Can't get more intriguing than that.

Votann got two teams before World Eaters got one Edition

>Previous Thread

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams


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We already have elites, kind of, I'd like to see boss battles and ai controlled units for either co-op or vs games.
Before the 40k setting become a series of one note, overdone jokes, the world eaters still had gunners.
Fine damn sanctioned ABHUMANS vs minor xenos.
Step 1: use them as Scions from the Compendium
Step 2: win
Give world eaters unique chaos spawn for a killteam.

Or give me bloodpact.

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The field of battle edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]


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Almost all of them, except stunties. And even they, only snotling and ogres are really supposed to have them all the time. Star Players arent that important normally.
Looks like Infinity to me.
As >>93256164, almost all.

That said, all Elf teams and Vampires especially do not need a star to function as their teams by themselves are stars .
what are the best rules for 6mm 40k?

netepic or netEA?
that debate has been raging 20 years and not likely to be settled anytime soon. don't count out the epic 40k minority either.
ultimately it's down to what you and you your group like in a game. netepic was written in the same spirit as titanicus, bfg, and rogue trader. it has a relatively simple rules core supplemented with a lot of very flavorful crunch. epic 40k is the opposite, highly abstract but with the ability to scale elegantly to any size battle. epic Armageddon is a hybrid of the two approaches.

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The admech love soup, right?
I imagine once you can get them to admit they don't eat only onions veridians, they have some great recipes.
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smell and taste are the same sense
>this idiot has never had a delicious bowl of Florentine
What a sad loser
I'd like more soup thread, so have a bump.
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>soup is a waste of ingredients you could prepare in other ways
The opinions some people have.

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Glow Wyrm Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc

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This Juggernaut fellow looks straight out of a Nickelodeon show.
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Rapier: [Reach] [ / ] / [ X ] (5 Silver)
*Lunge; When a model Attacks with this weapon, it may spend 1 additional AP to move 1 directly toward the target and do an additional degree of Severity.

as it's own thing. will post a fixed Eloi tonight. i am thinking of a daredevil + picnicker unit, thoughts?
agree about Words That Kill.
could work as an amplifier of some sort, or a relay.
>I personally dislike Words That Kill itself because it's making Prophecies into straight up magic
>agree about Words That Kill.
How about making it
> Test Awareness, if succesfull note down a turn, enemy model and friendly model. If on that turn that enemy model attempts a Parley action on that friendly, in addition to all other Parley rules, the loser suffers a Grievous as well.
>Fleshy Outgrowth
When I wrote Flesh-Construct I didn't really think about what would happen if an outgrowth detached from it.
I'm not sure how I feel about detached outgrowths. They feel a little more Mu than Lemurian. This might sound weird but I think that if it was fleshy for two turns, and then turned into a stone barricade it would work with the cultivation themes in a way I can't really explain. Like crumbling to dust and rock after having all that power course through you or getting petrified by the inner sun or something.
Also as an opportunity to have petrified units show up in the world as potential treasures to cart away or set dressing in the ruins of Old Lemuria.
Plus, it explains why they'd be crushing degenerates. (aside from the funny squishing noises) They're paving their ancient roads with the petrified impressions of humanoid bodies.
that is certainly more fitting.
makes me wonder if Parleys should be expanded on somehow, but i guess they would work better in campaigns.

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Titan Riot edition

>previous thread

>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn

Thread Question:
What was your first White Dwarf? Was it a good one?
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I also noticed that one dreadnought on bike base, damn how did it ever stay upright. Didn't this army get ruined by gw employee just swiping them into a single box for transportation?
I think that's a WFB chariot base rather than a bike base, which is 50mm wide so would probably be ok for a dread.
Do you have more pics of ogryn models?
In that BR there was some controversy over the death of the Ork warphead.

The Librarian used the Vortex psychic power to kill him. This acts exactly like a vortex grenade which states that there is no save allowed and explicitly says "no exceptions"

However Adrian rolled a saving throw because of his aegis suits which allows a 4+ unmod save against any psychic power. He failed it anyway but the question is was he allowed to make the roll?

I would think yes - as the aegis suit is kind of like a dispel magic card rather than a saving throw from armor.
an Assassin's Dodge save also works against vortex grenades so so much for no exceptions there either

Work in Progress, "Crisp!" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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looks solid, are you just gonna fill some negative space in w white?
whats a good alternative to martian ironearth/crust? looking for something that achieves the same effect / colour but doesnt cost a fortune
Cinnamon powder or crushed up plant pot shards.
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This stuff, any of the colors work well.

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Previous thread: >>93166217

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Which are your favorite TL9+ weapons?
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How in god’s name do you “farm engagement” on an anonymous Polynesian basketweaving forum?
Don't be coy, we all know who you are. Do you write for a living? No. How much do you earn on Patreon? Nothing. How many GURPS writing credits you've got? None. Shut the fuck up
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Took a crack at Meta-Tech to make a Fallout power fist at starting wealth 1000. Does this look right?
Power Fist
Origin: High Tech (+1 BCM)
Shots: 10 (3)
SM -4 (.125 size multiplier)
Meta Statistics: Crushing Attack 1d (ST Based THR +80%; Melee Attack C -30%, Limited Uses 10 Fast Reload (3) -5%, Occupies one hand -15%, Requires ST 10 -15%, ) [5.75]

Total Cost: 1000*.125*2*5.75=$1437.50

As an aside, I don't really like how the cost is based off of character starting wealth. I arbitrarily used $1000 dollars for the value. (my players were given $600 in actuality)

I DO like how much easier this will make modding weapons, armor, etc.
>As an aside, I don't really like how the cost is based off of character starting wealth.
It’s based on *campaign* starting wealth, which is just an analog for TL since the former scales with the latter. Even when TL-based starting costs aren’t used (like in postapoc games), the idea is to keep the cost in-line with what’s appropriate for the setting.
Yeah that's why I went with $1000 in the end, it seemed to output a reasonable cost to what I've seen in the games.

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I have extended the title and I think it's good and we should use this longer title going forward Edition

>Previous Thread

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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Did you not already know that?
If you use female heads, the rules should reflect that reducing them to S3, T3 and I3, men and woman are different.
Yes well he was a chaoscuck so that makes sense. Arrogance and pride was Horus greatest sins.
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Anybody know what the markings are next to the Cthonian Headhunters on the solar aux decal sheets?
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the Boremanite Devils?

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