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DJT is a language learning thread for those immerse in Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous threads:>>47812999
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>are we learning japanese
hope unko is being suffocated by his fat fuck wife right now
Sadly manga is shit for practice Japanese
Luckily LNs can be fun for reading practice if the story is good, obviously more worthwhile than manga
But I does kinda suck how annoying reading manga is (without furigana)

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Previous >>47788380
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nice vagina bones
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hanako always claimed to be a virgin idk if she was just being sarcastic or what but i have seen her say it a bunch of times.
yeah idk the details of anything but she has seemed pretty excited about it for the past couple of weeks. he'll probably go out for a pack of smokes again soon.
Dope hat. Like that dude from fat albert.
want to see her all covered in mackerel guts

Links and resources: https://pastebin.com/jDHxU1Jw
Album recommendations and YouTube playlist: https://pastebin.com/dMX8CJhk

Previous Thread:>>47714115
261 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.
Teto also got one pic from the AI meme
Post songs that sound like they could be an inabakumori song if you imagined it being sung by kaai yuki
This one even has the creepy wuuuuuuuuu fluttering sound thats in inabakumori songs, the variable bpm, and the electric guitar sound when its being unplugged, the aaaaaaahhhhh sigh-shout
Zased, everyone knows all cis women secretly loathe trans men and especially trans women
Imagine the one in the back without that white undershirt though and just exposing the bare inner boob
Those past VVV lives that anon shared here were great.
Glad theres going to be another one.
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Hey, does anyone remember the name of that one MV that had a Miku wearing a eyepatch and banging her fists on a very long table?
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>"Dang, they just released one song and got popular!"
It's easy to forget that they're just one out of the millions of people who've tried to get there. What we don't see is the fall of other VocaloPs into obscurity.
>but yeah nobody really cares about that anyway.
Yes, don't worry about it. Anyone new or old can strike gold. There are new VocaloPs that I feel like are better than old ones from the "golden" era.
This is pretty good!
Unfortunately, this is the truth. Virality is the sole reason for success. That isn't to say your actual music doesn't matter. Your song still has to be good enough for it the catch that much attention.
IMO the right approach to this is to just have fun. Don't be concerned about views. There are people in this thread always looking for obscure music.
If you really want to get viral, then you'd need to learn from how the others got viral, and sometimes, it has nothing to do with the music composition itself (Like the PVs).
Ganbare, Anon-kun!

The continuing story of an immortal, her magical car and the friends and enemies they make along the way. Back in Mugenkan!
Beginning: >>43875260
Previous: >>47457969

This is an ongoing communal story with a comedic tone. A poster advances the story by posting an image accompanied with a description or light narration. Then another poster advances the story from there and so on. Participation is open so feel free to jump in and contribute.
A few rules and guidelines:
* This is an image-driven story. Advancing the story needs a suitable image posted alongside.
* Suitable images are usually modifications of a previous image. Original images are fine as long as they fit the story.
* Drawings, doodles and/or shoops are fine. Your art only needs to be clear enough for others to understand what is happening.
* Feel free to request the thread to wait if you're worried someone else will advance the story before you finish your own piece. Please finish within a few days of making your request.
* It's encouraged to keep images simple so others may easily modify them. White backgrounds are ideal for their simplicity but not required.
* Advancements should feel like steps and not leaps. No sudden timeskips or abrupt scene shifts please!
* Please avoid gore and excess blood.
* Reading the previous threads is strongly encouraged.
Part 7 summary:
Mokou and the rest of the gang reunite in the halls of Gobrin Templ after evading security on the dance floor.
Suzu goes to check the Templ R-Kive for the book she seeks.
Chiyari tunnels into the main hall with Yuuma behind her! The gang is reunited!
Page 10, the oni turned into a weapon by the moon, begins a rampage in the temple searching for Sukuvan. The gobrins don't stand a chance!
The gang screws around in the gift shop of a museum dedicated to PC98 Reimu. They find Genji in a petting zoo and take him with them.
To escape the imminent wrath of Page 10, Mokou barters for passage on Glasses Kappa's submarine with a video game and 2 Kongade Lemon Bappers.
The Yorigami sisters (Joon was the proprietor of the gift shop) and a possessed looking Suzuvan also tag along on the sub.
Page 10 arrives on the scene. Glasses Kappa fires a missile at P10. The missile misses its mark and goes on a journey to the SDM (along with Koishi). Koishi is probably fine.
Page 10 steps on a spring trap planted by none other than Lily White. The trap launches Page 10 onto the SDM lawn moments before missile impact.
The gang sets sail to Mugenkan to clean up their quest log. Or they set dive. Whatever you call it when a submarine disembarks.
After observing some aquatic life the gang arrives at Mugenkan (through a pond created by the stray missile's journey).
Upon the submarine's surfacing, an upset Elly uses a sleeping Yuuka's magic to create a giant stalk beneath the submarine. Pickle Mima, the gang and the submarine are elevated up next to Mugenkan's roof, next to where Flowerface, an unknown character possessed by one of Yuuka's floral experiments, is sweeping the balcony.
Chiyari, with the help of Genji and a varity of items absconded from the Raymoo-z-um, proceeds to break the curse on Mima Pickle. Mima Pickle was really Mima all along! Shocking truth!
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I've drawn a canvas of the gang's current situation.
I get the feeling it won't be easy to work with but I hope we'll be able to make do.
arigatou op-sama. it's nice to see the gang back in action.
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mima tries to cast a teleport magic, alas, her stats now resemble more those of an oni than the ones of a powerful mage. the gang cant rely on convenient tricks to get an easy way out of this situation.

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Thread to organize playing games together.

I'm considering Gensou Skydrift soon (not today though). But anything goes.
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Yeah what this guy >>47828631 said. Wtf? Mahjong Soul is free. It has issues but at least it's not 45 USD, lol. What a scam.
But that one has 2hu pngs!
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Cant argue with that. The longer /jp/sies are together in a lobby the chances of ERP approaches 1.
Nah, you see that's the *sale* price. The actual full cost is $50! dollars. Wouldn't you want to pay that much to get your ass raped (in mahjong)?
I want to play with /jp/ because you guys are so fucking gay
Frotting with /jp/ in Roblox and forcing the yukkuris to watch!!!

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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Sakurazaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(09/18) Hinatazaka46 12th single "Zettaiteki Dairokkan" release
(09/21) ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2024 in HITACHINAKA (Sakurazaka46)
(10/04) Ozono Rei starring in the stageplay "Yurei Demoyo Kaken, Aitakatoyo"
(10/05) Venue 101 EXTRA (Sakurazaka46)
(10/06-07) HinaPare Live at Ariake Arena (Hinatazaka46)
(10/07) Tamura Hono starring in TV Tokyo's drama 'Qros no Onna'
(10/07-08) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Fukuoka
(10/08-09) Sakurazaka46 3ki solo LIVE -Additional Performance- in Osaka-Jo Hall
(10/14-15) Nogizaka46 36th SG Under Live Zepp Nagoya
(10/16) Trick or Treat! Sakura Meets Cultural Festival Live Event (Sakurazaka46)

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No never had one never will
the stress is killing me. miipan is my saving grace
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i'll protect her from you

A thread dedicated to the best oni Yuugi Hoshiguma

Share your love for Yuugi
Post Yuugi
Discuss ideas about Yuugi
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This is actually a meiling x sakuya and a yuugi x parsee picture
Need Yuugi Fumo
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Never ever.
i say this everytime
just make your own, ive done it, and others have done it too
WRONG! However, she has a penis.

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SOWS edition
previous: >>47401476
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That shit was pretty funny you gotta admit
Someone got pinky crushed
round one cyber sows hdd tau willxinc giz dump crack upload cdn router djhackers the cave gaming center red note bitcoin anderson magahern eagle viddy flower corin allen zenius-i-vanisher remywiki uk france mermaid cardinalgate vega gamesaru snowphoenix enigma onlyonecab ddrfreak stepmania groovestats bicarus spicetools 2x bemanitools phaseii iamchris4life chicago twitter danadamkof discord arcadeprojects dragonminded github nibs 1cc emuline nyaa china south east asia
obtuse rubber goose green moose guava juice giant snake birthday cake large fries chocolate shake odd parents fairly odd parents it flips your lid when you are the kid with fairly odd parents yeah right pop

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Post your /jp/ related OC here. All skill levels are welcome. Feel free to post any art, music, writing, or game-related OC that you have made.
Previous thread: >>47396627
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Ah, my mistake. I wasn't paying attention that well. Thanks.
It died, I don't think /jp/ is active enough to have two separate drawthreads unless someone is actively bumping them.
Lots of snails recently, we need to spread Molluscicides...
Dude, that thread died at 300 posts, what are you saying.
All because of one drawfag spamming request drawings. The moment he stopped it died shortly after. It wouldn't last unless he, or someone else, is constantly bumping the thread with new art and most drawfags just don't have time for it even if they wanted to.

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Dream Rescue Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books: https://mega.nz/folder/iFd3wapa#B70grHUe4xsTkLU_s8Ag_Q | This is currently empty, help to replace/rebuild this archive is deeply appreciated!
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Community Events:
Current Photo Challenge: Workout Routine
Previous Photo Challenge: Sunbathing

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you've got this anon

Pov: you haven't bought your dolls new clothes in months
Love this doll
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Taking doll photos is fun. I wonder how long this will last?
Yuriko is looking cute as always. I really love this photo. Where did you get this outfit from?
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I went looking for a doll-sized tent (searching for pet tents on amazon for example) and eventually ended up finding this one from tinytents.com. The measurements on their site said 47 x 47 cm so I thought it would be perfect for a MDD. But that measurement is actually from the tips of the poles, which makes sense I guess. The tent itself is only 42cm at the bottom, and it tapers as it goes up of course. So a MDD can't comfortably fit inside it normally; though she does diagonally, but that's a weird way to sleep in a tent. It's still a good size for an external prop as in pic related. They have three color options for this model, and they also have a "base camp" model that's a little bit bigger, but it doesn't look much like a standard 1-2 person tent.

Must be hard living surrounded by all those impure earthlings and have a dog steal your only air freshener
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What if Seiran is actually a spy sent to keep an eye on Gensokyo?
That'd make her The Spy Who Loved Me.
She came to spy on my morning erection on a daily basis.
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So far there’s not much to report lol.
What would happen if I asked her to crush my stinky cock and balls with her giant bloodstained mallet?

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Previous: 47309954
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There there

YUArs are forever
Activ8 strikes again
These 2.5D projects don't seem to work with male audience
Is... is Camomi dead?
Like dead dead, not just vtuber dead.
Important news from the Hime Hina team

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What's her deal? Why won't she go away??—A Nue Thread.
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Here is your wife's true form bro
Oh yes...
Would you still put it in Nue if she spread her legs and then her pussy had a nested pussy shoot out of it like a xenomorph mouth?
You wouldn't really have a choice at that point anyway... might as well jam it in with confidence.
You never really have a choice with Nue. All you can do is beg that she lets you keep some dignity after.

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Post Japanese gravure here (remember this is a SFW board)

A gravure idol (グラビアアイドル gurabia aidoru), often abbreviated to gradol (グラドル guradoru), is a Japanese female model who primarily models on magazines, especially men's magazines, photobooks or DVDs. Gravure idols appear in a wide range of photography styles and genres. Their photos are largely aimed at male audiences with poses or activities intended to be provocative or suggestive, generally accentuated by an air of playfulness and innocence rather than aggressive sexuality.

>Sales Rankings

>What's New

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Where are the prices?
& we've already seen Airi's cover
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Click on イベント詳細を見る
She's so pale she's almost purple, it's kinda hot

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>Music Channels
Sakura Gakuin: (dead)



Latest @onefive live


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who is the pretty girl in the middle?
translation says "minami nakahara" but that's not her
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When did Airi choose to go from hot model to homely hag. It’s like she doesn’t even try anymore. Has she just given up on love? Or become a lesbian.
2011 fue hace 18 años :c

It is
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Does anyone know what performance this image was from?

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