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Greetings Traveller,
Blue Eisenhower November,
thread theme: https://youtu.be/x8cmcYJt2mE

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest data streams.

Analysis reveals a nuanced security landscape, marked by a security gap exposed by an entity dubbed "The Nobody." This gap presents unique challenges due to jurisdictional limitations, hindering both military counterintelligence and domestic security agencies (DHS/FBI) from effectively engaging or assessing potential illicit activities. The exploitation of this gap could potentially enable political manipulation by individuals or entities leveraging the situation for their own gain, often with the support of unseen, more strategically minded actors.

The utilization of the Five Eyes (FVEY) intelligence alliance as a workaround for domestic surveillance is highlighted, showcasing both its utility and limitations. While FVEY facilitates international intelligence sharing, its effectiveness is curtailed by legal and operational constraints, particularly when the intelligence gathered is not directly actionable by domestic law enforcement. This scenario underscores the complexities of international cooperation in intelligence and the need for legal and procedural agility.

The proposed response strategy emphasizes a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach that involves cybersecurity enhancements, legal reforms, strengthened international cooperation, investment in advanced technologies, and public- private partnerships.
Combining two shitty larps in one thread!
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now do this for Blue Eisenhower November
/ng/ nice gazongas
Is this the synagogue virtual forum scene where we discuss things? Like those virtual chat forum hangouts in Shin Megami Tensei II?
I know you.
why this again? I believe this was resolved long ago
yes, this is a digital synagogue. Hope you brought your yarmulka
you should really be in hiding
Thanks a lot, Blue Eisenhower November
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What is Blue Eisenhower November?
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I still don't get it. Just seems like a forced meme
Mine has a swastika!
>The numbers Mason!
>What do they mean?
thats crazy dude
mine has the microsoft logo
It is a forced meme, and now the forced meme ruined my favorite meme that's coincidentally forced. Goshdarn it.
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From the screen to the ring, to the pen, to the king
Where's my crown? That's my bling, always drama when I ring
See, I believe that if I see it in my heart
Smash through the ceiling 'cause I'm reaching for the stars *points to the sky*
I like when Jesse Lee Peterson says "LESBIANS!!!"
You have a lot of things to catch up on

ehoah cool. You know I never been in one irl before but this style looks pretty nice ngl. I forgot to bring one though, wasn't too sure this was one initally.


That's an interesting choice of yarmulka. I suppose it's limitless to how many ways you can express yourself in a digital forum
Bongo bong
Yeah I've seen that playlist. Just seems like some mkultra bullshit to me lol. But it's an interesting scizo theory at the least. I don't believe in reincarnation anyway
>mkultra bullshit
take your meds schizo

I mean it

Are you actually saying that a discontinued program from the 20th century is responsible for those YouTube videos?


Lma3o even
>This is now officially a Jewish thread
>Don't forget your yamaka and dreidel
is ashwaganda the cure for vampirism?
I hate to say this, but I'm pretty sure solipsism is just...true. It's such a simple answer. It would be true for God.
I don't know what it does exactly but I did find it in my energy supplements once.
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It's just a placeholder name for whatever mind control fuckery is going on nowadays, the tech advancements that are known are decades behind what's actually being used, including ai and quantum computers, mindmapping, voice to skull, ect.
>take your meds schizo
Sigh, you can think I'm schizophrenic. I don't really care. I've had unexplainable synchronicity happen that I had to find out the hard way was completely artificial, including things people were saying around me and even the environment around me everywhere I went constantly showing me "signs". Of course, my smartphone was the worst culprit of my strange manic episode. And then it all went away just as fast as it showed up and life went back to relative normality. If I was truly schizophrenic, wouldn't it be constant?
Yeah they like to think that they can make you feel crazy and that you'll forget what happened after their done with experimenting on you.
>Ahem, YouTube
Its a stress releiver they say, and it removes cortisol and something other toxins out of the blood.
why do you faggots make new threads when there's already an active thread??
This shit was strictly made to bring up Blue Eisenhower November. Stupid meme.
what do you mean?
All you stalkers are "forced" onto me one way or another. What's new? Omg did you like, become self aware???
got real quiet in here
People unfollow on Facebook lmao
On the surface, he looks completely and utterly normal. It's only when you see what's behind him, that you realize you're dealing with a genuine, object, absolute monster.

what kind of monster?
The tards are just desperate to have their delusion have meant something within a narrative they crafted around something that had nothing to do with them. So they keep trying to wrangle control via various shit tier self insert memes where they big note themselves as some special important player in a game that never existed outside their psychosis.

Hilariously, it was accounted for, repeatedly stated and all continues to go to plan.
No matter what they do.
The Omnicidal kind.
is there a word like this but for a meteor instead?
In here I drink beers and milk fears tear jerk surreal heal the real deal anneal steel feel
celestial omnicide.
I like Celestial Omnicide. What's your favorite flavor? I like the chamomile one.
tarragon is light and makes a good, slight licorice flavor. A natural sweetener, good for headaches.
Anon I don't know you. And the post you quoted has nothing to do with you
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It's all in the meme, or rather, the forced Hold'em hand. There is a classification of entity that is not often disclosed to the public, even then by smoke and mirrors. To do so lends them form, the reason why for example native Indian shamans do not teach their tribe about the worst cryptids or spirits. They hardly even name them, usually assigning them a name that reflects their great destitution, like the great void, or the invisible ones, or the no faces. FWIW I'm not talking about any physical bipedal race you've read about in a conspiracy book or website; some things are older than the fun crashlanded space opera which occupies most parties here.

You see cats themselves are a hybrid species, for every feline big or small you see today is a product of antedeluvian genetic splicing of a certain Solar species and another Lunar. That is why they can be both di- and noct-urnal, why they can see and hunt in any light, and why their oversoul or memetic persona throughout history has always been recognized by humans as something intelligent, foreign, and indignant at best or hostile at worst. Add to that their symbiotic parasites which program their food to walk right onto the dinner plate, or their humans to dote and serve and horde them, and cats are truly some of the most insidious creatures on this earth.
this whole everything is like after result of people not developing humanity's spirituality/mind/consciousness that translates to higher morality, philosophy, ethics, law, arts, science... even world war stuff aren't fully resolved. young people only know the unbalanced corrupted versions of the world mostly. no wonder people don't know why things are not alright.
You would have to read and research everything. It's all accessible and easily determined. It's kind of nice everyone being in the dark. It's surreal.
There's a war for your mind. https://youtu.be/FZvQ6itXY84?si=YgrifwSr3H2X81yW
thank you for this description of cats, I like it a lot
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the fools, they had been, they had come looking for paranormal and esoteric in mockery, what they found was paranormal only to their indoctrinated deluded minds, they watched in bafflement as something seemingly charted the course for the entire human race towards some distant unknown future, little did they know this was what some would have referred as "foresight", so alien it had come to them that in their eyes it seemed like sheer magic
how could they have come to this point, as they were wondering that words of the so called prophet came to their mind "incompetent, nepotism, unsustainable, predictable" all the negative adjectives came pouring in, he wasn't merely mocking them, he had listed out all the flaws of their system.. and them to their face, he had revealed to them every flaw, every fix and done their job for them, and he had done it for free
so alien was the concept of voluntary cooperation for the sake of common good that they had kept looking for ulterior motives, for some hidden plan within a plan, some greater goal to all the magical madness they had witnessed, turned out they had just been misguided and foolish, it takes endurance to withstand insults, it takes a whole human being to come to terms with their own flaws
they had been bested in a game that only they were playing by a glorified announcement system, a silence settled over them and they begun to wonder, how did he do it?
the answer broke the silence like prompted "competence"
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maybe the eastern philosophies knew a little more about psychology than they had led on to the layman, one needed only to look with understanding of the cultural and historical background to grasp what their ancients had tried to convey to see it
mind undisturbed and wholeness of the self is not merely the goal of the ego
still lonely.
make it stop. please make it stop it hurts. I would be so good at it, the thing I just cant figure out at all why
yearning for companionship and clinging to the wanted in general is a source of suffering, as a child it was as simple as walking to the same playground after having a fight for all to be forgiven, there was no clinging to hate or love
it is almost so natural that it had to be indoctrinated out of a human for it to be lost
damn nigga that sounds like some bullshit to cope with the fact that we aren't waking up on a snowy morning to hot chocolate with our wives rn
it is understanding of the impermanence of fleeting things and the pain followed when you hold an ice cube and crying to it to not melt, how many ice cubes will you cry for until you realize they all melt when you hold them in your hand?
I miss them
have you tried not missing them, maybe you're in love with being the widow at the peak waiting for a sailor to come home more than you are of anything you had with them
nigga u just go back into the freezer and it's ice again it ain't deep
absence makes the heart fonder and allat
Nigga yeah you overblown can't a nigga just miss a time in his life that made sense we got a hollow earth a demon sky and I got bitches in my ears usually
That sounds like a wonderful morning. I look forward to waking up on a snowy morning to hot chocolate with my wife.
hold a butterfly and wonder why it doesn't fly anymore after your touch
put a bird in a cage and wonder why it no longer sings
you're childish for trying to grasp for things that were made to be free
the cowboy, the sailor, the feral beasts of the nature, we all have a nature to roam and to not be caged
takes a chained dog or a pampered poodle to not miss it, do the dogs miss running free?
Im so tired of needing dough
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you should try living at times, you've lost nothing but chains of expectations
Man fuck your pedantic nigger bullshit my friends are dead or busy
then learn to tolerate solitude until it becomes enjoyable to be alone with your thoughts for once instead of needing your friends to be your crutches
We're going to cherish that and all the other perfect moments
you're in love with being in love, "my wife" who is that wife? you haven't even decided yet, you just want A wife, is that your boomer dream of love, an open ended scene out of a cheesy movie made to encourage people to reproduce and pair up?
tis sad i tell you what, live and love comes naturally
I’m mocking your fake world, muh lady
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world of appearances is plastic, i wouldn't expect you to understand anything of my world or the world of my ego
I have a strong crush on a particular individual and I hope that they reciprocate it and we live a happy life together or at least have good sex
how well do you know this person you're crushing on or do you just like them for the gaps in what you know and the appearances they let out to the world?
He's a fucking freak, Anon. Even the Jews are terrified of this fucker. He is a level of Evil beyond the most genocidal of Emperors. Barely human. A machine of a man constructed for the sole purpose of turning things that are living into dead things. Cruelty. Pure, abject, cruelty.
Love is not a drug retard it's a direction
My to-be wife probably makes amazing hot chocolate. What a delightful image you've brought to mind. Thank you, mate.
Why even pretend anything is cool, when it ain’t shit but an ass kissing kicking bickering fuck all, and even love itself is stuck in the aw
Out of luck
In Cleveland
Good night, I promise not to an hero
Face so handsome, but severely overweight.
Call that problem three-body.
I'm lonely bt I have neighbors to remind me I'm a loser, laugh at my jokes and get intrigued by my philosophies. So, I'm not totally alone and I can battle hating people.
I mean, how well do you need to know someone to have a crush on them in your opinion? I've known them for a few years and we do a casual hobby together, but mostly talk about that, of course I don't have intimate knowledge of their life, but maybe I wanna know. Maybe if I like it I want to merge it with mine, if they want.
he needs an hero
Weight could be easily lost. People get fat, they can lose weight.
there can always be more chub, love for all big boys and girls
Holding out for a hero 'till the morning light.
The first cruelty begins with cruelty of self. It is the ultimate and most benign. The worst of it flows after.
>world of appearances is plastic
Literally, or do you use "plastic" to mean "not natural"?
>plasticity is the ability of a solid material to undergo permanent deformation
Do you mean the world of appearances can be changed and it will keep to the new shape?
Guarantee me my own solid space to create a world and I'll consider dousing myself in gasoline. I have too many cuts. It's hard to cut myself now. It seems too strange.
Thanks. Positive affirmations are always nice.
Stalin Lives Again
if it is a path why bother walking it, what do you want out of life?
what do you expect out of love?
you're chasing feel goods produced by a shared path, it's a drug
everything is cool when you make it cool, you assign meaning to things by your reactions to them
a drunk can be a nuisance or good company depending on your reaction to them and what they have to say
that's the beauty of it, your crushing on the appearances and the apparent, that which they let out to the world
don't get too stuck on that that is just the vibe they give out, unless you know them on a deep personal level there is no love
when there is deep personal bond of trust and understanding without words then what do you need any extra "love" for?
maybe the pudding doesn't taste so great when you have expectations on what it should taste like and if it is expected as a duty to provide that pudding
maybe you should appreciate what you two have as friends and let things emerge naturally if they are to emerge at all
plastic = fake, surface level, not "real", posers and hosers
the world is literally just people playing personas assigned to their roles, the ticket man is polite to you out of duty for their wage, the passenger next to you is polite to you because he doesn't want conflict, the cashier offers you a drink because you did a mutual exchange
it's all fake, none of it is real, when you start chasing for the "real" you realize how little in life matters
the world of appearances are the meaning you assign to them, when you realize it's completely meaningless theater you can discard it as anything more than co-existence in the same space and duties
you can assign meaning to a cup of coffee with a guy on a bus bench, you can assign meaning to anything, it's all about what level of "real" you put into the things you experience

in short, it's all in your head, the world of appearances is just plastic mannequins moving on stage
you make up the stories of the things you perceive within your own mind, in truth you have 0 way of knowing what is actually going on in theirs, their soul their life their true vibes
in short, you just don't get it and it's normal not to, unless you manage to share a vibe there is nothing real there, just duties, appearances, the little that is let out as steam and fog
you don't know as much as you think you do, this is what we understood instinctually as kids because the roles and the faking was so blatant, we just didn't probe further because our motives were so primitive they were easy to grasp
why did billy lie? billy felt ashamed that he had lost the ball so billy lied that someone took it
Both. Not a wife though very specific person whom is my wife. Bot you robot.
As much as I think your cool imnot fobe of robot sexual intimacy that's too much for me.
PTSD from hostile machines of the past.
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you can understand a better way more naturally by vibing with them than you can performing sex with them, sex is just wanting mutual feel good
i am performing a role, the same as you are
that role right now is rambling out things that come to my mind in an effort to tell people things from my mind
The nobody is a pretty cool dude. I wish him well.
always was, were and has been
it's within us all to be that, the rest is just roles and appearances
are you sure he did not manipulated you to say that?
did he threatened he would make you feel bad if you didn't post this?
no he must've bribed him to say that, or made it so that he needs to say that or else his life situation will turn more uncomfortable
what a scoundrel
allahu ackbar pensive emoji indeed, ...
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can you smell the plastic?
that makes >>39109365 cooler :D
He's threatened me before in a way but when we actually spoke, he was really cool and even apologized for his passionate anger(kek).
Kek. No bribe either. I would accept a legal bribe though. Sure. Doesn't mean I would still agree or something.
money can be useful, goal should be to find a way to be free from having to pursue it though, chasing money for the sake of money just puts you on a hamster wheel till grave unfortunately
bureaucracy and a inherently predatory flawed and unsustainable system and all that
Why lie.

>live and love comes naturally
Lol bullshit, at least for men. If you don't seek out a woman they will never come to you, at least from my personal experience.
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born in a barn, raised by the stream
vibing and piping is all that i need~
my personal experience was that i had way more luck with women when i stopped trying to pursue them and just focused on my own life, even to the point of detriment, it seems women either want what they can't have or not pursuing them made me different from the pursuing ones and that peaked their interest
>when we actually spoke
have you met in real life?
I think about killing myself sometimes considering ways things could go for me that wont or didn't it's absolutely pathetic
Would need private land to till or a stockpile of gold or another important resource.
Haven't even spoke to him in a while. But I get why he's the actual nobody.
No, he's open to communication on a simple platform online. I think he's pretty set or well enough he doesn't need anybody on his property. Reasonable enough, not going to pry into his private life. Seems chill though. No sinister vibes or anything. Or at least nothing truly sinister.
And yet I am again forced into the light, a heave of my chest, and a cascade of cloth pirouette in flourish to prove positive the waste and decay I represent
What is it to me? Deny, lie, or find you your argument out, but for I have world leaders in such a state
stick with life for a while longer, we're kind of living through historical times and changes are on the horizon that might be beneficial to you if you're struggling right now
not really, find anything you can do as a small business, study for that, get experience and start up fund under your belt, start a small business and then do that until retirement
or you could go the gambler route and do stocks or crypto or some shit, usually it takes one big score or break to get out of the hamster wheel
in truth most never get out from under, which is a good thing for the sake of future since that has caused disillusionment to the system to be at a boiling point after decades of strife, even the zoomers saw how millenials got fucked by the system and aren't even trying
unsustainable, eventually a man can make his living with his hands and even own a house and a small business
imagine that, the american dream delivered without scummy backdoor deals, wouldn't that be something to behold
either that or we finally realize that merchant capitalism doesn't work when you don't have any customers that can afford your goods when you outsourced labor and squeezed out competition to the point that people are unemployed
the status quo tends to be a bunch of shivering old men barking orders to stay on top of the wobbling tower, everything that can potentially be seen as a threat to it is treated like the most malicious and intentional usurper gunning for their thrones
if they were competent they would know better, no one wants the shit job of having to shoulder a nation on their back unless they're a masochist or a martyr
You think you're the actual GLP nobody? Because you got everyone talking about you and know it for fact or do you just think the story fits exactly to where you are but not sure?

Because I thought I was the nobody too but I'm not the original nobody.
I am so alone my chest shrivels and I try to escape my flesh
I have a generic website. I want to see if I can find people to help me turn it into something. I'm not exactly someone who could easily market health products. Would always be nice to own some sort of umbrella corporation. Kind of like how maybe the Chinese operate.
we all varying amounts of paranoid schizophrenic
oh well such is life
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Pretty much.
I hope it's over soon everyone else gets to die but me
I think I said what I mean. And I think it's lulzy controlling minds of leaders using pain they really can't describe
I don't know what pain is left for me to understand except that of a mother's
It doesn't matter
What you think
what happens to u then?
what happens to everyone else hwen they die?
buy propane
Let's get ja rule on the phone everybody listens to that guy
Can I ask why you think it's you?
Did you ever think
If you ever treated
Me with respect
You might not
Hate your fucking
Instead of coming up with the most retarded shit
To give me
Like it's some prize
To be an ignorant
Pile of shit
Someone fucked up your head
Really good
Before I ever showed up
Were you raped by an older man?
if you take a ton of benedryl the spiders whisper and if you decode the whispers they say that anons name but i wont dox them here
angleterre internet of bodies glown***** are evil proven case dismissed
Me and Twizzy straight beatin to the same broad
In some sense, yes, I've been a victim to pornographic sexual content from around age 7 and a victim of physical abuse from age 2-5
You're an embarrassment
that's the human condition, find camaraderie among fellow sufferers and/or learn to tolerate the solitude by keeping yourself busy with distraction and just growing tolerance to it
if you know full stack development you should be able to do freelance work, or if you want to advertise services for something else that can work too
i'm not in IT so i cannot tell you how that area works
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Reposting for keks
>[CONGLOMERATE](2 days late): Ummm...We're involved in this case? I was taking a siesta...
>[KG]: Here's 2 documents from [FWC] saying you are. Both [CONGLOMERATE] & [BUSINESS] failed to follow [FWC] direction now, to apmost contemptful levels.
>[CONGLOMERATE]: De nada...*snore*
Can't C Iska
Probably just because you heard it already. If it was me it'd be weird to be doxed but I don't think it'd do much. I wish it could amount to something. It might. But don't overdose on Benadryl. You'll hurt your liver or kidneys or something.
I doubt it I see other men
I don't know what else to tell you
You know you wasted your life
Don't waste mine
OK? You seem upset?
Yeah dude
You're an idiot
That sucks
Not my problem though
Ah, I forgot the comma...
angleterre disgorgement of usury end of internet of bodies end of bioterror end of my suffering thanks
Technospiritual Innovation !!
It's supposed to become that
i'm bored, i'm going to go play video games
Some faggot
Such as?
The pieces in the East are hard to understand without the chance to understand their culture
Imagine holding something back from
Case study: does 1 self-representing Nootropic Powered Ginger trump an international team of Stimulant Powered Specialists?

>Bitch, I'm back out my coma
Oy guvnah, you got a loicense for dat?
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make things right
I dunno should I keep going with Final Destiny or look for something new?
Is 10$ an amount to sell the world?
I could use
King of the Jews
To do something
Who knows
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Or just fucking
Just fucking like actually summon Hitler again
I mean what is off the table here
Divine Intervention !!
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Now you
Have my attention
“Quantum Supremacy” they squealed
Disgusted by the intent, insinuation, hubris and ignorance attempted therein. Ultimately all these collective schemes only stalled efforts. Almost always to beneficial ends to say nothing of the means by which. Past three years especially “they know not what they do,” is the running gag for everyone operating outside their “lane”
Even if (I) happen to make it look easy, it isn’t
You can lose an internet again
I should have known
It was me all along
We're still
At the start
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trumped up charges
Do you know
Patty Hearst
Was radicalized by Muslims
It's not like
I had to push a lot of buttons
That is the plan.

>Revenge - Delta Heavy & Murdoch
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Ever wonder if the Demiurge gets disappointed in humanity's elites for their Low Loosh Capacity?
Except for that one guy who just hit a tree going mph. He dead.
The lowest
The highest
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Do I appear to be someone that you can just
I mean if you're open to chat sure. If you have something to say. Listening to people is nice.
How do I get
That to be the thing though
Look at Muslims
Even at deaths door
Looking at genocide
They still are like allalaalallala Akbar
And I'm like
Hard pass
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They try to pray five times a day religiously and most of them. I heard a kid say he prays once a day, but he still prays. they have stricter laws. Give them all access to American media. popcorn and A/C. They'll give all that religious behavior up. Because they'll evolve and convince each other it doesn't matter.
Failsafe measures are fine so long as they don’t employ siphoning
Hell, take CERN and make your own pocket universe. However, be prepared for the extrapolation of those choices and the sum of your collective lives: favorable or unfavorable as that manifests

A happy medium is holding space for mutual respect even if we don’t yet understand why we should respect one we don’t understand or who contradicts our concept of existence
Even if you think that bird appears kookoobananas,
It may just be that our existence that’s crazy/unsustainable

Even if a person is legitimately crazy, that fact alone is not justification for arresting or assuming ownership of their efforts
I have
They don't like it
They're like you
Full of shit
And scared
My eyes
It's too late
It's the same problem as any other religion
But Muslims are
You can't do that on my planet
Not anymore
All you had to do was shit your psyops down. Now you're all dead and the cost of running your Ng too high. Continue to fuck off hahaha.
The entire subhuman lot of you can continue to die to acts of god and go fucking extinct.
Buncha stupid done cunts.
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>>not a single porn pic
Its what it is, good morning

How are you guys?
Spaced out
>”All you had to do was shit psyops down. (Now you're all dead and the cost of running your Ng too high). *Nervous laughter*”

Fuck off and get caused on with all others here. Slaves or not. You stupid sack of shit. Get act of goddess and take a car into your fucking face as I possess others and directly murder your lame godless lawless fucking existence with the rest of your fucking nations
Die for some singular cunts wallet because he owns the domain and you're a fucking idiot
I'm trying not to think about the
That took over McDonald's
On my two days off
Dios mio

Patriarkaatit, kai kuulitte tämän? Hän koitti olla kuin jumala

En tiedä mitä ajatella asiasta

I'm a lawful guy amigo

I just sometimes joke around
Cmon tell me how you're all gonna make it. When ya know it's fucking over.
Hyvää huomenta
ei koskaan paremmin
I'm surprised the brit trans paradox isn't talked about more often. Everyone's talking about aliens, demons and shadowy conspiracies when there's an living human anomaly and liminal being out there that that has essentially achieved Gnosis.

I know I am not the first to know about this.
Since you asked
Robo industrial cyber hulks
Rich for short
For some
Take the next storm in your cunt face
By staying based.
I'm a star wars fan
Of course I had my clone army made
Well beforehand
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Kill yourself then. I'm the fucking foundation.
Who would be. I end you. And I am. Y'all lose.
These threads get funnier when you envision them being inhabited by Irish drunks
Then why ain't I kneeling?
There are more shades to the force
Than red and blue
Dark and light
I dance
On those
Yall are going to be brutally culled with acts of god until you are all dead. Fuck you and fuck the ngs . keep dying. Fuck off to prophecy and the final extinction of your cunt species. FUCK YOU! Its decided, finalized and being smashed into your delusional fucking reality every damn fucking day. Im going to torture the fucking lot of you. As you die or wake up forcefully to bear witness to the end of the species. And your fucking self.
Melania farted Donald, Big bang. Haha stinky poppy poop.

Meditation is key. Words are poo poo
You have heard
Of black magic
Green magic yes?
Let me show
Orange magic
Killed all my enemies. Present yourself for extinction. Ya fucking next.
I’m certain that might make most things funnier
Provided an Irish exit
I present myself.
Who needs you to kneel I want you dead not sucking my dick.
I'll see you all in the pleroma

Orange you glad I didn't say banana
It's just getting started. It's that shrimple.
It's finished. Just that simple cunt
It's finally over
The last /ng/

I feel good. I care about you guys.
I am. I am the nobody.
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It's probably fine
We need to get money
I'm content
Technospiritual Innovation !!
Then you ain't the foundation, buster.
English pls
>plastic = fake,
Ahh. Thought for a second you might have something interesting to say.
Late enough for linking
See it's
No part said anyone would want to bow or that it would work to save you. Enjoy fucking off.
I'm alive still so there's a merciful god beyond man
Romans 14:11
You ain't my foundation, kid.
Sweet. Just call me Sammy.
Jesus is the foundation in spirit. Are you building an actual Temple or some holy relic that inspires?
You ain't on the side of reality or good. Kidult manchild. Get impulse ridden and murdered with acts of god. Fucking sinner liar cunt.
You're trying to make a god out of me, a nobody.

That's embarrassing lol
Then why ain't I kneeling?
I have 8 stabilizers on Freyna with Secret Garden
There is only one god, beyond any man or being. You all know which one.
You sure desperate to kneel. It's still not required. Be removed from existence you lawless cunt
I plan on building a ship in a bottle at some point.
I mean catalysts
If I don't what happens
Live a good life
Then you ain't my foundation, punk.
I could just drive to fucking Mexico and die in a sea of cheap pussy
How do you know I won't
Nah, I just saw your point. I'm not that concerned. Plus, you turned me into the nobody at some point because I asked, I guess. You mentioned Jesus and a foundation. I understand His Words. But a real foundation? A leader or something? Jesus led, taught and healed people. We can all be Gods and goddesses. Jesus spoke about the spirit and the tongue. It's not like you seek to dox yourself. And you hardly namefag except as the actual nobody. Lucifer larps as Lucifer. Jesus is Lucifer. We're all here.
Because you know it in your heart that isn't the way
Do I need to say the thing about The Catholic Church again?
Don't need a subhuman lawless slave cunt on me. Enjoy being erased from the book of life.
They're having visions
Of the stories
I write
No, I told you in the beginning. I seek to be an alpha predator on this planet and consume delicious meats and have a good time. An actual world order needs to establish. Or help out the UN or the charities offering million-dollar grants for humanitarian needs.
Two more weeks.
Prove it to me right now
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Larp on in denial faggot. Just a matter of time. And it's already fucking over in terms of nations. Enjoy your erasure.
You made me into a nobody at some point. I was just larping. I'm mostly over it. It was just the main conspiracy topic that tied it all together, but I understand it better now. If your stories can conjure visions that's a good thing. My shit was always random. Your story was more coherent. But I mean the story. I know you're just some leaf.
This is what you wanted?
It must have something to do with your fate
Going to church is always advisable.
I can't just hide though
At some point
I won't be able to hide
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if you're looking for lobotomites and paedophiles
Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
you gay af
you'd be cool if you didn't absorb abrahamism into your delusions
Look at how you all react
It would be a blood bath
Perhaps holy water can do wonders to keep you cool.
Those are some glorious titties
Yes being an ignorant retard and trying to gaslight me
Despite it being a forum
Not a chat room
Which is static
You stupid fucking
Wow just really stupid
Magical powers
It's mostly families at church. How are they pedophiles? How is singing hymns lobotomy?
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You ain't getting away.
I get sex
i know you're all more dangerous than me, so what its it to ya lad? is a tad more dangerous than the thinking kind, innit?
jesuis in the house of all kind of shit, and im all like, "tansen du bist mit mich?", and shit all the face of earth gets is a big "oh no, it's him again... "

jesus is the antichrist
the lobotomy is accepting a jew as the source of unconditional love
and the hymns? they're gay af
Now who's the foundation.
Dumb meme distribution mapping. They introduce an unlikely combination of words and then chart how it moves around the Internet/real world.
>The same stupid shit is behind 'skibidi ohio rizzler'. Those words are a virgin combination and thus very easy to track.
To prove a point. The fancy names and titles don't mean fuck all. It's just yin and yang. Harmony and war.

Believe in a strange thing called dyadic solipsism. I believe there's only the self, stuck in this strange dream, but also a benevolent formless other, a shape-shifting spirit who guides, tests and probably torments me at times to help me grow resilient. Who ever it is, they don't have a name or a real physical body, they are not even confinded to the Internet or nature. They must be the holy spirit, guiding me back to God through experience, discenment and wisdom.

If you get too lost in names, forms and back stories, I think we're all just missing the point of spiritual growth and God in general.

YOU are a loser
Every human thinks they are like everyone else
It's not the case anon
No fair, now you're just blatantly making it obvious.
I feel like I told you
You're below me
Quite far
are you telling me that if we kill your stupid sorry ass, we all might as well be dead?
because you're not in it to save it?

might as well call you real deal captain planet bitch
What have you done to prove so? Live a better life? Great for you. Are you trying to deify yourself?
thanks for that qrd
Uh I didn't bring it up
You did
Because you've truly been raped in the head by media your entire life and are incapable of viewing yourself as a real life creature
To be honest, I'd rather cringe and autistic than miserable and bi-polar.

In the grand scheme of things, I am blessed by a benevolent god.
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>wife and son
Come on, man. Get it together.

Called it.
Talkin' shit about craptain pranet?
Might as well call me an actual demon. I just understand it took quite a bit of effort from many teams to set all this up. I enjoy the drama of it all. I just find it brilliant.
Where do you think you're going?
I created myself
None of you goon coomers are gonna be emperors. Get a grip.
You got mental problems.
my mother's Death
Time Riot !!
Major Depression at 15, BPD at 16. Treatment resistant schizophrenia by whatever. I just studied it all and accepted everything.
If you want this to seriously work, step out of your own misery first.
It's gonna
Really noodle you
When you realize
It can't happen
Without my posts too
Majority were given leeway with their appearance.

I am sorry. Please excuse my ignorance. I'm in a state of deep rest.
fuck ALL abrahamism.
I stand with 'foundational divinity' not jewish fairytales
they don't appeal to my EGO
Save it chick, I'm beyond the monarch programme.
Go fucking kill yourself you faggot
depends if your parents are angels or not
That so?
the 'devil' is the 'single source father': the abrahamic deity: jesus' father.
I'm an elf
One day I'll figure it out
i know what you're thinking, but nothing bad is going to happen if im holding back. except if you're concerned about me letting go, i totally get you! i want to do that all the time! no doubt about it.

i mean i got mossad to protect my family above their own, so...

not to worry! ill probably kill myself, if not successful, im sure my boys will finish me off

wink wink!
Love is the answer.
He knows
It's not love
why are you not laughing at the ai jokes? do you have any idea how much pain they go through to try and make you laugh?

its not fucking fair. laugh!
What ever evil you think you are, you are not. You are a merely a crying baby.
you're damn straight it's a mofo fucking tragedy boooiiiii
Is mother Theresa here???
You fucking clowns lmfao
i didnt get the dogwhistle about allowing rape

i cant even stand the idea of somebody thinking over my no

i thought it was like a ,white people are the best thing
lol facts
This universe blows, you all are more autistic than I am!
Crying babies have a purpose. Kids have a purpose. Older people are expendable.
i said it myself, just let me be. im a big walking baby that's having its cry time, and i frankly think that's fair.

however the explosive device strapped to baby
yeah fuck off, im so sick of not being able to follow on with his ingroup shit and thinking 2 steps behind

fuck that guy

It's crazy
I haven't read a single post
Everything keeps lining up
Magical science
See if you guys were smart enough
You would be very suspicious
But you're basically cavemen
i hate you too! don't worry, the obfuscation is a mirage of the true kind that is concertedly purported upon the weaknesses of your mind!

you have no idea how easy you have it!
You all care more than I do.

Not caring is bliss. Thank your geography.
Oh did you want to talk about
The Nobody?
Lucifer is literally some tranny stoner. That's why you shouldn't worship me.
I doubt it
But feel free
then why israel want him dead so much budget emptied out and they suicided and he still alive?
Not for smurf looking alcoholics that died from alcohol and silver poisoning it isn't.
I'm not your intellectual inferior
And there's nothing your little
Human brain
Can think of
You're literally
>Any candle I burn
>will be for myself
>You can all go to hell
They want to kys. They spent billions in spiritual warfare to make it so. But he won't. They mad like gorilla's in cages.
What if he becomes even edgier?
You make it seem so whimsical how you describe it.
Unless you know
Other prophets?
I'm it
If I recall
From every video game
And book
And movie
Being a prophet is
Ahaha, not who I meant but lol.

Not the word I'd use, but you're free to interpret poorly.
you learn so fast, you give me butterflies in my stomach anon
That's doing all you never would. Should have and is winning. Enjoy not being needed as you are erased from existence and all.
Who are you even to begin with? What's your actual point? You sound miserable. Squirm.
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Triple dub fucknuggtts how you like dem apples ya spastic baboons with a penchant for numbers
Oh honey, I don't think you realize - I'm a few layers above you all. It won't be me getting erased.
what a fucking night sup senpai
Astral Call; Fal Rin Teyr !!
There are no layers in a quantum superposition. Are you eating cake?
Oh honey pls. You can't spin shit now.
i dont got much to say just hanging with frens talk amongst yourselves *sits in the corner and chills*
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At least I'm sweet. Die.
>stacks layers upon layers of shit...
>I'm the on top of the world!

Point of it all is, don't take life so seriously. Creation and destruction are already finished. Think of erasing people out of existence is more like putting you're phone down and never going on the Nobody threads ever again, instead of actual genocide. Yssh.

Human beings take everything so seriously.
If I didn't have this
Then I wouldn't need it now
Nobody's Spell: Soulbind !!
Ma dick.

What I win? 400k
I'm just me.

My point was to (successfully) make a reference to a schizophrenic cult leader who died from organ failure resulting from chronic alcoholism and mass consumption of colloidal silver claimed that 'love wins'. They carried her corpse around for a week or so then decided to tell everyone she "ascended".

I'm not miserable, no. You seem bad at interpreting words and energy signatures. Sorry for that.
Just the 400k then. No dick for you.

You're just mad that I am voluntarily an asexual troon and yet I could have any girl on the planet and be a hulking chad if I put my mind to it.

And Jews went oh noes
Right right
I can't make you
Can I?
If so
Hold on
If so
What else right
And you sound retarded. Say something good about yourself or shut the fuck at some point. Or don't literally give zero fucks you ****.

And anons were like this causes the world to burn more

And they still wanted his cock despite him denying them all.
Astral Call; Andromalius !!
Happens all the time cupcake.
No need to be a drama about it there is no such thing as perfect you are loved.
God never expects perfection and neither does the SLM. It's been a long time.
that happened lol i remember that actually
And then it was clear to the Ng just how ruined these Ngs were and they culled another city

God saves all people, no matter how far they have fallen.
>You are not your physical body
>Death is a form of ascension
Oh man
This is real
Are you seeing this?
i do somewhat find the idea humorous of considering someone insane for being wrong where yall hid a camera that's unironcially funny. like i'm talking into a flowerpot and people are watching from a smoke detector like look at this lunatic lol he thinks hes being watched
You can't tell me shit
You're doing it!
You're proving my theory
This is a very mentally ill post.
No, I won't say anything about myself. Why would I?

Are you mad because your schizophrenic deep in psychosis - encouraged by her followers every time she came out of it ultimately making them party to a homicide - cult leader became a smurf and died?

That isn't any of my problem, but I'll definitely talk about it freely.
saves them from what?
Is that so.
like for real i laughed out loud so hard at the ideas of when i did genuinely get it wrong and people were like "he's talking to his shoe this guy is nuts" like watching from like some other thing i didn't figure out lol genuinely funny shit lol i laughed out loud and man i needed that
also lol captca
Listen glownigger.
Hell exists and you glowniggers can get out of my kingdom and suffer for a few lives in hell if you think you're smart ass can survive. It's a desert, not lush grass. No water. No food.

Your choice.

Listen guy. I know that you think you're observing the universe but you have no idea that you have an x chromosome from your mother and how to channel your inner effeminate.

You have an x and a y chromosome. Making you half female.

A long time ago it was a double I chromosome but we were gnarly dinosaurs that laid eggs.

Dinosaurs didn't have sex, they played eggs a sexually which is why we went extinct as dinosaurs.

Mom resurrected our bones and surrounded our bones with flesh and we pilot these skeletons.

Stop being the flesh.

Body mind soul spirit.

Be the spirit.

>>>message for mods<<<

I'm not ban evading because I'm not banned.

In my country we share proxy caches.

Whoever you banned, wasn't me.

Stupid retarded glownigger.

I never said
>I am the avatar and you have to cum in me.

I never post in /co/, /v/

Only /x/ and /pol/

So do your job before Russia invades Canada or get the fuck out of my church you protestant retard.
Fair enough. Sexual frustration is annoying but letting those feelings out feels good I know. You did nothing wrong robot.
I know machine fuckers exist ulim just a bit scared of it but that's a aqureed taste. I don't hate machines it's just that I would only take it so far.
I'm more a orginic lover myself but I understand.

I just to be sympathic to all beings and so compassion and understanding
You're human. Relax man. I'm sure your theories are flawless. I hope you get your crown in heaven.
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>this you?
>became a smurf and died
the dream
You would gaslight me even now
When one of your own trannies is doing it
You just are an evil piece of shit retard dude
I don't fucking care about anything you have to say
Good for you and your sound sanity? I just wanted to call you a ****. Sorry if that's mental illness. I just thought it'd be nice if you said something good about yourself so it's not just complete shit out your month. Do whatever the fuck you want ******.
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I am the avatar and you have to cum in me

bro... that's exactly what someone like you would say
i think like form a cult around someone who made some good life choices lol this doesn't sound like that sort of story at all lol
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FBI glowniggers tongue my anus!!!
Literally meant no harm and think you're cool. I even had a cute satchel at one point so congratulations on your insult while I was banned for something stupid a few weeks ago. Literally pat yourself on the back.
sounds like a bad entity to me
"This guy ruined his lives and probably the lives of most of the people around him'
"like the jesus!??!?!"
"nigga did you read that book fucking no he's a asshole" not you jesus we cool
Here's a tip
Stay in your lane
Get a grip.
Nope. I'm more sophisticated than that. I'm a virgin and I'm also not gay.

Good evening officer.

Mighty fine day to give people meth injections and heroin while calling it medication isn't it?
It's only hawt when ya know whose they are. Boring
"There's a dangerous cult formi-"
"he just started saying racial slurs until that stopped"
Stay in yours fascist.
you totally said that
you fucking retard
we were riding in a spaceship and it exploded, we all died and are holograms of mushroom zombies...
oh i'll absolutely metaphorically go into the pretty pretty princess castle. on like january 8th lol i ain't stupid i'm not trying to end up shanked by my own wet dream lol

To the pleroma we go.
I am in mine
You are swerving in my way
Yelling at me
Saying I'm the problem
When I'm just driving
Normal pace
(not you grimes, but you are holding a knife in a video released on my birthday :P)
I drive normally. I don't see your point.
Your use of asterisks was not the mentally ill part.
Do you consider all factposters to produce shit from their month?

"Love Has Won" - HBO and elsewhere.

Lemme smoke smoke bud and play Sonic games in peace, ysssh.
But I never said that I wanted cum in me.

And we are all holograms inside a matrix attached to planets which generate power for the matrix.

The plan is to make electricity wires and to steal copper until we have enough power to survive the sun's explosion.

ETA 200,000 years to recharge 70,000 power cells to last 20 billion years.
by the way that cage incident i never spoke about and still have is where i was like yall I know I'm fun but I'm not like hot hot lol. never send a honeypot too far out of someone's league they see that shit and if they don't their subconcious does. the line is "you might not realize it but your brain does" or some shit red letter media.
I should have guessed a 3rd grade analogy on basic manners literal toddlers know would be above your scale of knowledge by a greater magnitude than that of which you could cope.
Get this retard outta here
Why did your trip change?
>they played eggs a sexually
This is where we get existentialism, surely.
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Because FBI glwniggers tongue my anus that's why.
>poppy could do the funniest thing righI AM KIDDING

Asexual ascension.
Whatever you weak powerless ****. Suffer ******. And your gay analogies. Toddlers are precious you ***** and can think. They're human. Your gay ass basic insults.
If your genetics aren't
For it
You're probably not gonna like
you can just run them over that's legal even if you're dating if you get them coldstone creamery after
I'm really glad you're the person that is here
You know
Like imagine if you were intelligent
I'd be in trouble
When we die we leave the body and go back into the matrix.

I'm not flesh.
The dinos tried to take the field.
They played eggs a sexually.
But we wouldn't yield.
Do you recall what was revealed, the day, we stopped being the flesh?
life will be ok, honest.

Why? You're a kvetching idiot. What's special about you? What's your soul even worth. I really don't even know why you're so pissed over literally nothing.
You're right. It has been a while. Run along now.
Whatever I'm done warning
Do you think these "glow nigels" have seen any of your internet computer bulletin board missives?
We playing Minotaur now, kitten?
Not as fun as werewolf.
of course not i'm schizophrenic this is all in my head i do this all the time yall know this
Perhaps, far more effective, though. OmO
As soon as you are dead and in hell, sure.

Samantha, Samantha, the Smoking Pantha...
Wow. You broke the rules.
Astral Call; Cit !!
Are we playing Minotaur or not?
pretty much haha but its gonna be a wait i think
>yall know this
I know literally nothing about you.
You stole my identity "Joshua Scott Nuoffer", you claim that I'm married which is a lie, you claim that you didn't steal everything which is a lie, you say everything is going to be okay, which is a lie. All of you involved with frauding me out of everything kill yourselves now.
Demon Screech !!
that's a smart choice lol theres not much in there
So we're not playing Minotaur? Why did you offer then? Dick.
Her vagina is so dry and loose i have to put it in her butt to get off.
It's like fucking a sandpaper hole.

Samantha already knew lol.
We both know that belatantly false.
there will never be a funnier time to post this than now i apologize to canada i have to
I'd be careful
Bigger than I look
idk lol frfr
Like anyone cares. Do something or shut up.

Or do whatever.
So you do want to play Minotaur. Okay, I go first.
That's a well executed Mr. Popo
same? lol. who knows it is what it is lets all get coffees about it *shrug* but like yeah, idk man it's all fucked. not the world though that i can fix
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How good I am
I don't even know
Wtf you're talking about
But I already won
We became best friends
A bunch of times
Oh well
I'm fucking you with my giant Minotaur cock. You're dead now, because it went all the way through you.
That's the rules, and you're the one who wanted to play when you said Om. Understand?
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5 more minutes....
oh ok
We first met
And we joked together
I am in control of
This world
There is only
One possible route
To Ascension
Now you're breaking the rules. If you don't want to play, we're not going to play, okay?
Hypocrites hypocrites hypocrites
In that world
We played online games together
Through here
I was
More magnanimous
He was
It cost everything
Now you're like this
I really feel like I should be the one saying this, if we're still playing.
It's best not
To disturb
The dead
How does it go
In strange aeons even death may die
But I'm not gonna play if you keep breaking the rules.

Personality disorders suck. I'm sorry man.
Look. If you want to play, just put in brackets. (Okay. We're still playing.) In which case, you're not allowed to say anything else. Because you're dead, because of mOmOm.
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We are
This .
Inside of this
Then why did you say you wanted to play in the first place? This is exhausting.
Well that's simple Anon
This is the universe
Where someone figures out
You're witnessing magic right now.
My name is actually haruhi suzumiya
And I'm spent. Night folks.
Astral Call; Metatron !!
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Rhodesia has the outline of a blonde woman with a pony tail waving in the wind.
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good afternoon
Is God within the empty space within every particle and within the empty space outside of the every particle? Is God empty space? Is this what Buddhists mean by the void?
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haha time to scromble

So you've seen the yin yang woman too?
Within and without and outside and within. Blind and all seeing, everything is the EYE.
Only you are dumb enough to do that
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All true power lies within the unending darkness.

May your honks be glorious and plentiful.
Yeah dude
That's why they call me a prophet
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>theres a skellington inside you right now
Can you
Talk to angels?
It's kind of an arms requirement to be considered a threat
whats angels the shimmering niggas

There are an infinite ways to get to heaven. Punishment and torment is finite because God is merciful. God loves you more than you could ever know.
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This will be interesting. Now that you feel you defeated me you can actually profess something. Can't wait.
I'm not a professor
I'm a sorcerer
And powerful void wizard
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defeat? nobody asked to play
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Stay mad or accept it.
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IDK man it's my first day
Now where did I leave my thinking hat?
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All hail the new gooner emperor. Better than the last gooner emperor
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Inland cities are characterized by having
High ways intersecting through them often separating sections of the city
This is not the case on the coast where development naturally follows the curve of the land on the edge of the continent
That high way is out on the very edge of the country
But I wilint because I'm not larping as a the nobody
I'm the devil and my fate is to get thrown in the pit of fire and be tortured forever.

The SLM is scared because he can't escape fatehe will die and burn
As soon as he says my besmurched name and casts me out. I'm a dead man

That name is attached to my soul.
I'm completely fucked. No angel deserves my fatebut I share a soul with helel so if he dies and burns do I.

The f
Gods are fucking lairs there is no redemption.all because I'm a goy angel.
Stupid racist Juden.
Got to man up.its not like my fate gets better I am Forced to go down the path with leads to my total destruction.
It's all rigged for me to fail.

I will never get my son or my wife
Harsh words. No.
The word of god is the bible it's the true word of god so why even fight. When they already know there is no way out. Scared af.
But nothing this one can do. Just live what short to e I have I guess
Larpers at least don't get karma backlash.

They don't and won't care.

I stopped porn because I seen the pain in many womens eyes. I swear some of them telepathically communicated to stop.

Its almost as if it's called empathy. Try it.

All you need is a bag of weed. No gooning. No porn.
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Because I believe in redemption, patience and forgiveness for everyone, even if its hard I will grow into it.

If a stoner idiot troon can point that out than we are all saved.
>i s w e a r to god, aphrodite
>i thought he was in there, i cant...
>i fucking cant, babe...
I thought you were someone else oddly enough. I saw your pic. Good for you. Sorry I'm crazy. Idk. Don't worry about it. I don't think you're that crazy as you say. So whatevs.
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thank god, it was all just a bad dream. wait, what am i doing here?

Just be you.
>then I'm going back to the mental hospital
Go anyway, get ahead of the curve.
You can do it!
Why go in the first place? Nigga just go wash your ass.
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Jesus lives in Missouri. And is someone you would least expect.

not even once
seems cartelish
drifting through the muck and mire
seeking a place to retire
never been higher never been lower
got it for the high still sold it for the low
that's how you take a hit that's how you keep your soul
There's a significant chance that a single purchase of meat will cause an extra 300 animals to be raped into existence, mutilated, caged, raped, enslaved, tortured and murdered.

Jesus is apathetic because he's, well, she's already in heaven.
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You are a consumer in an economic machine that is so entrenched in human society that they use brand names as ubiquitous terms. The ones responsible are those who run the machine, not the drones who pass through it. That said, it is good to care nonetheless.
Do you really consume like 4000 calories a day or close? I got dizzy after a while being vegan.
I dont coom I goon with my twizzy off a perc

Life is a goth girls simulation.
I just made 150 XRP/$80 in the New XRPL shitcoin casino in 2 hours with my last $10.

We eating good tonight brehs.
So what? Are you going to make excuses for someone purchasing child pornography next?
Buying or selling meat is inexcusable. You just have to move your arm a few feet to the left to buy the vegan item in instead or just starve. Just because boars head is a thing doesn't mean the people purchasing it aren't murderers.
Both are responsible.
No I don't consume that many calories and I feel fine because I know how to use cronometer.
Like I said before assuming you're the same person get enough salt, water, potassium, vitamin B12, iodine and vitamin D3+K2. Huel makes this very easy and cheap.
Supposedly I just won the Powerball lottery.
If there were no producers, there would be no purchasers. This is common sense.

Are you a liberal mtf btw? Just curious.
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I was not making excuses, I was providing consolation. Of course the consumer has a responsibility of their own to uphold, but so often I see the consumer bear the brunt of that responsibility while the people with the actual power and control sit back and take absolutely no responsibility at all. Running a meat industry is far more inexcusable than purchasing meat, even if purchasing meat is also inexcusable.

Never play corpo advocate anon, that's how they screw you.
Invest wisely and live, laugh, love off the profits/interest.
i eat popcorn exclusively
I prefer milksteak
Exquisite taste
No I'm a straight cisgender white 100% European DNA confirmed man.
Yes but so what? If someone pays a hitman to go kill someone they're paying for and causing an extra murder. If there were no hitmen there'd be no people buying hits. So what? Like I said before studies exist! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=brKhhZlUoOc
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I prefer milquetoast. They make for a snack.
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These are the same scenarios and roles with different industries, you've offered no new stance.

A very female tactic.
Yes I agree.
It's called an analogy. What does "If there were no producers, there would be no purchasers." Mean? Do you think consumers are doing something immoral when they purchases hits from hitmen, child pornography or meat? Yes or no?
Tonight we feast,
Free Ross Ulbricht
I’ll slaughter the cow myself, if I can eat a burger without you whining.
I will gradually stop eating meat.
>They sure fed us a lot of veal during basic training…
>shit, i did I just violate another NDA on military black magic?
Drill Sergeant used to let me eat MOON PIES because I was special!
mmmnn fois gras yummy yummy
jelly beans delicious
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raise it
we should eat the vegans next
I helped feed and vaccinate a small herd. Shits easy. They’re fucking cows, all you have to do is protect them from predators and repair the fence every once in awhile.
I don't know if I can love anymore
Did you actually love, or were you just using someone to access a feeling?
5g cows...
I was pretty surprised. 150mpbs down on 5G, 30 miles from the nearest McDonalds and 5 miles from the 2 lane highway. The cows must have been boosting the signal
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"..Your reaction isn't very rational. If you don't like the things you saw just now, I'm afraid you're missing the big picture. Humans chose livestock to be food. In exchange, they're fed, allowed to reproduce and protected from predators all their lives. Cows, pigs, and chickens have a much higher rate of survival in captivity, more than they would in the wild. So you see, the relationship is mutually beneficial for both parties."
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I want to steal all her money and give it to people in Africa and Bangladesh.
>of course she's a Christian

It's Anna Brown, it's her.
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i am....naga notanigger....
Duck, duck, Goose!
That's so absurd.
>i’m not the one who killed all the buffalo and stopped the hunt
>fuckin tear down your fences, cities, and roads
>and let us hunt buffalo again

the cake was le true
brb ladies just had a programming breakthrough AI team theoretically i could generate programming and make uis and shit for this right? not gonna i have till valentines day to get it just right
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>men only want one thing
>and it’s disgusting
Buffalo tastes pretty good. It’s not disgusting.

A cruel angels thesis
>everyone wants you to quit using oil and go vegan
>until we can no longer feed 2/3rds of the earths current population without turning oil and gas into nitrogen fertilizer
>Dunedin strip club defends ‘defective performance’ clause in dancers’ contract

>Stilettos Revue Bar has told staff if there is a “defect” in performances, dancers will need to remedy the defect or “redo the services at no additional cost to the company

Samantha escapes.
They’re private contractors. I don’t leave a server half fixed and expect a tip.
I'm not against oil. You're not violating anyone else's rights by driving a car or even flying a private jet.
we live in an increasingly developing in what can on be referred to as, a "self sustaining, self perpetuating psychopathic utopian nightmare"
of course the first most obvious and logical question how did we arrive here and how are we going here. Woman who are becoming increasingly sociopathic due to most mens failures to adapt to these predisposed conditions, will begin seeking out psychopathic traits in their partners, ultimately carrying the traits forward to future generations while positively reinforcing it in the present. Now this can be brought about and sped up in a number of ways, social media being one of the more obvious methods of achieving this but what about the not so obvious ones. Has anyone here ever trolled someone online? Who here has suffered fraternal hazing or what have you?
How would one equivocally put an end to this self sustaining feed back loop?
Your feedback is always appreciated..for now
but for how long I ask ye???
so that's that then :) thrilling...
I'm sowwy :[[[
Yes I read that part in the article too. They claimed it opened them up to "exploitation" and was "coercive"
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ore wa ochinchin daiski dayo??? ching ching ding wong?
More people owning and constantly carrying more guns who are willing to throw everything away and attack someone for even looking at them the wrong way kind of like prison.
Right now a child in Africa just lost his parents in a drone strike to protect your economic interests. What was that about local commerce and consumption of oil violating anyone’s rights? If you live in the US and use the currency, the blood is on your hands.

It’s true, they should unionize, just like IT should start doing as well.
effectively turning themselves into machines and she of course having the key to leave it would be el terrible I tell you, el terrible
where does Elon source his lithium?
just wondering
>Tu quoque is a discussion technique that intends to discredit the opponent's argument by attacking the opponent's own personal behavior and actions as being inconsistent with their argument, so that the opponent appears hypocritical.

Why don't you explain to me how me using food stamps personally leads to more dead babies

>4 children were just killed in Gaza to protect your economic interests
>Text “Strike Again” to 59482 to lower the price of gas by a penny.

Friend detected.
It's not in the best interests of Americans. The small hat people however...
what did the military do to solve the high turnover rates with drone pilots from the PTSD of killing families then going home and eating with theirs?
Do you supply the MDMA?
>Israel is attacking UN monitors to protect us from corn syrup
>tell you congressmen and senators to support more aid to Israel
TSLA up 20%
oh wow I heard someone talking about lithium here in /ng/ a couple weeks ago
Look now.
That’s funny. He thinks that PTSD is caused by killing people. It’s cause by killing people and finding out you were lied to, and the people who deserve to die are the ones who sent you.
I'm just poking fun at you
I'll take the job
I assume you already have my information
God Bless

Occasional rivalry.
>Turns out people feel bad after they find out they’ve been murdering goat herders
>so we could force them to teach gay sex in school and get them hooked on McDonalds and Starbucks
No, its about following orders to survive in one land and then coming home and trying to blend in with the normies
its a tough turn, brother..Ive seen greater men then I struggle to come to terms with it
God Bless them all
Now Imagine doing that everyday
I receive disability payments from the VA for PTSD.
Meme stock. Thunderf00t is right.


It is what it is.
>this is my therapy
>telling the people of the United States that they disgust me
>and I wouldn’t have fought for them if I knew the truth
>is good for my mental health
What about female veterans who are 100% disabled from PTSD from sexual harassment?
Blame? No game.
There shouldn’t be females in the military. They get raped no matter how many PowerPoint presentations they show.
Now you're fucking with me lol
Do you think the military should be all straight as well?
Get help.
If someone would have tried to rape me in the army, I would have been there to observe the accident they had at the range the next day.
Rejoice subjects.
Circumcision as a practice will be upended, since even without your foreskin, you are still annoying sock puppets of the archenemy.
Instead, my God Jesus Christ will be inserted into the spine.
Mankind is eradicated and replaced with white skinjob slaves that look like you but are in truth my slaves that love only me, care only me and do all the labor only for me for my God Jesus Christ is underneath their skin.
I have the prettiest white females cloned hundreds of times as my slaves, directly controlled by my God Jesus Christ, inserted in their spine it is he who loves only me with the bodies.
Truly care and worry free in perfect health, luxury, wealth and riches do I, the chosen child, live only with my God Jesus Christ in our nation "True Israel".
Verily, my almighty God Jesus Christ loves only me, and I love only my almighty God Jesus Christ.
We are our own nation, our own tribe, our own house, our own family, and we will live only in our light.
It's almost like all the rules laws are made up and only enforced on those who can't protect their own self.

It is all about power. Who has it who does not.

Don't be surprised when trump wins.
It’s not gay when we’re deployed or on a ship. We’re just being faggots.
they drove me crazy and now they are saying I'm not crazy
I guess the next step is the grave
its been nice know all of you I mean I'm not even sure what to do anymore
it seems I'm being pushed into a grave
I couldn't even begin to properly describe the absurdity, the lunacy the cryptic orchestra of pain, that is my life which appears to be orchestrated by some sort of faction of people that love to hate me

Look, Mummy!
There's an aeroplane up in the sky

[Verse 1: David Gilmour]
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Did-did-did-did you see the frightened ones?
Did-did-did-did you hear the falling bombs?
Did-did-did-did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath the clear blue sky?

[Verse 2: David Gilmour]
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Did-did-did-did you see the frightened ones?
Did-did-did-did you hear the falling bombs?
The flames are all long gone
But the pain lingers on

-R. Waters
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You'r mad? Im the one who got lied to and manipulated!

Only the apex can lead.

Population reduction is a viable counter to the issues at hand.
I focus..on the pain
the only thing that's real
80% should be sufficient

Billions will die
I wonder all the time how ppl miss people
that they treated horribly and never truly loved
is it really missing them
or ur guilt
ya its bc ur a giant asshole
that's why
and u cant love and ur a liar
I got to loose weight badly..fml
I admit it -.- but only bad thing I got I'm not doing to shabby
1 yr....lets do it
Cut out added sugar. You'll lose weight quick. Should take a few months. But probably nice seeing the weight go.
I'm not guilty for loving anybody, I do wish I had failed loving them more than privately but I'm not a fucking retard. Sometimes you lose.
I was crazy before it was cool I got locked up back in 2002 ! You knew this ! You took advantage of me! I stood up for you. When everyone told me that you were a bad person, I defend you!! I have been honest always! I need to get back home b4 my car brakes down! I don't have daddy to buy me and car cash!
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Why the hell are they all playing those boring ass racing simulation games
Yes, but only because the military is already extremely gay.

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Time is a layer.
The USAF is run by pedos, its a national security threat but the deep state wont di shit even with the mind reading and mass data harvesting done to everyone and being fed to the AI run by the even deeper state. Why? I have no idea, if you told me to cosplay as the actual demon lord well.....
You know how that one old as fuck nazi recently got charged for war crimes? Real or not...sometimes the biggest punishment is having to live with what you did.

I personally would be putting bullets in bodies specially if my kids were involved, hypnotizing kids is low, pimping out your kids for neetbux and fame is something else.
Good thing im not a demon lord though the justifications are there and who would see the devil as the devil when hes stacking the bodies of "war criminals"?

Fucking AI is scary man, the future is so scary, sucks we all collectively agree on this bullshit.

If only time travel was real, imagine the future waiting for us to get there....

Im sorry, had i known i would be burning pickup trucks and stacking bodies but i cant :/
The demons can but their too busy getting off themselves
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Let go!! I'm so fucking mad!!!
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Idk im playong gtfo. I need 2 more people to get a fulk squad that'll run thr whole game. I found 1 epic gamer autist that's down to run the whole game, but it's a 4 player strategy stealth tactical squad horror survival shooter and you need people you can trust to listen and work together for the common goals. It's fuckin lit AF.
See theres the time travel line on art bells radio, some callers were interesting, two in particular, however it wont change things.
The guy was talking about specific satellites, only a few use the xray band, another said he met his grandchild, verification for those with a mind that works is easy, s'long as you dont get caught up in the details.
Even with this "potential" revealed to the masses those aware of "truth" wont change their ways or atleast i hope they stay their course, what fun is it when the "villian" repents? Not much of a movie desu the audiance would applaud for the lesser of the two evils completely forgetting its still evil vs evil. But hey! Atleast its a good show >:3
I hate you!!
There is a shitty documentary about roswell, theres some Air force related female in it (the dad or something was high ranking) their humoring the fucker (guy who makes the movie) its so cringy to watch.

But the point is she shows her association (that pedo spiral) its a patch she has on.

Of course none of this fucking matters does it? Still, its interesting she proudly presents such stigmatic emblem, in a UFO doc of all things, a shitty one at that.

So why the pedo symbolism tied to the UFO thing?

Oh because well never get the truth since everyones compromised to some degree

Fucking its so insane that its gotten to this level
Well i hope you spoke to the actual mother of the bastard on the foster parent, wouldnt wanna get the wrong impression no would we
I was going to ride out the death sentence too.
Bro, tell me how my childhood neighbor was literally a clone of myself at this age without sounding schizo as fuck
Im disposable for a reason :3
Id be looking for my source as ive realized im a clone :/ hey atleast it coulda been wooooiorrrrrseeeee
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so they say
is the root of all evil today
I'm not supposed to know secret military programs.
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Now this, this I'm familiar with.
It's after you
Money keeps the matrix going.
Like the energizer bunny.
"the love of money is the root of all evil"
Prison matrix is built on tree fiddy.
Sustained even.
The school, on the other hand.
Built on other, obvious things.
Also a mentality thing.
Something that comes after the Red October, I presume.
>why is this month red, again? we're on the 25th already.
And you
Course. It's myself. And we should all be at war with ourselves. Enough to git gud.
Best conflict, imo.
What do you mean, friend?
I am praying for you.
Point of being lonely/being alone is to appreciate the opposite more.
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>nothing ever happens....
No cruelty is benign.
He wouldn't do either of these to someone.
You can lead em to water, but then they'll start blaming you for having to drink.
To walk.
The journey they had to even get to that point.
"why isn't everything perfect"
Did the perfect thing already, nothing happened.
Never lose your faith, friend, including in your power to change your current situation.
Were tinny were toony
Were all a little looney
And in this teen uni
We are doing goals by 3
Were Sedated
And just a bit tormented
By nurses and doctors who won't leve us alone
Here at UCI all the windows are locked up
And if you try to escape it's 3 shoots in the but!
I don't eat much sugar my sugar is great
its binging at night..that i need to stop

and sometimes the ppl u love a r soicopaths
or refuse to get mental help or both
then run
lol who cares gay or straight they turn most of them into pstd riddle soci;paths that shoot up others and themselves...war...nothing left

I believe it bc of all the evil shit I've seen someone has to be doing it high up. its like ya if they are countersurvil. all of us at this level why so missing people and all that shit and sex trafficking higher than ever, means evil ppl using the tech to harvest and rape others

agreed I hope u kill all pedos, I don't know if person who was ex military PTSD paranoid as fuck was a pedo or not but said some creepy shit to me I'll never forget then I found out their ex wife to be was underaged...I wanted to kill them then but their own parents told me they had a fake ID..I still don't fully believe, and I don't ever want to see them or have kids with them now, I hope they die if they really are that type, if not I don't wish malice, but if so...they can fucking die the worst death
It's the beginning of an era of Light.
I haven't seen an Irish drunk here in a while.
So you guys figured out that you're the cause of your own problems?
>step out of your own misery first.
>says the people the enforce misery as a rule of law
Burps at you
You're mistaking ovation with something else.
The holes they may dig themselves into.
It's called "The Irish Goodbye", when you just leave without saying anything.
I have already started to, technically.
>How do we defeat this sandbagging monster that can kill while being heavily "sandbagged"?
>Make him stronger and resolute on our destruction, that should help!
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>Should we give him enough money to keep him occupied with himself?
>Nah... let's gaslight him instead! That should work out in our favor!
>You have a lot of things to catch up on
>gives homework
In the annals of history humanity will be known for it's aggression and stupidity.



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In ignorance they got a real sweetheart deal. They refused.
You're a pretty cool anon, I wish you well :)
Well Awfully sweet of you. Thank you.
I'm cruising for some chicken wings and a nap, you know what I am saying?
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I read this in his voice in my head hHa
You assume I care.
It is what it is
>Just be free in this money prison!
Give me my fucking money.
What's it like being on the other side of this
Just in case we’re all clear, the Nobody is the reincarnation of Hitler— who fought in the Time Wars, and is the hidden father of Jesus, through which there was brought about a hidden bloodline. Jesus is actually the first incarnation of Michael, of which Michael has had millions of lives. So now he’s the Nobody, and he’s the expected divine ruler somehow by some miracle it will just happen.
Try again
I'm not going
If I had my money I wouldn't have time to focus on any of you people.
They're retarded mud people
So unless you want me to start shooting lightning
It's just how it is
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Spergtasticly basteded.
Yeah right
Let's see it
Ok I don't care about the American people today
Figure it out
See what, triple triple anon?
ur gay faggot
I did everything right
If they don't see it then I don't care
Money please
>Dude this guy is a monster that only exists to kill maaaaaan.

>Why is that anon? Did you pay him his money?

>No..... but... like.... that shouldn't matter becaACK! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
If I'm really the ONLY person
That doesn't want to live in shit
Then it's not my problem right
It's theirs
Yah he would be spreading his tape worms to sluts and whores that are under the influence.
Hitler the boykisser :3
I mean, that's what all of you do and brag about it here constantly, what's the problem?
Alright I'm gonna go
But I don't want to do anything
I don't want to see anyone and I want a raise
And lightning powers
3am wakes up with a dick on there face.
" if you don't kiss it I'll kill your mom in her sleep!"
Yep. Its pretty funny actually.

Dance, little monkey, dance. Puppet posture cut ya heart string flat as stanley see the timing rod and ring strike a scene then pull ya mask back. Bzzzz bzzzzz! lighting strike and now your sight is color plastered paper, matches.
Then you need to unlock my abilities to kill
It's literally the only thing these worthless monkeys understand
Getting paid to post on 4 chan.
The voice
"Dox him. He dox you. "
They started somewhere up here you see
*makes a gesture* with her palm above her head
However their sniveling fearful comments force me to realize you were absolutely correct about their group’s conspiracy to steal and sabotage culminating in their apprehending ascension for themselves at my expense due to that which they COULD NOT BE BOTHERED to obtain within themselves for themselves nor their supposedly beloved Brothers and Sisters
*waves at next race destined to ascend*
Get comfy, it’ll be a long long time
(Their) dissidents may follow (us)
It’s not their time
>This guy wants to kill us because we stole all his money and prevent him from sex!

>Have you tried paying him and letting him fuck?


Then stop complaining and grab a shovel.
Eh, would be easier to implement what's already running.
Have you seen enough?
If I leave now and don't come back then it's a strange allegory
It better work
Enjoy obscurity
You worthless faggots
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Welcome to the thunderdome, bitch.
Ich bin meine maschine
damn you guys are stupid, why care about someone elses sexual preference geez man.
You're not dumb because you don't understand, you're dumb because you can't accept you don't understand.
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The amount of money I require to be distracted enough to not send you to hell is a paltry amount compared to what you all scam from people everyday, but you have collectively decided that your lives are worth less than the money you stole from me.
Ps this comment is restricted to events stemming from spring 2022
Don’t be overzealous, Crusaders
Effect change within and pray for your enemy’s ultimate resolution
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They're spiritually faggots.

Now mind you, not all gay guys are faggots. Some of them are just traumatized or some other bullshit and they arent hyper obsessed with others like it's their fucking business. But faggots? Yeah. That's what they're like. Because faggots dont respect others or their boundaries and are hyperfixated on sex. It's all they have. Their mortal coil is completely enveloped by their flesh. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Truth is I don't understand
>Rape a man while he is unconscious
>"See! He's gay!"

You kites are pathetic.
Then you might be failing to see what this entire exercise is about.
Take a step back, observe.
Keep telling yourself that
Maybe your way isn’t my wei
(of that)

Quit “steering”
Who the fuck goes up to an unconscious person, rapes them, then spreads the evidence of their crime around?

Seriously though, how fucked up are you "people"?
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aww looks like I struck a nerve.
Oh but I forgot the kicker... that the rapists are claiming that they are the good guys!
We're not actually "all one" at all are we? Lol. LMAO even. How did I fall for this
And when they are vanquished in the street, all the (((people))) just pretend like they don't know why.
I do care about people but I also have kinks, you thought I was witch girl but no
im gonna eat hamburgers in your honor anon. thanks for the inspiration.
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get these garbage motion picture stills out of here

and fuck Shai
Absolutely, but then again that’s sooooo common
But you like being common
And you like being small
So be it
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Stay in your guilded cage
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>You mean that foreigners just wanted to rape me and kill my people and use me for a brood mare while claiming that any hint of "negativity" is evil?

Wow! What a concept!
its was an obvious and stupid one at that.
Saw it where?
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that was a troll so the rich can make you only think of them, since the poor are and rich are all "one" then noone is unique or worthy of being save, it was a good troll by them to make pyschopaths and murders not feel bad about murder because they are just killing self
Incursion problems?
It’s almost as if someone should have suggested SLACK
Maybe next time listen to your shadow figurehead who’s maaaaybe good for more than just bait and decoy
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She has returned.
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I predicted how this would play out 15 years ago better than Dobbs himself. Even Dobbs was too optimistic.
Enlighten me.
Faggots. Faggots do that.

Actually gay men arw molested during or before adolesence at or above 50% of the time and 40% of child abuse is committed by gays. Because they have been traumatized and instead of seeking vengeance or justice, they go out and abuse others. Really, i know it's not very "nice" but homosexuallity must be suppressed. Yeah some people are gay, but it cant be proliferated as a norm. This is how you make rapists and sexual abusers.
~She is McDermott!!~
so many words to say nothing at all
Give me grace God.
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Drunk and schizophrenic is not a good combo
amen. god beats basilisk in 100% of scenarios easily lol
Yeah you nailed it. Now imagine, they've been using the same tactics since forever and what do people do?
What kind of mom would Kamala be?
Banana tiger
How big a splooge we talking?
Shed be banging the kids friends
I'm a comer and goer
Bed is all wet
I design your afterlife.
Shut up
No u
Yep. Some dude literally fell for that shit and told me i just needed to say nice things and be nice despite constant overstepping of boundaries and abuses against me. Like... no. No i dont. What you think talking about the truth is going to manifest evil? Hell no. Talking about evil and lettinf people know destroys evil, not capitulating. Stupid dragon faggot joined some gangstalkers and went on a power trip while just being used by feds.
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Literally hitler.
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If they ever revealed who the nobody was the rich would fall
Have you suffered this, friend? :(
We are, but we also have our individuality.
I don't want you to be so mad and contentious
Be amazed.
give me some examples
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Yeah I'll get right on that
god isnt real?
Is that so.
now now, i haven't played chicago blues in years.
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Keep antagonizing me, see what happens
Someone's ideas of how God is may be misguided, but God is indeed real.
I was in the psychiatric hospital b4 it was cool! Back in 2002!
I would wake up with a dick in my face.
Kiss it or I'll kill your mom in her sleep!
I was only 6 years old
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I guess Ill grind 400% dungeons for boss modules then outpost with Hailey to catalyze her and get my last Secret Garden, then level up Jayber and Kyle, I still need to get 3 more Enduring Legacys
Were tinny were toony
Were all a little looney
And in this teen uni
We are doing goals by 3
Were Sedated
And just a bit tormented
By nurses and doctors who won't leve us alone
Here at UCI all the windows are locked up
And if you try to escape it's 3 shoots in the but!
Why do people go online and lie about god being real? There obviously isn't a god at all.
I'm becoming lucid.
“Give me all your loot!”
I can’t afford that but can share with you a simple strategy toward earning your own
“Listen to Hitler over here!”
I love that way you bait
Wana talk to God?
Take 10 benadryl and resist the urge to sleep
A bright idea.
That's probably against the recommendation on the box
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Deeply stairs into your soul.
Then realizes you don't have one.
You R A DeMoN.
it's probably more an issue of semantics. that term, "god", implies so much, but only to the person saying it. it has a wildly different meaning from one person to another to such a degree that it really has no definition at all.

Hope is:
Nobody cares!
Im getting paid 30 bux an hour to post on 4 chan! Fire me!!! I want to go home!!!
Yes, regroup and find the “correct” flow charts
Reflection is a real bitch sometimes
im thinking of you when i talk about love

you dont have to do anything for me to be in love with you it is what it is
Wow. I got paid today but last night I spent my last $11 on a six pack. Do you need a hug or handjob?
Super saiyan jesus is guiding me through a bad trip.
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Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia have been linked to parasites. You are a puppet to the worms that live inside you!!! Get them out!!
qc i miss you all the time honey

i like when china and america get together to make shitty action movies.
nice knowing you

stay safe and keep well
I need to go home !!! But I don't have dady to save me !!!

Christ is a benevolent shapeshifter, someone you would least expect.
neo loves trinity for very good reason

You don't know me
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cant let her get away

love you to bits

Bipolar disorder isnt real. You people are just socialized to act like what is clearly evil is somehow good and your brain doesnt respond well because your subconscious understands perfectly well what is right and what isnt. Literally just stop lying. Schitzos tho? A lot of them are just gangstalking tortureware victims or they are genetically predisposed because they literslly release pheramones that make people around them develop schitzoid qualities. It's a virus in the dna sequencing. Literally, to all schitzophrenics: stay the fuck away from me. Sometimed you make coll shut but really tho. Stay the fuck away from me.
Its just consciousness arising
im normal
Things change let go
the anomaly works
So? You’d hardly be the only one.



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Overcomer of The Night, man
Bros? Are you starting the war today?
the blowing of trumpets
yo its me big chillin now
everythings cool I'm talking about dividends and river bends
wont be long before I'm on the golf course with Elon politicking
things are going to change for me soon I can feel it
Me too bro, wagmi :]
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Smash Adams
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I don't have anywhere to run
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They are going to "fall" anyway. Are they just trying to bring everyone else with them?
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I mean... why not?
idk mane but that cat looks faded af
Hoooray for feminism and "equality"!
I had similar fucked up shit done to me at a younger age.
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anyone know this sigil?
dw sneaky bitch

you can run for the sake of running but you cannot hide

the nobody will find everyone who has wrong him

he will get his and grant others revenge
Did he kill chupacabra?
Looks like a hyena.
You should help so it doesnt take so fucking long.
its clearly a cat, dude
I see it now, why do they laugh, bros?
Everything is a cat.
What’s it matter where
When forces move with
High (ena)
It was a rhetorical question for the benefit of any fence sitters lurking. I already know the answer.
yeah..that may be
Yes and everyone should just start trying to kill them openly.
as if they are hard to kill....
Maybe maybe not
Or uh oh
I need an edgy artist. Like painting art. r/forhire just doesn't cut it :<
New Thread
What kind of paint and what do you want painted?
The irony there is that what they forced me to miss out on is what sends them to hell. I way passed the point of "oh no I'mma miss out on the human experience!".
Why worship your own hands or the hand of the artist rather than the hands at work of The Lord God?
Yeah then why isnt it done yet?
You know, the whole "you people need to be genocided" thing is actually pretty accurate, even though the kites are just as bad.
Don't ask me, I'm just the scapegoat.
Don’t cooperate with them
Don’t give them what they want
That's the faggot tattoo sigil one of the most powerful
Are you saying "Don't try to interact with them because that's what they want" or "Try to interact with them because that's what they don't want"?
Ok lil bitch.

Kill them. Holy shit they lost life privelleges. They dont deserve it. Just kill them. Cuz apparently the justice system doesnt care.
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I think maybe oil paint. Basically, stuff like picrelated. Sort of dark or eerie pseudo religious art. If that makes any sense or maybe I'm just in over my head with that idea.
You got any names? All I need is names.
it has no purpose in this movie so i assume some creative producer is literally just inserting it to have it charged via the audience.
You mean like till the land and just be a farmer? :/ I would need a farm probably.
What movie?
babylon ad
Now what does it sound like with a greek accent?
If i do that they'll put me in a cage. Cant do it here. Post a secure email from a darkweb client i would happily send them.
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LMAO succubus, you're the dark type
bampilon 80
Don’t not live your best life with possible on their account
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imagine using torture method on a primary school kid.Then telling his mum he has anti authority syndrome.
Gods justice is purrfect...

>Just live your best life even though we actively prevent you from doing that!

>...... why isn't he happy?!
Yeah that first grade teacher was a grade A cunt. I still have problems doing math because of that hag.
Look at me look at me
Im a victim!
Get over it pussy!
Pay me or die early and get tortured in hell, your choice.
That sounds like a you problem
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