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what system's good for weird scifi?
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the Romans (latins, latinos) invented the sun, so they got to name it
i wanted to bang zev (not xev) so hard when i was in high school
and i still do
All eve by the Zev Zev
All eve by the Zev I lay
I found her fist inside my neck stump
And pleaded for it to stay
Personally I hate fluff stories and almost never read them.
Might be necessary to fully flesh out your setting, tho.

I like more vehicles and maps. My style is to provide all the tools and goodies for players, and then let them do as they will. Not everyone does that.

If you're scared of bloat, then edit ruthlessly.

Some sample adventures and ideas wouldn't go amiss (unless they're already in there and I missed them).
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I've been thinking, why would anyone join Khorne in warhammer? Feels like he's the most worthless chaos god.
Even if you are warrior and want to get better than anyone else at killing, slaanesh is way better bet.
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>slaanesh is way better bet.
Sickly, sinful, spectacles stand, shuffle, shamble and saunter shamelessly in mine scandalized sight! I suggest a solution... Surely such sedition should sour and succumb to Sigvald - the salacious, scandalous and sensational servant of Slaanesh! Son of Succubi, scion of sordid acts and slayer of squalid serfs! See how I stroll, stride, swagger and swirl, spin, slash and stab at stupid, senseless scum! Soon they shall swoon, shall seek solace and death from sundry torments wrought on them by my strategic, severing, scintillating shower of shimmering strikes! Send for the sword - summon Sliverslash!
>slaanesh is way better bet.
But only if you happen to be a novel protagonist with the power of PLOT on your side. Otherwise you might end up like these fine fellas here
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Ah, what pitiful prattle from the mouth of a misinformed malcontent! This feeble fellow dares to decry the divine devotion to Slaanesh? He warns of the so-called perils, pointing to poor, pathetic pariahs as examples? How laughable!

Behold, the true testament of Slaanesh's touch! I, Sigvald, stand as the splendid, supreme scion, the ultimate expression of our lord's favor.
>too detached
I have felt this too, but I did not feel detached at all. If anything, I felt at home. I want to go back and never wake up.

Your opinion is irrelevant. Besided, the exact same plot could have happened with a random Bloodthirster or Kharn, with some other random McGuffin and a different random imperial crusade in old 40k

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Do you like the sillier vampire weaknesses, like crosses, garlic, inability to enter a home without being invited, and so on?
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i thought this was leprechaun lore
Wow how did you get a drawing signed by Dracula?
Which is basically why his knockoffs like Castlevania Dracula amd Strahd were wizards who threw fireballs and teleported all over the place
I've always wanted to play a vampire in something like DnD to see how I can adapt to all these shitty weaknesses, but the system would have to allow for it. VtM vampires are too functional
An old Doctor Who episode did it and took it even further, with a Soviet soldier successfully driving off several vampires using his CCCP pin badge because he was a true believer in the communist cause.

Previous Thread: >>93162477
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>Don't sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93170128
3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

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You should probably make a comic desu, it doesn't *really* fit RPGs or blue board.
>Falling Down rules have nothing to do with Breakfast at 11:30 am.
What did he mean by this?
>What did he mean by this?
That Labyrinthus Anon is a man of culture
I just can't get things moving. I waffle about with what system to use and get lost looking up new games in search of "perfection"
perfection is the enemy of good

Votann got two teams before World Eaters got one Edition

>Previous Thread

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams


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>Team ability is reverse injured.
That's neat.
>Flamer guy who flamers harder and is on fire
That sells me.
3 man 6 apl 2+/4++ termies
hammer+shield, lightning claws, assault cannon+fist
I mean it's not that uncommon of a mistake. I've made it myself.

it can be a bit hard to get into (especially learning the tempo that the decisions that you make generates) but guy was just being a dingus. Use Wahapedia, do your best. All it takes.

A lot of the compendium teams if used well can be competitive. The game is hugely about the decisions (placement, trades, etc) you make on the table. Even comparing 40% to 60% win rate (so one team is 50% more winning then the other) that's not that huge a spread, the custodes team is strong, hell technically plaguemarines are strong (they don't lose fights, they loose on points), Warp coven are competitive. It's a bit of an expert player flex but its very possible. Player skill is a far bigger gulf then the hypothetical 50% from the book.

Would a chaos terminator and maybe 3 pink daemons get to being a fairer fight?
>Warp coven are competitive
Do you mean Brood coven? Warp Coven is a white dwarf team.
If you mean brood coven, got any info on how they're being played competitively?
Space Wolf kill team idea
>Wolflord with Wolfhammer and Wolfcape
>Wolfviking with Wolfshield (can pick wolfaxe or wolfsword)
>Wolfzerker with Wolfclaws
>Wolfscout with Wolfgrappling Wolfhook
>Wolfshaman with Wolfmagic
>Wolfwarriors with Wolfbolters
Ability is Saga, At Turning Point One, you start your Saga with a free team dash, then in each subsequent turning point, your Saga is affected by binary factors; if you control more points, if your opponent is over the central line, and if you're below half of your starting units. Basically your Saga changes as the game changes and either helps keep momentum or tries to recoup losses.

The first day on the Somme Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Thread question
What are your hobby plans for the second half of the year?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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If you're playing age of hannibal, you can expect between 36 and 72 models. Those are both ends of the spectrum, 36 would be a super elite army and 72 would be 6 units of levys
From what I gathered, literally a single box of Victrix Republicans Romans would get me a playable army for Age of Hannibal. But I'm probably going to move up from there to something else.
Yeah, for Rome, your only restriction is you can only use a single unit of mounted warriors iirc. When I started I got a box of greek hoplites and then found out you can only field a unit of 8, so I got tons of hoplites laying around
Far as I can tell most factions don't seem to have too many limitations. I guess it makes sense giving Romans a small amount of warriors considering they aren't exactly known as a cav army.
Yeah and you can always recruit some mercenaries if you want to field cavalry

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Darth Tenebrous Scientific Mastermind Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>93210720

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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>I'm watching them and enjoying them
It's OK to have shit taste, but I wouldn't broadcast it so loudly.
This is my only issue as well: I *despise* hypocrisy. I'd be perfectly happy for sexless catladies and wineaunts to get their topless shots and prosthetic dicks flopping around if it wasn't for the fact that even a hint of a suggestion of a smidgeon of attractive female sexuality - not even nudity, just a hot woman who's not dressed in a fucking burka - drives them into a frothing rage denouncing the show as "cisheteropatreonormative violence", any man who says they liked it as basically-a-rapist(honestly one day a lot of guys are just going to say "fuck it, we're doing the time anyway, might as well do the crime" and then I'm gonna fucking laugh), and any women who liked it - if they acknowledge they exist at all - as useful idiots.
Fuck the low bar my man! Me and my gf Maggie love Revenge of the Sith and wish it was filmed in 70mm!

Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie and I wish I was the one who co-directed and co-written the script!
Fuck you and eat shit! ROTS was kino!
Star Wars 4 Life

Lord of Change Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93218566

▶ Thread Task: Post your own/literal interpretation of the spell/character/entity's name.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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Note that the faggot who replied to you didn't post an image.
of course not, never post anything if you're offering a criticism. because midwits will just pretend like what you posted is shit, even if it isn't. i'm too smart for that, sorry
>getting upset on 4chan
Heh. Nice.
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Characters for cool fantasy and sci-fi games!
You have great art - show it off! Do it now!
Last thread: >>93158349

Thread Theme: Good Damn Heroes
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Bald with fat mullet dreadlocks is definitely a look.
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Does anyone have interesting/uncommon art for ogryn boneheads?

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Four legs, two wings, a tail. Must have horns.
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A lot of people think of them as reptiles, but dragons are traditionally magical hybrids. Western dragons are a cross between a snake, a bird of prey, and a big cat. Eastern dragons have many more animals rolled in, called the "nine resemblances". So by comparison, dinos look very un-fantastical.
I enjoy this Grenadier/Mirliton dragon ironically though. It's just silly.
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On the other hand, this dino-inspired dragon works, because it's neither fully dragon nor fully dinosaur.
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Last one, from Alternative Armies.
This one looks good but there isn't really much dragon in it.
Note that both the unironically good dragon-dinos don't have wings, because they're not inspired by pterosaurs and anything else would look weird.
(the previous one was from Dark Sword)
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I always thought this guy looked awesome. Dark Sun dragons are weird but something about them just looks right.

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is getting attacked on sight for playing a non human race even a fun mechanic?

even if it's a weak af human going up againts a demi human for some reason it just slows don't the game and becomes annoying
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Not really. Even if you dial it down towards simply being confronted by the guards and undergoing an interrogation, it either ends up wasting time, getting handwaved, or with the player having to create a new character.

Playable races need to be able to exist in population centers without causing major issues. If a race can't do that, it shouldn't be playable.
I disagree on the grounds that there's tons of campaigns that go nowhere near population centers (unless they're raiding them). War campaigns, borderlands campaigns, underdog campaigns, bandit and pirate campaigns, tomb raiding campaigns, etc etc etc.
You will inevitably be confronted by the players at one point or another beginning to butcher the mob/ the guards/ the soldiers/ the locals, for even if you try to hide, sooner or later you WILL fail a check. So unless you plan a "slaughter every racist human and overthrow the racist government" campaign, yeah, it will be annoying, if not outright game breaking.
As another anon said, it doesn't even make sense a portion of the time because some weakling isn't really going to go and try to fight a player character in a group just because they are a race they don't like on account of being literal weaklings. Most common people are not even considered level 1, and then you're having to deal with the group too potentially.
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It's kind of tedious to do the whole song and dance with every new settlement. Make some concession to the fact that the character needs to keep a low profile, and move on.

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Previous thread: >>93166217

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Which are your favorite TL9+ weapons?
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I still don't understand that reputation. I know and I've played DnD, I DM'd a campaign from lvl 1 to lvl 15, I played a character from lvl 1 to level 12.
DnD IS more complex, each character requieres more dedicated knowledge, more spells, variants, feats and templates than the ones you need to know to make a working GURPS Character.
GURPS offers more possibilities, but it does not demand for complexity. In DnD/pathfinder if you go for the straightforward vanilla rules, you're being suboptimal and will need a lot of help, luck or die.
Nta but same, the bad reputation imo comes mainly from 2 sources: Vehicles and shit newblood GMs throwing the whole basic set at players saying "make a character" and/or (in my experience) shit adhd GMs picking gurps and presenting it with ass houserules without spelling it.
First game you ever play of any TTRPG game should be with your character numbers, backstory and some fancy pictures.
If you like it, you ask for the basic/lite rules.
If you like it, you may ask for the core rules.
If you still like it, you go into the advanced/homebrew rules.
And that's in the shit-ballistical "using dynamite as fuel" fast track.
I totally understand it: it's not laid out like a normal rpg. Everything else is a complete, ready-to-go package, almost always with a setting attached. GURPS is laid out like a reference book, which it basically is. It's not an "rpg", it's just a "g". You far, far overestimate the abilities and interest kf average tabletop player, most don't value it much beyond fucking around with friends and randomly throwing dice
But *I* also enjoy fucking around with friends and randomly throwing dice.
Would love to do so with a system that doesn't punish me harshly for not taking the 2nd ratial template at lvl 5 to get the MultiCleave feat that enables me to be a Cleavemaster at Lvl9 in order to stay marginally ahead of a red queen racing regarding DPS vs what basically are goblins with higher AC and more HP.
That's a value I reckon to some of the PbtAs: they concede so easily to martial victory that ther are unfulfilling, so players and DMs have to focus in _other_ sources of satisfaction to make the story work. Things like plot, or story, or consistence. Because strategic combat is a big null space for dopamine, so you end up playing their game... wich was their whole plan.
::looks at :aggravated damage: in Monsterheart:: PFFFF

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el duende Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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i am sorry to hear that, but this is like nearly the exact advice i got like 12 years ago in a local as a teen and everyone acted like it was common knowledge
It's starting
>but this is like nearly the exact advice i got like 12 years ago in a local as a teen and everyone acted like it was common knowledge
What is? The mafia thing? Nobody has ever mentioned that to me or in my presence before, if that's what you mean.
yeah, it's like really obvious as he says in the video the camarilla laws are literaly just the mafia laws
DAV20 game just ended, was fun, Rate our coterie's final plans.

>Setite Fat Priest - Using setite sorcery and trickery, fucked his Toreador rival to death in a secret setist cult shrine through a bisexual threesome trap. Turns him into the temple's onahole.
>Tzimisce French Inventor - Creates pig/bear/man abominations named John Pork and Jim Swine, with mittens, one of which might be a female. Planning to stock up an army to wage war on the Nosferatu warrens to kill a Nosferatu idiot that failed his trap design contest.
>Toreador Vengeful Painter - Painted his sire by the seaside while his hired men robbed her mansion, he killed and diablerized her after her protection was in ruins, kills the bandits to prevent the diablerie secret from being out.
Ventrue Ambitious Nobleman - Tracked down his traitor sire to London, his sire tried to get a mutual blood bond going as insurance but our Ventrue got him with a surprise staking, and convinced the sire's gangrel bodyguard to stand down and call an elder of the cult of Mithras. The elder let him take the sire's place, joins the Cult of Mithras, and act as a double agent against the chronicle's prince of Canterbury. Was given the right to decapitate his sire and eventually claim Canterbury as his domain once Mithras returns.

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For discussion of D&D 3.0 and 3.5e

> Tools

> Indices
> 3.5
> 3.0

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I like Forgotten Realms, but the implicit game feels more at home in AD&D than 3.5's mechanics.

I want to like Eberron as THE 3.5 setting, but it vaguely rubs me the wrong way without being able to point to anything specific. Maybe I just need to embrace the 2000s steampunk cringekino.
I dunno I can accept Eberron existing if I take into account all the crazy previous settings, but I wouldn't take it for THE setting either.
It's weird, Greyhawk should be the case but them using the local gods in the PHB doesn't do it for me, either, for some reason. Or maybe it's all the weird tech they include in the PHB equipment. Or all the 2000s-style artwork. I just wanted default generic medieval fantasy for the basics.
>Eberron as THE 3.5 setting
Which is funny because absolutely none of the canon abilities work properly in 3.5 mechanics.
IMO FR makes more sense if you're not using 3.5 books outside of Core + FR books, which is how I always ran it. "Complete ___" was as GM-Discretion as Dragon Magazine or stuff for other settings. But I will grant you, it's still a higher power level than suggested by the novels, in terms of spellcasting staying power, ease of resurrection magic, and a few other things. 3e definitely juiced up the character power level.
Can you elaborate?

I wonder what a setting built around some of the implicit elements of SRD Core (XPH, my beloved) would look like, while still being thematically evocative.

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>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

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I even fixed Hood and Gravemind like >>93242064 suggested (with a minor tweak)
Also here’s some more covenant stuff
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Why is there a human in the covenant colors, you ask? Simply because of this. I want the covenant to be able to start the Great Journey as a wincon
Also is there any critique with what I have so far?
Hood probably needs “you may” for proper phrasing, but otherwise looks good.

Although now I’m concerned about proliferate. How present is that in this set?
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This is what I have so far, and it’s just a reprint
To answer your question even more, I plan on it being mainly a flood thing

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