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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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We aren’t gonna wait for the FBI to cover this up. Starting a thread to share everything we know about this family and to investigate and gather new info. It’s strange we know so little not only about the shooter, but his family. No pics or anything.
Google is blocking related searches, so we have to get creative.
Here’s what we have so far:

Father: Matthew Brian Crooks - liscensed therapist in PA - registered Libertarian

>Thomas Matthew Crooks: All we have to confirm he even existed is literally his appearance in a BlackRock ad. Other than that, and a few classmates who claim he existed, we have two pieces of paper - Republican registration and donation to shareblue. How the fuck is there not one picture from social of him or his parents? He was never in any clubs or anything outside school? Where did he learn to shoot? He’s been on this planet for 20 years yet the only pics we have of him are very recent. What was he like as a teenager? In this age you have to be intentional to be this low profile

>Mother: - licensed therapist in PA. Registered Democrat. Formerly a social worker at the Yale Cancer Society

>Uncle: Mark Crooks - ?

Post what you know / find in this thread and we will keep a running list. This board did an amazing job gathering info on the Las Vagas shooter. Info is out there but we need to search
>needing google
Kys newfaggot
>2 therapists as parents
If it was some kind of MK ultra type of thing this would make sense
lol the shooter is yearwick the antifag duh
Didn't one of the students at his school say he was in a rifle club?
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Appears his mother was also a very active donor to ShareBlue. This year made a handful of donations to the Biden campaign
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how did bubbles glasses use an iron sight
"earmarked for Biden fund" how funny of a coincidence. no I'm not retarded.. or am I
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whats wrong with stupid muttmericans ?! why do you give money to needy multimillionaires ?!
Great find fren. Major democrat contributors confirmed.
iron sights are actually easier to use with glasses than scopes are.
well I would agree on that, absolutely. I'm just saying he already has poor eyesight though, in general and has retard glasses. and also supposedly he was already a poor shot for a rifle club tryout (if that's even true)
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I forget the case and parents names, but recently a mom and dad were convicted of manslaughter for buying their son a gun who went on to commit a school shooting. Should crooks parents be charged?
>>474417531 >>474417405
not crazy. the wording is relevant because God points the way. Now consider this... micro donations are a way to hide money laundering from bigger donors to overcome the legal limits of a single person donating money to a politician. the money is broken up and given to individuals to donate and they keep a little for themselves or they are reimbursed in some way. pennsylvania is biden's home state. there's a good chance communists, jewish and chinese investors (blackrock), have poured money into the state into individual people to feed bribes back to back in the form of donations like this. things that would go unnoticed.
Who is John Crookshanks? How is he related to Thomas? Why did his name show up in the donation receipt?
No. That was a bullshit case. A jewish "novel legal theory." However if they can prove the parents conspired to shoot trump yes that's absolutely a crime. But that's quite different.
>How the fuck is there not one picture from social of him or his parents?
Retard take. Not everyone is infested with attention whoring platforms you stupid boomer. Again, kys.
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>hello goyim
>this is fbi agent hernandez
>our diversity hires need help from the autistics at 4chan who dont exist anymore because this site is now filled with shit skins and normal fags
>we need help finding information anout the White man who shot a zionist race traitor

Yeah no thanks. Nypa.
I disagreed with those charges. It set precedent though.
Good take, chaim now leash your spic bet glownigger and ship him to the desert
I didn't see that, but let's say a person wants to donate in a way to make it seem they aren't. they could use variations of a name, crooks, crooken, cook, crookshank, like crook s. hank or whatever. Some people have two or more sets of parents so they have conjoined names they can use, mike johnson, michael johnson, michael jackson, jack s michelson, can become michael smith, michael johnson smith, mike smith, mike s. jackson, etc. Women are even better at this because they can use their maiden name, married name, middle name, first name, last name, second marriage, third, fourth, and trannies are even better because they can use michelle instead of michael, or missy, whatever, and immigrants are even better because multiple spelling are allowed, mikel, michal, michelle, michel, mitchel, etc.
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Ignore shills muddying water.
New: WPXI is reporting that the shooter was a member at the Clairton Sportsman club / range
this was my immediate thought also
got my ear piercing at CLAIRs
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wtf is that dark pic?
the fuck is this?
Why do you buttholes obsess over his parents' political leanings? Most young mutts don't share their parents' views. Many of you probably know this from personal experience, but you so desperately need to craft some libshit narrative to explain why you look just like him. Even if his mom sucked off every major dem in Pittsburgh, it actually means jack shit. Use your rotted brains, and just accept that the only explanation that you have right now is that he was some bullied fucking loser who sucks at shooting.

Posted July 12th
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>sucks at shooting
Screenshot from a video manifesto was my first guess
I wonder if the FBI is secretly backing Project 2025 to some degree and the attempt on Trump was an act of punishment for him not being fully committed to it
The parents definitely fucked this kid up. Both of them are therapists and they didn't notice anything wrong? There had to have been obvious signs he was unwell and the dad goes and buys an AR-15 and just leaves it laying around? Neither of his parents have had any family friends or colleges coming forward. Only a neighbor saying some basic "wow I'm so shocked this happened"

The only statement they have made was the dad saying they are going to talk with law enforcement before saying anything else. Not even an apology to the victims just straight into defense mode. Extremely strange.
You would at least think his mom or dad might have a facebook account or something, seeing as they're licensed professionals and not literally who wagies. Tommy boy I can buy not having social media, but his whole family or his parents? That's highly unusual.
You are wrong. Children almost always reflect their parent's political values. That's why some states are naturally red and some naturally blue. There are multi-generational trends.
yes but why is it relevant?

Don't type "before...."

go to tools and select date range
There was a recent case that set precedent to charge parents for manslaughter for buying their mentally ill children a gun who went on a shooting spree
You're talking about the Oxford school shooting in Michigan. The parents bought him the gun after he had shown clear signs of suicidal/homicidal ideation. Crooks, allegedly, stole his father's rifle that was purchased about a decade prior.
myself and others thought it looked like him and there's another video. could be nothing, I'm not saying it's something. but it could be, maybe? posted July 12th with Help and Kill as titles two videos. maybe im braindead but fuck better share than not in case it may be
Is this the dad? Or maybe the uncle?
Good thread.

>What was he like as a teenager?
These videos are from before 2022

They do unless a cataclismic generational event like rick and roll
We know the shooting club has a lawyer, they are making statements through the lawyer. I'm sure the parents have one too
Poltards need something to go on, imagine the disappointment the shooter was obviously a chud.
Look at this the nsa typo trick b4 of the rick psy op made by kek
true, it's useful to add it into the record in case it becomes relevant later. it is strange. why did you guys notice it in the first place?
he's huge!
It is wrong to dig about his family because they are just innocent people. If you expose their identities you put them at risk of being hurt/killed by some other crazy person.
same shaped ears, I'd say dad. Fucking giant he is.
Found the pussy. Hey pussy lips!
It's him. Creepy as fuck. But probably was just a schizo, not mkultrlol
"almost always" is made up bullshit because you probably look like him. Find the study that told you this, and i'll go find one that says the opposite. The data is horseshit from self-reported surveys. You probably didn't "inherit" your beliefs from your parents, or you wouldn't be here, dipshit. I understand the search to make him some libshit grandmaster is fun for you, but he was 20 and a dork. Your search is meaningless. Plus we all know the FBI is never going to tell us shit.
That kinda explains why they wouldn't be willing to make a statement. Still kinda strange and the whole family seems very reclusive. The uncle living 20 miles away hadn't seen Thomas since he was a child. What the hell was going on at their household?
does this work for anyone? just an empty black video for me, never seen anything like that on jewtube. usually just a takedown notice or error when they want to censor someone
Another video from school, now deleted

You can’t believe anything media puts out. Especially when the government is caught setting up the opposition front runner for assassination lol. Google/“Biden” wiped all family info and is creating the narrative as we speak. CYA on steroids
Well his parents were Jewish, so probably incestuous sex abuse
It's not empty or black, it's just a single frame video. No sound if you put the audio into audacity. The text reads "KILL" above it, and in another video the text is reversed but the image is the same. It was uploaded & channel was created a day before shooting. Search archives for more info, nothing really came of it
idk how it was noticed, I am not the original person to find it. but I would definitely save the video, just in case. and the images posted before are the video enhanced so you don't see just black darkness.
What you expect to find? A picture of his mom drinking tea with Antony Blinken?
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>Where did he learn to shoot?

Self taught. Note that he would more than likely have his nose on charging handle, while aiming, if he had any gov training
Ok but how do you know?
dude looks slow
Not really because the school repeatedly told the parents thd kid was psycotic and anti social and instead of sending him to counceling the bought him a fucking gun.
Trump's digital media director claims his Discord username was "thomas02931". Not sure if that's before or after Discord forced everyone to remove numbers from their names, meaning it could've been thomas#2931 or something. Don't see any source

source on skool telling parents this?
Link isn’t working anymore. Wtf did he say?!
Delaware is Biden's home state.
Intelligence agencies have to crowdsource for intelligence? Too many gibs going every which way.
it all came out at the trial. do a search. They even tried to make the parents come pick the kid up at school because he spergged out and niether could be bothered to come get him.
looks exactly like Styx kek
The problem is they aren't putting out anything. There is no narrative its like the LV shooter but even stranger somehow. You can speculate the deep state wiped their online presence or whatever but its fucking weird we aren't even getting the generic "they seemed like a happy family!" from a neighbor. No colleges of the parents are talking. Has anyone even found their practices yet? where do they work?
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Checked lol.
nothing it's just some guys face in darkness with the word KILL written above and if you see the other images posted in the thread when enhanced it looks bizarrely like Crooks' lower face.. a lot to me. I may be bias though
>nooo dont look in to his family or background

We know he donated money to the democrats. So you cant put that genie back in the bottle anyway. So dont try.
This is just extra context for his background and motivations.
The study is the two centuries of voting idiot. Red states, blue states. There you go.
Rumor has it Feds ask for 5 hours to wipe online presence, they were worried about something.
Did either of these therapists have that other guy with the gauges as a patient?
Is vidrel actually him?
What strikes me is how he seems so normal actually. Looks like he's teaching in fact, helping the other kids understand the computer, so he was a smart kid. He seems well adjusted and well liked and respected in fact. Very odd for such an event.
They did interview neighbors, former classmates
Sounds nothing like him and doesn't look like him either imo. Everyone is saying this one is fake. It came out before the TikTok videos and was uploaded under Thomas' name when I saw it, which doesn't make any sense (fake account).
I saved a copy just in case. It's a strange picture if nothing else.
Not with Blinken. Blinken hires niggers from Africa to go to Haiti to do his dirty work. I'm thinking more Biden himself. It's Pennsylvania after all
not if he's trying to stay below the peak of the roof. He'd pop up just high enough to sight the target and that's harder cinched up.
Doesn't matter. That's not a murder case. It's more like child neglect. Jews use "novel" theories to achieve a political agenda. They don't respect anglo-saxon law or tradition. Never give them a mother fucking inch. They are foreigners. They don't have rights or any place in our society.
>In this age you have to be intentional to be this low profile
What would be dredged up about you if you flipped out and shot a VIP?
Normies leave a very distinct trail on social and legacy media just from doing normie stuff over time but realistically what in a few days could be found in the public domain about the average autist, short of birth and census records?
We've got a name, location and some unverified anecdotes from acquaintances, but I certainly wouldn't expect any of the normies I went to school with to be able to report meaningfully on my motive if I shot someone.
Let me do a quick search to check something. I'm doubtful of my idea, but I want to double check.
It looks like him. What’s the original source?
ABC Chicago also says he was denied. I just saw it floating around. But they also tracked ammo to him and gun I believe 30 mins before
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The old 4chan is gone. It’s all shit skins, shills and boomers.
He was rejected from the HS gun club but he joined one as an adult and had been a member for at least the last year. There is a statement from the owner of the club.
I’m an economist and have been trained in jewish maths and “bankers did it” always rings hollow to me. Risk management is the single delineating principle to these organizations. The risk of exposure is far greater risk than any magnitude of returns they could be hoping to seek.

It’s the equivalent of betting the entire market cap on an uncovered options play.
His presence was most likely scrubbed the day of the shooting when his handler saw him get one foot on that roof. That's why nothing is coming up. They have learned from past mistakes to be proactive on the patsys digital signature. No way he would have nothing.
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Yes, but Pennsylvania put him over the top remember?
Awkward lonely kid in conservative area wants to fit in so he tries to convince himself he's a Republican like everyone else around him. Then he gets beat up by Trumptards so his feeble schizoid mind starts building up hatred by proxy for Trump because the media that hates his bullies is telling him Trump is a threat to peace. The kid wants inner peace so his retarded brain tells him that neutralizing the threat to peace will bring him peace, also because the media and his parents taught him that gun violence solves problems and brings peace to everyone.
The USA is a constant jewish blood ritual buily upon subversive pilpul whos sole purposr is to confuse and derange Americans and turn you into violent niggers.
Doesn't really match, but it's blurry. Which in itself is strange in the age of high resolution. Same thing with the synagogue video that was blurry to imply it was him and it turned out high resolution showed it wasn't. Maybe the same will happen with this video too.
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A few hours before is pretty fast. I'm wondering if his dad kept the ammo and the guns separate locked up and he was able to get the gun but not the ammo or something.
is that from this incident or something else being referred back to?
>already norwooding hard at age 17
Well, I think we just uncovered our motive
Both links have been deleted. Any other screen grabs?
Communist flavor anti-capitalism.
The dad filed with the U.S. Heraldic Registry
I'm unable to tell when he filed, but he mentioned his son Tom and daughter Katie.
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Can anyone find the commercial?

>getting bullied
Pretty obvious he actually did have friends, he's laughing and in other videos he's having fun with them
Doesn't come off as the grave angry loner they want him to be
>>474420970 >>474423438
Okay I did my check, not thorough, but cursory, and here's what I found so far. Maybe the authorities should also look into a discord name jamesl1109 I'm pretty sure it's not him because the avatar is trump after the shooting with his fist in the air and the real Thomas Crooks is dead, but the last post I have access to was on the first of July so I don't know about any recent activity but I can't see everything he's ever posted of course, but the name the user has is Thomas Crooks so I'm thinking it's a troll name, but the authorities should check it out just in case. I'm doubtful it's the shooter's real account because of the picture, but a double check might be worth it.
Looks like his sister runs this website
pretty sure she's just the photographer
and those are just the things she was "tagged" in
it's the school newspaper, isn't it?
More info. The user claimed to be 24 years old. How old was the shooter?
That kind of makes sense. If her brother was into computers maybe she is too. So maybe they know how to do html and all that. Maybe the whole family is into tech stuff.
I think you are right, that's just her content.
Puts her as a senior in 2019, trying to find what she's up to now.
There really isn't a ton on these people.
I don't know what or how you searched for it but that's a nothingburger
r u a gril?
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Not sure if this helps, but I think trump staged all of this shit.

The numbers Dont lie.. CHeck EM

>>>474216666 <---Q
>>>474211666 <--FH
>>>474206666 <---Q
>>>474196666 <---Q
>>>474188666 <--FH
>>>474186666 <---Q
Yeah I remember you porthole wearers were surprisingly accurate with those goofy fuckers on.
Yeah and maybe the Jew performance during the naming of his vice president is a sign he bent the knee?
This is from 2008, the filing # is just the date with an A at the end. No pictures unfortunately.
Basically he made a family crest with an elephant holding a sword judging by the description.
>Most young mutts don't share their parents' views.
They actually do. If you guessed someone's political leanings solely based on their parent's political party you would be correct more than 50% of the time.
probably true, but it's what I got so I'm sharing. I'll keep looking
The suspected shooter was a patsy. The bullet that hit Trump's ear did not come from his gun, but was fired by an operative. The patsy had no knowledge of the operative. The patsy was allowed to climb the shed and open fire. The bullets from his gun hit the three victims, one deceased. The operative only took one shot at Trump. That bullet was meant to kill him. In an assassination attempt, you only have one shot. The operative was likely on SS detail or embedded with local authorities.
It was not intended for Trump to survive, but since he has, he has now been captured. He is being used as a figurehead, but JD Vance will be driving the agenda. He is the agent. The media is now turning pro Trump to unify the country before the war with Russia. Democrat and Republican politics is a Punch and Judy show. The puppets are controlled by the same entity.
>ctrl-f actor
Look up the studies yourself retard. Political ideology is 30-60% heritable.
I found the entire family from this obituary
this or they are so fucking bad that they failed to help their own son kek
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Do not be deceived by Behemoth.

Vote for old man Biden ;) for teh lulz

I’m voting Biden, because I am a Nazi.

I’m voting Biden, because I hate Jews.

I’m voting Biden because Democrats hate him.

I’m ridin’ with Biden to Valhalla!
The gun had some sort of attachment, so not iron sites
That seems right given the celebration of Jews during the picking of JD Vance.
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believable but wheres evidence of the second shooter?
and from where?
vid places one person on the roof firing
unfortunately vid was sold to TMZ
Ive only seen stills
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>because this site is now filled with shit skins and normal fags
That's not even the problem. Three quarters of the board is shill and bait threads, but I guess shit skins and normies are the ones that keep those bumped.
Also bots many, many bots
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>They knew shooter was on roof for 26 minutes
>He shot 8 minutes into Trump speech
>They tried to send Trump to his death, an execution
>"They" are just as guilty as the assassin, and still alive and in positions of trust and authority

yeah, I want to know about the shooter, but he isn't the only assassin, and he is dead. I want to get all his accomplices and have them executed, they are far more dangerous to America
You won't get evidence of the second shooter. That's why you have the patsy. It's like a magician's trick, the wand-waving in one hand to distract the audience while the other performs the slight of hand. And with the real assassin likely being embedded with law enforcement or SS, it will be very easy to conceal the truth. Meanwhile, Media runs cover for the operation, as is usual for these things. The situation is not unlike when the Praetorians were killing emperors and installing their own. Look past the theatrics.
Holy shit. All of these have already been taken down. Alphabet boys hard at work to scrub this guys existence huh?
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here's mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/t1eljf.mp4
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>Sudden "Biden must step down" push because he welched on deal to resign after 2 years and make Kamala first black vagina having president unelected
>Murder attempt on Trump
>Both happenings 100 days out from election when it is too late for anyone to do anything about it if you succeed
You don't have to be a tv show detective to figure this shit out and who is behind it. This is how socialist takeovers work.
? Works for me
I got “therapy” and had to get therapy cause of it. I was tossed into an RTC and abused, cause I had to defend myself from my parent’s assaults. Getting up on the right side of the bed and being lucid meant nothing.

Those guys love to play God with children.

Ofc this isn’t about me but there’s a reason not everyone who isn’t compliant is delusional or egotistical.
One of the teachers or administrators from his school said he wasn't bullied, that they look out for that sort of thing.
That video purporting to be an example of him being bullied doesn't indicate that, to me. Just a group of kids goofing around.
Oh ok never mind
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>You won't get evidence of the
thats where pol and autists come in
to pull on that loose thread
they strive for the perfect crime
but there is almost always something left laying around
That’s Phil fucking Spencer with another hangover.
agree 100%, that video shows kids fooling around, he's even smiling. This kid fit into his peer group perfectly fine. None of this makes sense.
analyzing shot audio data?
Investigate blackrock
You sure about that? He had his legs crossed and sounded like a faggot when he spoke
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Reposting from dead thread. Could be nothing but an owner of an altchan named 64chan was arrested in 2019 for an alleged school shooting threat.

He went to the same Bethel Park High School that Thomas went to - Thomas would've been 16. This Maki guy posts on /b/ and /bant/, at least he did last year.

The story I heard was he tried to get in but was a terrible shot. I have no confirmation about this, im just spreading rumors.
>investigate the shooter
Yes he's absolutely well adjusted to his environment. I've seen troubled kids that are bullied. They don't act like this kid at all. They are withdrawn, sullen, angry, fearful, they don't joke, don't play, this kid seems perfectly normal, even respected in his computer class. Something is seriously wrong with all of this.
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I wish I had my own wiki page bros
unfortunately isnt me
some anon was doing it but I didnt save the link
said three distinct shot profiles
gun 1
gun 2
they posted a screenshot but so much was flooding in so quick i didnt get the link saved
but without that analysis, I have nothing but "anon said"
Holy shit, good find. Now let's think about it. Thomas is in advanced computer classes, getting certifications, smart as fuck, surrounded by teachers who teach this shit, funded by blackrock, school is known for grooming intelligent kids training them as hackers, one is notorious, now two, glowie TRAINING GROUND! DARPA!
This lends credence to the whole duty to rebel thing where he saw something and truly thought he would be the hero.
based angel protection post
still cool >>474432627
So where's Yearick? Is he alive?
We just gonna ignore the fact that Thomas Matthew Crooks looks nothing like the body they have?
Wasn't there a theory he was actually a criminal that assaulted a female officer two years ago? His mugshot was identical to the body, even down to him having gages in his ears and the body having stitches on the ear lobes.
I'd suggest finding out who was on SS detail, names of local authorities providing security to start. If anons can get on the ground, go to the site, interview property owners, witnesses.
ya he's with tiffany dover
What if... and stay with me because this gets pretty wacky... Donald Trump is just shitty enough that normal people are willing to die trying to turn his head into a canoe?
This "person" didn't exist until high school there is no record of their existence. This is all an AI video simulation. Remember DARPA is 70 years ahead of consumer tech they can already design a full court press AI psyop to make you believe anything and everything with your eyes, ears, and mind unable to differentiate it from reality.
what I should be using instead?
You’re mentally ill
I bet the therapist "parents" had the other guy with the facial hair, long hair and gauges as a patient.
We need to demand information from ABC niggers they will no motive this shit until Trump is killed by some other patsy. I'm guessing he's a hyperborean gen Z nazi larper and fed niggers are trying to supress it. the difference between this attempted shooting and 2017 in Las Vegas is this is the former president. we need to demand information. NO MOTIVE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.
I've been digging hard and can't find shit on them.
I posted a link to an obituary that has extended family names, some Army Specialists etc are in the mix, may be worth looking at if you have time, I have to go for now
who the fuck cares
politicians get murdered all the time. that's the price they pay to play the power game
Babe? Come back!
quit fixating on that faggot. someone posted his image before we had the real pics of crooks cuz he kinda looked crooks in the drone footage, but it's so obviously not him.
I believe this to be the case too. Thomas is an actor, one of the spook parents hypnotized the long-haired gauge guy (potentially through court-order?), they set it up on top of a training facility, provided access and time. Upon shooting, kill him and get the body away. Then throw up a likely altered photo of some random jew kid who showed up in a blackrock ad along with a whole profile.
They feel the need to hide it because the firestorm from the other guy's political affiliations and stuff could pop shit off.
that's a super old video, seen it on /gif/ years ago, so i doubt it
If you have any info to follow up on that'd be cool.
The corpse pic matches the other guy, including his sewn gauges. You seem more emotionally invested in this than me.
just good ol' fashioned well poisoning
i mean, ok, waste your time. just being helpful.

very clearly
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New thread MOSSAD disinfo niggers
How long is American high school? Is it 4 years or 2 years? Cause we've definitely had at least 4 school photos of the guy so far.
Anyway I don't exactly know what you guys expect in terms of evidence from his childhood. Class photos from elementary school or something? Find me a photo of Nikolas Cruz or Brendan Tarrant from elementary school. Childhood photos of killers are not exactly hot commodities. And they're not something that media is gunning to publish.
I'll determine that one myself, thank you.
the biggest thing you have is that he has "sewn gauges" but I've literally not met one single person on this planet who has done that, and i used to hang out at faggy dive bars. guarantee that Yearick is still alive and homeless somewhere in Austin or something. also, the square shape ear cartilage on Crooks ear matches the dead body, and that's not a common ear shape. it just seems like you guys want this to be a deeper conspiracy than it is. but, again, idrgaf, you're just gonna learn a lot about some antifa hippy literal who faggot and then it will lead to nothing
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You can tell he's Yearick from his ears (pic related).... and look at these other Yearick pictures (look at those ears huh?).


Mossad indeed. Mossad trying to cast doubts that a Republican kid hated Trump.

Was Roy Cohn Mossad? We know Ghislane Maxwell's dad was right? Did Trump know Ghislane Maxwell's dad?
>faggy dive bars
>is a fag
Many such cases. Sad!
What if they both were involved? Shut the fuck up telling people what to look into and what's not relevant.
what if your mom was involved? should look into her too, retard
You suck at not caring
Why do you tards keep posting obviously fake pics? Here's a little piece of advice: people won't listen to you if you're caught trying to fake evidence to support your claims.
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True dat, there's also this, confirming his politics:
>Max R. Smith recalled taking an American history course with Crooks as a sophomore. He did recall Crooks making political statements — but they shed no light on his actions Saturday.

>“He definitely was conservative,” he said. “It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.”

>Smith recalled a mock debate in which their history professor posed government policy questions and asked students to stand on one side of the classroom or the other to signal their support or opposition for a given proposal.

>“The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.”

SOURCE: https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/thomas-matthew-crooks-trump-shooting-bethel-park-20240714.html

The kid just figured out that Trump was a Mafia raised (see Roy Cohn) criminal, who rapes people (apparently some kids), and has rigged the Supreme Court.....

....oh and is maybe planning to never leave office? Isn't that what /pol/ wanted, a porn free society? No unemployment benefits? Subscription models on everything for Trumps cronies? A jewish state?
shit. i got toasted.
i only care right now because i just woke up and am drinking coffee, but as soon as i close this tab i will move on with my day
most compelling evidence so far
Hell yeah those Michigan parents got what they deserve for being retards and raising a retard son. Parents not being responsible for their kid is tranny groomer logic.
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>where was the second shooter
>Crooks' family owned more than 20 guns which were stored in their family home in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, CNN reported.
>AR-15 was purchased 11 years ago
>also Thomas Crooks was too bad of a shot to qualify for a high school rifle team
I don't have an angle here I just think it's funny that he apparently wasn't allowed to go to the range until he was an adult.
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i guess i can share....

>Thomas Matthew Crooks was spotted at least twice by cops — 26 minutes before he rained bullets on the Pennsylvania rally crowd, wounding Trump and two others and killing an ex-fire chief, according to WPXI sources.

>The building — the AGR International Inc. factory next to the Butler County Farm Fair grounds — was being used by local police as a “watch post” for snipers to scan for threats as the former president spoke onstage only 130 yards away, according to sources.

>Cops were inside, but not on the roof, during the shooting, sources said.
This is the gun range he was a member of
Sure thing Zigger.
Have they made a statement of any kind?
What's up with the username? Maxwell-t6s
Either glow shill or retard. Either way kys.
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>who was on SS detail, names of local authorities
SS-good luck with that
but I have been digging on sheriff but nothing unusual, seems like a big trump supporter
but nothing on the guys who were supposed to have been on the roof
It was announced that he was a registered Republican mere seconds after the final bullets hit the ground. Even before they put out his name. Not fishy at all.
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>>where was t
i think that angle would be too steep for how trump was hit
but you might be on to something
the warehouse behind could do it, but further over from your arrow
Redacted on youtube said the shooter was 400 yards away, that would put the real shooter way back on the water tower. This little fag was a patsy. He was in a blackrock commercial.

More than likely Trump was in on this, they missed on purpose, he cut his ear with razor blade smeared some blood on his face and got the photo OP of a lifetime. Either that or the jews are trying to incite civil war. Voting is rigged so this has nothing to do with votes.
But muh heckin LARPA, guys!!!
Every resistance is useless, don't even try!!! Do nothing and go back to work, hurrdurr
I'm gonna guess his mothers name is Mary. I'm noticing something. I don't think Crooks is the shooter though.
Possible motive:

i was so busy looking at the office i hadnt even noticed.
of course theres always that
but i would think the cops who were supposed to be watching the building would be the ones most likely.
of course the sheriff would have picked them, so
>Redacted on youtube said the shooter was 400 yards away
your whole premise hinges on this, and there's no reason presented why anybody should believe this
The oversimplification of red/blue states is just your midwit mind. "Let's completely disregard other trends like age or post-Mason Dixon line politics bc my phenotype is threatened reeeeee." Trump signs in yard? Registered R? "B-b-b-but 15 dollars before he could even vote!"
After the Uncle Skip incident I won't rule anything out
Here you go, retard. Lotta red turning blue. Must be those "200 years" of evidence.
This kid was a no one... He probably did it because he felt deeply insignificant and wanted to be remembered
No you are wrong.

>>474422297 point is perfectly valid.

The only reason young Crooks became a card carrying Rep was so that if he was caught scoping out a shooting site, it would add credibility to his claim he was "just looking for a good spot to listen to Trump"

Which means he was planning this for quite a while. He is either brighter than we think or a complete loner - or he could be both.
I would have stashed it in the tree ahead of time. Perfect spot. Not like the dogs would alert on a new, clean ladder.
didn't spectators in bleachers behind trump got sprayed ? need full info to determine angle . cops inside the buildings had plenty of windows to pick from
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You mean the fake thing that shills keep pushing? No, of course not, don't be a fucking retard.

Never mind, you are shills.
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Has anyone looked into his adopted brother Lesane?
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Leftist women are always ugly communal narcississts that hate their own children so they turn to exploit other peoples' children for narcississtic supply. Adam Lanza's mom, Gavon Ramsay's mom were the same type (https://youtu.be/EHhQtqi3jUs?feature=shared&t=911).
Here's another MKV copy straight from the original video with yt-dlp

>Viral memes
>when you think of shoes you think of Nike's?!? That's because of COMMERCIALS BRO
Wtf is this cringe shit? This whole happening is a total dumpster fire
No it was the bleachers to the right of Trump that got hit with the stray bullets.
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There is no point in humoring trolls as if they are human.
Why is an old Space Marine opening the door for those men?
proof he used iron sights? or is this made up bullshit
Maxwell Yearick?!
worst therapy ever ,must run in family
He was a member of a gun range in pensylvania and was pictured with long purple hair hanging out with black kids with AKs
>Ive only seen stills
I thought i had it saved, but it was all over, that video. Its low res, TMZ uprezzed it to get that ai-smoothed mush there.
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Retard. You're a tarot card reading thinking this was destiny.
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If it is Crooks in the video it's a weird coincidence that the handle has maxwell in it
Me too. The media/FBI was just too thrilled to be able to parrot the technical "registered republican" (albeit 20 yrs old & never voted) line to the masses to denigrate the whole situation.

Maxwell Yearick is the Antifa, jewish enemy that Fake News spent their whole lives denying existed remember? They wouldn't even admit Antifa/BLM was real during the 2020 riots.
Unless his parents isolated him from American culture, there is probably not much they could do to prevent the chaos from taking root.

The blame falls a lot more on the press/schools/entertainment aka the jew, than anywhere else. They told him Trump was Hitler and was an imminent threat for half of his life. This was inevitable, if not him then someone else.

Feds definitely groomed him though. A 20 year old does not get into that spot without help, especially the IEDs and remote detonator he had.
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What does the tripfag stuff have to do with Yearick? This is completely retarded. Explain what the middle drawing is meant to be and where it's from.
High school 4, junior high school 4, elementary 5
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You are very gullible. There is so much cool real shit going on in reality, you don't need to invent your retard scams.
Total gay LARP.
>need full info to determine angle
im working on it now but probably will lose the thread by the time im done
the layout Im doing is based on someone else work and I think they have Trumps positioning wrong,
that aftermath pic is golden
trump was looking at the jumbotron
his body must have been rotated much farther than portrayed
Ears similar
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>Qanon says
You are extremely dumb and you should blow your brains with a hair dryer immediately.
This is a dumb hill to die on Anon.
Good find, ears a family trait for sure. SOLEBURY TOWNSHIP, PA — Malcolm P. Crooks passed away on May 25, 2019 at the age of 96. He was a lifelong resident of Solebury Township.

He was predeceased by his parents Forrest C. and Irene P. Crooks and brother Corydon Crooks.

He is survived by his beloved wife Elaine M. Crooks, children Sylvia Dumas and husband Ed, Malcolm (Lee) Crooks and partner Tina Wise, Catherine (Kitty) Crooks and partner Michael Dooley, step children Lora Cohen-Vogel and husband Dan, and Marianne Bender and husband Rob; grandchildren Merlin (Lars) Crooks and wife Leila, Laura Cheetham and husband Drew, Rylan Crooks and partner Andrea Bocchio, Jesse Crooks and wife Shannon, Daniel Crooks, Juliana Dumas, Jacob Dumas, Noah Cohen-Vogel, Sophia Correa, Benjamin Cohen-Vogel; nephew Forrest C. Crooks III, nieces Sharon Mendelson and Rebecca Crooks and husband Paul Giordon; and seven great grandchildren.

Malcolm appreciated and deeply enjoyed the environment and was dedicated to natural resource conservation in both his professional life and as a volunteer. He was a founding member of the Honey Hollow and Aquetong Watershed Associations, served on the first Solebury Township Planning Commission, and helped preserve many farms in the township while serving on the Land Preservation Committee. He served on the boards of the Bucks County Conservation District, Bucks County Audubon Society, and Bucks County Planning Commission
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So verified related or just someone with that common last name? If you have something to add, use your words and do so.
bro how many people lurk this place and click every fucking link lmfao
>Good find, ears a family trait for sure.
Ears grow as one ages. That guy's ears did not look like that 50 years ago, and certainly not the same as when he was 20.

You're getting deep into schizo retard shit. Stop that.
Confirmed he was a member through their lawyer
Good finds
>There is no point in humoring trolls as if they are human.
but I am able to accept a 2nd shooter scenario
as much as a I hate the system, Im still too zogged to believe they were this incompetent that it just happened
but if this were a conspiracy, no way they would have bet the bank on chud loser making this shot. it would make complete sense to have a reliable shooter and leave dead patsy on the scene.
look, shooter is dead. end of investigation. move along.
was found days ago https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/474187974/#474203241
previous thread? sources?
>it was all over
i can only find ones that cut off right before he fires
not once he starts
Whos the weirdo who just takes creep videos of someone doing nothing at all for tiktok?
I mean, advertising should be illegal.
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You mean spammed, by its author.
>pulls his pants
tf has this world come to i got into fist fights back school for nutin he gets pants yanked wtf
The videos were clearly from somebody's phone, it's not that weird. They were uploaded to TikTok a few days ago, you can search the archives for them. Probably uploaded by a rando classmate.
Find the kid holding up his phone and taking videos for some reason. That'll be him. There can't be too many of those!
This was where he worked. Top one.
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>12 Jul upload and channel date
>traced to his father in about 20 minutes
long gun registrations are illegal in the US
registration papers stay with the FFL who sold it
Immediate FUD bot replies. Interesting.
You're falling for somebody changing their Twitter handle and posting gibberish. You are a normie, nigger.
This post covers just about everything I believe personally.

Mainstream media indoctrinated. Then taken advantage of by glow ops.
His mom is employed and not from Pittsburgh. Obviously different Mary Crooks
>Tmz reports theres video proof of him getting bullied
>the bullying in question:
>its just some friend pulling cuff of pants and goofing off
???? do they know what getting bullied is?
Wasn’t aware you could change your @ like that
By "from somebody's phone" I mean in their camera roll or Snapchat (you can see Snapchat Memories in one of them). It's not weird for a zoomer to take vids of their friends or people in their class. But they were uploaded after this shooting happened.
About 150 yards, 400 was approximate feet early reports
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This whole situation is getting the Richard Jewel treatment by biden's federal government.
Intentionally misleading the public sentient to obfuscate the true nature & motive of the initial criminal: far-leftist, radical, unstable Antifa goons and violent divisive rhetoric from the Left getting funded & encouraged by Soros, NGO's, and 3-letter agencies.

Can't have the President Trump's attempted aassassin be properly identified as the violent domestic far-leftist terrorist that he is. Properly participated in the Portland Autonomous Zone fiasco of 2020/CHAZ-CHOP etc
Immigration idiot
>uploaded after this shooting happened.
Thanks fren
I can sense your googlefu is weak
Wrong, my ears are like my ancestors, pull out a family album sometime
*might* be useful for finding info about that account
Still up:

Unless you don't believe some classmate would make a burner TikTok account to share them.
https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock is good too. I can't be fucked right now.
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Wrong guy
Someone found it while searching youtube for Maxwell (Yearick)

I think it is a coincidence. The /x/ nobody shit is weird too. Not sure what to think about that.
I am extremely unsatisfied with the Maxwell Yearick loose end: why is the Fake News so desperate to ignore it. If he isn't, in fact, the dead shooter on the roof, where is he then?
it was reported he asked his father to take the gun to the range.
Looks like him. But they all look like low testo faggy shitheads with bad genes so who knows.
What a fucknut you are,

Now drill down into those states changing color and look where it happens, Larger cities, - immigrants flock to to blue and turn it red.

Once the immigrants realize the paradise of blue is the result of hard work. Its also a relatively recent phenomena.

Rural areas stay red.
Because it was crooks. Anyone with an IQ of 75 or above could see that
150 yards is ten times more embarrassing for the SS than 400. It's practically next door.
>It is wrong to dig about his family because they are just innocent people. If you expose their identities you put them at risk of being hurt/killed by some other crazy person.
this is pol bitch we dig. conoschi?
Crooks's thin ear edge matches. Also Maxwell's eyebrows are darker.
I read that the reason he left home at 18 is after getting into an argument with his father.

Maybe his father is a mad Trump supporter and this little buttfag wanted to kill dad's hero.
Yep. Those ar15 rifles are sighted in at 300 meters, 328 yards, this is less than half the distance, if anything he would have hit a little high
>Then he gets beat up by Trumptards
this is where your fantasy falls flat on its face.
All bullies up load videos of there bullying.
$ sherlock thomas02931
[*] Checking username thomas02931 on:

[+] Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/thomas02931
[+] HackenProof (Hackers): https://hackenproof.com/hackers/thomas02931
[+] ICQ: https://icq.im/thomas02931/en
[+] LibraryThing: https://www.librarything.com/profile/thomas02931
[+] Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/user.aspx?username=thomas02931
[+] babyRU: https://www.baby.ru/u/thomas02931/

[*] Search completed with 6 results
installed via pip, forgot how to use the local github install i had
probably not him
New baker needed. Put notable finds in OP please. Good night
Ears and nose are very different from Crooks. 100% sure the pic of the dead guy is of the shooter?
fine ill bake.. but dont get the wrong idea its not because you asked or something!
He aint wearing camo gear in any of those vids, despite mainstream media claiming he always did.
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That tool often throws up false positives btw. He definitely has usernames though.
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They said sometimes to be fair

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