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holy shit he is dead LOL
yeah but trooning out is not one of the ways to seek God.
There's a stark difference between "I'm nearsighted, I recognize that this is something wrong with me, I'm going to use glasses to help me function"
and "God made you a man" "No I'm not, I'm a woman! I'm the normal one, you and God are wrong!"
Holy fuck I used to watch his videos. I was wondering where he went
You ever wonder why all the spastic Christian freaks in the 90s predicted our current day with perfect accuracy? They said that if you let gay men marry then the next step would be marrying dogs and cats and men becoming women. Well we’ve got further and trans, so they were obviously right. But why were they right? Because there’s a logic to this and it’s completely obvious once you give up on your illusions of people having basic decency. You and I will see a man marry a toaster in our lifetime.
can't you turn off your camera or hide it from yourself?

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Why can't you just stop? I'm pretty sure you won, why can't you just accept that you won and stop pushing? Now you're even attacking women and jews? I mean what's wrong with you?
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you have 2 giant mobs of retards that are committed to keeping mob rule in tact, but only as long as it is their mob that rules. nearly none of them will ever develop self-awareness of this.
you poor bastard, you have no choice but to select the less retarded mob and try to make them better, because the savior they would choose to free you from the rival retard mob will not like you throwing shade on the less retarded hivemind's victory.
>Posadism attempts to introduce elements of ufology into Marxist thought.[1][2] Arguing that only communism can allow the development of interplanetary travel, they concluded that visiting aliens from other planets must live in highly advanced communist societies and are bound to help Earth-based communists with bringing about the world revolution.

>Nuclear first strike
>At the height of the Cold War, Posadas thought that nuclear war was inevitable. He asserted that the nuclear-armed socialist states should launch a preemptive nuclear attack that would destroy the nuclear capabilities of capitalist countries. Additionally, he believed that a nuclear catastrophe between the United States and USSR would spark the world revolution.[9][15]
>Posadas vocally opposed the Partial Test Ban Treaty signed in 1963 by the United States, the USSR, and the United Kingdom, believing that a nuclear war between the US and the USSR was inevitable and desirable, and would create the conditions for socialism, with the "workers' states" winning and resetting society
I feel dumber for having read that.
>my friend group that is now older doesn't think the thing from when they were kids and therefor this is everyone
We have to throw misery and suffering in their faces as they did to humanity. Don't give an inch.
>you don't make peace with evil you destroy it.

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One of the main propagandists has announced he was vaccine injured by the covid vaccine.

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Media is still chimping about how covid is killing grandma so which is it you duplicitous fuck
Fuck off wagie. You vax damage is no one’s problem because you are an arrogant prick
I’m not frens with arrogant government vaxtards
> fuck the kikes who did all of this
He did it to himself because he is morally weak and loves money and status
> will remember their lies
No you won’t. You will happily put on the uniform and staff the camps and kill purebloods because “they made me do it.”

Why does he want to become the new Stalin so badly?

And does that mean that there will be a new Hitler as well?
I fucking wish he would act like Stalin. This would be over much more quickly.

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As an atheist, I would like to apologize to Christians. I'm sorry and you were right. I will never mock Jesus or his followers again, and if I see another faggot atheist do it I will smite them in your name.
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This is a Zionist slide thread
Nope. I'm an atheist that's mad at atheists for the way they treat Christians.
>Nope. I'm an atheist that's mad at atheists for the way they treat Christians.
Ok, Jew
Christian here, you're still a fag, but I forgive you :D

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7 tanks still going out of 14 after a year on the frontline of the hottest war since World War 2. One confirmed loss, the rest are probably getting put back together in Poland and will be back soon. None showed up in Russia's little trophy collection.

What more could you reasonably ask of a tank?
i'm not blaming the tank
i blame logistics
They are backed by the whole of NATO. Why do you think logistics are a problem?

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Nine more months and the wars for Israel can begin!
what's special about february 2025

That's when shills start getting fired
If Trump wins he takes office January 2025. I think you're right though, he's not going to wait two weeks before starting a war for Israel.

How many wars did Trump start his first term? Oh it was zero lol.

Remember, every time someone tells you it's impossible to find a job, they're lying. They're just lazy. Biden built back better and created the greatest economy in US history.
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I have been trying to find a job for 11 years straight, nobody will hire me. AMA
What was the task? Some of the questionnaires and other little assignments they make you do now are legitimately just Voight-Kampf tests with zero practical relation to the job being offered
I love work and organization
I put on my job resume that I was a raid organizer back in old WoW
I had sooo many questions about it, it was such a good icebreaker on job interviews!
>laziness is what sociopaths call the natural instinct to avoid abuse
why wont i clean my apartment then?
>"my" apartment
is it? or do you just live in it?

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says they 100% want the reintroduction a 1yr mandatory military service for all German men to increase patriotism and increase the German military size to 400k-500k similar to the size in West Germany in the 1980s.
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all Bundeswehr equipment is literally useless garbage tho.
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as an asside they sent all 17 y/o's over here a letter lol going
>emm you might wanna consider a carreer in the military ;D don't tell your parents.

The Russian bolsheviks are running the EU its a breakaway faction of jew communism and that is designed to serve them and them alone..
Sorry bro, I am too busy not trying to make "my only purpose and existence is to secure pissrael".

Call me when we go to war with those rats, then I'll happy join in.
Draft for the white German natives and food stamps and housing for the niggers and sand niggers we imported in. What a joke

do they deserve to go to prison for 20 years each? they didn’t do anything at the end of the day
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>Same shit with the Sandy Hook people suing Alex Jones for a trillion dollars.
Didn't he start the crisis actor accusation which lead to the families getting harassed for years.
now that you mention things... getting life because some other people went and killed some people IS bizarre
All parents to mass shooters should be locked up.
Yes. Then he tried to plead in court that he just plays a character and says sensational shit to sell chinese vitamin supplements.
Wow that's pathetic.

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I recently went on a date. It went well.
After a few days it has come out she is a hardcore liberal. She's got weird pronouns and stuff. General white woman shit.

She's a nice girl though. Not some ultra whore etc. What do I do? I'm thinking about telling her we're not a good fit because I'm a "big scary racist right-winger" and leaving it at that, but I'm not sure how to broach it exactly.
What should right wing men do in this situation?

This is political because it's about how politics influences dating.
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>I'm not asking how I'm asking if I should.
only you know what you shoudl do with your life. how the fuck should we know? will this affect your friendships, your work, your relationship wtih your parents? how long have you known her? do you have other options? WE DON;'T KNOW YOU FROM ADAM NIGGER
I told you it was a first date.
I've known this women like 2 days it won't matter shit.
That's WHY I'm asking. I just wanted your opinion on dating liberal women.

Don't respond in the thread if you don't think it worth giving your opinion, hello?
I know >>467125014 sounds like a massive fart sniffing redditor, but he's right. He's basically just saying women are sociopaths by nature. It's not evil or strange. It's how they survive.

Then the answer is obviously, no you shouldn't date a liberal. If you want heuristical advice, then here's one. I was young and stupid once. I dated a girl who said she was bi. I though 'who fuckin' cares?' Guess what. The trans movement came around and she jumped on it. She's a "man" now. She had deepseated issues that I had no hope of fixing.

You're fucking thirsty/desperate if you're one date in and considering dedicating a shit ton of energy and risk into someone when you could just go date someone else.
Every woman starts as a left wing liberal. You don’t need to go ahead with it. Many women secretly love a right wing man. I had a German girl once who even volunteered for Amnesty International who regularly came to me for some dicking and fell in love with me.
My advice is to just not use the pronouns and keep the relationship. If she forces you to use it, than it would be a mistake because she’ll force other shit on you too.
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100% go for the redpill, but since she's a libtard you need to be extremely subtle about it and make her ask questions and find the answers herself so she comes to the logical conclusion herself. Drop subtle redpills with statements like "I wonder why" or "isn't it weird how" or "ever notice how" or "fucked up how" and make sure to drop a left-leaning statement in there so she has no choice but to agree with at least half of what you said. Example:

>"I wonder why we hear so little about gang related shootings on the news despite them being the vast majority of all mass shootings. Biden has to take their guns away."
>"Isn't it weird how big media companies are basically all owned by the same investment firms? Feels like some rich old guys want to tell us what to think, this is textbook end stage capitalism."
>"Ever notice how black and white interracial couples seem overrepresented in TV shows? Don't get me wrong I think diversity is great! That's why I'd love to see more latino and asian couples."
>"Fucked up how many trees they're cutting down to put down wind turbines. I mean obviously green energy is necessary to stop climate change but doesn't it feel counter productive to cut down trees to save the planet?"

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Is it true that niggerhave big dick
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I never give a rat's ass about benus length... because it's gewd
Show flag chink
imagine being a nigger and having a normal sized dick. it must worse than being a white boy with a normal sized dick.
Most of them have micro penises. That’s why they act out a lot. Over compensating.
Sexually abused boys have bigger dicks from going into a flight or fight response at a young age. Hormone change. Significantly lower IQs to match. This explains everything.

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/pol/ webm thread
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Because the mirror can reflect infrared light that pierces this materials, but our eyes cant see
Worth the wait
Jeets worship insane bag ladies as dieties?
my normie friends are getting the same shit too.
>it's meta
carlos implied
I taught my dad Hitler was right

>Zircodata cyber hack: Personal information of tens of thousands of Aussies leaked as data firm with links to 200 companies is breached

>Safety division' cops brought in to Alice Springs to tackle crime wave as new data shows residents are packing up and leaving the outback town

>Fine unis that fail to crack down on ‘racist’ pro-Palestine encampments: Coalition
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As an old Australian I fully support the right of a citizen to buy guns, drugs and whatever the fuck else they want. Frankly you sound like a snitch.
>It took Rajesh more than 12 months to receive his visa to study in Australia.
>But Rajesh – not his real name – considers himself lucky. Two of his friends who also come from India have recently had their PhD offers expire afterwaiting for visasfor more than 10 months.
>“It’s frustrating … especially consideringPhD studentsare crucially important,” says Rajesh, who comes from the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, considered a red flag by universities trying to weed out non-genuine applicants. “They are fully funded and highly skilled individuals who contribute significantly to our academic community.”
>As part of a bid tohalve net migration by 2025, the Australian government is cracking down onnon-genuine studentswho use student visas as a back door for work and permanent residency. The federal government has announced a series of reforms, including tougher visa conditions, stronger English-language tests and rules for education agents who bring overseas students to Australia.
>The latest home affairs data shows the proportion of offshore student visa applications being refused has reached a record high, with as many as one in five students having their visas rejected in the year to March. Visas granted to Indian students fell by 48% between December 2022 and December 2023, with Nepalese visas granted falling 53% and Pakistani visas falling 55% over the same period.
>The department cites an increase in incomplete applications and fraudulent documentation, contributing to both higher visa refusal rates and longer processing times. The tougher visa conditions have prompted institutions to change their policies, with some even imposing blanket bans on Indian students.
>Don't have to accept cash
>Can't accept other payment methods.
I'm going to accept sexual intercourse, blowjobs and cunnilingus as a payment method, I'll need the ATO to get on board with how my payment system works and what forms of currency I am dealing with on the daily basis.
>The founder and president of the Pakistani Students Association of Australia, Zeeshan Malik, says many offshore students are experiencing visa refusals, while others are scared to travel back home lest their visas be cancelled on return to Australia.
>While there have not been any reported cases of students having their visas cancelled on return, Malik says students feel they are being discriminated against based upon their country of origin.
>“It’s very unfair,” he says. “Lots of students are struggling with mental health and other issues because of these confusing policies.”
>A University of Sydney spokesperson says a “significant number” of students have been forced to defer or withdraw their applications due to visa processing delays, while others have been suspended to fulfil additional requirements.
>“This has been very disruptive to highly capable young people from around the world who had paid their visa application fee and chosen to come to Australia for their studies,” the spokesperson says.
>“We have moved our last date to apply for semester 2 to try to limit any such impact for future students.”
>The University of Melbourne has also “faced challenges” this semester, with a number of students yet to receive their visas for the 2024 intake. A spokesperson says it has provided an extension to allow enrolled international students to start later.
>Central Queensland University has gone even further, writing to education agents confirming it will no longer offer English language programs to students from India or Nepal, or enrolments to applicants over 25 or married, except for research placements.
>“With many universities witnessing an increase in student visa refusals, it has been necessary for CQUniversity to proactively reconsider admissions requirements on a regular basis,” a spokesperson says.
>“We have a moral obligation to ensure that prospective students have the best opportunity to successfully obtain a student visa.
My concern is that too few men are willing to and capable of wandering off into the wilderness to become "bush Tucker men" even if that message reaches them. Because what Australia needs to breach a future with this nation stronger, more sovereign and more capable is real men and there are far too few of them left.
Most have been totally domesticated, incapable of survival without the largesse heaped upon them by the system. Incapable of independence of thought or action. With no ability to innovate and overcome extreme adversity in order to survive.
I'd like very much to be proven wrong on this.

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Previous: >>467112782

▶Day: 802 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>A russian soldier of the 70th Division shot his command, currently he is hiding somewhere in the Aleksandrovka area
>Russia bombed Belgorod, again
>Russia declared Zelenskyy a wanted man
>British Foreign Secretary Cameron began negotiations in Kyiv on a 100-year partnership with Ukraine
>Ukraine has the right to hit the russian territory with UK weapons; Also, UK will allocate £3 billion of military aid to Ukraine every year, - Foreign Minister Cameron
>Russia’s Gazprom Group Reports First Net Loss in 24 Years
>Macron doesn't rule out sending troops to Ukraine if Russia breaks front lines - Le Monde
>The first peace summit will be held on June 15-16 in Bürgenstock in Switzerland, - Zelenskyy. 160 countries invited, including members of the G7, G20 and BRICS (Russia not invited).
> In Oryol and Kursk oblasts in Russia there are problems with electricity due to an attack by UAVs; drones also attacked the Afip Refinery in the Krasnodar Territory

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If you stop being cucks and send proper weapons, yes
It is not foe 9th may, it is the yellow emperor of china and russia
>Your country called itself after Rus
My country called itself after an Italian cartographer named Amerigo Vespucci.
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Can someone post the FRESHEST TZD? Just got my first sip of morning coffee, it's a beautiful 20C outside and all I crave is some TZD.
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cool, think I might try to bake some

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guaranteed replies edition
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The most damning description of Canada’s attitude toward Jews comes in the form of the expression “None is too many.”

In 1939, when Frederick Blair, Canada’s minister of immigration, was presented with reports about Hitler’s plans and asked how many Jewish refugees would be allowed into Canada, his answer was swift and shocking. His response was a harrowing “None is too many.”


We’re in a propaganda war, and to an extent, we’re losing the propaganda war, and I worry about losing America,” Foxman said. “It’s scary, looking at the polls, the Sunday television shows, the major newspapers — there is so much out there that is anti-Israel. It’s misinformation and disinformation in ways you never could have imagined.”

“I don’t worry about ‘the world,’ I worry about the US,” Foxman said of the future. “The US is Israel’s most important ally, whether it’s politically, economically, militarily — there is no one else. What worries me is that we’re losing it.”

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Uh. Ok…
>It’s misinformation and disinformation in ways you never could have imagined.”
Misinformation and misinformation are just true things that inconvenience the plans being concocted by the Jewish Mafia that controls the West.
"I worry about the disinformation"

-- Abe Foxman
>Almost Satan
Come on, don't sell yourself short Israel.

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Normies used to call this picture conspiratorial now they're posting this around on twitter after the latest news about America's decision to illegalize criticism of Israel

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