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Beach in Oslo
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>Mutilating infants genitalia
>Meaningless procedure

>Mutilation have no meaningful impact
emasculated at birth the american desperately pleas his mutilated penis isnt what is seems
>human qualities and dignity.
the human qualities of mass rape, barbaric murder, mudhuts, ruining real european civilizations like Rome and Andalusia, and murdering children and women, and taking slaves
you are a subhuman, uncivilized, antisocial, socially awkward race enraged by your small penises and low T
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let me get right on moving to that commie chink policestate 1984 dystopian shithole

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I feel that God seeded this in humanity as he wanted us to rule.
+5 charisma stat
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demelanization is a side effect of domestication in mammals. i srsly don't know why but it is. for example when you domesticate foxes they will tend to have whiter fur. and before you start, this is likely not related to black-white differences as there is a VERY strong selector against demelanization in Africa called malignant melanoma. however within the aryan haplogroup where there is less strong selection for melanization, there is a chance this is related to self domestication (a theory of human evolution). there are other pieces of evidence for this, like our sudden loss of brainmatter within the last 60,000 years, another common consequence of domestication. i'm blue eyed and I'm one data point, but i have always had a sense of social consciousness thats been cranked up to eleven. when i was young i always protected younger children from bullies and went around rescuing little wounded animals. made me hate people eventually once I overcame my autism and realized how fucking awful and satanic most of them are..
>Except it is harder to see where someone is looking with dark eyes and really easy with light eyes and being able to see where or what someone is looking at is essential for any cooperative social animal. This is why the white is visible in canines but is barely visible in felines. This could be a factor in why populations with lighter eyes tend towards higher social trust in general.

Higher trust would mean you dont need to look at eyes at all.You just trust poeple.
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>for example when you domesticate foxes they will tend to have whiter fur

yeah, they tend to gain a variety of color variation for some reason as well despite normal red foxes only being red or black

>Cro Magnon (Aryan)
>Invaded Europe
>From Africa
Oh,les fammes...
I believe you.Women are posessed with evil destructive spirits.White women AND Jeweses mounted my Spic's cock various times JUST because i was "dangerous illegal Taco"(I was neither dangerous nor illegal by thé way)Kek

Now they claim they "Stand for Peace" while Ukrainians are being forcefully drafted.
Of course comments are turned off, just like democratic elections to change Jewlensky.

When people will stand up to their lies and cynicism ?
Why when Jewlensky speaks he is trying to look so tough ?
He dodged draft 3 times, he even made jokes about this in his comedy and now
he is pretending to be some sort of soldier who will never give up while in reality
he never was in the army and he is kidnapping people from the streets.


thread theme:
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>They broke peace talks with Russia
Russia s the only one who broke the peace in 2024 and 2022
In sales negotiation, that's called an "ask". Zelenskyyy has an "ask", too. The point is that they, or their representatives, need to be talking to each other about it.
If both sides refuse to talk...then it's gonna stay ugly until one side is wounded so bad it has no choice but to give up.
Russia agreed to 1991 borders and Putin is violating that agreement. Putin and Yeltsin agreed to those same borders in 1994 and Putin violated that agreement, too.

Putin is already charged with war crimes and tens of thousands of cases are still pending investigation. If he's innocent, then he should go to the Hague and present his case. That's rule of law.

Putin is demilitarizing Russia faster than any NATO country could ever dream of.

The people outside of Moscow know Russia is already balkanized. Putin has already agreed to let China have everything East of Lake Baikal.

Russia is on the hook for the damage Putin is deliberately causing, which is closing in on $2 trillion, an entire year's worth of Russian GDP.

Russians chose Putin, they must live with Putin's permanent damage to their country
Delusional NAFO posting

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synagogues in "stan" countries? how'd they not get burnt already long ago?
i think you mean moderate rebels
Nah, they're terrorists.
Idk why a Jew would wanna live in Churkastan anyways

That one time I agree with the psychos of /pol/.
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Now is not the time for that; for I am one of the most monitored men west of the Miss.
The grids most go down for the real work to start.
But the current permissible battlespace allows for me to run my mouth; so I'll use it scream in your GN cyber mercenary faces, because you have log and monitor everything that I do.

And that "no doubt" was your little caveat to sow plausible deniability (you really think your supervisors and boss will find that as an acceptability? That lazy excuse of deniability?), but everything else in your post was from seeing a poster QRD.

>you two are both truly over-the-top; pathologically schizophrenic nutcases with bizarre murder fantasies you'll invoke at the slightest whimsy, despite having no means of acting it out online, as well as no history of making good on any of your no doubt numerous past psychotic threats
Now lets remove that "no doubt"
>you two are both truly over-the-top; pathologically schizophrenic nutcases with bizarre murder fantasies you'll invoke at the slightest whimsy, despite having no means of acting it out online, as well as no history of making good on any of your numerous past psychotic threats
Does this not sound like the overreaction of someone, who upon being found out & called out for what xir is, reads the poster's posting log history to try and make a shaming post using things that they think will sting because they have a little insider information? Would the couple of posts that I and that other poster made earlier in this thread warrant such a specific and directed response at the time?
Take note other organic anons here.
Because if you didn't know by now, the "shills" here are under the direction of the US govt, and they have investigatory and proprietary tools to see what an anon has posted in the past and links to their IRL identity.

And I intend to murder you fucks during the polycrisis.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Nice one.
Is tattooing gangrene some new trend? It looks like it needs amputation.
Every man knows that God exists. To rationalize their disordered desires, however, some men deny His existence. Such pride merits proportionate punishment.
>"demonic and scary tattoos" in quotes as if they aren't demonic
>sigil of satan on her right arm

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Why do Latinas show a lot of emotion through their facial expression?
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>what's wrong with her mouth?
Doesn't have a big white cock in it.
A lot of working class whites don't have opportunity in America. They'll never get a government job and receive full employment benefits from it because those positions are only for brown people. They're never get a white collar job now, because entry level corporate jobs are now reserved for non whites. White social mobility in America is completely stratified, locked in place and whites only go down in social class, not up. You'll see a lot of whites that have parents that had middle class jobs, and their children are downwardly mobile, either working in minimum wage service jobs, or joining the drug addict class and living in abject poverty or homelessness. Unironically, a lot of these people would have been better off and had more opportunity in Mexico.

But in America, when you do well, you really do well. That's the cope people cling to. Being a white kid that was born in America, because only white people can have kids is the shittiest hand you could be dealt as a white person except being a Boer. White kids born in Mexico have much more opportunity than ones born in America.

There is one trick for upward mobility in America. That's to join the military, and receive veteran preference hiring for federal jobs. It negates affirmative action. But then you would have to risk your life for Israel.

Stop posting TikTok garbage you vapid zoomers. This is the attempt to make the “website boring and unusable”.
wtf guys, you told me that
>race mixing BAD!
but she's literally perfect

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These brits have had enough and are beginning to remove the eyes of tyranny from their streets.
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To be clear, these people are targeting a type of security camera which can identify vehicles and flag those which are not permitted to drive within a certain area because their emissions are too high.
They are by no means targeting CCTV as a whole. If they did so, and that would be an absolutely massive undertaking, you'd see a serious police response very quickly.
I love how they've got a cianigger chopper in the background suggesting what this product should be used for.
What an unamerican mindset. Americans did far worse to the British when we gained our independence. This is tyranny. The state of UK does nothing to convict minorities--only whites who stand up to the state narrative. UK needs more of this.

Apologies, did not mean to sage.

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Shut the fuck up kike rat.
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>The Ultimate Red Pill (Banned From YouTube)

>Judea Declares War on Germany 1933

>Europa - The Last Battle (full)
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These loans also don't use the goyim's "Credit Score" system for qualification
As long as you are a jew you qualify

Goyim are forced to get a mortgage at 7.5% and rising rates while jews can walk into Quicken Loans or Rocket Mortgage and qualify for a jew loan at <2.5% rates and if they are a well known jew with a good reputation it will be 0%, in some rare cases they even have negative interest meaning the bank pays the borrower.

These loans are NOT available to goyim as you have to prove you are a jew by either already being a well known jew or by providing a birth certificate that proves that your mother is a "recognized jew" in their databases and thus you are qualified for Birthright Citizenship in Israel and a real jew. This means that those who have "converted" to judaism do not qualify even though they identify as jews.
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That’s so fucked up. I hate fucking Jews.
Yeah OP, wtf?
Provide a link, faggot.
From their website, they are proud of it and are not even trying to hide it.


Most banks offer a Heter Iska because most banks are run by jews.
cant we just pretend to be jewish and get free loans then?
Nope, they check your bloodline on your mothers side. Even if you were a true convert and did the whole process to become jewish and attended temple every week, etc. they still would not give you a jew loan because you are not a "real jew"

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Timisoara, Romania - Same place in 1982 and 2024
Communism vs Capitalism
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>plenty of greenery
>healthy people
>cool, era appropriate retro train
>one seat to encourage people to stand up and not be fat lards
>everyone is fat
>train is made in china, installed by Germany, and paid for with a loan from kikes
>artificial greenery
>plenty of room to sit and get fat
>2 cameras to watch every move you make and sell the data to kike owned tech firms
what the fuck is this guy's ethnic background. sound like romanian, dutch and latin names
no real progress

should have road embedded 3rd Rail where private E-cars can Cruise&Charge hopping off and on as they please.

no provision for bikes on new tram.
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Communism capitalism, feudalism, facism. The isms don't matter if the bankers stay the same. Bommer-tiered reddit thread.
Comfy middle of nowhere.

>I heckin' love the hustle and bustle
Capitalism is a mental illness.

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Governments are going to start forcing NEETs into 6 day work weeks. (And working 2 hours for free a week)
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They can eat ass. I work 4 days a week at the most and it still feels like too much.
The bible says you rest on the 7th day, you heathen
A... Are they gonna do that here to?
This is common in Asia.

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The question paper was leaked for India's Education Minister's children and some his favourites.
so what? trumpemon said we gotta import them all

if hes a devout christian then why doesnt he have a wife and kids? hes 25.

is it because hes unable to rizz up a girl? if thats the case then it takes away a lot of the power behind his words
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Yeah you're doing it again, typing a bunch of gay shit. I bet nigga's be saying "that's crazy" to u a lot huh.
It's pretty clear you faggots have never had a long term goal or operated in opposition territory. Are you not seeing what has happened to Trump? You think this kid could handle that amount of fire? He is absolutely minding his ps and qs while living his life as much as possible but he's smart enough to know, women have no honor, they are almost all traitors, and in politics traitors mean death and scandal. His movement is gaining momentum, his ideas are mainstreaming, and changing the national political conversation and all you faggots can think about is sex? Fucking unreal. Don't fuck up your future for the now. Only retarded mongoloids with low time preference do that.
You looking for political content or a boyfriend? Why do you care what the guy is like?
Physiognomy is real, and NF looks like a twink rat. He truly might be a twink rat and who listens to that.

Merit is real, and NF is a childless male. He doesn't understand shit about life or the world, and his entire platform is copypasted platitudes and a career dependent on grifting

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How can you be so calm when the person in front of you is killed in a drone attack?

If I were in that situation, I would have run for my life. I don't understand why you walk so slowly.
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can't rape a man if he's injured
the true russian way
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jewish nazis are the worst aren't they?
my freedom includes drawing the prophet mohammed :)
>Causes of civilian casualties will usually mirror battlefield losses as the weapons used are the same.
It’s literally referenced in that post, that other anon sourced 80% of war deaths are artillery and my sources show that majority of civilian deaths are artillery. There is your source you illiterate retard.
Ok kike supporter
>Causes of civilian casualties will usually mirror battlefield losses as the weapons used are the same.
Source for this, you 80iq inbred retard.

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>Jacksonville, FL rapper Foolio reportedly shot and killed while celebrating his 26th birthday last night

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a bit ironic
who will pay tribute to foolio
the dead nigga had your own flag, maybe lived in your same neighborhood as well
who's the spic again?
Dude is so dumb he wears two watches. Both fake.
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Is that Spotemgottem?

That nigga has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked him raw in a Boca Raton Air BnB. That shit had to be the tightest, blackest, wettest boy pussy I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter. I had Spotemgottem screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That nigga frotted my cock until he busted on my mouth, I had to return the favor. That nigga Spotemgottem and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" Spotemgottem, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. Dark skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.

That nigga Spotemgottem stole my heart and drank my seed.
>he doesnt have both his wrists on froze

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Damn, how could I forget.
Mylar balloons.

Balloons, Motherfucker Balloons.

Just get a couple filled with helium, and tie thin conductive thread between all of them.
>Innova 3630 Remote Starter Switch
having one of these is like a key to every vehicle. i bet a bulldozer could rip out a section of train tracks or fuck up highways very quickly.
you think a bunch of obese porn addict diabetic vaxxed & boosted retard burgermutts are going to fight a civil war lmao?
A civil war can be something as simple as violent packs of citizens assaulting anything they perceive threating, it doesn't have to be skilled armed combat. It's a matter of scale more than skill.

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Mummy jk rowling has endorsed the Stalinist "Communist Party of Britain" for the 2024 british general election after they made a statement on biological sex being real. She previously two days ago wrote an opinion piece stating she would "struggle" to vote for the Labour party due to Keir Starmer being "offensive".
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> Dick Shillcock
But seriously now, I would vote for a "Stalinist party" in a heartbeat.
Richard Stillcock (Dick Stillcock) of CPBritain... wtf? Brits what's wrong with you?
*Shillcock even worse wtf
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>And you retards said she was based
We tried to warn you guys not to listen to those retards.

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im starting to think this board is 95% chatbots, ai and glowies.
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left all day
That's probably because it is.
10k regulars officially so we are looking at 500 or so with those numbers. Id say anywhere between 5-10% are actual people and the rest glowniggers, bots and americans stationed abroad.
Its probably a thousand or so still but most posters outside the US are just gay latinos stationed abroad.
Its so bad that you can see a direct correlation between newfags and low quality shilling form a country each time a new US military base is opened up there.

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How do you cope with chronic loneliness?
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How can you be lonely when everyone always has God? Repent
Talk to people if you want to talk to people.
Be honest about what you want too, i mean if you're alone and still end up with mostly lies you were the source of it all along.
2.Find a group to be part of
It hurts more knowing I am not as skilled as I would like to be.
writing midi riffs in tuxguitar and then playing themback in crusty old soundfonts like the dkc2 or mario64 one

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Wat did Eva's fingers smell like when Viktor sniffed them?
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what do you think Belle's fingers smell like?
too much poop in the streets
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germany is the sewer of europe
Toronto smells like dirty diapers

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