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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

Off-topic and /b/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /b/-tier threads:

>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are X white?
>Is X degeneracy?
>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
>If X is true, then how come Y? Checkmate Z.

The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

If you want a place to discuss topics not related to news, world events, or politics, please try /bant/ - International/Random,

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

The root of all evil.
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This is something that I would wholeheartedly support. However, there's little to no evidence to support it.
>make single-part plastic item
>put plastic part in plastic part tray
>stick plastic part and tray in laminated cardboard labeled box
>wrap box with heat shrink wrap
>repeat hundreds of times
>build a fort with your boxed goods
>win consumerism by not playing
>backed by thin air
Correction. It is backed by "druzd" As in "druzd being zgreen" and "druzd dee eggzberdz".
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Not the last, but the first of the new many
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>They were all owned outright by the Rothschilds and still are.
the belief is all they/them own and that's given willingly by sheeple

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library

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So, which one of these was you?
Did he actually walk out to “many men (Explicit Version)” or is that bullshit? Lol
So you're not going to believe anything unless it shows Trump in a positive light are you?
Sounds like a smaller crowd desu, so he could just be phoning it in.
*a true name became i am this

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what cope are the left and their handlers going to run with to justify storming the capitol in January after Trump has won?
>it's not insurrection it's stopping fascism
>we never called the j6 protests insurrection that's right wing disinfo
>gonna cry about it while we insurrection chud? #resist

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Conservative Inc is spamming this shit about 'defund the police' being responsible for the rise in crime. Which is obviously not correct. The police do not prevent crime from occurring, they react to crime occurring but police preventing a crime is very uncommon.

As such, the rise in crime is unrelated to this slogan being said towards the end of Trump's first term.
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sounds based to me, voting Kamala and so should you
You are a fucking moron. In a decent society, police officers do probono activities to inform the populace of the laws as well as monitor things like fucking traffic. There is a ton of types of crimes, most of which minor, which can be prevented by simply having someone there.
Violent crimes are prevented by an armed, white populace, minor crimes are prevented by the police. Minor crimes are solved by an armed, white populace, violent crimes are solved by the police and the populace in tandem.
Not arrested, prosecuted and held to a standard of enforced punishment. Tons of niggers are arrested and turned right back out on the streets.
We know you cook numbers jew
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The commies have changed how crime is reported in order to change perception.
It's always jews.

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/pol/ vc here https://meet.jit.si/OPLNight

last time on OPL >>474038672

>Where the fuck is LIVE PD?
>Hurr Durr it's not actually live
>Why is this on /pol/?
>What Channel?

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I wonder if that guy casually walking away down the sidewalk was the target
cool story junkie
No i drink alcohol because im a man.
That's a Ford Fiesta, you dipshits
I see the bot won't be the only one I filter tonight

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Chad's life is on a different planet from the average guy, for zoomers it's not 80/20 anymore it's 95/5.
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You believe in both videos AND pictures.
Fucking kek you're a dummy.
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>They are getting little attention from CHAD
>They only want CHAD
>They get infinite attention from non Chads, it is not sufficient as they all deserve only Chad

Not sure this is even true. I honestly never see men approach women in public. Even on social media, a lot of the attention they get is from bots and other women. Or 3rd worlders from India and Latin America, Africa. Kind of like going to a flea market in India and everyone trying to sell you shit.

But this is a good trend because if both Chads and non-Chads are ignoring women, it will flip the dating marketplace in favor of men. Even with the Jews still in power. Remember that Jews manufacture female attention and privalege in order to demoralize men. A lot of this is all fake and gay
She's sending a text to the player on the ice
you can't do professional ballet after 30 it's not possible
and they smoke. i can't complain i smoke too. i just low key don't care if i die young lol

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You people do understand that without immigrants the economy of western countries will just collapse, right?
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Sounds like a brochure for White Replacement.
PQ here means the Quebec separatist party (at the provincial level).
Incidentally, the only province not about to go basically entirely conservative is Quebec, which is polling majority separatist.
yes, racism for example was once unheard of in canada and now racists are the majority
I think he recognizes that it's a problem anon.
lol, you're right

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X is chock full of bots and allows non-Americans to vote.
The sample here is fuzzy as fuck not to mention terminally online people tend to hold fringe views.
You thought the political elite would just lie on their backs and take it? This is still a fight, retard.
Manufactured popularity. This is another demoralisation thread.
There is just one guy that presses an up or down key depending on the events of the candidates once an evening. Then he goes home. Sometimes he presses it twice. But not too often. Don't ask me how I know
I'm voting for kamala just to piss white pigs off

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but.. I thought /pol/ was a group of
>”conspiracy theorists!”
/pol/ is Jewish board
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Christians deserve to be mocked. Modern globo-homo is just secular Christianity, replacing Christ with the state.

Galatians 3:28
>"There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus."

Abrahamic faiths are all poison and Christianity is no exception. Anyone who still worships the "King of the Jews" in 2024 is beyond retarded.
Christ is King
Confirmed room temperature IQ
Christcucks love being mocked and spit on, thats why the covet the jews so much. An entire religion of masochism and pacifism dedicated to being the slaves of jews.

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/pol/ no longer hates Judaism or at the very least is ignorant of how far it has spread. Or alternatively /pol/ has become a Zionist Russia board that hates Europeans and love shitskins. Russia is controlled by Chabad kikes who also want to genocide Europeans and replace them with churkas this was common knowledge before 2022 but /pol/ for whatever reason suddenly pretended that Russia is the savior of the white race. Ukraine being a kiked shithole doesn’t negate Russia being one, supporting either or while claiming to be against kikes is as disingenuous as it is retarded. Both kikekraine and Russia need to have pogroms again to get rid of kikes. As for PISSrael and POOlestine, again it’s just shitskins who think kikes are white so they support other shitskins. More evidence of nu/pol/s change is supporting trump despite being kike cock sucker who in his last term pardoned niggers and kikes instead of his own supporters who he called them FBI on personally. Women hate threads that always end up talking about how interracial relationships are a good thing, but it’s not the PISSraeli shills who push it this time, nope it’s the /pol/tards who think somehow dating an Asian or Latina women will fix anything, while ignoring how that makes things worse. (Keep in mind that while kikes also push for interracial relationships it’s deliberately to make things worse for Europeans and not shown as a solution to nationalism). Finally every time a European gets attacked by PIGslamic dogs nu/pol/ makes excuses for the PIGslamic shitskin. /pol/ is extremely evidently not white or just completely compromised.
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Yeah same
You are retarded and should kill yourself for assuming that we're not being brigaded hard right now.
Its literally common knowledge that /pol/ is infiltrated by Jews
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You missed kys nafo troons
How about you actually read the text. You literally just proved his point retard.

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Look at that innocent black woman go!
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Canadian volunteers in the US armed forces performed notoriously poorly in Vietnam.
Iranians aren't nigger lovers like the fake racists on /pol/ who are on hour 96 of their kvetchfest over this dead sheboon kek.
It wasn't a task. It was a command at gunpoint. The non-retarded thing to do is to raise your hands and say "I already dropped it". It's hilarious that you're trying to paint picking it up again as intelligent.
She didn't even need to pick up the pot you retard. They asked her to turn the fire off.
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Your Pink Twink kop i GOING TO JAIL where they will skin him alive lol
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>but she went behind cover.
No, she ducked right whereshe was standing, she didn't "go behind cover" like a commando.
>They had to maintain visibility.
He could see her because camera is on his chest like a foot and a half below his eyes

DO NOT HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS! I was homeschooled and I’m a fucking pseudo-autistic retard as an adult. I can’t socialize with anyone and I spend all my time alone. I just can’t enjoy being around people. Luckily, I went to high school, but mostly stayed home through elementary school and middle school. A couple days of socializing per week isn’t enough for kids, they need to be around other kids everyday in order to develop in a healthy way. I get not wanting your kids to be indoctrinated with all the state propaganda, but do not homeschool them unless you want them to turn out like me.
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Boohoo nigger what you wanna be a fucking normie instead?
You're just a low IQ retard. Public school would have made you even stupider than you are now.
Homeschool is White cope. Always acting like it's voluntary and their lucky day when, in reality, Whites have been pushed out of their own societies.
I was homeschooled up until 8th grade and I do not have the same problems like you.
Trump spent the afternoon pledging his love to Israel, you dumb fuck. Another brain dead kid with delusional thoughts shot Trump.

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No panic in Moscow!
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This sounds like cope.
Come home Anders
Higher interest rates cut down demand in the economy and cause prices to fall. Banks reduce lending, and fewer loans are in demand at higher rates, so the economy slows.
In the 80s the Fed raised the rate to almost 20% to fight an inflation rate around 15%. So to successfully fight a rate of 8%, it wouldn’t be surprising if the Fed rate went to 10%.
It is from what I hear from Russians themselves because the “money invested” is just going to military projects which doesn’t actually have a return on investment, if you spend money on a tank and it gets blown up that’s all investment lost. Even if the tank survives it’s a bottomless money pit of repairs and maintenance, it’s not like investing in making a truck, which will return money after being purchased and then return money again as it is used to transport goods that also return money when purchased. That’s the best explanation of why these ”good” numbers are meaningless.

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On a scale of 1-10, how stupid are redditors?
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Reddit is almost entirely bots
Only niggers, trannies, faggots, and jews don't support trump.
You can tell this is fake because no one talks like that in person, it reads like a Twitter post. Redditors don't go outside so they believe this happened
millennials is an echo chamber full of bots and actual retards. the entire website should be shut down, but archive the tech support posts

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>What's the go here?
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what did they mean by putting a little kid there with those beasts?
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They're trying to buckbreak the goyim, ottomans did the same thing to serbians when they abducted young serbian boys back in the day and put it on full display for everyone to see.

A society which lets its children be paraded around by foreign conquerors is doomed to fail
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I think the ruling class just want us to purge them at this point.
They have gotten bored of being in power for so long and are trying to provoke us into removing them, permanently.
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Which Horseman of the Apocalypse is this one?
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Artaud was in a good position to know it too-he was a bigger bigot than anyone. He could claim all he liked that he couldn't care less about theJews, that he'd never setfoot in a synagogue, that he had no particular sympathy at all for the Jewish religion, that he didn't even know what the word 'jew" meant-in the same way that Simone Weil, moreover, had written to Xavier Vallat, commissionerfor Jewish Afairs, in October 1941, putting the decrees in contradiction with one another in an utterly Jewish, sophistical style. And even if we assume that both Antonin and Simone were Jews when it came to matters of race, they were the last to admit it.

It was in 1942, at the time of the roundup at Vel d'Hiv, that [Simone] Weil called the Hebrews exterminators for having massacred the inhabitants of the Promised Land two thousand years prior on orders from God . . . . And from London in 1943, without even blinking, she envisioned "preventing the contagion, " by absorbing the Jewish minority into the body of the nation by means of intermarriage; otherwise, she added, "preventive measures will have to be taken against those who would refuse. "

Artaud himself also lashed out, in discussing Kafka, against the "intolerable hike mentality. " Before departing for Ireland, he had even gone so far as to threaten Lise Deharme, born Lise Hirtz, his benefactor, that he'd "stick a red hot iron cross up her stinking Jew cunt" for having mocked the pagan gods he was into at the time.

When did they do that

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Kamala Harris raped me back in 1999. No one will believe me. What should I do?
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Is it a deepfake if it was real in your mind and AI generates depictions of your thoughts and opinions? Start asking the serious questions anon.
you should touch grass and griddy to the voting both.
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>What should I do?

Post details.
Kamala digitally manipulated my genitals while I was under anesthesia.
Describe the experience in detail, please.

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>Wants to take away political rights from single men
>52% of single men are Republican voters
>66% of Gen Z and Millennial males are single.
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Ok Langley
>yes officer, this person right here.
>and what crime did he commit?
>apparently he was socially awkward in high school
Because I refuse to tolerate this faggot. I will alog him until the end.
>Whether you, tranny, want to continue breathing or not, it is still imperative. If your wants contradict the imperative, that's evidence of profound mental illness.

i think you are the evidence or "profound" mental illness. If I make a rational choice not to get married and have children, that's my choice, not mental illness. It is more mentally ill to force yourself to have sex with someone you don't like just so she squirts out babies you don't want in order to satisfy some formula rotting in your brain.

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