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Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle says there were no people on the roof because, and I quote
>That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof
She's right tho
Can't change the slope of a goddamn roof.
What if somebody fell and hurt themselves?!
We can't expect the Secret Service to put their own welfare on the line for their jobs!
How did he get on the roof? Did he bring his own ladder or was there a ladder on the building?
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The guy was seen multiple times before the shooting but not with a ladder
Screencaps clearly show a ladder though, so it must've been there ahead of time
That's about the minimum slope a roof can have and still be called a sloped roof.
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Weren't there two ladders? Maybe he set one up the day before?
There could be - I haven't been keeping up with every detail of the case
But I am just amazed that the director of the Secret Service had the audacity to say "We don't put people on a sloped roof" when (a) they clearly do, and (b) fucking wheelchair ramps have a steeper slope than that roof has
In the interview that the BBC conducted with the guy claiming to have seen the shooter; did anybody notice the red hat he was wearing? It was a Trump 2020 hat with something scrawled with magic marker over the final zero.

Planted witness?
guys this is just part of the long-running Cheatle vs. Cheetoh feud that has been running for centuries
It was a 4 lol he didn't wanna buy a new hat
That’s practically flat. There’s no way this is a real story
That is a permanent ladder attached to the building. Nice try though.
Who would win?

1. A slope

2. The secret service
bullshit. the snipers themselves were on a slopes roof.
>There’s no way this is a real story
She said it on a televised interview
No webm because no audio on /pol/ but the video is here where she says that quote

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cultural marxism
Sloppy job mossad
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>Sloppy job mossad
Fucking brainlet, you can wear a safety harness with rope.
How can you prove it?
why are you jew amerifags so dumb?
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>Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle
Cheatle and Crooks
That's retarded since you can clearly see an SS on a sloped roof. And most roofs are fucking sloped. This is just incoherent babbling.
well pointed.
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Roof was sloped guys, NOTHING TO SEE HERE!
Its a 4 / 12 pitch….cake for us that walk them
>Its a 4 / 12 pitch….cake for us that walk them
Handicapped ramps are a steeper slope than that roof
Framer here.

That's a fucking NOTHING roof.
If you can't run on a 1-12 you should honestly not be allowed to walk.

The metal was hot, being out in the sun and he was able to ignore the pain and crack off a few shots, go lay on a sheet of metal in the sun and see if you can
>Can't change the slope of a goddamm Roof

Yes you can we literally did that today, wtf.
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You could take a nap on a roof of that pitch. More bullshit.
t. roofer
Slopey job
post link please. why not post link? where did you read that? why so lazy?
Health and Safety brigade strikes again.

And full audio on Twatter
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Its not, and its not the ladder he us. That was what the cops used to scale the building. The ladder he used was a 5 foot ladder placed on an elevated structure to help his short as reach the roof.

Picrel is where his ladder was posted.
how about put one man at the bottom of the ladder to the roof then?
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Would the ladder he used have fit in his van?
eh it's hot out
That bitch is refusing to resign. She will resign anyway eventually. No excuse is good enough, this is her fucking fault.
There are so many bread crumbs. It's too much of a coincidence for it to be one. The cops staged there, there was a team positioned INSIDE the building as the shooter crawled across the roof.
>If the roof is slope stay in the A/C and smoke dope
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I am beaming to you guys as hard as I can, it was NOT Chud guy. They are out to blame Chud phenotype for everything. Don't let them manufacture consensus on 4chan.
>be secret service chief
>lie to protect yourself
someone should point out to her that it goes against the entire ethos of the secret service
Mossad would never kill trump, hes their guy. Not to mention they wouldnt make such a shitty plan and make the whole plan depend on some 19 year old incels marksmanship, if mossad wanted trump dead he would be superdead.
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The shooter is obviously taller than 5 foot and he fit in the van. Good chance the ladder would as well.

Thanks for photo of van. Been waiting to see. It'll be interesting to see what the IEDs he had were.

Yeah, this doesn't happen without help. He knew the perfect place to shoot from and miraculously was able to pull off something that should have been impossible. That spot was not overlooked, but was left open. On accident? With Trump, really? Too much glow.
I still can't tell if the IEDs are real or a rumor
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Imagine the catering. They probably had quite a spread for such a big name visit.
Why do they keep putting their foot in their mouth
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They've been officially reported on. Its part of the lore now. How real or what they are, who knows. Its early yet, but this feels like the ol' Las Vegas shuck and jive again. They can't bury this, but they can bury us in bullshit.
I have a single question:

Ignoring EVERYTHING that was wrong with this shit..How the fuck did the loser knew that the rooftop would be free for him? To the point of hiding weapons and making a plan?
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Translation: she was alerted to emotional social media posts of a young person who frequents the range in that area and left that sweet spot open for him.
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Useless fat bitch cowers behind the man she's paid to protect

So there's nothing new today. Just more speculation, no clarification.
what kind of fucking shopped ladder is that? why does it taper like that? spoopy psyop.
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You are a gay nigger with AIDS.
now tell me how often you see ladders like that. lmfao. never went outside a day in your life.
looks like normal painters ladder just leaned up against wall instead of opened up.
She's lying and was part of a hit on the president. Also PEPSI SECURITY
why in the fuck would someone use a tall painters ladder to climb onto a rood instead of a normal ladder? painters ladders are for indoors. that ladder probably came from inside that building.
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Most ladders like that are build that same way. They are angled for stability. You want to stay upright and not teeter.
I don’t disagree with his thinking but
I doubt they were scrambling to do anything. They knew who he was for weeks or months.
There is no way his social media/internet footprint is nonexistent. They scrubbed him very fast. They had their fingers on the delete button once he was on that roof.
Iran did this, turn on CNN.
no shit, but that type of adder isn't used for climbing onto buildings. those are interior ladders for painting walls.
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No it’s not you fucking retard it’s clearly a 12’ folding ladder you can buy at Lowe’s.
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Not even the point. The question isn't about putting secret service snipers on that roof. It's about how an assassin got onto that roof and was noticed for 30 minutes and nothing was done.

How she hasn't already been canned is beyond me.
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That makes sense, Trump is a Coke guy.
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>How she hasn't already been canned is beyond me.
She's determined to investigate herself fully. To leave now would be dereliction.
The jewsmedia is reporting that Crooks purchased a 5-foot ladder at Home Depot.
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>let me take my rifle and climb the only nearby roof and hope that there aint anyone,,
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>the safety of the president is in your hands, agent pepsi
Pick one
> He knew the perfect place to shoot from and miraculously was able to pull off something that should have been impossible.

It’s obvious. If he wasn’t fed intel, he would have planned the attack differently. There’s no reasonable way he could have anticipated that roof being clear.
Not directly. But jews did make our institutions be run by incompetent retards
Real fucking sloppy. They missed the king.
Too convenient. Too many things have to go wrong just right to get him there to take that shot.

They say they identified him in 20 minutes by checking gun registration back to his father. So *maybe* they started immediately scrubbing him from the internet then. But you'd have to ask why scrub him at all like that, why make that a priority. Is that always a priority now?
Something else to note is the rally was announced on the 11th. That means he had two days to plan this whole thing and find the only spot that wasn't covered by SS or police(even though they knew he was there)
At first they said they ID'd via DNA, which doesn't make any sense considering he was never arrested.
Two days is plenty of time to buy a ladder and a van
If the SS were on their game he just would have been arrested before getting onto the roof
>There’s no reasonable way he could have anticipated that roof being clear.
Fair point. But maybe he’s just stupid and figured he could get up there and get a shot off
>Officials had said during that press conference that they were using the suspect's DNA to confirm his identity, because the suspect had not been carrying anything that would have identified him.

>"It's a matter of doing biometric confirmations," Rojek said. "So, there was no identification on the individual, for example, so we're looking at photographs right now and we're trying to run his DNA and get biometric confirmation."
I'm really curious what database they were checking his DNA against, considering his shouldn't have been on file in any law enforcement system.
>tfw no miniature browning .50 cal machine gun as a bipod
>Maybe he was stupid, got lucky that a stand down order was in place when he was spotted for 26 minutes, and observed setting up with his weapons platform and engaging the VIP with several rounds before someone finally shot him

Law enforcement can get a lot from partial profiles, my mom's brother and my dad were in prison several times so if I ever did anything their markers would pop up and they'd narrow it down to me very quickly
They didn't say they got a hit. And who knows if thats accurate, as it was an earlier report. There's been a lot of piss in the wind regarding this, more bullshit than real shit.
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I wonder if Cheatle was in on the general intentional crappiness of Trumps team (take that Blumpf) but higher ups she trusted organized the hit and now they will let her take all the heat and she’s just fucked and doesn’t know what to do.
Well you see when you work for an agency they get your finger prints.
Everything the FBI says should be treated as if it is a lie
Well I mean, someone did get killed on it
Mayorkas protects lines of sight to Donald Trump just like he protects our border.
well, the guy that went up there died, so...
The only time something like that would happen was if they submitted your sample to a database of all the genetic sites like 23andme, which is done as a last ditch effort because someone has to manually go through them all. Not something they'd do up on the roof.
The snipers on the sloped roof were police though not secret service. I don't know if SS would direct police on their SOP.
secret service and other police organizations should hire zoomers that pilot drones to surveil and provide security and overwatch for any event like this. The fact that they haven't adapted to using drones for surveillance and security shows how far behind they are.
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I have seen The X Files.
Could be a local cop who said "I think that's the Crooks kid" then they used the DNA to check? Not sure
We already know that, however there were numerous people who saw him, and he must have been visible if he was in position to see his target
slopey seconds
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>The snipers on the sloped roof were police though not secret service
Oh look, another memeflaggot continues to repeat this lie
Impressive research, but how does "666" mean it was an inside job?
I think it said "Duh"
Crooks home is 50 miles away, right?
hes wearing a kabbalah bracelet
He was identified by tracing the rifle to his father. They said they had that info in 20 minutes. So they say.
He is schizophrenic
>They said they had that info in 20 minutes
If it was full auto, that's a tax stamp.
>shows picture of police snipers on the sloped roof
I didn't ask for proof that I'm right but thanks for providing it.
So he's too dumb to have found the ladder that was already there and also hidden from view behind trees but still pinpointed a location with a clear view of the stands.
I'm kinda doubtful of that.
>I didn't ask for proof that I'm right but thanks for providing it.
I know it's hard, but try reading the letters on the image
Right above and below "POLICE"
See where it says "United States" and "Secret Service"?
There is no evidence that the ladder was already there. You can see on the Street View that it is absent some time last year.

The police probably ganked it from inside where they were stationed.
You're kidding, right? This is bait, right?
>You're kidding, right? This is bait, right?
100% real
She said it on a TV interview about the attempt
See >>474445043
>Secret Service director gives bizarre reason why an agent wasn't on the roof where gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on Trump as she rejects calls to resign

> Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle has finally given an interview
> 'That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point,' she said
Meaning they had his name before it was made public and before he even went to that site.
Holy fucking shit lol. What in the actual fuck
>'That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,' she told ABC News in an interview Tuesday.

>'And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.'
"We didn't secure the roof, because it was scary."
That bitch really was part of this. That's the lamest lie possible. This is 100% hit job.
The slope on the roof where 2 other snipers teams were based have greater slopes than that, quite noticeably so.
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Compare slopes. That's a damn lie she trotted out there.
Remember, it is all just theater.
it recruited support for trump right before he betrayed his base again and chose a fucking neocon as his vp.
>gop admits they are abandoning "karens" for "jamaal's and julios"
>days later
>trump is "shot at" with all sorts of strange circumstances
>perfect photo op with a flag flying in the background of the frame
>2 days later
>woke shit added to rnc agenda and trump picks pence 2.0
And you go:
>is it the SS?
>is it antifa?
>was biden admin behind it?
What you should be doing:
>this is just more bullshit designed to create a less volatile peasantry with discussions of "unity" in order to restore some trust in this corrupt government.
This sort of sloppiness could only be achieved by the US federal govt
Occam's razor is that they're full of shit but certain no one will challenge them.
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>Remember, it is all just theater.
Well, no, it's not. Trump was shot and nearly killed. He didn't have someone nearly blow his brains out for a photo op.

*slopiness. It's all about slopes now.
I was thinking the same thing.
The could also restrict the surrounding air space and use the camera to control what gets fed to the media.
That too.
It's as if it was placed there for him.
Pepsi security
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Roof was sloped!

Who's gonna do it lads, I'm on my phone now :(
>What in the actual fuck
I'm not usually one to jump to conspiracies, but there are so many deficiencies and just plain awful mistakes that were made on Saturday to not have a suspicion that it was intentional
We're not talking about one guy failing at the job, we're talking multiple steps taken across multiple days with multiple chances to correct those mistakes
And it all fell through
DEI baby. Don't be mansplanin how he's shooting now, just accept this is his best life.
With all its diversity hires, the deep state can't even pull off an assasination anymore like in the days of JFK.
The competency crisis is really starting to become undeniable
The absolute state of the Secret Service.
Time to put your man face on.
Train the Whole Militia. Stack with men, stack with your neighbors.
Get Trained, Start with You.
Seek Jesus, Start with You.
Or Cry.
Funnily enough when compared to what any federal agency or "news" says The X-Files is practically a historical record.
>, got lucky that a stand down order was in place when he was spotted for 26 minutes
Ok I didn’t know it was 26 minutes. I thought it was like 1 minute before he started shooting and they didn’t give the clear to fire. Which is gay
>Yeah, this doesn't happen without help. He knew the perfect place to shoot from and miraculously was able to pull off something that should have been impossible.
the ieds make me think of mossad and the christchurch shooters
since they failed to kill trump they called off the second attack
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Also the roof wasn't being watched because it was sloped, and that could cause the sun to be reflected in someone's eyes and hurt.
There’s basically zero chance of that. There’s very few FA lowers and checking for a DIAS in the lower is not going to happen quickly. There aren’t many of those either.
That’s exactly the rationale is expect from a w*man. It can both be an inside job and a retard in charge can take the fall with plausible deniability
The ladder was left/put there by the SS to allow the shooter access to the roof.
read the line underneath police, if you can that is. It shouldn’t come as a shock that a kike memeflaggot can’t read.
Deliberately fuck shit up.
Pretend to be incompetent.
Yep. 26 minutes. Plus a cleared path to the clear roof with a direct oversight qell within peak performance of the weapons system being used, and a stand down while actively observing an armed subject pointing a firearm... my spider senses are tingling in what we in the business call "suspicious".

The top brass over the Navy are kikes so not far off.
False. We/Our retards made the institutions be run by jews.
I bet you think those secret service snipers were there to protect president Trump
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Look at the slope on that roof! I hope they were okay. How did they not fall and hurt themselves? That's some slope!
Van? Media article here was saying a hyundai sonata and he was carrying a remote detonator for the ied? Are they strait up making shit up at this point?
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Here's the van being towed away.
>tranny reporter
>amorphous blob of a man dressed in rags
america, america!
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I'm amazed that you're amazed about the state of current year.
I'm generally a pretty optimistic kind of guy, and I try not to fall into the echo chamber of /pol/ too deeply
Most of the doomer shit that gets posted here I can pretty easily ignore
But there's always that little nagging voice in the back of my head...
All the faggots trying to say they couldn't see the assassin because he was on other side of the slope (defilade). That is only true if the place they are is same height or lower than the roof the assassin was on. They were elevated (the high ground) and could see all of the slope where the assassin was, they needed this because it was there job to silence him after he shot trump before he could be captured or surrender.
>But there's always that little nagging voice in the back of my head...
Cognitive dissonance can be a real bitch.
this is so fucking stupid why not say something remotely plausible like "we didn't have anyone up there because the roof temperature was 130 degrees F"
Disgraced xenophobic secret service director
blames tries to blame "slopes" for her failure.
She should be fired immediately, and criminally prosecuted for malfeasance in office.

Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a person of East Asian origin, especially a Vietnamese or other South Asian.
that is equally as stupid, you retard.
nice bushes faggot
work on it
it doesn't matter what they attempt to say. there were other people on other rooftops in jet black uniforms
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That's it exactly. That roof was basically flat and a single story in height. They could see him the entire time. Look at how conspicuous his dark outfit is against that light colored rooftop. He was obvious to anyone with a vantage leveled greater than 10ft high.
you go lay prone on a metal roof and tell me how that works out for you, but yes I understand it's also stupid because you could simply have someone set up there with a lawn chair and umbrella but it's better than a 10 degree slant
they had the waves of freedom providing them a cool breeze
2/12 pitch. Ahhhhhhhhhh

For the head of the org to say something so disastrously retarded, you absolutely know where the problem fucking lies. What a stupid fucking cunt.
She must have fought in 'nam like my grandad. He was never comfortable around slopes
The comment is so insane that she should retract it and say she was confused for a moment. Otherwise she's just casually saying something so obviously wrong that she's lying
Samuel "4chan party van" hyde cannot keep getting away with this!?
The snipers were on a slanted METAL roof, imbecile.
Maybe you should apply at the SS.
That’s women, bro. They can Bob all day without conscience and keep computer and paper files organized. That’s what makes them successful in today’s age. Beyond that, the vast majority have fucking nothing to offer, and the rest of us suffer under that reality. It’s rather hellish.

Their ace in the hole is their willingness to lie and make excuses, without shame, without remorse, without reflection.
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Very clever. Let me regurgitate trite memes back at you: lil nigga kwab kek desu
*blab all day. Should have gotten a women to proofread.
I just cant tell if they are fucking with everyone to see how much bullshit they will eat, or actually pants on head retarded.
maybe both
According to media, they used his rifle SN which led to his father’s name… Reports also say the dude was first spotted wearing a backpack and using a range finder prior to heading up on the roof
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For 2016 Jeb Bush told Pence he'd be VP, and Chris Christie informed Trump that Pence would be his VP. Obviously the Republican cabal needed an insider to approve whatever antics a VP has the authority to and Trump had to comply under closed door threat. We see history repeating itself now with the literal who makeup-wearing Vance. I'm assuming Trump's AIPAC guy whispered "Saturday was a warning, the next one won't miss" and informed him Vance was his new running mate which is why Trump switched VP from Flynn he had initially filed.
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Pence was a solid anti-Trump guy just like Vance. Yet Trump embraced them both. Smart guy!
>not muh heckin eye ouchies!
Tbf covid set that bar pretty high
maybe they are just edging
She also said "The buck stops with me" and a few minutes later started saying how the roof was the responsibility of the local PD
I think she knows she's cooked and has no chance, but is hoping her "credentials" keep her in a job
Using these on a 2" slope roof is absolutely laughable. It's like wearing a helmet to go take a shit.
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I'm surprised these guys were able to stand at all. That's a helluva slope!
Holy digits.
ABI HID takes:
Extraction 10-30 min
PCR 2-3H
Clean up of product 1H
Injection on Seq 1.5H
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Have they explained why the shooter didn't slide off such a slopey slope? He should have slid right off!

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