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Hey, zoomer here.

I've been listening to the Beatles and I think they're very overrated. Every song is mid af or boring.
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Zoomer here. Try this.
>I've been listening to the Beatles and I think they're very overrated. Every song is mid af or boring.
Correct. Boomers are mid af and boring so it's their Godsend.
>led zeppelin

Hahahahahahahahahahaha HahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahaha
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the fucking poojeets are spamming their little hearts out right now
be sure to let them know you know they're poojeets
good morning saars
Everything after the sexual revolution is psyop glownigger shit bro

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White people are the devil
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i will never forget that /pol/ supported this.
its over.
>1349 A.D. - Strasbourg, Germany

>Jews Massacred (2,000)/Expelled for a century by townspeople on Valentine’s Day because the Jews manipulated the price of corn, and that the Jews were protected from any prosecution of their crime by the city council (Cecil Roth, ‘The Jewish Book of Days’).
Satanism is the dumbest fucking meme, even bigger than Scientology. Like say you did believe in a Satan and you communed with it and emulated it’s belief system, wouldn’t that mean you have to actually behave because Satan is literally over your neck accusing you of shit all the time?
Satanism is cringe larp for people thinking their being provocative. But it is only provocative to low hanging fruit like Christian granny's and schizophrenia
Black Sabbath are openly Anglican, the least compromised protie denomination. Listen to their lyrics, a lot of them have religious motifs such as asking God for help.

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Poll: https://strawpoll.com/QrgebBK9RZp


This compliation includes all 7 of Mr. Enter's privated covid videos from 2020/2021 on top of two recent videos reflecting on his pandemic experience and explaining why privated the videos. He does not retract any of his pandemic/lockdown related opinions, but he does deeply regret a lot of his behavior.

His initial covid19 videos did a great job at making measured and reasonable arguments against the lockdowns and the mandates. Despite how much I liked the videos, I also completely understand why he regrets them, and the two recent videos were interesting and reflective.

Below are brief descriptions of all of the videos in the compilation video. If you only have time to watch one of them, the “How the World Ended” documentary did the best job at thoroughly explaining his anti-lockdown case:

Pandemic: His thoughts on the pandemic in mid-April 2020 and the direction that society chose to take

My Lockdown Story: He talks about how the lockdowns had affected him personally.

How the World Ended: A thorough documentary in July 2020 about how badly the pandemic was mismanaged by governments, health officials, and society.

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Fauci is the worst one of all
no but it would be awesome if they did
Fauci is jewish
They aren't exactly denying it
Fauci is a hobknocker

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Why does this country exist?

Not even Albanians want to live there.
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I think they were just isolted goat herding people from the mountains that are today Northern Albania who slowly expanded southwards.

They actually don't know their own orign but like to say they are Illyrians. I think most Albanians don't know that Illyrians were the niggers of the ancient world.
I would love to have an Albanian passport. How can I get one?
It exists so that, at least on paper, human beings do not have to interact with albanians. Of course in practice that does not unfortunately happen, largely thanks to immigration and the internet
true Albanians are Muslims, you are only a faggot
Maybe not, Bujar, but what about your relatives?

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Repent for your sins at once lest you suffer the punishment of eternal perdition and the wrath of God.
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Some can. But when they do they will no longer be able to call themselves Jewish.
>People have a skewed idea as to what Heaven actually is. Its not a resort, its not a retirement village, its not a sex themed yacht club. Hevean is a higher plane of existence beyond time, beyond matter...
>You get there by giving money to Jews and cutting off your foreskin
No God.
>The alternative is hell, where you will never be whole, never reach your full potential, and be cut off from God for eternity to wallow in sin.
That's just America.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.

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Why are they suddenly so desperate for everyone to inject this? Is it discretely the 3rd booster?
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>These are the rates of these things in comparison to another weight loss drug not a placebo group.
That's a staple pharma way of making it look less bad than it really is.
And? It literally doesn't state what they were implying it does. No amount of lies, corruption of data, misinformation by the people running the study will ever make that study say any of the things anon posted true because he is basing it on a completely different concept then what was being tested for.
fasting fixes the heart damage done by the vax.
Because it kills all desire and makes you eat less. You will be the perfect wage slave and not even require much feeding. People can derive no pleasure from many things any more besides eating. People quit crazy stuff like drinking, biting nails, shopping, traveling, sex. Also, you take it forever or you gain the weight back.
I agree. I have been naturally skinny my whole life just because I don't have much desire to eat, I have never been food motivated. But it's a totally normal adaptation to eat a lot, we have just created a society where you can easily get a ton of calorific foods and that is super recent and evolution has not caught up. I hope the medication is available to anyone who needs it. I am not a healthy weight because of willpower or exercising or anything like that, it is purely genetics.

He’s an objectively good POTUS but he the public got psyop’ed into hating him by glowies fired by DCI Turner. The tropes are that he "didn't work with Congress" (wasn't part of the good ol' boys club & didn't like pork barrel spending), inherited inflation (which continued during his admin.) and he APPEARED to be a pussy.
In reality, he was an inflation hawk (vetoed a lot of bills and appointed Volker to the Fed), he was a hawk (ordered Operation Cyclone, the development of the B-2 bomber, and reinstated draft registration), and he was a true religious Christian (most politicians are frauds). Would a normal politicians admit to committing adultery in his heart because he looked at a woman lustfully? Kek, Trump never admitted to cheating on his wife with multiple women and Clinton lied his ass off, even under oath, about cheating on his wife with one woman. Carter is highly intelligent, having graduated from the USNA with distinction and being a pioneering nuclear submarine officer. He had a promising USN career but chose to leave it and take over the family farm when his father got cancer because family came first to him. He made the farm very profitable and became rich. Then he became a born again Christian, going door-to-door in America's cities, trying to talk about Jesus to anyone who would listen. He later became Governor of Georgia, then POTUS. After his reelection defeat, he returned to his peanut farm. He then became a volunteer for a charity that builds houses for poor people. Up until a few years ago, he actually was swinging a hammer into his 90s. Contrast that with Reagan, Clinton, et al, who try to become rich after leaving office. You can read more about him in his autobiography, titled "Why not the best?" This question was asked of him by ADM Rickover when Carter said that he didn't try his best at the USNA and Carter asked himself that question for the rest of his life as a guiding principle.
Jimmy Carter is too good of a man for this country.
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Before NAFTA it was Germany and Japan under Reagan, that's why the boomer seethe over Japan STILL is a thing to this day despite Japan being a has-been in everything apart from anime and video games.
At least the robber barons built something, what did wallstreet ever build?
The actual villains were Nixon and Reagan who seem to have successfully whitewashed their reputations in the 2020s

Nixon was arguably the most evil https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/
He was white, that alone makes him better than you
Eat a fucking dick kike, your people ruined this country way more than any president

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What's your experience working with them, /pol/?
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>but I try to hire only fellow goyim
lol confirme for not gonna make it
If you have a 100/1 ratio they are fine but once they start to out number or even get any leverage it's fucking over. Might as well start pooping in the hallway with them.

Also they are slower then shit and make up things as they go or screen share some other poo back in their country to do their job that can't get a visa or hired.
Other than this I didn't mind working with them.3/6 of the project teem was Indian, with a B team in India we'd video conference with once a week.
Other than having to ask them to repeat themselves a few times because it can be hard to understand them they're fine, like normal humans.
They're careful not to break any rules because they'll get sent back to India, so ones here on work visas tend to be better behaved than other immigrants.
Any computer engineering interview is flooded with them, whenever I went to them there were many waiting to be interviewed.
I work in IT, and our company tried to outsource to pajeets for a project. They killed the contract about a week later because the pajeets kept calling help desk for everything.
Japanese company?

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Long story short:
Extensive training in
>covert operations behind enemy lines
>guerrilla warfare
>intelligence gathering
Pic related:
>be me
>run a red cell team
1. gather intel on highly secretive military base
2. find weaknesses
3. write report

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What was your career path that led you to where you are now? At what age did you reach each stage in your life?
SF are designed for asymmetrical warfare in enemy occupied areas. In its most basic form it's preparation before the invasion, like as it was planned and practiced in Europe during the Cold War. In its most extreme form it's the October Revolution of 1917 or the coup attempts in 1991 and 1993 by the hardliners, where it somewhat resembles a civil war but the frontlines are lines drawn in water. Asymmetrical warfare becomes the only option for both sides and sometimes there are more than two sides to it, adding more layers of confusion and uncertainty. Because of these reasons, the SF training has to be exceptionally high quality and the selection process has to filter out everyone but the best.
Gibs me links to finish or foreign guerrilla warfare manuals, or sissi manuals
Cryptography, analysts, languages, IT, most of the office work I suppose. In fact check out CIA jobs available and you will find many interesting opportunities.
The rabbit hole goes much deeper than that. The big guys like КГБ, 国家安全部, MI6 and CIA run the show. Mossad being the newcomer but still quite strong. Most of the stuff you see on the surface is just the afterglow.

No that's a war crime.

I went from community college to the army and then enlisted. Been there since.

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what's the biggest threat to society and can we determine it by what jannies remove?
top thread gone in less than 10min
bottom threat stays up till 300+ replies
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this will stay up for 2 more hours though
a cockroach accidentally posted some porn, why should anyone care what roaches do or think? ignore and move on, but at least we can poke fun at this op.
Why do the jammies fear it so much tho
It reminds them of what they can never have.
probably because they don't want op to an hero or some shit, its kind of off topic for /pol/ but so isn't 80% of the posts here anyways.

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The 80s were overrated.
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since this is just another useless piece of shit timewasting slide thread, have some informative info about poojeets who shill and spam and pollute this board more than anyone else
No and they didn't look like that. The 80s were White. Simple as.
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Bro...i got ya
HIM is better than that gay 80s shit

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Should we force coalburners to spend the rest of their lives living with niggers?
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The number one way to make niggers less "cool" in American society, is to remind everyone that niggers were helplessly enslaved because they're helpless. They were helplessly colonized - and easily, by relatively few whites - because they're helpless. The "tough black thug" image must be smashed by whites restating the reality that niggers are the worst fighters in the world... by far. Their propensity for violence is directly negatively correlated to their capability for competent and collective violence, which is nonexistent. Every nigger in America would lose in open combat against a small corps of whites and it wouldn't be close. The men are skinny bitches and the women are giant whales. They all smell bad and the men never cut their fingernails. They're revolting and their weakness is pathetic.
In an ideal world yes, however due to kike propaganda, some normal women are mudsharking. Although it's been proven that mudsharks are on average fatter and lower IQ, and from anecdote they're usually mentally ill or have massive trauma, some normal ones are falling victim.
The white incel cope in this image is palpable. You can photoshop images all you want but in reality, white women worship BBC.
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>some normal women are mudsharking
True, some few of them could be normal if it wasn't for the brainwashing, that's why this has to stop. All races should stick to their own.
>and from anecdote they're usually mentally ill or have massive trauma
I agree. Notice how often many of these didn'y have a proper man as a father, but instead an abusive one or a total cuck who spoiled them. Mudsharking is their way of "rebelling" against the incompetent white men of their enviroment, since Netflix presented this as a "cool and progressive" thing to do.
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imagine needing retarded and brainwashed white women in order to validate yourself and your existence as a whole, believing this is a massive success for your puny existence.

trash bait, 0.5/10

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Look at that massive gap in the map. Not a single anti-AIPAC donor in South Dakota.
The whole place stinks of jew worship

It honestly does, there was no mask mandate there but the people largely still acted like there was one.
If you're not being ironic I feel sorry for your family
Didnt Lil Miss Governor pass some kind of antisemitism bill?
She sure didn't care hospitals were killing people that's for sure

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Interesting choice of words, Jewlon.
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>fuck prime pussy while they were young
Or find an actual girlfriend while young and hang on to her forever instead of copulating randomly like the livestock.
yeah if they're lucky
but instead they'll be told to focus on gay stupid shit like "space" which will forever have "delays" or "issues" stopping it from happening
Anyone who thinks humans are going to "reach the stars" is a moron who doesn't understand physics.
They didn't earn the moniker of "rats" for nothing
High school and college are really the biggest trap
Tons of afternoons wasted studying. Women also suffered this, they could have been hunting a husband at their peak

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Wtf I live in an ethnostate, Tunisian global dominion when?
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wtf jordan is an ethnostate?
>t. second generation jordanian
Assimilated all Arabs into one culture.
We aren't an ethnostate either, a hundred years ago, we were Muslim Bengalis, Muslim Assamese, Muslim Tripurans, Muslim Arakans, Muslim Biharis, many rohillas, and Muslim Telugus creating a Muslim branch of Pakistan.
Everyone other than bengali Muslims have either been assimilated beyond recognition or straight up wiped out.
National identity is so fake and gay.
Ethno-nationalism is the real thing

North african people in Europe are the worst type of immigrants. Too many problems are abused by them. It would make sense for North Africans to pay prices. But I have spoken to some nice north Africans that live in North Africa. Because of that, turkey is the easy choice.
Interesting, thanks.

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Uncle Ted was wrong.
It was never technology per se.
Urbanism and living permanently among too many other people is what fucks morality and birthrates.

It's one of his more insightful thoughts.
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Get em Bruce
Buy an ad Rudy >>468095649
He ironically debunked that on the incel video lol
Men that use female shame words like incel deserve the rope for being simps
Boomer tier response lol
Mammon est nomen daemonis
>its SCALE

are the normies finally going to become pleasurepilled?

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I don't understand the trade war. Just stop trading with China. Just ban Chinese products. Chinks literally can't win if they don't influence the west. They'll be stranded and their economy would implode. Starved to death while the rest of the world flourishes without Chinese market manipulation.
Or hey better yet, NUKE them!

>b-b-b-but where will I get my chink plastic slop!!!???
>It's so cheap!!!!
Kill yourself you chink plastic lover.
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>Let's destroy our biggest supply line
You'd have millions of people eating each other in the streets. You already got enough issues with the Houthis
People's Republic of Chyna is a ticking time bomb. CCP will fall. Republic of China will take over.
Chink detected. Doug Penh is a shit hole.
Invest in Vietnam, Korea, Japan AND America.
Poos without VPNS again….
LGBT China and Japan make good phones, unless you need something loaded with back door cia or ccp spook gear ….. $200 max on a phone or your just a slop consumer

>Who's going pay 2000 Euro for budget smartphone?
Instead of buying a new one every year how about one every ten years and legal protections against forced obsolescence, and right of repair disputes.

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Henlo my Deer Frens!
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If only we hadn’t traded all those dragon’s teeth for whores and cocaine money Holhol bros!
Wow this is like the 10th time this week the Russians have taken Chasiv Yar. You think they getting good at it by now
If you are unable to do reading comprehension then you should keep your mouth shut, so as not to embarrass yourself.
Hello fren!
So Ukraine needs an additional 60 billion bucks?

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wtf i thought biden was based?
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Amd you won't do shit about it.
How is this a bad thing
Shut it, fat
This was some real uniparty kayfabe
>we're sending aid to Israel
>nooo you can't do that it's so much money
>ok we're not sending it now
>noooo you have to send it because we have to even though it costs so much

Man Israel and the military industrial complex were so vulnerable there, dodged a bullet!
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You know what's funny, they only spend like $70m a year on housing for homeless veterans, haha

What the fuck is y'all's problem
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>Natives keep to themselves
Young female natives do not no
Good point
We need electric shitskins to stop global browning

No one returns to a house under construction that they were chased off of before because they’re “interested in things getting built.” If you got chased off and came back, you came back because what you were doing something you shouldn’t be doing.

They once upon a time didnt need money, money is the controlling factor and when its gone nature will still be there

You have a link to the article about that cuneiform? I'd like to read it.

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