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>soviet union 4th place at 6%
polls are more a measurement of how retarded people are.
US sent 7 divisions at Germany
USSR sent 70 divisions at Germany.
> Czechoslovakia
Kek. How was that even supposed to work?
They defeated the Nazis through the sheer power of their laziness and incompetence?
In that case, they spelled "Romania" wrong.
All wars are wars of attrition, dumbfuck.
>staging an invasion of Hokkaido
You literally pulled that out of your ass
Pretty accurate.

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What was the point of getting rid of cable if streaming services all have commercials now? Are the jews trying to brainwash me?

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>City Comissioner Rob Rue owns Littleton & Rue INC
>Littleton & Rue INC owns Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC which owns many rental properties in Springfield, Ohio
Mayor Rob Rue is evicting residents of Springfield, Ohio and then bringing Haitian illegal migrants to the tune of A THIRD of the cities population to rent out his properties to Haitians using Housing Vouchers which are paid for by the federal government
He then raises the rent to 3, 4 or 5 thousand a month and the Government Gibs go straight to his bank account!
Rob Rue then takes the properties which he purchased for hundreds of thousands of dollars and then has them appraised (top left of pic related) for significantly lower than he purchased them for to avoid having to pay property taxes

This is the story they didn't want you to find out about.

SOURCE for county records: https://clark.oh.publicsearch.us/results?department=RP&recordedDateRange=17000101%2C20240912&searchOcrText=false&searchType=quickSearch&searchValue=Littleton%20Properties%20of%20Springfield%20LLC
ARCHIVE: https://archive.is/ZnInG
SOURCE for Robert Rue ownership of Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC: https://www.bbb.org/us/oh/springfield/profile/funeral-director/littleton-rue-funeral-home-and-crematory-0322-7006074
ARCHIVE: https://archive.is/EVVyH
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It's a big club
>3 years ago

I want proof the haitians are doing this NOW. we all know they kill animals. We need CURRENT videographic proof you fag.
No we don't, faggot. The animal shit is a sideshow to the dumping of feral niggers
I'll kill you IRL for being so stupid
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Kill Yourself
since when do bots sleep

It's pretty much known that the media polls are warped to make it seem like Benzo Harris has more support than she has.

One thing I can't explain are the gambling odds, these are companies motivated by pure greed and everything you can bet on has every variable priced in even down to highschool football games. I don't believe the people pulling the strings have enough influence to make bookies change their odds and lose 100's of millions purely to boost the morale of democrats. So my question is what do the bookmakers know that we don't?
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>One thing I can't explain are the gambling odds,
Those are not bookmaker odds. They are managed like futures contracts, the house doesn’t take the other side of the bet, they just take a cut.
So a campaign or true believer and buy in, and since they are small markets it’s not hard to move them one direction or another.
Alright Polski Sklep if you're so smart what is the "4" to my question, what is the most obvious answer enlighten us all.
For reference the main markets reflected in the website spammed by shills.
Based off what other anons have posted then there are at least half a dozen of the kind of accounts I posted putting multiple tens occasionally actually hundreds of thousands on her regularly could easily move the needle especially in the smaller markets that mean more heavily her favor
what is the most obvious answer to why polls and odds are in favor of Harris over Trump? Seriously? You're not gonna like it, man. It means she has bigger support
Thanks for confirming to everyone that you're retarded

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You killed more Muslims tho
Until it does.
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Hezbollah will probably use Chinese tech now.
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some training

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With this happening no one will trust western electronics anymore. China won without doing nothing
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Lol no. Joe Normie didn't even hear the news. This changes nothing.
Motorola bankruptcy incoming
Come on man, for all intents and purposes your cell phone is a fucking black box. You have no idea what materials are embedded in that fucking thing, what kind of meta-instructions exist hidden within the chimeric matryoshka doll that is its code, whose hands each of the individual components of its manufacture have passed through, who has access to your Samsung/Google/Apple info, or whether everyone even gets the same model.
Even if you're some techbro who understands how the thing works from a technical perspective (youbdon't, you understand a handful of aspects of it, trust me) we are too compromised at every level for you to deny this possibility
>If hezbollah is running ops and c&c out of their homes
They use their own dedicated land lines.
And I doubt they extend into peoples homes because:
1) That would mark those individuals as Hezbollah members.
2) That would make it easy for neighbors and such to tamper with those phone lines.

The whole reason they use pagers is to get their members to come to their assigned posts whenever they're needed.
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This is why I still think Trump is going to win.

It's the economy, stupid

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I've been staring at my mobile phone for 3 hrs
From a distance
Fearing it many explode any time now
I cant throw my mobile phone away
I keep it in the toilet at night while sleeping
I still am not able to sleep

Exploding pagers and now walkie talkies?

Dear Mossad,
I've supported Israel in 90% of the time
You can look it up. I'm sure you have all the data
The few times I dissed Israel was when I was shitposting
And i was trying to own somebody
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That is one of the few things calming me down rn
what a staged load of shit to try to spook out a bunch of retards into not using comms.

wasn't this exact thing a movie plot like a year ago?

does your phone look like picrel? if so don't use it, otherwise you're retarded to think there was a single phone bomb.
I wish my phone would explode and just kill me it's all so tiresome, but the ride never ends.
I mean those pagers must have had a default number, the overheating must be a built in hardware. i wonder if that was like a password. I mean if the explosive right above the die you would ignite that by that doing some actual code.
I have a smasnug, whatbarevmy chances?

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I dont get the joke... anyone can explain?
Their lazy kikes. You think they did this, themselves, by hand?
They outsourced this, and I'm still very curious what 'this' is, because it sounds like it's 5000+ devices and nobody had a clue.
That's a fun level of assembly line craftsmanship.
I dont get it
Israel so far has attacked Hezbollah and killed Iranian and Lebanese. Yet Hezbollah and Iran do nothing in return except launch some fireworks they call missiles that do fuck all and still try to talk tough. Why don't they just admit that local football (not American football) clubs are all they have to look forward to and that their god is less than Israel's? Otherwise why would they be so weak by comparison?

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Russian army to be increased by 180,000 troops to 1.5 million active servicemen - https://archive.today/bwzMt
>“We have been fighting with our last guard, and have thrown our logistics guys into the trenches.” - https://archive.today/KrBmX
>Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine’s military is struggling with low morale and desertion - https://archive.today/mXFfW
>Russian forces have liberated the town of Novogrodovka in the DPR - https://archive.today/4osSZ
>Russian forces have liberated Kalinovo in the DPR - https://archive.today/yDLQn
>Zelenskyy launches biggest cabinet reshuffle (purge) since start of SMO - https://archive.today/wrqmp / https://archive.today/0BxbO
>US says striking deep in Russia "no game-changer" after Zelenskyy pleas - https://archive.today/RQ1BX

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me on the left
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i seems i got haitians in my country.
Does it come straight out of a pajeet's ass?
Ukraine vs Russia in 2100 estimated by current demographic trends

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this will continue as long as the government deficit spends. Our inflation rate pretty much matches the the budget deficit percentage of GDP. It's not exact no, but it's more realistic than the CPI and other massaged nonsense.
Just remember, that the last time rates started getting cut from the levels they are now, the Great Recession started shortly after.

the farce is that the fed sets rates at all. Rates are set by the US Treasury bond markets, the fed jawbones and follows along to try and keep the interbank lending rates from being out of alignment with the general markets. That's what the fed funds rate actually is.
These two charts will tell you exactly where the fed funds rate is heading

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>goes to Ukraine and does interviews, returns to the US to recruit people into joining Azov
>twitter is him espousing on every astroturfed cause you can imagine, from meh Russia to BLM
>Comes from Hawaii
He was CIA wasn't he
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Cope glownigger
I agree.
This is like an ARG.
The whole fucking thing stinks.

Just like the Pizzagate shit from 2016.
It was so in depth. So much came out and it played out so dramatically.
...and then nothing.
No resolution.
It just got "debunked" and swept under the rug.
Just like fucking covid.
Ukraine conflict starts and all of a sudden nobody really talks about covid anymore.

Remember that the Smith Mundt repeal happened in 2012.
It is possible that most of what we have been seeing for the last decade is military grade propaganda and gaslighting being deployed on the public.
he probably refused to suck Sarah Cirillo's feminine penis and got kicked out of the war grifter club
>Pizzagate was debunked

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I'm voting for trump, but my penis is writing in AOC. How do I reconcile our political differences?
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It would be difficult not to.
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Time to shatter the illusion.
Aoc mating press
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you think her big pearly whites will stop me? think again.
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Those nostrils.

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Previous: >>482091984

▶Day: 938 — Daily battlefield assessment:http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Blinken was briefed during his trip to Kyiv on elements of a Ukrainian plan to push russia to end the war
>A fuel and lubricant warehouse caught fire in Yaroslavl, Russia, burning throughout the night.
>A large ammunition depot in Toropets, Tver region, was completely destroyed, with resulting explosions registering as up to 3,2 magnitude earthquakes in nearby regions
>Italy will send a second Samp-T air defense system to Ukraine soon, according to Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani
>Putin increased the size of the Russian army to 2,389,000 personnel, including 1.5 million military servicemen
>Denmark will deliver another batch of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine by the end of 2024
>Mandatory evacuation has been announced in two Russian districts of the Kursk region—Rylsky and Khomutovsky.
>Ukraine bombed moscow with numerous drones
>A Russian drone crashed in eastern Latvia on Saturday, 7 September
>Center of New York captured by Ukrainian forces

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>be russia
>cold war for 50 years
>everything is stored out in the open
This is you. I thought russia was out of ammo
No, Putin should have also invaded Finland and Sweden to prevent them from joining NATO and prevent missiles in Russia’s back yard.
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Thanks ukiebro but I think I know when not to feed trolls and when to have a little fun kek
You still deny being beigeboy?
Interesting perspective, thank you very much!
Might as well snag the book soon, seems like a fun read.

You’re really going to abandon the people who raised you? All they want is time with their grandkids but you can’t even have sex!
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So when do we unplug these boomers? They have a had good run.
Parents divorced when I was 6 because father was secretly gay and mom found out. He financially cut me off at 18 despite him living with his parents until his mid 30s and I havent spoken to him in over 13 years. A few years ago his husband contacted me toclet me know I'm being disinherited. Mother ended up clinically depressed and only worked 2 out of the past 15 or so years despite having a Masters degree in education that her parents paid for by the way. I ended up 60k in debt for a meme degree because mother told me to go to college and promised to pay when she got a job (never did). I still have 15k of debt left anf now my mom is living in my 1 bedroom apartment because she's all out of money and can't afford an apartment on her social security payments.
Well you know what I really outta thank the boomers.
If not for their selfish greed I would never have realized the JQ and americas absolute need of a new hitler in our lifetime.
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never the system was designed to worship them until age 120. currency will fail before then though so it won't work out.
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lol all masters degree havers are like that.

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Post known phones which are rigged to explode so we can notify anons before israel takes them to the grave
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i made an exploding 18650 pack once with an ESP8266 and a relay. didn't really explode though. was more like a small fire
How is this not a terror attack?
>Designed specifically to induce fear in large amount of population for political gain.
If you stab lithium ion batteries with metal objects they will smolder.
Also the Samsung note 7 liked to explode.
A 18650 doesn't include charge protection so it would be much more likely to cause a fire if shorted I would think. These flat style lithium ions that phones use have a protective circuit inside to prevent it.

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You'd think they'd cover up in hijabs like Muslims
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>Jews and Indians are basically the same thing.
Russia called Indians useful idiots.
She deserves rape
>tfw you asked the daily gang rape
Poo on Poo violence
Its as old as Puptaguptaraptarisanjay the third

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