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Governments are going to start forcing NEETs into 6 day work weeks. (And working 2 hours for free a week)
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so there are now six days per week when Greeks pretend to work?
German has a 6 day workweek
They can eat ass. I work 4 days a week at the most and it still feels like too much.
The bible says you rest on the 7th day, you heathen

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Politically speaking why does every country that neighbors Serbia hates them?
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It's something they have in common with a certain someone else
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We are the main character and protagonist of balkans

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Black woman wanted to play slave and master sex game; white beau refused


"The duo were “engaged in a verbal argument over refusal to role play.”

“Ashley stated she wanted to play slave and slaver because she is African American and he is Caucasian,” the Manatee County Sheriff’s office said in a report.

“Kenneth did not wish to partake and became verbally aggressive.”

And as the situation escalated with Kenneth refusing to play slave master, he allegedly “spat in Ashley’s face.”

While he denied getting physical with his playmate, Atkins was still busted for simple battery and taken to the Manatee County Central Jail.

Edwards wasn’t injured and asked cops not to book her beau"

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This is another reason I want to go no contact with your fellow sandniggers, anything can be used to play the victim or provoke a situation where you can do it.
My mentor, a cop of 20 years and an honorable man, got a 32 year sentence for whooping his son with a belt.
A mexican I worked with cane into this country as a drug mule, got 3 years for murder, was granted citizenship, and has 6 spic kids in a big ranch house.
This country has no justice and judgements are draconian against Whites.
Thanks, jews.
Dude should have just reenacted that scene from Roots and be done with it.
You fucking kikes and your trash. You filthy subhuman fucks. I hope whenever you kike rats kick off WW3 full swing instead of white men being drafted to fight your kike wars they slaughter every last one of you wherever you reside indsicriminately and become 10x what you claimed Hitler to be.

Filth. Absolute fucking filth.
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How are they doing this?
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Interesting how China is faring.
website ?
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Chinks really are geniuses.

look at their flag
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they get a lot of tourism too

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Why can't a nuclear aircraft carrier group beat a bunch of Yemeni goat herders?
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the unfortunate truth is that playing defense is a losing game. while your enemies conquer others and build up their strength, eventually you will be overwhelmed. being aggressive is the only way to win. There is no freedom without strength.

Israel also fires at Americans. At least the Muslims don't pretend to be our friends while they stab us in the back.
Kek this is mad cope glownigger bait news
Not clicking that shit nigger
>ships like this
Kike ships? Aye, they're getting sunk. Just stop being a kike. It's that easy.
the truth is that this life that you give so much value to is nearly over for both of us. in the next second we'll be gone. you can steal, rape, benefit yourself as much as you want in this life, but you'll have to account for it in the afterlife. im not telling you how to live your life or trying to change your values, im just educating myself on your objectives so that i can tell the mujahideen that any zogbot they catch is just a mercenary out to feed his greedy stomach and should be slaughtered on the spot.
Non-white BRICs nigger
Coping zog retard
Both of (You) niggers deserve each other fighting the last two decades wars.

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I'm stating she may have aged one year, maybe only one day for that matter, never once did I suggest anything beyond that.What were you thinking?
>the age of consent does not exist because of kids physical appearance
It sort of does, because the chances of them successfully delivering a child on their own begins to go down quite rapidly.

Because their brains are not fully formed your frontal cortex doesn't fully form until you're 25

You forgot to slap your cock against her fertile pink pussy.

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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lmfao religion may very well indeed not be real, I'm not religious myself but I believe a superior religion would benefit modern white people. Like taking out the christianity completely and having a fully pagan european religion with it's origins in europe and not the middle east. I see what you're saying though

(also I really wish fairies and wizards were real lol but I digress)

Imagine a racist french woman just wrapping those boots around your fucking back as you build to coom inside her needy twitching fertile womb
>"Dis-moi à quel point tu détestes les nègres!"
she screams her blodne hair falling over her thirsty open mouth panting like an animal as you pound into her the bed board loudly banging off the wall with each thrust
you yell as she claws her blood red 3 inch long red finger nails into your back each dutifully painted with an individual black swastika.
You let lose your flood into her begging valley and bend your face into her warm well fed milky white tits as the over powering aroma of cheese and begets fills your nose.
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dude, Utah guys tear it up, those Mormons are the last white breeders in the US
No, that’s barely a third of french women
>knew mutts need to think and talk about niggers all the time, but I never thought they need to think about niggers to stay hard and cum. Absolutely buck broken nation
My "mutt" post right above yours
And to be fair, you euro fags haven't had to live within the vicinity of niggers your whole lives. Theyre truly awful, and destroy any possibility of a cohesive nation or culture. I'm sure you all are starting to understand that more year over year though. Well deserved for the majority of Euros who called Americans racists for the last 30 years.
>they’re all secrelty based!
Alright so then why did 67 percent of french women NOT vote for the right?
Thats a man

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i paid 70 dollars to get this book so i can dump it here, be thankful you dumb faggots
save the graph so we can dump it on kikes who say "the racial difference in intelligence is just environment" bullshit
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> "Follow the science"
Okay. Well done.
Why they repeat the Eu vs Ape column with space that logically should be used for Eu vs Chink. Low IQ book.
It's fun to trigger them into banning you.

It's fun to rub their noses in their inability to defend anything they believe.
This. Wtf? I'm something of a retard gorilla nigger myself and even I can see that percentage Asian should be moved into the fourth column just to the right of percentage African and they should have a column for percent European versus percent Asian instead of repeating the exact same frigging column twice. Pretty weak racists DESU
Put it to the test.

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How can you be so calm when the person in front of you is killed in a drone attack?

If I were in that situation, I would have run for my life. I don't understand why you walk so slowly.
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if the sun is purple, then why do bananas taste like chicken?
And Bush said Iraqis hate you for your freedom
can't rape a man if he's injured
the true russian way
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jewish nazis are the worst aren't they?
my freedom includes drawing the prophet mohammed :)
>Causes of civilian casualties will usually mirror battlefield losses as the weapons used are the same.

Now they claim they "Stand for Peace" while Ukrainians are being forcefully drafted.
Of course comments are turned off, just like democratic elections to change Jewlensky.

When people will stand up to their lies and cynicism ?
Why when Jewlensky speaks he is trying to look so tough ?
He dodged draft 3 times, he even made jokes about this in his comedy and now
he is pretending to be some sort of soldier who will never give up while in reality
he never was in the army and he is kidnapping people from the streets.


thread theme:
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Isn't it interesting that governments in the west or also the television provider Swisscom for instance (the government owns a majority of shares) ban Russian media? The west lies and Russia Today can just write the truth and people in the west would know. But the people must not know the truth, that's the reason why Russian media must not be seen by people in the west. Banning Russian media is proof enough already that the west is lying.
Skin color doesn't matter.
>Date 9 November 2020
Kiev was responsible for 3/4 of the civilian casualties.
>the west lies
>russia tells the truth
Seriously you need to go back to whatever third world shithole you came from. You are not white and will never be.
>Kiev was responsible for 3/4 of the civilian casualties
That's not what the report you linked to says. Not even close. Seriously you paid russian shills always operate by the same exact script. You still haven't realized none of your retarded lies will work on white people.
Stop with the skin color. Also, I'm as white as chalk.
>That's not what the report you linked to says.
Yes, it does.
>They broke peace talks with Russia
Russia s the only one who broke the peace in 2024 and 2022
In sales negotiation, that's called an "ask". Zelenskyyy has an "ask", too. The point is that they, or their representatives, need to be talking to each other about it.
If both sides refuse to talk...then it's gonna stay ugly until one side is wounded so bad it has no choice but to give up.

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A new dawn falls upon us, Anons.
From this strange, yet appealing, site many
things were born, lies, hatred and jokes,
however, many truths were shared, many
times have we seen the dark side of humanity
through international sharing of ideas,
videos and news.

A new time is upon us, soon many of
you will be drafted to a war, a war that is
not against any country, no, countries no
longer exist. This war is against you, Anon.

The governments of the world are changing,
Laws will change, you'll die, and that's the

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The only thing being imposed on me is the great reset, by people that think they are smarter than they are. They are the root of all of the current problems, they will not be the solution. Control is an illusion, and too many people can see them now. They will mix up the front men and the organizations, but it will be the same predictable shit. The real problem is the incompetence they inflicted on everyone else, also got them and their children. These men are a shadow of Brzezinski or Dulles. They do not have the ability or skill to pull it off.
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Im as prepared as my conscious permits to innawoods.
Scriptures, maths, astronomy, warnings of usury to be laser etched and baked into clay, scattered unto orion, pleidaes and draco.

Yet i wonder another path of late
Of ancient navigational methods.
To seek by the transits of the heavenily bodies, and insense sticks, by the vibration of a sistrum.

What wise words do ye hear of the seaman philosopher?
Thanks for the post.
Whatever it is.

A decent birthday present.

But there is a question.
Earth. This little gem is in the middle of a big showdown.
Will it suffer the fate of Mars or what the asteroid belt once was?
They are mere puppets of something bigger,
many "gods" watch us and control the ropes from
the background. The incompetents (I agree with you) are but pieces of chess, like all of us.
I am sorry if I sounded rude or arrogant, that was not what I wanted. I understand your view and I respect it.
Do not fear the monkey, fear the one who plays the accordion.
Not now, at least not until the coming of the New
Messiah awaited by many religions worldwide.
Mars suffered from it own hubris.
The civilizations there were destroyed by their
own capacity of understanding the power
of certain weapons. War raged on Mars like
we humans have ever seen on Earth.
However, we must have known about the war
there, after all, most religions and traditions
associate Mars with War and the Gods of War.
Soon Earth will disappear, not now, but soon.
Most religions see a new earth for humans,
for those who couldn't escape this Samsara.
Unlike other races in the universe mankind

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>me bombing your civilians
>you bombing my civilians
Damn dog, it's ALMOST AS IF most politics, generally, is bitching.....
Technically they bombed themselves by blowing up the missile over their own civilians

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I am a psychic who happened to be harassed and emotionally abused by terminally online smartass firstoids.

I cried so much and I my third eye was like a fireball pulsating in my forehead and then I was kidnapped by an ambulance for crying to much and staying silent and they filled me with injections and medication (35 pills a day for 21 days and more at home) and I felt my third eye going weaker when I was 10 days in the psychiatric hospital.

Months later I had a special dream with Freyja and several others.

Pic related means what it means. I picked up from the floor after I woke up but I don't remember what the dream was I think it was the same night I leaned about the Brazilian Portuguese word "brizomancia" which means divination through dreams.

Months ago when the first UK ship was in trouble, the one name rubymar I had a super natural dream under paranormal circumstances.

It was about a cargo ship being attacked and sinking and something about World War Three. I couldn't make sense of it and I was actually away from /pol/ and the news cycle.

What do you guys make of it?
Is there a real possibility of world war three starting because of the cargo ships?
Like I said I don't remember the details and it was a very silly dream with silly dream artefacts but nonethess it was paranormal because I didn't know the happenings with the ships and moreover I actually was sleeping well for several weeks and I went to bed at 8pm and napped for 30 minutes and the dream happened in that 30 minutes and it was very emotionally charged and vivid.

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What about Lebanon and Israel
I don't have any passwords if anyone is asking for a password



I can't even interpret my dreams and do my dream hermeneutics correctly and accurately because of how violated I was and you are asking for me to dream of a password when multiple of my human rights were violated and I create these threads ruining my relationship with the world even more?
US has no real interest in these countries.
I don't want to be a psychic for my emotional abusers.

I want to have my private LINUX back and my normal consciousness back and be a psychic for myself

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Probably because the US and EU want to eradicate the Magyars and Georgians through replacement migration. The Magyars and Georgians should hate you and globohomo. Russia does not want to eradicate their national identities.
Germans literally eat shit for dinner. What he is saying is that it's starting to smell normal now because the migrants pushed the perverted Germans out.
ohnonoonono he doesn't know about Kanackenwohnungsduft

Its a very distinct smell you will never forget
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Wat did Eva's fingers smell like when Viktor sniffed them?
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what do you think Belle's fingers smell like?

do one for canadian market
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will do
that's exactly what I want
the price to be right

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The "Hawk Tuah" roastie interview smells fishy. Just a gut feeling. I believe this is the an experiment in completely AI-rendered content and mass manipulation. If true, it represents a milestone in digital media, where synthetic AI can manipulate crowd psychology and push any agenda seamlessly. She has no social media presence. There is nothing of her up until this interview. Something is off
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The girl has been seen outside of the video. She was selling Hawk Tuah shirts and hats.
Imagine spending your fucking time on this you fucking simpleton lol
How long till she mills herself or is on drugs, I’m thinking 5 years
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>"Hawk Tuah"
I don't care - and neither should anyone else

So, how powerful are Jews in America?
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you can make this thread about any other group so it is true
lol, imagen depending on censorship.

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What are the chances of you losing your job during the next recession?
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It's even worse because there is still some Covid in that average, so it crossed several months ago.
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Very interesting trend right now. Conumer debt is flatlining meaning consumer spending about to fall off a fucking cliff.
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I can't wait to get laid off. I already have nothing else going for me, why bother going to work?
I've never been on unemployment in my life so give me those benefits when it happens

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Why are we allowing Leftist indoctrination to turn our youth pro-terrorist and anti-Semitic? I am a middle school teacher and about a month ago, a 12 year old girl in my class was saying that she supported to the destruction of Israel, and that Israel's "oppression" of Palestine proves that Hitler, or "Adolf Rizzler" as she called him, was right about Jews. How do we stop this insane pro-terrorist generation? Should cops start arresting, beating and disappearing these zoomer scum every time they spew hate for Jews or endorse Hamas?
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The interior is very Eastern Europe like
She’s fat. Needs to lose about 35 pounds ASAP.
The crimes of Israel are now bare for everyone to see.
The king has no clothes.
You like flat-assed no-hip barrel-trunked (((women)))

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