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>merceneries are expensive as fuck
>Can't use them to attack raiders
> Sell at half buy at twice the price
V66 sucks ,fuck this game
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Yeah, because you're the one developing it.
>u-ur dev!!!!
This site would benefit greatly from flags and ID verification.
>election tourist is making this game
Now it's making more sense.
Do you get paid for being an obnoxious faggot?
No, but it looks like you do.

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>game has spooky ghosts
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>game lets you edit your character's proportions
Is this lil fellow gonna be pushed for summerslam?
hate to see it
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This nigga evolving into snek

What the hell even is this game?
Another wegger scam?
I can't even see the store page due to region block, too lazy to use a vpn.
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He definitely posts here too. He's probably even in this thread. YO DEV, how profitable has this been so far? Just curious.
no one mentioned NTR tho
How is this an ad if they don't even say what game it is?
dont argue with 95 IQ people that parrot random words
>Post picture of your game without mentioning the name
>Have others discuss it and wait for someone else to mention the name
Just how fucking stupid are you?

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Are lagswitches cheating (bitch baby opinion) or a legitimate form of gameplay (my ethernet cable, my rules)?
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ah yes, surely this outcompetes vidyabutts thread #295123
A better question is, why doesn't the server award the kill to the player who sends his packets faster so that lag switches are made obsolete?
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female hands typed this post
>kills should be awarded to those with better skills instead of cheating plebs
>men are more skilled in games on average
>female hands advocated for men
and the most retarded post of the day goes to...
>gets offended by text on computer screen
definitely a woman

Don't mind me, just being the best weapon in Elden Ring
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I used it for most of the game, but it didn't do much for me against the bosses. In them, the weapon's ability to recover HP is irrelevant, and as it's a slow weapon, you have to wait forever for the right opportunities.
But I played the game at launch where everyone was insanely aggressive. I don't know how things have changed.
you should have used Melania's great rune with this weapon and then use godskin swaddling cloth and poise talisman
>literally any infusion works, you can go with bleed, heavy, quality/occult if you're >RL200
>good sideways R1s to hit multiple enemies when necessary
>powerstanced jumping attacks are quick and have decent range
and most important of all
>you can get 2 of them without NG+
>can get two of them in a single playthrough
Based. Powerstanced these babies in my recent playthrough.
Why does the mace of molag bal look weird?

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Would you literally go to hell for this?
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>why would take advantage of a frumpy girl with low self esteem/starving for attention
I wonder anon, cause we all know molestation victims are 11/10 bombshells.
but you need to rage anon
The company that's remaking SH2 is full of slavic femcels in the modeling department.
nobody went to hell for angela
I can see it. Got it anon.

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That will be $40 plus tip.
>plus tip
thats antisemitic
keeping the tip is antisemitic.
Who asked for this dumbass game? People don't even play Overwatch anymore, these devs are trying to catch a train that already derailed and killed all its passengers.

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I'm gonna say it.

Skyward sword is better than BOTW and TOTK combined and I'm being 100% serious
Its not. Botw is better than squidwards sword. I dont care much for either
Pretty low bar. On a related note, need Fi gf.
I don't know if you're actually serious based on how you made this thread. That said, I genuinely do prefer Skyward Sword over both BotW and TotK as well as over Twilight Princess and Wind Waker.
>You played the HD version
I haven't yet. My point of reference has always been the Wii version. I'm going to like it more with 60fps and nicer visuals, but the issues people had with Fi, motion controls and the speed of the text in general were never issues for me. Also the things they could have improved that I'd have liked them to (interconnected Surface areas so you don't need the bird statues to go to different regions and no loading screen when taking off from Skyloft we're my big ones) were things they didn't touch. So, for me, the improvements wouldn't really change much about how I feel about the game.
It's a stealth totk thread so I'll post about totk
>hey go grind these materials to upgrade your armor
>the mobs dropping them already got scaled to the highest level ones
Fuck this shit
No, this is not a stealth zoomer Zelda thread.

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All the bait threads that have failed...

I can't believe my luck, mine just freaking nailed...

To brown and bloom shooters. I miss them so much. All those space marines, spec ops and max payne games. You just played them, have fun for 10 hours and that's it. No 100+ hours open world bullshit. No 10 years development cycle.

Hell i even say something out of ordinary - hitman absolution is A BETTER GAME than nu-hitman 2016+. And DMC is A BETTER GAME than dmc5.
We just didn't know at the time how good we had it.
Of course ps1-ps2 era is great too. Relax. It's just ps4/ps5 are so shit i'm literally speechless.
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Hate brown & bloom shit but I agree. Take me back to the times where skeuomorphism and gloss were the thing.
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It was very fun in coop. Great setting too. Slaughtering arabs never gets old.
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It was a different time.

I'm going to fuck Scara so hard that he becomes pregnant with my children. I will fuck him so hard that he inexplicably conceives my babies and swells with my offspring. Then I will marry him and we will raise our children together. I will then of course continue to fuck him and impregnate him until we have a large family. Scara needs my cum. I will spend hours and hours and hours fucking him
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scaramouche is doing the "little" thing with his hand
need sph from a big dicked femboy.....
Especially if he still bottoms anyway
>is it in yet
>starts twerking on my crotch smashing my balls with his fat ass

Which farmer game should I play on PlayStation
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>playing tranny games
>save the homeland
erhmmm... s()ysisters... since when does snoy allow fascist games in their marketplace!??! we must mass report this immediately
Back to Nature is the best of the lot.
Save the Homeland is fun if you want a quicker game with replayability.
HM64 has better characters and a better map but loses a bit of QoL features that BTN has. The days are also obscenely fast and fishing seems to be harder on modern screens due to timing issues.
BTN has more expansive farming and it is less glitch, but the characters aren't as good. It also has a much better mine if you like mines.
I think I'd put it this way. BTN is a better game nit 64 has more soul.


Is the 2077 sequel going to go woke?
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>Socialists fighting communists for land
they literally internationally wide cooperated to grab my country, which is also the fucking reason for world war, wehraboos generally don't register Axis powers (thanks to Germany) and Soviet Union were literally allies world wide till 1941
>doesn't mean they hated Polish people,
first thing they do in occupation is station a penal region free to rape and kill the civilian population in "moderation", meanwhile housing jews in isolated ghettos with cinemas and pools
>and even they treated you
if a Pole knew German fluently he could become a (despised) 2nd class citizen in terms of buerocratic disposition,
if not then Poles were treated as white negroes doing jobs a slave would,
>and Ukranians
those are in different case because those were willing cannon fodder for the frontlines and did like to murder us violently
>better than your fellow "slavs"
jews in no way are a "fellow" in any way ever and for ukrops case they are half-turkic mongrels violent to anybody
Calm your tits woman, there is nothing wrong with space operas.
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>Mfw seeing this thread after reading Snow Crash and Neuromancer during this week
>Mfw knowing cuckchan is infested by discord trannies and straight up bots who either re-write story, astroturf or shill.
>Mfw CD PROJEKT RED will be everything we hated in the next few years
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Everything bad that happened to all the characters was because they were c*lifornians (and they deserved it because of it).
You can't change my mind.
You could actually do this without being woke
Probably gonna be a cringefest anyway

How the hell do I get endings other than flatline in needy streamer overload

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ITT we post and discuss only the most LUDO KINO games.

Dont be shy Slash Vee Slash!
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>don't get how you're meant to play on hard or unfair.
You just didn't do enough experimentation or didn't play long enough with other squads. The default squad is very simple and is above average in terms of overall power. Becoming accustomed to it makes it very easy to overlook plays that the more complex squads can make, both those stronger and weaker than the Rift Walkers. When you're first learning the game it's more beneficial to take losses and switch between the squads regularly to develop a more flexible mindset rather than focusing on how one squad plays. You'll quickly learn to see the board state and how to solve with any team it if you rotate your choice of squad rather than focusing on learning to play just one.
I feel like this could be interpreted as "huuurrr if you play other squads you'll get better at using those squads due to practice". To clarify, what I mean is that playing any squad improves your skills with all other squads, so sticking to select squads is limiting your awareness of the board state. Playing all squads will get you better at a single specific squad more than playing that single squad repeatedly would.
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You are an operator operating in a cyberpunk hellhole to pay off your debts. You can hack everything starting with enemies and ending with individual bullets or you can go full Homura on mofos or just summon a succubus. You get a dozen classes that give you vastly different options forcing you to find interesting ways to succeed mission.
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>You'll keep browsing 4chan and reddit all day, playing 2-3 games a year except for your 1000+ hour hamster wheel game.
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I wouldn't categorize ITB as puzzle game, picrel is, but not ITB

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Why does capcom mistreat Megaman so badly?
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Why did 8 get such a perfect Roll redesign?
IMO people like "THE IDEA" of Megaman more than they actually enjoy playing a Megaman game.
Really? I'd think it's the opposite, I know the reason I want a new mega man platformer is 'cause I've replayed all of them multiple times
If it doesn't sell at least 5 million copies capcom doesn't care about it.
Zero had the right idea with the grade system. Actually encouraged replaying each game multiple times.

what does /v/ think about Borderlands 3?
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>got it for free from epic games store
>marked as 'hidden' and don't even include it in my main game library
It looks like the absolute worst millennial writing in any game I've ever seen.
Don't worry, they outdo themselves in Tales 2.
Shame, i liked the first one.
Mediocre, outdated game.
Best gameplay of the series, really fun.
You have to play with muted voices.

can Phoenix Wright beat this guy?
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>missing the entire point that humans are war obsessed and have always been killing each other
You do know Anon that most muslim death in history and oppression come from fellow muslims right ? What do you think would happen if islam just conquered europe ? Singing and dancing in prayer ? Or the most likely splitting into sub divisions and just killing each other again like the split of the sunni and shia ? Or what about national and ethnic differences ? Like the arabs vs persians. Or what about when turks and the mamluks and arabs duked it out so hard they just broke their own empires.
20 bucks that they're going to make both jacksons black in the movie
calling it right now
I wondered why everyone suddenly started talking about this book. Yet another case of "some breadtuber makes a multiple-hour high school video essay about how disturbing some piece of media is".
Blood Meridian is unadaptable, period. If you tone down the violence or racism, you missed the fucking point.
And there is no way a modern Hollywood movie would have main characters call every 2nd person they see a nigger and scalp/rape women and children.

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is there literally any worthwhile upcoming games in 2024?
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