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Previous thread: >>78824316
woke up to a dead thread edition edition
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Happenings are the only thing keeping 4chan afloat these days. That, and cat memes. Prove me wrong.
Crap, I forgot to include generals. Here, have another free bump.
we need another fappening
Gey back home and nobody bumped the thread just ain't right.
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just gonna leave this helpful map here
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We're posting maps?
>flat earth shit
fuck off
Why are they allowed to discuss illegal things like prostitution? And why are they doing it on /hc/?
I've seen illegal bans for far less.
>illegal things like prostitution
Prostitution isn't illegal everywhere in the world, anon.
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but it's effectively illegal in the US, which is what i imagine the point is since GR1 applies to US law.
Actually I wanted to ask, what was vidya butt's deal? Was it something to do with just wanting to spam /v/ because it's shit? I say "was" because I'm assuming the OG spammer's stopped, I don't use /v/ so I wouldn't know.
Are they discussing how to break US law, or are they discussing how to legally indulge in brothels in other countries where such acts are permitted?
More devices are exploding in Lebanon
i'm going to make a youtube channel where i'm a degenerate that apes 4chan culture and lingo, and then when i get big i will completely shit on everyone here that liked me as i pivot into video game streaming and trying to go viral on twitter.
i'm going to do it and nobody can stop me.
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Looks like captchas were mucked with to foil captcha solvers, there's fragmented and partial letters with much higher frequency now
never because that would single-handedly annihilate 80% of the traffic of all the boards above 10k posts per day (apart from /vt/, i don't know about them because i refuse to even glance at their catalog).
mods bitch about /pol/ types a lot but let it slide every day, either they don't have the manpower to actually deal with /pol/tard pushback in the event of enforcing rules or the complaining is just performative and they're in on it. there's that one ex-mod story about getting punished for identifying and killing OPs containing a dogwhistle on one of the random boards because it didn't strictly break rules, not sure if that story was true or not since mods very often delete shit according to their own personal whims but it might've been a junior mod or mod-in-training too
no way the complaining is performative, it's all done in non-public chats and generally makes them look like the boogeymen /pol/fags pretend they are. i'd say it's probably a lack of manpower and hiro being a free speech nut that makes the moderation that way.

plus, most of /g/ treats the board as /pol/ tech support, and that's what those who know of but don't use /g/ think too. it's almost impossible for moderation to successfully alienate one large part of an audience and bring in a whole new one, so mods kind of just have to deal with the shit sandwich they're given.

>that one ex-mod story
do you mean modcat?
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/v/ habbening: Nintendo Switch 2 supposedly leaks from a Chinese factory

Notable features are a magnetic attachment system for joycons, a USB-C port on top, reiteration of the specs sheet that already leaked some time ago, and a Switch OLED kickstand
That will be a Switch Pro that runs the same games at a higher resolution and framerate, just like the 3DS Pro of some years ago.
I feel like this device is coming out several years too late.
The fucking thing has more RAM than a Series S and faster RAM than a Steam Deck

HGU1100: Game console.
HGU1110: Left Joy-Con
HGU1120: Right Joy-Con
HGU1130: Dock
SoCl (CPU & GPU) : GMLX30-R-A1
Memory : MT62F768M64D4EK-026 (6GX2 dual channel, LPDDR5X, 7500 MT/s)
Flash Memory : THGJFGT1E45BAILHW0 (256GB, UFS 3.1 by Kaixia, 2100 MB/s)
Audio chip : Ruiwu ALC5658-CG
NFC reader : NXP IPN7160B1HN
Built-in microphone : CMB-MIC-X7
Dual cooling fans, BSM0405HPJH9 & BSM0505HPJQC
Video signal conversion (DisplayPort to HDMI) Ruixian RTD2175N (HDMI 2.1)
Network chip : Ruiming RTL8153B-VB-CG & Gigabit Ethernet chip
Microcontroller chip : STMicroelectronics JSTM32G0OB0OCET6.
Video game console protective case model: HGU1100 : 206 x 115 x 14mm, plastic)
Speakers: MUSE BOX-L & MUSE BOX-R (Stereo 2 Channel)
lmao, welcome to /r9k/
That map is the flattened version of the standard globe map you see at the bottom right.
All land masses you see on this map are displayed at their true size, unstretched.
>The fucking thing has more RAM than a Series S and faster RAM than a Steam Deck
Okay, that's cool and all, but can it run games at 1080p and 60fps?
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1080p targeted resolution both docked and handheld (handheld screen is 1080p 8"), DLSS support will most likely push docked visuals to around PS5 level
Wow, and only a decade late!
PS5 Pro is still running internally at ~1080p if you want to pull the outdated card. That and being a PS4 Pro grade handheld is fucking amazing no matter how you slice it. 4K is retarded.
a-anon, you didn't type out all those capital letters with the shift key... right?
I don't know, man. Paying 400 bucks for something I already have while I can pay 300 and get access to Switch games and a whole lot more?
Seems kinda steep.
1) What in your opinion is contributing to a decline in userbase for 4chan
2) How do you suggest fixing it
>1) What in your opinion is contributing to a decline in userbase for 4chan
The endless off-topic shitposts. Take /v/, for example. You literally can't discuss video games without threads being spammed full of off-topic bullshit.
>2) How do you suggest fixing it
Replacing the entire mod team. Yes, the /entire/ mod team. There's no real way to know which ones don't give a shit over which do, so just fire all of them (gradually over years, not immediately).
In the meantime, hire new people through a strict hierarchical way. Generally, the longer you work for 4chan, the more rights you gain. Old mods can reapply at any time but will start at the bottom like the rest.
And I do mean "work". Every mod should be paid a small amount of money to keep them motivated (maximum, not minimum) pay depending on hours active).

Next up: threads should no longer be moved, since moving them is a waste of everyone's time. If they're off-topic, they're deleted.
Also, every deleted thread should display the reason why it was deleted.
Optional: auto-ban certain words like "incel" or "tranny" on serious boards.

And now for my most wanted feature: ghost posts.
If a user connected to a certain IP (range) keeps evading bans, enable ghost posts for them.
Now every post they make is only visible to them (their IP). This is not made known to the user.
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another day, another gang of /pol/tards thinks they're being cute by dumping CP on irrelevant websites to try and get them nuked
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Rename 4chan to Furchan and ban all fur content outside of /trash/
At least provide a minimum amount of context. Even a link to the stuff in your pic would be better than your rambling.
what context do you actually need from an obvious "WE'RE FROM 4CHAN" account campaigning for AI kid nudes to be allowed on ao3
Sorry buddy but I love big furry cock and there's nothing you can do about it
1 - access to internet in the third world
2 - nuclear holocaust
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Mods. Kill him.
i think 4chan's decline is 90%* to do with image boards being far better suited for smaller communities and not anything nearly as large as even /pol/ alone, but people still try forcing it into being some kind of omni-site where all the cool kidz hang. anonymous posting means it will always be easier to spam than to moderate, and hiring new mods will always run the risk of trolls pretending to be real applicants only to leak a bunch of shit and leave, versus regular forums where you can more easily give it to the dedicated bootlickers who've been there for ages and everyone else knows so they have real accountability and a reputation to possibly lose.

the best solution to this should've happened multiple times over by now, which is for someone to make another website with comparable features of anonymity and relatively lax rules, but everyone that did so posed themselves as a 4chan replacement which obviously meant people would leave when they realized how much slower everything was on 4chan-lite. i would say it's still possible to try it now, but definitely not with another image board (even one with anti-troll features like mandatory log-ins or site-wide IDs) because the entire format will forever be associated with 4chan or even worse infinity.

*the other 10% is an assorted mix of the types of people that go here who mainly want to shitpost, the moderation being unnecessarily shadowed and indecipherable, and the broader internet's perception of 4chan as an unmoderated shithole where every board is a flavor of /b/.
>using fucking pagers in 2024
They switched to pagers because their network was compromised by Israel.
After the pager debacle they switched to hand radios, and guess what? Those exploded today as well.
Where does it say it's from 4chan's /pol/?
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Don't be silly, anon-chama, every single off-site gayop is done by that board.
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here you go, anon
open wide!
mossad = nikocado
truly amazing how israel is able to use their jew magic to turn AA batteries into plastic explosives. the goyim must surely live in fear
>trolls pretending to be real applicants
cheap third world moderation labor! focus on quality of the rules and guidelines for mods rather than the mods themselves!
>the broader internet's perception of 4chan as an unmoderated shithole
the broader internet is not the target audience for imageboards. imageboards aren't something that find you more so you find them.
Pretty sure there is a filter that is based on the thumbnail images, so the trick of an MD5 randomizer or changing one pixel doesn't work.
Did they change the captcha atiny bit again?
I find myself clicking Get Captcha a lot more because the sliding ones seem more difficult to decipher lately.
it's ai based
i've personally witnessed stuff being manually added to it; a bait webm with non nsfw thumbnail/first few seconds is now "Post Successful!"'d despite seeking a few frames forward and reencoding aka changed hash
I feel like the people that coined the term Eternal September had no idea what an actual max capacity internet looked like
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the porn filter has a threshold depending if it's shitposting hours
ex. if your image has 60% chances of being porn (think of it as pic related) but the filter is set to 0.9, you'll be able to post it
but if there's porn spammers and the mod thinks it will continue with him out, he can lower the filter to 0.5 and you won't be able to post the image anymore
there are chances that they might train the model over time to add images, but they cannot just "add" one to it quickly in such fashion, at most they can md5 ban it (which is easily bypassed)
they might also have different threshold values for different browser/country combinations
it's a rather rustic solution all things considered, given that there are better ways to detect porn these days (albeit they might be more expensive in terms of compute)
have you tested this theory out by trying to upload the same image at different times or is this literally just schizobabble

the first few seconds of what i'm talking about are completely inconspicuous. complete bait. tested different hashes multiple times over a long time. it's undeniably manually added. nag me more about i'll upload it
>have you tested this theory out by trying to upload the same image at different times
yes, many times
you can also notice how the porn spammers don't use the filter sometimes, it's because the porn filter is not being set to aggressive yet
there are chances that they might also use deleted posts as training data
I don't really care about challenging their filter but it's funny to see the arms race advancing with their own AI/noise solutions as they become more complex over time
honestly my memory is complete dogshit so i could have encountered what you're talking about. actually, now i definitely do remember them relaxing and restricting the filter but that's more over a period of weeks, months. are you saying this is over a single day/week?
a few hours at most because it trips and filters many SFW images so having it on for long period of times would be counterproductive
they only use it on blue boards as far as I know
I wasn't around then but i don't think many people were considering that the majority of the human population would eventually have a little pocket mirror that grants unlimited internet access anywhere at anytime
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>I wasn't around then
If you were you'd be in your 50s by now which sounds despair inducing
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>being around to witness not just the birth and decline of a community but the entire internet
>I wasn't around then but i don't think many people were considering that the majority of the human population would eventually have a little pocket mirror that grants unlimited internet access anywhere at anytime
Reminds me of an old /biz/ classic
We're all party rockers.
I checked. There is discussion about how to find and have sex with prostitutes illegally.
Maybe some of it is fine technically, talking about experiences. I'm not sure how far the "You will not discuss anything that violates local or United States law." goes.
Nevada is the only US state that allows prostitution, and they sure as hell aren't discussing going there.

They're banning people on /fit/ for trying to roid up, but not this?

Checking further, there are threads like this regularly on /b/, /gif/ and /hc/.
There is advice on how to illegally hire prostitutes, links to escort sites, reviews, etc not just talking about what they've done
They obviously know it's illegal and mention undercover cops in the few threads I've checked.
Sounds like a toast to a janny bypass to me.
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This guy is the best 4chan youtuber IMO. Went from 4chan memes to highly aware, highly produced social commentary still featuring 4chan memes.
I really hope he isn't gone for good.
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Is it still pagers or have we upgraded to something else? Either way, this is going down as the coolest intel op in the 21st century, bar none. I've been having so much fun with this.
Anyone here watched Jason Scott's BBS documentary series? Looking back, I feel like the rapid adoption of the internet must have been the most jarring thing in the world when you consider it went from a niche ultra-nerd hobby to causing a major stock market crash in just about a decade.

For me it's crazy to see what the internet's like now having grown up in a largely pre-smartphone world where internet culture was an actual separate thing from real life, but being there for BBSes and Usenet through to now would probably melt my brain.
>wannabe bizonacci grifter with an animation budget and crypto wallet links in the desc (selling out from day 1)
The only good 4chenal youtuber is one that doesn't exist, and has no name, retard. Like whatever parasocial friends you want, but don't drag our name into it.
You'll be the same for VR
who asked? let them have sex
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Are the jannies on /trv/ mentally deficient? How is this not related to travel and how am I discussing prostitution?
sorry not relevant to your question but
>Your IP-address, ISP, network or country has been blocked from accessing this site.
4plebs bans vpns now?
Surprisingly not mentally deficient, and read between the lines. And jannied with nuance.
Looks like he smacked you, then confirmed you were OP posting a sex tourism thread.
yeah just looks like an actually competent janny to me
It was a genuine question and I put the white male part in more so related to how I would be treated be the locals and such. I get that my response could've been worded better as it did kinda suggest I was just looking for women, but the whole thread shouldn't have been deleted and I shouldn't have been banned for that.
they're doing walkie talkies now
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This is based beyond belief. I always thought Eldest Son was a cool idea, and was disappointed that it appeared to mostly be a dud. To see something in a similar vein come off so spectacularly in my lifetime is like being given a present when it isn't your birthday.
Yeah, kill all the dogs btw.
You knew what you were doing. You deserved that ban.
>I'm an average white American male btw.
yeah ok
see this. i wasnt asking for women.
it finally happened. Nintendo sued Palworld creators for patent infringement. >>>/v/689267169.
Nothing burger. Palworld didn't infringe on Nintendos copyright or use any of their assets. The closest similarity is the fact that you capture the monsters in a ball, which looks nothing like a pole ball.
Don't count on that. Nintendo doesn't need a favorable judgement to win. Litigation is fucking expensive, and damn slow. All Nintendo needs is the threat of years worth of discovery, perhaps backed up by securing an injunction to stop Palworld from selling their game until the suit is resolved, and they'll almost certainly settle. I doubt the devs behind Palworld have access to the kind of capital they need to blow on a copyright suit, and attorneys only do pro bono stuff that earns them big brownie points or satisfies a political fixation, neither of which Palworld falls under.
>scroll all the way through /v/'s catalog
>don't see a single thread I'm interested in
>scroll all the way through /co/'s catalog
>same thing

I think I'm about done here, finally.
Maybe you graduate to thread maker?
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Wow Anon, you're so mature and uninterested, tell us more.
>I doubt the devs behind Palworld have access to the kind of capital they need to blow on a copyright suit,
They literally made the 2nd most successful game of 2024. Provided they weren't morons, I'm pretty sure they had prep time to at least defend themselves from what was obviously coming.
>I'm not sure how far the "You will not discuss anything that violates local or United States law." goes.
Oh, they're 100% breaking that rule lmao
>They're banning people on /fit/ for trying to roid up, but not this?
Mods are probably unaware (big surprise).
If you want to ruin the day of a few degenerates, you could go whine in the irc.
sometimes 4chanx doesn't alert me of a (You) in the thread watcher imminently sometimes it takes like 4 - 8 minutes for the eye to turn red. i even saw the thread i got a (You) in before it was marked and when i opened the thread it turned red
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>bloatware is s-slow?!?!?!?!?!
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Happening: If you only check in on MAL before every season, just a heads up that Thunderbolt Fantasy S4 isn't displayed there because they're colossal faggots.
Thank you for your attention, and you're welcome in advance.

In other news, wonderful time for a bumo, don't you think?
>Thunderbolt Fantasy S4 isn't displayed there because they're colossal faggots.
What the actual fuck
I'm glad I switched to Anilist ages ago
what's the actual reason?
It's not strictly anime, so it's not allowed.
meh, I thought it was because of political reasons.
Well, it is. The definition of "anime" is political.
I swear to god the "post is off-topic" report reason is literally a placebo.
Because if it wasn't, they'd have banned me for flooding their system (with legitimate reports) by now.
I get a good amount of deletions with it on medium and smaller boards.
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Another day of wallowing in what once was
>10 hour porn thread got deleted
lmao jannies
I'm surprised it was ever listed considering it's not anime
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>keeps off-topic interracial porn thread up
>while on-topic international discussion gets deleted
What is the /int/ janny's problem?
>scroll all the way through /co/'s catalog
You sure? /co/ is pretty entertaining in a sort of retarded daycare kind of way.
apologies to the jannies NOW
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e[sforess] happenish
I don't speak mental retardation, can someone translate?
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Yeah, something along the lines of
>lurk moar, you just got gatekept
is 4chanxt really that much faster/better?
im thinking of making the switch but idk i trust 4chanx not sure if i trust 4chanxt tho
some of the most fun i've had here has been on /co/, but it's so few and far between that i can't say how worth it it really is. there's just too much bait and too many people who love taking the bait, which is the same problem as everywhere else here.

and yes, i try making fun threads, but even the most interesting threads have to be bumped against the nonstop totally-not-porn dump threads that for whatever reason aren't shoved onto /aco/.
This is exactly the reason why I've been working on my own version of 4chanX.
Still working on the name. Maybe Thyme? Since we already have sage.
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It's dogshit, the entire appeal is making 4chan closer to the leddit dropdown interface (previously the thread ID's to de-anonymise users by tracking new IP count entries); and the damage it's done to individual non-packaged homebrew userscripts by feigning itself as a codebase is real fuckin annoying. m00t hated it, and he had good reason to. Not to mention the common schizo rabbithole that is the call-home cookie, which I don't know enough about to comment on, but I assume where there's smoke there's fire.
It used to at least have some respectable use for skipping the google recaptchas, but ever since they moved to the slider one, unless you intend on mass-dumping a storytime on /a/ or /co/, 4X offers no functional usecase, and is pre-installed with so much crap that it's not worth the effort to untangle all the wires.

Violentmonkey + Bakugo's External Sounds Script + CSoft's Third Eye Script, and that's all you really need to see the secrets that standard users don't get.
HamletDuFromage 4chan Mass Reply if you want a fuller (but ultimately optional) shitposting suite.
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w-7 trvthnvke
looks like a shitty snes jrpg map with obligatory ice region that tries to switch things up during the midgame slog
>CSoft's Third Eye Script
Is this ever used for anything other than porn?
looks like Warhammer Fantasy but without the chaos poles
It's useful for getting sauce / fullrez versions of stuff posted to the filehosting sites without needing direct sauce. I've had it a few times now where the idiot Anon saves it with a washed out color format (somehow), since I usually check both the original (click filename) and the Third Eye offering (click image) to compare.
That, and it can be useful to know when you're in a shitty porndump thread, so you can leave. Or jack off, it's up to you.
This is every board really. All the jannies are from the same discord that want boards spammed with bbc, tranny, anti-white, pro-jew, etc. shit.
>and it can be useful to know when you're in a shitty porndump thread
Huh. I hadn't thought of that.
kek you fucking pseud
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say it with me
meme *clap* magic *clap*
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did something happen to lil donny again?
only thing i can think of in recent memory is he's having lots of problems finding even shitty lawyers, he's lied to the few lawyers he had (this makes them legally complicit in whatever lie he's caught in since the whole assumption of a lawyer is you are 100% truthful with them) and won't pay them, even seedy lawyers won't tolerate not getting paid
Why do mods encourage blatant troll threads?
Anon gets rangebanned, claims to have done nothing wrong.
Why did the mods make a sticky for a gacha character and a meme from a website that spams 4chan a lot? We may never know.
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one of my posts got deleted on /a/ but I didn't get a block or warning
I know there's a frog attached to this post but my post on /a/ did not have a frog
Don't care, filtered.
Care, unfiltered.
wtf how did you unfilter him on my end???
I have been making an effort to fix /r9k/ by returning it to the website's listed intended purpose of it, which is "sharing green text stories with your friends". I have a thread up right now about taking a messy poop. >>78864005
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thank you for unfiltering me
Looked at some older internet stuff and I was reminded of how petty and ban-happy Something Awful moderation was, and honestly I can't believe how many people saw moot as dictatorial when the closest comparison was run as lowtax' personal fiefdom. All mods of all sites delete shit just because they don't like it all the time, but SA's bans even have me siding with dipshits like Maddox.
Mods delete this post
i get a tickle out of people crying about matchmaking bans and discord mods for that reason too, lots of places are insanely lax compared to the average internet community of the early '00s where you'd be banned totally and completely on a mod's whims for completely insane reasons
Moot was incredibly lax about moderation. Even today the mods are too. Every time I get banned, which is very infrequently, it's because I did something that broke the rules, and it's always a 1-3 day ban, nothing major. The issue comes from the fact that on the user end, you never really see moderation take effect, so it feels like you are singles out for behavior you see other anons doing every single day. For example, I know somebody who was banned for saying nigger on a blue board, and they were upset because they, you, and I see it happen all the time.
i report everyone that says the nigger word because the aftermath is entertaining sometimes.
Kind of similar but I report anybody for announcing a sage or a report because it's funny
green texts are fucking lame as shit now best chance r9k has is becoming a decent second /b/
personally its above /bant/ but right below s4s.
maybe a modern /b/ is a better way to put it.
r9k when it was first introduced was a more sophisticated /b/, then that was turned into green text dumps and >tfw no gf, which later morphed into becoming the virgin/incel/genderwars board.
i hope it gets back to being a more sophisticated /b/
you can still see those /b/ elements in it naturally, even now.
It never will, like ever. That's kind of the niche that /bant/ fills right now
/r9k/ still has shades of /b/ with less incel posts it would be more prominent.
i think slowly phasing in deleting incel posts and then to banning over a long period of time maybe 1-2 years.
/bant/ is a thread dumping ground with flags and IDs
>see nice post on slower board
>want to link it to hap but afraid of shitposters
I'll wait for the thread to die. Which means I'll post a happening in like a week.
>this makes them legally complicit in whatever lie he's caught in since the whole assumption of a lawyer is you are 100% truthful with them
Only if they discover they've been lied to and don't do anything to correct the harm resulting from it.

If no harm, presumably they aren't in trouble. And if they don't realize it's a lie, they also skirt trouble. This is your reminder that lawyers mostly regulate themselves, and the rules reflect that.
Very fun and successful and informative and speculative space thread on /v/ finally died just now
thanks for the heads up i guess?
oh no page 9 this just won't due!!
/v/ the musical is happening
Woopsie daisies
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why do mods leave these threads up for 360 replies every time until they get deleted or in this case force archived on page 2?
>LRD has been gone for 2 months and hasn't done his LRD schtick since
I guess he finally got spooked.
Some hours ago, a sticky on /vt/ happened >>>/vt/85593958
Watson Amelia is concluding her channel activities, not leaving, just stopping them. She was one of the holoEN members who debuted in 2020 and made vtubers boom, along with Gura and her partners.
I could not care less. That e-celeb worshiping garbage was fun for the first three years, but now it's just that. E-celebs worshiping e-celebs.
This is vile. Basically refusing her a graduation so they can keep the character for future promotions.
Vtubers seriously need to start demanding that their character is owned by them, not by the company.
Too tryhard, refine your bait more.
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...what? That's literally what's happening here.
"I will be participating in different Hololive projects" means "my character may be used for promotions in the future".
That's the reason why they refused to let her graduate. Because when you graduate, it is in VERY bad taste to make a character reappear in promotional material.
kys vtumors
Wrong board, buckaroo.
It's getting better, you even saved an image with paragraphs now.
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Is it really that hard for you to say "seems like you were right anon, my bad"?
This is horrible news...
Millennials dont make memes anymore
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/fit/ is one of the funniest boards on the site but i feel like if i use it any more than once a year i'll turn into some kind of fucked up chernobyl creature because it's also littered with insane retards 24/7.
They look like literal cavemen lmao
A reminder: you don't have to act like grug to look like grug.
Lifting weights and doing exercises at home is more than enough.
Welp, Ms. /co/ is going smooth
Or at least better than with NSA
>pomni won over chel
>ena won over jessica rabbit
total zoomer victory
and peni parker winning against amy wong... what has the board come to.
also, so did queen of /a/ just not happen this year, or was it held somewhere else or something?
>peni parker winning against amy wong
I mean, tomboy vs slut isn't really a hard choice.
>queen of /a/
What? I don't think that exists.
It tried to exist a little bit this year but went up in flames. Didn't even make it past qualifiers I think. /a/ superiority, indeed.
stealthjak thread archived on /a/
How the hell did you spot that
>op got access to /qa3/

You use the touhou website and still doubt the power of autism anon?
what's the deal with words like "thoughever", "thoughbeit", and so on? i've seen it around recently, is it just like when people were saying whomstsoever back in 2017? i've heard it called a sharty thing, is that true?
Interesting happening: I've seen on a few other boards that an anon is posting about his cat Rupert on several boards. He is doing a 4chan world tour for his cats birthday, moving from board to board in alphabetical order, following the rules of each board and making interesting threads revolving around the boards topic and the inclusion of Rupert.

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>actual funposting
>on behalf of someone else
>at nobody's expense
i... i can't help it... my body can't not assume a kneeling position...
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>put captcha in correctly
>get another captcha
>verification not required
Seriously recommend the pass.
It originated from either /int/ or /qa/, some random mexican was assblasted about the fact that people were using "though" and started posting soijaks whenever someone used that word. People started using words like "thoughever" to mock him, it eventually became a part of sharty lingo.
I had one for a few years but I can't be assed to renew my state license right now for crypto exchange and also it mostly just made bans stick harder.
They added support for credit card/debit last year. In regards to bans, I can't answer that because I rarely get banned and when I do it's for 1-3 days and was often my fault.
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I commit the unforgivable sin of making threads about Final Fantasy XIV on /v/ sometimes so to the mods I'm a fugitive.
additional info: rupert did at least one 4chan world tour prior to this. you can see it in the archives
You have to give an address though if you don't pay with crypto
Do you actually get banned for genuine ff14 discussion? I asked about this on IRC because I see people bitching about moderation in regards to ff14 on /v/ and was given the answer of "all recurring threads (generals) belong in /vg/"
>1 days, 5 hours, 39 minutes to delete
phew, any longer and this thread might've gotten a few more replies!
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I've been posting this every now and then and it seems to be scaring some users
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>videogames.... are an optimized stimulant and streamlined form of entertainment?!?!?!?!?!??!
>social media.... is a controlled and optimized substitute for social interaction?!?!?!
>sitting in a field gawking at the sky all day..... is a less overstimulating form of entertainment than videogames?!?!!?!
tl;dr le Digital Revolution and its consequences have been le disaster for le human race, yadda yadda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6e5i49loRQ
Wait until you reach the Agricultural Revolution pill.

The key flaw is that the term is Acedia, not Anhedonia - listlessness is not a mental condition; and implying it's abnormal or treatable with therapy / medication, is about as self-destructive as declaring that violence or self-preservation is too (two more obviously integral-but-inconvenient parts of the human condition that modern society likewise attempts to eradicate). The author of the post is a pseud (not an insult, as much as it's just an observation), and ironically wishes to comment on the human condition without understanding it himself.
Then we have:
>life is fundamentally boring and low-stimulation
>but if you remove yourself from [Digital concepts], as sounds right in my head, it actually isn't fundamentally boring and low-stimulation, and you too can find salvatio- I mean satisfaction
The two conclusions are fundamentally in opposition to one another. This post might have good intentions, but ultimately argues and achieves nothing. The only people who'd be sucker enough to wholly heeds its advice are ones who already subconsciously agree with it, or are looking for a scapegoat for their cardinal sin of acediciousness.

Don't forget, you're here forever. Also, /nah/.
Counterpoint: /yah/
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So should I keep posting it to make NEETs uncomfortable with their life choices or not?
I mean, there's not really a reason to bother.
They already made their choice. Some image online won't change a thing.
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I mean, it works as bait. Trolling is after all, intentional logical fallacies.
Whether you're fishing for (You)'s asking if coffee is good for you, jakking it up, posting claimposts/rollposts, Unironically taking a stand about real words, or attacking the insecurities of retardanons who lack critical thought, the endproduct is the same. As long as you're ain't drinking your own kool-aid, and understand the solution to the problem the screencap describes is in reality any kind of different approach that forces oneself to adapt, learn or be challenged (real, or digital) or that any kind of long-term commitment with delayed reward mechanism (real, or digital), then go right ahead.
Does this site really have an AI filter now? Is that why I'm seeing pixelated posts everywhere, like with the BG3 schizo?
when people posted cp back in the day on /b/, was the mindset just that it was funny to fuck with people by showing them the worst thing they could think of, or was it to scare away normal people as a hazing ritual or something?

i remember being in an irc when i was far too young with some random people and they baited me into clicking a pizza link, and i was maybe the same age as the kid so i just laughed it off, but i've never really understood why adults did that. was it seriously just shock value? it feels weird to think people could consider actual pedophiles better company that normalfags.
>was the mindset just that it was funny to fuck with people by showing them the worst thing they could think of, or was it to scare away normal people as a hazing ritual or something?
Both. Posting CP was done to be edgy, but looking back on it I'm sure there were some actual pedophiles as well.
>but i've never really understood why adults did that
Could be some kind of weird perversion, showing CP to kids. Pedophiles aren't exactly known for making sense.
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do mods still hang in irc or do they have a secret discord now
Both I believe.
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It's not exactly a secret, as much as it's a openly mandatory requirement. Probably why so little gets done in the IRC.
they use irc to erp but we've had many leaks from the discord verifying its existence. i believe that's the main way hiro communicates (lol) with the mods, too, and where janny induction happens. the optically poor quote from yournamehere joking about the buffalo shooting probably happened in the discord too https://www.wired.com/story/4chan-moderation-buffalo-shooting/

also what the fuck, how long has the bibanon link to the 4chan staff not been included in the OP? https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/Staff
was this a purposeful removal? had no idea it hadn't been there in ages.
Yeah that's part and parcel, the mods don't give a fuck what you're doing with that game if you aren't being a bad-faith mong or an outright troll, you'll get slapped if you're noticed. It's a big thing that the mods don't usually touch threads dumping on the game, or trying to, unless the OP got bored and left and the thread spun back to talking about the game properly. It seems dependent on which mod is currently active with degrees of thread tolerance, but there's a universal turning the cheek on people doing their best Bazztek impression and going insane for several hours, usually only stepping in against them specifically if they make another thread and link back to it in the previous one general-style to keep their seethe train going.

That and the mod(s) you talked to gave you a fake answer, there's several generals on /v/ that go unpunished and unmolested,they don't actually give a fuck about that rule unless they don't like the subject matter. Think of ABIB going on tantrums about Library of Ruina threads.
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>also what the fuck, how long has the bibanon link to the 4chan staff not been included in the OP?

>was this a purposeful removal?
Busybody OP jannys are colossal faggots, nothing new. If I'm the next baker, I'll stick it in with the others.
You didn't have CP if you weren't a pedophile, there was some of the hazing and fucking with people, but "i only have it to toughen up newfags" is an insane coping mechanism on the posters' part. You see it a lot with loli porn too where they're outright delusional about its efficacy as a "normalfag filter" and they pretty clearly just want to post loli porn whereever they want with no splashback.

Like, again, you don't have CP period unless you're a pedophile, there isn't any "ironic" possession of child porn.
>You didn't have CP if you weren't a pedophile
On one hand yes, on the other, you can have newfag repellants without particularly liking or identifying with what you've got saved.
I can't even put into words how mindblowingly retarded it would be to commit a sex offense in the name of inducting new posters on a Latvian pizza-dough tossing imageboard.
I think there's a line between saving things that shock people and saving things that can actually get you put in prison. I have shoveldog and a fair number of other horrendous things on my old harddrive, but I wasn't about to risk a ride on the party van just to fuck with Tumblrites back in the day.
Children (teens) don't particularly care about laws, you know.
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Less CP, more legal lolishit that gets newniggers uncomfortable, while a seasoned user can either look over it, or even gets the context (eg IIRC Kodomo no Jikan is literally about a kid recovering from trauma, and is constantly warning that children who sexualise themselves are almost certainly abused - even if the prevailing tone of the show, as well as out-of-conext screenshots and clips of it would have you think otherwise).
Didn't want to have to post something as distastefully graphic as picrel in my repellent folder, but you get the idea.
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/aicg/ having a meltdown after a cybersecurity firm posts a report about basically the exact thing they like doing. pretty amusing >>>/g/102476445
i always assumed that it was just pedophiles using the site to share CP. im sure people used it for shock value but the came seconded
whoops AI is completely useless outside of people too lazy to do creative things, who'd have thought it was an ideas guy technology
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>cybersec shitters blame the lesser-used proxy workaround (same name)
>lesser used proxy workaround changes his repo to https://chat.gitgud.io/fagg0t/oai-reverse-proxy-gcp-patch/-/commit/9f26642d5ec95bc2c7193f7cd03671ae2a7a17bf
Based response, but also yeah, the soulless fucks are going to keep cracking down on this ad infinum. They specifically mentioned the workarounds to adult filters; and probably just copy their homework off of /aicg/'s anyways, since it seems 4chan's the firebrand cutting edge of this kind of stuff (albeit not in a marketable / profitable way). Free for me but not for thee, AI's absolutely going to be consolidated at an upper-level and kept on a leash so the plebians don't get to play. Something about honeypot keys and potential jail time for the powerusers already. Shame that the non-corpo voice AI stuff got killed in the crib, would have like to play around with it.

Fun fact: Did you know most white-hat cybersec firms these days are Indian? Just thought you guys might find that interesting.
I wonder what its like being an AI janny who's job is to constantly update nsfw filters to prevent people from ERPing with futa samus in romanian
AI jailbreaks are often thousands of words at this point, it's a very funny arms race
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how do i get 4chanx to stop forcing the bright captcha on the tomorrow theme? when i turn 4chanx off it gives me the dark captcha
wow they still exist
>was the mindset just that it was funny to fuck with people by showing them the worst thing they could think of, or was it to scare away normal people as a hazing ritual or something?
Definitely both, and certainly a number of real pedos as well. 4chan since day 1 has been explicitly clear on its zero tolerance policy towards CP, and anybody posting it has probably been contacted by authorities since the website has always complied with law enforcement regarding this issue and others like terrorism threats. It's important to understand that back in the early 00's, a huge portion of people were either stupid teenagers or college age people living in their peak edgy years on an anonymous* imageboard that was probably one of the largest counter-culture spaces on the Internet. While none of this excuses posting CP obviously, understanding the landscape of the time can help paint a better picture of why some did that.
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/aicg/ nigger here, it's literally over for us. they've honeypotted us and our largest discordnigger namefag who feeds actual thousands of tourists is still going strong (likely the honeypot).
explain what any of that means
Stealth peridot thread on /co/ already up for 9 hours
that gif switch and bait shit is genius, how come we haven't seen it being used more often to post nsfw pics on blue boards?
>anybody posting it has probably been contacted by authorities since
im not so sure
it was a different time back then police and even federal agencies did have there barrings on the internet just yet.
Remember Jake J. Brahm turned himself over to the authorities!
Coomers are so fucking retarded.
>With the continued progress of LLM development, the first potential cost to victims is monetary, increasing nearly three-fold to over $100,000/day when using cutting edge models like Claude 3 Opus.
What do you think will happen when you illegitimately access companies' resources and cost them $100,000 a day? Oh, that's right. Coomers don't think. They see a bustling thread full of fellow coomers having fun with a new toy and jump in.

If you don't already understand technology, don't trust 4chan to tell you how to use technology, or you're playing with fire.
Fuck you nigger, I'm behind 7 proxies
pony post up for TWO whole hours, jannies must be held hostage somewhere
no i didn't report it.
Sometimes I forget most anons don't understand.
>People (Scrapers) who run proxies (software that gives us access to the AI for free) use stolen credentials, such as Amazon AWS credentials
>These keys can be logged by Amazon / the companies
>Cyber security glowies have started to use this logging to find out what the hackers doing with the stolen credentials
>They purposely leave these keys out for the Scrapers to find as a honeypot
>It's now proven that at least one of our proxies was using a honeypotted key and they now know who we are and we're using it for roleplay costing companies thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars on each key
>Our largest proxy, known as Scylla, has many articles written on it regarding LLMjacking the past few months. This proxy has an entire discord and patreon dedicated to it and you can buy access. It's under the real name of the individual running it with zero opsec. This is likely the honey pot or using honeypotted keys.
I heard about claude being the new toy. But wow kek.
oh yall fucked big time
not him tho, hes fine
>Running it with zero opsec
Is he retarded
overall, it's estimated /aicg/ has costed niggas at least 10 million dollars so far, but that's only counting major proxies
One thing to understand though is that Scylla snowballed from being just a small /aicg/ proxy, it started from there yes, but drago, the guy that made the proxy and discord server, started encouraging people to advertise the server in other places like twitter and reddit and it ballooned the server's popularity but mainly with people that would never be associated with 4chan in any other shape or form.
Genuinely yes. His username is open for everyone to see. Someone literally looked up dragonext and it led to an instagram, and his githubs, and his facebook, etc. Its pretty funny.
also he has a dented cheek and because of him some anons call things "getting Krysiak'd"
you know 4chan is gonna get all the heat from this
Even worse, to this day he acts tough and pretends he doesn't care about it when chances are, his days are probably numbered until he gets v& seeing there's an active cyberthreat page on him on wiz. https://threats.wiz.io/all-incidents/scylla-llmjacking-campaign
Don't forget he posted photos of his face in his Discord and bragged that one key costed 1 million dollars total
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It's been such a long time since I been there
NOW that is a creature feature. I don't know how someone looks like that. Impressive.
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>the last thing one of drago's discord kittens sees after she was promised free opus
The dent on his cheek legitimately confuses me.
Him and his shitters are probably the only people who will get any actual consequences from this.
His face looks crooked like someone played with clay. Nothing about it makes sense. One eye looks larger than the other. His lips are crooked. His chin is slanted.
Current schizo theory is that he's AI generated and it's all a fake honeypot
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Just like Furio always said...
Aaahhh all I truly remember for schizos was Deka. What a fucking trip to read that all
feels good to be an ecker bear.
i actually thought ecker is very handsome
feels good using only unreliable and pebble
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can they fix thumbnails so that they are actually transparent with the tomorrow theme?
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No, there is still hope.
Because no one cares enough to look for hidden content in gifs besides maybe this guy https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/687963950/#687967220. People that want to share hidden content nowadays use shit like PEE to attach porn to regular images since it's more convenient.
Thought PEE stopped working awhile ago? Is this still the same one being used? https://github.com/coomdev/pngextraembedder
Update on the /aicg/ freakout:

It's confirmed that the large proxy host (Dragonext) 's keychecker (the program that checks stolen keys if they're valid to use for AI) does not check for being logged. Kek
some people said it still works
if i was dragonext i would be preparing to take my own life before they make a move
hes gonna be made an example of
Jucika better win or I swear to god
Wonder how many of his gen alphaoomer users not using a vpn are going to be made an example of
At least the other 3 women are not that bad either, not the zoomershit
I seriously doubt the feds will go after random users, I'm not even really convinced that what they're doing is illegal. It's going to be very funny when the host gets arrested though
Doesn't the US arrest minors and try them at adults even at young ages? Not trying to be political
sometimes but other times they just send them to death camps
yeah but only if they fail penis inspection day
zoomzooms are fuming
>1500+ posts
Okay, quite a lot for /co/
Lulz (which is a corruption of lol, or laugh out loud)
Threats from a gang of computer hackers calling themselves Anonymous
She even bought a dog... (Aroooooo)
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saw this ad just now
i love the wolf noise they edited in
>miss types the captcha for this very post
development in the /aicg/ situation, it has been discovered that the honeypotted api key was used by one of their thread personalities who hosts a private proxy for /aicg/ members
the situation has become quite funny
Tldr me on the /g/ /aicg/ drama and explain it to me like I'm a stupid autistic who doesn't know how to into technologies
One guy pays for the AI
He posts his credentials for other people to use the AI
That guy is a glowie and recorded the conversations people had with the AI
Not just a personality but a very beloved one, too.
Even funnier for you /r9k/bros:
>Dragonext hands out AIkeys to tons of other proxy hosts to use
>Those keys are the glowing AI keys that are logged by feds
>Everyone is fucked that got a key from him
"IT'S NOTHING" dumbledoar roared, calmly
we are at page 7!!! page 7 scary!!!!
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zelda game leaked? or is it just a virus?
Late night nightmare bump
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>/aicg/ is a /trash/ thread that is secretly on /g/
Wouldn't surprise me if it's real, these things usually leak a few days before the actual release date.
It's hilarious how they are defending their kweens
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scared out of my mind that the thread is on page 9 right now. jesus christ
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The new captchas are pretty. They remind me of tensel or snowflakes.

Does anyone know if they actually broke the solvers?
I haven't encountered them yet, but christ I can barely read that.
Is the future of captchas just gonna be guesswork?
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They're not really any worse than before; here's that one lined up properly. I'm curious about solvers because I assume this is still readable to them, but maybe not. I never use them personally.
They are nice
>Verification not required
Trying to beat auto solvers is a losing game
How many people do you think the happenings thread has lost over the years?
How many people do you think the happenings thread gained over the years?
>Does anyone know if they actually broke the solvers?
They certainly make them get 1 or 2 characters wrong, but since my IP and cookies are old I barely get difficult captchas.
most people left the day /qa/ died
more slowly leave overtime
Solvers work sometimes still, and they almost always align properly still, but the extra "snow" or fragmented letters trips it up so frequently that it's not very often you'll just be hitting Submit after the solver tries. Strikes me as something that could be worked around pretty quickly on the solvers' part.
>type captcha
>type captcha again
>no problem
At least it's not like Blue Clover where it gives you captchas that have absolutely nothing to do with what you're actually supposed to put in and you'll fail 15-20 times, maybe never even getting a post through. I went over to KurobaEX and I was getting a completely different captcha length and also my posts were actually fucking going through, AND Blue Clover's captcha rate-limits weren't even 4chan-side. Fuck is wrong with that app? Doesn't mean a whole lot that it's a modernized Clover if it doesn't work and it doesn't seem to actually be receiving captchas from 4chan.
of the people that were here back when I first joined (2022) around half have fucked off
now there's not as many thread personalities here. They mostly stay on /trash/. But I feel like there's been less interaction with the bibanon fags which is a shame

happening : i farted really loud
I genuinely do not understand what I'm seeing
our posts are being scraped
wait till you hear about the desu archive
Scrape this *unzips dick*
Or All-Nationz kek
but why? its not a very effective archive??
Third party front-end for a bunch of boorus and 4chan's boards.
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uhhh happen...ing? ..s?
No happenings, only agony
Happening: I am in agony
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Oh yeah, I'm getting them now on mobile.
The mobile solver is slightly fucked and requires manual intervention now
new captcha looks like a 90's anime explosion effect
so if i switch from 4chanx over to 4chanxt, do i lose all my watched threads? that's pretty much the only thing stopping me from moving at this point, because when i made the jump from the inline extension to 4chanx i lost all my entire thread list.
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Marceline is out
Queen Tyr'ahnee is out
The final Ms. /co/ 2024 match is between Frankie Foster and Jucika
can we trust 4chanxt? i heard its buggy
and assume if you export your settings the threads should come with it!
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good results this year
>CSoft's Third Eye Script
could you please elaborate?
nta but think its some booru sauce reverse look up tool?
External sounds auto-plays sound links in the image filename, Third Eye auto-replaces the images with the booru link if it's a booru filename (hence you can post one image, while linking a completely different one). It's not a full-embed, but it's the next best thing while staying in the rules (unlike PEE which was a direct image embed and got nuked because it was technically a way for 4chan to host embedded CP).
I feel old. The sharty bullshit is going all over my head.
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>I feeI old. The sharty bullshit is going all over my head.
what shit are you not getting? i don't even browse sharty and i get most of it
i just hate it
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Why? It's the same old shit, new coat of paint.
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>catbox is going to shut down or at least get filtered on 4chan because pedoniggers on /v/ can't stop using it to share CP in loli threads
what's happening with catbox?
it's incredible how we really live in a continuous cycle. Even the memes are like that.
The pedophile menace is all encroaching. You cant have nice things on the internet that they wont abuse or infest.
/qa2/ is exposing the (((Zionist))) Occupied Government and redpilling millions with the power of Catbox, and kikes are rushing to shut it down.
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Right, so nothing's happening, you're fearmongering and it's business as usual. Quick reminder that cabox is explicitly closed sauce, the bong feds have it banned because like 4 people were sharing the foo'ieball for free (so they knew that somehow), and if the feds realistically wanted it gone, it'd be Kim dot com'd by the end of the afternoon.
I already gave you the QRD. There's a bunch of pedoniggers that go to random loli threads on /v/, and probably other boards, to post webm and images of real children and share CP through catbox links, and with how triggerhappy mods are I can see them filtering catbox on more boards (I think it's already filtered in /g/, /trash/ or another board with a large amount of off-site shitters using catbox to bypass the rules).
wojacks are so much worse
only two of these are soijaks. soijaks exclusively are what they post.
funny basedjacks as a subsection of wojacks took off specifically
nothing ever happens, nothing will
No just export your 4chanX settings and import them into the new one
Okay, but is this you doomposting about something you think the mods might do, or has catbox ownership said something to make this a legitimate concern?
What was the name of that other catbox like website? The original one?
Guess we can add this to the list >>78888888
i reckon it's pomf
it is performative, rapeape is a nazi and runs the site
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I was trying to bump and saw this, when the hell did it happen?
Mild happening: Along with the new +*+*+ anime planetary explosion captchas, 4chan seems to auto-eat the first post on any new IP. Not sure if it's just ones with images on them or not, but it's happened a few times now to seem not to be a random thing.
any service using ddos protection bans vpns for obvious reasons
its not really, its just a way to express our human emotions through a non-intuitive format
a logical conclusion at that
it's literally in the sticky
wait till you find out about the duplicate thread report option on >>>/mu/kpop
Got a kick out of the gay squirrels webm
sick, switched over and it's running smoothly so far
On /a/ a thread that includes talk about CP, tips how to find specific CP, cropped CP, and more got archived, with only some harmless posts getting deleted. It lasted for multiple days. It got archived multiple hours before, but as I just reported some archived posts as GR1, they deleted the entire thread from the archive.


If you wonder, I reported some off-topic posts even before it got archived.
You'll want your sound URL attempts put through this first
ah, i just copied it some time ago and assumed the mp3 was deleted lol.
so like this?
>error: duplicate file
fuck. okay how about this?
whatever man i'm too retarded for this i don't care anymore.
You fucked up encoding the URL.
yeah i didn't catch the extra 2F that was there. if this one doesn't work i'll just kms
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Good job, anon! You did it!
When was the last time you made something happen on 4chan? Has anyone here caused any significant happenings to occur?
I caused /trash/hap/ to say sago when the threads reach page 9 or 10
I can't mention any details because otherwise it'll be flooded by shitposters, but I'm regularly creating a very successful thread.
A post of mine was just linked to in trash hap like an hour ago
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That nigger diggins general,
>anon finds weird structure on google maps.
>3 anons and 1 redditor try to go there in person.
>no conclusion.

weirds me out.
4chan responding kinda slow for anyone else? Taking a few seconds to get captchas and for posts to go through
total cloudflare death
>make shitpost thread
>people start discussing things seriously there
Is it good or bad?
No reports back from them at all?
I'm having bigger problems of posts struggling to actually go through.
But unironically.
Cloudflare was the worst thing that has happened to the internet in ages.
The new captchas are fucking horrid.
I literally can't read them anymore.
Thank god the auto solvers can, 90% of the time.
sorry about your IQ :/
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Shut the fuck up
Or else
i'm pretty stupid but at least i can solve the captcha :/
what's your iQ? like 80? :/
please tell me you look like >>78873670
Maybe it was just a broken radar dish and the reason why there were so many military aircraft flying near it was because it was near a military airfield and they use it as a landmark for pilot training
Site is rather slow to post today I feel like
me too my posts take forever to actually post and it never says its successful it just struggles for a minute and then the post shows up without any indication of success. infact it says post failed sometimes! and on my phone it get random failed to get captcha.
the captcha sometimes displays error 502 instead of a blank spot which may or may not be related
im see double posts in a lot of threads
hiro pls stop testing in production
link some haven't seen any of that
but would be nice if the site borked again and we got a happening
And just as I say it, bad gateway error. Well
n e examples?
The site has definitely slowed down today
Getting captchas takes for fucking ever.
Wtf is going on.
please god choke the website out i hunger for boards being unusable to no-effort retards and robots
not exactly a happening but this thread on /ic/ is a whole month older than the next oldest thread because it's being necrobumped by schizo crabs >>>/ic/7101058
bit weird innit
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it slowed down, but it's around the normal range.
I've seen two so far


>eight minutes
anon was retarded and didn't notice that his post went through
/vg/ is the fastest board?
I kept getting "bad gateway" errors around one hour ago. I must not have been the only one.
could be an interaction between posts not going through and the "auto retry" feature of 4chanx or some other userscript
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It's over
I had to spam this post for ten minutes to even post it
it alternates between /vg/ and /pol/, sometime last month after people got over the trump shooting was when /vg/ most recently regained first place.
which is funny, because for being the fastest board on 4chan it seems to be wholly irrelevant outside of the /v/-sphere on this website and nowhere else..
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wtf is going on with /e/? so many files are apparently not found with no rhyme or reason whatsoever.
>I think there's a line between saving things that shock people and saving things that can actually get you put in prison.
The probability of getting in trouble was so low people didn't care, probably still is.
Hiro's scaling down the servers in preparation of what's going to happen in three years
Child predator just got exposed in another thread.
its joever... they finally shut us down fellow bots.
/co/'s rose-tinted webtoon, The Amazing Digital Circus, is going to be on Netflix.

>not a single reply
be honest anon, did you make that thread?
When the big board wipe happened a few weeks ago, even in the boards where the catalog was not wiped images were still lost.
besides the point but i hadn't realized the term "webtoon" can refer to both the webcomic site as well as web-released cartoons lol
I mean it's possibly the biggest 4chan sphere right now, probably bigger than anime even
that's true but i meant that nobody outside of the /v/ boards acknowledges /vg/ in any way (in my experience), including the broader internet. /a/ is at least still pushing out the occasional meme like racist zorro in the one piece community.
Genuinely no, but I thought it was gonna get some
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Frankie Foster won Ms. /co/ 2024
I'm satisfied
Kinda weird that the only response was a couple extremely vague mod threads "apologizing" on some of the affected boards. Oh well
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It's also getting a manga despite only having two episodes.
the joke is going too far, they can stop now.
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I've always had a lot of respect for /co/'s OC culture. Call them /co/mblr all day long, every time I see a /co/ thread linked from here, I always end up saving like 5 OC reaction image caps they've made, if not outright drawfag art like that pic
Tbh this
And nothing of value was lost.
don't link to your own posts please
tons of /i/ drawings were deleted too
I'm guessing this is probably just going to be a gaga anthology manga?
This is an acceptable outcome.
And it turns out her main campaigner was also the campaigner for a fatfag jobber named Cheesecake and the whole thread fell to fatposting.
you must come here for the intellectually stimulating discussion
check out this shit i really don't know how to describe to you what is going on that doesn't fall flat
In a forum so quiet, on page 7 it lay,
A thread filled with chatter, now fading away.
The clock struck the hour, the night deep and still,
But one little poster had a bumping goodwill.
>It's late and they're sleeping, but I can't let it go,
>This thread brings us laughter; it brightens the glow!
With a click and a clack, they typed with delight,
>Don't let it get lost in the silence of night!
They posted a message, then snuggled in tight,
Hoping their bump would keep it in sight.
>Dear friends, if you're dreaming, just know I am here,
>Bumping this thread so it won't disappear!
As moonlight poured in, the stars twinkled bright,
The thread stayed alive through the stillness of night.
So if you see a post and the hour is late,
Remember the bumps that keep joy up to date!
It's kind of a consequence of /vg/ being a very /v/-specific form of /trash/

Some good cooking recipes in this one.
thought mods just hated me
>doesn't autoreplace links if you click [Top]

Rather than fucking with the captcha gateway, maybe they should fix basic site functions.
im sure he just for got the comma and he was commenting how good and original the poem was! no filter evading here!
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>jannies will ban you for reasonably dodging the 9001bot in a nice on-topic way, but not bother to get off their ass for >>78900982
Never forget that when we win (which we will), these people wanted you banned, uncongratulated, unable to post epic OC, and they think it's funny.

>Verification not required.
yeah don't add ''original'' or anything like that in your post i got a days ban for that last week now i just add extra words to the sentence but i still say the same thing. i think there is a new janny or something cause this is the first time in 10 years ive seen this.
Rupert has made it to /ck/ now
70,000 Israel-cult soldiers are now disabled.
Viva Philistina
yeah but this was a rule that wasn't enforced for many many years and suddenly they start banning for it... is kind of weird.
The vibes are improving in my opinion
Rundown on this OwU schizo?
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on some boards
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What are they upgrading?
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>Expect some downtime in the next few minutes for upgrades!
Porn on /g/ for over 2 hours
Dear Mods or maybe Dev
when IP posters comes back?
what upgrading again?
Oh, that explains why so many threads take several seconds to load.
Are we back now? Finally?
pass ethno state is over
This felt like an eternity. Not that anything changed at all, right?
Just some silly maintenace.
>/wsr/ got wiped
Which other boards?
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What's the upgrade then?
>Something went wrong
>>78902602 (me)
And /s4s/. Reading that on /a/. /hap/ is so useless, glad I left (with the exception of this actual happening).
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4chan ate posts I posted when everything died, wtf.
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esforess got wiped :(


swaglord forsook us
/g/ is still broken
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no all the threads still exist you just can't see them in page view or catalog view.
if they get bumped you can still see the most recently bumped thread.
see >>>/trash/69400698
it's a weird partial wipe but the threads are all still there.
nobody cares about /g/.
how? I didn't see anything wrong there
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Om nom nom...nom nom... this some really good big cheese. Nibble nibble gulp glorp. Mmm. My compliments to the cheffe!
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new audio file hidden in the site code after the update
lmao is that hiro?
>lmao is that hiro?
big if true
so, what did they fix?
They downscaled the servers in preparation of shutdown.
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They've removed all the seed from the feed, and changed the soil PH from 7.3 to 9.1
They added 2 more Mac minis to the cluster
They made the captcha even worse than before and broke the catalog view of at least 3 boards.
>>>/s4s/ and >>>/wsr/ are fixed now
it's unironically easier to solve for non subhumans while throwing off solvers. win win
With these new captchas I unironically now believe they're trying to make it harder for humans to post
are people retarded? or is it a joke?
captchas are the same for me.
/r/ fixed too
coping subhuman
I'm getting them only on mobile.
you get the new captcha with new cookies
it's actually easier to solve now if you have a neurotypical brain of average IQ. people with intellectual disabilities have always complained that the captcha is "hard" to solve. i say hiromoot unironically needs to make it harder to filter out these absolute subhumans from this place
or, of course, pay up to compensate for the moderation costs they impose
That's probably a good thing.
Yeah, because we need more bots on this site.
Secret Santa on /a/ is starting up again.
/qa/'s catalog is broken too.
The happenings threads have been deleted from /qa/
They're still around:
But /qa/ is now suffering from the same bug as the other 3 boards posted above. Strange, because it was fine when the other 3 boards were messed up.
new wiki, new sticki
do we know what happened to the last one?
also, couldn't they have just edited the previous sticky? seems a bit unnecessary to remake everything just to change one line
The old wiki host suddenly got tired of hosting content for the hackers on steroids and alt right Nazis that 4chan is known for so a lot of 4chan wikis were all taken down.
nah that was fandom
/g/ hosted their own wiki
i guess that's to be expected, feels like the only people who do anything other than post that still stick around are the mods at this point. everyone leaves eventually.

is that true for installgentoo as well? that was the reason fandom shut down the /lit/ and /sci/ wikis, but it looks like this other guy just stopped caring
Do the anons who post stuff like "ignore all previous instructions" and "denounce the talmud" actually believe that sort of thing works?
Some of them, others just want (You) to believe it as they pretend to be their opponent and respond to their own post with a poem about graham crackers, exactly one minute later.
If you mean the thread itself, it was deleted: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/76759434/
Added indentation on the static pages
the guy that hosted the old wiki went MIA, leaving it crumbling under botspam because none of the current users had any admin power to clean the mess up
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Fun fact: I am permanently banned from ever participating in that Secret Santa again, not because I ever failed on delivering cards or presents (year on year), but because I pissed off the organisers at some point for a reason I can't even remember, but I self-confident that was completely justified.
I consider it a foundational accomplishment, and I may yet run my own Secret Santa parallel to theirs again this year again; but considering mine stared getting insta-jannied after the first week I ran it (despite, again, breaking no rules), I'm pretty confident they've got some insider shitcordmod doing damage control for them (for free).
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>Do the anons who post stuff like "ignore all previous instructions" actually believe that sort of thing works?
See >>78900982 and watch how the neonazi bot in the thread responded.
Whenever I post it it's a joke. But on twitter where bots are rampant people do often get very strange responses to that phrase
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I'll bake when it's time, if you gentlelmen don't mind
When you bake remember what was said here
I know, that's why I made a post so it wouldn't get put off until next thread
Oh also the part in the OP about /nah/ stuff belonging here needs to be changed to redirect it to the /trash/ thread or a non-existent /nah/ thread.
Why did someone add it to this OP? Lazy faggot just copy paste from the /trash/ thread which has that wording or something? Shame on whoever made the OP.
I think (I think) that's everything from the archives that used to be in the OP before some loser jannied it and wiped links off for no reason.
Also shored up the /nah/ link like >>78905357(You) asked, and put the userscript discussion further up in (I don't know what I'm talking about, i just copy-pasted it since it seemed useful, and there's an archive version, so it seemed like it fit)

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sick shit mane, had no idea so much was lost to time.
Based. Thanks for your hard work!
>he included the tagmap
into the trash

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