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here’s the classy, beautiful and sophisticated woman that drumpf diverted funds to pay for. $130,000 for one fuck. worth every penny.
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The money came out of Trump's pocket, not taxpayers pocket. The trials on the other hand, which have no case whatsoever, did come out of the pocket of the taxpayers. We are paying for a bullshit trial that has no basis on Trump's second term. Of course, Indian news outlets jump on it because the farther they keep trump from office, the closer they are to having constant h1b visa access to American trade secrets. That's why the story is being whored out by the Times of India.

Wake up, America.
what are you talking about? his wife is hot, now take a good look at obama's wife
She still pretty good looking.

"Gosh Stormy Daniels. You're so beautiful and sexy. I sure would like to lie down on top of you."
This scandal would be a lot more comfy if the porn star in question was hot.

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Many have asserted that Germanic people are superior. I would like an explanation as to why. What is it about Germanic people that makes them superior to other white ethnicities?

Is it their rationality? Their organizational skills?Their soul? Is there any research that proves this supposed superiority?

I do not see why they must necessarily be superior as a person who has only little German ancestry.
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Little mutt shitskin mad
And no one cares you so called Viking sissy culture. You country is just a fucking puppet of us. Lol. Poor Europoors.
Norwegians are richer than you though lol.

Anyways I don't have a problem with White Americans, just shitskin rats that are a plague on all Western societies.
What is your after tax income? How much home equity do you have?
We have higher incomes than you after tax. Percentage wise more Norwegians owns homes than Americans. We have a 1.4 trillion dollar oil fund.

I fixed it.
DAILY REMINDER that ANYONE trying to sow division between Whites and Muslims is a FILTHY JEWISH SHILL. Muslim Arabs are Europe's natural ally against the kike menace and only literal kikes like OP think otherwise.

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Redpill me on dental fillings. How many of these little Dental Jews did Dr. Schlomoberg manage to sneak into your mouth? Did you get the silver ones that leech mercury (a potent neurotoxin known to cause autism, anxiety, and depression)? Or the white plastic ones that leech BPA (an estrogenic feminizing hormone)?
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shut the fuck up scum nigger cattle.
billions ARE affected by it and have "unexplained" health problems.
And why would the "scientist" scum talk about it to expose their own crimes?
My anti vaxx dentist really did the upper four teeth really nicely.
Dentists aren't even allowed to talk about how bad they are. They're forbidden by the ADA.

>Mercury in those fillings is no-active. Doesn't releases anything.
Source? Everything I've read says they release small amounts of mercury per day, and the dentists just claim the amounts are so small as to be harmless. Even the FDA recently banned amalgam fillings for children and pregnant women because they leech mercury.
fuck you scum
Based fellow /pol/ dentist. Do you do any gold foil or ,just inlay/onlay/crown?

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There is "no place on any campus in America" for hate speech, he said.

President Joe Biden denounced what he called a "ferocious surge" of antisemitism in America and the atrocities committed by Hamas during its Oct. 7 attack on Israel in a speech at the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday.

His keynote remarks were part of a U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum ceremony marking the Days of Remembrance to honor the memory of the six million Jews killed during the Holocaust as well as other victims of Nazi persecution.

"Never again simply translated for me means never forget," Biden said before a crowd of Holocaust survivors, Jewish Americans and lawmakers gathered in Emancipation Hall.

"Here we are not 75 years later but just seven and a half months later, and people are already forgetting," Biden said. "They're already forgetting that Hamas unleashed this terror. It was Hamas who brutalized Israelis. It was Hamas who took and continues to hold hostages. I have not forgotten, nor have you. And we will not forget."

The high-profile remarks came at a fraught political moment, as a possible Israeli invasion of Rafah looms and college protests against the war in Gaza are unfolding across the U.S.
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we're going to bring in a million more immigrants and we are building 250,000 houses for them to live in. vote for us.
hopefully they're all gonna share those houses or my situation gets way worse
Someone should point out to him that he is part of the reasons.
the responsiveness of the "free market"
the free market fairy forget a canadian that had a right to housing.

we used to be a rich country.
what happened?

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Besides whittling, what the fuck are swiss army knives even good for anyway? It takes more effort to open the fucking thing then it does to just bite through what ever you are trying to cut, and trying to stab with it will just get your own fingers sliced because it doesn't have a frame lock. But at least I can file my nails I guess? What a useless piece of shit.
its trash - still no dildo in it.
Euroniggers fail at life
Euroniggys are such boot licking fags

I work with ropes I need one for work

Youre all such sheeple

Better yet ask yourself this question: why the fuck is jesus so fucking gay? Why did he let other humiliate, torture and rape him? Why wasn't he powerful and manly like all the gods before him when men built great civilizations?

Ask yourself - what does having a saviour complex mean? How does it work? Does it correlate to a higher power?

Then think about how people felt, when some 1800 years ago they were forcefully cucked to believe in self-sacrifice, meekdom and being a faggot letting men rape you, while spreading the cheek for everyone. Think about all heretics being burned alive, tortured, jailed and left to die.


What happened before things got better? Who got expelled and why? Does life repeat itself only in a more sophisticated manner?

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Jews are pure evil.
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This is how the average zoomer thinks. They want free money for nothing. Our country is fucked.
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Cheapest shit vodka cost 30usd here
There's no point working a job that puts you in the same position as not having a job. Going to work costs money. The most annoying thing is in these beginner level jobs we're told we should all be sucking up for a fucking minimum wage. I'm in my mid-20s, and I did more work on minimum wage in a month than I've done in the past two years.
>This is how the average jew thinks. They want free money for nothing
Fpbp. Why does a job exist if you can get paid with minimum work?
Wait until her stomach catches up to her ass from all those free chocolates

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You WILL drive the cuck-truck… and you will be happy
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You change the sticker to read Sentra, nigger. You had one job.
That was my point yeah
when you get tired of being just another jew you can always rope yourself.
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The Subaru Sambar is the best one of the little shit boxes.

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No more boys only.
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What's funny is the normal buddy system becomes something like 3 girls to every 2 boys. You can't have them 1:1.
A lot of troops are avrially split. My local one uses 7 and 77, with 77 being the girls. Trips are co op and so are events, but the actual meetings are l
on different days so there's still some feeling of "boys only."
Cub Packs are entirely integrated. Not that it matters at that age.
This. It already allowed girls, but the girl scouts is still exclusive to girls. Just like there is a YMCA that allows men, while there is also a YWCA that only allows women.
>defense contractor
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Iirc the brownshirts in the early SA were a donation from a retired commander, surplus German colonial uniforms.

Hear hear

We don't choose when to be redpilled, if you get it young good for you but some of us got it later in life and had already made decisions like working for zog, enlisting, etc
They should’ve rebranded it to Boy on Boy Scouts of America to appease the LGBT retards

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nobody can stop devine intervention, youre witnessing history in the making, Christ is King.
No one cares about this irrelevant try hard astroturfed zoomer kike controlled OP who has multiple gay shill threads filled with fake comments from their chat script at all times. The jews who create these threads also get paid per engagement. Nick Fuentes is like /pol/’s STDs with shill threads breaking out whenever new jew money goes into funding this faggot.

These kike parasites and the retarded fatherless newfag shills desperately want you to pay attention to shabbos and kike “e-celebs” while sliding the board and astroturfing kikes as your leaders. This is just one example of a shill op currently taking place. The point is to usher in new anti-Free Speech Laws and poison the well with faggot losers as the supposed leaders of anti-kikery..That’s why the entire kike media at once anointed this basement dwelling faggot while a fortune is going into shilling him here. New money is going into shilling this faggot here to try to make him an influencer for 2024.







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REMINDER: Jews and LARPagans will be holocausted
holy mady rabbi
>same as Lainey
Well I doubt your her target market, which, I gather is single millennial women that own a cat.

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Why do right wingers love this man so much? He overthrew a democratically-elected president and caused terror on a scale never seen before.
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Neoliberalism is a bs word meant to conjure the wedge issue you are alluding to out of thin air.
> The CIA put someone based in power
I find this almost impossible to believe. Never happened before or since. Those Jesuit faggots usual MO was to support leftists who were against "Stalinist" leftism.
>Neoliberalism is a bs word meant to conjure the wedge issue you are alluding to out of thin air.
Yeah sure. Let's ignore the literature surrounding it.
Btw aren't you guys supposed to hate the system that enables those "woke" corporations you hate so much?
Because he made faggots like you seethe and cope.
> Commie Jesuits make up a bs word to confuse shit for their purposes
> Then they make up a dialectic around the word
Its a fucking BS word. Pinochet believed in actual free market capitalism (something we don't have anything close to) except I think he held onto the state copper mines or something.
I don't like him but you're making him sound good

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Why are men so butthurt that women prefer meeting a bear over meeting a man in the woods?
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Not gay, I just do not like women
Hahahahahaha chatgpt is getting funny and vaguely based.
It might
>newton, you know?
You can have your turn on the BPD roasties if you don't care about the risk, it's not like they were going to be wives.
Did he get a new tranny? fucking lmao

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It’s not just that Israel is a key player in the war against Muslims. It’s that a lot of Jewish support for America goes hand-in-hand with America support for Israel. As bad as Jews are, and believe me, I hate them, we need them. Without Jewish support for America, terrorist attacked would go through the roof. The whole American financial system would be fucked if Jews stopped supporting America
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>lives in United States
>makes millions off of American citizens
>raised kids and married wife from America
>”I only like this place because it subsidizes the pedophile capital of the world”
I fucking hate them so much bros
Real anti-semitism has never been tried… yet.
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>If America sided with browns against jews
>jews will do terrorism
duh, that's all they ever do. jews are the problem
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Meme flag = filthy jew. Everytime.

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Prove me wrong
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pic rel you pathetic jewish clown
The way Jews talk about goy is how 4chan talks about NPC I think there is a misunderstanding there are lots of great non Jews out in the world most are fucking retarded.
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A giant lake in the middle of Florida, and nobody talks about it.
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manatees are beautiful
It's all farm land. Also, see the Alge bloom in the water from all fertilizer runoff?
massive algae blooms kill all the fish so there's no fishing
algae everywhere and can't enjoy salt life boat life
also alligators and niggers and redneck farmers
This is big to the jew yorker.
a hundred years ago there were some upper class towns established on the lake, but they've all been flooded out and nothing remains. besides that, niggers lots of fields

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Why the fuck do you retards fall for bait?
every fucking time.
every day.
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Filter any thread that uses the subject line.
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Fuck jannies
Jannies are the worst
And the do it for free
Good thread op
Thanks for the actual human interaction
Good night everybody.
this is a good one

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Why doesn’t /pol/ talk about the spic menace?
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We knew itd all come to this so we developed an immunity to water.
Who cares
Thanks for making such a nice country for us. We wish you good fortune in your future endeavors.
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plenty of white people in PA, stop fear mongering fag

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This is an American "luxury" car being destroyed by a petite Russian girl.

Thoughts on why American manufacturing is such a sick joke?
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Name one thing in this video that CAFE standards, the government, didn't cause? I'll wait.
audi drivers don't even know the history of that company and how that brand came to rise as a "luxury" brand
they seriously lack in performance, numb blvd cruisers made by vw as well

if normies knew auto history and what they're really paying for, the roads would look a lot different
You don't need a steering wheel when you take the bus.
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Russia builds the only real trucks aside from the Unimog. The only ones in the world.
the fasteners are plastic tabs, the body work IS plastic, some of the engine parts ARE plastic
it's a a fucking goy mobile they've been releasing for decades by just swapping the outer body hull

shut the fuck up retard

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